Poly input

Is there a way to create a SubVI with a real poly input? I mean an
input wire that takes anything, like the one in Flatten to String, without losing information what
"anything" is - it may be a custom cluster that sub knows nothing about.
What I would want is to serialize this cluster for data transmission
in little-endian order using Flatten to string, but I want to flatten
the raw data, it cannot be encapsulated into a variant (I suppose that
"Variant" carries some additional meta-data - I still have to check
I hope I have correctly describe what I want to do - I have a feeling
this sort of thing is very hard in LabVIEW.
Thanks in advance, Mike

Faraclas wrote:
Yes, you can make polymorphic VIs.
Do you have a specific example you are looking to impliment?
Thank you. I am aware of the polymorphic VIs, but their limitation is, that the input type has to be known up front. I am looking for a way to get something similar to the real "poly input" that is only limited to LabView native VIs. I want to implement a function that can serialize any input in "little-endian" form an then send it over the wire. My goal is to have serialization "hidden" from the user. One idea is to have the Variant input, but the data sent would have to be "raw" (without the encapsulating variant). But the challange is, how to "unvariant" without knowing what is inside.
On Lavag someone suggested the VariantType library (I've somewhat forgotten about that), but it suggested that it is slow. I think it might work for me, but another challange after that is, how to put the "raw" data I receive into a variant without knowing what is inside. The data will be serialized in little-endian format, so "Variant to Data" would not strip it in the correct byte order.
I have an idea, but I would have to test it first...
Br, Mike

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    i have to say i have created extremely complex and sophisticated concert music scores using logic. it can be done despite a myriad of problems and bugs. it's great advantage is flexibility and speed, there is nothing wrong with what it should be able to do, it just trips you up at the very last hurdle - hugely frustrating because it gets you there well ahead of the game.
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    Dear Friends,
    We are facing a serious problem for debugging. Expecting valuable input for the same.
    Debugging is not working in R/3 from WebDynpro-ABAP developed webpage input in Production Server.
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    1st ] Within R/3
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    2nd ] From webpage to R/3
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    In Prod. Server the 1st case above is working but the 2nd case is not working.
    In Prod. Server the WebDynpro developed applications are running successfully through internet explorer webpage inputs. So running the application is not a problem in prod. Server but debugging of the same is the problem.
    The setting which are done in Prod. server are,
    1] RZ10 in parameters are set for port and host name.
    2.1] In SMICM check for ICM.
    2.2] Host file updated in Windows-System 32.
    3] In SICF following services are active,
    3.1] default_host/sap/bc/webdynpro
    3.2] default_host/sap/public/bc
    3.3] default_host/sap/public/bc/webdynpro/viewdesigner
    3.4] default_host/sap/bc/wdvd
    3.5] default_host/sap/public/icman
    3.6] default_host/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui
    3.7] default_host/sap/public/ping
    3.8] default_host/sap/bc/error
    3.9] default_host/sap/bc/echo
    4] In SE80
    4.1] Internet services-System-are published
    4.2] Internet services-WEBGUI-are published
    4.3] Utilities-Setting-ABAP Editor-Debugging-Username & New Debugger set.
    4.4] Utilities-Setting-ABAP Editor-Editor-Front-End Editor(New) set.
    5] In Su01 for user profiles sap_all & sap_new is assigned and role  SAP_BC_WEBSERVICE_DEBUGGER is assigned.
    6] The support packages are also updated to latest level.
    7] Gone through following links but not getting any clues.
    Thanks in Advance.
    Best Regards,

    No cross posting
    Read the "Rules of Engagament"

  • How to input data into an arraylist from a text file?

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    [item7, 84, 34.5, item6, 103, 0.5, item8, 85, 1.36]
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    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class Inventory extends Object
         public int toAdd = 0;
         private boolean done = false;               //Are we done yet?
         public String strItemName;                    //The name of the item type.
         public int intNumInStock;                    //The number in stock of that type.      
         public double dblValueOfOneItem;          //The value of one item.
        public String strNumberInStock;               
        public double dblTotalValueA;               //The total value of warehouse A.
        public double dblTotalValueB;               //The total value of warehouse B.
        public double dblTotalValueC;               //The total value of warehouse C.
        public int intWarehouseAItemCount;          //Counter for items in warehouse A.
        public int intWarehouseBItemCount;          //Counter for items in warehouse B.
        public int intWarehouseCItemCount;          //Counter for items in warehouse C.
         ArrayList warehouseAList = new ArrayList();     //Create the Warehouse A ArrayList.                                   
         ArrayList warehouseBList = new ArrayList(); //Create the Warehouse B arrayList.
         ArrayList warehouseCList = new ArrayList(); //Create the Warehouse C arrayList.
         /** Construct a new Inventory object. */
         public Inventory()
         /**Add items to the Warehouse A ArrayList.*/
         private void createWareHouseA()
              System.out.println("!" + toAdd + " item types will be added to warehouse A.");
              String strNumInStock = Integer.toString(intNumInStock);
              String strValueOfOneItem = Double.toString(dblValueOfOneItem);
              this.strNumberInStock = strNumInStock;
              System.out.println("!Initial size of warehouseAList :  " +
              //Add items to the array List
              System.out.println("!size of arrayList after additions " + warehouseAList.size());
         /**Add items to the Warehouse B ArrayList.*/
         private void createWareHouseB()
              System.out.println("!" + toAdd + " item types will be added to warehouse B.");
              String strNumInStock = Integer.toString(intNumInStock);
              String strValueOfOneItem = Double.toString(dblValueOfOneItem);
              this.strNumberInStock = strNumInStock;
              System.out.println("!Initial size of warehouseBList :  " +
              //Add items to the array List
              System.out.println("!size of arrayList after additions " + warehouseBList.size());
         /**Add items to the Warehouse C ArrayList.*/
         private void createWareHouseC()
              System.out.println("!" + toAdd + " item types will be added to warehouse C.");
              String strNumInStock = Integer.toString(intNumInStock);
              String strValueOfOneItem = Double.toString(dblValueOfOneItem);
              this.strNumberInStock = strNumInStock;
              System.out.println("!Initial size of warehouseCList :  " +
              //Add items to the array List
              System.out.println("!size of arrayList after additions " + warehouseCList.size());
         /**Interpret the commands entered by the user.*/
         public void cmdInterpreter()
              Scanner cin = new Scanner(System.in);
              while (!this.done)
                   //"line" equals the next line of input.
                   String line = cin.nextLine();
         /**Execute one line entered by the user.
          * @param cmdLN; The command entered by the user to execute. */
          private void executeCmd(String cmdLN)
               Scanner line = new Scanner(cmdLN);
               if (line.hasNext())
                    String cmd = line.next();
                    //What to do when users enter the various commands below.
                    if (cmd.equals("help"))
                    else if (cmd.equals("Q!"))
                         this.done = true;
                    else if (cmd.equals("F") && line.hasNext())
                    else if (cmd.equals("K") && line.hasNext())
                         int numItemsToAdd = Integer.valueOf( line.next() ).intValue();
                         this.toAdd = numItemsToAdd;
          /**What to do if input comes from a file.
           *     @param inputFile; The name of the input file to process.*/
          private void inputFromFile(String inputFile)
               Scanner cin = new Scanner(System.in);
               System.out.println("!Using input file " + inputFile + ".");
               System.out.print("!Enter the name of the output file: ");
               String outputFile = cin.next();
               System.out.println("!Using output file " + outputFile + ".");
                   BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFile));
                   //Scanner in = new Scanner(new File(inputFile));
                   //Initialize the String variables.
                   String line1 = null;
                   String line2 = null;
                   String line3 = null;
                   String line4 = null;
                   String line5 = null;
                   String line6 = null;
                   String line7 = null;
                   String line8 = null;
                   String line9 = null;
                   System.out.println(in.equals(",") + " see?");
                   //System.out.println((char)(char)in.read() + " experiment");
                   /**This loop assigns values to the string variables based on the
                    * values on each line in the input file. */
                   while(in.readLine() != null)
                        line1 = in.readLine();
                        line2 = in.readLine();
                        line3 = in.readLine();
                        line4 = in.readLine();
                        line5 = in.readLine();
                        line6 = in.readLine();
                        line7 = in.readLine();
                        line8 = in.readLine();
                        line9 = in.readLine();
                   //Print the contents of each line in the input file.
                   System.out.println("!value of line 1: " + line1);
                   System.out.println("!value of line 2: " + line2);
                   System.out.println("!value of line 3: " + line3);
                   System.out.println("!value of line 4: " + line4);
                   System.out.println("!value of line 5: " + line5);
                   System.out.println("!value of line 6: " + line6);
                   System.out.println("!value of line 7: " + line7);
                   System.out.println("!value of line 8: " + line8);
                   System.out.println("!value of line 9: " + line9);
                /**Add items to the warehouses.*/
                /**Add the item count and total value for warehouse A.*/
                   int intLine2 = Integer.valueOf(line2).intValue();
                   this.intWarehouseAItemCount = intLine2;
                   double dblLine3 = Double.valueOf(line3).doubleValue();
                   this.dblTotalValueA = dblLine3;
                /**Add the item count and total value for warehouse B.*/
                   int intLine5 = Integer.valueOf(line5).intValue();
                   this.intWarehouseBItemCount = intLine5;
                   double dblLine6 = Double.valueOf(line6).doubleValue();
                   this.dblTotalValueB = dblLine6;
                /**Add the item count and total value for warehouse C.*/
                  int intLine8 = Integer.valueOf(line8).intValue();
                  this.intWarehouseCItemCount = intLine8;
                  double dblLine9 = Double.valueOf(line9).doubleValue();
                  this.dblTotalValueC = dblLine9;
                /**Ask the user how many items to add or delete from inventory.*/
                  System.out.print("Enter the number to add to inventory for " +
                                                               warehouseAList.get(0) + ":");
                  String toAddOrDel = cin.next();
                /**Print the contents of all the warehouses. */
                   System.out.println(" ");
                   //Print the contents of warehouse A.
                   System.out.println("!----------Warehouse A:----------");
                   //Print the item list for warehouse A.
                   //Print the total amount of items in warehouse A.
                   System.out.println("Total items: " + this.intWarehouseAItemCount);
                   //Print the total value of the items in warehouse A.
                   System.out.println("Total value: " + this.dblTotalValueA);
                   System.out.println("!----------Warehouse B:----------");
                   //Print the item list for warehouse B.
                   System.out.println("!warehouseB: " + warehouseBList);
                   //Print the total amount of items in warehouse B.
                   System.out.println("Total items: " + this.intWarehouseBItemCount);
                   //Print the total value of the items in warehouse B.
                   System.out.println("Total value: " + this.dblTotalValueB);
                   System.out.println("!----------Warehouse C:----------");
                   //Print the item list for warehouse C.
                   System.out.println("!warehouseC: " + warehouseCList);
                   //Print the total amount of items in warehouse C.
                   System.out.println("Total items: " + this.intWarehouseCItemCount);
                   //Print the total value of the items in warehouse C.
                   System.out.println("Total value: " + this.dblTotalValueC);
              catch (FileNotFoundException e)
                   System.out.println("!Error: Unable to open file for reading.");
              catch (EOFException e)
                   System.out.println("!Error: EOF encountered, file may be corrupted.");
              catch (IOException e)
                   System.out.println("!Error: Cannot read from file.");
          /**What to do if input comes from the keyboard.
           *     @param numItems; The total number of items that will be added to the
           *                      Warehouse(s). */
          public void inputFromKeyboard(int numItems)
               System.out.println("!You will be adding " + numItems + " items to " +
                                             "inventory from the keyboard. ");
               this.toAdd = numItems;
               Scanner cin = new Scanner(System.in);
               //Prompt user for name of output file.
               System.out.print("!Enter the name of the output file: ");
               String outputFile = cin.next();
               /**This loop asks the user for information about the item(s) and inputs
                 *them into the appropriate array.*/
               int count = 0;
               while (numItems > count)
                    //Item name.
                    System.out.print("!Item name: ");
                    String addItemName = cin.next();
                    //Number in stock.
                    System.out.print("!Number in stock: ");
                    String addNumInStock = cin.next();
                    //Initial warehouse.
                    System.out.print("!Initial warehouse(A,B,C): ");
                    String addInitWarehouse = cin.next();
                    //Value of one item.
                    System.out.print("!Value of one item: ");
                    String addValueOfOneItem = cin.next();
                    //Add or delete from inventory
                    System.out.print("!Enter amount to add or delete from inventory: ");
                    String strAddOrDelete = cin.next();
                    System.out.println("!Amount to add or delete: " + strAddOrDelete);
                    int intAddNumInStock = Integer.valueOf(addNumInStock).intValue();
                    double doubleAddValueOfOneItem = Double.valueOf(addValueOfOneItem).doubleValue();
                    int intAddOrDelete = Integer.valueOf(strAddOrDelete).intValue();
                    /**Add intAddNumInStock with intAddOrDelete to determine the amount
                     * to add or delete from inventory (If a user wishes to remove items
                     * from inventory simply add negative values). */
                    intAddNumInStock = intAddNumInStock + intAddOrDelete;
                    System.out.println("!Inventory after modifications: " + strAddOrDelete);
                    this.strItemName = addItemName;
                    this.intNumInStock = intAddNumInStock;
                    this.dblValueOfOneItem = doubleAddValueOfOneItem;
                    //Put items into warehouse A if appropriate.
                    if (intAddNumInStock < 25)
                        //Increment the warehouse A item count.
                        this.intWarehouseAItemCount = this.intWarehouseAItemCount + 1;
                        //Calculate the total value of warehouse A.
                        this.dblTotalValueA = this.dblTotalValueA + intAddNumInStock * doubleAddValueOfOneItem;
                        //Create the warehouse A array list.
                    //Put items into warehouse B if appropriate.
                    if (intAddNumInStock >= 25)
                        if (intAddNumInStock < 75)
                             //Increment the warehouse B item count.
                             this.intWarehouseBItemCount = this.intWarehouseBItemCount + 1;
                             //Calculate the total value of warehouse B.
                             this.dblTotalValueB = this.dblTotalValueB + intAddNumInStock * doubleAddValueOfOneItem;
                             //Create the warehouse B array list.
                    //Put items into warehouse C if appropriate.
                    if (intAddNumInStock >= 75)
                        //Increment the warehouse C item count.
                        this.intWarehouseCItemCount = this.intWarehouseCItemCount + 1;
                        //Calculate the total value of warehouse C.
                        this.dblTotalValueC = this.dblTotalValueC + intAddNumInStock * doubleAddValueOfOneItem;
                        //Create the warehouse C array list.
                     //display helpful information.      
                    System.out.println("!" + addItemName + " is the item name.");
                    System.out.println("!" + addNumInStock + " is the number in stock.");
                    System.out.println("!" + addInitWarehouse + " is the initial warehouse.");
                    System.out.println("!" + addValueOfOneItem + " is the value of one item.");
                   //Increment the counters.
               /**Create and write to the output file. */
                     //Use the output file specified by the user.
                    PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(outputFile);
                 /**Write warehouse A details.*/
                      //Blank the first line.
                      out.println(" ");
                    //Write the array list for warehouse A.
                    //Write the amount of items in warehouse A.
                    //Write the total value for warehouse A.
                 /**Write warehosue B details.*/
                   //Write the array list for warehouse B.
                    //Write the amount of items in warehouse B.
                    //Write the total value for warehouse B.
                 /**Write warehouse C details.*/
                      //Write the array list for warehouse C.
                    //Write the amount of items in warehouse C.
                    //Write the total value for warehouse C.
                    //Close the output file.
                catch (FileNotFoundException e)
                   System.out.println("Error: Unable to open file for reading.");
               catch (IOException e)
                   System.out.println("Error: Cannot read from file.");
               /**View the contents and the value of each warehouse.*/
               System.out.println("!---------------Inventory Summary------------------");
               System.out.println("!<item type>, <amount in stock>,<value of one item>");
               System.out.println("!------------------Warehouse A:--------------------");
               //Display Items in warehouse A.
               //Total items in warehouse A.
               System.out.println("Total items: " + intWarehouseAItemCount);
               //Display total value of warehouse A.
               System.out.println("Total value: " + "$" + dblTotalValueA);
               System.out.println("!------------------Warehouse B:--------------------");
               //Display Items in warehouse B.
               //Total items in warehouse B.
               System.out.println("Total items: " + intWarehouseBItemCount);
               //Display total value of warehouse B.
               System.out.println("Total value: " + "$" + dblTotalValueB);
               System.out.println("!------------------Warehouse C:--------------------");
               //Display Items in warehouse C.
               //Total items in warehouse C.
               System.out.println("Total items: " + intWarehouseCItemCount);
               //Display total value of warehouse C.
               System.out.println("Total value: " + "$" + dblTotalValueC);
         /**Display a help message.*/
         private void displayHelp()
              System.out.println("! General Help:");
              System.out.println("! ");
              System.out.println("!'help' display this help message.");
              System.out.println("!'Q!' quit this program.");
              System.out.println("! Input File Specific Commands:");
              System.out.println("! ");
              System.out.println("!'F' <name> type F followed by the name of the " +
                                       "file to be used for input.");
              System.out.println("! Input From Keyboard Specific Commands:");
              System.out.println("! ");
              System.out.println("!'K' <number> type K followed by the number of " +
                                        "items that will be added. ");
              System.out.println("! ");
    }Program file:
    public class InventoryProg
         public static void main(String[] args)
              //Create a new Inventory object.
              Inventory test = new Inventory();
              //Execute the command interpreter.
    }Right now I am stuck on this and I cannot progress any further until I figure out how to input the data in the text file back into a arraylist.
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks but I figured it out. Heres a sample of the code i used to solve my problem:
                           //Warehouse A BufferedReader.
                   BufferedReader inA = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFileWarehouseA));
                   //Warehouse B BufferedReader.
                   BufferedReader inB = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFileWarehouseB));
                   //Warehouse C BufferedReader.
                   BufferedReader inC = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFileWarehouseC));
                   //Warehouse details BufferedReader.
                   BufferedReader inDetails = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFileDetails));
                   //Will hold values in warehouse arraylists.
                   String lineA = null;
                   String lineB = null;
                   String lineC = null;
                   //Will hold the details of each warehouse.
                   String line1 = null;
                   String line2 = null;
                   String line3 = null;
                   String line4 = null;
                   String line5 = null;
                   String line6 = null;
                   //Get the item count and total value for each warehouse.
                   while(inDetails.readLine() != null)
                        line1 = inDetails.readLine();
                        line2 = inDetails.readLine();
                        line3 = inDetails.readLine();
                        line4 = inDetails.readLine();
                        line5 = inDetails.readLine();
                        line6 = inDetails.readLine();
               /**Assign the item count and total value to warehouse A.*/
                   int intLine1 = Integer.valueOf(line1).intValue();
                   double dblLine2 = Double.valueOf(line2).doubleValue();
                   //Assign the values.
                   this.intWarehouseAItemCount = intLine1;
                   this.dblTotalValueA = dblLine2;
                /**Assign the item count and total value to warehouse B.*/
                   int intLine3 = Integer.valueOf(line3).intValue();
                   double dblLine4 = Double.valueOf(line4).doubleValue();
                     //Assign the values.
                   this.intWarehouseBItemCount = intLine3;
                   this.dblTotalValueB = dblLine4;
                /**Assign the item count and total value to warehouse C.*/
                     int intLine5 = Integer.valueOf(line5).intValue();
                   double dblLine6 = Double.valueOf(line6).doubleValue();
                   //Assign the values.
                   this.intWarehouseCItemCount = intLine5;
                   this.dblTotalValueC = dblLine6;
                /**Put the items back into the warehouses arraylists. */
                   //Add items to warehouse A.
                   while((lineA = inA.readLine()) != null)
                   //Add items to warehouse B.
                   while((lineB = inB.readLine()) != null)
                   //Add items to warehouse C.
                   while((lineC = inC.readLine()) != null)
                   }(this isn't the whole try statement its pretty long)

  • How to use one pop up window for multiple buttons and input fields?

    Hi Experts,
    I have created a pop up window that will be opened from multiple buttons in the same view. There are input fields that the data will be populated from a pop up window.  How can I set up which button that a pop up window is opened from? I also would like to populate the data from a pop up window to the input field next to a clicked button. There are 6 buttons and 6 input fields that share the same pop up window. I would very appreciate your responses.
    Thank you,

    Try creating 2 context attributes, one in your component controller and the other in the pop-up view. Bind the attribute of pop-up view to the component controller attribute.
    In the main view, on click of every button set a unique code in the controller's context which helps you in identifying the button clicked. Since u have created a binding to the pop-up view attribute the value flows from the controller.
    In the init method of your pop-up view, check the value of the attribute and based on that display which ever UI elements are required.
    On Button 1 click set value "B1", Button 2  value "B2" etc. In the init() of pop-up view u can check the values and perform the required operation:
    Hope this helps you.
    Poojith MV

  • How do I use one audio jack as input and one as output?

    On my MacBook Pro, if I get a USB-headphone connector (to add another audio port), will I be able to set one audio port as input and the other as output? To use the port coming out of the USB jack as a headphone jack, and plug a mic/output device into the computer's port?
    I'm thinking about buying a "Sabrent USB External Stereo Sound Adapter". I have a preamp that is NOT an interface, and I want to be able to monitor what I'm doing so I can multitrack. But my MacBook only having one audio 1/8 inch jack makes it so I have to choose either input OR output...I'm hoping if I add an extra port via USB I'll be able to have one of each.
    Thank you!

    Roger Wilmut1 wrote:
    nategm wrote:
    On my MacBook Pro, if I get a USB-headphone connector (to add another audio port), will I be able to set one audio port as input and the other as output?
    Yes, either way round. In System Preferences>Sound you can set the input and output ports separately.
    Roger, the System setting have -Nothing- to do with the question being asked. Do you use Logic Pro audio software? If you did you would know Logic has it's own audio settings that run independently from the System audio. There's also the fact that Maverick has problems with "some" older USB 2.0 audio hardware. Basically, this is not a slam-dunk, that's why I suggested asking someone if they've used this combination before. Although... the USB audio device is cheap ($10) it might be worth it to try. Still.............**
    ** I question the wisdom of using cheap audio hardware on a computer that cost $1000+, software that costs $200 and then using the internal audio chip ($2) and an external monitoring device that costs $10. Defeats the whole purpose of using professional audio software.

  • How can I use the old Apple TV with new iTunes?  It tells me to input a code in iTunes but iTunes no longer has a spot to input this code to allow sync.  I can access the iTunes Store fine, just none of my Library

    How can I use the old Apple TV with new iTunes?  It tells me to input a code in iTunes but iTunes no longer has a spot to input this code to allow sync.  I can access the iTunes Store fine, just none of my Library

    read this

  • How can I stay on the same line  when inputting values in the CLI?

    The title is a bit vague i know :) but i have this issue which isn't really a problem but it would be better if I can solve it.
    I've made this simple addition (and more options but thats not relevant) application for kids in my spare time so that they can train their maths in school and compare their results with other students which is saved in the database using the hypersonic DB that comes with the JBoss application server.
    Now so far so good, but i'm having an issue with the Scanner (I think, but i doubt its because of the CLI) , when i enter a number or text it works and exceptions will be catched etc but when i press the enter key without anything entered the input value wil be displayed a line below and that's not what I want. I want it to stay in the same line.
    Sample CLI output:
    bla application
    ***By: deAppel***
    Ver: 31/10/2007
    Your name:     deAppel
    Your class:     MasterClass
    How many sums you want to make? 14
    Time: 22:03:27
    1: 32 + 40 =     72
    2: 38 + 19 =     57
    3: 5 + 57 =     62
    4: 30 + 20 =     1
    5: 57 + 54 =     2
    6: 33 + 17 =     3
    7: 38 + 54 =     4
    8: 23 + 23 =     5
    9: 48 + 47 =     95
    10: 29 + 55 =     6
    11: 48 + 11 =     7
    12: 1 + 40 =     41
    13: 46 + 35 =     91
    14: 23 + 52 =     75
    Answer 1:      72     You answered:      72     (good)
    Answer 2:      57     You answered:      57     (good)
    Answer 3:      62     You answered:      62     (good)
    Answer 4:      50     You answered:      1     (wrong)
    Answer 5:      111     You answered:      2     (wrong)
    Answer 6:      50     You answered:      3     (wrong)
    Answer 7:      92     You answered:      4     (wrong)
    Answer 8:      46     You answered:      5     (wrong)
    Answer 9:      95     You answered:      95     (good)
    Answer 10:      84     You answered:      6     (wrong)
    Answer 11:      59     You answered:      7     (wrong)
    Answer 12:      41     You answered:      41     (good)
    Answer 13:      81     You answered:      91     (wrong)
    Answer 14:      75     You answered:      75     (good)
    EndTime: 22:04:18
    Total good: 6
    Total wrong: 8
    Total sums answered: 14
    Final score: 42.857143%
    Upload score? (yes/no): no
    Compare score from other users? (yes/no): no
    Want to try again? (yes/no): no
    ********Made by: deAppel @ http://www.link removed cause it doesnt matter .com*********
    ************The application will close within 5 seconds*************
    To sum it up for those that don't like to read my post:
    1: 32 + 40 = 72
    2: 38 + 19 =
    whitespace <-- this happens because of the enter
    whitespace <-- this happens because of the enter
    3: 5 + 57 = 62
    I want the input to stay in the same line unless you have typed something. I feel silly for not knowing how to handle this.
    Hm.. i'll tried to solve it myself but it seems that im unable to do that.
    /me takes a quick coffee break and will look at the code again after that *

    paulcw wrote:
    It sounds like you want either a CURSES implementation (I believe there's one for Java), or just move to a GUI.I was planning to create a GUI for it eventually, but i just wanted to solve this one first and make sure everything works the way i want it too. I'll take a look at the CURSES implementation thanks.

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