Problems transfering mail from local mailbox to my online Mac mail account

I have two mailboxes stored locally on my Mac that I would like to move to my Mac account. When I drag messages from one folder to the other I get errors that the message(s) could not be moved. Nothing else is displayed.
How can I resolve this issue. I have 1GB of mail storage online. Only 146MB of space is used at the moment.

Verify/repair the startup disk (not just permissions), as described here:
The Repair functions of Disk Utility: what's it all about?
After having fixed all filesystem issues, if any, and making sure that there’s enough space available on the startup disk (a few GB, plus the space needed to make a backup copy of the Mail folder), try this:
1. Quit Mail if it’s running.
2. In the Finder, go to ~/Library/Mail/. Make a backup copy of this folder, just in case something goes wrong, e.g. by dragging it to the Desktop while holding the Option (Alt) key down. This is where all your mail is stored.
3. Locate Envelope Index and move it to the Trash. If you see an Envelope Index-journal file there, delete it as well.
4. Move “Mac-” account folders to the Trash. Note that you can do this with IMAP-type accounts because they store mail on the server and Mail can easily re-create them. DON’T trash any “POP-” account folders, as that would cause all mail stored there to be lost.
5. Open Mail. It will tell you that your mail needs to be “imported”. Click Continue and Mail will proceed to re-create Envelope Index -- Mail says it’s “importing”, but it just re-creates the index if the mailboxes are already in Mail 2.x format.
6. As a side effect of having removed the .Mac account folder, the account may be in an “offline” state now. Do Mailbox > Go Online to bring it back online.
Note: For those not familiarized with the ~/ notation, it refers to the user’s home folder, i.e. ~/Library is the Library folder within the user’s home folder.

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    "There are a couple of things you seem to be missing that might or might not have a bearing on your problems."
    I'm not at all surprised. I've been missing things most of my life
    "First, ~/Library/Mail/Mailboxes is not the only place where mail is stored. You may want to also import the ~/Library/Mail/POP-username@mailserver account folders."
    Okay, that one sounds good... unfortunately, there's no joy so far. I've tried it importing as Mac OSX Mail. If I select the [email protected] folder, I get a checkbox for each of the folders, then a brief progress bar when I click 'Continue'. There is then only one of the folders I tried to import under the 'Import' folder, and it again appears to be empty. If I try selecting any of the individual mailboxes I get the 'No Valid Mail for Mac OSX Found' message.
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    "Second, when importing as Other, Mail wants you to select the folder that contains the mbox files to be imported. Hence, when choosing that option, you may want to try importing the *.mbox folders one at a time, rather than the entire ~/Library/Mail/Mailboxes folder at once."
    I was pretty certain I tried that, but I just went back and checked again to make certain. As above, I get a brief progress bar - then an empty, meaningless, nihilistic folder. Insert pseudo-intellectual 'staring into the abyss' line here.
    I do have another thing I'm planning on trying. I was told I might be able to get better results if I booted the eMac into 'Firewire' mode so the Mini would just see it as a hard drive. I'll let you know if I get any results from that.
    Thanks for your suggestions. Hopefully, this info will provide enough clues for you to facepalm and say "Of course! The obvious answer is..." And then fill in the ellipse, of course.
    Those will work, or they won't. Either way, though, I appreciate your taking the time to think about this.

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    <SPAN>Tried a disk clean up and even upgraded the firmware on my player.
    <SPAN>Now in nomad explorer the music files do not even show up while the data library still take ages to load and I still cant transfer anything from it as it tells it cannot read from jukebox device.
    <SPAN>Tried deleting some files to see what would happen ? the file says it has been deleted but when I disconnected and looked in library again the file was still there.
    <SPAN>I forgot to mention in my first post that I was able to transfer everything off my Zen onto pc but I had to remaster my computer and as such lost all files and since then I cant transfer off the Zen - not sure if that matters but thought I should mention it
    <SPAN>Can?t really test at friends? computer because even if I could and it worked I have 25 GB of files that need to be transferred which doesn?t make it feasible to transfer all onto a friend?s computer
    <SPAN>Any help is grateful as I need to back up my music files in case my Zen breaks down (I am on my third Zen in 4 months as the first two were defecti've)

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