Problem using comma separated list with nested table element

I have a comma separated list like that:
H23004,H24005,T7231,T8231,T9231And want to create a function which is creating a where clause for each element with an output like that:
UPPER('H23004') IN (UPPER(charge))
OR UPPER('H23005') IN (UPPER(charge))
OR UPPER('T7231') IN (UPPER(charge))
OR UPPER('T8231') IN (UPPER(charge))
OR UPPER('T9231') IN (UPPER(charge))Here is my test function which doesn't work correctly:
create or replace function FNC_LIST_TO_WHERE_CLAUSE(v_list in VARCHAR2) return varchar2 is
-- declaration of list type
TYPE batch_type IS TABLE OF pr_stamm.charge%TYPE;
-- variable for Batches
v_batch batch_type := batch_type('''' || replace(v_list,',',''',''') || '''');
return_script varchar2(1000);
-- loop as long as there are objects left
FOR i IN v_batch.FIRST .. v_batch.LAST
   -- create where clause
   IF i = 1 THEN
     return_script := 'UPPER(' || v_batch(i) || ') IN (UPPER(charge))';
     return_script := return_script || ' OR UPPER(' || v_batch(i) || ') IN (UPPER(charge))';
   END IF;
return (return_script);
end;The out put looks like that:
UPPER('H23004','H24005','T7231','T8231','T9231') IN (UPPER(charge))I have no idea what I do wrong? It calculates the amount of array element wrong! (v_batch.LAST should be 5.)
v_batch.FIRST = 1
v_batch.LAST = 1

try this....
text varchar2(1000) := 'H23004,H24005,T7231,T8231,T9231';
v_where varchar2(1000);
text := text||',';
while instr(text,',') <> 0
v_where := v_where || 'UPPER('''||substr(text,1,instr(text,',',1)-1)||''' IN (UPPER(charge)) OR ';
     text := substr(text,instr(text,',',1)+1);
end loop;
v_where := substr(v_where,1,length(v_where)-3);
convert this one into function ...

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    Please help.
    thanks and best regards,

    I just use some types defined in this user... Well, I hope you know what is the type definition of d_period_sec,
    don't you ? I didn't ask to provide all types existed now, only types you are
    Anyhow you have been granted with execute privilege for types you are using:
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      2  /
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    12  );
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      3  p tau_tll.d_period_sec, -- from user TAU_TLL
      5  m unit_function
      6  )
      7  /
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      2  /
    Type created.
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    Hello All,
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    this code is worked truly.
    You can try this.
    SELECT * FROM mard INTO TABLE itab UP TO 100 ROWS.
    * You define max number of the field that you need
    data : cmp01  TYPE string,
    cmp02 TYPE string,
    cmp03 TYPE string,
    cmp04 TYPE string,
    cmp05 TYPE string.
    * You fill the fields that you need, others is clear.
    cmp01  = 'MATNR'.
    cmp02 = 'WERKS'.
    CLEAR : cmp03,cmp04,cmp05.
    SORT itab BY (cmp01) (cmp02) (cmp03) (cmp04) (cmp05).
    DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM itab COMPARING (cmp01) (cmp02) (cmp03)
    (cmp04) (cmp05).

  • Obtaining comma-separated list of text values associated with bitwise flag column

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    2: Append to output file
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    Here is a query that gives the pattern:
    DECLARE @val int = 43
    ;WITH numbers AS (
       SELECT power(2, n) AS exp2 FROM (VALUES(0), (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6)) AS n(n)
    ), list(list) AS (
         (SELECT CASE WHEN exp2 = 1  THEN 'First flag'
                      WHEN exp2 = 2  THEN 'Flag 2'
                      WHEN exp2 = 4  THEN 'Third flag'
                      WHEN exp2 = 8  THEN 'IV Flag'
                      WHEN exp2 = 16 THEN 'Flag #5'
                      WHEN exp2 = 32 THEN 'Another flag'
                      WHEN exp2 = 64 THEN 'My lucky flag'
                 END + ', '
          FROM   numbers
          WHERE  exp2 & @val = exp2
          ORDER BY exp2
          FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'nvarchar(MAX)')
    SELECT substring(list, 1, len(list) - 1)
    FROM   list
    Here I'm creating the numbers on the fly, but it is better to have a table of numbers in your database. It can be used in many places, see here for a short discussion:
    (Only read down to the next header.)
    For FOR XML PATH thing is the somewhat obscure way we create concatenated lists. There is not really any using trying to explain how it works; it just works. The one thing to keep in mind is that it adds an extra comma at the end and the final query strips
    it off.
    This query does not handle that 0 has a special meaning - that is left as an exercise to the reader.
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

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    Are you using either cc or bcc? Is googlemail involved? Some email providers suppress cc's and bcc's to oneself since you will have a copy in your Sent folder.

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    Difficult to say without seeing how your database is planned
    Nested region? - probably not
    take a look at the MYSQL query with uses
    HAVING IN (items in a comma separated list, item, item, etc)
    this is the same approach as the article you mentioned
    also a similar problem (possibly) mentioned here...
    ryanpratt, "Multiple conditions in Querey builder Help" #2, 18 Nov 2008 7:30 am

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    SELECT 1 Buyer,'XX123' PO, '[email protected]' Buyer_email from dual
    SELECT 2 Buyer,'XX223' PO, '[email protected]' Buyer_email from dual
    SELECT 1 Buyer,'XX124' PO, '[email protected]' Buyer_email from dual
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    --write contents into a file
    l_buyer_email_list := l_buyer_email_list||cur_rec.buyer_email||',';
    l_buyer_email_list := RTRIM(l_buyer_email_list,',');
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    Is there any other simpler way to achieve this?
    Sreekanth Munagala.

    If you are using oracle version 11, you can use listagg function
    with c as
    (SELECT 1 Buyer,'XX123' PO, '[email protected]' Buyer_email from dual
    SELECT 2 Buyer,'XX223' PO, '[email protected]' Buyer_email from dual
    SELECT 1 Buyer,'XX124' PO, '[email protected]' Buyer_email from dual
    SELECT 2 Buyer,'XX224' PO, '[email protected]' Buyer_email from dual
    select buyer, listagg(buyer_email,',') within group (order by  buyer) 
    from c
    group by buyer
    order by buyerFor prior versions
    with c as
    (SELECT 1 Buyer,'XX123' PO, '[email protected]' Buyer_email from dual
    SELECT 2 Buyer,'XX223' PO, '[email protected]' Buyer_email from dual
    SELECT 1 Buyer,'XX124' PO, '[email protected]' Buyer_email from dual
    SELECT 2 Buyer,'XX224' PO, '[email protected]' Buyer_email from dual
    select buyer, rtrim(xmlagg(xmlelement(e,buyer_email||',').extract('//text()')),',')
    from c
    group by buyer
    order by buyer

  • Partition exchange error on table with nested table

    On Oracle, I have a partitioned table with some partitions that need to be 'archived' (in terms of moving partitions to an 'archive' table).
    I have a source table like:
      ID_OBJEKTA                 NUMBER(20),
      DATUM                      TIMESTAMP(6)       NOT NULL,
      TZ                         NUMBER(3),
      DATA1                      NUMBER(10),
      DATA2                      NUMBER(6),
      DATA3                      NUMBER(10),
      DATA4                      NUMBER,
      DATA5                      T_NTCIP_CLIMATE_TABLE
      PARTITION P_201107 VALUES LESS THAN (TIMESTAMP' 2011-08-01 00:00:00')
    LOCAL ( 
      PARTITION P_201107
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE t_ntcip_climate_table as table of t_ntcip_climate_fmt;
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE t_ntcip_climate_FMT as object
    (  dev_index number(6)
    ,   dev_description varchar2(512)
    ,   dev_type number(10)
    ,   dev_status number(10)
    ,   dev_mfr_status varchar2(512)
    ,   dev_active number(3)
    ,   dev_test_activation number(10)
    /I would like to make exchange partition using stage table, and everything is going fine on all tables, but only on a few of them (listed source is one of them, and they're only tables with nested tables wihin), where I get an error.. but sometimes ;)
    on a statement like:
    ORA-00001: unique constraint (TXV.SYS_C0032911) violated
    it's an unique index between parent and nested table.
    what could cause that problem?

    I suppose that the unique constraint
    ORA-00001: unique constraint (TXV.SYS_C0032911) violatedis the one you 've created on the nested table IS_PODACI245_STORE_TABLE
    If so, why not disable that constraint and try again.
    I have never exchanged such a kind of partitioned table having a nested table in it. But, I could imagine that the cloned non partitioned table IS_PODACI245_STAGE should at least be the exact image of the partitioned table IS_PODACI245_ARH (of course without the partition part) but with the nested table part and including all indexes
    In addition, if you have a parent/child relationship between your partitioned tables, then there is a chronological order of exchange starting by the child and then finishing by the parent
    see the following link for more information about this order of exchange (and comment 2 for an example also)
    Hope this helps
    Mohamed Houri

  • Fill datagridview with Nested Table Object Type ???

    Hello everybody, please you help me resolve my problem?
    I follow this example: *(A Sample Application using Object-Relational features)*
    And this tutorial: *(Using Oracle User-Defined Types with .NET and Visual Studio)*
    Now I have 3 Object Table: Stock, Customer and Purchase Order. With the tutorial it's OK to show the data of Stock and Customer Table [there is no nested table in], but I can't do this with table Purchase Order, the tutorial don't show how to work with Nested Table type [Missing or something ?]
    When I try to display the data of table Purchase Order, I get the error:
    typeName='LINEITEMLIST_NTABTYP'' is not specified or is invalid*
    Follow the tutorial, I generate custom class for this UDT and get another error:
    this.STOCK_REF = ((object)(Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleUdt.GetValue(con, pUdt, "STOCK_REF")));*
    Argument Exception Unhandle: Object attribute is not mapped to a custom type member.*
    Can You show me how to do this ? Show the data of the Nested Table in Visual Studio, do I have something wrong ??? Thanks and Best Regards.

    I think you need to go through the tutorial more carefully. I think you are missing steps.
    You are using a REF. Are you creating an object table for the objects to be stored in? Are you dereferencing the REF? This is covered by the Oracle by Example tutorial.
    When you receive the nested table, it will be inside a .NET class. You can create this class by using the Create Custom Class menu item on the nested table type in server explorer.
    This class will contain a ToString method and a ToXML method.
    The question is, where are you attempting to display the data from this nested table? In a grid?
    Does it make sense to display a nested table inside one cell of a grid? No. You would need to construct a special UI that will show the
    nested table. Maybe the user clicks on the cell on the grid, which opens a new grid that displays the data. Or maybe there is a second grid on the form that always shows the nested table for the row that the first grid currently has selected.
    I realize I am not providing you the code... but it sounds like you need to design a more sohisticated UI than what the tutorial is using -- one that can handle displaying one additional table per row.

  • Trying to UNION two views with nested tables

    I am using Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod, and my objective is to generate some XML. What I have been doing in the past, is to create a view, and then pass that view to the DBMS_XMLQuery routine. This gives me a CLOB that I pass along to the application. A typical object would be something like:
    create or replace type XML_UGroup_Member_Type as object (
         username          varchar2(128),
         group_key          varchar2(128));
    create or replace type XML_UGroup_Member_List
        as table of XML_UGroup_Member_Type;
    show errors
    Create or replace type XML_UGroup_Type as object (
         Group_Space     varchar2(32),
         group_key     varchar2(128),
         group_name     varchar2(255),
         members          XML_UGroup_Member_List);
    /This particular application will be doing stuff with group information. Pretty simply types - a group with a name and a few other keys, and a list of members. A sample view would be like:
    create or replace view xml_department_ugroup_view of xml_ugroup_type
      with object identifier ( group_key ) as
      Select 'Department',
          'Department:' || orgn_code,
          'Department_' || orgn_name
          cast ( multiset (
               select  Username, person_id,
                        'Department:' ||  effective_orgn
                from directory_master dm, logins l
               where effective_orgn = dd.orgn_code
                 and dm.person_id = l.owner)
                as XML_UGroup_Member_List )
             as members
       from directory_departments dd
      where dept_include = 'Y';
    can select from this view, and I can pass it to the DBMS_XMLQUERY package and get a nice XML document. What I want to is essentially put several of these views together, like
    Select * from XML_Department_Ugroup_View
    Select * from XML_Portfolio_Ugroup_View;But UNION does not work with nested tables:
    ERROR at line 1: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got SIMON.XML_UGROUP_MEMBER_LIST
    What I was hoping to do, was to develop a set of sub views for each of the group "spaces", and then generate a view/object that includes all of the sub views, and be able to operate with that single object.
    Thoughts on how to make this work, or on alternate approaches? I have considered calling XMLQuery on each of the sub views and concatenating the XML documents and returning that to the application, but I was hoping to find a more "unified" approach.

    I modified my approach a bit - I changed the base views to return an XMLType object, like:
    create or replace view xml_portfolio_ugroup_xml
    Select XMLElement("group",
             'Portfolio:' || coas_code || ':' || orgn_Code,
          cast ( multiset (
               select  Username,
                from directory_master dm, logins l
               where ( effective_orgn, effective_coas ) in
               where effective_orgn = dd.orgn_code
                  and dm.person_id = l.owner
                as XML_UGroup_Member_List ))) as grp
       from directory_departments dd
      where dept_include = 'Y';and then I combined them with something like the following (I expect to adjust this as I learn more about the XML DB support)
    create or replace view xml_ugroup_xml as
      select xmlconcat(
         (select xmlagg(grp) from xml_department_ugroup_xml),
         (select xmlagg(grp) from xml_portfolio_ugroup_xml)
         ) as GROUPS
         from dualand as I define more group branches, I can add them into the XMLConCat stanzas. I am still open to suggestions as to ways of doing this better or cleaner, but this at least gets the project moving forward again.

  • PL/SQL add procedure with nested table - Duplicate Thread

    I am trying to do a procedure to input information for one order and another for 2 orders.
    The information I have so far is as follows:
    Drop table Orders cascade constraints;
    Drop type item_type;
    Drop type Item_nested;
    Create or Replace Type item_type AS Object (
    Cat_code Varchar2(6),
    Amount_ord Number(3),
    Cost Number(5,2) );
    Create or Replace Type item_nested as table of item_type;
    Create Table Orders (
    Order_no Varchar2(8) constraint pkorder primary key,
    Customer_name Varchar2(30),
    AddressLine1 Varchar2(20),
    AddressLine2 Varchar2(20),
    AddressLine3 Varchar2(20),
    Town Varchar2(20),
    Postcode Varchar2(10),
    Country Varchar2(20),
    Order_items item_nested,
    Order_date Date)
    Nested Table Order_items
    Store as nested_items return as locator;
    This has so far worked but I have not managed the insert procedure.
    I am using Oracle SQL*plus
    Edited by: user10689875 on 11-Jan-2009 03:39

    Duplicate thread ->
    PL/SQL add procedure with nested table
    Please remove it & marked it as duplicate.
    Satyaki De.

  • ANSI Standard Join with Nested Table

    Does anyone know how to (or whether you actually can) use ansi standard table joins with nested tables.
    Non-ansi standard would look something like this
    SELECT e.empno
    FROM departments d, TABLE(d.employees) e
    WHERE d.deptno = 10;
    Where d.employees is a nested table.
    But if I try ansi-standard I like such:
    SELECT e.empno
    FROM departments d
    JOIN TABLE(d.employees) e
    WHERE d.deptno = 10;
    I get
    ORA-00905: missing keyword
    because I have nothing to join it on.
    Your help is very much appreciated

    Both replies worked fine.
    I think I will go with the NATURAL JOIN as it seems the cleanest option.
    Thanks Guru 2748

  • Import tables with nested table : ORA-00600

    In Oracle 9.2
    Create object, type as table, and table with nested table (store as syms_ntab) are successfully.
    Also its export.
    In process of import on another server (also 9.2, 'fromuser=one touser=two') shows errors:
    . . importing table "SYMS_NTAB"
    IMP-00058: ORACLE error 600 encountered
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kokeeafi1], [2], [2], [], [], [], [], []
    IMP-00075: Warning: The nested table may contain partial rows or duplicate rows
    But for all that table is created and error occur on phase inserting strings.
    What is this?
    In Oracle 8.0.5 i perform similar operation without error.

    From Oracle error messages and codes manual:
    ORA-00600 internal error code, arguments: [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string]
    Cause: This is the generic internal error number for Oracle program exceptions. It indicates that a process has encountered a low-level, unexpected condition. Causes of this message include:
    * timeouts
    * file corruption
    * failed data checks in memory
    * hardware, memory, or I/O errors
    * incorrectly restored files
    The first argument is the internal message number. Other arguments are various numbers, names, and character strings. The numbers may change meanings between different versions of Oracle.
    Action: Report this error to Oracle Support Services after gathering the following information:
    * events that led up to the error
    * the operations that were attempted that led to the error
    * the conditions of the operating system and databases at the time of the error
    * any unusual circumstances that occurred before receiving the ORA-00600 message
    * contents of any trace files generated by the error
    * the relevant portions of the Alter files
    Note: The cause of this message may manifest itself as different errors at different times. Be aware of the history of errors that occurred before this internal error.

  • Having problems using ion tape express with itunes cannot find the song on hard drive

    Having problems using ION tape express with itunes.  The song is on hard drive as temp1 not the name of the song.  And I have problems playing it in itunes
    because it says it cannot locate the song'

    Then correct the name of the song or point iTunes to the new file.
    Issues with restoring should be directed to the manufacturer of the backup software/device... this is not an Apple or iTunes issue.

  • Using a Select list with Submit

    I am trying to use the select list with Submit on my page.
    I have 3 select lists.
    On the first one,I am showing the list of all jacks.
    When the user selects a jack from the first list, I want to show all the jacks except the one which was selected.
    When the user selects a jack from the second list, I want to show all the jacks except the ones selected in the first list and the second list.
    I have created the select lists with submit and then I have put the query for getting the jacks. I created an unconditional branch. I am also passing the variables so that I can set the values of the items on submit.
    I also created a computation as mentioned in one of the OTN discussions, and have mentioned the value of second list to be calculated from the first and 3rd from first and second.
    But after clicking the first select list, I am losing all the existing values on the first page. I wonder what I am missing here. Can anyone hellp?

    In this case using 'select list with redirect' makes more sense rather than with SUBMIT. So change all the select lists to 'select list with redirect' (it redirects to same page inserting 'select list' value session state).
    Now for the 2nd select list query add a condition in where clause like
    WHERE sl_col != :P1_SL1And for the 3rd select list query add a condition in where clause like
    WHERE sl_col NOT IN (:P1_SL1, :P1_SL2)Hope it helps :-)

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