Powershell script to get Site Collection. Site Owner, Title

I am new to SharePoint, currently I have given one task to create the powershell script which contains the below fields from our two farms. Could you please help me out with the same.
The script to list out below items:
Site Collections:
Site Collection Name:
Site Collection Owners:
Last Activity and the size of site collections.
Many Thanks & Best Regards,

To get all Site Collections:
If all you want is a list of all site collections in the farm, all you have to do is open a PowerShell window, load the SharePoint Snapin, if you haven't (Add-PSSnapin
Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell), and type Get-SPSite.
If you want to return the list of site collections for a specific web application, the easiest way is to just pipe it as Get-SPWebApplication
http://intranet | Get-SPSite
To get Site Collection Owners:
Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Get-SPWebApplication "http://mySharePointSite.com"|
Get-SPSite| foreach-object{ Write-host$_.Url - $_.Owner.Email}
To get Size of all Site Collections:
Get-SPSite | select url, @{label"Size in MB";Expression={$_.usage.storage/1MB}} | Sort-Object
-Descending -Property "Size in MB" | ConvertTo-Html -title "Site Collections sort by size" | Set-Content sc.html
Regrading the retrieving the last activity I am not sure to what exactly you are looking for but I assume you are concern about getting users last logon time and date using PowerShell.
For this refer here: Get Users Last Logon Time and Date using PowerShell
Please remember to upvote if it helps you or
click 'Mark as Answer' if the reply answers your query.

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    you should be able to use this powershell script which you can run as a scheduled task.
    just change the details at the start of the script to point the script to the right location to create log files. you will need to have a plain text file containing a list of server names or ip addresses that you want to check drive space on.
    # Change the following variables based on your environment
    #specify the path to the file you want to generate containing drive space information
    $html_file_dir = "\\server\share\DriveSpace"
    #specify the path and file name of the text file containing the list of servers names you want to check drive space on - each server name on a seperate line in plain text file
    $server_file = "\\server\share\servers.txt"
    #speicfy the from address for the email
    $from_address = "[email protected]"
    #specify the to address for the email
    $to_address = "[email protected]"
    #specify the smtp server to use to send the email
    $email_gateway = "smtp.domain.com" # Can either be DNS name or IP address to SMTP server
    # The seventh line from the bottom (line 167) is used if your smtp gateway requires authentication. If you require smtp authentication
    # you must uncomment it and set the following variables.
    $smtp_user = ""
    $smtp_pass = ""
    # Change the following variables for the style of the report.
    $background_color = "rgb(140,166,193)" # can be in rgb format (rgb(0,0,0)) or hex format (#FFFFFF)
    $server_name_font = "Arial"
    $server_name_font_size = "20px"
    $server_name_bg_color = "rgb(77,108,145)" # can be in rgb format (rgb(0,0,0)) or hex format (#FFFFFF)
    $heading_font = "Arial"
    $heading_font_size = "14px"
    $heading_name_bg_color = "rgb(95,130,169)" # can be in rgb format (rgb(0,0,0)) or hex format (#FFFFFF)
    $data_font = "Arial"
    $data_font_size = "11px"
    # Colors for space
    $very_low_space = "rgb(255,0,0)" # very low space equals anything in the MB
    $low_space = "rgb(251,251,0)" # low space is less then or equal to 10 GB
    $medium_space = "rgb(249,124,0)" # medium space is less then or equal to 100 GB
    # Define some variables
    $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
    $date = Get-Date -UFormat "%Y%m%d"
    $html_file = New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$html_file_dir\DiskSpace_$date.html" -Force
    # Create the file
    # Function to be used to convert bytes to MB or GB or TB
    Function ConvertBytes {
    If ($size -lt 1MB) {
    $drive_size = $size / 1KB
    $drive_size = [Math]::Round($drive_size, 2)
    [string]$drive_size + ' KB'
    }elseif ($size -lt 1GB){
    $drive_size = $size / 1MB
    $drive_size = [Math]::Round($drive_size, 2)
    [string]$drive_size + ' MB'
    }ElseIf ($size -lt 1TB){
    $drive_size = $size / 1GB
    $drive_size = [Math]::Round($drive_size, 2)
    [string]$drive_size + ' GB'
    $drive_size = $size / 1TB
    $drive_size = [Math]::Round($drive_size, 2)
    [string]$drive_size + ' TB'
    # Create the header and footer contents of the html page for output
    $html_header = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <title>Server Drive Space</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    .serverName { text-align:center; font-family:"' + $server_name_font + '"; font-size:' + $server_name_font_size + `
    '; font-weight:bold; background-color: ' + $server_name_bg_color + '; border: 1px solid black; width: 150px; }
    .headings { text-align:center; font-family:"' + $heading_font + '"; font-size:' + $heading_font_size + `
    '; font-weight:bold; background-color: ' + $heading_name_bg_color + '; border: 1px solid black; width: 150px; }
    .data { font-family:"' + $data_font + '"; font-size:' + $data_font_size + '; border: 1px solid black; width: 150px; }
    #dataTable { border: 1px solid black; border-collapse:collapse; }
    body { background-color: ' + $background_color + '; }
    #legend { border: 1px solid black; ; right:500px; top:10px; }
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function zxcWWHS(){
    if (document.all){
    if (zxcWH==0){
    else if (document.getElementById){
    return [zxcWW,zxcWH,zxcWS];
    var img=document.getElementById(''legend'');
    if (!document.all){ img.style.position=''fixed''; window.onscroll=null; return; }
    if (!img.pos){ img.pos=img.offsetTop; }
    $html_footer = '</body>
    # Start to create the reports file
    Add-Content $html_file $html_header
    # Retrieve the contents of the server.txt file, this file should contain either the
    # ip address or the host name of the machine on a single line. Loop through the file
    # and get the drive information.
    Get-Content $server_file |`
    ForEach-Object {
    # Get the hostname of the machine
    $hostname = Get-WmiObject -Impersonation Impersonate -ComputerName $_ -Query "SELECT Name From Win32_ComputerSystem"
    $name = $hostname.Name.ToUpper()
    Add-Content $html_file ('<Table id="dataTable"><tr><td colspan="3" class="serverName">' + $name + '</td></tr>
    <tr><td class="headings">Drive Letter</td><td class="headings">Total Size</td><td class="headings">Free Space</td></tr>')
    # Get the drives of the server
    $drives = Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "drivetype=3" -ComputerName $_ -Impersonation Impersonate
    # Now that I have all the drives, loop through and add to report
    ForEach ($drive in $drives) {
    $space_color = ""
    $free_space = $drive.FreeSpace
    $total_space = $drive.Size
    $percentage_free = $free_space / $total_space
    $percentage_free = $percentage_free * 100
    If ($percentage_free -le 5) {
    $space_color = $very_low_space
    }elseif ($percentage_free -le 10) {
    $space_color = $low_space
    }elseif ($percentage_free -le 15) {
    $space_color = $medium_space
    Add-Content $html_file ('<tr><td class="data">' + $drive.deviceid + '</td><td class="data">' + (ConvertBytes $drive.size) + `
    '</td><td class="data" bgcolor="' + $space_color + '">' + (ConvertBytes $drive.FreeSpace) + '</td></tr>')
    # Close the table
    Add-Content $html_file ('</table></br><div id="legend">
    <Table><tr><td style="font-size:12px">Less then or equal to 5 % free space</td><td bgcolor="' + $very_low_space + '" width="10px"></td></tr>
    <tr><td style="font-size:12px">Less then or equal to 10 % free space</td><td bgcolor="' + $low_space + '" width="10px"></td></tr>
    <tr><td style="font-size:12px">Less then or equal to 15 % free space</td><td bgcolor="' + $medium_space + '" width="10px"></td></tr>
    # End the reports file
    Add-Content $html_file $html_footer
    # Email the file
    $mail = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
    $att = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($html_file)
    $mail.From = $from_address
    $mail.Subject = "Server Diskspace $date"
    $mail.Body = "The diskspace report file is attached."
    $smtp = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient($email_gateway)
    #$smtp.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($smtp_user,$smtp_pass)
    # Delete the file
    Remove-Item $html_file
    Denis Cooper
    Help keep the forums tidy, if this has helped please mark it as an answer
    My Blog

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    I am trying to  build a PowerShell Script to get the details Like Scope,Last Deployed date and Name for a Solution Deployed in the Farm.
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    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Slalom.

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    $site=Get-SPSite $url
    auditMask = $site.audit.auditflag
    return auditMask
    Get-SPSite -Limit All | Get-SPWeb -Limit All |
    Select Title,Url,AuditValue(Url)| export-csv "D:\scripts\Test\AuditDetails.csv" -notypeinformagettion
    Thanks Basva

    What errors are you getting? That is if any.
    Scrap that I see a few.
    Not had time to fix it fully. As I am now done at work, but this will help you on your way. It gets back only the audit flag value at the moment.
    Function AuditValue
    $site = Get-SPWeb "http://server" -limit ALL
    foreach($i in $site)
    $auditMask = $site.audit
    $list = $auditMask
    $list | Select-object auditflags
    AuditValue | out-file "C:\temp\AuditDetails.csv"
    Function AuditValue
    $site = Get-SPWeb "http://SERVER" -limit ALL
    foreach($i in $site)
    $auditMask = $site.audit
    $list = $auditMask
    $list | Select-object @{Name="URL"; Expression ={$site.url}}, auditflags
    AuditValue | out-file "C:\temp\AuditDetails.csv"
    The above will also put URL 
    If this is helpful please mark it so. Also if this solved your problem mark as answer.

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    Please have these script for those reports
    PowerShell Script to Output Site Collection Information
    Hope the are helpfull
    Please 'propose as answer' if it helped you, also 'vote helpful' if you like this reply.

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    Any help on this?

    i found one on the Codeplex, this will check Nt auth group, you have to modify accordingly your need and test it in your test farm.script is for 2010 but i am positive it will work for 2013 as well.
    The Sixth script lists
    all the site collections which have "NT AUTHORITY\authenticated users" in
    Please remember to mark your question as answered &Vote helpful,if this solves/helps your problem. ****************************************************************************************** Thanks -WS MCITP(SharePoint 2010, 2013) Blog: http://wscheema.com/blog

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    [email protected]
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    Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.

    The script is not working for me. I changed the url according to my site. See the below error
    New-Object : Exception calling ".ctor" with "1" argument(s):
    "UserProfileApplicationNotAvailableException_Logging ::
    UserProfileApplicationProxy.ApplicationProperties ProfilePropertyCache does
    not have 3f3a5705-0691-4fe8-8643-cccd65363dc9"
    At C:\Scripts\userprofileemails.ps1:11 char:19
    + $profileManager = New-Object
    Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileMan ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [New-Object], MethodInvoca
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ConstructorInvokedThrowException,Microsoft.Power
    You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
    At C:\Scripts\userprofileemails.ps1:12 char:1
    + $profiles = $profileManager.GetEnumerator()
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull
    Please guide me what to do on this.

  • Disable Static IP in Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 or Powershell Script to get network "connected to" value

    I´m in a situation where I need to disable static IP option on all Domain machines (workstations). I have found many different forum topics about that but nothing is suitable for me. Let me describe a situation:
    * In our environment every computer have specific IP configured in DHCP (specific MAC = specific IP). Machines Must be configured DHCP enabled!
    * In our environment all developers are local admins in their computers. This can´t be changed as we are IT corporation and this is our policy.
    * As every IP have specific rights in Firewall to access different places then some IT guys are quite smart to change their IP to static IP that have more access then they should have.
    This last thing is my main problem! We have working PKI and NPS in both WLAN and LAN so only domain and certified computers can have access to our local network. My mission is to prevent local admins to change IP addressess by themselves but I can´t find
    a good solution for doing that. I have tought about Powershell script that is published by SCCM or GPO to all workstations and script idea is to find network card that is "connected to" our "domain.com" network. If this is true then automatically
    DHCP will be enabled for that interface (Set-NetIPInterface -Dhcp Enabled). I know that here is an open window for some moment when script will be ran again or GPO policy will be refreshed but it´s better then nothing. In this script I have one problem - I
    can´t find a solution about how to find network interface that is connected to our "domain.com"? It seems that there is no easy way to do that. 
    Is there any other and better solution to accomplished this situation. Any good ideas will be appreciated.
    Best Regards,

    the real answer is the one you don't want to hear: don't make your users local admninistrators.
    Local administrators will always be able to get araound any security measurement you put in place. For gpo's for example, they can identify the involved registry key, configure it to their desired value and
    remove privileges for everyone but themselves to write the key. Upcoming 'gpupdate' will not be able to write the values...
    For your script, I would recommend to just configure all adapters to dhcp on the client computers. After all the location detection depends on the network Location Awareness service. If your users disable that one (an rermove the appropriate privileges from
    registry ;) ) your script would again be useless.
    That being said, as you post to the security forums my answer is focussed on the security off your solution. if you need assistance in creating this script, I would advice to post back in the Scripting guys forums (and leave out the why as you will otherwise
    agin be pointed on the flawed security ;) )
    I think get-connectionprofile might already be helpull on 8.1

  • Exchange PowerShell script to get mailbox properties of user from a CSV file

    Hi Team,
    I've a CSV file with alias of numerous users and I want to get their mailbox sizes and other properties. These users are dispersed in various databases of same Exchange organization.
    Need a Powershell Script, Any help?
    Muhammad Nadeem Ahmed Sr System Support Engineer Premier Systems (Pvt) Ltd T. +9221-2429051 Ext-226 F. +9221-2428777 M. +92300-8262627 Web. www.premier.com.pk

    You can use this and modify it to what you need. Output to a file (IE: Export-CSV "path to file"
    If you need more specifics let me know. This one is for one user at a time but can be used to read a CSV file.
    # Notifies the user a remote session needs to be started
    Write-Host "Get a users mailbox size" -fore yellow -back red;
    Write-Host "Please wait while a remote session started" -fore red -back yellow;
    # Import a remote session with exchange
    $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri http://exchangeservername/Powershell/ -Authentication Kerberos
    Import-PSSession $Session
    Do {
    # Prompts user for a name
    $name = Read-Host "Enter a username"
    # Get the mailbox statistics for that user
    Get-MailboxStatistics $name | fl totalitemsize, storagelimitstatus, totaldeleteditemsize | out-default
    # Give the user a choice to test another or EXIT
    $Output = Read-Host "Press Y to continue or ENTER to exit"
    # Ends the program if the user does not press Y
    Until ($Output -ne "Y")
    HossFly, Exchange Administrator

  • Powershell script to Get members of AD group members with first, last, email address

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    I'm piping to the spreadsheet. Meaning that if any of the users found in the queried groups have a null value in the attributes givenname, sn or mail, ignore the user and do not pipe to the csv.
    Get-ADGroupMember -identity adgroup -recursive | get-adobject -Properties givenname,sn,mail | select givenname,sn,mail |export-csv -path c:\powershell\groupmembers.csv

    You can pipe your user objects through ForEach-Object and then use if to verify all three properties exist. If so, output the object. If not, move to the next object. After you've processed all user objects, then pipe into Export-Csv.
    EDIT: See below.
    Don't retire TechNet! -
    (Don't give up yet - 13,225+ strong and growing)

  • Powershell script to get the domain admin list from non domian member server

    hello Script guys!
    I am new of the powershell scripting.
    currently I am working on autometion project , we would like generate a privilege report for our existing servers.
    in our environment, there are many seprated domain , we would like generate the report from one server instead to login each server to check , could you provide some guide on how can we get the specific domain admin list for each domain from a non domain
    membership server by using the powershell script? many thanks for your help.

    You could remote to the domain controller or use ADSI to query the domain.
    Look inth eGallery as ther eare many scripts there tha will return group membership using ADSI.

  • MySite Host Site Collection "Site Settings" Menu and sub-site creation

    Seemingly by design, users are able to create sub-sites on the MySite Host site collection when the configuration instructions here are followed: Configure My Sites in
    SharePoint Server 2013
    To be a little clearer, as instructed, I've created and applied a subsite-creation user policy to the web application hosting the MySite host. Presumably, this enables sub-site creation in personal MySite site collections. Perfect.
    Except... this also enables creation of subsites on the MySite host itself.
    If a (non-administrative) user clicks the cog from the Newsfeed page, the scope is the MySite host.
    The "site settings" link leads to the site settings of the MySite host.
    There, in the  "Sites Administration" section is "Sites and Workspaces".
    ...and there, is the option to create a new sub-site at https://my.contoso.net/. -_-
    How might I avoid this undesirable state of affairs? I would like to give users the ability to create sub-sites in their own MySites, but not on the MySite host via the Newsfeed page. Is this possible?
    I think I can. I think I can.

    This is definitely possible - So you enabled self-service site creation in Central Admin per the configuration instructions. Did you also create a user policy on the web application?
    In my tenant non-admins do not have access to click site settings on the mysite host (They can click site contents, which redirects to the personal site collection). Also, they do have access to click site settings on the personal mysite site collection
    Andrew J Billings
    Portal Systems Engineer//MCSA,MCSE
    I did some testing and figured it out, I think. Mind you everything worked properly, users just had access I didn't want them to.
    I did enable self-service site creation, and I created the user policy on the web application as per the instructions. I then discovered users had access to site settings on the Newsfeed page: https://my.contoso.com/default.aspx
    The only site setting they had access to was subsite creation: https://my.contoso.com/_layouts/15/newsbweb.aspx , but I didn't want them to be able to create subsites on the host, just in their personal collections.
    Deleting that user policy removed their access to subsite creation on the host, and still allowed self-service site creation, and the creation of subsites in personal collections, so the question now is:
    Why are we being directed to create that user policy in the first place, when it doesn't appear to affect personal sites at all?
    I think I can. I think I can.

  • Powershell script: to get the AD Security Group Name

    I need PowerShell script that takes input: AD Security Group Name and loop
    through all web applications and their content in the farm to know where this particular group is used.

    AD groups are represented in Sharepoint as SPUser object with
    SPUser.IsDomainGroup set to true. I.e. you may use the same script which is used for users:
    Powershell script to find permissions for a specific user.
    Blog - http://sadomovalex.blogspot.com
    Dynamic CAML queries via C# - http://camlex.codeplex.com

  • Powershell script to get all the AD accounts with multiple primary SMTP addresses

    I require a script to be run in powershell for Win Server 2008 R2, to look to AD accounts with multiple primary SMTP addresses ?
    Description: In my Organization, there can be a configuration error which might have resulted in multiple primary SMTP addresses to be assigned to a user. I want to get the list of these AD accounts which have multiple primary SMTP addresses

    You can use the PowerShell command given below to get the AD User name and primary smtp address in a OU,
    Get-ADuser -filter {proxyAddresses -like "*"} -searchbase "ou=testOU,dc=MyDomain,dc=local" -properties * | select name,proxyaddresses | fl
    NOTE: proxyAddresses attribute in AD User matches the primary SMTP address.

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