Possible to create an array of devices?

as a Java Programmer I like to programm in the object orientated manner.
I have more than 50 valces to manage and established a state diagramm.
So if the value is true or one in the matrix in row 52 of a column definig the operation type then I would like to set the valve 52 to "open".
Therefore I would like to put all devices of type valve in an array and start the corresponding valve.at index 52 of a device array in a for loop.
I have not hardware yet but I probably want to use the DAQ unit of NI.
Will it be possible to program it in this way?
Thanks very
Go to Solution.

Thommy7571 wrote:
By the way if I create an array and use it with this index component to act on one element this did never work yet..
Even if the dimensions are equal I get an error:
error: trying to connect a 2D array of type "boolesch" to 2D array of "invalid". 
the same if I want to initialize one.
I don't see any possibility to adapt or define the type of the element
in an array for all elements at once. How must I do it?
I will have the same problem with the device array.
That description makes no sense. Can you show us your code instead?
LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    The solution:
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    Hello Lynn and Yamaeda
    First I want to Thank you Lynn for your linguistic contribution indeed "Build Array" is a primitive and not VI, thank you for the education. In reality what I am doing is simple.
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    > Is it possible to create a tagged PDF with Apple Pages?
    Short answer: No, Apple chose at the introduction of Mac OS X to support only Adobe PDF 1.3 and those parts of Adobe PDF 1.4 that include device-independent transparency, but not those parts of Adobe PDF 1.4 that include Adobe XMP for XML markup of the page description program.
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    Best wishes,
    Henrik Holmegaard
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    Isa Garduño wrote:
    the only way to creat an icloud account is with a ipad, iphone or imac Apple computer.
    As you already knew, no, you cannot create a new iCloud account from anything but the above devices.

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    Please check it out the attached Vi.. Is this you need?
    Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer
    If you can DREAM it, You can DO it - Walt Disney
    Event.vi ‏11 KB

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    Ok. May be you could keep information about generic type in the your class:
    public class Util {
        public static <T> T[] toTypedArray(Class<T> cls, Object[] objects){
            int size = objects.length;
            T[] t = (T[]) java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(cls, size);
            System.arraycopy(objects, 0, t, 0, size);
            return t;
    public class Sample<T> {
        Class<T> cls;
        T[] array;
        public Sample(Class<T> cls) {
            this.cls = cls;
        public void setArray(Object[] objects){
            array = Util.toTypedArray(cls, objects);
        public T[] getArray(){
            return array;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Object[] objects = new Object[] { new LinkedList(), new ArrayList()};
            Sample<List> myClass = new  Sample<List>(List.class);
            for(List elem: myClass.getArray()){

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    This fact is not based on the application software, but on your own use of a digital graphic device that draws patterns of picture elements. Your display and your printer are digital graphic devices.
    With a digital graphic device, the application, the OS and the driver don't communicate in ASCII control codes for carriage return and so forth.
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    This is what you see in Apple Pages layout mode as well as in the layout mode of Microsoft Word, and in any version of Aldus PageMaker since 1985, QuarkXPress since 1987 and so on and so forth.
    When you are done and have exported your design to disk as Adobe PDF, the x-y coordinate space you set for the design space can be seen as the Media Box in Apple Preview > View > PDF Display > Media Box.
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    I like ArrayList
    ArrayList<BufferedImage> myPics = new ArrayList();then just dump them in with add(myBufferedImage)
    If you'e not using BufferedImages then just change the BufferedImage to Image.
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