Printing Contract Termination Form

Hie Experts
I was to terminate a Business Partner contract and print the Notice of termination form. How will I do that.

use tcode RECPA700, enter your contract number and take print out.

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    Take a look at this:
    And Note:167100.1 on MetaLink.
    Hope this will help.

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    Sorry I forgot to add that the PDF is devided by a "Chapter" style cover face that devided multiple sets of forms in to categories. At the bottome of these categories is a "Print whole document" which can only be clicked once the whole thing has been filled out. Do to some information over lap some dates don't follow the (time line order) it requirest to fill in the data so two of the categories show up as incomplete. Take a look at the document yourself, maybe I NEED to rewrite the information and see if that works.
    *Edit* Looks like I CAN print a blank form at the begining when it asked me if i want a blank form, will try to rearange dates so it will show as all COMPLET.
    PDF file can be found at the California government website:

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    I fear there is no direct solution.
    May be this is a work-around:
    1. Apply the older built-in: Display_item. You can't disable the item with display_item, but you can change the visual attribute and show the user that this item should not be checked.
    2. To be shure that the user doesn't ignore this "disable", you need a trigger, which resets the item to the proper value after an illegal change.

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    Can you plz explain me clearly..
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    Thanks & Regards

    Hi prasad,
           we have to write 'Write_form' FM in driver program itself. I am writing small example code below. if it is helpful plz give me points.
    report  zsumascriptsv1_p                        .
    data v1 type i value '888-'.
    tables mara.
    data it_vbap like mara occurs 0 with header line.
    selection-screen begin of block b1.
      select-options: s_matnr for mara-matnr.
    selection-screen end of block b1.
    *-- Start of Selection
    select *
      into table it_vbap
      from mara
      where matnr in s_matnr.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    call function 'OPEN_FORM'
    *   APPLICATION                       = 'TX'
    *   ARCHIVE_INDEX                     =
    *   ARCHIVE_PARAMS                    =
    *   DEVICE                            = 'PRINTER'
    *   DIALOG                            = 'X'
       form                              = <b>'script_form_name'</b>
    *   LANGUAGE                          = SY-LANGU
    *   OPTIONS                           =
    *   MAIL_SENDER                       =
    *   MAIL_RECIPIENT                    =
    *   MAIL_APPL_OBJECT                  =
    *   RAW_DATA_INTERFACE                = '*'
    *   SPONUMIV                          =
    *   LANGUAGE                          =
    *   NEW_ARCHIVE_PARAMS                =
    *   RESULT                            =
    *   CANCELED                          = 1
    *   DEVICE                            = 2
    *   FORM                              = 3
    *   OPTIONS                           = 4
    *   UNCLOSED                          = 5
    *   MAIL_OPTIONS                      = 6
    *   ARCHIVE_ERROR                     = 7
    *   INVALID_FAX_NUMBER                = 8
    *   SPOOL_ERROR                       = 10
    *   CODEPAGE                          = 11
    *   OTHERS                            = 12
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    loop at it_vbap.
    call function 'WRITE_FORM'
    element                        = 'HEADER'
       function                       = 'SET'
       type                           = 'BODY'
       window                         = 'MAIN'
    *   PENDING_LINES                  =
       element                        = 1
       function                       = 2
       type                           = 3
       unopened                       = 4
       unstarted                      = 5
       window                         = 6
       bad_pageformat_for_print       = 7
       spool_error                    = 8
       codepage                       = 9
       others                         = 10
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    call function 'CLOSE_FORM'
    *   RESULT                         =
    *   RDI_RESULT                     =
    * TABLES
    *   OTFDATA                        =
       unopened                       = 1
       bad_pageformat_for_print       = 2
       send_error                     = 3
       spool_error                    = 4
       codepage                       = 5
       others                         = 6
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
              if it is helpful plz reward points.

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    Hi friends,
    we have a requirement to print a smart form in two langauges one in english
    and other in Spanish those selection has to given by check box condition.
    pls send some stuff .
    Thanks & Regards

    hi! Jagadesh
    1. Create two different Smartforms
    2. In Form Atributes Option -->General Attributes -->Language Tab -- there is a Optiona to select a Particular Language.( To select Language) there <b>select the EN</b> for 1st optin and <b>ES for Spanish</b>, Normally it will be in To all Language.
    3. Create a report with Radiobutton (bz Check Box have an attributes to check both the Options)
       when option1 = 'EN'.
            call form1 with EN language
      when option2 = 'ES'.
           call forms 2 with ES Language.
    Reward me if its useful.

  • I'm looking for an app that will allow me to upload my contracts and forms to my iPad, fill in a customer's personal information, sign them, save them and email them.

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    FormConnect ( can handle the filling out, signing, saving and emailing the contracts/forms but uploading the contract and the form is going to be a challenge because you’re dealing with paper documents that have to be scanned.  If you can convert the scanned documents into an OCR program, you might be able to copy and paste the contract without having to retype it but the form itself is probably going to have to be recreated.  Alternatively, you could use a document annotation program such as iAnnotate and mark up the contract with ink.

  • Printer selection in Forms 10g

    I am looking for a suggestion, to realize a printer selection in Forms 10g.
    For a migration I have to replace the command
    win_api_dialog.select_printer with something similar.
    Some threads suggest to implement a java class.
    How i select printer in Forms9i
    exist an example.
    The implementation there is based on the JDK 1.4.
    I need an implementation based on JDK 1.3.
    Inside of the JDK 1.3 exist only a simple printer dialog.
    (compare )
    Probably exist the option to use the C-API of WebUtil. The C-API could be used to start a printer dialog of a dll. I like to avoid this option, but if you an example for that option, I appreciate to see an example for that.
    In all other respects, I hope on your suggestions.

    I invest some more time on that topic, but did not found a solution to display a printer selection on the client.
    The only thing that i found in forum was that you can read the standard printer out the registry. But I would need all local installed printers.
    I hope on your help.

  • I am trying to print a fillable form.  It will not print and I get two error messages "document could not be printed" and "there were no pages selected to print."  Th latter is not true.  Won't print all, the page I am on, nor any series of pages inserted

    I am trying to print a fillable form - - an application for a Chinese visa.  It will not print and I get two error messages:  "document could not be printed" and   "there were no pages selected to print."  The latter is not true.  Won't print at all, the page I am on, nor any series of pages inserted.
    Am using a MAC desktop and a Cannon PIXMA MX922 printer.
    I need to print this form now that it is filled out?  What can I do? 

    Hello PW, I am having this problem and all suggestions haven't worked yet. Where is the Preferences|Documents you are referring to? I am on a PC and using Windows.
    EDIT: I found it and did, but still not working.

  • Printing Reports directly from to a printer via 10g forms (Linux)

    Hi all,
    I need to be able to print Reports directly from a form to a printer (bypassing the form output) on Linux (RHEL 5). The trick here is this is Linux, not windows so, wasn't sure how to deal with printers in this case.
    I have the option working where I can run a report and set the options to "Cache" and PDF and it displays my outputted report directly in a new browser window w.
    I use the SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY, RUN_REPORT_OBJECT, and WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT properly for the PDF in a window.
    a.) I want to send them directly to a printer, preferably to a user's default printer on their PC, bypassing the output screen. How can I accomplish this?
    b.) I also would like the ability to generate a PDF (bypassing the output on a browser window) and put the form in a specified directory on a client's PC (which is what I used in 6i Client/Server). I believe I need to utilitize the WebUtil to allow this to happen. Otherwise, I'm thinking I just build a queue for the user on the Linux server and build a screen that shows all the reports they've generated for the past X amount of days and let them open them up and print from there.
    Any help (particulary for Part A) would be very beneficial.

    if your app server is on a Linux server, for direct printing to work, the printer must be setup and accessible under Linux server using system-config-printer command, for PDF printout you probably want a postscript option checked
    if you print to screen (PDF) and then use print option then your windows client machine must have access to the printer
    you must pass this printer name as part of the report parameters.
    set_report_object_property(oRptObj, report_destype, Printer);
    hidden_action := hidden_action ||'&report='|| cRptSrcFile; -- source of report program to call
    hidden_action := hidden_action ||'&destype='|| cDesType;
    hope this helps

  • Problem in Printing of mutiple form on single click

    Hi all
    I m wrking on AFS and i had created a page for printing multiple invoice print on single click.
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    I mean a print pop is open for multiple invoice in a single click.
    Problem in printing of multiple form is speed .its going to be slow when click for printing .OR
    v can say that creation of multiple page in printing gets more time .Is ther  any way to solve  this .
    Plz suggest me some solution for that .

    Check if Note 353518 - Selection of outputs takes much time and Note 910976 - Selection of output from billing (VF31) are relevants.
    Other suggestion. Do a trace with ST05 and check if you have any bottleneck in the coding that you can have in your Smartform or in your SAPscript, so check in tcode V/40 what form you are using . Also see Note 185530 - Performance: Customer developments in SD.
    I hope this helps you

  • How to print " Duplicate " in FORM ( either Sap Script or Smart Forms )

       How to print  " Duplicate " in FORM ( either Sap Script or Smart Forms ) if trying to take second Print Out and the FORM is already Printed.
    Please let me know the condition that we should go for.If possible let me know the SAMPLE code since this will be used in most of the FORMS.

    It depends on which print you're working.
    If it's a print of standard document you can check the NAST (VSTAT field) table in order to know if the document was printed.
    If a message is created you can find the hit in NAST table:
    VSTAT = 0, document not printed;
    VSTAT = 1, documment printed
    VSTAT = 2, print is failed
    If you mean a custom print I believe you need to create a log like NAST table.

  • I can't print my PDF form after it is filled out.  Only the form prints not the text that I put in

    I can't print my PDF form after filling it out.  Only the form prints and not the text I put in.

    That's a limitation of Apple's AirPrint framework that Adobe Reader depends on.  We are considering an alternate solution that may resolve this issue though.
    Thanks for your feedback.

  • Can I print a PDF form that has fields that have been overfilled?

    The form is set up as an evaluation and the field has been filled out past the viewable area so it turns into a scrollable field. I'd like to print so all of the text prints from each form field.

    Not directly.
    You could use the "Compile returned forms"  to put the form data into Excel.
    Or you could export the form to an FDF and them make a version of your form with larger field sizes and import the FDF.

Maybe you are looking for

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