Problem updating/deleting DB entries (recordset not seeing connections)

I recently had to make changes to my database and now for some reason, the update/delete page no longer sees any entries from my database. Which makes no sense to me.
The page in question is
and the PHP Code is on:

OK, I'm starting to figure things out but not completely. I still need some help. Here's what I've figured out so far.
If you go back to the original SQL code you'll see this:
SELECT prop_id, category, property
FROM properties
WHERE prop_id = 123456789
ORDER BY property ASC
That brings up no data at all. Eliminate the WHERE statement completely and all records appear but in all categories. Still not good.
Here's where things get interesting. Try this:
WHERE prop_id = 21
Ah! Now I get the record for prop_id #21. And only prop_id #21. But again, it's listed in all four categories. But it does answer why using 123456789 doesn't work.
So what's the solution?

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    (5) Select this application and click OK.
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    Will keep y'all posted!
    Message was edited by: Richard Yapkowitz, about an hour after I first posted this issue.

    Jackdan error 49 indicates the installer was unable to access a critical file or directory.  You can find additional details at Error downloading Creative Cloud applications -

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    So it sounds as if your iPhone does not appear in iTune after a failed update to iOS, is that right? In order to get it back into iTunes you will want to use one of these articles, depending on what kind of computer you have -
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    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Brett L

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    Welcome to the    Discussions
    Did you put the Quicktime Plug-ins back ?
    When you have a Video Chat can you Open the Connection Doctor in iChat from the Video Menu
    Does this Indicate any Video is being sent to you ?
    What is the Bit Rate from your Buddy ?
    What is the frame rate from the Buddy ?
    In your iChat > Preferences > Video Section what is the Bandwidth Limit set to ?
    9:07 PM Thursday; June 24, 2010
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

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    Hello venkat,
    Please check this link, It might be helpful to you. I believe you have written the code for custom button in the events.
    try to use insert statement in the event for the custom button. Let me know the peice of code you have written for this custom button.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Nagaraj Kalbavi

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    Hey Carolyn1951,
    Thanks for the question. I understand you have a few apps that only display "Waiting". The following is a past discussion that dealt with a similar issue, the answer may help you as well:
    App updates won't download on my...: Apple Support Communities
    Try tapping the App, so that it changes to Paused instead of Waiting, then tap it again to resume the install.
    Make sure you don't have any paused downloads in other apps either, like the App Store or iTunes Store.
    If that doesn't do it, try resetting or restoring the iPhone.
    via whatheck
    Matt M.

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    Reload the firmware and select the Format Data Area option. PB

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