Problem casting an applet to myApplet

Hi Java Folks,
I am using 2 JApplets where one applet has to call a method on the other. When I use getAppletContext().getApplet(applet_htmlName) and try to cast it to myApplet, I get a ClassCastException. I would like to know if there is any other way to do this...
Your immediate attention will be greatly appreciated.

If you have 2 Applets ... are you really sure the one extending myApplet is the one you try to cast?

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  • Problem on debug Applet

    hi all,
    i am developing an user debugger which is used to debug Applet.
    problem is, the Applet debugged must be in same directory as the debugger, simply says, the command must be:
    appletviewer MyApplet
    java sun.applet.AppletViewer MyApplet
    i need following command work:
    appletviewer file:/c:\folder\MyApplet
    because normally debugger is not in the same directory as Applet debugged.
    how to solve the problem?
    i guess i have to develop my own AppletViewer, but how to do?

    i fix it.

  • Changes in security from 7 update 45 to 7 update 51 and problems with Java applet

    After the update (from 7 update 45) to version 7 update 51 we've gotten some problems with a Java Applet as it won't run.
    When changing security settings to "medium" it works, but it would not run under the default "high" setting. This lead me to update the manifest file as follows:
    Manifest-Version: 1.0
    Trusted-Only: true
    Application-Name: MyApplet
    Permissions: all-permissions
    In addition to this, I added the <param> tag in the HTML page.
    <applet name="MyApplet" code="MyApplet" archive="MyApplet.jar">
       <param name="permissions" value="all-permissions" />
    The applet is digitally signed with a certificated issued by Verisign.
    It now runs on my system. But I noticed that it also runs if I switch the security setting back to "high", which doesn't make any sense to me.
    I've tried another computer and to the same thing there. Would not run. I switched to "medium" and and the applet worked. Switched back to "high" and it still works.
    I've tried this in both Google Chorme and Internet Explorer 11.
    On a third computer it won't run at all, getting a different error message than on the other two, but still related to permissions/security.
    The console log message is:
            "liveconnect: Security Exception: JavaScript from http://MySite.comn/MyPage.html attempted to access a resource it has no rights to."
    Any ideas what I'm missing or what I need to change to get this beast to run everywhere.

    I tried changing the Caller-Allowable-Codebase to not include "www." and it started giving the the same error message as for the third machine in the test.
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  • Problem While using Applet Reqd classes using Weblogic 5.1

    Hi All,
    Here is my problem while using other classes from the Applet gives an error:NoClassDefFound,
    I have also put the applet reqd. classes in a jar file and placed this jar along with the applet
    in weblogic/myserver/serverclases,
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    <applet code="MyApplet.class" archive="voucher.jar"
         codebase="/classes/" >
    is there any problem with my tag or directory structure,
    It would be great ful and thanks for helping in solving this problem.

    Is this an issue with the "T-engine" or the "J-engine"? Are you using a
    ubbconfig file or file? Can you post the stack trace?
    This may be an known issue and simply require you to install the latest
    service pack for WLS 5.1 (aka. J-engine)...
    Mary Ann Slavin wrote:
    Accordning to the Software Product Information (SPI) for WLE 5.1 it is
    available on the following Linux versions so this could be a problem
    with the version you are running.
    "BEA WebLogic Enterprise 5.1 software for Red Hat Linux 6.2 and Reliant
    Unix 5.45 is available separately. "
    yajneesh Sabharwal wrote:
    hello friends,
    I have a Problem in Using Weblogic 5.1
    I am using weblogic 5.1 Enterprise on Linux 2.2.16 SuSE (7.0) with
    Dual Celeron 550MHz and 1GB RAM. The server runs our web application
    which uses the servelt, JSP and XSQL technology. The problem is
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    displaying content. Is this a Weblogic administration problem or
    the underlying OS problem. Kindly advice.
    Thankx in Advance
    Yajneesh sabharwal

  • C++ Problem Casting RawDateTime::View to struct tm

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    RawDateTime::View dateTime = hIn->readRawDateTime(Stock::TIMESTAMP);
    struct tm timeinfo = dateTime; // cast error
    The compilation error I get in Visual C++ 2008 is:
    Error     27     error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'coherence::lang::TypedHandle<T>' to 'tm'     d:\documentation\oracle\soa\coherence\training\my c++ training\code\c++client\coherencec++application\coherencec++application\stockserializer.cpp     48     CoherenceC++Application
    But I cannot understand why it does not work because the RawDateTime object has an overloaded assignment operator for a struct tm. Any help would be much appreciated.

    Hi Dave,
    I'm sorry for your continued troubles with this. I've just tested the code snippet out in Visual Studio 2005, Visual Studio 2008, and GCC, and have been unable to replicate the issue. I'm still puzzled by the text of the error, as it refers to the creation of a RawDateTime from a "struct tm*", not the conversion from a RawDateTime to a "struct tm". For instance the following purposefully incorrect code will yield the exact error you are seeing.
    struct tm timeinfo;
    RawDateTime::create(&timeinfo, true);
    Such code could certainly be part of your serialization routine, the bug in the above code is that we are passing a tm* rather then a tm. The corrected version simply removes the &, and compiles fine:
    struct tm timeinfo;
    RawDateTime::create(timeinfo, true);
    Can you please ensure that you don't have code such as the following nearby. If this does not resolve the issue it would be great if you could post a small stand alone full-source example which demonstrates the issue. I'd be happy to see if I can then reproduce and debug the issue on my end. Also you may want to see if our C++ examples ( will build successfully for you, they make use of the same technique in ContactSerializer.cpp though for RawDate.
    Oracle Coherence

  • Problem on loading applet netscape4.73 in macos9 very urgent pls help me

    Problems on loading applet in Netscape4.73(jre1.1.5) AppleMac OS-9.
    when i try to load applet of size ~ 200kb in Netscape 4.73 AppleMac os9, then browser abruptly closing with the AppleMac os error message :- the Applicarion " Netscape Communicator " has unexpectedly quit because an error of type 2 occured. And then asking for system restart.
    Since i am new to the AppleMac environment i cant adjust the settings please help me to overcome the problem. Its Very urgent and i am in great hurry pls.
    thanks in advance.
    Rao. V.N.

    Hi Rao,
    I'm not a mac-os specialist (even I had some business with mac !!), and it is very difficult speaking in blind, but I have severals questions that may help you.
    - Did you try you applet in other AppleMac plateform ?
    - Does your applet work fine in other browser/plateform ?
    - Does a small applet work fine on this plateform with this browser ?
    - Does you applet contains instructions like System.exit, System.* or try to access (read or write) to local files ?
    Otherelse it is possible you have problem with your jre config, try to configure your plugin with command like : -Xmx64m -Xms16m
    (These commands tell the plugin to use at least 16 Mo memory and 64 Mo for the maximum see :
    Hope that will help you

  • Problem while loading applet in opera- very urgent please

    I am having problem while loading applet in opera browser. Showing "Applet loading " continuously. I am trying to use URLConnection to read information from applet's own host. I cant find the exact problem what is happening, Since there is no error message in browser Javaconsole.
    If anybody have idea on this please help me. I am in great hurry.
    Thanks in advance.
    Rao. V

    hi this is rao,
    I inserted a lot of System.out statements throughout applet life cycle. But they are not displaying in java console. I think the problem is in Opera-java settings. Since i am new to the opera environment i cant get right solution.
    Please help me if anybody having clear idea on this aspect.
    thanks in advance

  • Hi,  Trying to log in with my user id and password at iocbc but was not able to access. Problem message shown : Applet not initialised or may not be supported. Please refresh the page or check the browser setting  Anyone can advise? or i need to download?

    i have the same problem?
    Trying to log in with my user id and password at iocbc but was not able to access.
    Problem message shown : Applet not initialised or may not be supported. Please refresh the page or check the browser setting
    Anyone can advise?

    You need to install Java for your Mac OS version, and/or make sure it's enabled in the Java Preferences application and your browser's preferences.

  • Problem with URL - Applet

    hi, i have a little problem running my applet. it's supposed to get a file from the WWW and display its contents as a string inside a JTextArea. the file on the web is a simple .txt containing little text, say one sentence, its irrelevant here. the file is read in inside a different class that the applet calls. however, there seems to be a problem with that - maybe it has something to do with Applet restrictions. anyway. here goes:
    the applet (i removed all irrelevant applet construction objects like buttons etc) -
    public class Applet1 extends JApplet {
    private JTextArea sisestaJutt;
    private String juttVeebist;
    public void init() {
    URLReader veebist = new URLReader();
    try {
    juttVeebist.equals( veebist.reader());
    catch(Exception e) {
    Container sisu = new Container();
    sisestaJutt = new JTextArea(juttVeebist);
    sisu = getContentPane();
    sisu.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
    sisu.add(sisestaJutt, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    the called class (& method) -
    public class URLReader {
    public static String reader()
    throws Exception {
    URL jjstreet = new URL("");
    BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(
    String inputLine = input.readLine();
    return inputLine;

    thank you everyone for information, it's getting clearer to me already. sounds like signing would do the trick.
    however, i first tried this thing on a localhost - thats the server-program and applet at the same place, even writing in the same dir... but the text ment to be inside the textarea is still from a URL, so i guess applet has trouble getting input from the www then...
    anyway, JFrame is working very good + it has the comfortable command line feel in it =)
    ty all.

  • Security problem when signed applet dynamically load plugins

    I have one problem : "security problem when signed applet dynamically load plugins"
    This is the scenario:
    the main program [app.jar]
    . contain applet and shared library (interface & implement of common class)
    . it is signed and run normally on browser
    . it can draw image loaded from other URL [ex]
    . the image loader is in the shared library
    . dynamically load amazon.jar through URLClassLoader and reflection
    the plugin [amazon.jar]
    . search amazon product [ex] Harry Potter book
    . draw image on applet
    . use image loader from shared library, BUT CANNOT LOAD IMAGE
    The question: "Why it cannot load image, because the image loader is in the shared library which has been signed and working?" I tried to sign the amazon.jar too, but it did not work.
    Your reply would be very helpful. Thank you.

    hello. i have create a signed applet for A.jar. A.jar include two package B and C. the main applet class is within B.
    B need some classes in C to run the applet. but i got the error that class in package c are not found.
    what shall i do?

  • Problem with an Applet

    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    public class TabbedPaneApplet extends Applet{
         public TabbedPaneApplet(){
            setLayout(new FlowLayout());
                 // create JTabbedPane
              JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
              JPanel panelOne = new JPanel();
              panelOne.setLayout( new GridLayout(3, 3, 3, 3) ); 
              panelOne.add( new JButton("1"));
              panelOne.add( new JButton("2"));
              panelOne.add( new JButton("3"));
              panelOne.add( new JButton("4"));
              panelOne.add( new JButton("5"));
              panelOne.add( new JButton("6"));
              panelOne.add( new JButton("7"));
              panelOne.add( new JButton("8"));
              panelOne.add( new JButton("9"));
              tabbedPane.addTab( "Tab One", null, panelOne, "First Panel" );
              // set up panel2 and add it to JTabbedPane
              JPanel panelTwo = new JPanel( new BorderLayout());
              JLabel dukeLabel = new JLabel();
              Icon duke = new ImageIcon( "duke.gif" );                       
              dukeLabel.setIcon( duke );                                   
              dukeLabel.setToolTipText( "Duke Sucks!" );               
              panelTwo.add( dukeLabel, BorderLayout.CENTER );
              tabbedPane.addTab( "Tab Two", null, panelTwo, "Second Panel" );
              // set up panel3 and add it to JTabbedPane
              JPanel panelThree = new JPanel( new BorderLayout());
              JLabel midtermLabel = new JLabel( "Don't forget the midterm in week 5.", SwingConstants.CENTER);
              panelThree.add( midtermLabel, BorderLayout.CENTER );
              tabbedPane.addTab( "Tab Three", null, panelThree, "Third Panel" );      
            add( tabbedPane );
         // Setup the GUI.
         public void init(){
              TabbedPaneApplet myApplet = new TabbedPaneApplet();
    }The problem is that it will only work if i remove the icon. If i attempt to put in the icon, then the applet will fail to load. This does compile and run in full as a normal program, and it compiles as an applet. It just won't display as an applet if the icon code is in there. Any suggestions on why this might occur?

    I was wrong the code is as i show you, please forgive me the problem is when you use the URL as a parameter
    I fix it as you see in this little example.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Foo extends Applet {
         private JLabel label;
         private JPanel panel;
         private Image image;
         private Icon icon;
         public void init() {
              setSize(400, 400);
              setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1));
              //copy you name of the image in the second parameter
              image = getImage(getDocumentBase(), "funnywindow.gif");
              icon = new ImageIcon(image);
              label = new JLabel(icon);
              label.setSize(300, 300);
              panel = new JPanel();
              panel.setSize(400, 400);
              panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(, 2));

  • Problem with viewing applet

    I'm new in JDeveloper and I have question about creating applets. I have application with servlets, JSP etc. In JSP page I am using <APPLET> tag to include my applet. Applet is placed in its own package - 'mapapplet'. JSP page is placed of course in Web Content folder. My problem is CODE and maybye CODEBASE parameter. I can't find working paths. I've tried do to it with HTML page created just for my applet and it works only when I've started it in applet viewer. In embeded OC4J i't doesn't work. What should I do?

    If you mean:
    - create lib folder in WEB-INF
    - copy applet into lib folder (myApplet.jar)
    - specify parameters in <APPLET> tag like this:
    > CODEBASE = "myApplet", or "myApplet.jar", or "lib/myApplet", or "lib/myApplet.jar"
    it doesn't work.
    I don't know what value should have CODE tag in that case.
    And another question: is package specified in applet source file important?
    I'm sorry if that questions are corny, but I just started working with JDeveloper.

  • Problems with pacman applet, and advice on a gaming portfolio

    I recently made a pacman applet, im having a few problems with it though, the first time the applet is run on a browser, the ghosts(represented by squares) often dont appear or if they do, they are stuck in walls, this never happens when i run offline on my computer. Is this because the very first time the applet is run, it doesnt load properly, but the second time some of the files are in the cache so it loads fully?
    Also everytime i refresh the browser the applet dissapears and is replaced with a blank space and a cross in the top left hand corner, does anyone know the reason for this?
    The applet can be found below, if you do decide to play it, please bear in mind what i have said, so it might not load correctly the first time, if this is the case please refresh, or close the broswer and reopen the link! Also you will need to click the applet for it to gain focus before you can move pacman - use the arrow keys the control pacman.
    Id also be very gratful for some advice - id like a change in career, ive always wanted to get into gaming, ive had some previous knowledge in java i made a programme that could generate its own poetry in java for my dissatation, but i still never had a huge amount of confidence, and so went into websites.
    BUT now i have decided to take the leap back into programming and give it a go, which is why ive made this game.
    I thought id make a portfolio and try and apply for a few gaming jobs. This applet took me two weeks to make and it was in my spare time, i am fully aware its not perfect, and it doesnt look great, but i would like to know what people think of it, also how many more games do you think i should make, before i apply for gaming jobs? Does anyone have any advice on what would make a good portfolio for a java gaming job?
    Thanks alot, i look forward to what you think of the game, and your advice!

    sskenth wrote:
    Thanks for getting back to me with that information, i didnt know you could see that information with just a simple right click!
    But im afraid that doesnt really help me solve the problem, im not sure what all of that information means! :SI have very little experience with applets, but I can tell you what I would do to debug this (forgive me if you already know this stuff).
    Look at the stack trace you get in the Java Console that I posted earlier. Each line contains a method that was called from the method on the previous line. So, called, which called Room.init(), etc. Look at the topmost line whose method is something you wrote, not something in the standard Java libraries. In your case it looks like (specifically, line 22). Look at what line 22 of is doing, it's calling Thread.start(). If you check out the Javadoc for Thread.start(), it says IllegalThreadStateException gets thrown if you call start() on a thread that has already started. So that's your problem. Without looking at your code, I'd assume you want to stop your thread in your applet's destroy() override, and instead of reusing it, create a new one each time init() is called.
    Ill try and look into, thanks again though, it gives me somthing to work with :D
    Btw when you first ran the applet, did all the ghosts(3) load up correctly?Unfortunately, no. The first time I ran it, there was only 1 ghost (or maybe all 3 overlapping each other?) at the top of the screen, and they never moved. Refreshing once made the game play as I think you want it to. Refreshing a third time gave the dreaded red X.
    ...oh and just out of curiosity,,, did u have fun playing the game :DSure did.

  • Problem Launching Java Applet with Plug-in: Version 1.4.2_01

    Hello out there:
    I recently installed j2re-1.4.2_01 on my home computer but have been unable to access Web sites emmploying JAva applets. The following is an email exchange with Jeff Hall of Lowell Observatory, manager of an educational site hosted by Lowell, trying to resolve my problem. The messages are better understood if read in reverse order.
    I'm hoping that someone will recognize the source of my problem and can recommmend a solution. I would appreciate any help offered.
    Mike Coucke
    Hi Jeff:
    Well, I guess the problem lies with me somewhere. Here's my answer/status to your questions/suggestions:
    1) I'm using MS Windows Me version 4.90.3000
    2) I do have the directory C:\Windows\.jpi_cache\jar\, but the only thing in it is an empty folder labeled "1.0". The file LP.jar does not exist anywhere on my hard drive.
    3) I tried several game sites that utilized Java applets and got the same results: the Java cup in the upper left corner followed a few seconds later by the red "X". So, evidently the problem is somewhere on my end.
    I'm going to post our email exchanges in a Java Users Forum managed by Sun to see if anyone out there can solve my problem. However, if you have any more suggestions, I'll be glad to try them.
    Thanks for the help.
    Mike Coucke
    [email protected]
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Jeffrey Hall" <[email protected]>
    To: "'Mike Coucke'" <[email protected]>
    Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 1:02 PM
    Subject: RE: Registration with Lowell Education Online
    Rats! What version of Windows are you using? It's a little strange to
    see the user directory set to C:\Windows; if you're using XP, I'd expect
    it to be something like C:\Documents and Settings\Mike Coucke. In any
    event, the output that is of concern is these two lines:
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: LPRemote.class
    Caused by: proxy
    It looks like your browser is not finding our server's IP when it comes
    time to download the necessary Java code.
    LPRemote.class is the fundamental code that runs LOPARC, and your
    browser should be downloading it automatically when you click connect.
    LPRemote.class is stored along with a bunch of other classes in a file
    called "LP.jar" that you download from our server. So, if you go to C:
    in Windows Explorer and do a file search for LP.jar, you should find it.
    On my machine, it's stored in a directory called ".jpi_cache\jar\" in my
    user home directory. Let me know if you have this file, or the
    jpi-cache directory.
    One other thing you might try is going to a different site that you know
    uses Java applets -- I think some of the online game rooms at Yahoo use
    Java. See if other sites that use Java load correctly. Then we'll know
    if it's our server specifically, or a more general problem on your end.
    Jeff Hall
    Lowell Observatory
    Hello Jeff:
    I still have the Java "blues". I followed your instructions, but am still unable to launch a LOPARC session. After an initial failure, I uninstalled all three Java versions I had (1.4.0, 1.4.1, 1.4.2), then reinstalled 1.4.2_01 from the Sun website.
    Now, when I try to launch LOPARC, I initially get a blank window with the Java cup in the upper left corner. After about 20 seconds, the cup changes to a red "X". During those 20 seconds, the following appear in the IE message bar at the bottom of the window: "Applet LPRemote notinited" (their spelling) which changes to "Loading Java Applet Failed..." when the red "X" appears.
    Following is a copy of the log from my Java Console during all of this:
    Java(TM) Plug-in: Version 1.4.2_01
    Using JRE version 1.4.2_01 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
    User home directory = C:\WINDOWS
    Proxy Configuration: Manual Configuration
    Proxy: http=proxy,https=proxy,ftp=proxy,gopher=proxy
    Proxy Overrides:
    c: clear console window
    f: finalize objects on finalization queue
    g: garbage collect
    h: display this help message
    l: dump classloader list
    m: print memory usage
    o: trigger logging
    p: reload proxy configuration
    q: hide console
    r: reload policy configuration
    s: dump system properties
    t: dump thread list
    v: dump thread stack
    x: clear classloader cache
    0-5: set trace level to <n>
    load: class LPRemote.class not found.
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: LPRemote.class
    at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
    at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
    at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
    at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    Caused by: proxy
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at$ Source)
    at Method)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at<init>(Unknown Source)
    at<init>(Unknown Source)
    at<init>(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
    at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
    at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader$ Source)
    at Method)
    ... 10 more
    I followed this up by executing the following three console commands:
    "dump system properties"
    "dump classholder list"
    "dump thread list"
    and obtained the following listings:
    Dump system properties ... = + =
    acl.write = +
    acl.write.default =
    application.home = C:\PROGRA~1\JAVA\J2RE14~1.2_0
    awt.toolkit =
    browser = sun.plugin
    browser.vendor = Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    browser.version = 1.1
    deployment.javaws.cache.dir = C:\WINDOWS\.javaws\cache
    deployment.javaws.jre.0.enabled = true
    deployment.javaws.jre.0.location =
    deployment.javaws.jre.0.osarch = x86
    deployment.javaws.jre.0.osname = Windows
    deployment.javaws.jre.0.path = C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_01\bin\javaw.exe
    deployment.javaws.jre.0.platform = 1.4
    deployment.javaws.jre.0.product = 1.4.2_01
    deployment.javaws.jre.0.registered = true
    deployment.javaws.version = javaws-1.4.2_01
    deployment.system.cacerts = C:\PROGRA~1\JAVA\J2RE14~1.2_0\lib\security\cacerts
    deployment.system.home = C:\WINDOWS\Sun\Java\Deployment
    deployment.system.jssecacerts = C:\PROGRA~1\JAVA\J2RE14~1.2_0\lib\security\cacerts
    deployment.system.profile = C:\WINDOWS = file:/C:/WINDOWS/Sun/Java/Deployment/security/java.policy
    deployment.user.cachedir = C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache
    deployment.user.certs = C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\deployment.certs
    deployment.user.extdir = C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\ext
    deployment.user.home = C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment
    deployment.user.jssecerts = C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\deployment.jssecerts
    deployment.user.logdir = C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\log
    deployment.user.profile = C:\WINDOWS\Application Data = file:/C:/WINDOWS/Application%20Data/Sun/Java/Deployment/security/java.policy
    deployment.user.tmpdir = C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\tmp
    file.encoding = Cp1252
    file.encoding.pkg =
    file.separator = \
    file.separator.applet = true
    http.agent = Mozilla/4.0 (Windows Me 4.90)
    http.auth.serializeRequests = true
    https.protocols = SSLv3,SSLv2Hello
    java.awt.graphicsenv = sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment
    java.awt.printerjob =
    java.class.path = C:\PROGRA~1\JAVA\J2RE14~1.2_0\classes
    java.class.version = 48.0
    java.class.version.applet = true
    java.endorsed.dirs = C:\PROGRAM FILES\JAVA\J2RE1.4.2_01\lib\endorsed
    java.ext.dirs = C:\PROGRAM FILES\JAVA\J2RE1.4.2_01\lib\ext
    java.home = C:\PROGRA~1\JAVA\J2RE14~1.2_0 = C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\
    java.protocol.handler.pkgs =| = Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition
    java.runtime.version = 1.4.2_01-b06 = Java Platform API Specification
    java.specification.vendor = Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.specification.version = 1.4
    java.util.prefs.PreferencesFactory = java.util.prefs.WindowsPreferencesFactory
    java.vendor = Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.vendor.applet = true
    java.vendor.url =
    java.vendor.url.applet = true
    java.vendor.url.bug =
    java.version = 1.4.2_01
    java.version.applet = true = mixed mode = Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM = Java Virtual Machine Specification
    java.vm.specification.vendor = Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.vm.specification.version = 1.0
    java.vm.vendor = Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.vm.version = 1.4.2_01-b06
    javaplugin.maxHeapSize = 96m
    javaplugin.nodotversion = 142_01
    javaplugin.proxy.config.list = http=proxy,https=proxy,ftp=proxy,gopher=proxy
    javaplugin.proxy.config.type = manual
    javaplugin.version = 1.4.2_01
    javaplugin.vm.options = -Djava.class.path=C:\PROGRA~1\JAVA\J2RE14~1.2_0\classes -Xbootclasspath/a:C:\PROGRA~1\JAVA\J2RE14~1.2_0\lib\plugin.jar -Xmx96m -Djavaplugin.maxHeapSize=96m -Xverify:remote -Djavaplugin.version=1.4.2_01 -Djavaplugin.nodotversion=142_01 -Dbrowser=sun.plugin -DtrustProxy=true -Dapplication.home=C:\PROGRA~1\JAVA\J2RE14~1.2_0
    line.separator = \r\n
    line.separator.applet = true
    os.arch = x86
    os.arch.applet = true = Windows Me = true
    os.version = 4.90
    os.version.applet = true
    package.restrict.access.netscape = false
    package.restrict.access.sun = true = true
    package.restrict.definition.netscape = true
    package.restrict.definition.sun = true
    path.separator = ;
    path.separator.applet = true = 32
    sun.boot.class.path = C:\PROGRAM FILES\JAVA\J2RE1.4.2_01\lib\rt.jar;C:\PROGRAM FILES\JAVA\J2RE1.4.2_01\lib\i18n.jar;C:\PROGRAM FILES\JAVA\J2RE1.4.2_01\lib\sunrsasign.jar;C:\PROGRAM FILES\JAVA\J2RE1.4.2_01\lib\jsse.jar;C:\PROGRAM FILES\JAVA\J2RE1.4.2_01\lib\jce.jar;C:\PROGRAM FILES\JAVA\J2RE1.4.2_01\lib\charsets.jar;C:\PROGRAM FILES\JAVA\J2RE1.4.2_01\classes;C:\PROGRA~1\JAVA\J2RE14~1.2_0\lib\plugin.jar
    sun.boot.library.path = C:\PROGRAM FILES\JAVA\J2RE1.4.2_01\bin
    sun.cpu.endian = little
    sun.cpu.isalist = pentium i486 i386 = UnicodeLittle
    sun.java2d.fontpath = = 120000
    sun.os.patch.level =
    trustProxy = true = US
    user.dir = C:\WINDOWS\Desktop
    user.home = C:\WINDOWS
    user.language = en = Michael G. Coucke
    user.timezone =
    user.variant =
    Dump classloader list ...
    codebase=, key=,IONJava/classes/ion_16.jar,IONJava/classes/LP.jar, zombie=false, cache=true, refcount=1, info=sun.plugin.ClassLoaderInfo@109de5b
    Dump thread list ...
    Group main,ac=11,agc=2,pri=10
    Java2D Disposer,10,alive,dameon
    Group Plugin Thread Group,ac=3,agc=0,pri=10
    Main Console Writer,6,alive
    thread applet-LPRemote.class,4,alive
    I'm not a Java expert, so this may be more information than you ever wanted to see.
    Once again, I hope that you can help. My experience has been that I usually have some obscure option set incorrectly and that causes me great grief.
    Thanks fo your help,
    Mike Coucke
    [email protected]
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Jeffrey Hall" <[email protected]>
    To: "'Mike Coucke'" <[email protected]>
    Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 11:48 AM
    Subject: RE: Registration with Lowell Education Online
    Hi Mike,
    Try it now. I think this problem has arisen because Sun just
    released a new version of the Plug-in (1.4.2), and when we released the
    public beta of LOPARC, only one relevant version (1.4.0) was available
    and the LOPARC code was written to look for that by default. I have
    just recoded the relevant routines so they should now cause your browser
    to simply pick up the latest 1.4 version of the Plug-in you have
    installed, whatever it is. I "broke" Java on my machine to replicate
    your problem, and the code I inserted today did fix it. Hopefully it
    will have the same effect for you. I am running IE 6 and plugin
    1.4.2_01 (as accessed via Tools->Sun Java Console).
    One broader problem: some (non-LOPARC-specific) users on the Sun
    forums have reported the "JRE collision" you are seeing when multiple
    versions of the Plug-in are installed on the same machine. So if the
    fix I made to our code doesn't work, one option would be to uninstall
    all Java components from your computer and do a fresh install of the
    latest runtime environment.
    Let me know how/if this works. Thanks for the feedback and for your
    Best regards,
    Jeff Hall
    Lowell Observatory
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Mike Coucke [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 6:30 PM
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Re: Registration with Lowell Education Online
    Hello Jeff:
    So far, I have been unable to launch a LOPARC session. I repeatedly
    get the following error message:
    "Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: LPRemote.class"
    My browser is MS Internet Explorer version 6.0.2800.1106 Initially I was
    using Java Plug-In version 1.4.1 and received the error message. I went
    to the Sun website and downloaded/installed Java Plug-In version 1.4.2
    and still get the message.
    Before I try to launch LOPARC, I can select Tools->Sun Java Console from
    IE's pull down menu to check my Java Plug-In version. When I try to
    launch LOPARC, I get the following message:
    "Applet(s) in this HTML page requires a version of Java different from
    the one the browser is currently using. In order to run the applet(s)
    in this HTML page, a new browser session is required, press 'Yes' to
    start a new browser session." If I select 'No', I get the following
    message: "Java Plug-in detected JRE collission"
    If I select 'Yes', a new browser window opens and then I get the first
    message above.
    Can you help?
    Mike Coucke
    [email protected]
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <[email protected]>
    To: <[email protected]>
    Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 5:30 PM
    Subject: Registration with Lowell Education Online
    September 1, 2003
    Dear Michael Coucke:
    Thank you for registering with Lowell Observatory's online education
    site. We hope you enjoy using it and visit regularly as we continue to
    expand its features and capabilities. This is a one-time welcoming
    For your records, your user ID is xxxxx, and your password is #########.
    You'll need to supply these each time you log in.
    This site gives you access to research-grade equipment including a 16"
    telescope, CCD detector, and image processing software. Our online
    archive of data is now available 24/7. The telescope will be opening to
    our onsite users in May, and on select nights to the Internet at large
    in June.
    We have designed this site so you don't need a huge monitor or a
    supercomputer to use it. All pages are viewable on screens running at
    800x600 resolution or higher. To use LOPARC, you'll need a Java-enabled
    browser with the Java 1.4 plug-in installed. If you don't have the
    plug-in, you'll be prompted to download it the first time you attempt to
    connect. This is an admittedly large (9 MB) but one-time-only download.
    This site works correctly under Internet Explorer version 5 or higher.
    If you use Netscape, you must be running version 6 or higher, and
    display or applet behavior anomalies may occur.
    If at any time you can't connect to our server, simply try again later.
    We do experience several power outages each year, particularly during
    Flagstaff's summer thunderstorm season. Our server is fully protected
    and backed up, and can be quickly brought back on line, but any active
    user sessions will be lost. Thanks for your patience during these
    inevitable downtimes.
    Your questions, comments, suggestions, and bug reports about this site
    are always welcome. On behalf of the LOPARC development team, thanks
    for signing up!
    Jeffrey Hall
    Assistant Research Scientist
    Associate Director, Education and Special Programs
    Lowell Observatory
    Flagstaff, Arizona

    Hi Mike,
    I see this in your logs:
    Java(TM) Plug-in: Version 1.4.2_01
    Using JRE version 1.4.2_01 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
    User home directory = C:\WINDOWS
    Proxy Configuration: Manual Configuration
    Proxy: http=proxy,https=proxy,ftp=proxy,gopher=proxy
    Proxy Overrides:
    I just helped my Dad set up his computer with a new
    cable modem, and had the situation where we couldn't
    access any secure Web sites. The cable folks had us
    disable the proxy. It looks like the error message is
    saying it can't find your proxy server, and the logs
    you posted say that you've decided to configure your
    proxy manually, rather than using the settings from
    IE (which is how mine is set up in the plugin
    control panel.)
    Could that be the problem?

  • Problem with java applet and array of arrays

    i'm passing an array of arrays from java applet using
    JSObject.getWindow(applet).call("jsFunction", array(array(), array()) );
    in every other browser than safari 4.0.2 it's no problem to iterate over this array. in safari "array.length" is undefined. is such construction supported in safari's js engine?
    Message was edited by: quaintpl
    Message was edited by: quaintpl
    Message was edited by: quaintpl
    Message was edited by: quaintpl
    Message was edited by: quaintpl

    Thanks for the answer but the problem is the type of object of method and how from pl/sql is posiblle to call.
    The method waiting a ArrayofAlicIva, but if i define this object is not posible to set the object inside the array because the wsdl not have this functions.
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    Is a Deadlock ??
    The solution in Java is Simple
    AlicIva[] alicIva = new AlicIva[1];
    alicIva[0]= new AlicIva();
    this is the method imported in java class to form
    -- Method: setIva (LArrayOfAlicIva;)V
    PROCEDURE setIva(
    args := JNI.CREATE_ARG_LIST(1);
    JNI.ADD_OBJECT_ARG(args, a0, 'ArrayOfAlicIva');
    JNI.CALL_VOID_METHOD(FALSE, obj, 'FECAEDetRequest', 'setIva', '(LArrayOfAlicIva;)V', args);

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