PNGs for all three states of a picture button

I'm using the SDK CS3 for InDesign/InCopy, I'm currently using it for plugin development in InCopy only, and I'm using the InCopy CS3 Debug version on MacOS X 10.4.10.
I made a button based on RollOverIconButtonWidget and used something like
resource PNGA(123) "button_normal.png"
resource PNGR(123) "button_rollover.png"
To set its icon and change it on mouse rollover. My question now is: how can I add a PNG for the third state, when the mousebutton is pressed on the button?
Any directions would be appreciated.

So, i go on:
sym.setVariable( "info", 0 ); //now: info=0
var infoVar = sym.getVariable( "info" ); //now: infoVar=0
infoVar = 1; //now: infoVar=1
sym.setVariable( "info", "infoVar" ); //now: info="infoVar". The info  variable contains the string infoVar.
var infoVar = sym.getVariable( "info" ); // now: infoVar="infoVar"
sym.setVariable( "info", infoVar ); //now: info contains the value of infoVar; info, here, is a variable.
sym.getVariable( "info" ); //now: this line will return a number.

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  • Select FOR ALL ENTRIES statement cannot get duplicates entries

    Hi all,
    t_yxapy_fields consist of
    inty  field
    0001 kostl
    0002 perid
    0008 ansal
    0008 preas
    0008 trfst
    The following is the code for me to transfer the contents of t_yxapy_fields into t_pa_fields.
    SELECT dbtab
          FROM t777d
          INTO TABLE t_pa_fields
          FOR ALL ENTRIES IN t_yxapy_fields
          WHERE infty = t_yxapy_fields-infty.
    And t_pa_fields just ended up with
    field   infty
    Question:The first table have 3 similar infotype 0008 but the result table only have one pa0008. I need to filled up acordingly as what table 1 have. I need another 2 pa0008 in my 2nd table. What is wrng with my Select for all entries statement here?
    Edited by: Siong Chao on Mar 27, 2010 10:35 AM

    This has nothing to do with duplicates in t777d.
    Correct, I failed to recognize that table t777d has only infty as key as pointed out by Aby. Thus in your particular case my comment was misleading. In general though FOR ALL ENTRIES removes all duplicate rows from your result set.
    If you want the other 2 values just loop t_yxapy_fields this table and read t_pa_fields and if record found add the other values to t_pa_fields table. --> will trigger performance tuning issue
    I'm pretty sure if you'd code this, you won't run into any performance issues, so follow Aby's recipe. To be more concrete, here's what I'd do: Define a mapping table t777d_tab, which holds the translation from infty to dbtab:
      begin of T_T777D_VIEW,
        INFTY type T777D-INFTY,
        DBTAB type T777D-DBTAB,
      end of T_T777D_VIEW.
      T777D_TAB type hashed table of T_T777D_VIEW with unique key INFTY.
    Fill table t_pa_fields, typed using t_t777d_tab from above, from table t777d. Then loop over your table t_yxapy_fields (I'd use [LOOP AT ... ASSIGNING|] instead of LOOP AT ... INTO) and for each entry get the corresponding DBTAB value from t777d_tab (again use the [READ TABLE ... ASSIGNING|] variant) and build your result table t_pa_fields.
    Anyhow, I suspect that even with less optimal coding (e.g. using just standard table for lookup of DBTAB values) you'd not see much of an performance impact, because it seems that your internal tables are most likely rather small...
    Cheers, harald

  • Regarding 'Select .... for all entries' statement

    Hi experts,
    Can anyone suggest me that whether we can use two internal tables in 'Select .... for all entries'  statement?

    You can use ranges instead of second for all entries.
    Say for example i need to write selec statement using fields from two int tables in where conidition namely itab1, itab2.
    RANGES: r_vbeln FOR wa_tab1-vbeln.
    LOOP AT itab1 INTO wa_tab1.
      r_vbeln-sign = 'I'.
      r_vbeln-option = 'EQ'.
      r_vbeln-low = wa_tab1-vbeln.
      APPEND r_vbeln.
    SELECT * FROM vbap INTO TABLE itab3
    WHERE vbeln IN r_vbeln "range contains all vbeln from the table itab1
    AND matwa = itab2-matwa.
    Hope this helps you.
    Manoj Kumar P

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  • Coupling  INNER  JOIN   with   FOR  ALL  ENTRIES  statement

    Hi  All,
         I   am  coupling   INNER  JOIN  with  FOR  ALL  ENTRIES  statement  .....
         Would   you  please  highlight  its  implications ??   Is  it  a  best  practise ? 
         Is  it  advicable  to  use  MULTIPLE   INNER  JOINs  with  a  FOR  ALL  ENTRIES ???
        SORT itab BY matnr.
        IF NOT itab[] IS INITIAL.
          SELECT       epmatnr epebeln ep~ebelp
                       epwerks epmenge ep~netpr
                       ekps_psp_pnr ebbelnr eb~menge
                       INTO TABLE iekpo
                       FROM ekpo AS ep
                       INNER JOIN ekkn AS ek
                       ON  ekebeln = epebeln
                       AND ekebelp = epebelp
                       INNER JOIN ekbe AS eb
                       ON     ebebeln = epebeln
                       AND    ebebelp = epebelp
                       AND    eb~bwart = '101'
                       FOR ALL  ENTRIES IN itab
                       WHERE   ep~matnr = itab-matnr.
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
            SORT iekpo BY matnr werks.
            LOOP  AT  itab ASSIGNING  <itab>.
              READ TABLE iekpo WITH KEY matnr = <itab>-matnr
                                        werks = <itab>-werks
                                        BINARY SEARCH.
              IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
                MOVE iekpo-matnr      TO   itab1-matnr.
                MOVE iekpo-ebeln      TO   itab1-ebeln.
                MOVE iekpo-ebelp      TO   itab1-ebelp.
                MOVE iekpo-netpr      TO   itab1-poprice.
                MOVE iekpo-werks      TO   itab1-werks.
                MOVE iekpo-menge      TO   itab1-menge1.
                MOVE iekpo-menge1     TO   itab1-menge2.
                MOVE iekpo-belnr      TO   itab1-belnr.
                MOVE iekpo-ps_psp_pnr TO   itab1-pspel.
                MOVE <itab>-pspel     TO   itab1-tpspel.
                MOVE <itab>-sobkz     TO   itab1-sobkz.
                MOVE <itab>-fo_qty    TO   itab1-fo_qty.
                MOVE <itab>-schgt     TO   itab1-schgt.
                MOVE <itab>-postp     TO   itab1-postp.
                MOVE <itab>-beskz     TO   itab1-beskz.
                pend_qty = iekpo-menge1 - iekpo-menge2.
                MOVE pend_qty         TO   itab1-pending.
                APPEND itab1.
                pend_qty = 0.
    Edited by: ABAP Techie on Sep 15, 2008 12:39 PM
    Edited by: ABAP Techie on Sep 15, 2008 12:41 PM

    best practise ... don't know ... it is allowed and o.k.
    If possible you should of coourse to have no FOR ALL ENTRIES at all !
    Joins, there is no general rule, check indexes etc.
    The first SORT, I don't that it help for anything, use it together with the delete adjacent duplicates if you expect duplicates in the driver table.
    o.k., it can help, if there is a loop afterwards and an append inside, because the new table itab1 is then sorted.


    Dear all, on solaris..
    below is the trace file content.. Do I have to increase the SGA size considering this ?
    call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
    Parse        0      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Execute      0      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Fetch        0      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    total        0      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0
    call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
    Parse       93      0.01       0.01          0          0         10           0
    Execute   1337      0.54       0.62          0          0         18           0
    Fetch     5302   1498.35    2743.11   13049277  188386516          0        6631
    total     6732   1498.90    2743.76   13049277  188386516         28        6631
    Misses in library cache during parse: 21
    Misses in library cache during execute: 55
       18  user  SQL statements in session.
    1119  internal SQL statements in session.
    1137  SQL statements in session.Please advise

    The bulk o the "Recursive Statements" load probably comes from the "18 user SQL statements in session".
    Those are SQLs likely inside a PLSQL block / procedure.
    Also, it seems that tracing was enabled after the PLSQL procedure began running (abd stopped before it completed ?)
    Hemant K Chitale
    (aka "hkchital" in forums)

  • Allowing duplicate in FOR ALL ENTRIES statement

    Hi folks,
            I am using a select query using FOR ALL ENTRIES statement. I could observe one entry is missing from the table data.When i checked that in the data base table, there are two duplicate records among which one entry is missed in the output data from the query.Is duplicates are restricted if we use FOR ALL ENTRIES statement ? Is there any key word like 'ALLOWING DUPLICATES' for this ? if not what is the solution for this.Could any body help me regarding this.
    Edited by: Matt on Jul 9, 2009 1:27 PM

    Hi Shyam,
    In For all entries you should give unique records only.
    sort your base table with key which you are passing in for all entries clause.
    delete all duplicate entries.
    Hope this will help .

  • Problem with FOR ALL ENTRIES statement

    Hi all
    please find the problem in the select statement.
    SELECT vbbe~vbeln
      INTO TABLE l_t_dvbeln
      FROM vbbe
      INNER JOIN vbak
      vbbe~vbeln = vbak~vbeln
      inner join vbap
      vbbe~vbeln = vbap~vbeln and
      vbbe~matnr = vbap~matnr
      inner join marc
      vbbe~matnr = marc~matnr and
      vbbe~werks = marc~werks
      FOR ALL entries IN g_t_stock
      WHERE vbbe~matnr = g_t_stock-matnr
      AND   vbbe~werks = g_t_stock-werks
      AND   vbak~vkorg = g_t_stock-vkorg
      AND   vbak~vtweg = g_t_stock-vtweg
      AND   vbbe~kunnr = g_t_stock-kunnr
      AND   vbbe~mbdat IN r_mbdat.
    g_t_stock is having only one record i.e.,
    g_t_stock-vstel = 'DF01'.
    g_t_stock-dispo = 'DEI'.
    g_t_stock-matnr = '00100833'.
    g_t_stock-maktx = 'SAC (300X400)'.
    g_t_stock-kunnr = '0000600431'.
    g_t_stock-werks = 'PF71'.
    g_t_stock-labst = '7727'.
    g_t_stock-vkorg = 'SF71'.
    g_t_stock-vtweg = 'IC'.
    and r_mbdat has the date range as
    r_mbdat-sign = I
    r_mbdat-option = BT
    r_mbdat-low = 15.05.2008
    r_mbdat-high =  08.06.2008
    In vbak vbap & marc tables i have only one record as per the above selection criteria.
    in VBBE table i have 7 records which satisfies the above criteria. But the select staement retrieves only 5 records.
    if we remove for all entries and hardcode the values in the select statement then it retrieves all 7 records.
    can anybody help me.
    what is the reason it is showing only 5 records.

    Hi all
    actually it has to retrieve the following records
    30001417     00100833     600431  PF71   15.05.2008   20.000
    30001417     00100833     600431  PF71   15.05.2008   20.000
    30001417     00100833     600431  PF71   22.05.2008   5.000
    30001417     00100833     600431  PF71   22.05.2008   7.000
    30001417     00100833     600431  PF71   27.05.2008  10.000
    30001417     00100833     600431  PF71   27.05.2008  10.000
    30001417     00100833     600431  PF71   29.05.2008  10.000
    But it is retrieving only 5 records as below
    30001417     00100833     600431  PF71   15.05.2008   20.000
    30001417     00100833     600431  PF71   22.05.2008   5.000
    30001417     00100833     600431  PF71   22.05.2008   7.000
    30001417     00100833     600431  PF71   27.05.2008  10.000
    30001417     00100833     600431  PF71   29.05.2008  10.000
    Please give the reason

  • Three Physical Samples withdraw from inspection lot 04  and then result record for all three

    Dear Gurus,
    We have 3 quality labs and each lab is sent a separate samples to inspect certain characteristics once we receive material from production. I have created an inspection plan and mapped these three labs as  work center in operation and then assigned MICs under each operation to inspect.
    Now my issue is how to map separate 3 samples to inspection lot generated from production  ( type-4) and also how to configure that to inspection plan.
    I have to result record for all these three physical sample as withdrawn from Lot based upon inspection plan as mentioned above.
    I can mention sample drawing procedure in inspection plan but how to map actual sample there.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Satish
    You are creating three operation for depicting three testing Labs.
    Against each lab (operation) you had assigned MICs as per your requirement.
    Now you have to assign a SDP along with inspection point type 200 for physical sample in task list.
    After prod confirmation system will create inspection lot along with a sample by default for 1st operation.
    For other operations you have to create samples manually referring the same inspection lot (QPR6).Remember to click ' Create Insp points' and mention operation.
    Release the samples in QPR4.
    Now when you go for result recording system would ask first for operation, so select the operation , then system will ask for insp point (sample no).There click on assign insp point , so system will provide the Sample no which were created in QPR6 for that particular operation.
    Please follow the steps and revert.
    D Mohanty

  • App for all three devices

    Is there a finance/checkbook app that anyone would recommend that works om all three devices, mac, ipad & iphone?

    There are dedicated apps for the iPhone and iPad. I'm not aware of anything other than the menubar item for the Mac so you would have to use their website (
    If Mint doesn't work for you, definitely check out Carolyn's list - I'm not sure if any of those have companion iOS apps, but they might!
    If nothing there suits you, I would do a Google search with the keywords "finance tracking alternative" or something similar. Maybe include your bank's name if Mint isn't compatible with your bank.
    Hopefully you're able to find something that does what you need

  • I have used the same laptop for all three of my iPhones but awhile back this laptop had a virus so my husband wiped it out and now when I sync my iPhone I no longer get my entire music library ( including purchased songs) on my iPhone. How do I fix this?

    I have always used the same laptop for all of my iPhones but awhile back this laptop had a virus so my husband wiped out the laptop and now when I sync my iPhone I no longer receive my entire music library (including purchased songs) on my iPhone. How do I fix this?

    kimberlyfromtopeka wrote:
    Ok,thanks but, I should be able to something so that I am able to sync the entire library again not just the purchased songs.
    If the non purchased music is not on your computer, how can it Sync to your iPhone...

  • Select for all entries statement

    can some one send me a for allentries staterment for the following :
    Tables : cvers, cvers_ref.
    common field component.
    very urgent.
    points will be given....

    DATA: gt_cvers LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF cvers,
    gs_cvers LIKE LINE OF gt_cvers.
    DATA: gt_cvers_ref LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF cvers_ref,
    gs_cvers_ref LIKE LINE OF gt_cvers_ref.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_comp FROM cvers-component.
    SELECT * FROM cvers INTO TABLE gt_cvers
    WHERE compnent IN s_comp.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    SELECT * FROM cvers_ref INTO TABLE gt_cvers_ref
    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_cvers
    WHERE component = gt_cvers-component AND langu = sy-langu.

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    Recently I attempted to create manual syncing for my 3 devices on an itunes account. I didnt really know what I was doing, and now have nothing on one device. How can i restore itunes to normal again?

    Open itunes, connect device, select what you want, sync.

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    I've checked all of the version numbers, and the latest versions are installed but most of my old files can't be read.  Tried restarting, etc, but nothing works.

    Thanks.  After posting that problem, I discovered that my upgrade of iWork did not replace my old versions, and some of my links started up the old versions.  When I looked at version numbers, I saw the new ones.  My links now go to the new versions and all seems to be OK.

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    On your syncing cmputer go to iTunesStore>Check for available downloads.  They shoud go there if problems dowloading them to yur iPod.

Maybe you are looking for