PRC search in built-in properties

Hi there,
I would like to write a portlet which could search in User objects and in specified properties/property of users. I mean a portal user has first name, last name, email, company etc. built-in properties and it is allowed to add more user specified properties as well. I would like to search only in email property or in company name, etc.
There is a IFilterClause object and it has a addStatement(Field, operator, value) method. It could be cool for me but I need Field objects... I can create new Field objects with PortalFields.forID(id) method, but I CANNOT create fields with id number<100... Email, company etc. properties have id number<100. Of course non built-in properties (created by an administrator for example) have id number >200, so I can search in non bulit-in properties only.
Is there any solution to create FilterClause statements for built-in properties?
thanks in advance,

I am developing a portlet to search the properties of a user's profile using C#. If you could post the code to assist me with this issue I would be greatful. I currently am using the code below and have hard coded the ID for the user Address in as when I had it pulling from the web.config I was receiving the error : Property ID out of Range. The error I am receiving now is : com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPIllegalArgumentException
Here is my complete code:
IPortletRequest portletRequest = portletContext.GetRequest();
IRemoteSession session = PortalUtility.GetRemoteConnection();
IPortletUser portletUser = portletContext.GetUser();
this._ownerid = portletUser.GetUserID().ToString();
ISearchFactory searchFactory = session.GetSearchFactory();
IFilterClause filter = searchFactory.CreateAndFilterClause();
IFilterClause andFilterClause = searchFactory.CreateAndFilterClause();
IPortalSearchRequest searchRequest = searchFactory.CreatePortalSearchRequest();
//add a statement for created in the last three months
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-12);
andFilterClause.AddStatement(PlumtreeField.CREATED, Operator.GreaterThan, dt);
ObjectClass[] classes = newObjectClass[1];
classes[0] = ObjectClass.User;
searchRequest.SetResultsCount(0, 999);
// run the search
ISearchResponse searchResponse = searchRequest.Execute();
//iterate through the results
ISearchResultSet resultSet = searchResponse.GetResultSet();
IObjectManager objectManager = PortalUtility.GetRemoteConnection().GetObjectManager(ObjectClass.User);
IObjectQuery queryResults;
queryResults = objectManager.QueryObjects();
IObjectQueryRow queryObject = objectManager.QuerySingleObject(UserId);
IExtendedData customProperties = queryObject.GetExtendedData();
IEnumerator results = resultSet.GetResults();
IPortalSearchResult result = (IPortalSearchResult) results.Current;
Person operson = newPerson();
operson.Name = result.GetFieldAsString(PortalField.NAME);
operson.ObjectID = result.GetFieldAsString(PortalField.OBJECT_ID);
Response.Write("" + operson.Name);
Response.Write("<br>" + operson.ObjectID);
// when returning properties that may be null make sure to do a null check
// with the GetFieldAsObject method before trying to use the field
if(result.GetFieldAsObject(PortalField.ForID(157)) != null)
operson.Email = result.GetFieldAsString(PortalField.ForID(157));
Response.Write("" + operson.Email);
Nick Simpson
(e) [email protected]

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    Yeah... I tell ya, I saw something like this and I kinda just bypassed it
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    Since AllowAutomaticASPXPageIndexing is a member in SPWeb members while not in Web members, we can not use Client Side Object Model with it. If you need to use it in client side, you need to create a web service for it.
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
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     Hello Peter,
     Thank you for your question.
     We are currently looking
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    and support.
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    Something needs to clarify. Does all the properties not return results or some specific properties ?
    If just some properties not return results, then I suggest you can check if you have set indexed for these properties and if there are valid data in the properties.
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    Best Regards
    TechNet Community Support
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    Since AllowAutomaticASPXPageIndexing is a member in SPWeb members while not in Web members, we can not use Client Side Object Model with it. If you need to use it in client side, you need to create a web service for it.
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    TechNet Community Support
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    is the above syntax correct?
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    Hi Bala,
    The correct trigger would be:
    "1,FRM,358, "
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    <a href="">Example</a>
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    Hi Tony,
       I don't have an exact answer for you but I may be able to point you to something that would help.  If you are on NetWeaver 04 SPS14 or higher, there is new layout capabilities using tag libraries.  Here is the link to the documentation.
    I have not used them but I have seen the results from people who have.  They tell me you can change just about anything.  Maybe someone with some experience will post and give you more info.
    Good Luck.

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