Problem with Table with Tree

I have followed Integration of a Tree Structure in a Web Dynpro Table from SDN, all cofigurations are done and it is retrieving values correctly. But, the subtree entries are not get added to the corresponding nodes. All sub values are added to the end of the table when any node is clicked. Also, once the node is expanded, collapse is not working (that might be of same reason - i guess)
Please guide me to solve this issue

public void addCatalogEntries( node, java.lang.String parentid )
    //@@begin addCatalogEntries()
    IPrivateTable5_ComponentView.ICatalogEntriesElement elmnt;
    for(int i = 0; i< Catalog.getLength(); i++){
              elmnt = wdContext
              else {
Sample Data:
PO, For the year 2007,no,"ROOT",
Jan, Month of January, no, "PO",
01 - 04, 01 Jan to 04 Jan, yes, "Jan"
Feb, Month of Feb, no, "PO"
All data are available upon expanding corresponding nodes, but it is not comes  under that particular node, instead appended to the end of the table.
e.g: weekly entries for January comes after december and so on.
it is not coming under jan sub-node.

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  • Interesting problem with Tree region...

    I have a tree region which I am using to show tasks in a task management / change control app. All working fine until I decided it would be good to have a select list at the top which allows me to see either all or just incomplete tasks...
    I set up a list selection item (P9_TASK_STATUS) with the following LOV:
    Then I modified the tree code to include ' AND pcent_complete < :P9_TASK_STATUS ' in the where clause (code below). Now, when I choose All from the drop down I see all nodes. When I choose Incomplete I see nothing... an empty tree! I have checked the value in P9_TASK_STATUS and it is as per the LOV...
    I tested the code by changing it to hard numbers instead of the item - and it works fine when I use ' < 101' but returns nothing when I use '< 100'. Have also tried changing the LOV to 100 & 90 then putting a '<=' in the where clause.
    Yes, there are many tasks with values less than 100!!
    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance
    select case when connect_by_isleaf = 1 then 0
    when level = 1 then 1
    else -1
    end as status,
    "TASK_NAME" as title,
    null as icon,
    "TASK_ID" as value,
    "DETAIL" as tooltip,
    'f?p=&APP_ID.:9:&APP_SESSION.::::P9_TASK_ID_1,P9_TREE_NODE:'||"TASK_ID" || ',' || "TASK_ID" as link
    from "#OWNER#"."TM020_TASKS"
    WHERE project_id = :F102_PROJID and pcent_complete < :P9_TASK_STATUS
    start with "TASK_LEVEL" = 1
    connect by prior "TASK_ID" = PARENT
    order siblings by dte_sched, priority
    Edited by: Steve In Dorset, UK on Jan 13, 2011 9:46 AM

    Interesting point ab out the where clause but that works fine with the single condition to filter by project ID. I've also noticed that the problem only occurs once there are tasks which have been marked as 100% complete! WHen there are no complete tasks the code runs OK. could be an excuse to never finish a task...
    COde to create table & data below
    -- DDL for Table TM020_TASKS
    (     "TASK_ID" NUMBER(*,0),
         "PROJECT_ID" NUMBER(*,0),
         "TASK_NAME" VARCHAR2(100),
         "PARENT" NUMBER(*,0) DEFAULT 0,
         "DETAIL" CLOB,
         "DTE_CREATED" DATE DEFAULT sysdate,
         "DTE_STARTED" DATE,
         "DTE_DUE" DATE,
         "DTE_LIVE" DATE,
         "PRIORITY" NUMBER(*,0) DEFAULT 0,
         "WORK_SEQ" NUMBER(*,0) DEFAULT 0,
         "TASK_LEVEL" NUMBER(*,0) DEFAULT 1,
         "DEV_NOTES" CLOB,
         "DTE_TEST" DATE,
         "DB_OBJ" VARCHAR2(100),
         "APP_OBJ" VARCHAR2(100),
         "DTE_SCHED" DATE,
         "OWNER" NUMBER(*,0) DEFAULT 0
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (48,13,'Calendar Reports',43,'Anne',to_date('13-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,null,null,0,0,null,3,null,null,null,null,1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (39,15,'Bugs',0,'Everyone!',to_date('12-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,null,null,0,0,null,1,null,null,null,null,1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (40,15,'Email to Postmaster',39,'Caroline',to_date('12-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,to_date('14-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,2,0,null,2,null,null,null,to_date('13-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (41,13,'Create table for tree',19,null,to_date('13-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),to_date('10-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),to_date('10-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,1,100,null,3,to_date('13-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),'icdb501_admintree',null,to_date('10-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (42,13,'Bugs',0,null,to_date('13-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,null,null,0,0,null,1,null,null,null,null,1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (43,13,'Change Requests',0,null,to_date('13-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,null,null,0,0,null,1,null,null,null,null,1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (44,13,'Download CSV Change',42,'Anne',to_date('13-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,null,null,2,0,null,2,null,null,null,to_date('16-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (45,13,'Reports',0,null,to_date('13-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,null,null,0,0,null,1,null,null,null,null,1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (46,13,'% Pats screened',45,'Anne',to_date('13-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,null,null,1,0,null,2,null,null,null,to_date('17-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (47,13,'Patient Status',43,'Anne',to_date('13-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,null,null,1,0,null,2,null,null,null,to_date('17-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (49,13,'Positive TCIs',48,'Anne',to_date('13-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,null,null,2,0,null,4,null,null,null,to_date('18-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (14,13,'Make Admin more friendly',0,'Steve',to_date('11-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,to_date('14-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,2,40,0,1,null,null,null,null,1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (16,15,'Change Requests',0,'Steve',to_date('11-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,null,null,0,0,0,1,null,null,null,null,1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (18,17,'Create project docs structure',0,'System',to_date('11-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,null,null,0,0,0,1,null,null,null,null,0);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (19,13,'Set up IC Tree region',14,'Steve',to_date('11-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),to_date('07-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),to_date('18-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,2,50,null,2,to_date('13-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,null,to_date('07-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (20,13,'Plan IC tree nodes',19,'Steve',to_date('11-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),to_date('09-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),to_date('09-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,2,100,null,3,null,null,null,to_date('09-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (21,13,'Create IC node pages',19,'Steve',to_date('11-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),to_date('07-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),to_date('11-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,2,100,null,3,null,null,null,to_date('09-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (22,13,'Help & Support',0,'Steve',to_date('11-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,to_date('21-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,2,0,null,1,null,null,null,to_date('17-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (23,13,'On-Line Help',22,'Steve',to_date('11-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,to_date('21-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,2,0,null,2,null,null,null,null,1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (24,13,'Written manuals',22,'Steve',to_date('11-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,to_date('21-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,2,0,null,2,null,null,null,null,1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (25,13,'Helpdesk documentation',22,'Steve',to_date('11-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,to_date('21-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,2,0,null,2,null,null,null,null,1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (26,15,'Split large fields',16,'Steve',to_date('11-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,null,null,2,0,null,2,null,null,null,null,1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (27,15,'Ward activation',16,'Caroline',to_date('11-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),to_date('12-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,null,2,0,null,2,null,null,'listmanager.asp',null,1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (28,13,'Set up Micro tree region',14,'Steve',to_date('12-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,null,null,0,0,null,2,null,null,null,null,1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (29,13,'Plan Micro tree nodes',28,'Steve',to_date('12-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,null,null,0,0,null,3,null,null,null,null,1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (30,13,'Create micro node pages',28,'Steve',to_date('12-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,null,null,0,0,null,3,null,null,null,null,1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (32,31,'Clinic Letters',0,'Caroline',to_date('12-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,null,null,0,0,0,1,null,null,null,null,0);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (33,31,'Remove interprovide mail',32,'Caroline',to_date('12-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,null,null,1,0,null,2,null,null,null,null,1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (35,31,'get TRUD',34,'Caroline',to_date('12-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,null,null,2,0,null,2,null,null,null,null,1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (36,31,'Enable samba for trud',34,'Caroline',to_date('12-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,null,null,0,0,null,2,null,null,null,null,1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (37,31,'HL7 email',34,'Caroline',to_date('12-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,null,null,1,0,null,2,null,null,null,null,1);
    Insert into TM020_TASKS (TASK_ID,PROJECT_ID,TASK_NAME,PARENT,REQUESTOR,DTE_CREATED,DTE_STARTED,DTE_DUE,DTE_LIVE,PRIORITY,PCENT_COMPLETE,WORK_SEQ,TASK_LEVEL,DTE_TEST,DB_OBJ,APP_OBJ,DTE_SCHED,OWNER) values (38,13,'Create icdb530_pk_trg',21,'Steve',to_date('12-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),to_date('12-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),to_date('12-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),null,2,100,null,4,to_date('13-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),'icdb530_pk_trg',null,to_date('12-JAN-11 00.00.00','DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SS'),1);

  • Problem with trees(Duplication of the parent node in creation of  children)

    Hi guys i am experiencing a slight problem with the creation of trees.Here is a clear explanation of my program.I created a program that generates edges from a set of datapoints then use each and every edge that is generated to create multiple trees with the edge as the rootnode for each and every tree.Everything up to so far everything went well but the problem comes when i want the program to pick every single tree and traverse through the set of generated edges to create the children of a tree.What it does at the moment for each tree is returning the a duplication of the parent node as the child nodes and that is a problem.Can anyone related with this problem help.Your help will be appreciated.
    The code
    TreeNode class
    package SPO;
    import java.util.*;
    public class TreeNode
            Edge edge;
            TreeNode node;
         Vector childrens = new Vector();
            public TreeNode(Edge edge)
                    this.edge = edge;
            public synchronized  void insert(Edge edge)
                    if(edge.fromNode == this.edge.toNode)
                            if(node == null )
                                    node = new TreeNode(edge);
    Tree class
    package SPO;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Tree
            TreeNode rootNode;
         public Tree()
                    rootNode = null;
            public Tree[]  createTrees(Vector initTrees,Vector edges)
                   Tree [] trees =  new Tree[initTrees.size()];
                   for(int c = 0;c < trees.length;c++)
                      trees[c] = (Tree)initTrees.elementAt(c);     
                   for(int i = 0;i < trees.length;i++)
                            for(int x = 0;x < edges.size();x++)
                                    Vector temp = (Vector)edges.elementAt(x);
                                    for(int y = 0;y < temp.size();y++)
    return trees;
    public void printTree(Tree tree)
    Vector siblings = tree.rootNode.childrens;
    for(int i = 0; i < siblings.size();i++)
    TreeNode node = (TreeNode)siblings.elementAt(i);
    public Vector initializeTrees(Vector edges)
    Vector trees = new Vector();
    for(int i = 0;i < edges.size();i++)
    Vector temp = (Vector)edges.elementAt(i);
    for(int j = 0;j < temp.size();j++)
    Tree tree = new Tree();
    return trees;
    public synchronized void insertNode(Edge edge)
    if(rootNode == null)
    rootNode = new TreeNode(edge);
    EdgeGenerator class
    package SPO;
    import java.util.*;
    import k_means.*;
    public class EdgeGenerator
         public EdgeGenerator()
    public Vector createEdges(Vector dataPoints)
    //OrderPair orderPair = new OrderPair();
    Vector edges = new Vector();
    for(int i = 0;i < dataPoints.size()-1 ;i++)
    Vector temp = new Vector();
    for(int j = i+1;j < dataPoints.size();j++)
    //Create an order of edges
    Edge edge = new Edge((DataPoint)dataPoints.elementAt(i),(DataPoint)dataPoints.elementAt(j));
    return edges;
    Edge class
    package SPO;
    import k_means.*;
    public class Edge
    public DataPoint toNode;
    public DataPoint fromNode;
    public Edge(DataPoint x,DataPoint y)
    if (x.getX() > y.getX())
    this.fromNode = x;
    this.toNode = y;
    this.toNode = x;
    Entry Point
    package SPO;
    import java.util.*;
    import k_means.*;
    public class Tester {
         public static void main(String[] args)
              Vector dataPoints = new Vector();
              dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(140, "Orange"));
              dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(114.2, "Lemmon"));
              dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(111.5, "Coke"));
              dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(104.6, "Pine apple"));
              dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(94.1, "W grape"));
              dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(85.2, "Appletizer"));
              dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(84.8, "R Grape"));
              dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(74.2, "Sprite"));
              dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(69.2, "Granadilla"));
              dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(59, "Strawbery"));
              dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(45.5, "Stone"));
              dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(36.3, "Yam"));
              dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(27, "Cocoa"));
              dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(13.8, "Pawpaw"));
    EdgeGenerator eg = new EdgeGenerator();
    Vector edges = eg.createEdges(dataPoints);
    Tree treeMaker = new Tree();
    Vector partialTrees = treeMaker.initializeTrees(edges);
    Tree [] trees = treeMaker.createTrees(partialTrees,edges);
    for(int i = 0;i < trees.length;i++)
    The program output
    Each and every "@" symbol represents the start of a tree
    @(Orange,Coke)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)
    @(Orange,Pine apple)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)
    @(Orange,W grape)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)
    @(Orange,Appletizer)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)
    @(Orange,R Grape)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)
    @(Lemmon,Coke)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)
    @(Lemmon,Pine apple)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)
    @(Lemmon,W grape)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)
    @(Lemmon,Appletizer)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)
    @(Lemmon,R Grape)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)
    @(Coke,Pine apple)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)
    @(Coke,W grape)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)
    @(Coke,Appletizer)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)
    @(Coke,R Grape)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)
    @(Pine apple,W grape)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)
    @(Pine apple,Appletizer)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)
    @(Pine apple,R Grape)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)
    @(Pine apple,Sprite)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)
    @(Pine apple,Granadilla)(Granadilla,Strawbery)(Granadilla,Strawbery)(Granadilla,Strawbery)(Granadilla,Strawbery)(Granadilla,Strawbery)
    @(Pine apple,Strawbery)(Strawbery,Stone)(Strawbery,Stone)(Strawbery,Stone)(Strawbery,Stone)
    @(Pine apple,Stone)(Stone,Yam)(Stone,Yam)(Stone,Yam)
    @(Pine apple,Yam)(Yam,Cocoa)(Yam,Cocoa)
    @(Pine apple,Cocoa)(Cocoa,Pawpaw)
    @(Pine apple,Pawpaw)
    @(W grape,Appletizer)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)
    @(W grape,R Grape)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)
    @(W grape,Sprite)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)
    @(W grape,Granadilla)(Granadilla,Strawbery)(Granadilla,Strawbery)(Granadilla,Strawbery)(Granadilla,Strawbery)(Granadilla,Strawbery)
    @(W grape,Strawbery)(Strawbery,Stone)(Strawbery,Stone)(Strawbery,Stone)(Strawbery,Stone)
    @(W grape,Stone)(Stone,Yam)(Stone,Yam)(Stone,Yam)
    @(W grape,Yam)(Yam,Cocoa)(Yam,Cocoa)
    @(W grape,Cocoa)(Cocoa,Pawpaw)
    @(W grape,Pawpaw)
    @(Appletizer,R Grape)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)
    @(R Grape,Sprite)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)
    @(R Grape,Granadilla)(Granadilla,Strawbery)(Granadilla,Strawbery)(Granadilla,Strawbery)(Granadilla,Strawbery)(Granadilla,Strawbery)
    @(R Grape,Strawbery)(Strawbery,Stone)(Strawbery,Stone)(Strawbery,Stone)(Strawbery,Stone)
    @(R Grape,Stone)(Stone,Yam)(Stone,Yam)(Stone,Yam)
    @(R Grape,Yam)(Yam,Cocoa)(Yam,Cocoa)
    @(R Grape,Cocoa)(Cocoa,Pawpaw)
    @(R Grape,Pawpaw)

    Your program description makes no sense. What exactly is it supposed to do?
    Your errors make no sense. What is it doing wrong?
    Your program output makes no sense. Look up pre-order, in-order, and post-order notation for representing trees. Pick one of those that you think would be best. I would go with pre-order. Because what you are doing isn't understandable.
    By the way, I think your concept of a tree is flawed. A node in a tree has 3 things. it has a reference to its parent, it has references to any of its children, and it has some key value that represents the node (if each node were represented by numbers, the value would be an integer or something). In the case of the root, its reference to its parent is null. I don't know what you are doing with your tree, but it is highly confusing.

  • Problem with tree view

    Hello and good morning,
    i´ve got a problem with a tree view in one of our web dynpro applications.
    The tree view act´s as a menu. For example:
    the highest element is: personal
    If you open personal you see:
    and so on...
    Our Problem is...
    You can open the tree element by clicking on the little box left from the tree-element text.But we want that the tree-element is also "line-sensitieve". This means, the next elements should not only appear by clicking the box, also by clicking simply the line.
    Is this possible.
    PS: Sorry for this bad application, but i don´t know how to explain it better

        Elem_Context                        type ref to If_Wd_Context_Element,
        Stru_Context                        type If_Menu_Tree=>Element_Context ,
        Item_IS_OPEN                        like Stru_Context-IS_OPEN.
    data parent_key type string.
        data children_loaded type wdy_boolean.
    data x_node type ref to IF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE.
    * get context via lead selection
      Elem_Context = wd_Context->get_Element(  ).
    * get single attribute
          Name =  `IS_OPEN`
          Value = Item_Is_Open ).
      if Item_Is_Open = abap_true.
        Item_Is_Open = abap_false.
        Item_Is_Open = abap_true.
        Name =  `IS_OPEN`
        Value = Item_Is_Open ).

  • Problem with tree

    first I want to say, that I have read the how-to for tree creation but I still have some problems.
    I have a table with YEAR, MONTH, LOCATION, DATA
    example entry:
    2002, 1, NY, test
    2002, 1, NY, test2
    2002, 2, NY, test
    2002, 2, LA, test
    2002, 3, LA, test
    2002, 3, LA, test1
    2003, 1, NY, test
    Now I want to have a tree displaying me the following ...
    If I click on '2003>1>NY' (for example) I want to be shown all datas for the 2003,where month = 1 and location = 'NY'.
    Is this possible to display? I didn' t get the start point created and also the month and locations are not shown.
    Please help ...
    Message was edited by:

    Hi Earl,
    thanks that anybody wants to help me, because I'm going crazy with the tree ...
    So normally I have only one table (TABLE_MAIN) with fields:
    Now I want to have a tree looking like this
    with click of Location, all data of the location (also year and month should be observed, if possible) should be shown.
    After this I have created three views:
    But I never get a UNION, thats shows me the result I wanted. Please, please help me.
    I think another thing will be to filter my data by click on location for year and month also. Is that possible?
    Thanks for your help

  • [Win/CS3] Problem with tree view nodes display In Release Version of InDesign

    b [Win/CS3]
    Hi All,
    I am Facing a problem from last few days.I have a dialog on which i have a treeview ListBox.I am filling this listBox dynamically.On a Button click Event.
    My requirement is to show Some text value on the node and Index value on the back end.So When i select String1 the index1 should be Selected.
    b This Listbox is working fine ON Debug Version. But Crashing On Release Version.That seems Strange to me..........?????????
    b in DialogObserver::Update on button click event
    NodeID node = IDCGridNodeID::Create(IndexX);
    b and in TreeviewMgr::ApplyDataToWidget
    TreeNodePtr<IDCGridNodeID> nodeID(node);
    PMString IndexNo= nodeID->GetName();
    I am going to database and retrieving string value according to that
    WCHAR Buf[200];// this contains value retrieve from database
    Then i am converting WCHAR[] to CHAR[] BY using
    size_t origsize = wcslen(Buf) + 1 ;
    const size_t newsize = 100;
    size_t convertedChars = 0;
    char nstring[newsize];
    wcstombs_s (&convertedChars, nstring, origsize, buf, _TRUNCATE);
    PMString StringToDisplay(nstring);
    //Till here its working fine
    But when i am setting this value as Node name
    setNodeName( widgetList, StringToDisplay, kIDCTVTextWidgetID );
    and function return kTrue; statement executed The application is crashing.
    With error showing
    b INdesign Encountered a problem Needs to close.
    I Am not able to find out why this is not working on Release while it is working fine on debug version..???????????????????
    Is I am missing or Made some changes For release version..????

    Hi Michael,
    Thanks for your reply.
    The lines
    NodeID node = IDCGridNodeID::Create(IndexX);
    are working fine for Both Debug N Release version.The Application Is crashing In tree view manager class as i explained.
    while it works fine without having even a single warning in debug version.
    I read the document and i find out if i want to add node in treeview i have to call
    which will call manager
    b and in TreeviewMgr::ApplyDataToWidget
    i am getting my node name as
    TreeNodePtr<IDCGridNodeID> nodeID(node);
    PMString IndexNo= nodeID->GetName();
    I don't think that something is wrong in this but i am not sure becoz i am new in indesign development.
    for adding nodes i referred the SDK examples.I found the same code for adding.

  • Problems with Tree View

    I am using Forms 6 to display a hierarchical tree strucure in a departmental application. I am able to use it for displaying the hierarchy but unable to do anything programatically with the tree. Could somebody help me please, with some insight - which would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Hi Sumer!
    U can do any thing with the tree programatically.
    Tell me which tree u r using if it is activex provided by forms.
    U can find all the methods and functions in the forms help search for Heirarchical trees topic.
    Even u r facing any problem write me I will get u the solution.
    Mayank Sharma
    [email protected]

  • Might be Name Resolving Problem with Tree-Name

    I have no clue, if this the correct forum, but since the biggest changes happened in our dns-dhcp-setup before the problem started, I will give it a chance here.
    We have a Netware-6.0-sp5-Server running dhcpsrvr.nlm and named.nlm. We moved the whole lan for some future changes from 192.168.x.x to 172.16.x.x and since then have some W2K-workstations with the Novell-Client have problems to login to the server.
    After booting the workstation from the advanced options of the Novell-Client you can browse to tree, where the single tree is shown. But when trying to browse the context one received the message "Cannot access tree.". Same happens when trying to browse to the server. You can browse context and server, though, when the ip-address is entered in the tree-field. When login is started the error-message pops up: "The tree or server cannot be found. Choose a different tree or server." When trying after a few minutes (did not stop, make it 5 to 10 minutes) login and browsing works fine.
    In dhcp the options 6, 78, 79 (mandatory), 85, 86, 87 are populated with the correct values. "display slpda" on the server-console looks fine and fits with "slpinfo /all" on the workstation-console. After digging through the forums and the knowledgebase I have some indications that the name-resolution of the tree might not work.
    When looking through the named-debug-screen there scroll some messages like looking for "context.treename.domainname.tld" i.e., which does not look perfect to me either.
    Any help or hint is highly appreciated.

    The services list a "service:bindery.novell:///servername".
    Any idea about this or suggestion how to test it out any further?
    Originally Posted by mrosen
    On 29.05.2012 22:56, Karl Kunze wrote:
    > display slpda displays:
    > SLP LOOPBACK : v2 : ACTIVE : DEFAULT : IANA : 10 : 0ms
    > display slp services does display some entries like i.e.:
    > service:nwserver.novell:///servername
    > service:ndap.novell:///treename.
    > service:timesync.novell://serverip
    > There are 12 services listet. Do you mean any specific?
    Well, you need to know if those 12 services contain all you need, e.g
    all servers. Did it list any "bindery.novell" services? Those are the
    crucial ones.
    Massimo Rosen
    Novell Knowledge Partner
    No emails please!
    Untitled Document

  • Problem with tree view alignment
    please view the link !!
    i want the tree for the Finished product just below the Raw Material, where as i am not able to achieve it. The raw material gets place in a separate box and finished in another.
    the code for the above is :
    public VBox addVBox()
    VBox vbox = new VBox();
    vbox.setPadding(new Insets(10)); // Set all sides to 10
    vbox.setSpacing(8); // Gap between nodes
    TreeItem<String> inventoryRM = new TreeItem<String> ("Raw Materials");
    TreeItem<String> itemRM1 = new TreeItem<String> ("Add Raw Material");
    TreeItem<String> itemRM2 = new TreeItem<String> ("Edit Raw Material");
    TreeItem<String> itemRM3 = new TreeItem<String> ("Delete Raw Material");
    TreeItem<String> inventoryFinished = new TreeItem<String> ("Finished Product");
    TreeItem<String> itemF1 = new TreeItem<String> ("Add");
    TreeView<String> treeRM = new TreeView<String> (inventoryRM);
    TreeView<String> treeFinished = new TreeView<String> (inventoryFinished);
    return vbox;

    If I understand correctly, you're looking for a single tree with two top-level nodes "Raw Materials" and "Finished Product".
    You can achieve this with
    public VBox addVBox()
      VBox vbox = new VBox();
      vbox.setPadding(new Insets(10)); // Set all sides to 10
      vbox.setSpacing(8); // Gap between nodes
      TreeItem<String> inventoryRM = new TreeItem<String> ("Raw Materials");
      TreeItem<String> itemRM1 = new TreeItem<String> ("Add Raw Material");
      TreeItem<String> itemRM2 = new TreeItem<String> ("Edit Raw Material");
      TreeItem<String> itemRM3 = new TreeItem<String> ("Delete Raw Material");
      TreeItem<String> inventoryFinished = new TreeItem<String> ("Finished Product");
      TreeItem<String> itemF1 = new TreeItem<String> ("Add");
      TreeItem<String> rootNode = new TreeItem<String>("");
      rootNode.getChildren().addAll(inventoryRM, inventoryFinished);
      TreeView<String> tree = new TreeView<String> (rootNode);
      return vbox;

  • Problems with trees in a shot for sky replacement

    i need to make an sky replacement ..there are trees in the shot..and is really hard to do it...i tryed the colorama method...and nothing....not with the amount of detail I  want..any help? thanks!!!

    That dude does not know how to use binoculars.
    Anyway, I don't know what you mean by "the colorama method", but there are a number of different ways to do sky replacements. Although, you do have to be careful. If you add a sunny sky when the lighting is diffused by a cloudy day, your shot is going to look weird.
    However, I'm going to assume you're using an appropriate sky for the lighting in your scene. Here's a tutorial that may work for you (here's another, more basic, method).
    On a basic level, you could do a garbage matte and a luma key, but you may have to do some rotoscoping for some of the other objects in the shot (building, wall, dude, etc.).

  • Problem with trees in MiniWas

    Hello all,
    I'm trying to build two tree in a same page.
    The problem is that all  menus in the first tree are displayed again in the second tree before the new menus.
    Has anyone met the problem and solved it ?
    Thnks a lot in advance !

    OK, here is my code:
    <!-- CASE "Liens généraux" -->
    <htmlb:tray id                = "liens"
                width             = "100%"
                design            = "borderless"
                hasContentPadding = "false"
                hasMargin         = "false"
                title             = "Liens" >
    <htmlb:tree id        = "tree1"
                 height    = "100%"
                 toggle    = "false"
                 showTitle = "false"
                 width     = "100%" >
    <htmlb:treeNode id     = "tree1_node1"
                     text   = "Liens"
                     isOpen = " " >
    <htmlb:treeNode id     = "link1"
                     link   = ""
                     target = "main"
                     text   = "Google" />
    <htmlb:treeNode id     = "link2"
                     link   = ""
                     target = "main"
                     text   = "Mappy" />
    <htmlb:treeNode id     = "link3"
                     link   = ""
                     target = "main"
                     text   = "A F P" />
    <htmlb:treeNode id     = "tree1_node2"
                     text   = "Liens SAP"
                     isOpen = " " >
    <htmlb:treeNode id     = "link4"
                     link   = ""
                     target = "main"
                     text   = "SAP Service MarketPlace" />
    <htmlb:treeNode id     = "link5"
                     link   = ""
                     target = "main"
                     text   = "SAP Developer Network" />
    <htmlb:treeNode id     = "link6"
                     link   = ""
                     target = "main"
                     text   = "SAP Help Portal" />
    <!-- FIN DE LA CASE "Liens généraux" -->
    <!-- CASE "Activités" -->
    <htmlb:tray id                = "activites"
                width             = "100%"
                design            = "borderless"
                hasContentPadding = "false"
                hasMargin         = "false"
                title             = "Activités" >
    <htmlb:tree id        = "tree2"
                 height    = "100%"
                 toggle    = "false"
                 showTitle = "false"
                 width     = "100%" >
    <htmlb:treeNode id     = "tree2_node1"
                     text   = "Fonctions"
                     isOpen = "X" >
    <htmlb:treeNode id     = "link7"
                     link   = "page_1.htm"
                     target = "main"
                     text   = "Réceptionner" />
    <htmlb:treeNode id     = "link8"
                     link   = "page_2.htm"
                     target = "main"
                     text   = "Catalogue des produits" />
    <htmlb:treeNode id     = "link9"
                     link   = "page_3.htm"
                     target = "main"
                     text   = "Suivi des livraisons" />
    <!-- FIN DE LA CASE "Activités" -->

  • Problem with trees and memory handling.

    Hi there, I just want to know if, when I create a large binary tree, and I re-"pointed" the root pointer to another node somewhere below in that same tree (say, a terminal node), will the "upper" parts of the tree (starting from the new root node) be removed/deleted from memory? Please explain your answers.
    Thank you.

    f I changed the root to B, will A and its children be
    deleted from memory?If you do root = B, AND if nothing else is referring to A or C or anything else beneath them, then A, C, and all of C's children will become eligible for garbage collection.
    Whether the memory actually gets cleaned up is something you can't really predict or control, but it doesn't really matter. If it's needed, it will get cleaned up. If it's not needed, it may or may not get cleaned up, but your program won't care.
    So, in short, yes, for all intents and purposes, A's, C's, and C's descendants' memory is released when you re-root to B.

  • Migration problem with Tree component ( -

    I'm trying to migrate an application from Jdev10.3.3 to Jdev11. In this application I wanted to handle the Tree State (tree navigation to a defined node) and persist it if needed (keep the tree to a certain state). To do this, I developed logic using:
    1) TreeModel class to handle the information of the tree (oracle.adf.view.faces.model)
    2) CoreTree class to handle the view part of the tree (
    3) PathSet class to build the navigation to the node I need (oracle.adf.view.faces.model)
    In the migration to Jdev11 I converted to this components:
    1) org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.TreeModel
    3) ?
    I don't know how to migrate the PathSet logic. In the Trinidad docs I didn't see a PathSet class neither a method like CoreTree.getTreeState(), so I suppose that this part of the Api has changed.
    Thanks for your attention.

    I found an hint in the new WebDeveloper guide, section "10.5.4 What You May Need to Know About Programmatically Expanding and Collapsing
    Apparently the class I need in the new version of the Tree is "".
    Probably, for migrating my application, I will have to rewrite my logic for handling the tree:(.

  • Table with tree view on master column

    I'm trying to generate a table with tree view on the master column and I get the table values from an RFC.
    The problem is that I need to control some properties like "expanded" or "isLeaf" and I can't add the value attributes to the model node to control the rows.
    Any ideia on how to overcome this (what i  think is a) problem?
    Thanks for the help.
    Pedro Barbosa

    Hi Subramanian,
    Maybe I didn't explain myself right. I also followed that tutorial with success but in this case i have on my custom controller:
    -MyNode (model node)
      - Output
        - MyTable
          - attribute 1 (model attribute)
    In my context/view controller the only way i can map that node is by using a model node referecing "MyTable" but this way i can't add any of my attributes to same level of the attributes (is that the ideia right?).
    I also tried to recreate the structure in the view with value nodes and value attributes with the same type as the model attributes and then bind them but i always get "Incompatible context element type".
    Am i missing something?
    Pedro Barbosa

  • Having a problem with commandButton attribute when i am using it under tabl

    Having a problem with {color:#800000}commandButton {color}{color:#339966}attribute {color}when i am using it under{color:#ff0000} table{color}
    I am using a command button under a table.
    here is the example
    <h:dataTable value="#{wlmHandler.plexes.plexes}" var="{color:#ff0000}onePlex{color}" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
    <h:panelGrid border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" columns="5">
    <h:commandButton action="" styleClass="tixbutton" value="#{labels.ADD}" onclick="#{onePlex.tran}"/>
    <f:verbatim> </f:verbatim>
    <h:commandButton action="#{createTransaction.transactionCommand}" styleClass="tixbutton"
    value="#{labels.SUBMIT}" actionListener="#{createTransaction.processAction}">
    <f:attribute name="dbName" value="#{wlmHandler.dbName}"/>
    <f:attribute name="plexName" value="{color:#ff9900}#{}"{color}/>
    </h:dataTable >
    when i am using this plex name atribute it is giving nullPointerException
    {color:#ff9900}this value #{} i cant able to access inside the command button{color}

    balu i have tried by seeing u r blog.
    this is my structure of tables
    plexes (if i iterate plexes table gives plex object)
    ------ plex (plex table gives transaction object)
    ------transactions(transactions table gives transaction table)
    here i will have a command link to this link i have to pass the plex name which
    will come from
    i tried in this command action with HTMLDataTable getRowData()
    i am not getting the selected row data .i am downcasting this getRowData() to plex.

  • Problem with trigger and mutating table

    I have a problem with the following trigger. Everytime it starts I got an error message:
    ORA-04091: table ccq_test.QW_QUALIFIER is mutating, trigger/function may not see it
    ORA-06512: at "QW_AFTER_UPDATE_ALL", line 3
    ORA-06512: at "QW_AFTER_UPDATE_ALL", line 10
    ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'QW_AFTER_UPDATE_ALL'
    Here is the trigger:
    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER qw_after_update_all
         CURSOR c1 IS SELECT id AS mx FROM QW_QUALIFIER_LOG WHERE msgid = :NEW.msgid AND messagedate BETWEEN SYSDATE - (1 / (24 * 60 * 6)) AND SYSDATE AND transfer = 1;
         CURSOR c_qwprod IS SELECT value FROM ccq_test.QW_QUALIFIER WHERE msgid = :NEW.msgid AND name = 'product';
         CURSOR c_qwgesch IS SELECT value FROM ccq_test.QW_QUALIFIER WHERE msgid = :NEW.msgid AND name = 'geschaeftsfall';
         qw_rec c1%ROWTYPE;
         qw_prod c_qwprod%ROWTYPE;
         qw_gesch c_qwgesch%ROWTYPE;
    OPEN c1;
    OPEN c_qwprod;
    OPEN c_qwgesch;
         FETCH c1 INTO qw_rec;
         FETCH c_qwprod INTO qw_prod;
         FETCH c_qwgesch INTO qw_gesch;
         IF c1%NOTFOUND THEN
              IF ( = 'product') THEN
                   INSERT INTO QW_QUALIFIER_LOG VALUES (QW_QUALIFIER_LOG_SEQ.NEXTVAL, :NEW.msgid, :NEW.value, qw_gesch.value, SYSDATE, 1);
         END IF;
              IF ( = 'product') THEN
                   UPDATE QW_QUALIFIER_LOG SET product=:NEW.value, messagedate=SYSDATE WHERE id =;
                   UPDATE QW_QUALIFIER_LOG SET geschaeftsfall=:NEW.value, messagedate=SYSDATE WHERE id =;
         END IF;
         END IF;
    CLOSE c1;     
    Can anyone help me?

    You are trying to lookup data from qw_qualifier you are currently modifying. You could see the data in a inconsistent way and Oracle is protecting you from it.
    You could read here about how to program around this problem.
    But: your table design seems questionable. You have two records for qw_qualifier and you are trying to log it into one qw_qualifier_log record. Maybe you could fix that, and the need for querying the same table as you are updating is removed.

Maybe you are looking for

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