Problem with writing a procedure with table name as an input parameter

Hi all,
I am writing a procedure with table name as an input parameter:
below is the code
create or replace procedure prc(in_tbl in varchar2)
execute immediate ' truncate table tlb ';
insert into tbl
select a,b,c from in_tbl;

user579585 wrote:
Hi all,
I am writing a procedure with table name as an input parameter:
below is the code
create or replace procedure prc(in_tbl in varchar2)
execute immediate ' truncate table tlb ';
insert into tbl
select a,b,c from in_tbl;
end;You'll also need to use dynamic sql for the insert:
execute immediate 'begin insert into tbl select a,b,c from '||in_tbl||'; end';

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    highlight the datastore in the navigator, expand its sub tree, there is a 'populated by' node, under the node, it will list all datastores which are used as sources to the current datastore
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    This depends on how you apply the VC to the VO at runtime. Easiest way to accomplish this would be to create a VO in the data model of the application module which you edit in the data model to already having the vc applied to.
    In your region you can then drag the 'executeWithParameters' method onto the task flow and make it the default activity. Here you map the input parameter of hte task flow to the parameter needed for the executeWithParameter.
    For hte method you get a binding like
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          <NamedData NDName="bindLastName" NDValue="#{pageFlowScope.pname}" NDType="java.lang.String"/>
    is the inputParameter from the region (or task flow).

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    thanks for the hint. I have implemented a wrapper package and it's working well.
    Only one crux. The parameter of the called procedure are data types and not simple types.
    (SUCCESS_MSG varchar2(255)
    ,FAULT_SQLCODE varchar2(255)
    ,FAULT_SQLMSG varchar2(255)
    Wrapper package...
    PROCEDURE prc_writeReOinDB (p_AuftragRechnungOnline IN pesa_data.pesa_tivu_reo_t
    ,p_result OUT pesa_data.pesa_db_return_t)
    pkg_pesa_reo.prc_writeReOinDB (p_AuftragRechnungOnline => p_AuftragRechnungOnline
    ,p_result => p_result
    END prc_writeReOinDB;
    END pkg_pesa_wrapper;
    So I have to declare the parameter with the schema user in front of.
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    <2008-04-22 15:01:25,749> <ERROR> <eweber.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch> <BaseScheduledWorker::process> Failed to handle dispatch message ... exception ORABPEL-05002
    Message handle error.
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    Cannot find class for type "org.apache.xerces.dom.ElementNSImpl". Please check that the class is located in the classpath.
    You have a hint for me what I have to do?
    Thanks in advanced,

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    Are you using OLEDB.NET driver (System.Data.Oledb) or ODP.NET driver (Oracle.DataAccess)?
    If you are using ODP.NET, remember that you need to bind the refcursor output variable also (besides the numbder)

  • Problem in the output when the table name is explicitly assigned.

    Am using a procedure to copy the information's in a table to a flat file. my aim is to achieve this copy function by assigning the table name from user explicitly.
    this is the program:
    create or replace procedure jk(table_name in varchar2) is
    sel_table varchar2(30);
    l_bool BOOLEAN;
    irows INTEGER := 1;
    buffer LONG;
    f utl_file.file_type;
    sel_table:='select * from '||table_name;
    f := utl_file.fopen('SAMPLE','tablename.txt','W');
    OWA.cgi_var_name (1) := 1;
    OWA.cgi_var_val (1) := 1;
    OWA.init_cgi_env (1, OWA.cgi_var_name, OWA.cgi_var_val);
    HTP.adddefaulthtmlhdr (FALSE);
    l_bool :=
    OWA_UTIL.tableprint (ctable => sel_table,
    cattributes => '',
    ntable_type => OWA_UTIL.pre_table,
    ccolumns => '*',
    cclauses => '',
    ccol_aliases => '',
    nrow_min => 0,
    nrow_max => 500
    WHILE (irows != 0)
    buffer := HTP.get_line (irows);
    /* do whatever you like with the contents of the buffer */
    /* You may write to a file or simply print it out */
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (buffer);
    the error during execution:
    SQL> @for.sql
    Procedure created.
    SQL> exec jk('CUST');
    BEGIN jk('CUST'); END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00931: missing identifier
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_UTILITY", line 125
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_SQL", line 1120
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SQL", line 323
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.OWA_UTIL", line 595
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.OWA_UTIL", line 689
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.OWA_UTIL", line 1222
    ORA-06512: at "XMLUSER.JK", line 14
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    thanks in advance

    You better don't supply the whole select statement to OWA_UTIL.tableprint but only the table name!

  • Need help with writing a query with dynamic FROM clause

    Hi Folks,
    I need help with an query that should generate the "FROM" clause dynamically.
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    select DT_SKEY, count(*)
    from *???*
    where DT_SKEY between 20110601 and 20110719
    group by DT_SKEY
    having count(*) = 0
    order by 1; The "from" clause of the above query should be generated as below
    select 'Schema_Name'||'.'||TABLE_NAME
    from dba_tables
    where OWNER = 'Schema_Name'Simply sticking the later query in the first query does not work.
    Any pointers will be appreciated.

    rogers42 wrote:
    Hi Folks,
    I need help with an query that should generate the "FROM" clause dynamically.
    My main query is as follows
    select DT_SKEY, count(*)
    from *???*
    where DT_SKEY between 20110601 and 20110719
    group by DT_SKEY
    having count(*) = 0
    order by 1; The "from" clause of the above query should be generated as below
    select 'Schema_Name'||'.'||TABLE_NAME
    from dba_tables
    where OWNER = 'Schema_Name'
    Remember that anything inside quotes is case-sensitive. Is the owner really "Schema_Name" with a capital S and a capital N, and 8 lower-case letters?
    Simply sticking the later query in the first query does not work.Right; the table name must be given when you compile the query. It's not an expression that you can generate in the query itself.
    Any pointers will be appreciated.In SQL*Plus, you can do something like the query bleow.
    Say you want to count the rows in scott.emp, but you're not certain that the name is emp; it could be emp_2011 or emp_august, or anything else that starts with e. (And the name could change every day, so you can't just look it up now and hard-code it in a query that you want to run in the future.)
    Typically, how dynamic SQL works is that some code (such as a preliminary query) gets some of the information you need to write the query first, and you use that information in a SQL statement that is compiled and run after that. For example:
    -- Preliminary Query:
    COLUMN     my_table_name_col     NEW_VALUE my_table_name
    SELECT     table_name     AS my_table_name_col
    FROM     all_tables
    WHERE     owner          = 'SCOTT'
    AND     table_name     LIKE 'E%';
    -- Main Query:
    SELECT     COUNT (*)     AS cnt
    FROM     scott.&my_table_name
    ;This assumes that the preliminary query will find exactly one row; that is, it assumes that SCOTT has exactly one table whose name starts with E. Could you have 0 tables in the schema, or more than 1? If so, what results would you want? Give a concrete example, preferably suing commonly available tables (like those in the SCOTT schema) so that the poepl who want to help you can re-create the problem and test their ideas.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Aug 11, 2011 2:30 PM

  • Define variable a ROWTYPE based on a table name passed as a parameter

    I am trying to write a procedure that processes rows for tables of differing structures. Table_name is passed as an IN parameter to the procedure. I define a cursor within the function that is defined by a SELECT * FROM table_name. I also need to define two variables, l_this_row and l_prev_row. I need to define them as table_name%ROWTYPE. Of course, table_name is a VARCHAR2 that contains the name of a table, whereas Oracle is expecting an actual table name in the declaration. How can I define these variables to make something like the code shown below compile and work properly? I am using Oracle 10gR2.
    l_this_row table_name%ROWTYPE;
    l_prev_row table_name%ROWTYPE;
    l_cursor SYSREFCURSOR;
    OPEN l_cursor FOR
    'SELECT * FROM '
    || table_name
    || ' ORDER BY '
    || get_pk_col_name_for_table(table_name)
    || ', version_num'; --version_num is guaranteed to be a valid column name in every table, although the other column names vary in name, quantity, and type per table.
    FETCH l_cursor INTO l_this_record;
    EXIT WHEN l_cursor%NOTFOUND;
    -- dynamic comparison of l_this_record and l_prev_record and conditional processing based on the comparison occurs here
    l_prev_record := l_this_record;

    Billy  Verreynne  wrote:
    Well, one method is to keep the SQL projection consistent across the number of dynamic SQLs being dealt with. With the projection being consistent, your code does not need to guess what the row structure the column returns.Unfortunately, what I need to compare is almost everything except the primary keys. So one table might contain addresses and another might contain invoice headers. There's no way to get them into the same structure.
    Billy  Verreynne  wrote:
    This approach can also be done in a generic fashion - dealing with an arbitrary number of columns per row. This dynamic structure is more flexible, but also increases the complexity of the code that has to deal with this. For example:
    create or replace type TStrings is table of varchar2(4000);Now SQLs can be created to pass any number of columns to the code to process:
    select TStrings( empid, ename, jobid, date_employed, date_of_birth ) from emp order by empidThe code then uses the Count method of the TStrings type to determine the number of columns passed and processes that.Then the problem becomes having to specify all the column names. I need to figure them out dynamically, as in "SELECT column_name FROM user_tab_cols WHERE column_name NOT IN ('ID', 'PREV_ID', 'NEXT_ID')". It would, of course, be best if I didn't have to populate each array element with an individual SELECT in its own EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement. That would certainly slow things down. If I were trying to write this using ADO.NET, I could reference something like table_name(row_index).columns(ix) without having to know any of the column names, and I could exclude columns by name using a reference like table_name.columns(column_index).name. (I don't recall the exact syntax, but it is something reasonably close to that.) But PL/SQL doesn't seem to have anything close to this.
    Ideally, I want to get it to where I can do something like this in a private function:
    FOR ix IN 1..TStrings.Count LOOP
       IF this_row(ix) <> last_row(ix) THEN
          RETURN FALSE;
       END IF;
    Billy  Verreynne  wrote:Last comment. I have to echo what the others said. This is not optimal. Dealing with variant/dynamic structures and processing rows using PL/SQL (in a slow-by-slow fashion) does not scale well. Scalability and performance comes from processing data sets using SQL.I completely understand. I'm a big fan of replacing a lot of code with one SQL statement, but that just won't work for this problem.

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    Could you please confirm that is it possible to pass table type value as input to concurrent program?
    If possible how to achive this?
    If not possible whether we have any ora doc which is confirming this.
    Any hel will be great.

    Hi student;
    Please check (
    Hope it helps

  • The problem with writing  BLOB arrays in table at one time?

    i want to write many blobs in at one time , And i use the OCIBindArrayOfStruct()
    My code is blow, I want you guys to help me find my BUG, thank you very much.
    the Program always pops the ERROR message :ORA-22275: invalid LOB locator specified
    STATUS status;
              OCILobLocator **lArray;
              lArray = new OCILobLocator*[nCount];
              for (size_t i = 0;i < nCount;i++)
                        if((status = OCIDescriptorAlloc((dvoid *)env->envhp,(dvoid **)&lArray,
                             (ub4)OCI_DTYPE_LOB,(size_t)0,(dvoid **)0)) != OCI_SUCCESS)
              text sqlstats[300];
              strcpy_s((char*)sqlstats,300,"insert into ");
              strcat_s((char*)sqlstats,300,"(TEXID,TEXNAME,TEXDATA) values (:texid,:texname,:lblob)");
              OCIBind bndhp1 = (OCIBind )0;
              OCIBind bndhp2 = (OCIBind )0;
              OCIBind bndhp3 = (OCIBind )0;
              if ((status = OCIBindArrayOfStruct(bndhp1,env->errhp,nSize,sizeof(sb2),sizeof(ub2),sizeof(ub2))) != OCI_SUCCESS)
                   for(size_t j = 0;j < nCount;j++)
                   delete[] texinfo;
                   char err[512];
                   return status;
              if ((status = OCIBindArrayOfStruct(bndhp2,env->errhp,nSize,sizeof(sb2),sizeof(ub2),sizeof(ub2))) != OCI_SUCCESS)
                   for(size_t j = 0;j < nCount;j++)
                   delete[] texinfo;
                   char err[512];
                   return status;
              if((status = OCIBindByName(env->stmthp,&bndhp3,env->errhp,
                   (CONST text *)":lblob",(sb4)-1,(dvoid *)lArray,(sword)-1,SQLT_BLOB,
                   (dvoid *)0,(ub2 *)0,(ub2 *)0,(ub4)0,(ub4 *)0,OCI_DEFAULT)) != OCI_SUCCESS)
              if ((status = OCIBindArrayOfStruct(bndhp4,env->errhp,sizeof(lArray[0]),sizeof(sb2),sizeof(ub2),sizeof(ub2))) != OCI_SUCCESS)
                   for(size_t j = 0;j < nCount;j++)
                   delete[] texinfo;
                   char err[512];
                   return status;
    //this line will not succeed
              if((status = OCIStmtExecute(env->svchp,env->stmthp,env->errhp,
                   (ub4)nCount,(ub4)0,(CONST OCISnapshot *)0,(OCISnapshot *)0,(ub4)OCI_DEFAULT)) != OCI_SUCCESS)
                   char err[512];
                   for(size_t j = 0;j < nCount;j++)
                   delete[] texinfo;
                   return status;

    [Edit : oops...misread the post...]

  • Writing procedure using table name as parameter

    I want to write a procedure to sample size any table. It could be employees, departments, etc. It will not know anything about the table (what table, columns, datatypes) until it is called.
    I want to invoke it sample_size(table_name_in, table_name_out, sample_sz).
    Table_out will be created and empty. It will determine the columns to be selected from table_in.
    It is a given that all columns in table_out exist in table_in with same name/datatypes.
    determine increment using size of table_in and sample_sz
    build out_var list from table_out
    select out_list from table_in
    for (rows in table_in) loop by increment
    insert into table_out
    end for
    I wrote function to get cursor:
    create or replace
    FUNCTION get_cursor
    (table_nm IN VARCHAR2,
    flds IN VARCHAR2)
    RETURN sys_refcursor
    cur sys_refcursor;
    vQry VARCHAR2(4000);
    vQry := 'SELECT ' || flds || ' FROM ' || table_nm;
    OPEN cur FOR vQry;
    RETURN cur;
    END get_cursor;
    What I cannot figure out is how to define rowtype in calling procedure:
    sample_size( table_in IN VARCHAR2,
    table_out IN VARCHAR2,
    sample_sz IN NUMBER )
    c1 sys_refcursor;
    vInto VARCHAR2(4000);
    -- code to get variables desired into variable vInto (I know how to do this)
    c1 := get_cursor(table_in,vInto);
    FETCH c1;
    -- code to decide wether to insert row into table_out
    CLOSE c1;
    END sample_size;
    I get error on FETCH c1; line:
    Error(47,15): PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ";" when expecting one of the following: . into bulk
    All discussions I found about subject will have something similar to:
    Rec emp%rowtype
    and then
    fetch c1 into Rec
    None of the discussions showed me how to process an unknown table.
    If tomorrow someone tells me to sample_size table CITIES, I want to use function without having to change it.
    This is my first post. I hope I gave enough information. Thanks for any answer.

    Welcome to the forum.
    If yours is not an exercise why you don't want to use just
    <tt><b>[url]select * from table_name {sample_clause}</b></tt> ;)

  • Problem Calling MaxDB stored procedure with output from MII Query template

    I am using Max DB Database studio to write stored procedure, I am calling stored procedure from MII Query using CALL statement.
    Can anyone guide me how to pass output values of stored procedure.
    call ProcName('[Param.1]','[Param.2]','[Param.3]','[Param.4]','[Param.5]', :isSuccess, :Trace)
    In the above line of code I am not able to get the output values of stored procedure that is isSuccess and Trace values in Query template when executed. But same thing I get when executed in Database studio.
    How do I call with outputs for any stored procedure in MII.
    Any help would be appriciated.

    My call statement is like this
    call RESULTDATA_INSERT('[Param.1]','[Param.2]','[Param.3]', :isSuccess, :Trace)
    I am able to insert record in DB, But I am not getting output values in Query template.I have done this in Fixed Query, when I execute it throws me "Fatal error as Loaded content empty".
    I tried giving select below call but it dont work.

  • How to use sp_msforeachdb with sp_rename for changing two table names in each databases-

    I have around 990 databases on a single SQL server in which I want to rename two tables 'AuditEvent' and 'AuditPropertyEvent' to 'AuditEvent_Archive' and AuditPropertyEvent_Archive table.
    Then I want to transfer lastest 6 months of data from now newly rename archived tables to New created Auditevent tables (Which will have same structure as old),
    For doing it I tried Cursor and SP_msforeachdb as possible solutions but its not allowing me to execute 2 sp_rename statements with go inside a dynamic statement.
    Please suggest any possible solutions on how to rename the 2 tables in all databases using sp_msforeachdb or cursor in a single go.

    exec sp_msforeachdb '
    USE [?]
    EXEC sp_rename ''AuditEvent'',''AuditEvent_Archive''
    EXEC sp_rename ''AuditPropertyEvent'',''AuditPropertyEvent_Archive''
    SELECT *
    INTO AuditEvent
    FROM AuditEvent_Archive
    WHERE datecolumn>dateadd(month,-6,getdate())
    SELECT *
    INTO AuditPropertyEvent
    FROM AuditPropertyEvent_Archive
    WHERE datecolumn >dateadd(month,-6,getdate())
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • Cast a  Input Parameter of Table Type?

    Can a stored procedure input parameter of type
    be used as with the Table Function?
    i.e. Select * from TABLE(CP_INV_ID)

    Yes you can. You will have to use execute immediate (or dbms_sql, depending on your database version).
    You will have to attach the table name into the rest of the sql string (you can't use bind variables for the table name). The owner of the procedure must have the appropriate rights on the given table, or the procedure must use invoker rights (authid current_user)
    execute immediate:
    invoker rights:
    Freek D
    HI all,
    I want write a common stored procedure which will perform some specified tasks on specified table. The table name is passing as a input parameter of a stored procedure. Can we use the table name as a input parameter of a stored procedure?
    Please reply

  • Oracle Stored Procedure with out parameter

    Good morning,
    Is it possible to use an Oracle stored procedure with out parameters in MII ?
    If yes, what is the manipulation to see the values of parameters Out?
    Thank you

    This is the  MII query template  :
    and the stocked procedure code
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE XMII.SP_ValidateProcessOrdersList2(strCompteRendu OUT nVarchar2) IS
    tmpVar NUMBER;
    debugmode INT;
    strClauseSql varchar(2048);
    strListPOactif varchar(1024);
    dtmTimeStamp DATE;
       NAME:       SP_ValidateProcessOrdersList
       Ver        Date        Author           Description
       1.0        18/06/2008          1. Created this procedure.
       Automatically available Auto Replace Keywords:
          Object Name:     SP_ValidateProcessOrdersList
          Sysdate:         18/06/2008
          Date and Time:   18/06/2008, 18:45:32, and 18/06/2008 18:45:32
          Username:         (set in TOAD Options, Procedure Editor)
          Table Name:       (set in the "New PL/SQL Object" dialog)
       tmpVar := 0;
       debugmode := 0;
       -- lecture date systeme pour time stamp
       select sysdate  into dtmTimeStamp from dual;
       if debugmode = 1 then
       end if;
       -- insertion du bloc dans le log
       insert into LOG_ORDER
        if debugmode = 1 then
        DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('insertion LOG OK');
       end if;
    strCompteRendu := '0123456-896;0123456-897';
         -- insertion du bloc dans le log
       insert into LOG_ORDER
       (dtmTimeStamp,' ',ID_LOG_ORDER.nextval);
           -- Consider logging the error and then re-raise
    END SP_ValidateProcessOrdersList2;
    Thanks for your help

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