Podcasts in Music List?

Can someone tell me what determines whether a Podcast (downloaded from iTunes Store) shows up only under Podcasts or also under Music?
I have a (German) podcast which shows up in both places; it is the only one to do so, and I find it quite irritating.
Also, how can I make podcasts imported as MP3 files go into Podcasts rather than Music?

hi, i just got ipod nano today, i go, put in c.d do all that, i dont quite figure out how to download songs, so i got to apple.com read some stuff on adobe, then i reliaze i had it on auto-download, so i downloaded like 230 songs i didnt wnt, i delete it, but what i want to do is get my limewire songs on it, at itunes, theirs a folder called limewire songs, i want to get them on my playlist, but i cant click and drag, only thing i cna donwload is stuff on libarary, and that is form c.d's ive copied onto computer, if i wanted to hear those songs id listen to c.d, how do i get my new songs on it, and im to cheap to pay for itunes, can any1 help, pls.

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    Right-click the track(s), Get Info, go to the Options tab and set "Media Kind" to "Audiobook."

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    Select the songs, press CTRL+I to Get Info, on the Options tab set Skip when shuffling to Yes.
    If you want to the hide the songs from your main music view you could consider changing the media kind to audiobooks or podcasts if you don't mind the side effect of them showing up there instead.

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    This is a common occurrence.  I had about 2 songs difference about 2 years ago, rectified it, and the cause was something like a free song or two I had downloaded onto the iPhone.
    If it bothers you, here is the process to rectify:
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    Screen 2: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/163795/Zrzut%20ekranu%202009-09-22%20%28godz.%2004.58 .15%29.png
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    Screenshot 3: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/163795/Zrzut%20ekranu%202009-09-22%20%28godz.%2005.01 .33%29.png
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    Screenshot 5: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/163795/Zrzut%20ekranu%202009-09-22%20%28godz.%2005.02 .15%29.png
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    If this is an older iPod shuffle (used in shuffle mode), you can't really select a particular track to play and there are no playlists.  That podcast would eventually come up, but not "on demand" when you want to hear it.
    This is how I use my shuffle and have some control in playing a particular track (in this case a podcast) when I want to hear it.
    Put the podcast(s) and songs on the shuffle.  With the shuffle selected in the iTunes sidebar (under DEVICES), go to the Contents screen to the right.  You'll see a list of tracks that are on the shuffle.  The leftmost column just has numbers, from 1 to however many tracks are on the list.  Click the top of that column (in the heading) so it is the one that is highlighted.  There should be a little triangle there, and it should be pointing up; if it points down, click there again and it should point up.  This sorts the list by the order the tracks are loaded on the shuffle.
    Find your podcast on the list, and drag it to the top of the list, so that it appears first.  If you have more than one podcast, make the podcasts the first tracks on the list.  Eject your shuffle.
    When you use your shuffle and you want to hear the podcast, put it in sequential play mode (using the switch).  To hear the first track, press the center button three times in succession (like doing a triple-click on a mouse button).  That makes it go to the top of the list.  Since you put the podcast first on the list, you should hear the podcast.  If there is another podcast, it should be the next track.

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    - When using Front Row and looking at the library it states there is no music and that I need to purchase music from the iTunes store
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    - OS X v10.5.6
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    What I've tried
    * In looking at various sites online (including here: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1826723&tstart=0) I have tried the solution of taking the default music location in iTunes and putting an alias to my external disk-array... and then rebuilt the library and rebooted... still Front Row claims nothing there.
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    Hopefully this will also help others as I've asked many of my 'Mac friends' and they are also stumped as to why Front Row wont show what is in my library.
    Message was edited by: DrDtroit

    1) No - downloaded a free song and it plays in iTunes, but claims nothing in Front Row. Also Front Row states there are no podcasts, even though I have at least 6 podcasts in iTunes all with a lot of content
    2) I shared the Macbook library and I -can- view it with Front Row on the Mac Mini... so that worked.
    2b) Front Row on the Macbook is able to work with not only my Macbook iTunes, but also loads the Mac Mini library and works with it. :/
    2c) Switch source back to the Mac Mini, and nothing...
    So is this as simple as a corrupt install or something? Seems something local to Front Row on the Mac Mini itself...

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    How can I make Itunes find all the files on the USB drive? If I can get that to happen I can always have the files with me.
    Thanks for help,

    Note: Canned response, so may not specifically address your questions, but may be enough for you to figure out what you want to do...
    Assuming you use the iTunes default settings where iTunes copied added items to your iTunes folder and organizes your library (meaning - everything is all self contained in the iTunes folder), then all you have to do is drag & drop your iTunes folder (not just the iTunes Music folder you find inside the iTunes folder) to the external drive and copy the entire thing.
    If you want to test that it worked or would like to actually start using it from that location instead, use these instructions when you start iTunes to point it to the new location...
    How to open an alternate iTunes Library file or create a new one
    If you are just testing, then close iTunes after you verify it works, and restart iTunes again with the same instructions and point it back to your internal drive (original) location.
    Back up your iTunes library by copying to an external hard drive

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    You uncheck the music in your iTunes library on your computer and along with sync only checked songs and videos selected under the Summary selection for your iPhone sync preferences with iTunes, only checked songs in your iTunes library will be transferred to your iPhone or remain on your iPhone and the unchecked songs in your iTunes library that are currently on your iPhone will be removed when syncing.
    Or make use of iTunes playlists and choose selected playlists, albums, artists under the Music selection for your iPhone sync preferences with iTunes and select the playlists below that you want transferred to your iPhone.

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    You say the music is not on the external HD, the music list (iTunes?) is empty, and it is not on the iPOd. Then where is the music you want to move to the external HD?
    You can redownlaod iTunes purchases by:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

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    How do I remove all traces of  'album'? I do not want artwork, blank place holders, titles or artists sorted by album? I just want my music listed by title, artist or genre.

    1, you can't at the moment, though with iOS 5 in the Autumn, from http://www.apple.com/ios/ios5/features.html#photos :
    Even organize your photos in albums — right on your device
    2, by removing it from you synced from and re-syncing. Only photos taken with the iPad, copied to it via the camera connection kit, or saved from emails/websites etc can be deleted directly on the iPad (either via the trashcan icon in the top right corner if viewing the photo in full screen, or via the icon of the box with the arrow coming out of it in thumbnail view)
    3, the location of the photos that you synced to the iPad should be listed on the iPad's Photos tab when connected to your computer's iTunes.
    4, you can copy the photos from your iPad to your computer : http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4083 . You should also be able to delete them from the iPad as part of the transfer process to your computer, and it's then your choice whether to add them to your sync photo list so as to copy them back to the iPad. Copying them to your computer would allow you to organise them into folders and therefore be able to sync them back into separate albums.
    5, I don't use Dropbox either. There are some third-party browser apps in the iTunes App Store that allow you to download pages so that you can view them when offline e.g. Atomic Web (the whole page is saved within Atomic Web, it doesn't place a photo into the Photos app)
    6, deleting content should help. If you remove an app from your iPad then you also remove the content that it's got on the iPad - so if you then decide to reinstall it back onto the iPad then you will need to manually add back any content that you want in it. None of the Apple built-in apps (including Photos) can be removed from the iPad

  • TS2830 Transfer songs onto Music listfor nano, comes up with sync error 13019 still appears to have transferred to music list on nano while plugged in but when you search on the unplugged ipod not there.

    When i transfer a song from my itunes library to ipod nano it says "cannot syn 13019" it appears to transfer song to the music list on ipod but when you disconnect from the computer the songs aren't on the ipod

    No, I can't use a charger - I need to recharge the iPod off the computer. (I'm often charging it while traveling with no access to a wall plug).
    What you describe in your situation is completely different from what I'm talking about: You have iTunes on and you are syncing the iPod, and then you eject it from within iTunes. What I'm talking about is NEVER having iTunes on, and just plugging the iPod into the USB port and just recharging it, nothing else.
    My goal: I want to be able to plug in, recharge, and unplug the iPod without ever touching the mouse or the keyboard or interacting with the computer at all.
    I 100% know this is possible because that is the setup I've had for months, and it worked fine. But when I recently updated to iPod software version 1.2, some setting was changed and I can't figure out what. I know it is very simple, the solution, but I've forgotten how I did it in the first place.

  • How can I have podcasts and music in the same playlist in iOS7?

    How can I create an iTunes playlist that contains both music and podcasts and export that playlist to my iPhone? This was once possible. If you download the "Podcast" app, podcasts can still be added  to iTunes playlist which you can listen to on your Mac. But when you sync that playlist to iPhone, it will omit all of the podcasts.
    Previously, the workaround was not to download the Pocast app. That way, podcasts remained in iTunes where they could still exist in with music in the same playlist. But as of iOS7, you are required to install the "Podcasts" to be able listen to podcast at all. No more workaround.
    Why does this matter? Some people, like me want to drive or exercise while listening to a mix of music and podcasts. Apple's "improvements" have restricted the way that I am able to use iTunes.
    I can only think of these solutions:
    Convert the podcast into AAC or other format. Then iTunes sees it as "music" and it will stay in the playlist. Cons: 1. Burdensome. 2. Removes the resume feature from the podcast. 
    Use a different iPhone app. Spotify lets you drag any track (even podcasts) into a playlist and they stay there when synced to the Spotify iPhone app. Cons: 1. Requires Spotify premium service to listen to playlists on iPhone. 2. The resume feature is removed. 3. Very difficult to forward and rewind. 4. Some podcasts are rejected by the Spotify playlist, although its rare. 5. After being imported, the tracked need to be synced to the phone via WiFi (as with all tracks that are not offered via Spotify.)
    I am using the Spotify solution but am interested to know if there is an Apple solution. Or maybe I am the only one that wants to mix podcasts with music.

    How can I create an iTunes playlist that contains both music and podcasts and export that playlist to my iPhone? This was once possible. If you download the "Podcast" app, podcasts can still be added  to iTunes playlist which you can listen to on your Mac. But when you sync that playlist to iPhone, it will omit all of the podcasts.
    Previously, the workaround was not to download the Pocast app. That way, podcasts remained in iTunes where they could still exist in with music in the same playlist. But as of iOS7, you are required to install the "Podcasts" to be able listen to podcast at all. No more workaround.
    Why does this matter? Some people, like me want to drive or exercise while listening to a mix of music and podcasts. Apple's "improvements" have restricted the way that I am able to use iTunes.
    I can only think of these solutions:
    Convert the podcast into AAC or other format. Then iTunes sees it as "music" and it will stay in the playlist. Cons: 1. Burdensome. 2. Removes the resume feature from the podcast. 
    Use a different iPhone app. Spotify lets you drag any track (even podcasts) into a playlist and they stay there when synced to the Spotify iPhone app. Cons: 1. Requires Spotify premium service to listen to playlists on iPhone. 2. The resume feature is removed. 3. Very difficult to forward and rewind. 4. Some podcasts are rejected by the Spotify playlist, although its rare. 5. After being imported, the tracked need to be synced to the phone via WiFi (as with all tracks that are not offered via Spotify.)
    I am using the Spotify solution but am interested to know if there is an Apple solution. Or maybe I am the only one that wants to mix podcasts with music.

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    Have iPod touch 4 with extensive music list. How do I transfer it to the cloud so my other devices can play the music?  I subscribed to ITunes Match, but it's not functioning

    Troubleshooting Match
    Subscribing to Match
    Match for the iOS devices

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