POP mail problems getting weirder...please help!!

yesterday i posted about a problem i was having with mail. i narrowed the problem down to one of my pop accounts, a yahoo account. the mail program was getting hung up for some reason trying to rebuild the index for this account. so, i decided to delete the account and start over.
so, account deletion was successful. i saved my mailboxes in order to import them later. but the strangest thing happens now when i redo the acccount. i set it up as a new POP account, and as soon as i hit save, it downloads about 2300 messages (each one twice, for a total of over 4000 messages!) from somewhere. but i only have 253 messages saved in my inbox on the server, so i have no idea where are the older messages are coming from.
anyone have a clue what's going on? could this be a yahoo issue?
thanks for any light you can shed.

Hi David -
I think it gets stuck when it checks for mail. Sometimes the little grey wheel spins forever and nothing happens and sometimes there is no wheel at all, just nothing.
All my port configurations are fine.
Connection doctor say everything is cool.
Mail is not "offline".
Automaticlly check for new mail is "On"
Mail checks for new mail "every 15 minutes".
Activity viewer has a red stop sign, a blue & white barber pole that doesn't move, and it says "fetching new mail" but nothing happens, it seems frozen.
Account Info has no messages showing. A grey wheel is turning forever, but nothing happens. It say "calculating sizes". Seems stuck.
I hope you can help me, this is my business mail account. Thanks.
What’s the problem exactly? Is it that Mail doesn’t
check for mail on this account, or that it checks but
downloads nothing?
Go to Apple Menu > System Preferences >
Network, choose Network Port
Configurations from the Show popup menu,
and make sure that the configuration used to connect
to Internet appears at the top of the list.
In Mail, open Window > Connection Doctor. What
does it say?
Could it be that Mail or this particular account is
in an “offline” state? Is the Mailbox > Go
Online command enabled or disabled?
Go to Preferences > Accounts > Advanced. Is
Include when automatically checking for new
mail ON or OFF?
What’s the time interval chosen in Preferences >
General > Check for New Mail?
Open Window > Activity Viewer and tell Mail to
check for mail on this account. What do you see
Open the Account Info window by choosing
Get Info (⌘I) from the Action menu (gear icon)
located below the mailbox list in the main Mail
window. Does Mail display there the messages that it
doesn’t download? Do they appear as already
downloaded or as not downloaded yet (dot column)?

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    Hi Danny,
    Per my understanding that you can't get the expect result by using the expression "=Count(Fields!TICKET_STATUS.Value=4) " to count the the TICKET_STATUS which value is 4, the result will returns the count of all the TICKET_STATUS values(206)
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             || CASE
                WHEN c.rn != c.cnt
                   THEN ' || ''|'' || '
       END LOOP;
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                      FROM TABLE (XMLSEQUENCE (cur)) t)
          /*  replace with utl_file in case ... */
          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (rec1.result1);
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    Wow that was really quick, thank you so much.  Im not sure at all which version it was because i said it was around 4 years ago he bought it.  I know it isn't under his username, since he's a PC person (ugh) so i know its probably registered to one of our actual names.  isn't there some way to look it up since we did register it, because I'm not even sure where the disks are from when we bought it (we've moved a lot and also have two storage lockers, i know i would have kept it with other disks) but my cd rom drive is actually broken on my computer as well ( i think it got stepped on and is now squished and won't eject or run disks.)
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