Poor Performance with Converged Fabrics

Hi Guys,
I'm having some serious performance issues with Converged Fabrics in my Windows Server 2012 R2 lab. I'm planning on creating a Hyper-V cluster with 3 nodes. I've built the first node, building and installing/configuring OS and Hyper-V pretty straight forward.
My issue is with Converged Fabrics, I'm absolutely getting very slow performance in the sense of managing the OS, Remote Desktop connections taking very long and eventually times out. Server unable to find a writable domain controller due to slow performance.
If I remove the converged fabric everything is awesome, works as expected. Please note that the cluster hasn't even been built yet and experiencing this poor performance.
Here is my server configuration:
OS: Windows Server 2012 R2
Processor: Intel I7 Gen 3
NICS: 2 X Intel I350-T2 Adapters, supporting SRIOV/VMQ
Updates: All the latest updates applied
Windows Server 2012 R2 Storage Spaces
Synology DS1813+
Updates: All the latest updates applied
Below is the script I've written to automate the entire process.
# Script: Configure Hyper-V
# Version: 1.0.2
# Description: Configures the Hyper-V Virtual Switch and
#              Creates a Converged Fabric
# Version 1.0.0: Initial Script
# Version 1.0.1: Added the creation of SrIOV based VM Switches
# Version 1.0.2: Added parameters to give the NLB a name, as well as the Hyper-V Switch
$CurrentDate = Get-Date -Format d
$LogPath = "C:\CreateConvergedNetworkLog.txt"
#Set Excution Policy
Write-Host "Setting policy settings..."
Set-ExecutionPolicy UnRestricted
    # Get existing network adapters that are online
        #$sriov_adapters = Get-NetAdapterSriov | ? Status -eq Up | % Name # Get SRIOV Adapters
        $adapters = Get-NetAdapterSriov | ? Status -eq Up | % Name # Get SRIOV Adapters
        Enable-NetAdapterSriov $adapters # Enable SRIOV on the adapters
        $adapters = Get-NetAdapterSriov | % Name
        #$adapters = Get-NetAdapter | ? Status -eq Up | % Name
    # Create NIC team
    if ($adapters.length -gt 1)
        Write-Host "$CurrentDate --> Creating NIC team $TeamAdapterName..."
        Write-Output "$CurrentDate --> Creating NIC team $TeamAdapterName..." | Add-Content $LogPath
        #New-NetLbfoTeam -Name "ConvergedNetTeam" -TeamMembers $adapters -Confirm:$false | Add-Content $LogPath
        New-NetLbfoTeam -Name $TeamAdapterName -TeamMembers $adapters -TeamingMode SwitchIndependent -LoadBalancingAlgorithm Dynamic -Confirm:$false | Add-Content $LogPath
        Write-Host "$CurrentDate --> Check to ensure that at least 2 NICs are available for teaming"
        throw "$CurrentDate --> Check to ensure that at least 2 NICs are available for teaming" | Add-Content $LogPath
    # Wait for team to come online for 60 seconds
    Start-Sleep -s 60
    if ((Get-NetLbfoTeam).Status -ne "Up")
        Write-Host "$CurrentDate --> The ConvergedNetTeam NIC team is not online. Troubleshooting required"
        throw "$CurrentDate --> The ConvergedNetTeam NIC team is not online. Troubleshooting required" | Add-Content $LogPath
    # Create a new Virtual Switch
    if($SrIOV) #SRIOV based VM Switch
        Write-Host "$CurrentDate --> Configuring converged fabric $SwitchName with SRIOV..."
        Write-Output "$CurrentDate --> Configuring converged fabric $SwitchName with SRIOV..." | Add-Content $LogPath
        #New-VMSwitch "ConvergedNetSwitch" -MinimumBandwidthMode Weight -NetAdapterName "ConvergedNetTeam" -EnableIov $true -AllowManagementOS 0
        New-VMSwitch $SwitchName -MinimumBandwidthMode Weight -NetAdapterName $TeamAdapterName -EnableIov $true -AllowManagementOS 0
        $CreatedSwitch = $true
    else #Standard VM Switch
        Write-Host "$CurrentDate --> Configuring converged fabric $SwitchName..."
        Write-Output "$CurrentDate --> Configuring converged fabric $SwitchName..." | Add-Content $LogPath
        #New-VMSwitch "ConvergedNetSwitch"-MinimumBandwidthMode Weight -NetAdapterName "ConvergedNetTeam" -AllowManagementOS 0
        New-VMSwitch $SwitchName -MinimumBandwidthMode Weight -NetAdapterName $TeamAdapterName -AllowManagementOS $false
        $CreatedSwitch = $true
        #Set Default QoS
        Write-Host "$CurrentDate --> Setting default QoS policy on $SwitchName..."
        Write-Output "$CurrentDate --> Setting default QoS policy $SwitchName..." | Add-Content $LogPath
        #Set-VMSwitch "ConvergedNetSwitch"-DefaultFlowMinimumBandwidthWeight 30
        Set-VMSwitch $SwitchName -DefaultFlowMinimumBandwidthWeight 20
        #Creating Management OS Adapters (SYD-MGMT)
        Write-Host "$CurrentDate --> Creating and configuring virtual NIC for Management OS"
        Write-Output "$CurrentDate --> Creating and configuring virtual NIC for Management OS" | Add-Content $LogPath
        Add-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name "SYD-MGMT" -SwitchName $SwitchName
        Set-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name "SYD-MGMT" -MinimumBandwidthWeight 30 -VmqWeight 80
        Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName "SYD-MGMT" -Access -VlanId 0
        #Creating Management OS Adapters (MEL-MGMT)
        Write-Host "$CurrentDate --> Creating and configuring virtual NIC for Management OS"
        Write-Output "$CurrentDate --> Creating and configuring virtual NIC for Management OS" | Add-Content $LogPath
        Add-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name "MEL-MGMT" -SwitchName $SwitchName
        Set-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name "MEL-MGMT" -MinimumBandwidthWeight 30 -VmqWeight 80
        Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName "MEL-MGMT" -Access -VlanId 0
        #Creating Cluster Adapters
        Write-Host "$CurrentDate --> Creating and configuring virtual NIC for Cluster"
        Write-Output "$CurrentDate --> Creating and configuring virtual NIC for Cluster" | Add-Content $LogPath
        #Add-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name "Cluster" -SwitchName "ConvergedNetSwitch"
        Add-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name "HV-Cluster" -SwitchName $SwitchName
        Set-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name "HV-Cluster" -MinimumBandwidthWeight 20 -VmqWeight 80
        Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName "HV-Cluster" -Access -VlanId 0
        #Creating LiveMigration Adapters
        Write-Host "$CurrentDate --> Creating and configuring virtual NIC for LiveMigration"
        Write-Output "$CurrentDate --> Creating and configuring virtual NIC for LiveMigration" | Add-Content $LogPath
        Add-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name "HV-MIG" -SwitchName $SwitchName
        Set-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name "HV-MIG" -MinimumBandwidthWeight 40 -VmqWeight 90
        Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName "HV-MIG" -Access -VlanId 0
        #Creating iSCSI-A Adapters
        Write-Host "$CurrentDate --> Creating and configuring virtual NIC for iSCSI-A"
        Write-Output "$CurrentDate --> Creating and configuring virtual NIC for iSCSI-A" | Add-Content $LogPath
        Add-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name "iSCSI-A" -SwitchName $SwitchName
        Set-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name "iSCSI-A" -MinimumBandwidthWeight 40 -VmqWeight 100
        Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName "iSCSI-A" -Access -VlanId 0
        #Creating iSCSI-B Adapters
        Write-Host "$CurrentDate --> Creating and configuring virtual NIC for iSCSI-B"
        Write-Output "$CurrentDate --> Creating and configuring virtual NIC for iSCSI-B" | Add-Content $LogPath
        Add-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name "iSCSI-B" -SwitchName $SwitchName
        Set-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name "iSCSI-B" -MinimumBandwidthWeight 40 -VmqWeight 100
        Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName "iSCSI-B" -Access -VlanId 0
        Write-Host "Waiting 40 seconds for virtual devices to initialise"
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 40
        #Configure the IP's for the Virtual Adapters
        Write-Host "$CurrentDate --> Configuring IPv4 address for the Management OS virtual NIC"
        Write-Output "$CurrentDate --> Configuring IPv4 address for the Management OS virtual NIC" | Add-Content $LogPath
        #New-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (SYD-MGMT)" -IPAddress $ManagmentOSIPv4 -PrefixLength 24 -DefaultGateway $CommanGatewayIPv4
        New-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (SYD-MGMT)" -IPAddress $ManagmentOSIPv4 -PrefixLength 24
        Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (SYD-MGMT)" -ServerAddresses ($ManagmentDNS1, $ManagmentDNS2)
        Write-Host "$CurrentDate --> Configuring IPv4 address for the Management OS virtual NIC"
        Write-Output "$CurrentDate --> Configuring IPv4 address for the Management OS virtual NIC" | Add-Content $LogPath
        New-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (MEL-MGMT)" -IPAddress $ManagmentOS2IPv4 -PrefixLength 24
        Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (MEL-MGMT)" -ServerAddresses ($ManagmentDNS3, $ManagmentDNS4)
        Write-Host "$CurrentDate --> Configuring IPv4 address for the Cluster virtual NIC"
        Write-Output "$CurrentDate --> Configuring IPv4 address for the Cluster virtual NIC" | Add-Content $LogPath
        New-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (HV-Cluster)" -IPAddress $ClusterIPv4 -PrefixLength 24
        #Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (HV-Cluster)" -ServerAddresses $ManagmentDNS1
        Write-Host "$CurrentDate --> Configuring IPv4 address for the LiveMigration virtual NIC"
        Write-Output "$CurrentDate --> Configuring IPv4 address for the LiveMigration virtual NIC" | Add-Content $LogPath
        New-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (HV-MIG)" -IPAddress $LiveMigrationIPv4 -PrefixLength 24
        #Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (LiveMigration)" -ServerAddresses $ManagmentDNS1
        Write-Host "$CurrentDate --> Configuring IPv4 address for the iSCSI-A virtual NIC"
        Write-Output "$CurrentDate --> Configuring IPv4 address for the iSCSI-A virtual NIC" | Add-Content $LogPath
        New-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (iSCSI-A)" -IPAddress $CSVIPv4 -PrefixLength 24
        #Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (iSCSI-A)" -ServerAddresses $ManagmentDNS1
        Write-Host "$CurrentDate --> Configuring IPv4 address for the iSCSI-B virtual NIC"
        Write-Output "$CurrentDate --> Configuring IPv4 address for the iSCSI-B virtual NIC" | Add-Content $LogPath
        New-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (iSCSI-B)" -IPAddress $CSV2IPv4 -PrefixLength 24
        #Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (CSV2)" -ServerAddresses $ManagmentDNS1
        #Write-Host "$CurrentDate --> Configuring IPv4 address for the VMNet virtual NIC"
        #Write-Output "$CurrentDate --> Configuring IPv4 address for the VMNet virtual NIC" | Add-Content $LogPath
        #New-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (VMNet)" -IPAddress $VMNetIPv4 -PrefixLength 24
        #Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (VMNet)" -ServerAddresses $ManagmentDNS1
        Write-Host "$CurrentDate --> Hyper-V Configuration is Complete"
        Write-Output "$CurrentDate --> Hyper-V Configuration is Complete" | Add-Content $LogPath
catch [Exception]
    throw "$_" | Add-Content $LogPath
I would really like to know why I'm getting absolutely poor performance. Any help on this would be most appreciated.

I didn't parse the entire script, but a few things stand out.
SR-IOV and teaming don't mix. The purpose of SR-IOV is to go straight from the virtual machine into the physical adapter and back, completely bypassing the entire Hyper-V virtual switch and everything that goes with it. Team or SR-IOV.
You're adding DNS servers to adapters that don't need them. Inbound traffic is going to be confused, to say the least. The only adapter that should have DNS addresses is the management adapter. For all others, you should run Set-DnsClient -RegisterThisConnectionsAddress
I don't know that I'm reading your script correctly, but it appears you have multiple adapters set up for management. That won't end well.
It also looks like you have QoS weights that total over 100. That also won't end well.
I don't know that these explain poor performance like you're describing, though. It could just be that you're a victim of network adapters/drivers that have poor support for VMQ. Bad VMQ is worse than no VMQ. But, VMQ+teaming+SR-IOV sounds like recipe for
heartache to me, so I'd start with that.
Eric Siron Altaro Hyper-V Blog
I am an independent blog contributor, not an Altaro employee. I am solely responsible for the content of my posts.
"Every relationship you have is in worse shape than you think."

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    Markus Schaeffer wrote:
    we decided to implement batch input and went fromWeblogic Jdriver to Oracle Thin
    Our system are an Weblogic 6.1 cluster and a Oracle8.1.7 cluster.
    Problem is .. with the new Oracle drivers ouractions on the webapp takes twice as long
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    1) Another thing that you could try it is deleting the preference files for networking. Mac OS will regenerate these files. You would then need to reconfigure your network settings.
    The list of files comes from Mac OS X 10.4.
    2) I think it is time to do a clean install of your system.
    3) It's either the software or an intermittent hardware problem.
    If money isn't an issue, I suggest an external harddrive for re-installing Mac OS.
    You need an external Firewire drive to boot a PowerPC Mac computer.
    I recommend you do a google search on any external harddrive you are looking at.
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    Has everything interface:
    FireWire 800/400 + USB2, + eSATA 'Quad Interface'
    save a little money interface:
    FireWire 400 + USB 2.0
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    Hi Henry, thank you for your suggestions although i´m not agree with you that 20 seconds is pretty good for that navigation step. The same query executed with BEx Analyzer takes only 1-2 seconds to do the drill down.
    suppress unassigned nodes in RSH1: Magic!! This was the main problem!!
    tick use structure elements in RSRT: Done it.
    enable query stripping in WebI: Done it.
    upgrade your BW to SP09: Has the SP09 some inprovements in relation to this point ?
    use more runtime query filters. : Not possible. Very simple query.
    RSRT combination H-1-3-3-1 (Expand nodes/Permanent Cache BLOB)
    Uncheck prelimirary Hierarchy presentation in Query. only selected.
    Check "Use query drill" in webi properties.
    Sorry for this mixed message but when i was answering i tryied what you suggest in relation with supress unassigned nodes and it works perfectly. This is what is cusing the bottleneck!! incredible...
    Thanks a lot

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    OK, that's clearer.
    Are you sure it is the SQL inside the procedure that is causing the problem? To check, try extracting the SQL from inside the procedure and run it in SQLPLUS with
    set autotrace on
    set timing on
    SELECT ....If the plans and performance are the same then it may be something inside the procedure itself.
    Have you profiled the procedure? Here is an example of how to do it:
    Prompt Firstly, create PL/SQL profiler table
    Prompt Secondly, use the profiler to gather stats on execution characteristics
      l_run_num PLS_INTEGER := 1;
      l_max_num PLS_INTEGER := 1;
      v_geom    mdsys.sdo_geometry := mdsys.sdo_geometry(2002,null,null,sdo_elem_info_array(1,2,1),sdo_ordinate_array(0,0,45,45,90,0,135,45,180,0,180,-45,45,-45,0,0));
      dbms_output.put_line('Start Profiler Result = ' || DBMS_PROFILER.START_PROFILER(run_comment => 'PARALLEL PROFILE'));  -- The comment name can be anything: here it is related to the Parallel procedure I am testing.
      v_geom := Parallel(v_geom,10,0.05,1);  -- Put your procedure call here
      dbms_output.put_line('Stop Profiler Result = ' || DBMS_PROFILER.STOP_PROFILER );
    Prompt Finally, report activity
    COLUMN runid FORMAT 99999
    COLUMN run_comment FORMAT A40
    SELECT runid || ',' || run_date || ',' || run_comment || ',' || run_total_time
      FROM plsql_profiler_runs
      ORDER BY runid;
    COLUMN runid       FORMAT 99999
    COLUMN unit_number FORMAT 99999
    COLUMN unit_type   FORMAT A20
    COLUMN unit_owner  FORMAT A20
    COLUMN text        FORMAT A100
    compute sum label 'Total_Time' of total_time on runid
    break on runid skip 1
    set linesize 200
    SELECT u.runid || ',' ||
    FROM   plsql_profiler_units u
           JOIN plsql_profiler_data d ON u.runid = d.runid
                                         u.unit_number = d.unit_number
           JOIN all_source als ON ( als.owner = 'CODESYS'
                                   AND als.type = u.unit_type
                                   AND als.name = u.unit_name
                                AND als.line = d.line# )
    WHERE  u.runid = (SELECT max(runid) FROM plsql_profiler_runs)
    ORDER BY d.total_time desc;Run the profiler in both environments and see if you can see where the slowdown exists.

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    Config follows:
    Running 5.9 Generic_117171-17 on sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V890. Configuration is 4 72GB 10K disks with the following layout:
    d0: Mirror
    Submirror 0: d3
    State: Okay
    Submirror 1: d2
    State: Okay
    Pass: 1
    Read option: roundrobin (default)
    Write option: parallel (default)
    Size: 286607040 blocks (136 GB)
    d3: Submirror of d0
    State: Okay
    Size: 286607040 blocks (136 GB)
    Stripe 0: (interlace: 4096 blocks)
    Device Start Block Dbase State Reloc Hot Spare
    c1t4d0s0 0 No Okay Yes
    c1t5d0s0 10176 No Okay Yes
    d2: Submirror of d0
    State: Okay
    Size: 286607040 blocks (136 GB)
    Stripe 0: (interlace: 4096 blocks)
    Device Start Block Dbase State Reloc Hot Spare
    c1t1d0s0 0 No Okay Yes
    c1t2d0s0 10176 No Okay Yes

    I have the same issue and it is killing our iCal Server performance.
    My question would be, can you edit an XSAN Volume without destroying the data?
    There is one setting that I think might ease the pressure... in the Cache Settings (Volumes -> <Right-Click Volume> -> Edit Volume Settings)
    Would increasing the amount of Cache help? Would it destroy the data?!?!?

  • PCMCIA gigabit cards are poor performance with lenovo n100

    I have a lenovo n100 and I tried two pcmcia gigabit cards (Dlink DGE 660TD and TRENDnet TEG-PCBUSR) with very poor performance. I tested with iperf (cat6 cable with Siemens Sinergie S300 server) and Windows, linux, normal config, tunned tcp parameters, the outcome is always the same, 200Mbits upload and 76Mbits for download.
    Any sugestion?
    Kind regards,
    André P. Muga

    lead_org wrote:
    There is two type of PCMCIA, one is running at 16 bit another is running through 32 bit.
    You can achieve the gigabit requirements quite comfortably with the 32 bit, but i think the 16 bit version is not going to be enough for the gigabit ethernet. 
    Running at Mhz??? I don't understand how that is anything to with data bandwidth. 
    Both are pcmcia2, 32 bits, gigabit ethernet, full duplex, cards.
    The peak transfer rate is calculated by <bus speed MHz> * <bus width> = <Mbps>
    Bus speed 33MHz, Bus width:  32bits
    33 * 32  = 1056 Mbps or 132MBps
    Bus speed 667MHz, Bus width:  32bits
    667 * 32  = 21344Mbps or 2668MBps
    The lenovo N100 has a 32 bit bus with 667MHz.... no limitation here.

  • Are there Issues with poor performance with Maverick OS,

    Are there issues with slow and reduced performance with Mavericks OS

    check this
    I am doing a lot of analyses with 10.9.2 on a late 2013 MBP, and these analyses generally last hours or days. I observed that Maverick is slowing them down considerably for some reasons after few hours of computations, making it impossible for me to work with this computer...

  • Poor Performance over Converged Networks using LBFO Team

    I have  built a Hyper-v 2012 R2 cluster with converged networking and correct logical networks. 
    However, I notice that I am not able to utilise more than apprx 1gb over the converged network for live migration, cluster, management etc even though they have a total of 8 x 1gb physical adapters available (switch independant, dynamic load balancing).
    Hyper-v host1 and hyper-v host2 have 4 x 1gb pNics connected to switch1 and 4x1gb pNics connected to switch2. Switch1 and switch2 has a portchannel configured between them.
    I can see if I carry out a file copy between Hyper-v host1 and Hyper-v host2 (both configured exactly the same) then the Management, Live-Migration and Cluster vNics on the host use approx 300mbps on each vNic during the copy but never get anywhere near
    their full utilization (here I would be expecting to see approximately the total of the team available bandwidth which is 8gbps as there is no other traffic using these networks).
    Is it because the host vNICs cannot use vRSS (VMQ)? Although I struggle to see this as the issue because I don't see any CPU cores maxing out during the copy! Or maybe someone could recommend anything else to check?
    Microsoft Partner

    Without doing a case study on your environment, it would be pretty much impossible to give you a truly correct answer on what you should do.
    In the generic sense, using at least partial convergence is usually in your best interests. If you have a completely unconverged environment, then it is absolutely guaranteed that any given adapter will only have a single gigabit pipe to work with no matter
    what. Aidan's example of dual concurrent Live Migrations is good, but it's only one of a nearly infinite set of possibilities. As another example, let's say that you start a hypervisor-level over-the-network backup and at the same time you copy an ISO file
    from a remote file server into the management operating system. In an unconverged network, they'll both be fighting for attention from one adapter. If you have 8 total adapters, you can almost guarantee that at least one of the other 7 is sitting idle -- and
    there's nothing you can do about it.
    If you're converged (dependent upon setup), then you have a pretty good chance that those activities will be separated across physical adapters. Extrapolate those examples to the management OS and a stack of virtual machines, all cumulatively involved in
    dozens or hundreds of individual transmissions, and you see pretty quickly that convergence gives you the greatest capability for utilization of available resources. It's like when the world went from single- to dual-core computers. A dual-core system isn't
    twice as fast as its single-core counterpart. Its operating system's thread scheduler just has two places to run threads instead of one. But, the rule of one thread per core still applies. The name of the game is concurrency, not aggregation.
    Again, that's in the generic sense. When you get into trying to tap the power of SMB Multichannel, that changes the equation. That's where the case study picks up.
    Eric Siron Altaro Hyper-V Blog
    I am an independent blog contributor, not an Altaro employee. I am solely responsible for the content of my posts.
    "Every relationship you have is in worse shape than you think."

  • Photoshop laggy, poor performance with GPU enabled

    I'm using Photoshop CS6 for some time now. I had enabled GPU usage earlier and I remember that Photoshop ran absolutely smoothly without and lag what-so-ever. This morning, all of a sudden, it has become extermely laggy. I don't understand the reason behind this. This had happened to me before as well but it became alright after a few days. This also happened to me once while using Photoshop CS5. I didn't install any plugin and didn't change any software. I also want to point out that I had 13.4 driver version when Photoshop was working fine, and now too I have the same driver version.
    CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 955
    Memory: 6 GB
    Free storage: 8 GB
    GPU: ATI Radeon HD 5850

    I've also noticed poor performance since installing the 10.1 plugin.  Not just in HD video etc, but in general use.  So much for "improved performance"...
    No idea on solutions at this stage - In the process of downgrading to previous version to see if that fixes my problems

  • Poor performance with a PL/SQL block

    I have a problem with the a PL/SQL block which perform very poor when the criteria of a sub-query is to be compared with a local variable rather than a hard-coded value.
    I 've put in the 2 blocks below for discussion. Block 1 take only 56 seconds to run to insert 16815 records while Block2 take ages to run.
    Can someone tell me why?
    Block 1:
    lv_sih_comp_cd varchar2(10):= '304400';
    lv_vdr_code varchar2(50):= '912732';
    insert into taba
    select * from taba@dlphtest h
    where h.HIST_DT >= to_date('070903','ddmmyy') AND h.HIST_DT < TRUNC(SYSDATE)
    and exists (select null
    from dlph.model@dlphtest model
    where model.model_code = h.model_code
    and model.model_vdr_code = ls_vdr_code
    and model.model_fact_code=ls_sih_comp_cd);
    Block 2:
    lv_sih_comp_cd varchar2(10):= '304400';
    lv_vdr_code varchar2(50):= '912732';
    insert into taba
    select * from taba@dlphtest h
    where h.HIST_DT >= to_date('070903','ddmmyy') AND h.HIST_DT < TRUNC(SYSDATE)
    and exists (select null
    from dlph.model@dlphtest model
    where model.model_code = h.model_code
    and model.model_vdr_code = '912732'
    and model.model_fact_code='304400');

    Block 1 should be:
    lv_sih_comp_cd varchar2(10):= '304400';
    lv_vdr_code varchar2(50):= '912732';
    insert into taba
    select * from taba@dlphtest h
    where h.HIST_DT >= to_date('070903','ddmmyy') AND h.HIST_DT < TRUNC(SYSDATE)
    and exists (select null
    from dlph.model@dlphtest model
    where model.model_code = h.model_code
    and model.model_vdr_code = lv_vdr_code
    and model.model_fact_code=lv_sih_comp_cd);
    Sorry for the typo error.

  • Dblink poor performance with varchar(4000) after upgrade 11g

    Since a long time we connected from a 10g database via dblink to another 10g database to copy a simple table with four columns. Tablesize at about 500MB
    column1 (varchar(100))
    column2/3/4 (varchar(4000)).
    After the upgrade of the source database to 11g the dblink performance is poor with the big varchar columns. If I copy (select column1 from ) only column1 then I get the data within minutes. If I want to copy the whole table (select column1, column2, column3, column4 from...) then the performance is poor. It didn't finish within days.
    Does anyone know about dblink issues with 11g and big varchar columns?
    Thank you very much

    Use DBlink to pull data from table(s) using IMPDP:
    #1 Create DBlink in the Target database
    create database link sourceDB1_DBLINK connect to system identified by password10 using 'SourceDB1';
    [update tnsnames.ora appropriately]
    select DIRECTORY_PATH from dba_directories where DIRECTORY_NAME=’DATA_PUMP_DIR’;
    create DATA_PUMP_DIR directory if not exists
    impdp system/pwdxxx SCHEMAS=SCOTT NETWORK_LINK=ORCL10R2 JOB_NAME=scott_import LOGFILE=data_pump_dir:network_imp_scott.log
    That's all

  • Poor Performance with BouncyCastle provider in Oracle JVM

    When I run the BouncyCastle provider with Oracle JVM in the database, it runs poorly on the first call, but second and subsequent calls aren't so bad. What options do I have:
    1. Ncomp? If I go this route, does someone have the necessary scripts and suggestions for using an open source/free C compiler rather than Visual Studio?
    2. Is there a way that I can "pin" these java classes/objects in memory? (classes from BouncyCastle) How would I know what classes to PIN? I can run an execution profiler against it on the client, but will that tell me everything needed to pin?
    BTW, here's the results of a performance test of two consecutive runs with some embedded System.out.println calls for the timestamping:
    Here's the update.... Most of the time on initial call is taken to read the keystore (2.2 seconds) and then decrypt the card (~16 seconds)
    08/09/2007 09:44:23.468: init - Start
    08/09/2007 09:44:23.468: Security.addProvider()
    08/09/2007 09:44:23.593: getConfiguration()
    08/09/2007 09:44:23.593: read KeyStore
    08/09/2007 09:44:25.765: init - End
    08/09/2007 09:44:25.765: getEncryptedBytes:
    08/09/2007 09:44:25.781: decrypt-Start
    08/09/2007 09:44:41.62: set return value Here's the second pass:
    08/09/2007 10:13:48.31: init - Start
    08/09/2007 10:13:48.31: getEncryptedBytes:
    08/09/2007 10:13:48.31: decrypt-Start
    08/09/2007 10:13:48.359: set return valueThanks a lot! Apologies for all the questions, but I'm really at a loss with this.

    Hi, i have the same problem, did you find a solution?

  • Instability and Poor Performance with 11 11/11 and 11.1

    I've upgraded an OpenSolaris install to Solaris 11.1 over time and ever since I hit Solaris 11 11/11 and Solaris 11.1 my system has been unstable and slow (especially ZFS and GDM (which I had to disable in 11/11.1 because it was using too much CPU)). Whenever I shut down in Solaris 11/11.1 it causes a kernel panic. I run this command to shutdown:
    /usr/sbin/shutdown -y -g 60 -i 5
    and it causes this (then the system auto-restarts -- it never completes the shutdown):
    Jan 28 2013 23:19:14.682124000 54fbe302-2309-6f14-8d7f-c81e9c3369b7 SUNOS-8000-KL
    Jan 28 23:18:29.9322 ireport.os.sunos.panic.dump_pending_on_device 0x0000000000000000
    nvlist version: 0
    version = 0x0
    class = list.suspect
    uuid = 54fbe302-2309-6f14-8d7f-c81e9c3369b7
    code = SUNOS-8000-KL
    diag-time = 1359433153 925385
    de = fmd:///module/software-diagnosis
    fault-list-sz = 0x1
    __case_state = 0x1
    topo-uuid = 78f32799-20fb-446f-b758-f24f4197b812
    fault-list = (array of embedded nvlists)
    (start fault-list[0])
    nvlist version: 0
    version = 0x0
    class = defect.sunos.kernel.panic
    certainty = 0x64
    asru = sw:///:path=/var/crash/opensolaris/.54fbe302-2309-6f14-8d7f-c81e9c3369b7
    resource = sw:///:path=/var/crash/opensolaris/.54fbe302-2309-6f14-8d7f-c81e9c3369b7
    savecore-succcess = 0
    os-instance-uuid = 54fbe302-2309-6f14-8d7f-c81e9c3369b7
    panicstr = deadman: timed out after 120 seconds of clock inactivity
    panicstack = fffffffffb9fcc56 () | genunix:cyclic_expire+ac () | genunix:cyclic_fire+76 () | unix:cbe_fire+65 () | unix:av_dispatch_autovect+74 () | unix:dispatch_hilevel+1f () | unix:switch_sp_and_call+13 () | unix:do_interrupt+f2 () | unix:cmnint+ba () | unix:mach_cpu_pause+21 () | unix:cpu_pause+7f () | unix:thread_start+8 () |
    crashtime = 1359432916
    panic-time = January 28, 2013 11:15:16 PM EST EST
    (end fault-list[0])
    fault-status = 0x1
    severity = Major
    __ttl = 0x1
    __tod = 0x51074dc2 0x28a862e0
    Additionally, I've seen a huge slowdown in ZFS performance (I kept the old boot environments for the previous versions so I went back and pulled these #s using dd after I upgraded to Solaris 11.1):
    OpenSolaris SNV134     211 MB/s
    Solaris 11 Express     194 MB/s
    OpenIndiana 151a7     215 MB/s
    Solaris 11 11/11     182 MB/s
    Solaris 11.1          150 MB/s
    OpenSolaris SNV134     470 MB/s
    Solaris 11 Express     499 MB/s
    OpenIndiana 151a7     417 MB/s
    Solaris 11 11/11     177 MB/s
    Solaris 11.1          276 MB/s
    Lastly, there's been a couple times where just running tests on my zfs pool would cause a kernel panic (like dd or bonnie++):
    Jan 26 2013 18:40:21.947381000 5a9c2174-51bd-6af5-cda3-ceb12d0591bb SUNOS-8000-KL
    Jan 26 18:39:33.6420 ireport.os.sunos.panic.dump_pending_on_device 0x0000000000000000
    nvlist version: 0
    version = 0x0
    class = list.suspect
    uuid = 5a9c2174-51bd-6af5-cda3-ceb12d0591bb
    code = SUNOS-8000-KL
    diag-time = 1359243621 817586
    de = fmd:///module/software-diagnosis
    fault-list-sz = 0x1
    __case_state = 0x1
    topo-uuid = 08cec1f5-1959-c812-85e3-fa1bb969b7a3
    fault-list = (array of embedded nvlists)
    (start fault-list[0])
    nvlist version: 0
    version = 0x0
    class = defect.sunos.kernel.panic
    certainty = 0x64
    asru = sw:///:path=/var/crash/opensolaris/.5a9c2174-51bd-6af5-cda3-ceb12d0591bb
    resource = sw:///:path=/var/crash/opensolaris/.5a9c2174-51bd-6af5-cda3-ceb12d0591bb
    savecore-succcess = 0
    os-instance-uuid = 5a9c2174-51bd-6af5-cda3-ceb12d0591bb
    panicstr = BAD TRAP: type=e (#pf Page fault) rp=fffffffc801bba00 addr=28 occurred in module "zfs" due to a NULL pointer dereference
    panicstack = unix:die+105 () | unix:trap+153e () | unix:cmntrap+e6 () | zfs:arc_hash_remove+28 () | zfs:arc_evict_from_ghost+c0 () | zfs:arc_adjust_ghost+4e () | zfs:arc_adjust+51 () | zfs:arc_reclaim_thread+1aa () | unix:thread_start+8 () |
    crashtime = 1359232124
    panic-time = January 26, 2013 03:28:44 PM EST EST
    (end fault-list[0])
    fault-status = 0x1
    severity = Major
    __ttl = 0x1
    __tod = 0x51046965 0x3877e308
    What could be causing all these issues -- why are the OpenSolaris and Solaris 11 Express installs faster/more stable? Is it a hardware incompatibility issue? How can I determine the root cause and fix it?
    Edited by: RavenShadow on Feb 10, 2013 10:17 AM

    Alan, if the cause is a 5400 RPM drive, I'm not sure why when I boot into my older BEs for Opensolaris/Solaris 11 Express/OpenIndiana I see much better ZFS performance. After I upgraded to 11.1 I noticed slowness and went back to my old Boot Environments and generated the dd read/write speeds I put in the top post, so it's not like any of the hardware changed during that hour I was bench marking between BEs nor did the amount of space used in my zpool change (it is mostly empty and I deleted everything that I wrote with dd after each test).
    echo ::memstat | mdb -k
    Page Summary Pages MB %Tot
    Kernel 184943 722 18%
    ZFS File Data 99400 388 9%
    Anon 30595 119 3%
    Exec and libs 1434 5 0%
    Page cache 6011 23 1%
    Free (cachelist) 10061 39 1%
    Free (freelist) 715746 2795 68%
    Total 1048190 4094
    RAM usage doesn't seem that bad.
    Edited by: RavenShadow on Feb 13, 2013 3:46 AM

Maybe you are looking for