Problem with creating report in pl/sql

hi all
i'm doing a report which fetch from 8 column
i did something like this :
set pages 132
set lines 150
set und =
set spa=5
set feedback off
set newpage 0
the column which i select has an alias for the headlines like this
select tvia_num "NUMBER OF TVIA",name_e "EMPLOYEE_NAME
and so on form the 8 column
the problem is that some of the alias are get cut in the middle
like this NUMBER instead of NUMBER OF TVIA
the max size of the page is 132 characters
can someone please help me ?
best regards

Replace A15 with the column width.
Vamsi Kasina

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    Opening a report for Client Security might result in the following error being displayed in one or more areas of the report: "Error: Subreport could not be shown."
    There are two possible reasons for this error:
    1. Wrong location   The reporting server is pointing to the wrong computer running SQL Server or a SQL Server instance.
    2. Insufficient permissions   The account configured (in SQL Server Reporting Services) to connect to the reporting database does not have appropriate permissions for the database.
    To determine which reason is causing the error, attempt to directly open the subreport reporting the error, by clicking the name of the subreport.
    If the reporting server is pointing to a wrong location, the report displays an error similar to the following: 
    Error message
    An error has occurred during report processing.
    Cannot create a connection to data source 'SystemCenterReporting'. Cannot open database "SystemCenterReporting" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user username.
    To verify the correct SQL Server computer and instance path
    In Report Manager, navigate to the report generating the error and click the Properties tab.
    Click Data Sources and under a Shared data source, note the path.
    Open the reporting Web site. If you chose the default virtual directory for reports, the URL is: http://hostname/Reports/
    If you chose to secure the viewing of reports with HTTPS, the URL is: https://hostname/Reports/
    Click SCDW.
    In the Connection type list, ensure that Microsoft SQL Server is selected.
    In the Connection string box, ensure that the correct SQL Server computer and instance name are entered.
    A period (.) denotes the local computer.
    If the account has insufficient permissions, the report displays an error similar to the following: 
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    An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Query execution failed for data set 'DSDashboardComputersTrend'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand) EXECUTE permission denied on object 'prSAS_UX_DashboardComputersTrend', database 'SystemCenterReporting',
    schema 'dbo'.
    To determine if you are experiencing the SQL Server permissions issue
    Open the reporting Web site. If you chose the default virtual directory for reports, the URL is:http://hostname/Reportserver/
    If you chose to secure the viewing of reports with HTTPS, the URL is:https://hostname/Reportserver/
    Click Microsoft Operations Manager Reporting, click Microsoft Forefront Client Security, and scroll to DashboardComputersTrend.
    Click DashboardComputersTrend.
    If you are experiencing a SQL Server permissions issue, an error similar to the preceding error appears.
    To grant permissions to the SQL Server computer
    1. In Report Manager, click SCDW and note the account in the Connect using section. This is the account under which the database is contacted.
    2. On the server with the System Center Reporting database, start SQL Server Management Studio.
    3. In the tree, expand Security, and then expand Logins. Do one of the following:
    If the user account is listed, right-click the account, click Properties, and then go to step 5.
    If the user account is not listed, right-click Logins and choose New Login.
    4. In the Login name box, enter the user account (domain\username).
    5. In the Login Properties dialog box, click User Mapping, and then under Users mapped to this login, select the System Center Reporting check box.
    6. Under Database role membership for: System Center Reporting, select the db_owner check box, and then click OK.
    Yog Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    Entering page number works fine to view that page Request.Form parameters sample for that (change page from page 3 to page 5):
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    Try to view New Page does not work. Request.Form parameters sample for that (try change page from page 2 to page 3):
    __CRYSTALSTATEviewer:{"0":{"rptViewLabel":"Ana Rapor", "gpTreeCurrentExpandedPaths":{}, "vCtxt":"/wEXAwUVSXNMYXN0UGFnZU51bWJlcktub3duZwUOTGFzdFBhZ2VOdW1iZXICBQUKUGFnZU51bWJlcgIC", "pageNum":2}, "common":{"width":"100%", "Height":"100%", "enableDrillDown":true, "drillDownTarget":"_self", "printMode":"Pdf", "displayToolbar":true, "pageToTreeRatio":6, "pdfOCP":true, "promptingType":"html", 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    text_viewer_toptoolbar_selectPg:2 / 5

  • Language problems with std reports

    Dears gurus,
    We are facing some problems with standard reports due to translations...
    We have 4 languages actives at our ERP System, DE, EN, ES and PT... The completation Language is EN in all cases...
    The SMLT Import Logs for both languages (ES and PT) and completation with EN are not showing errors, but if we import at last the Language ES, the reports runs OK with logon language ES but with PT as logon language all texts are showed in DE, even that the completatin language is EN. If we re import PT language the reports runs OK with logon language PT but with ES as logon language all texts are showed in DE...
    Had anyone faced the same problem and solve it?
    Thanx a lot!!!

    Garth, we found that the reports with problem was created or provided by SAP trough Report Painter or Report Writer.
    We can solve the problem recreating the "Report Group" in the logon languaje that works bad. To do this you have to find in which Report Group  is the Report that you are running and using transaction GR52 complete attributes for this group, save (Logged in with the language that shows the problem)  and the problem is solved.
    I hope this helps you.

  • Problem with creating virtual column

    We've got problem with creating virtual column.
    There is table R_T that contain columns R_ID and L_ID, we would like to create virtual column RL_ID that contains sth like 'R_ID-L_ID' (R_ID, L_ID and RL_ID are varchars).
    According documentation we've tried:
    alter table R_T add column (RL_ID varchar2(60) generated always as (R_ID||'-'||L_ID) VIRTUAL)
    but getting
    ORA-00904: : invalid identifier
    00904.00000 - "%s: invalid identifier"
    Have no idea where is the problem.
    Table, columns names are little different but contains only capital letters A - Z and underscore "_".
    Has anyone idea?
    Thanks a lot.

    This does work for me :
    Connected to Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release
    Connected as dev
    SQL> create table r_t (
      2   r_id varchar2(25),
      3   l_id varchar2(25)
      4  );
    Table created
    SQL> insert into r_t (r_id, l_id) values('R','L');
    1 row inserted
    SQL> alter table r_t add (rl_id varchar2(60) generated always as (r_id||'-'||l_id) virtual);
    Table altered
    SQL> select * from r_t;
    R_ID                      L_ID                      RL_ID
    R                         L                         R-L

  • I am having problems with creating my apple id. On the phone it is advising me that the ID is not created and then when i do it online it says that it has been created. Can you advise me on what to do please?

    I am having problems with creating my apple id. On the phone it is advising me that the ID is not created and then when i do it online it says that it has been created. Can you advise me on what to do please?

    Apple ID FAQ

  • Problem with create universe on Business Objects XI 3.1 base on SAP Query

    I have a problem with create universe on Business Objects XI 3.1 base on SAP Query.
    The problem is hierarchy. Massage on Busines Objects is :
       OWBS_ELEMT__ISTKOSZT(cube ICPC01/BEX_ICOC01):Exception condition  "HIERARCHY NOT FOUND" raised.(WIS 10901) 
    Query in BEX run OK.
    Best regards.

    Thanks for response.
    When I run BEX QUERY, all works OK.
    All hierarchies was created and activated  on system BW.
    This situation appears after upgrade BW to SAP NetWeaver 7.3.
    Before upgrade I created universe without any problems.
    Regards Ela

  • Problems with a report generated as PDF

    I am having a problem with my report when it is generated as a PDF file from the reports server. A space is added soon after the letter w in all the words where there is letter w; for example, the word awake appears as aw ke, will appears as w ill, etc. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? I am using Reports 11g. Thanks.

    In layout change the font (Redo font) thru menu option (Not Font) Format -> Font >Western.
    This may solve your problem...
    user8655468 wrote:
    I am having a problem with my report when it is generated as a PDF file from the reports server. A space is added soon after the letter w in all the words where there is letter w; for example, the word awake appears as aw ke, will appears as w ill, etc. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? I am using Reports 11g. Thanks.

  • Probleme with crystal report : a report with 3 levels

    please am a from france, i have a bad english so is there somme one how speak frensh, i have a probleme with crystal report...
    so my first report, i have an XML file xith contine a lotof data, ils with a lot of level so i want that you show me how can i reprensent that, i can give u my wml file and also a word file to explain you what do i want comme result..
    so i have donwload an evaluation version of crystal report...
    thaks for u

    Hi alpacino,
       I know a really good actor that has the same name...and you're new to reports...hmmmmmmmm.....well, first of all,
    bravo to you for being able to write english at all.  I'm glad I don't have to learn it again.
       Go to the Group Expert and select one of your "levels".
    This will be your top group.  Then select the next "level", etc.
    I know you're not a dummy, but get a "Crystal Reports for Dummies" book and then a Crystal Reference book.  The dummy books are actually pretty good and give you a "from the ground" start.  Then keep coming back to the forum and test out your ideas by helping others.
    Hope this helps,
    The Panda

  • Problem with creating site from another computer!

    I have WebDB 2.2 and Oracle8i instaled on the same computer. I have a problem to create site from another computer. There is not any process when I try to create site. There is always 0%.
    But I have no problem with creating site on the origin computer.
    Does anybody know something about it?

    I am just not clear what to do once I have made changes and have published the new information.
    You shouldn't have to do anything. iWeb will save the information in the Domain.sites file. You can keep this file in a folder, or even on your desktop and iWeb will launch from a double-click on the file.

  • Problem with creating email account on E72

    I have bought E72 and want to use mine company email - but there is a problem with creating email account in mail program.
    Restoring to fabric settings doesn't works.
    When I'm creating Gmail account it's OK, but phone doesnt want to cooperate with other accouns:/

    Try again without using WLAN. I had same problem, but solved it using GPRS.

  • Problem with creating chapter-markers

    Hi everyone,
    as the title already says it, I've got a problem with creating chapter markers in Quicktime Pro 7.6.4. There's something wrong with the font, displayed in Quicktime. The problem first appeared a few days ago. Before this, everything went fine and I don't have a clue what causes the problem.
    Please click HERE to see a screen-recording of the steps I do to create chapters:
    - convert the chapters into unformatted text and save it as Unicode (UTF-16) text file.
    - open it in Quicktime and everything (including the german umlauts) is displayed correct.
    - export it into a Text-file with description
    when I open the new text file in Quicktime, the fonts are displayed in asian letters, but when I view it in the Texteditor, the text is almost correct, BUT the umlauts are not ok. So I go on with...
    - correct the umlauts and save a new file as Unicode (UTF-16) again.
    After I open the new file in Quicktime, the text is completely gone. As the text file seems to be ok in the Texteditor, I guess there must be something wrong with Quicktime. I tried to reinstall Quicktime 7 from the "Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard" Installation-Disc, but the problem persists.
    I' would appreciate any help...
    Thanks in advance and best regards,

    I'm having the exact same issue. I have created my movie in IMovie 09 then under the "share " menu I sent the movie to iDVD. Everything looks fine on screen, but all I get on the final product is the movie.
    After digging deeper into the tutorials all they show is dragging a movie into the idvd shell, not sharing via imovie.
    Thus I'm currently attempting to create a quicktime movie then drag it into the IDVD shell. I think that way the chapter markers and everything should show up and burnt into the final project. I'm guessing the "share" option with the IDVD from iMovie doesn't work properly???

  • Problem with creating order through order template

    Hi experts,
    We have problem with creating order by order template.  Extensions data available in order template is not sent to order.   Extension data are showing upto order submission form.  But after sucessful creation of order  extension data are no longer available in  CRM-ORDEr.
    We are using ISA 4.0 with CRM 4.0.
    We recently applied patches on CRM server.  Before patching it was working fine.
    Can you please suggest us to solve this issue?
    Thanks in Advance.
    Murugan Arumugam.


  • Problem with  Creating Info Record

    Hello Gurus,
    I've problem with Creating Info Record
    i tried to create info record for Plant Specific/Purchase Org
    The first Screen General Data is OK
    i entered all the data in the next screen ie
    Purchase Organization Data screen but i'm getting error
    <b>Make an entry in all required fields</b>
    but there is Mandatory Textbox ie "VALID TO" which im unable to select Bcos its Disabled
    pls help me regarding this
    thanks in advance

    Have u given the net price. <b>VALID TO</b> is the date until which the price shown in the info record is valid.
    If there is no price that is valid on the current date, the last-valid price is displayed and the date field contains the day before the start of the next validity period (this may be 12.31.9999 if there is no further validity date). If all validit periods lie beyond the current date, the price of the next period is displayed. The date field then contains the end date of this period.
    These validity periods we will maintain Purchse data CONDITIONS while creating info record. Check the validity period for the conditions.
    Hope this will helps u
    Ravikumar Bolla

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