Populating Cashed Rowset

The default Cashed Rowset can hold 100 records. But if I want to put more than 100, how am I supposed to increase the limit.
And also pls. let me know whether it is good to put say about 600 records in a cashed rowset or some other method should be used for large records.

There is no limit on how much a CachedRowSet can hold. **unless** it is specidfied:
setMaxRows(int max)
To be safe, before you run your query:
do a cachedRowSet.setMaxRows(0).
0 = no limit.
Now, about your other question: Generally, it is not a good idea to suck out all the data from the database, that's what a cachedrowset does.
But it is useful when you have to serialize your resultset or transfer it over the wire.
But if you ever have to hold an object that contains ALL data from a query (and not just a cursor-like ResultSet), then CachedRowSet is probably the best choice.. rather than using some homegrown or third party class that does similar work

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    Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
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    i appreciate your time..

    I really appreciate your prompt replies..The time I mentioned earlier are only the time it takes on the server side..Not from client to server..
    For instance these are the times I recorder...
    Oracle PopulateRowset Total Time(client-server-clien)
    Query1 1.5 sec 10Sec 13Sec
    Query2 0.3 Sec 10Sec 12Sec
    Query3 0.1 Sec 2sec 4Sec
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    You can do this by making the filed Start Date of Cash Flow display in the Create activity in the following Customization.
    RECACUST > Flexible Real Estate Management (RE-FX) > Master Data > Usage View > Rental Object > Dialog > Field Status
    In Field Status select Activity 01 (Create)  click on Field Grouping and set the field Start Date of Cash Flow as Display.
    But make sure that in the Activity  02 (Change) the filed is set as optional so that you can enter Cash Flow From in the change view for the Rental Object.

  • Assignment in Cash discount GL is not populating Billing no & customer no

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    Discount Gl account debit
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    Please do check once again u can have properly identified the characteristics at the multiprovider  i.e selecting the characteristics from different data targets.i.e there is an option at the right side panel top to identify the charactersitcs that are assigned to the multiprovider.
    Click that and mark them tick for release date...if already once cross check them
    check u has identified release data at multiprovider from dso y and pr number at mutliprovide from x and y.
    Edited by: vamsi talluri on Sep 25, 2008 7:51 AM

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    There is no ready-made way to execute SQL queries against a ResultSet. Anyway, you shouldn't keep ResultSets open, you should convert them to collections of objects and close them.
    When you get the ResultSet, loop over it, create an object of a suitable class from each row, and store those objects in a LinkedList.
    When you need to search within the results, loop over the LinkedList and pick the objects you need.
    Alternatively, re-execute the SQL query with the additional WHERE clauses appended to the original query.

  • RE:cash discount base value & it being populated in accounting doc

    hello friends,
    i am explaining the problem clearely again.
    when we post an invoice to a customer,it generates an accounting document.
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    please help me how to & where to configure this.
    thanks in advance.

    Hi Ram M,
    I have the same issue. Did you get a reply on this?

  • GL - FSG for Cash Flow

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    How to get Beginning Cash?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Jim
    You can't define a cash-flow using FSG, a cash-flow means the money you will receive and pay in FUTURE periods weeks, months,gl periods. FSG uses actual and budget amounts, but not future amounts. You can define a cash-flow in CM module, it's tables will be populated with data extracted from AP , AR for example.
    Hope been helpfull
    [email protected]

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    I have a problem with ROWSET.
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    Can anyone have the idea why it happens....?
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    Why it takes too much time to populate the rowset..?
    CachedRowSetImpl crs = new CachedRowSetImpl();
    Statement stmt = con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
    ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery(sql); // Here we have 250 records in ResultSet
    crs.populate(result); // This is the problem. This line takes atleast 1min to executeThanks

    I think this Java Forum is not the right FORUM for
    me.....I think you are right. This is NOT the FORUM for YOU.
    I think u (So Called GURUS) all need to work on JDBC
    more and on large application so that u should be
    able to solve complex problem.
    THIS is PROBABLY not the BEST way for YOU to get HELP
    I hope u will work on my suggestion...
    I HOPE you CHOKE on a TURNIP and DIE.
    Muhammad TariqFuck you.
    On your way out please make sure to stop in at Google and search for "Forums for arrogant fuckwits". That's the kind of resource you need.

  • Report for Cash flow (fund flow from Bank GL)

    Hi Expert,
    I would like to have your advice on how can I create this type of report?  Is it better using Fund Management?
    My client is asking on cash flow report in which the report should show all fund (cash at bank) movement.  Basically, the report should have 2 main category, which are Cash Inflow / Cash Outflow,for example:
    Cash Inflow
    - Payment received from customer
    - Interest received from FD at Bank
    - Other receipts
    - Government Subsidy Received
    - Government Grant
    Cash Outflow
    - Payment to vendor
    - Finance charge paid to bank (overdraft/loan, etc)
    - Operating Expenses
    - CAPEX
    - Other Payments
    For cash inflow, double entries involve to bank GL is as follows:
    DR Bank
    CR Item listed in cash inflow section, for example: payment received from customer (or CR csutomer), FD interest received (Revenue item of P/L), etc
    For cash outflow, double entries involve to bank GL is as follows:
    DR  Item listed in cash outflow section, for example: payment to vendor (or DR vendor), Payment to non-trade vendor (for asset purchase, etc), Interest paid (expense item of P/L), etc
    Since my debit or credit leg of my bank account, currently does not have any indicator that can explicitly indicator the nature of my inflow and outflow, how can I produce my report of cash flow show above?
    Note: It is extremely heavy for customized ABAP program to extract my bank entry and point back to the opposite leg to find the nature of my inflow/outflow as well.
    Kindly advise.
    Thanks in advance,

    In ECC 6.0 EhP4 - A new feature has been added inorder to provide such a kind of cash flow report... You need to activate Business Function PSM_FA_CASH..
    Refer this link http://help.sap.com/erp2005_ehp_04/helpdata/EN/42/e34f2c31023ee1e10000000a1553f6/frameset.htm...
    ... Under Business Functions in SAP ERP > Enterprise Busn Func > Accounting > Public Sector management > PSM, Cash basis accounting & Cash flow reporting
    Once you activate it, you will find additional nodes of IMG under SPRO > Public Sector management.....
    This works the same way as Doc Splitting... technically speaking, this new feature is extended arm of Doc Spliting... In Doc Splitting, you assign item Categories to each GL Account.... Similarly, you will assign a "Revenue / Expense Account" to each GL Account.... This R/E Account can be any alpha numeric text.... This R/E account then gets added as a Doc Splittin Char and is populated in every FI Doc that you post
    I have tried this in a test client a year ago and was more or less satisified with it barring some exceptions....
    br, Ajay M

  • Cash transactions - The bane of all Indian problems

    I feel that abolishing cash can improve the Indian economy. Completely transforming all transactions into electronic ones will help track source of all funds especially in case of troublesome transactions, increase government's revenue and simplify our lives. Imagine if we could just put our finger for finger print verification in an auto rickshaw and the amount is immediately debited to your savings account or credit card (account because you won't need a card anymore). The machine should give you options which account (s) you want debited. I feel if the government adopts it there is a tremendous market and job creation potential too.
    To a large extent most economies have long been using plastic cash. But in India we still often use large amounts of cash. Imagine with electronic transactions, no unknown source funds, no black economy and tax evaders. And certainly the cost of an electronic format of money will be less than printing a metallic coin even of the smallest denomination. It's certainly not easy but no "change" is.

    I am not sure if we are talking of the same scales. Will you buy a LCD television with say 1000 EUR cash? It won't be rare to see that happen in India. Though the government today insists on all financial institutions to ask for PAN cards (kind of tax identity cards) when somebody transacts for a value more than Rs. 49000 in cash this is merely useful in case of a check. And a person can easily make thrice a transaction of Rs. 49000.
    It would be great if the government begins by saying that all currency notes and coins should be returned in the next 6 months to the banks to be converted into savings account balances. After 6 months the value of the currency will be only 75%. In 1 year the notes/coins will be worth almost nothing. I actually see another problem that people will panic and try to get converted as soon as possible.
    Lakshmipathi, you are right that for the large rural population in India they earn only so much that it is spent the same day. But still they can spend the money in a place where their fingerprint is identified. Belgium for example uses the Proton card. It's a fantastic concept. You can load say 50 EUR into your proton card and pay it for a newspaper, a cup of coffee and such small expenses without having to swipe your card and sign.
    There is one other important point I missed. Fake currency rackets which are bleeding the nations resources. One of the most important ways for a society to become more civilized and sophisticated is by adopting technology. Also, most solutions for human problems lie in technology or may be it's merely a matter of perspective.
    Corporates have made an enormous difference in India. India could take a bite of the global cake thanks to it's emphasis on English skills and university level education. Many governments have indeed begun delivering online services and have embarked on e-governance projects after rubbing shoulders with the corporates. Cashless societies too can be created if the corporates were to take the initiative. And it's not another philanthropic asking from them. There's a potent market. All it needs is initiative from the bigwigs.

  • Cash Flow report in Report Painter

    I am trying to make a cash flow report in Report Painter.
    Can any one help me with steps or config material so that i can prepare and tally the cash flow report being generated in Report Painter.
    Also there are report line items where by the figures are getting populated but are not tallying with the GL balance, if seen individually by going to GL line item display
    Thanking You,


  • Vendor Invoice - Outgoing Payment -How to apply cash discount automatically

    Hi Folks,
    My Vendor is 400000 - whose payment terms is : 0002
    I posted a vendor invoice using FB60 :
    where i checked the payment terms is 0002 3% Cash Discount within 14 days
                                                                    2% Cash discount within 30 days
                                                                          Net within 45 dats
    Default for Baseline date : Posting Date.
    My Document Date and Posting date are both same: Invoice Document and posting date : 07/31/2008
    I tried to make a payment using F-53, where the Cash Discount is not applying automatically. It is asking me to manually enter the cah discount @ 3%.
    What should i do to make cash discount apply automatically.
    Thanks and Help will be surely rewarded.

    Hello I just checked in my system it is automatically picking even if I am not taking the discount....check the payment terms....
    ex : I have invoice for 500 with payment terms 1% discount
    When I pay 500 in F-53 the system is showing me the net amount 495.
    When I pay 495 the system is also showing me the net amount of 495
    You might want to have a look at the payment terms.......
    Make sure when you enter the amount in F-53 and press "Process Open Items", you have the discount percent populated automatically in the CashD% field.
    Edited by: Harish R on Aug 1, 2008 3:19 PM

  • Create AP payment via Cash Management

    Hi all,
    In EBS 12.1.3 i try to create an AP Payment via Cash Management Responsibility. But when the forms redirects me where i should create the payment - one of the field/BANK_ACCOUNT_NAME/ is populated by default with strange value. I suppose it should take the value from bank_account_name in the cash header. Instead of this it takes value for another bank/i'm unable to find the logic of taking exactly this bank account.../
    For example :
    In Cash - Bank acc name = A in Payables - B,
    In Cash Bank acc name = C in Payables - D
    and so on...
    Any ideas? Maybe some settings for creating AP Payments via the Cash Management responsibility?
    Thanks in advance,

    Please check in SM35 if your batch input session was executed successfully.

  • Cash desk and payment lots documents not updating in DFKKOP table

    Dear Experts,
    I have noticed that my cash desk payments and payment lot documents are not getting updating in the DFKKOP table. I have identified that for this documents, the document class is updated with "1" which means "Document does not have FI-CA items".
    But, the postings where shown in the FPL9 transactions and clearing is happening as per the settings and requirements.
    So please update me, on what basis the system would determine the document class for the document types in contract accounting..
    Your inputs on this issue will be really helpful for me.
    Aditya Viswanath

    Hi Aditya,
    In a simple word, whichever documents are posted with MAIN/SUB creates a new row in DFKKOP with document number in DFKKOP-OPBEL.
    If a payment is posted as an open credit item, it should be there DFKKOP-OPBEL field and BETRW and BETRH will be populated with payment amount.
    However if a payment is posted as a clearing document against a debt, system updates that row of DFKKOP where DFKKOP-OPBEL is the cleared document number (debt, mostly an invoice). Clearing document (DFKKOP-AUGBL) of that row is updated with the payment document number.
    In either of the cases DFKKKO and DFKKOPK are updated and below are the reason.
    DFKKKO - document header level information (as who created, at what time, origin key, reco key etc.)
    DFKKOPK - (GL level information of the document)
    For payment lot and payment document related information you can refer DFKKZK, DFKKZP and DFKKZPT tables.
    Hope it clarifies your query.
    Thanks, Bodhisattwa

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