Power Query Unable to Connect to SSAS

Hi I am trying to connect Power Query to an SSAS Cube (Tabular). In the navigator, I expand the database, expand the folder and expand the model.  I am running Excel 64bit and PQ 2.18 64 bit. I can connect to an SQL Server and I can connect to the cube
with PowerPivt.  I can not connect with Power Query.    When I expand the model I get an error saying "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".  When I peek I get the following error:
Unexpected error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Library.AnalysisServices.AnalysisServicesCubeContextProvider.<NewTabularDisplayFolders>b__1(AnalysisServicesMeasure m)
   at System.Linq.Lookup`2.Create[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 keySelector, Func`2 elementSelector, IEqualityComparer`1 comparer)
   at System.Linq.GroupedEnumerable`3.GetEnumerator()
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary[TSource,TKey,TElement](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 keySelector, Func`2 elementSelector, IEqualityComparer`1 comparer)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary[TSource,TKey,TElement](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 keySelector, Func`2 elementSelector)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Library.AnalysisServices.AnalysisServicesCubeContextProvider.NewTabularDisplayFolders()
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Library.AnalysisServices.AnalysisServicesCubeContextProvider.get_DisplayFolders()
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Runtime.NativeFunctionValue1`2.Invoke(Value arg0)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Language.DebugExpression.Execute(Value frame)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Language.FunctionInvocationExpression2.Execute(Value frame)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Language.DebugExpression.Execute(Value frame)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Language.RecordExpression.RuntimeRecordValue.Force(Int32 index)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Language.RecordExpression.RuntimeRecordValue.get_Item(Int32 index)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Runtime.RecordValue.get_Item(String field)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Language.RecordExpression.RuntimeRecordValue.Force(Int32 index)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Language.RecordExpression.RuntimeRecordValue.get_Item(Int32 index)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Runtime.RecordValue.get_Item(Value key)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Runtime.Library.Linker.BindFunctionValue.TypedInvoke(RecordValue environment, Value section, TextValue name)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Runtime.NativeFunctionValue3`4.Invoke(Value arg0, Value arg1, Value arg2)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Language.MembersFunctionValue0.Invoke()
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Language.ListExpression.RuntimeListValue.Force(Int32 index)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Language.ListExpression.RuntimeListValue.get_Item(Int32 index)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Runtime.ListValue.get_Item(Value key)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Language.MembersFunctionValue1.Invoke(Value arg0)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Language.RecordExpression.RuntimeRecordValue.Force(Int32 index)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Language.RecordExpression.RuntimeRecordValue.get_Item(Int32 index)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Runtime.RecordValue.get_Item(String field)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Language.FunctionInvocationExpression2.Execute(Value frame)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Language.Expression.ExecuteCondition(Value frame)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Language.DebugExpression.ExecuteCondition(Value frame)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Language.IfExpression.Execute(Value frame)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Language.DebugExpression.Execute(Value frame)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Language.RecordExpression.RuntimeRecordValue.Force(Int32 index)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Language.RecordExpression.RuntimeRecordValue.get_Item(Int32 index)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Runtime.RecordValue.get_Item(String field)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Language.MembersFunctionValue0.Invoke()
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Engine.Microsoft.Mashup.Engine.Interface.IEngine.Invoke(IValue function, IValue[] arguments)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.SimpleDocumentEvaluator.BeginGetResult(DocumentEvaluationParameters parameters, Action`1 callback)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.SimpleDocumentEvaluator.BeginGetResult(DocumentEvaluationParameters parameters, Action`1 callback)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.FirewallPartition.BeginGetResult[T](Action`1 callback)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.FirewallDocumentEvaluator.Evaluation`1.OnBufferComplete(Exception exception)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Firewall.BeginBufferPartitions(Action`1 callback)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.FirewallDocumentEvaluator.BeginGetResultInternal[T](DocumentEvaluationParameters parameters, Action`1 callback)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.RemoteDocumentEvaluator.Service.OnBeginGetPreviewValueSource(IMessageContext context, BeginGetPreviewValueSourceMessage message)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.MessageHandlers.TryDispatch(IMessageContext context, Message message)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.ContextMessenger.ContextMessageHandlers.TryDispatch(IMessageContext context, Message message)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.MessageHandlers.Dispatch(IMessageContext context, Message message)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.ContextMessenger.OnMessageWithUnknownContext(IMessageContext baseContext, MessageWithUnknownContext messageWithUnknownContext)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.MessageHandlers.TryDispatch(IMessageContext context, Message message)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.ContextMessenger.ContextMessageHandlers.TryDispatch(IMessageContext context, Message message)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.MessageHandlers.Dispatch(IMessageContext context, Message message)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.EvaluationHost.Run()
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Host.EvaluationContainer.EvaluationContainerMain.Run(String[] args)
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Host.EvaluationContainer.EvaluationContainerMain.Main(String[] args)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.RemoteDocumentEvaluator.Service.OnBeginGetPreviewValueSource(IMessageContext context, BeginGetPreviewValueSourceMessage message)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Microsoft.Mashup.Host.Document.Preview.PreviewManager.<>c__DisplayClasse.<StartPreviewEvaluation>b__b(EvaluationResult2`1 result)

This issue will be fixed in an upcoming release. Certain tabular models can have measures without measure groups, which wasn't considered. The specific case you hit is that when a tabular model has no measures, a default one without a measure group
is added in order to allow retrieving the dimension members in certain tools.

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    This is a generic error about not being able to reach the server.
    You should make sure that there are no typos in the hostname and to include the port number, which is 6405 by default.
    e.g: http://powerquerysap:6405/biprws

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    Any thoughts or guidance, much appreciated.

    Is this still an issue?
    Ed Price, Azure & Power BI Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

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    It really is not supported for CRM IFD/ADFS On-Premise deployment. I wrote for that a special Proxy service (client side java console application), which makes transparent translation: 
    https:// <org>. crm. <domainname> .com/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc / 

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    I have spent a few hours trying to connect my Power Query addon to Business Objects.
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    I have the right address (link) to enter in the first invite in order to access to my universe, but my issue comes at the moment where I have to log in. 
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    by default, so I am unable to link to my business objects universe...
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    I have already uninstalled and re-installed it a few times to be sure...
    Example with images :
    1/ I enter my credentials as I should, and validate.
    2/ Once I validated, I have an error message. When I go back in the options to see what is currently used for the connection, here is what I get :
    Numbers disappeared and enterprise came back by default.
    Did someone met this issue before? How could I found a workaround solution?
    Thanks to all of you for your help and have a great evening,
    Best regards,

    I can confirm that modes other than "Windows AD" are not getting properly represented by the credentials dialog. We'll file a work item to fix this.
    I cannot reproduce the issue where the numbers at the end of the password are truncated. The number of dots in the password field doesn't actually represent the length of the password that was entered previously and will be used. Maybe there's
    some confusion because of that?
    Is this issue blocking you from connecting? If so, are you blocked from connecting because the password gets truncated?

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    DataSource.Error: OData: The feed's metadata document appears to be invalid.
    Any ideas?

    We have forum for Power Query discussion and feedback. I will move your post to that forum:
    The reason why I move your post is to get you the most qualified pool of respondents, and other partners who read the forums
    regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us.
    Thank you for your understanding.

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    Any one tried this before? any workaround that make sense?
    The final goal is pull data from SAP BW, BO Universe (using PowerQuery) and be able to create a SSAS Tabular cube.
    Thanks in advance

    Depending on the size of the data from Analysis Services, one work around could be to import the data into into Excel and then make an Excel table and then use the Excel table as a data source. 
    Denver, CO

  • Unable to Connect to WiFi after iPhone power off; WiFi &amp; internet are working with MBP; common problem, no solutions?

    Here's my setup: Internet <> Comcast/xFinity supplied cable modem <> new Apple Time Capsule <> iPhone 4 & MacBook Pro (see below for hardware details)
    Internet on my iPhone 4 has been acting slow since yesterday evening. My MacBook Pro was running fine, but just to be sure I checked the Comcast website to see that I have only used 50GB of my allotted 250 GB of data for the month, so it's not that.
    I decided it must be a problem with just my iPhone, so I opened up the multitasking bar and quit everything in there manually, and then I held the on/off button, and slid the slider to power off. When I started back up, I could not connect to the same WiFi I had just been using. I tried to reconnect and nothing. I tried to forget the network and try again, nothing. I tried to reset all network settings, nothing.
    I have tried all the steps listed here: http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1398 "iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections"
    Toggled WiFi off and back on
    Made sure I am in range of the router (it's about 8 feet away and my iPhone reports full signal from the network)
    Made sure all the hardware is connected and on
    Checked other devices (I'm successfully connected with my MacBook Pro right now)
    Checked for router firmware upgrades (I have a new Time Capsule from Apple with the current 7.5.2 firmware which I've been using for a month)
    Restarted my device (again)
    Checked that the network is available (it does show on my iPhone)
    Restarted my Time Capsule
    Checked my router configuration as described here: http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3727 "Wi-Fi: Unable to connect to an 802.11n Wi-Fi network" which involves simply checking to see that WMM is turned on, also stating that WMM cannot be enabled or disabled for Apple's AirPort products.
    Reset my network settings (again)
    I have searched and searched for fixes to this problem, and I have additionally tried:
    Enabling/disabling Airplane Mode
    Disabling any network password protection/encryption (no luck), re-enabling it (no luck)
    Changing the network password
    Checking for hardware addresses present in iOS Settings > General > About (they are present and not zero'ed out)
    Switching Bluetooth off (nothing) and back on (nothing)
    ....and probably a few other things I can't think of right now
    I have yet to try:
    The "Freezer Trick" which apparently involves chilling the iPhone to get a temporary fix?
    Restoring the iPhone (I would really rather not)
    A different WiFi network (other than my own Time Capsule home network or guest network, both of which give the same Unable to Connect error)
    So, after all of that, are there any more ideas? Is there a reliable solution to this issue? So far I've just seen a lot of "mess with the settings," "the freezer trick worked," and "blame it on the iOS 4 update."
    Here are my hardware details:
    iPhone 4; iOS 5; 32GB; AT&T; no cellular data plan (July 2011)
    TimeCapsule6,113; Firmware 7.5.2; 2TB (September 2011)
    MacBook Pro 3,1; Mac OS X (10.7.2); 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo; Hi-Res Display; 4GB RAM; 500GB HD (August 2007)
    ...and the Time Capsule config:

    Ugh. Apparently "messing with it" is still the answer. I decided to try the LinkSys router I was using before I bought the Time Capsule, and my iPhone connected with no problem.
    I went through the steps again, and after rebooting my Time Capsule this time, I can connect again. The troubling thing it that this started with a power-off of my iPhone. No changes or installations, just a reset. Am I going to have to reboot my Time Capsule (which has no power switch, just a cord I have to unplug) every time I reboot my iPhone?

  • Using an existing connection in the Excel 2013 file in Power Query

    I've created an Excel workbook and a SQL Server data connection in this workbook.
    When I open Power Query I cannot to use this created data connection.
    In general, inside Power Query can I use a data connection created in the original Excel workbook?
    Many thanks

    Following on from Ehren's advice please find the following screen shot and link; -
    Kieran Patrick Wood http://www.innovativebusinessintelligence.com http://uk.linkedin.com/in/kieranpatrickwood http://kieranwood.wordpress.com/

  • Moving Power Query from Excel to SSAS

    We are using Excel 2013 Power Query and PowerPivot to build data models that will be moved to SSAS Tabular. Are there any gotchas that will not import? I have seen in testing that we have to be careful about importing files. Excel likes drive letters and
    SQL Server prefers the UNC path. We aren't likely to have many/any files in the production state, but I'm wondering if there are other gotchas like this, especially with Power Query.

    Any ideas for Mike?
    Ed Price, Azure & Power BI Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

Maybe you are looking for