Problem with editing webpage

Can't edit or save changes to parts of the webpage in Contribute 6.5 using Mac 10.7 computer.

Welcome to Adobe forums.
Please let me know the exact error message which you are getting while editing the webpage.
As you mentioned that you are not able to change a part of webpage. Were you able to make changes earlier to those parts or sections.
Which version of Contribute you are using ?

Similar Messages

  • A problem with this webpage caused Internet Explorer (IE9) to close and reopen the tab

    I have IE9 (using 32-bit version) installed on a relatively new laptop with Windows 7 64-bit. Up until last weekend IE9 worked fine and Flash Player worked fine too.
    At the weekend a webpage asked for Flash Player to be updated - which I did. Ever since then whenever I go to a webpage needing Flash Player I get the message "A problem with this webpage caused Internet Explorer to close and reopen the tab". This happens twice and then an IE9 error page.
    I have read the discussions in here about the problems with Flash Player 10.3 and have tried the various solutions. I have updated to having tried 15 and 14 previously. Same problem.
    I have reset IE9. Same problem.
    I have disabled all add-ons which stops the problem. If I enable just the Flash Player add-on then the problem recurs. Since there are so many webpages that use Flash I do not want to run my browser without this add-on running.
    If I enable the add-on and run IE9 using software rendering instead of GPU rendering then I don't get the problem. However, this isn't exactly making the best use of the resources on my laptop.
    This may well all be related to the 10.3 problems but no one seems to have mentioned having a problem with tabs closing and reopening so I thought I would post on here to check.
    Any suggestions for how to solve this (other than using software rendering)?

    Thanks again for your reply. I appreciate the time you have taken to respond.
    I think, however, you misunderstand the problem. IE9 does not reopen the tabs on just one website - it is doing this on every website that needs Flash Player. Therefore, running in Compatibility mode is not an option. In fact, because IE9 reopens the tabs so quickly and then ends up with an error page, I cannot even click the Compatibility button anyway.
    I could use ActiveX filtering - true. All that this means is that Flash does not play on any of the websites. When I want to re-enable ActiveX for a particular website where I need to see the Flash Player item, this just triggers the error.
    This problem also happened on .14, .15 and well as the current .16 version. It did not happen with the previous version of Flash Player that I had on the system (version 10.2 I think).
    The fact is that either Flash Player or IE9 or both is/are broken. The two choices I am still left with are:
    1. Use software rendering (which contradicts the latest advertisements for IE9 about unleashing the power of IE)
    2. Use another browser - I have no problems with either Firefox or Chrome

  • Problem with Edit IN function between LR 2.3 and PS CS3

    I recently upgraded my system to a Windows Vista 64 bit Core 2 Quad with 8 GB.  Lightroom now works and loads images the way it should. I do have one major concern and need any help possible.
    I am using LR 2.3 in 64 bit and PS CS3 ver 10.0.1 (which is 32 bit - loads slowly but otherwise works fine).  The problem I am encountering is in LR Develop / Photo / Edit In...  - using any of the menu items:
    "Edit in Abode Photoshop CS3"
    "Open as Smart Object In Photoshop"
    "Merge to Panorama in Photoshop"
    "Merge to HDR in Photoshop"
    "Open as layers in Photoshop"
    Photoshop opens but no image(s) are exported and I receive the message in LR - "The file could not be edited because Adobe Photoshop CS3 could not be launched."
    Photoshop, however, was launched but no image exported and so I can't work on the image in PS.  The appropriate TIFF image is created in LR for the first two menu items - nothing for the last three menu items.
    I can create a partial work around by setting PS as an external editor, however, I can't use 4 of 5 of the menu items.
    All the menu items work fine in Windows XPpro.
    Any help is much appreciated.
    PS I also tried the most recent Window 7 RC with exactly the same results.

    I wasn't shouting - I just cut and paste the exact text and font in its original size and type as was shown in the message.  Never had a thought that someone would be offended by cutting and pasting exactly what was in a message - it would appear that John Williams saw it for what it was.
    However, sorry if I offended you.
    Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 19:15:15 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Problem with Edit IN function between LR 2.3 and PS CS3
    There is no reason to shout. There are only other users here trying to help.

  • Problem with 'Edit Locally' command -- Due to IISProxy?

    We have a problem with 'Edit Locally' command since we are using Windows Authentication. Our architecture is:
    SAP EP 6.0 SP2 Patch 28 (Solaris)
    IIS Proxy (Windows 2003)
    The situation is:
    If we access to SAP Portal using old url (directly to Solaris) using form-based authentication we do not have any problem with 'edit locally' command.
    However, if we access to SAP Portal using IISProxy and Windows Authentication we get an 'Operation failed' error message.
         Java plug-in console shows the following message:
    cargar: clase com/sapportals/wcm/app/docapplet/DocApplet.class no encontrada.
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
    Caused by: open HTTP connection failed.
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader$ Source)
         at Method)
         ... 10 more
    Where is the problem? Is due to authentication method? SAP Portal or IISProxy configuration?

    Thanks for your comment,
    Now, we have tested with version 1.5.0_01 plugin version but the result is the same: 'Operation failed'
    This is a very important topic to solve before installing Windows Authentication in a productive environment.
    Has anybody any solution?

  • Problem with editing parts

    Hello everyone.
    I have problem with editing parts when I'm login as manager. when i click on edit icon on parts detail page portal is openning home page. (ver. 5.9 pl 7)

    I think that all rights are ok any other idea.
    I have the same problem on two implementations. Some times is better then i change in web.config  debug="false"
    Can you try to answer to my second post home page after login please.
    when i roll over etid icon i have following link +0&backpage=PartSearch.aspx
    part code is 5056 20 0
    maybe it will be helpful
    Edited by: Grzegorz Jachec on Jan 29, 2008 5:14 PM

  • After iphoto 9.1.5. problem with editing photos

    After I did the 9.1.5. update I have a problem with editing photo's. My photo's are about 35mb a piece.. they are panoramic photo's. Editing used to work perfect in iphoto 8.. after I went to iphoto 9 it became buggy.. (it crashes on certain photo's that 8 could handle without a problem).. but I learned to live with it. Now I did the 9.1.5. update and I can edit maybe 2 or 3 pics without a problem.. then when I get to number 4 Iphoto will show me a black screen.
    If I close iphoto and start it again, I can continue where I left off.. untill I get to a picture that seems to ruin the party.. and then I have to restart again..
    Iphoto 8 used to work so smooth with panoramic photo's.. dont know where it went wrong..

    There are several possible causes for the Black Screen issue
    1. Permissions in the Library: Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Include the option to check and repair permissions.
    2. Minor Database corruption: Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild.
    3. A Damaged Photo: Select one of the affected photos in the iPhoto Window and right click on it. From the resulting menu select 'Show File (or 'Show Original File' if that's available). Will the file open in Preview? If not then the file is damaged. Time to restore from your back up.
    4. A corrupted iPhoto Cache: Trash the folder from HD/Users/Your Name/Library/ Caches...
    5. A corrupted preference file: Trash the file from the HD/Users/ Your Name / library / preferences folder. (Remember you'll need to reset your User options afterwards. These include minor settings like the window colour and so on. Note: If you've moved your library you'll need to point iPhoto at it again.)
    If none of these help:
    As a Test:
    Hold down the option (or alt) key key and launch iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Create Library'
    Import a few pics into this new, blank library. Is the Problem repeated there?

  • Problem with "Edit in Photoshop" and Lightroom 2.1 failing to import new file

    I am a new user to Lightroom, so I won't be surprised if the problem is at the dull end of the keyboard...
    I am working with Lightroom 2.1 (still in my 30-day free trial), Photoshop CS3 with ACR 4.6, on Windows XP (fully updated). My image files are mostly .cr2 files (canon raw).
    When I "edit with photoshop" in Lightroom, it fires up Photoshop and brings the file up for edit as expected. Photoshop shows the file name as something like _MG_2326.CR2, as (I presume) expected. When I'm done editing in Photoshop, and I save the file, Lightroom brings up a message "The file could not be imported because it could not be read." and "It may be an incompatible format." on a second line.
    If I synchronize the folder in Lightroom it picks up the save file without issue (though its not automatically stacked with the original).
    I have tried messing around with the different options in the preferences "external editing" tab -- file format, color space and bit depth (I can't imagine resolution would matter). No joy there.
    I have also tried setting photoshop up as the additional external editor and if I do that it works correctly. However, in this case, it makes a copy of the file before opening photoshop which slows things down a little.
    Is this a problem that anybody else has seen before? Any solutions or work-arounds?

    I'm back trying to sort this problem out (got distracted for a couple of days by trying to get my monitor calibrated).
    Rearranging the folder structure didn't help. But I now have a better organized catalog, so that's ok :)
    What I did find is that if I import files into lightroom using the "file/import photos from device", then I can edit them normally afterwards (that is, when I save the file in photoshop cs3, the new file gets picked up correctly by lightroom and gets correctly stacked with the original). This is true even if the new files get added into the same directory structure that I'm having troubles with.
    So it looks like the directory structure is a red herring. It looks like the problem is in the catalog, with the way that lightroom originally imported my files. I created my original catalog by allowing lightroom to read my elements 6 catalog.
    It seems that I have this edit problem with all catalog entries that were imported from elements 6, but I don't have any problem with catalog entries that lightroom brings in directly (either through "import photos from device" or by adding a new folder to the lightroom catalog).
    So right now it looks like there is a problem with the elements catalog conversion.
    Is this a problem that anybody else has seen? Any suggestions for getting around it?

  • Illustrator problem with edit orginal

    Hi! to all
    I have a  problem with illustrator whan i place the picture i can use option "EDIT ORGINAL" i whant to edit picture in photoshop, i try relink, i googling but nothing...can you help me with to enable option to use this, I am runing W7 x64
    Thnx in advance

    I take it you mean you cannot use Edit original, that is because you have embedded the file instead of linking it.
    When placing the file there is a check box in the lower left side of the place  dialog that says link when you select and highlight an image it will become available and you check it to make sure the file is linked and not embedded now you use Edit Original but you must highlight it in the Links Panel first.

  • Problems with edits in iDVD

    I have a project completed in iMovie and it consists of 3 clips. One with 9 chapters and 2, single chapter clips. I edit out some of the beginning of each of those 2 clips, but when I try to add them to iDVD, the edits do not show and the entire, unedited clip shows instead.
    This is part of a gift for a friend. I converted a PAL DVD to NTSC and that was fine. I created menus and added effects and sound to the menus just fine, but I am having problems with the edits of the clips showing up.

    I am quite sure that the problem is in my terminology, so thanks for your patience.
    I am using the latest versions, with all updates applied, of the iLife '05 suite.
    As a video newbie, this has been quite an undertaking for me, so let me backtrack a bit. I have a PAL DVD that I ripped three titles from - the main feature, an interview and preview of another DVD - using Mac the Ripper. I then used Handbrake to convert them from PAL to NTSC and they were saved as .MP4 files. These are the raw, unedited files that I brought into iMovie by dragging and dropping them into the grid on the right side of the main iMovie screen.
    I dragged the first unedited file - the main feature - to the bottom of the main window. I marked that with chapters and dragged it back to the grid. I then took the second file - the interview - and made some edits to the beginning and ending points and the dragged it back up to the grid. Same thing with the third file which is a preview.
    I then opened iDVD and dragged the files from the media folders which I now know is incorrect.
    To correct this, I took my three edited files, dragged them in the order I wanted them to be in to the timeline on the bottom of the iMovie screen. I added new chapter marks for the interview and preview files, then and started my iDVD project using the "share" option from the "file" menu.
    That seems to be cleared up, and now my edits are showing, but now, when I start the iDVD part of the project, it splits the "chapter select" menu into two different screens and adds the two "featurettes" to that.
    I want to have it set up like this -
    Main Menu - Play All, Chapter Select, and Special Features
    Chapter Select - shows chapters 1 through 9 to choose from.
    Special Features - shows "Interview" and "Preview" to choose from.
    I don't seem to know how to get the interview and preview to show up as selections from the "special features" menu that I created. The only way I could do this is to drag the raw files into iDVD, but then I lose my edits.

  • Problems with editing items in ical

    I use ical with icloud on my Imac, Ipad and 3 Iphones.
    When i change an item on one of these devices and you press OK, you get to see your edited item for just a few seconds before ical changes the item back tot its old settings.
    So lets say you want to change the time of an item in your agenda from 12.00 to 02.00 for example, it will show your changes for a few seconds before the item is back on 12.00 again.
    This does not happen all the time. I thought it had something to do with editing items while ical is synchronizing but when you wait till its finished synchronizing it still happends sometimes. Eventually after editing the **** item 3 -5 times ical approves the changes but **** its annoying when you are in a hurry or dont have time to check up after you edited an item and it changes back without you seeing it.
    All devices have had their latest updates and are all connected to the internet either by 3G, WiFi or LAN.
    Anyone has an idea about how this is possible?

    Sorry I am having terrible trouble with even working out how to reply to these forums. I use photoshop elements 8 (and I have also tried Gimp) as I cannot afford CS5. The photo seem to be edited as TIFF and they do get imported. The photos seem to stack, but I am unable to open the stack to view the edited image - I thought when you click the stack it should expand and show all the editions of the photos next to each other. Sometimes - rarely - this works, but most of the time only the original raw file shows up. The crazy thing is even searching for the filename.tif doesn't find the file, even when I copy and paste the file name from Windows Explorer. But the edited file is in the catalogue somewhere because after deleting the original, the edited file shows up as above.
    I dread having to edit the files in PE8 because of this, but sometimes this is necessary to be able to use layers and filters.
    Note that using Gimp is just the same. I think the problem is in Lightroom.

  • Problems with Editing my photos - using Elements 7

    When I click on a photo to go to full edit, my computer freezes up and I end up having to close the program. It used to work just fine. My computer guy worked the memory of my computer, but it seems to be a problem with this program. Any ideas?

    Please try couple of probable solutions as mentioned below:
    Solution 1:
    1. Close Elements.
    2. Launch the Photoshop Elements Welcome Screen and hold down ctrl + alt + shift as you click Editor.
    3. Continue to hold the keys until you see a message box asking if you want to delete Photoshop Elements settings file; click Yes. Elements will open with default preferences.
    Solution 2: In case any network printer is attached try to launch without network or printer uninstall or make different printer as default.
    Solution 3: Try launching with anti-virus off or removing PSE from conflicting list.
    Solution 4:
    On the drive on which you have installed PSE,on my machine it is on C:
    Go  to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Elements  7.0\Locales\<locale>\Plug-Ins\Import-Exportand you will find twain  plug-in. Remove that plug-in from that location and copy it somewhere  else.
    Now launch PSE and check if it works.
    For related post for Twain please see this:

  • Problem with editing primary email keeps asking fo...

    Why does a security password window come up when I try to edit profile information such as the primary email, and when I type in my password it doesnt accept it? Ive reset my password and have logged in to my skype account but this keeps happening when I go to change the primary email.

    I am having the same problems with Mac eMail.  I have two Macs, one that is running Lion and the other is running Snow Leopard.  I have spent days on the phone with Apple and Verizon and they are blaming each other and neither have a solution.  Have you been able to get a response?  It looks like this is something that happens from time to time but never really gets fixed.
    Please let me know if there has been a fix since the Mac Mail update in July?  With the Union Issues Verizon doesn't have enough people to address the issues both in person ( I had a tech come to the house and he didn't know anything about software ) or on the phone.  They keep kicking it back to Apple.  I also have a couple iPhones and both are working fine. So this seems to be OS X specific.  I've had Macs and iPhones for 3 years or more. 
    Just makes me think something was done to the mail servers they didn't get correct.

  • Problem with Edit Preferences in iTunes

    I am having problems with my iTunes, which keeps reverting to a default file on my laptop rather than the file on the NAS drive I want it to use as a reference point for all my music.  This is particularly strange as I have just changed my NAS drive from a Buffalo Linkstation mini to a Synology ds411j - and I didn't have this problem with the previous NAS unit..
    As a result, I am not able to synchronise music with my iPhone - and my family can't synchronise their devices either.  This is making me unpopular.  Can anyone help please.

    Thanks for your help. I have it seems a range of places where ITunes is looking.  The first is where it should be looking - it will only do this however when I locate the file manually.  Once I do locate this one file, it will go on to locate many of the other files:
    This is what it prefers - and as some of the music is in this location it will easily locate and play those files.
    These are other options it takes which don't work - e,g.
    where M is a mapped drive to the Diskstation location.  Both this mapped drive and the correct Diskstation location will show as //localhost/ and fail as a consequence.
    One other difference between the old NAS which worked and the new NAS is that the new NAS requires password confirmation when I manually locate the file.  Not sure whether this has an impact on iTunes' ability to locate the file automatically.

  • Urgent : Problem with Editable  ALV Grid  for Quantity and Currency Fields

    Hi All,
    I am using Editable ALV Grid display and have quantity and value as editable fields in the display.
    When user changes these values these values are not changing properly .
    For the quantity field the domain is MENG13 with 3 deciamal places and here  if we enter 500 it takes it as 0.500   .
    The same problem is for the currency field. Here the Domain is WERT7 with 3 decimal places.
    Here also it takes last 2 digits after decimal places by default.
    Please advice how to get proper values in this case from ALV editable fields.
    Thanks and Regards
    Edited by: Harshad Rahirkar on Dec 25, 2007 7:39 AM

    for all the currency field , it will display like that only.
    u have to manipulate uin program before displaying.
    if they are giving 500, in program multiply with 100 and move it to table.
    when u are getting from table, divinde and display.
    this is what I am doing.
    Reward if helpfull.

  • Problem with editable ALV

    Hi All,
    I am using the method set_table_for_first_display for ALV Editable. After entering the values on the alv screen the values are not getting reflected unless press enter or should come out of my last cell to reflect the changes.
    I have used the mc_evt_enter and mc_evt_modified.
    I need to trigger the change data event with out coming out of my last cell and pressing the enter bubtton.
    This should happen atleast while pressing the save button or as soon as we modify the value in the cell.
    Please suggest me the code to trigger this.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Raghuveer Kumar K.

    Add a Save button on the container and add the save functionality.
    Just add the following class methods
          handle_toolbar FOR EVENT toolbar OF cl_gui_alv_grid
            e_object ,
            handle_user_command FOR EVENT user_command OF cl_gui_alv_grid
          IMPORTING e_ucomm.
    then in implementation of the above methods declared class.
    METHOD handle_toolbar.
          lw_toolbar TYPE stb_button.
        CLEAR lw_toolbar.
        lw_toolbar-function = 'SAVE'.
        lw_toolbar-icon = 'ICON_DETAIL'.
        lw_toolbar-butn_type = '0'.
        lw_toolbar-text = 'SAVE'.
    APPEND lw_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
    when user clicks save modify the internal table that contians the data.
    Regards and Best wishes.

Maybe you are looking for