Problem with INTERVAL-Statement

I have written a function in Oracle to get a Date in Future.
Only 1 case doesn't work.
I need a Date 4.5 Month later than the input-date.
the statement is:
udat:= CASE pcU
there I get an error: PLS-00167 keyword BULK is used in a wrong context.
How can I solve the problem?

You could use the following, but still, the question is:
What exactly is half a month for you if the month has 31 days? 15 days (rounded down) 15.5 days ("middle of the day") or 16 days (rounded up) or something else?
SQL> alter session set nls_date_format='dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss';
Session altered.
SQL> get t
  1  select sysdate today,
  2         add_months(sysdate, 4) + ((add_months(sysdate, 5) - add_months(sysdate, 4)) / 2) new_date
  3* from   dual
SQL> /
TODAY               NEW_DATE
11/01/2008 12:47:27 27/05/2008 00:47:27

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  • Problem with READ Statement in the field routine of the Transformation

    I have problem with read statement with binary search in the field routine of the transformation.
    read statement is working well when i was checked in the debugging mode, it's not working properly for the bulk load in the background. below are the steps i have implemented in my requirement.
    1. I selected the record from the lookuo DSO into one internal table for all entried in source_packeage.
    2.i have read same internal table in the field routine for each source_package entry and i am setting the flag for that field .
    Code in the start routine
    select source accno end_dt acctp from zcam_o11
    into table it_zcam
    for all entries in source_package
    where source = source_package-source
         and accno = source_package-accno.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    delete it_zcam where acctp <> 3.
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    sort it_zcam by surce accno.
    field routine code:
    read table it_zcam with key source = source_package-source
                                                 accno  = source_package-accno
                                                 binary search
                                                 transportin no fields.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    RESULT  = 'Y'.
    RESULT = 'N'.
    this piece of code exist in the other model there its working fine.when comes to my code it's not working properly, but when i debug the transformation it's working fine for those accno.
    the problem is when i do full load the code is not working properly and populating the wrong value in the RESULT field.
    this field i am using in the report filter.
    please let me know if anybody has the soluton or reason for this strage behaviour.

    i suppose the below is not the actual code. active table of dso would be /bic/azcam_o1100...
    1. is the key of zcam_o11 source and accno ?
    2. you need to get the sortout of if endif (see code below)
    select source accno end_dt acctp from zcam_o11
    into table it_zcam
    for all entries in source_package
    where source = source_package-source
    and accno = source_package-accno.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    delete it_zcam where acctp 3.
    delete it_zcam where end_dt initial.
    sort it_zcam by surce accno.
    field routine code:
    read table it_zcam with key source = source_package-source
    accno = source_package-accno
    binary search
    transportin no fields.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    RESULT = 'Y'.
    RESULT = 'N'.

  • Problem with PIVOT statement and ORA-56901

    I am having a problem with PIVOT in Oracle.
    I have a view in an oracle 11g database
    that returns me data in the format:- (... indicates left out text)
    DefinitionID ... AttributeValue FieldID
    ============ ============== =======
    ... 3000 X30a9...
    ... JohnN X4674...
    I am then trying to use a PIVOT statement to hopefully give me data
    in the format
    ======= =======
    JohnN 3000
    The PIVOT statement I am trying is
    SELECT X4674... AS Column1,
    X30A9... AS COLUMN2
    FROM (SELECT instanceid, definitionid, attributevalue, FIELDID
    FOR FIELDID IN (X4674...,X30A9... ) )
    where definitionid = hextoraw('7353C67A56C74B5A8234CD16064399E8')
    I have used a very similar VIEW and PIVOT statement for sql server
    (with necessary changes for Oracle applied) and the
    data returns in SQL Server as expected.
    Unfortunately I am getting the Oracle error
    ORA-56901: non-constant expression is not allowed for pivot|unpivot values
    Is there anyway to get a PIVOT working on Oracle where I use the
    fieldid's like I do above or is there some other way to supply the vales to the
    IN clause to overcome this error?
    Thank you for any help you can provide
    John Nugent

    Hi, John,
    Welcome to the forum!
    X4674, X30A9 and os on are the literal values that you're looking for, right?
    In Oracle, string literals need to be enclosed in single-quotes, like this:
    FOR FIELDID IN ('X4674', 'X30A9') You might find it more convenient to assign column aliases in the PIVOT clause, like this:
    PIVOT   (     MAX (attributevalue)
         FOR     fieldid       IN ( 'X4674'     AS column1
                        , 'X30A9'     AS column2
         ) Remember that anything inside quotes is case-sensitive, so 'X30A9' is not equal to 'X30a9'. Use UPPER (or LOWER) to do case-insensitive string comparisons.
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all tables, and also post the results you want from that data.
    Explain, using specific examples, how you get those results from that data.
    If you can use commonly available tables (such as those in the scott or hr schemas) to show your problem, then you don't have to post any sample data; just the results and explanation.
    Always say which version of Oracle you're using. You did say you were using Oracle 11g, but there's no 11f or 11h, and sometimes the difference between, say 11.1 and 11.2 can be significant. Why not say exactly what you're using, e.g.
    You'll get better answers faster if you always supply this information whenever you post a question.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Sep 22, 2011 2:09 PM
    Added allliterative alias alternative
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Sep 22, 2011 4:04 PM

  • Emergency: problem with update statement!

    hello guys, i have a very serious problem with an update statement in pl/sql.
    i had an application written in sybase, where i had the following update statement:
    update mis_dik_adeia
    set trexon_etos_days = days_per_year
    from mis_dik_adeia, mis_plafon_adeivn
    where mis_dik_adeia.adeia_id = mis_plafon_adeivn.adeia_id
    and mis_dik_adeia.adeia_id between :aapo and :aews
    and mis_dik_adeia.employee_id = :erg
    and mis_dik_adeia.etos = :etos
    and mis_plafon_adeivn.years_yphr = ( select max( a.years_yphr ) from mis_plafon_adeivn a where a.adeia_id = mis_plafon_adeivn.adeia_id and a.years_yphr <= :eth ) using sqlca;
    This is working properly in sybase. When i copied this code in pl/sql it displayed me error and it's impossible to work. Then i thought to make a nested select statement like this:
    update mis_dik_adeia
    set trexon_etos_days = (select days_per_year
    from mis_dik_adeia, mis_plafon_adeivn
    where mis_dik_adeia.adeia_id = mis_plafon_adeivn.adeia_id
    and mis_dik_adeia.adeia_id between aapo and aews
    and mis_dik_adeia.employee_id = erg
    and mis_dik_adeia.etos = etos1
    and mis_plafon_adeivn.years_yphr = (
    select max( a.years_yphr )
    from mis_plafon_adeivn a
    where a.adeia_id = mis_plafon_adeivn.adeia_id
    and a.years_yphr <= eth )
    but as you can understand, it is working, but it doesn't produce the same results as the update statement in Sybase!
    It is very important for me to solve this problem , which is a very big trouble for me for a long time.
    Please if anyone can help me i would appreciate it a lot!
    Regards ,

    folowing the logic of your original query by Sybase
    (it's embedded SQL in Power Builder, isn't it ?):
    update mis_dik_adeia
    set trexon_etos_days = (select days_per_year
    from mis_plafon_adeivn
    where mis_dik_adeia.adeia_id = mis_plafon_adeivn.adeia_id
    and mis_plafon_adeivn.years_yphr = (
    select max( a.years_yphr )
    from mis_plafon_adeivn a
    where a.adeia_id = mis_plafon_adeivn.adeia_id
    and a.years_yphr <= eth )
    mis_dik_adeia.adeia_id between aapo and aews
    and mis_dik_adeia.employee_id = erg
    and mis_dik_adeia.etos = etos1
    exists (select 1
    from mis_plafon_adeivn
    where mis_dik_adeia.adeia_id = mis_plafon_adeivn.adeia_id
    and mis_plafon_adeivn.years_yphr = (
    select max( a.years_yphr )
    from mis_plafon_adeivn a
    where a.adeia_id = mis_plafon_adeivn.adeia_id
    and a.years_yphr <= eth )
    In 9i you can also try the following:
    megre into mis_dik_adeia
    using (
    mis_dik_adeia.rowid rid
    from mis_dik_adeia, mis_plafon_adeivn
    where mis_dik_adeia.adeia_id = mis_plafon_adeivn.adeia_id
    mis_dik_adeia.adeia_id between aapo and aews
    and mis_dik_adeia.employee_id = erg
    and mis_dik_adeia.etos = etos1
    and mis_plafon_adeivn.years_yphr =
    (select max( a.years_yphr )
    from mis_plafon_adeivn a
    where a.adeia_id = mis_plafon_adeivn.adeia_id
    and a.years_yphr <= eth)
    ) src
    on (mis_dik_adeia.rowid = src.rid)
    when matched then
    update set mis_dik_adeia.trexon_etos_days = src.days_per_year
    when not matched then
    insert (mis_dik_adeia.adeia_id) values(0);
    In 10G it can be easily:
    megre into mis_dik_adeia
    using (
    mis_dik_adeia.rowid rid
    from mis_dik_adeia, mis_plafon_adeivn
    where mis_dik_adeia.adeia_id = mis_plafon_adeivn.adeia_id
    mis_dik_adeia.adeia_id between aapo and aews
    and mis_dik_adeia.employee_id = erg
    and mis_dik_adeia.etos = etos1
    and mis_plafon_adeivn.years_yphr =
    (select max( a.years_yphr )
    from mis_plafon_adeivn a
    where a.adeia_id = mis_plafon_adeivn.adeia_id
    and a.years_yphr <= eth)
    ) src
    on (mis_dik_adeia.rowid = src.rid)
    when matched then
    update set mis_dik_adeia.trexon_etos_days = src.days_per_year;
    I have to notice I didn't check it carefully, so I can miss...
    Corrected a mistake in the table name
    Message was edited by:

  • Problem with Decode statement

    I am trying to achieve the following in my report:
    If an employee has a surname of . (dot) or a first name of . (dot), the report should not display a dot. An employee's name is made up of surname, first name and middle name which should all be concatenated together. To try to achieve this, I have the following statement in my report:
    decode(e.Surname, '.', ( LTRIM(RTRIM((INITCAP(e.FIRST_NAME)))||' '||INITCAP(e.MIDDLE_NAME)) ) ,
    e.FIRST_NAME, '.', ( LTRIM(RTRIM((INITCAP(e.Surname)))||' '||INITCAP(e.MIDDLE_NAME)) ) ,
    ( LTRIM(RTRIM((INITCAP(e.SURNAME )))||', '||INITCAP(e.FIRST_NAME)||' '||INITCAP(e.MIDDLE_NAME)) ) ) as emp_name
    FROM Employee e
    Problem: The above statement is only working for those employees with surname of . (dot). It's not working for first names of dot. How can I use the decode statement OR is there any other way of doing it without using the CASE statement?
    It seems my decode statement doesn't work with 2 different fields (surname, firstname) being tested within one decode statement.Thanks.

    Thank you so much InoL . I have used the ltrim with Replace but now have a new problem.
    Because I am joining Surname, First name and middle name together and put a comma after the Surname, the name now appears as follows:
    , Maria Ane (if Surname is a dot)
    Boiler, (if first name is a dot)
    I would like to get rid of a comma and only have comma when surname or first name does not have a dot, i.e. for those people with full names e.g. Blake, Anna Marie.
    InoL, how can I achieve this? Thanks.

  • Problem with MERGE statement

    Hi All,
    We are encountering a strange problem with the merge command.
    The following statement works :-
              ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_LOG a1,
              product_push_wrk a2
              a2.column_id = a1.group_id and
              a2.modify_date = a1.modify_date ) b
    on ( a.group_id = b.group_id)
    when matched then
         update set
              a.NAME = b.NAME,
              a.CREATE_DATE = b.CREATE_DATE,
              a.MODIFY_DATE = b.MODIFY_DATE
    when not matched then
    However when we change the order of the columns in the select query as follows the an error occurs : -
              ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_LOG a1,
              product_push_wrk a2
              a2.column_id = a1.group_id and
              a2.modify_date = a1.modify_date ) b
    on ( a.group_id = b.group_id)
    when matched then
         update set
              a.NAME = b.NAME,
              a.CREATE_DATE = b.CREATE_DATE,
              a.MODIFY_DATE = b.MODIFY_DATE
    when not matched then
    ERROR at line 15:
    ORA-00904: "B"."GROUP_ID": invalid identifier
    SQL> l 15
    15* on ( a.group_id = b.group_id)
    The structure of the attribute_log table is as follows :-
    Name Null? Type
    Any pointers to the cause of this error will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks and Regards,

    The table structures are as follows :-
    04:17:17 SQL> desc product_push_wrk
    Name Null? Type
    04:17:25 SQL> desc ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_LOG
    Name Null? Type
    04:18:02 SQL> desc ATTRIBUTE_GROUP
    Name Null? Type

  • Problem with Submit statement

    Hi All,
    I have a problem with the usage of the submit statement.
    I have a report program, say report 'A'.
    In the report program 'A', I have a custom screen with number '9001'.
    In the screen 9001, of program A, there is a button to display ALV.
    In the PAI event, under module Module call_report, i am calling another report program say B, using the statement Submit B and return, when the button is clicked.
    In the report program B i have a select options. and a docking alv container in it.
    Flow of the program is:
    1. Run the program A.
    2. Select the button on screen 9001.
    3. Call the report program B.
    4. Enter a value in the select option and run the program B.
    5. Go back to program A by selecting back button.
    The problem is as at step 4.:
    Now, when i press Intervals button ( Arrow mark ) present beside the select option, my program B is getting executed and the list output is being shown.
    Kindly let me know what is the problem.

    you can very well use the submit procedure as suggested above or you also can do "leave to screen '9001' " for the back button.

  • Problem with while statement :(

    i am having a problem with my while statement, can anyone help me to get it working :(
    i am trying to get the while statement to only run when the input hasnt been a yes or a no, can someone please help me.
        System.out.print("Are you a Resident? (yes/no): ");
        Resident =; //Requests resident status from user and puts in in Resident
        while ((Resident != "yes") && (Resident != "no"))
                    System.out.print("error - You didnt type yes or no. Try again: ");
                    Resident =;

    while ((Resident != "yes") && (Resident != "no"))Don't compare Strings with ==, use the equals() method instead.
    while(!("yes".equals(Resident) && "no".equals(Resident)))

  • Problems with Callable Statement

    Hi All,
    I have a problem with the callable statement that contains stored procedure.Here main thing i want to know is that can a stored procedure can be used for a database like Access.Because i am using Access as a database here.In which i have created the table Students.
    The table Students contains 3 fields they are name,amount & balance.
    The program is compiling well but during the runtime it is showing an error:-
    "Syntax error in Create Table" .
    For ur reference i have posted the code:-
    import java.sql.*;
    public class CallStatDemo
    public static void main(String arg[])
    Connection con;
    CallableStatement cs;
    Driver dr;
    String str1,str2;
    int in1,in2;
    double d1;
    con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Ananth"); //the dsn name is Ananth
    System.out.println("Connection not Established");
    cs=con.prepareCall("{call Payment(?,?)}");
    cs.setString(1,"Raman"); //name
    cs.setString(2,"2000"); //amount
    catch(Exception e)
    System.out.println("Error Message : "+e);
    static void init(Connection con)
    throws SQLException
    Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
    stmt.execute ("create or replace procedure Payment(name in text,amount in text)is " +
    " begin"+
    " update Students set balance=balance-amount where name =name;"+
    "end Payment;");

    I have no clue if Access supports stored procedures, and this surely isn't related to JDBC at all. Did you check your Access documentation?
    Your posted code does not contain any CREATE TABLE statement, so where do you get your error (which line)
    Most probably Access does not support stored procedures. To verify that, you should execute your CREATE PROCEDURE statement from within Access, to verify that it is a supported statement.

  • Problem with switch-statement & ä, ö, ü

    Hi all,
    I am doing this Java online tutorial right now and have a problem with one of the exercises. Hopefully you can help me:
    I have to write a program that determines the number of consonants, vowels, punctuation characters, and spaces in an input line. I found a solution, but have two questions about it:
    •     I’m unable to calculate the amount of umlauts (ä, ö, ü). Somehow the program doesn’t recognize those characters. Why?
    •     In general I’m not very happy with this huge list of “cases”. How would you solve a problem like this? Is there a more convenient/elegant way?
    Thanks in advance!
    Write a program that determines the number of consonants, vowels, punctuation characters, and spaces in an input line.
    Read in the line into a String (in the usual way). Now use the charAt() method in a loop to access the characters one by one.
    Use a switch statement to increment the appropriate variables based on the current character. After processing the line, print out
    the results.
    import java.util.Scanner;
    class Kap43A1
      public static void main ( String[] args )
        String line;
        char letter;
        int total, countV=0, countC=0, countS=0, countU=0, countP=0;
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
        System.out.println( "Please write a sentence " );
        line = scan.nextLine();
        total=line.length(); //Gesamtanzahl an Zeichen des Satzes
        for (int counter=0; counter<total; counter++)
          letter = line.charAt(counter); //ermitteln des Buchstabens an einer bestimmten Position des Satzes
          switch (letter)
            case 'A': case 'a':
            case 'E': case 'e':
            case 'I': case 'i':
            case 'O': case 'o':
            case 'U': case 'u':
            case 'B': case 'b': case 'C': case 'c': case 'D': case 'd': case 'F': case 'f': case 'G': case 'g': case 'H': case 'h':
            case 'J': case 'j': case 'K': case 'k': case 'L': case 'l': case 'M': case 'm': case 'N': case 'n': case 'P': case 'p':
            case 'Q': case 'q': case 'R': case 'r': case 'S': case 's': case 'T': case 't': case 'V': case 'v': case 'W': case 'w':
            case 'X': case 'x': case 'Y': case 'y': case 'Z': case 'z':
            case ' ':
            case ',': case '.': case ':': case '!': case '?':
            case 'Ä': case 'ä': case 'Ö': case 'ö': case 'Ü': case 'ü':
        System.out.println( "Total amount of characters:\t" + total );
        System.out.println( "Number of consonants:\t\t" + countC );
        System.out.println( "Number of vocals:\t\t" + countV );
        System.out.println( "Number of umlauts:\t\t" + countU );
        System.out.println( "Number of spaces:\t\t" + countS );
        System.out.println( "Number of punctuation chars:\t" + countP );

    WRE wrote:
    •In general I’m not very happy with this huge list of “cases”. How would you solve a problem like this? Is there a more convenient/elegant way?I've been doing this a lot lately myself evaluating documents with 20 or so million words. Few tips:
    1. Regular expressions can vastly reduce the list of cases. For example you can capture all letters from a to z or A to Z as follows [a-zA-Z]. To match a single character in a String you can then make use of the Pattern and Matcher classes, and incorporate the regular expression. e.g.
      //Un-compiled code, may contain errors.
      private Pattern letterPattern = Pattern.compile("[a-zA-Z]");
      public int countNumberOfLettersInString(final String string) {
        int count = 0;
        Matcher letterMatcher = letterPattern.matcher(string);
        while(letterMatcher.find()) {
        return count;
      }2. As mentioned above, Sets are an excellent choice. Simply declare a static variable and instantiate it using a static initializer block. Then loop over the String to determine if the character is in the given set. e.g.
      //Un-compiled code, may contain errors.
      private static Set<Character> macrons = new HashSet<Character>();
      static {
      public int countNumberOfMacronsInString(final String string) {
        int count = 0;
        for(char c : string.toCharArray()) {
          if(macrons.contains(c) {
        return count;

  • Performance problem with MERGE statement

    Version :
    I have an insert statement like following which is taking less than 2 secs to complete and inserts around 4000 rows:
    INSERT INTO sch.tab1
    SELECT c1,c2,c3
       FROM sch1.tab1@dblink
      WHERE c1 IN (SELECT c1 FROM sch1.tab2@dblink);I wanted to change it to a MERGE statement just to avoid duplicate data. I changed it to following :
    MERGE INTO sch.tab1 t1
    USING (SELECT c1,c2,c3
       FROM sch1.tab1@dblink
      WHERE c1 IN (SELECT c1 FROM sch1.tab2@dblink) t2
    ON (t1.c1 = t2.c1)
    INSERT (t1.c1,t1.c2,t1.c3)
    VALUES (t2.c1,t2.c2,t2.c3);The MERGE statement is taking more than 2 mins (and I stopped the execution after that). I removed the WHERE clause subquery inside the subquery of the USING section and it executed in 1 sec.
    If I execute the same select statement with the WHERE clause outside the MERGE statement, it takes just 1 sec to return the data.
    Is there any known issue with MERGE statement while implementing using above scenario?

    riedelme wrote:
    Are your join columns indexed?
    Yes, the join columns are indexed.
    You are doing a remote query inside the merge; remote queries can slow things down. Do you have to select all thr rows from the remote table? What if you copied them locally using a materialized view?Yes, I agree that remote queries will slow things down. But the same is not happening while select, insert and pl/sql. It happens only when we are using MERGE. I have to test what happens if we use a subquery refering to a local table or materialized view. Even if it works, I think there is still a problem with MERGE in case of remote subqueries (atleast till I test local queries). I wish some one can test similar scenarios so that we can know whether it is a genuine problem or some specific problem from my side.
    BTW, I haven't had great luck with MERGE either :(. Last time I tried to use it I found it faster to use a loop with insert/update logic.
    Edited by: riedelme on Jul 28, 2009 12:12 PM:) I used the same to overcome this situation. I think MERGE needs to be still improved functionally from Oracle side. I personally feel that it is one of the robust features to grace SQL or PL/SQL.

  • Oracle 9i, Rel.2 - Problems with dynam statement and cursor

    I have the following problem with Oracle 9i, Release 2:
    I have a SQL-statement, which I create with the help of a configuration table. That means I don’t know how this statement looks at runtime. It could be look like this:
    SELECT Att1, Att2, Att3
    FROM Tab1
    or this…
    SELECT Att1, Att2
    FROM Tab1
    or this…
    SELECT Att1
    FROM Tab1
    That means I don’t know in advance how many columns will be in the select-clause.
    Here my code snippet until here:
    v_query_str := 'SELECT ' || v_select_clause_str
    || ' FROM cb.' || v_table;
    ,,v_select_clause_str" willl be created dynamically
    ,,v_table" is as well from the config-table
    Now I want to iterate through the result of the query and do further processing.
    For this reason I wanted to use a cursor, iterate through the rows and save every value of each row in an own variable (but I don’t know the number of columns!!!).
    But how can I open a cursor and iterate through it without knowing the number of columns???
    The following code is NOT working:
    TYPE t_dataColumnComp IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(200);
    a_dataColumnComp t_dataColumnComp;
    --here I create the query…
    v_query_str := 'SELECT ' || v_select_clause_str
    || ' FROM cb.' || v_table;
    OPEN c_tempAtt FOR v_query_str;
    FETCH c_tempAtt INTO a_dataColumnComp; --THIS DON’T WORK
    FOR i IN 1..a_dataColumnComp.COUNT
    CLOSE c_tempAtt; --close cursor variable

    You will need to use DBMS_SQL to handle this since the number of columns in the result set is not known until runtime.
    See here for an example of using DBMS_SQL:

  • Problem with logical statements

    Hi all!
    we have a problem with BI Answers filter.
    Our customer have a complex filter like ((EXPR1 AND EXPR2) OR (EXPR3 AND EXPR4) ...)
    BI Server rewrite this expression on physycal layer as ((EXPR1 OR EXPR3) AND (EXPR1 OR EXPR4) AND (EXPR2 OR EXPR3) AND (EXPR2 OR EXPR4) ..)
    Because original filter is big and complex, in the 'BI style' it's size is greater then 500 kBytes, and physical query (Oracle database) execution time is about 2 hours, while with WHERE expression written in initial style the query executed in few seconds in SQL+.
    How can we suppress BI Server from transformation of logical OR statements?

    the star schema is correct, ----> ok
    the columns selected did not affect execution time --> ok , try to build it step by step(one column at time)
    the query from BI log in other SQL client executed by the same time --> you mean 2 hours??as Bi?
    the problem is that in normal style query script size is few kBytes and WHERE statement consists of about 50 logical parts }
    and after BI transformation query script size is 0,5 MBytes and WHERE statement consists of about 3000 logical parts } ---> try to ckeck your logical
    statements is not possible that.ckeck the groups that exist in filter section///are these the one you need??
    Last, i mentioned have you tried the direct sql query in the answers section??what about the time there???
    There is a tab when you make the report-------Criteria results Prompts and !!!Advanced!!
    Check Advanced , the sql issued..
    i hope i helped

  • Am I likely to recieve problems with these stats?

    Just recently ordered BT vision and even tho its not due to arrive for a few weeks, BT have kindly enabled the Assured Rate/QOS already ;-)
    Now the wife is a bit pessemestic as to whether it will work on our line as she has heard horror stories from our neighbours.. THese are my just posted stats from the BT speed tester. Can anyone see any problem with these?
    Test1 comprises of two tests
    1. Best Effort Test: -provides background information.
    Download  Speed
    3757 Kbps
    0 Kbps
    7150 Kbps
    Max Achievable Speed
     Download speedachieved during the test was - 3757 Kbps
     For your connection, the acceptable range of speeds is 600-7150 Kbps.
     Additional Information:
     Your DSL Connection Rate :5312 Kbps(DOWN-STREAM), 448 Kbps(UP-STREAM)
     IP Profile for your line is - 4000 Kbps
    2. Assured Rate Test: -provides background information.
    Download Speed
    666 Kbps
    0 Kbps
    600 Kbps
    Max Achievable Speed
     Download speedachieved during the test was - 666 Kbps
     For your connection, the acceptable range of speeds is 576-600 Kbps.
     Additional Information:
     Assured Rate IP profile on your line is - 600 Kbps
    THis test was done over a BT Business Hub and if these results are decent, im reluctant to change it for the BT Home hub that i will be getting for free....

    looks pretty perfect you should have no problems at all
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  • Problem with Submit statement into print program for delivery

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    i got a problem with the SUBMIT statement that i put into a print program associated to a delivery output message.
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    There is any solution to this situation?
    Why i cannot use the SUBMIT statement in this case?

    Hi Simone,
    you could try to do the operation in a separate task (call a function in starting new task). This will decouple your current process from the new task.

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