Problems adding images

I'm trying to create a website for my photography. Why can't I add more than one photo per page? The second photo begins disappearing under a blue line when I enlarge it.

Try taking photos across one at a time - I have had problems when selecting all and copy paste.
check out if you are doing photo websites.
Email me if you need more help
Also, is another site I built

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    and html2 respectively
    via the 'Var' field in the property window.(so this is an
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    Thanks again.

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    JEditorPane editor = getEditor( e );
    HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument) getStyledDocument( editor );
    MutableAttributeSet attr = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    attr.addAttribute( StyleConstants.NameAttribute, HTML.Tag.IMG );
    attr.addAttribute( HTML.Attribute.SRC, "p.gif" );
    try {
         doc.insertString( editor.getCaretPosition(), " ", attr );
    } catch (BadLocationException e1) {
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    Thanks in advance,

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  • Problems adding an image title?

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    Adding titles and alternative text to images
    After you place images on a page, you can access the Image Properties dialog box to set both a title and alternative text (also sometimes called alt text) that is assigned to the image.
    Here's a brief description of each property:
    Title: In many browsers, the title is displayed in addition to the image, typically as a tooltip that appears when a cursor hovers over it.
    Alternate text: If the image file cannot be shown, this text is displayed in place of the image. Alternate text is also used to describe images to visually impaired visitors using assistive technologies to access page content.
    It is ideal to set titles and alternative text for every site asset, to ensure that visitors have the best experience when navigating your site. Tooltips are helpful for including additional information about graphics and alternative text makes pages more accessible for screen readers that verbally present graphic content.
    To add titles and alternative text, follow these steps:
    1. Select a placed image.
    2. Right-click on the image and select Add Title or Add Alternative Text from the context menu that appears (see Figure 3).

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    Thank you
    Link video slideshow WoodWing's:
    The first slideshow shown

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    apple don't monitor the forums for bug reports... this is a user-to-user support forum.
    you should report it via the official method -

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    Any thoughts, help or, better still, a definitive answer to my problem would be most welcome.

    Use the Movie Properties window to size your added text track to match the 720 width.
    For viewing a DVD on a TV size it even smaller (700) and set an offset value of 10 pixels so your text doesn't get cut off during playback.

  • Error while adding Image: ORA-00001: unique constraint

    Dear all,
    I have an error while adding images to MDM I can´t explain. I want to add 7231 images. About 6983 run fine. The rest throws this error.
    Error: Service 'SRM_MDM_CATALOG', Schema 'SRMMDMCATALOG2_m000', ERROR CODE=1 ||| ORA-00001: unique constraint (SRMMDMCATALOG2_M000.IDATA_6_DATAID) violated
    Last CMD: INSERT INTO A2i_Data_6 (PermanentId, DataId, DataGroupId, Description_L3, CodeName, Name_L3) VALUES (:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6)
    Name=PermanentId; Type=9; Value=1641157; ArraySize=0; NullInd=0;
    Name=DataId; Type=5; Value=426458; ArraySize=0; NullInd=0;
    Name=DataGroupId; Type=4; Value=9; ArraySize=0; NullInd=0;
    Name=Description_L3; Type=2; Value=; ArraySize=0; NullInd=0;
    Name=CodeName; Type=2; Value=207603_Img8078_gif; ArraySize=0; NullInd=0;
    Name=Name_L3; Type=2; Value=207603_Img8078.gif; ArraySize=0; NullInd=0;
    Error: Service 'SRM_MDM_CATALOG', Schema 'SRMMDMCATALOG2_m000', ERROR CODE=1 ||| ORA-00001: unique constraint (SRMMDMCATALOG2_M000.IDATA_6_DATAID) violated
    Last CMD: INSERT INTO A2i_Data_6 (PermanentId, DataId, DataGroupId, Description_L3, CodeName, Name_L3) VALUES (:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6)
    Name=PermanentId; Type=9; Value=1641157; ArraySize=0; NullInd=0;
    Name=DataId; Type=5; Value=426458; ArraySize=0; NullInd=0;
    Name=DataGroupId; Type=4; Value=9; ArraySize=0; NullInd=0;
    Name=Description_L3; Type=2; Value=; ArraySize=0; NullInd=0;
    Name=CodeName; Type=2; Value=207603_Img8085_gif; ArraySize=0; NullInd=0;
    Name=Name_L3; Type=2; Value=207603_Img8085.gif; ArraySize=0; NullInd=0;
    I checked all data. There is no such dataset in the database. Can anybody give me a hint how to avoid this error.
    One thing I wonder: The PermanentId is allways the same but I can´t do anything here.
    Edited by: Roman Becker on Jan 13, 2009 12:59 AM

    Hi Ritam,
    For such issues, can you please create a new thread or directly email the author rather than dragging back up a very old thread, it is unlikely that the resolution would be the same as the database/application/etc releases would most probably be very different.
    For now I will close this thread as unanswered.
    SAP SRM Moderators.

  • Cannot place order ERROR: "There was a problem adding your product to cart"

    Hey guys,
    Well, once again Best Buy's online system is preventing me from making an order. It seems like nearly every time I log in I experience some new problem. This time, I'm unable to add anything to my cart. It doesn't matter what item I try to add to my cart or what browser I use or if I clear happens every time, on every browser, with every product in the store. The error shows a red & white triangle with a message "There was a problem adding your product to cart".
    Just to clarify ahead of time: 1) I have already tried signing in using 4 different browsers (explorer, firefox, chrome, opera) & they all give the same error; 2) Prior to posting here I researched this problem & found out it is somewhat common & has been occurring since at least 2012 on; 3) Every time someone posts in here about this problem, customer service offers the same "fix" every time - to sign out, clear their browser cache of cookies, shut down the browser, restart the browser, sign back in, etc.... The only problem is, this "solution" has not worked ONE time our of the many times this problem has cropped up in here over the past 3+ years. Why this "solution" keeps getting told to people even though it never works is beyond me. But, there you have it.
    Just to clarify: I have already tried this solution, And just like with everyone else before me, it didn't work for me either. So, what's the next step? There must be something else that can be done other than waiting a couple more days for it to magically fix itself (it seems that is the only thing that ever "works" to let several days go by and the problem ends up getting fixed in some back-end server-side patch up). 
    What I'm hoping for from you is a solution that can fix this immediately. This problem has already prevented me from making a couple purchases for items that were temporarily on sale over the past couple days. So, those are lost sales for Best Buy. What I'm hoping to do now is pre-order the Elder Scrolls Online (PS4) in order to take advantage of the $10 pre-order reward. The game releases on Tuesday the 9th. So, in order to get this done in time I need to place the order sometime today (on the 8th).
    With all these repeated technical problems making purchasing a chore & wasting my time every single time I want to buy a product it's almost as if Best Buy is telling customers "We don't care if our online system works reliably...go spend your money at Amazon instead". lol
    Thank you in advance for your timely help on this matter.
    -Marc (removed per forum guidelines)

    Hello mjswooosh,
    I'm very disheartened to hear that you've had ongoing problems when attempting to order from Our goal is ever to provide a fun and efficient shopping environment! Certainly creating aggravation serves neither you nor us and I apologize sincerely for this having been your experience.
    We recommend the troubleshooting steps you mentioned (i.e., clearing the browser cache, deleting temporary internet files and cookies) because this is the most common cause of this type of problem. I too have encountered this issue from time to time and these steps have almost always resolved the problem. I say almost always because there's one further step you can try: ensure that you have signed out of, then perform the browser maintenance steps we've recommended. Afterward, before signing in to, add your desired items to your cart and sign in as part of the checkout process. When the standard steps have not netted a resolution for me, this has solved the problem each time.
    I hope this helps. I'm very grateful that you took the time to write to us with your concerns and for sharing your very valuable feedback about your online experience.
    John|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Problem with Image file

    Iam facing with one problem.I have one swing interface through which I can upload files(back end servlet programme).Now I can upload all types of file but problem with image file it uploading perfectly that means size of the uploaded file is ok but its format damaged.It can not be open.My backend servlet programme is ok coz i tested it with html form it is working perfectly.Problem with swing interface.Plz guide me where I done a mistake.Below r my codes:-
    ImageIcon Upload=new ImageIcon("images/Upload.gif");
         Button=new JButton(Upload);
    Button.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(ActionDemo4.this);
              if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
              File file = fc.getSelectedFile();
    String aa=file.getAbsolutePath();
                   textArea2.append("Local URL:");
    long l=file.length();
              byte buff[]=new byte[(int)file.length()];
              InputStream fileIn=new FileInputStream(aa);
              String conffile=new String(buff);
              String str1=textArea10.getText();
    url = new URL (""+str1);
         urlConn = url.openConnection();
         urlConn.setDoInput (true);
         urlConn.setDoOutput (true);
         urlConn.setUseCaches (false);
         printout = new DataOutputStream (urlConn.getOutputStream ());
    String content ="-----------------------------7d11e410e500f2\r\n"+"Content-Disposition: form-data;"+"name=\"upload\"; filename=\""+aa+"\"\r\n"+"Content-Type: application/octet-strem\r\n\r\n\r\n"+conffile+"-----------------------------7d11e410e500f2--\r\n";
    printout.flush ();
    printout.close ();
    Best Regards

    The errors are here:
              byte buff[]=new byte[(int)file.length()];
              InputStream fileIn=new FileInputStream(aa);
              String conffile=new String(buff); (conffile is a String object containing the image)
    and here:
    String content ="-----------------------------7d11e410e500f2\r\n"+"Con
    ent-Disposition: form-data;"+"name=\"upload\";
    printout.writeBytes(content);conffie is sent to the server but
    it's non possible to treat binary data as String!
    Image files must be sent as byte[] NOT as String ......

  • Problem adding HP J6400 all-in-one printer

    We have an HP Officejet J6400 all-in-one printer here at work, and all of our computers have had no problem adding this printer except one: an older iMac, PowerMac 6.1 (with the white domed base). The driver is installed, and the computer sees the driver, but when I click to add it eventually it gives me this error:
    "An error occurred while trying to add the selected printer. client-error-not-authorized"
    I was on the phone with HP for an hour and they couldn't figure it out on their end. Has anyone had a similar problem, or have a solution?

    I request you to try the following:
    For network connection:
     For USB:
    Although I am an HP employee, I am speaking for myself and not for HP.
    Say thanks by clicking the "
    Kudos! Thumps Up" which is on the right
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions, by marking my answer with "Accept as Solution" if it solves your issue

  • I just installed my CS5.1 on my new Lenovo Laptop Win 8.1. Problem -- On Image Adjustments none of the adjustment options respond.

    I just installed my CS5.1 on my new Lenovo Laptop Win 8.1. and everything worked for a day. On day 2 I ran into Problems -- On > Image >Adjustments none of the adjustment options respond. None of the toolbar functions such as >Crop etc respond.
    I then installed the same download on my PC and everything works as it should.
    Can anybody help please

    Notebook Info
    1 x Lenovo G710 Notebook, Intel® Core™ i5, 43,9 cm (17,3 "), 1000 GB HD,
    Intel Core i5-4210M 2,60 GHz, (Turbo-Boost 2.0 bis 3,20 GHz)
    43.9 cm (17.3") 900p (HD+) LED-Display (1600 x 900)
    8192 MB DDR3-RAM
    Harddisk: 1000GB SATA
    NVIDIA N15V-GM mit 1GB DDR3
    As per download settings, I changed nothing
    Image Info
    Jpg conv.from RAW Canon, dim. 4746x3567, 6,64 Mb
    The software worked on the first day, problems appeared next day. I uninstalled and deleted the exe.file, then redownloaded and reinstalled but same problem persists.
    I then downloaded and installed on my PC and everything works.
    Regards Roland

  • Problem with images opened in Photoshop CS 5

    Hi, I have a problem with images that I open in Photoshop CS 5. F. ex. I opened
    the following image:
    The image appears with a purple color in Photoshop. If I hover over the image
    with a tool like lasso, it temporarily regains it´s original color. The image mode is RGB Color, 8 Bits/Channel.
    I resetted the start settings of Photoshop with the CTRL-Shift-Alt-combination, which had no effect.

    The confusion arises from the imprecise error message in the Preferences > Performance dialog box, to wit:
    OK, that seems to be open to misunderstanding indeed.
    The video card: Citrix Systems Inc. Display Driver.
    Could not find a list for CS6 specifically, but the card may fall short.
    If I invoke View > Proof Colors, the only thing that changes is that the text in the brackets
    Also if you set View > Proof Setup to something different?
    Are Photoshop and OS fully updated and have you performed the usual trouble-shooting routines (trashing prefs by keeping command-alt-shift/ctrl-alt-shift pressed while starting Photoshop, 3rd party plug-ins deactivation, system maintenance, cleaning caches, font validation, etc.)?

  • Mosaic problem with image after Yosemite

    I'm using CS6 (13.0.6) on my iMac and recently upgraded to Yosemite.  I'm now getting a problem where images will suddenly either go black or get a weird mosaic/jigsaw type of look.  In the example below, the "source" images used in the mosaic were files that I had recently closed - so it isn't just a scrambled version of the correct image (if that makes sense).
    Once this happens, the only fix is to close out Photoshop and start over.  Anyone else having this problem?  Any fixes?
    Thanks for any help or suggestions!

    Interesting…Turning off "Use Graphics Processor" returns the magnifying glass to previous Photoshop method of dragging a marquee to zoom, instead of zooming from the point of click.
    So, this is February 2. You say it is Apple's problem and they are working on it, huh? It's been at least two months, apparently. It doesn't seem to be a top priority.

Maybe you are looking for