Pop screen from action profile

Hi ,
We have configured action profile in lead to create opportunity under certain conditions. We have different types of opportunities. My question is  it possible to  display the pop screen to the user, so that they can select the type opportunity they wants to create. 

Hi Elize,
As far as I know it is not possible to have user interaction within action execution. Mainly because it is background process.
As an alternative you can create several actions, e.g. one per type of opportunity and then trigger the corresponding action accordingly.
Hopping this answer your question.
Alain Gauthier

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    Hi Suhas,
    Its possible to display selection screen as pop-up from dialog box.....Check the code below...copy paste and execute...
                                ENDING AT 80 15.
    The below code might help u to add a button in alvgrid's toolbar......
    *       CLASS lcl_event_handler DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_event_handler DEFINITION.
        DATA: wa_toolbar   TYPE stb_button,
              calc         TYPE REF   TO cl_gui_frontend_services.
        METHODS : toolbar_handle FOR EVENT toolbar      OF cl_gui_alv_grid
                                        IMPORTING e_object
                  ucomm_handle   FOR EVENT user_command OF cl_gui_alv_grid
                                        IMPORTING e_ucomm.
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_event_handler DEFINITION
    *       CLASS lcl_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS lcl_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD toolbar_handle.
        MOVE   3 TO  wa_toolbar-butn_type.
        APPEND wa_toolbar   TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
        MOVE : 0            TO wa_toolbar-butn_type,
               'CALC'       TO wa_toolbar-function,
               '@0M@'       TO wa_toolbar-icon,
               'Calculator' TO wa_toolbar-quickinfo.
        APPEND wa_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
      ENDMETHOD. "toolbar_handle
      METHOD ucomm_handle.
        IF e_ucomm = 'CALC'.   " When button added in toolbar is clicked
          IF calc IS INITIAL.
            CREATE OBJECT calc.
          CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>execute
         application            = 'CALC'.
      ENDMETHOD. "ucomm_handle
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION
    DATA : container    TYPE REF   TO cl_gui_custom_container,
           grid         TYPE REF   TO cl_gui_alv_grid,
           event        TYPE REF   TO lcl_event_handler,
           it_display   TYPE TABLE OF mara,
           wa_display   TYPE mara.
      CALL SCREEN 100.
    *&      Module  STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    *       text
    MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT.
      PERFORM build_it_display.
      PERFORM create_objects.
    ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
    *       text
    MODULE user_command_0100 INPUT.
      CASE sy-ucomm.
        WHEN 'BACK'.
          SET SCREEN 0.
          LEAVE SCREEN.
        WHEN 'EXIT'.
          SET SCREEN 0.
          LEAVE SCREEN.
        WHEN 'CANC'.
          SET SCREEN 0.
          LEAVE SCREEN.
    ENDMODULE.                 " USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
    *&      Form  build_it_display
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM build_it_display .
      SELECT * FROM mara UP TO 15 ROWS INTO TABLE it_display.
    ENDFORM.                    " build_it_display
    *&      Form  create_objects
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM create_objects .
      IF container IS INITIAL.
        CREATE OBJECT container
          container_name     = 'CUSTOM'.
        CREATE OBJECT event.
        CREATE OBJECT grid
            i_parent         = container.
        SET HANDLER event->toolbar_handle FOR grid.
        SET HANDLER event->ucomm_handle   FOR grid.
        CALL METHOD grid->set_table_for_first_display
            i_structure_name = 'MARA'
            it_outtab        = it_display.
    ENDFORM.                    " create_objects

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    That's a +1 from me... same issue and yes, isn't inelegant or a shortcoming for some might be the cause of boldness as they rip their hair off their head so thanks in advance for keeping the refinement of the magic potions making the EA secret magic sauce... which may help stop hairloss

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    Hi Shyam,
    You can achieve by using Launchpad Customizing and the Launchpad Navigation API's. Just make and entry on transaction LPD_CUST, create a launchpad role, add you target application there.
    At run time under the UI button you can call the API provided by CL_APB_LAUNCHPAD_API -->LAUNCH_APPLICATION to open the application. You can find many material on Internet for the same, with examples, even try some where-use in your system.
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    There is a system lookup_type HR_PTU_ACTION_TYPES which gets these values.
    Not sure if you can disable it(unless you go by the Help - Diagnostics - Examine)

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    Thanks for your help.

    Thanks Naresh for the response.
    Not sure if I can use the CRMV_EVENT. Even I'm not aware how to use that. Let me tell what i am doing in the logic.
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    - get the status of header / item from the output of CRM_ORDER_READ.
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    With Regards,
    Selvam t

    Please check badi CRM_COPY_BADI. It is used to control which fields should be copied.
    For qualification level, I think method LEAD_H should help.
    Best regards,

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    Hi Experts,
    we have created a Z-Button that afterwards creates an event. In the coding for the event an Action Profile should be called and a PDF-Document should be opened. We have copied the coding from the standard button 'Print Preview' which is calling the standard event: EH_ONPRINT_PREVIEW.
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    DATA: lr_cn               TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_context_node,
            lr_adminh           TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity,
            lr_actioncontext    TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity,
            lv_adminh_guid      TYPE string,
            lv_url              TYPE string,
            lc_head_context     TYPE REF TO cl_doc_context_crm_order,
            lt_item_context     TYPE ppftctxpos,
            iv_header_guid      TYPE crmt_object_guid,
            lif_decision_pop    TYPE REF TO if_bsp_wd_popup,
            lv_string           TYPE string.
      CHECK gv_print_preview_enabled = abap_true.
      lr_cn = me->get_context_node( gc_cn_btadminh ).
      CHECK lr_cn IS BOUND.
      lr_adminh ?= lr_cn->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
      CHECK lr_adminh IS BOUND.
      lv_adminh_guid   =  lr_adminh->get_property_as_string( iv_attr_name = 'GUID' ).
      lr_actioncontext = lr_adminh->get_related_entity( iv_relation_name = 'BTHeaderAction' ). "#EC NOTEXT
      CLEAR gt_print_actions.
      CLEAR gr_action_popup.
      iv_header_guid = lv_adminh_guid.
      CALL METHOD cl_crm_uiu_actions_tools=>get_action_definition
          rv_action_def = lv_string.
      CALL METHOD cl_crm_uiu_actions_tools=>show_print_actions_popup
          ir_action_context       = lr_actioncontext
          ir_parent_node          = lr_adminh
          ir_view_controller      = me
          ir_component_controller = comp_controller
          iv_event_name           = gc_ev_print_preview_closed
          iv_for_preview          = abap_true
          iv_appl_guid            = lv_adminh_guid
          et_actions              = gt_print_actions
          ev_url                  = lv_url
          cr_decision_popup       = gr_action_popup.
      IF lv_url IS NOT INITIAL.
        call_print_preview_popup( lv_url ).
    Best Regards

    Closed. No answers.

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    To remove it from your account, tap on your id in Settings > iTunes & App Store and then tap on 'View Apple ID' on the popup and log into your account  - that should give you a payments link on your account's page from where you can change remove/change your payment details.
    Changing payment info : Change or remove your payment information from your iTunes Store account (Apple ID) - Apple Support
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    Me sending service Quotation to customer as email by using action profile. problem facing here is, while sending email, sender name is going sy-uname so i was trying to set some default name in From address of mail body. Actually standard class and method which i used for this process is  "CL_DOC_PROCESSING_CRM_ORDER=>CRM_SRVORDER_EXEC_SMART_FORM" . In this method signature is_mail_sender is empty while processing and this parameter is used as importing parameter while calling FM "Function_Name" . Can any one give me some idea how to do this  customization.
    call function function_name
                   archive_index        = is_archive_index
                   archive_index_tab    = ct_archive_index_tab
                   archive_parameters   = is_archive_parameters
                   control_parameters   = control_parameters
                   mail_appl_obj        = is_mail_appl_obj
                   mail_recipient       = is_mail_recipient
                   mail_sender          = is_mail_sender
    Thanks all,

    Hi Anbu,
    I believe note 573736 content will help you
    Kind regards,

  • "Can't get Action from Action Reference"?

    I really can't figure out why I get java.lang.IllegalArgumentException with "Can't get Action from Action Reference: BeanName.actionName" message. I specified all properties in faces-config.xml. Bean and its action names are all checked several times, but I still get that exception. Is it a JSF bug, or my simple mistake? Is there anyone who experienced the same problem?
    I'm using two forms in one page. all components' ids are all different. Only one form generated the exception not regarding the order of the forms. (the one is login form and the other (which doesn't generate exception) is leave-comment form.)
    Here is the form code:
                   <h:form id="loginForm" formName="loginForm" >
                        Login >
                        <h:input_text id="loginUserName" valueRef="UserBean.userName">
                             <f:attribute name="style" value="width:64px;"/>
                        Password >
                        <h:input_secret id="loginPassword" valueRef="UserBean.password">
                             <f:attribute name="style" value="width:64px;"/>
                        <h:command_button id="loginSubmit" label="login" commandName="loginSubmit" actionRef="UserBean.loginAction" />
    and here is managed-bean part:
    Thanks in advance!

    here goes the source code of NotesBean:
    abstract class NotesBean {
         protected static final String SUCCESS = "success";
         protected static final String FAILURE = "failure";
         private String connectionProfile;
         protected NotesBean() {}
         public String getConnectionProfile() {
              return connectionProfile;
         public void setConnectionProfile(String newProfileName) {
              connectionProfile = newProfileName;
         public abstract Action getCreateAction();
         public abstract Action getDeleteAction();
         public abstract Action getUpdateAction();
         protected Connection getConnection() throws NotesException {
              ConnectionProfile profile = ConnectionProfileFactory.getProfile(connectionProfile);
              return DriverManager.getConnection(profile.getUrl(), profile.getProperties());
    }I think everything is ok with the beans, right?
    By the way: shouldn�t the error message be:
    "Can't get Action from Action Reference: UserBean.loginAction"I just examplified the message using somewhat generic name. Sorry for confusion :)
    As a final try, here is the whole JSP code: (ignore korean texts)
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/functions" prefix="fn" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://gleamynode.net/notes" prefix="notes" %>
         <title>gleamynode.net :: gathering of my mentality</title>
         <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
         <link rel="stylesheet" HREF="css/gleamynode.css" type="text/css" />
              <c:when test="${empty param['id']}">
                   <notes:getPages var="pages" />
                   <c:forEach var="p" items="${pages}" begin="0" end="0">
                        <c:set var="p" value="${p}" scope="request"/>
                   <notes:getPage var="p" pageId="${param['id']}" />
         <div id="header">
              <h:command_hyperlink href="index.jsp" label="gleamynode.net :: gathering of my mentality"/>
         <div id="menu">
              About | Essays | Projects | Others | Links
         <div id="content">
              <div id="page">
                   <div id="pageTitle">
                        #${p.id}. ${p.title}
                   <div id="pageContent">
                        <div id="pageTimestamp">
                   <c:when test="${fn:length(p.comments) > 0}">
                        <div id="comments">
                             <div id="teaser">
                                  ${fn:length(p.comments)} ?? ??? ????
                             <c:forEach var="c" items="${p.comments}">
                                  <div id="commentHeader">
                                       #${c.id}. ${c.userName}
                                  <div id="commentContent">
                                       <div id="commentTimestamp">
              <div id="commentForm">
                   <jsp:useBean id="CommentBean" class="net.gleamynode.notes.http.faces.CommentBean" scope="request" />
                   <jsp:setProperty name="CommentBean" property="pageIdStr" value="${p.id}"/>
                   <jsp:setProperty name="CommentBean" property="content" value=""/>
                   <div id="teaser">
                   <h:form id="commmentForm" formName="commentForm" >
                        <input type="hidden" name="id" value="${p.id}"/>
                        <h:input_hidden id="pageId" valueRef="CommentBean.pageIdStr"/>
                        <table width="95%">
                                  <td class="name" width="9%">Name:</td>
                                  <td class="value" width="25%">
                                       <h:input_text id="userName" valueRef="CommentBean.userName">
                                            <f:attribute name="style" value="width:75%;"/>
                                  <td class="name" width="8%">Email:</td>
                                  <td class="value" width="25%">
                                       <h:input_text id="userEmail" valueRef="CommentBean.userEmail">
                                            <f:attribute name="style" value="width:75%;"/>
                                  <td class="name" width="8%">URL:</td>
                                  <td class="value" width="25%">
                                       <h:input_text id="userURL" valueRef="CommentBean.userURL">
                                            <f:attribute name="style" value="width:100%;"/>
                                  <td colspan="6">
                                       <h:input_textarea id="content" valueRef="CommentBean.content">
                                            <f:attribute name="style" value="width:100%; height: 12em;"/>
                                  <td class="buttons" colspan="6">
                                       <h:command_button id="submit" label="leave a comment" commandName="submit" actionRef="CommentBean.createAction" />
              <div id="loginForm">
                   <div id="teaser">
                   <h:form id="loginForm" formName="loginForm" >
                        Login >
                        <h:input_text id="loginUserName" valueRef="UserBean.userName">
                             <f:attribute name="style" value="width:64px;"/>
                        Password >
                        <h:input_secret id="loginPassword" valueRef="UserBean.password">
                             <f:attribute name="style" value="width:64px;"/>
                        <h:command_button id="loginSubmit" label="login" commandName="loginSubmit" actionRef="UserBean.loginAction" />
              <div id="copyright">
                   Copyright � 1999~ by Trustin Lee, All Rights Reserved.
         <div id="footer">
    </html>and, here is the whole faces-config.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE faces-config PUBLIC
              "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JavaServer Faces Config 1.0//EN"
    </faces-config>Thank you for your continuous help, Rene! Learned alot from you about JSF :)

  • Trasnporting the Condition in the Action Profile

    I have defined an action profile “Activity” for sending the email automatically when saving an activity.
    I defined the condition for the Remainder email to send in the Tcode CRMC_ACTION_CONF.
    But I am not able to transport the defined Condition from the Dev system to the QA system.
    How can I transport the condition from the dev to QA

    Did it create a transport request when you initially created the condition?
    If it did and if the transport was loaded onto QA and you cannot see the new condition in QA then there seems to be a problem in the system. Try creating a new dummy condition and see if that gets transported. If not then, you have open a message to sap.

Maybe you are looking for