Problem importing the plugin app

I always getting the same error during the installation of my application: Keine weiteren Daten aus Socket zu lesen / no more data to read from socket
It looks like it has to do with the PDF plug-in from Anton Sheffler because it always appears at the same position.
It also doesn't matter if I try to install it via Webbrowser or SQL Developer.
But when I try to install it on another Workspace on it works.
But on my local instance it fails. It is the same APEX version installed: Application Express
My local instance is only a XE database:
APPLICATION 400 - Logbuch
Set Credentials...
Check Compatibility...
Set Application ID...
...authorization schemes
...navigation bar entries
...application processes
...application items
...application level computations
...Application Tabs
...Application Parent Tabs
...Shared Lists of values
...Application Trees groups
...comments: requires application express 2.2 or higher
...PAGE 0: 0
...PAGE 11: LOG - PDF Export
...PAGE 50: MobileReport
...breadcrumbs templates for application: 65600
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...region templates
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......region template 32083107144561305045
......region template 32083107457828305045
......region template 32083107733492305046
......region template 32083108040175305046
......region template 32083108359753305046
......region template 32083108638471305046
......region template 32083108953606305046
......region template 32083109243176305046
......region template 32083109537446305047
......region template 32083109834502305047
......region template 32083110151878305047
......region template 32083110434314305049
......region template 32083110746950305049
......region template 32083111062447305049
......region template 32083111337684305052
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......region template 32083111937278305052
......region template 32083112240043305052
......region template 32083112547315305052
......region template 32083112841432305052
......region template 32083113152102305053
......region template 32083113464410305053
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...List Templates
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......list template 32083114536207305055
......list template 32083114860437305055
......list template 32083115154832305055
......list template 32083115442319305056
......list template 32083115737773305057
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......list template 32083116333460305063
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...label templates
......label template 32083121750607305074
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...breadcrumb templates
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...popup list of values templates
......template 32083123064463305082
...calendar templates
......template 32083122441866305079
......template 32083122655597305080
......template 32083122863647305081
...application themes
......theme 32083123250781305084 options used by application 65600
...Language Maps for Application 65600
... translations used by application: 65600
...messages used by application: 65600
...dynamic translations used by application: 65600
...web services (9iR2 or better)
...shared queries layouts
...authentication schemes
......authentication 31813313140617421226
......authentication 31845554673807759745
......authentication 31845554764970759745
Fehler bei Rollback
Fehler beim Start in Zeile 23.745 in Befehl:
wwv_flow_api.create_plugin (
  p_id => 41073893256060555494 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
,p_flow_id => wwv_flow.g_flow_id
,p_plugin_type => 'REGION TYPE'
,p_display_name => 'Embedded PDF'
,p_image_prefix => '#PLUGIN_PREFIX#'
,p_plsql_code =>
'function render_pdf'||unistr('\000a')||
'( p_region              in apex_plugin.t_region'||unistr('\000a')||
', p_plugin              in apex_plugin.t_plugin'||unistr('\000a')||
', p_is_printer_friendly in boolean'||unistr('\000a')||
'return apex_plugin.t_region_render_result'||unistr('\000a')||
'c_my_name varchar2(1000) := ''NL.AMIS.SCHEFFER.REGION.PDF'';'||unistr('\000a')||
'l_width number;'||unistr('\000a')||
'l_height number;'||unistr('\000a')||
'l_landscape varchar2(1);'||unistr('\000a')||
'l_format varchar2(10);'||unistr('\000a')||
'l_font varchar2(30);'||unistr('\000a')||
'l_fontsize number;'||unistr('\000a')||
'l_header varchar2(3276'||
't_rc sys_refcursor;'||unistr('\000a')||
't_file_id number;'||unistr('\000a')||
'type tp_settings is record'||unistr('\000a')||
'( page_width number'||unistr('\000a')||
', page_height number'||unistr('\000a')||
', margin_left number'||unistr('\000a')||
', margin_right number'||unistr('\000a')||
', margin_top number'||unistr('\000a')||
', margin_bottom number'||unistr('\000a')||
', encoding varchar2(100)'||unistr('\000a')||
', current_font pls_integer'||unistr('\000a')||
', current_fontsizePt pls_integer'||unistr('\000a')||
', x   number'||unistr('\000a')||
', y   number'||unistr('\000a')||
', page_nr pls_integer'||unistr('\000a')||
'type tp_objects_tab is table of number(10) index by pls_integer;'||unistr('\000a')||
'e tp_pages_tab is table of blob index by pls_integer;'||unistr('\000a')||
'type tp_char_width_tab is table of pls_integer index by pls_integer;'||unistr('\000a')||
'type tp_font is record'||unistr('\000a')||
'( char_width_tab tp_char_width_tab'||unistr('\000a')||
', standard boolean'||unistr('\000a')||
', family varchar2(100)'||unistr('\000a')||
', style varchar2(2) -- N Normal'||unistr('\000a')||
'-- I Italic'||unistr('\000a')||
'-- B Bold'||unistr('\000a')||
'-- BI Bold Italic'||unistr('\000a')||
', subtype varchar2(15) := ''Type1'''||unistr('\000a')||
', name varchar2(100)'||unistr('\000a')||
', encoding varchar2(100) := ''WINDOWS-1252'''||unistr('\000a')||
wwv_flow_api.create_plugin_attr_value (
  p_id => 41072593744003455937 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
,p_flow_id => wwv_flow.g_flow_id
,p_plugin_attribute_id => 41072593138116454266 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
,p_display_sequence => 10
,p_display_value => 'Helvetica'
,p_return_value => 'HELVETICA'
wwv_flow_api.create_plugin_attr_value (
  p_id => 41072594147812457118 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
,p_flow_id => wwv_flow.g_flow_id
,p_plugin_attribute_id => 41072593138116454266 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
,p_display_sequence => 20
,p_display_value => 'Times-Roman'
,p_return_value => 'TIMES'
wwv_flow_api.create_plugin_attr_value (
  p_id => 41072594553007458523 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
,p_flow_id => wwv_flow.g_flow_id
,p_plugin_attribute_id => 41072593138116454266 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
,p_display_sequence => 30
,p_display_value => 'Courier'
,p_return_value => 'COURIER'
wwv_flow_api.create_plugin_attribute (
  p_id => 41072595143095465121 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
,p_flow_id => wwv_flow.g_flow_id
,p_plugin_id => 41073893256060555494 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
,p_attribute_scope => 'COMPONENT'
,p_attribute_sequence => 6
,p_display_sequence => 60
,p_prompt => 'Fontsize'
,p_attribute_type => 'NUMBER'
,p_is_required => false
,p_default_value => '12'
,p_is_translatable => true
wwv_flow_api.create_plugin_attribute (
  p_id => 41071266040010638110 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
,p_flow_id => wwv_flow.g_flow_id
,p_plugin_id => 41073893256060555494 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
,p_attribute_scope => 'COMPONENT'
,p_attribute_sequence => 7
,p_display_sequence => 70
,p_prompt => 'Header'
,p_attribute_type => 'TEXT'
,p_is_required => false
,p_is_translatable => true
,p_help_text => 'An optional header text. You can precede this text with an alignment hint'||unistr('\000a')||
'C: centered'||unistr('\000a')||
'L: left aligned'||unistr('\000a')||
'R: right aligned'||unistr('\000a')||
'C:This is an example of a Centered Header Text'
Keine weiteren Daten aus Socket zu lesenHope for help. I do not want to drop the plug-in!
Edited by: Tobias Arnhold on Nov 15, 2011 10:57 PM
I just dropped the PDF Plugin and it worked well! Strange I don't understand... Maybe it could have to do with some session time out problems?

I can't write a plugin in one statement :). It's the export script from Apex. Something like
wwv_flow_api.create_plugin (
  p_id => 5238337935213717 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
,p_flow_id => wwv_flow.g_flow_id
,p_plugin_type => 'REGION TYPE'
,p_display_name => 'Embedded PDF'
,p_image_prefix => '#PLUGIN_PREFIX#'
,p_plsql_code =>
'function render_pdf'||chr(10)||
'( p_region              in apex_plugin.t_region'||chr(10)||
', p_plugin              in apex_plugin.t_plugin'||chr(10)||
', p_is_printer_friendly in boolean'||chr(10)||
'return apex_plugin.t_region_render_result'||chr(10)||
'c_my_name varchar2(1000) := ''NL.AMIS.SCHEFFER.REGION.PDF'';'||chr(10)||
'l_width number;'||chr(10)||
'l_height number;'||chr(10)||
'l_landscape varchar2(1);'||chr(10)||
'l_format varchar2(10);'||chr(10)||
'l_font varchar2(30);'||chr(10)||
'l_fontsize number;'||chr(10)||
'l_header varchar2(3276'||
't_rc sys_refcursor;'||chr(10)||
't_file_id number;'||chr(10)||
'type tp_settings is record'||chr(10)||
'( page_width number'||chr(10)||
', page_height number'||chr(10)||
', margin_left number'||chr(10)||
', margin_right number'||chr(10)||
', margin_top number'||chr(10)||
', margin_bottom number'||chr(10)||
', encoding varchar2(100)'||chr(10)||
', current_font pls_integer'||chr(10)||
', current_fontsizePt pls_integer'||chr(10)||
', x   number'||chr(10)||
', y   number'||chr(10)||
', page_nr pls_integer'||chr(10)||
'type tp_objects_tab is table of number(10) index by pls_integer;'||chr(10)||
'e tp_pages_tab is table of blob index by pls_integer;'||chr(10)||
'type tp_char_width_tab is table of pls_integer index by pls_integer;'||chr(10)||
'type tp_font is record'||chr(10)||
'( char_width_tab tp_char_width_tab'||chr(10)||
', standard boolean'||chr(10)||
', family varchar2(100)'||chr(10)||
', style varchar2(2) -- N Normal'||chr(10)||
'-- I Italic'||chr(10)||
'-- B Bold'||chr(10)||
'-- BI Bold Italic'||chr(10)||
', subtype varchar2(15) := ''Type1'''||chr(10)||
', name varchar2(100)'||chr(10)||
', encoding varchar2(100) := ''WINDOWS-1252'''||chr(10)||
' tp_font_tab is table of tp_font index by pls_integer;'||chr(10)||
'type tp_pls_tab is table of pls_integer index by pls_integer;'||chr(10)||
'-- pacakges globals'||chr(10)||
'pdf_doc blob; -- the blob containing the build PDF document'||chr(10)||
'objects_tab tp_objects_tab;'||chr(10)||
'pages_tab tp_pages_tab;'||chr(10)||
'settings tp_settings;'||chr(10)||
'fonts tp_font_tab;'||chr(10)||
'used_fonts tp_pls_tab;'||chr(10)||
't_ncharset varchar2(1000);'||chr(10)||
't_lan_ter  varchar2(1000);'||chr(10)||
'procedure init_core_fonts'||chr(10)||
'tion init_standard_withs( p_compressed_tab in varchar2 )'||chr(10)||
'return tp_char_width_tab'||chr(10)||
't_rv tp_char_width_tab;'||chr(10)||
't_tmp raw(32767);'||chr(10)||
't_tmp := utl_compress.lz_uncompress( utl_encode.base64_decode( utl_raw.cast_to_raw( p_compressed_tab ) ) );'||chr(10)||
'for i in 0 .. 255'||chr(10)||
't_rv( i ) := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer( utl_raw.substr( t_tmp, i * 4 + 1, 4 ) );'||chr(10)||
'end loop;'||chr(10)||
'return t_rv;'||chr(10)||
'fonts( 1 ).famil'||
'y := ''helvetica'';'||chr(10)||
'fonts( 1 ).style := ''N''; -- Normal'||chr(10)||
'fonts( 1 ).name := ''Helvetica'';'||chr(10)||
'fonts( 1 ).standard := true;'||chr(10)||
'fonts( 1 ).char_width_tab := init_standard_withs'||chr(10)||

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    Simple really:
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    Restart your iPhone.
    Continue managing your podcasts from iTunes, like you did under iOS 5.
    After restarting your phone, Podcasts will play via the Music app on your phone again.

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    Thanks for the swift reply, I have been looking online and a loose plug seems to be somewhat of an issue with many, I hope mine is actually a problem and not what others are experiencing. It's taken me this long to even reach out for the simple fact I HATE being a complainer but this is just horrible.
    Do you have an iPad 3 as well? And is yours not experiencing any issues close to mine?
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    Please read this: Adobe Lightroom - Find moved or missing files and folders
    You do not want to be in the Import section of Lightroom, you want to be in the Library Module. You don't want "Update Folder Location", you want to ctrl-click on a Folder name (not in Import, but in the Library Module Folder Panel) and select "Find Missing Folder"
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    i have called apple, they are giving me a replacement. but, hopefully this helps other people because i did not see anything out there related to my problem. i hope the next ios update can fix this issue, if it is one.

    I apologize for not replying earlier after i went to the apple store. but i will explain what the apple rep did.
    first off, i recommend trying several things before you wipe your iphone.
    1.The obvious, reboot your phone by holding the home button. If that does not work then...
    2. Backup your phone, then do a restore from backup. If that doesn't work then...
    3. This is where it gets tricky, my dilemma is that i had taken pictures that i didn't want to lose. Keeping the pictures on my phone was the most important thing to me so i tried a couple different things. In my original post, i mentioned that i could not attach pictures to a message to email them to myself. Otherwise, I would have emailed all 100 pictures to myself, no matter how long it took. There are several Extractor programs out there but they are a bit pricey, in my opinion. The one i used was called "Photo Transfer App". You can find this app on the app store, it costs 2.99, but its an awesome little app. It is worth the money. So if you dont care about anything on your phone, if you dont mind losing all your data, eg. notes, music, or photos, then in the next step you will restore your phone as a new phone. All the above steps were my own way to try to troubleshoot the problem.
    So at the apple store heres what they did...
    First, I showed the girl all the problems i described above. after doing all the steps above, she was like this looks like a real problem. I told her it happened after i updated to ios 5. she said its not the ios, she has seen it on the iphone 3. but i kind of doubt that, because i have not seen anything like this in any forum. but anyways....
    To save my photos she recomended i email them to myself, the Internet at the store was not that quick because
    of all the devices connected so she said i should do it from home.
    but the steps to email (i did not try this method):
    -click photos>click the 'select photos' button (looks like a square with a right facing arrow located at the bottom left corner.)>select any photo you want to email-click share-then select email.
    I had explained that i had already backed up my photos so we continued...she asked me several times are you sure you saved everything. She continued to emphasize that all my data would be lost when we restore as a new phone. i said no problem, i can do without the things i have on my phone. keep in mind when we tried to restore from backup i was having the same problems, so we decided the back up was also corrupt and was no longer useful.
    To restore as a new phone. the lady said this is one of the cool things on ios 5. i'm not sure if you have to be connected to wifi, but i would think you should be connected just to be safe.
    -click settings>general>reset>then click 'erase all content and settings'. this will delete everything. Make sure you select the restore as a new phone.
    this has fixed the problem for me, i have not had anymore problems. The apple rep said that she thinks either something dealing with the photos app or one of my photos has corrupted the hardware.

  • Problems with the Calendar App in iPhone 4S

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    Any suggestions?

    kellihammer wrote:
    havent heard a thing from them
    Tried any of these steps?
    - Quit the App by opening multi-tasking bar, and swiping the App upward to make it disappear.  (For iOS 6, holding down the icon for the App for about 3-5 seconds, and then tap the red circle with the white minus sign.)
    - Relaunch the App and try again.
    - Restart the device.
    - Reset the device. (Same article as above.)
    - Reset All Settings (Settings > General > Reset > Reset All Settings)
    - Restore from backup. (If you don't have a backup, make one now, then skip to the next step.)
    - Restore as new device.  For this step, do not re-download ANYTHING, and do not sign into your Apple ID.

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