Problems with Find in Reader 9.3.3

I'm using Adobe Reader 9.3.3 and in some documents, when I try and Find text, Reader finds the WRONG text altogether!
I can fix this by purging the Fast Find cache (but I have to do this for EVERY document!) OR I can turn Fast Find off altogether
But surely this shouldn't be happening?
Anyone else seen this behaviour??
Phil G

How do you expect help with a problem if you don't tell us what the problem is, exactly? We are not clairvoyant.

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  • Problem with writing and reading using serialization

    I am having a problem with writing and reading an object that has another object in it. The purpose of the class is to write a order that has multiple items in it. And there will be several orders. This is for an IB project, where one of the requirements is to utilize a hierarchical composite data structure. That is, it is "one that contains more than one element and at least one of the elements is a composite data structure. Examples are, an array or linked list of records, a record that has one field that is another record, or an array". The code is shown below:
    The error produced is
         at SamsonRubberIndustries.CustomerOrderDetails.createCustOrdDetailsScreen(
         at SamsonRubberIndustries.CustomerOrderDetails$
         at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
    public class CustOrdObject implements Serializable {
         public int CustID;
         public int CustOrderID;
         public Object OrderDate;
         public InnerCustOrdObject[] innerCustOrdObj;
         public float GrandTotal;
         public int MaxItems;
         public CustOrdObject() {}
         public CustOrdObject(InnerCustOrdObject[] innerCustOrdObj,
    int CustID, int CustOrderID, Object OrderDate,
    float GrandTotal, int innerarrlength, int innerarrpos, int MaxItems) {
              this.CustID = CustID;
              this.CustOrderID = CustOrderID;
              this.OrderDate = OrderDate;
              this.GrandTotal = GrandTotal;          
              this.MaxItems = MaxItems;
              this.innerCustOrdObj = new InnerCustOrdObject[MaxItems];
         public InnerCustOrdObject[] getInnerCustOrdObj() {
              return innerCustOrdObj;
         public void setInnerCustOrdObj(InnerCustOrdObject[] innerCustOrdObj) {
              this.innerCustOrdObj = innerCustOrdObj;
         public int getCustID() {
              return CustID;
         public void setCustID(int custID) {
              CustID = custID;
         public int getCustOrderID() {
              return CustOrderID;
         public void setCustOrderID(int custOrderID) {
              CustOrderID = custOrderID;
         public Object getOrderDate() {
              return OrderDate;
         public void setOrderDate(Object orderDate) {
              OrderDate = orderDate;
         public void setGrandTotal(float grandTotal) {
              GrandTotal = grandTotal;
         public float getGrandTotal() {
              return GrandTotal;
         public int getMaxItems() {
              return MaxItems;
         public void setMaxItems(int maxItems) {
              MaxItems = maxItems;
    public class InnerCustOrdObject implements Serializable{
         public int ItemNumber;
         public float UnitPrice;
         public int QuantityRequired;
         public float TotalPrice;
         public InnerCustOrdObject() {}
         public InnerCustOrdObject(int ItemNumber, float
    UnitPrice, int QuantityRequired, float TotalPrice){
              this.ItemNumber = ItemNumber;
              this.UnitPrice = UnitPrice;
              this.QuantityRequired = QuantityRequired;
              this.TotalPrice = TotalPrice;
         public int getItemNumber() {
              return ItemNumber;
         public void setItemNumber(int itemNumber) {
              ItemNumber = itemNumber;
         public int getQuantityRequired() {
              return QuantityRequired;
         public void setQuantityRequired(int quantityRequired) {
              QuantityRequired = quantityRequired;
         public float getTotalPrice() {
              return TotalPrice;
         public void setTotalPrice(float totalPrice) {
              TotalPrice = totalPrice;
         public float getUnitPrice() {
              return UnitPrice;
         public void setUnitPrice(float unitPrice) {
              UnitPrice = unitPrice;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.Date;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer;
    import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
    public class CustomerOrderDetails extends CommonFeatures{
         private static int MAX_ORDERS = 200;
         private static int MAX_ORDERITEMS = 100;
         private static int MaxRecord;
         private static int CurrentRecord = 1;
         private static int currentItem;
         private static int MaxItems;
         private static boolean FileExists, recFileExists;
         private static CustOrdObject[] orderDetails = new CustOrdObject[MAX_ORDERS];
         private static InnerCustOrdObject[] innerCustOrdObj = new InnerCustOrdObject[MAX_ORDERITEMS];     
         private static File OrderDetailsFile = new File("CustOrdDetails.dat");
         private static File OrdRecordNumStore = new File("OrdRecordNumStore.txt");
         private static PrintWriter writeFile;
         private static BufferedReader readFile;
         private static ObjectOutputStream objOut;
         private static ObjectInputStream objIn;
         //Set format for date
         SimpleDateFormat simpleDF = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MM yyyy");
         //--<BEGINNING>--Declaring Interface Variables------------------------------------------//
         private JPanel innertoppanel, innercenterpanel, innerbottompanel, innerrightpanel, innerleftpanel;
         private JLabel CustIDLbl, CustOrderIDLbl, OrderedDateLbl, GrandTotLbl, ItemNumberLbl,UnitPriceLbl, QuantityReqLbl, TotPriceLbl;
         private JTextField CustIDTxt, CustOrderIDTxt, OrderedDateTxt, GrandTotTxt, ItemNumberTxt, UnitPriceTxt, QuantityReqTxt, TotPriceTxt;
         private JButton addrecordbtn, savebtn, externalprevbtn, externalnextbtn, internalprevbtn, internalnextbtn, gotorecordbtn, additemreqbtn;
         //--<END>--Declaring Interface Variables------------------------------------------------//
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              final CustomerOrderDetails COD = new CustomerOrderDetails();
              java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                   public void run() {
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception eb) {
         //--<BEGINNING>--Creating CustomerOrderDetails Screen---------------------------------------//
         public JFrame createCustOrdDetailsScreen() {
              containerpanel.add(createCustOrdDetailsTitle(), BorderLayout.NORTH);
              containerpanel.add(createCustOrdDetailsMainPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
              //containerpanel.add(createCustOrdDetailsLeftNavButtons(), BorderLayout.WEST);
              //containerpanel.add(createCustOrdDetailsRightNavButtons(), BorderLayout.EAST);
              containerpanel.add(createCustOrdDetailsButtons(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              //--<BEGINNING>--Checks to see whether CRecordNumberStore file exists-------------------------------//
              if (OrdRecordNumStore.exists() == true) {
                   recFileExists = true;
              }else {
                   recFileExists = false;
              if (recFileExists == true) {
                   MaxRecord = readRecordNumber();
                   CurrentRecord = MaxRecord;
                   System.out.println("Current Record " +CurrentRecord);
                   System.out.println("Max Record " +MaxRecord);
                   MaxRecord = 1;
                   System.out.println("Current Record " +CurrentRecord);
                   System.out.println("Max Record " +MaxRecord);
              //--<END>--Checks to see whether CRecordNumberStore file exists--------------------------------------//
              if(readOrder() != null){
                   orderDetails = (CustOrdObject[]) readOrder();
                 innerCustOrdObj = orderDetails[CurrentRecord].getInnerCustOrdObj();
                   MaxItems = orderDetails[CurrentRecord].getMaxItems();
                   if(CurrentRecord > 1 && CurrentRecord < MaxRecord){
                   if(CurrentRecord >= MaxRecord){
                   orderDetails[CurrentRecord] = new CustOrdObject();
                   currentItem = 1;
              return mainframe;
         //--<END>--Creating CustomerOrderDetails Screen---------------------------------------------//
         public JPanel createCustOrdDetailsTitle(){
              label.setText("- Customer Order Details -");
              buttonpanel.setBackground(TxtfontColor) ;
              titlepanel.add(labelpanel, BorderLayout.WEST);
              titlepanel.add(buttonpanel, BorderLayout.EAST);
              return titlepanel;
         public JPanel createCustOrdDetailsMainPanel(){
              mainpanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());          
              mainpanel.add(createInnerTopPanel(), BorderLayout.NORTH);
              mainpanel.add(createInnerCenterPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
              mainpanel.add(createInnerBottomPanel(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              mainpanel.add(createInnerRightPanel(), BorderLayout.EAST);
              mainpanel.add(createInnerLeftPanel(), BorderLayout.WEST);
              return mainpanel;
         public JPanel createInnerTopPanel(){
              innertoppanel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
              GridBagConstraints GBC = new GridBagConstraints();
              GBC.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              //Setting Font Type and Size
              Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 11);
              CustIDLbl = new JLabel("Customer ID");
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innertoppanel.add(CustIDLbl, GBC);     
              CustIDTxt = new JTextField(20);
              GBC.gridx = 2;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innertoppanel.add(CustIDTxt, GBC);
              GBC.gridx = 3;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innertoppanel.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(220), GBC);
              OrderedDateLbl = new JLabel("Order Date");
              GBC.gridx = 4;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innertoppanel.add(OrderedDateLbl, GBC);     
              //Get today's date
              Date todaydate = new Date();
              OrderedDateTxt = new JTextField(simpleDF.format(todaydate), 20);
              GBC.gridx = 5;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innertoppanel.add(OrderedDateTxt, GBC);
              CustOrderIDLbl = new JLabel("Customer Order ID");
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 2;
              innertoppanel.add(CustOrderIDLbl, GBC);
              CustOrderIDTxt = new JTextField(20);
              GBC.gridx = 2;
              GBC.gridy = 2;
              innertoppanel.add(CustOrderIDTxt, GBC);
              return innertoppanel;
         public JPanel createInnerCenterPanel(){
              innercenterpanel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
              GridBagConstraints GBC = new GridBagConstraints();
              GBC.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              //Setting Font Type and Size
              Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 11);
              ItemNumberLbl = new JLabel("Item Number");
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innercenterpanel.add(ItemNumberLbl, GBC);     
              ItemNumberTxt = new JTextField(20);
              GBC.gridx = 2;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innercenterpanel.add(ItemNumberTxt, GBC);
              UnitPriceLbl = new JLabel("Unit Price");
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 2;
              innercenterpanel.add(UnitPriceLbl, GBC);     
              UnitPriceTxt = new JTextField(20);
              GBC.gridx = 2;
              GBC.gridy = 2;
              innercenterpanel.add(UnitPriceTxt, GBC);
              QuantityReqLbl = new JLabel("Quantity Required");
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 3;
              innercenterpanel.add(QuantityReqLbl, GBC);     
              QuantityReqTxt = new JTextField(20);
              GBC.gridx = 2;
              GBC.gridy = 3;
              innercenterpanel.add(QuantityReqTxt, GBC);
              TotPriceLbl = new JLabel("Total Price");
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 4;
              innercenterpanel.add(TotPriceLbl, GBC);     
              TotPriceTxt = new JTextField(20);
              GBC.gridx = 2;
              GBC.gridy = 4;
              innercenterpanel.add(TotPriceTxt, GBC);
              return innercenterpanel;
         public JPanel createInnerBottomPanel(){
              innerbottompanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
              //Setting Font Type and Size
              Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 11);
              GrandTotLbl = new JLabel("Grand Total");
              GrandTotTxt = new JTextField(20);
              return innerbottompanel;
         public JPanel createInnerRightPanel(){
              innerrightpanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
              innerrightpanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(navrightpanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
              innerrightpanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());          
              GridBagConstraints GBC = new GridBagConstraints();
              GBC.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              internalnextbtn = new JButton(createNextButtonIcon());
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              internalnextbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                        if(currentItem < MaxItems){
                             System.out.println(CurrentRecord);//Checking RECORD_NUM
                        if(currentItem == MaxItems){
              innerrightpanel.add(internalnextbtn, GBC);
              return innerrightpanel;
         public JPanel createInnerLeftPanel(){
              innerleftpanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
              innerleftpanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());          
              GridBagConstraints GBC = new GridBagConstraints();
              GBC.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              internalprevbtn = new JButton(createPreviousButtonIcon());
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              internalprevbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void  actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                        if(currentItem == 1){
                        if(currentItem > 0){
              innerleftpanel.add(internalprevbtn, GBC);
              return innerleftpanel;
         public JPanel createCustOrdDetailsButtons(){
              externalprevbtn = new JButton(createPreviousButtonIcon());
              externalprevbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void  actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                        if(CurrentRecord == 1){
                        if(CurrentRecord > 0){
                             System.out.println(CurrentRecord);//Checking RECORD_NUM
              addrecordbtn = new JButton("Add Record", createAddButtonIcon());
              addrecordbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                             MaxRecord = readRecordNumber();
                             //--<BEGINNING>--Clear Fields-------------------------------------------------------//
                             //Get today's date
                             Date todaydate = new Date();
                             //--<END>--Clear Fields-------------------------------------------------------------//
                        } catch(Exception ec){ec.printStackTrace();}
              savebtn = new JButton("Save Data", createSaveButtonIcon());
              savebtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
     imageURL_AddRowIcon = CommonFeatures.class.getResource("Icons/edit_add.png");
              ImageIcon AddRowIcon = new ImageIcon(imageURL_AddRowIcon);
              additemreqbtn = new JButton("Add Item", AddRowIcon);
              additemreqbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                             //--<BEGINNING>--Clear Fields-------------------------------------------------------//
                             //--<END>--Clear Fields-------------------------------------------------------------//
                             //CurrentRecord = MaxRecord;
                        } catch(Exception ec){ec.printStackTrace();}
              externalnextbtn = new JButton(createNextButtonIcon());
              externalnextbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                        if(CurrentRecord < MaxRecord){
                             System.out.println(CurrentRecord);//Checking RECORD_NUM
                        if(CurrentRecord == MaxRecord){
              return buttonpanel;
         public void setFieldText(int orderID){//TODO
         public void setInnerFieldText(int currentItem){//TODO
              innerCustOrdObj[currentItem] = new InnerCustOrdObject();
         public void getFieldText(int orderID){
              currentItem = orderDetails[orderID].getMaxItems();
              System.err.println("currentItem" + currentItem);
         public void getInnerFieldText(int currentItem){
         public void writeOrder(){//TODO
              try {
                   objOut = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(OrderDetailsFile));
              } catch (IOException e) {
         public Object readOrder(){
              Object temporaryObj;
                   objIn = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(OrderDetailsFile));
                   temporaryObj = objIn.readObject();               
                   CustOrdObject[] blah = (CustOrdObject[]) temporaryObj;
                   System.out.println("Outer: "+blah[1].getCustID());
                   InnerCustOrdObject[] whee = blah[1].getInnerCustOrdObj();
                   System.out.println("Inner: "+whee[1].getItemNumber());
                   System.out.println("Read Worky!");
                   return temporaryObj;
              }catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println("Read No Worky!");
                   return null;
         public void writeRecordNumber(int MaxRecord){
                   objOut = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(OrdRecordNumStore));
              }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
         public int readRecordNumber() {
              try {
                   objIn = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(OrdRecordNumStore));
                   int temporaryObj = Integer.parseInt(objIn.readObject().toString());
                   System.out.println("Read Number Worky!");
                   return temporaryObj;
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   System.out.println("Read Number No Worky!");
                   return -1;
    }Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

    ok i got reading to work to a certain extent... but the prob is i cnt seem to save my innerCustOrdObj proprly...when ever i look for a record using the gotorecordbtn, the outerobject, which is the orderDetails, seems to change but the innerCustOrdObj remains the same... heres the new code..
    public class CustomerOrderDetails extends CommonFeatures{
         private static int MAX_ORDERS = 200;
         private static int MAX_ORDERITEMS = 100;
         private static int MaxRecord;
         private static int CurrentRecord = 1;
         private static int currentItem;
         private static int MaxItems = 1;
         private static boolean FileExists, recFileExists;
         private static boolean RecordExists;
         private static CustOrdObject[] orderDetails = new CustOrdObject[MAX_ORDERS];
         private static InnerCustOrdObject[] innerCustOrdObj = new InnerCustOrdObject[MAX_ORDERITEMS];     
         private static File OrderDetailsFile = new File("CustOrdDetails.ser");
         private static File OrdRecordNumStore = new File("OrdRecordNumStore.txt");
         private static PrintWriter writeFile;
         private static BufferedReader readFile;
         private static ObjectOutputStream objOut;
         private static ObjectInputStream objIn;
         //Set format for date
         SimpleDateFormat simpleDF = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MM yyyy");
         //--<BEGINNING>--Declaring Interface Variables------------------------------------------//
         private JPanel innertoppanel, innercenterpanel, innerbottompanel, innerrightpanel, innerleftpanel;
         private JLabel CustIDLbl, CustOrderIDLbl, OrderedDateLbl, GrandTotLbl, ItemNumberLbl,UnitPriceLbl, QuantityReqLbl, TotPriceLbl;
         private JTextField CustIDTxt, CustOrderIDTxt, OrderedDateTxt, GrandTotTxt, ItemNumberTxt, UnitPriceTxt, QuantityReqTxt, TotPriceTxt;
         private JButton addrecordbtn, savebtn, externalprevbtn, externalnextbtn, internalprevbtn, internalnextbtn, gotorecordbtn, additemreqbtn;
         //--<END>--Declaring Interface Variables------------------------------------------------//
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              final CustomerOrderDetails COD = new CustomerOrderDetails();
              java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                   public void run() {
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception eb) {
         //--<BEGINNING>--Creating CustomerOrderDetails Screen---------------------------------------//
         public JFrame createCustOrdDetailsScreen() {
              containerpanel.add(createCustOrdDetailsTitle(), BorderLayout.NORTH);
              containerpanel.add(createCustOrdDetailsMainPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
              //containerpanel.add(createCustOrdDetailsLeftNavButtons(), BorderLayout.WEST);
              //containerpanel.add(createCustOrdDetailsRightNavButtons(), BorderLayout.EAST);
              containerpanel.add(createCustOrdDetailsButtons(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              //--<BEGINNING>--Checks to see whether CRecordNumberStore file exists-------------------------------//
              if (OrdRecordNumStore.exists() == true) {
                   recFileExists = true;
              }else {
                   recFileExists = false;
              if (recFileExists == true) {
                   MaxRecord = readRecordNumber();
                   CurrentRecord = MaxRecord;
                   System.out.println("Current Record " +CurrentRecord);
                   System.out.println("Max Record " +MaxRecord);
                   MaxRecord = 1;
                   System.out.println("Current Record " +CurrentRecord);
                   System.out.println("Max Record " +MaxRecord);
              //--<END>--Checks to see whether CRecordNumberStore file exists--------------------------------------//
              if(readOrder() != null){
                   orderDetails = (CustOrdObject[]) readOrder();
                   //System.out.println("Current Rec Here"+CurrentRecord);
                   if(orderDetails[CurrentRecord] == null){
                        System.err.println("CustomerOrderObj 1 is null !!");
                        System.err.println("CustomerOrderObj 1 is  not null !!");
                   if(orderDetails[CurrentRecord].getInnerCustOrdObj() == null){
                        System.err.println("InnerCustomerOrderObj is null !!");
                        System.err.println("InnerCustomerOrderObj is  not null !!");
                   innerCustOrdObj = orderDetails[CurrentRecord].getInnerCustOrdObj();
                   MaxItems = orderDetails[CurrentRecord].getMaxItems();
                   if(CurrentRecord > 1 && CurrentRecord < MaxRecord){
                   if(CurrentRecord >= MaxRecord){
                   orderDetails[CurrentRecord] = new CustOrdObject();
                   currentItem = 1;
              return mainframe;
         //--<END>--Creating CustomerOrderDetails Screen---------------------------------------------//
         public JPanel createCustOrdDetailsTitle(){
              label.setText("- Customer Order Details -");
              buttonpanel.setBackground(TxtfontColor) ;
              titlepanel.add(labelpanel, BorderLayout.WEST);
              titlepanel.add(buttonpanel, BorderLayout.EAST);
              return titlepanel;
         public JPanel createCustOrdDetailsMainPanel(){
              mainpanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());          
              mainpanel.add(createInnerTopPanel(), BorderLayout.NORTH);
              mainpanel.add(createInnerCenterPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
              mainpanel.add(createInnerBottomPanel(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              mainpanel.add(createInnerRightPanel(), BorderLayout.EAST);
              mainpanel.add(createInnerLeftPanel(), BorderLayout.WEST);
              return mainpanel;
         public JPanel createInnerTopPanel(){
              innertoppanel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
              GridBagConstraints GBC = new GridBagConstraints();
              GBC.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              //Setting Font Type and Size
              Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 11);
              CustIDLbl = new JLabel("Customer ID");
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innertoppanel.add(CustIDLbl, GBC);     
              CustIDTxt = new JTextField(20);
              GBC.gridx = 2;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innertoppanel.add(CustIDTxt, GBC);
              GBC.gridx = 3;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innertoppanel.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(220), GBC);
              OrderedDateLbl = new JLabel("Order Date");
              GBC.gridx = 4;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innertoppanel.add(OrderedDateLbl, GBC);     
              //Get today's date
              Date todaydate = new Date();
              OrderedDateTxt = new JTextField(simpleDF.format(todaydate), 20);
              GBC.gridx = 5;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innertoppanel.add(OrderedDateTxt, GBC);
              CustOrderIDLbl = new JLabel("Customer Order ID");
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 2;
              innertoppanel.add(CustOrderIDLbl, GBC);
              CustOrderIDTxt = new JTextField(20);
              GBC.gridx = 2;
              GBC.gridy = 2;
              innertoppanel.add(CustOrderIDTxt, GBC);
              return innertoppanel;
         public JPanel createInnerCenterPanel(){
              innercenterpanel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
              GridBagConstraints GBC = new GridBagConstraints();
              GBC.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              //Setting Font Type and Size
              Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 11);
              ItemNumberLbl = new JLabel("Item Number");
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innercenterpanel.add(ItemNumberLbl, GBC);     
              ItemNumberTxt = new JTextField(20);
              GBC.gridx = 2;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innercenterpanel.add(ItemNumberTxt, GBC);
              UnitPriceLbl = new JLabel("Unit Price");
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 2;
              innercenterpanel.add(UnitPriceLbl, GBC);     
              UnitPriceTxt = new JTextField(20);
              GBC.gridx = 2;
              GBC.gridy = 2;
              innercenterpanel.add(UnitPriceTxt, GBC);
              QuantityReqLbl = new JLabel("Quantity Required");
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 3;
              innercenterpanel.add(QuantityReqLbl, GBC);     
              QuantityReqTxt = new JTextField(20);
              GBC.gridx = 2;
              GBC.gridy = 3;
              innercenterpanel.add(QuantityReqTxt, GBC);
              TotPriceLbl = new JLabel("Total Price");
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 4;
              innercenterpanel.add(TotPriceLbl, GBC);     
              TotPriceTxt = new JTextField(20);
              TotPriceTxt.addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter(){
                   public void focusGained(FocusEvent evt){
              GBC.gridx = 2;
              GBC.gridy = 4;
              innercenterpanel.add(TotPriceTxt, GBC);
              return innercenterpanel;
         public JPanel createInnerBottomPanel(){
              innerbottompanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
              //Setting Font Type and Size
              Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 11);
              GrandTotLbl = new JLabel("Grand Total");
              GrandTotTxt = new JTextField(20);
              return innerbottompanel;
         public JPanel createInnerRightPanel(){
              innerrightpanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
              innerrightpanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(navrightpanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
              innerrightpanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());          
              GridBagConstraints GBC = new GridBagConstraints();
              GBC.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              internalnextbtn = new JButton(createNextButtonIcon());
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              internalnextbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                        if(currentItem < MaxItems){
                             System.out.println("Current Item" + currentItem);
                        if(currentItem == MaxItems){
              innerrightpanel.add(internalnextbtn, GBC);
              return innerrightpanel;
         public JPanel createInnerLeftPanel(){
              innerleftpanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
              innerleftpanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());          
              GridBagConstraints GBC = new GridBagConstraints();
              GBC.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              internalprevbtn = new JButton(createPreviousButtonIcon());
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              internalprevbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void  actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                        if(currentItem == 1){
                        if(currentItem > 0){
                             System.out.println("Current Item" + currentItem);
              innerleftpanel.add(internalprevbtn, GBC);
              return innerleftpanel;
         public JPanel createCustOrdDetailsButtons(){
              externalprevbtn = new JButton(createPreviousButtonIcon());
              externalprevbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void  actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                        if(CurrentRecord == 1){
                        if(CurrentRecord > 0){
                             System.out.println("Current Record " + CurrentRecord);//Checking RECORD_NUM
              addrecordbtn = new JButton("Add Record", createAddButtonIcon());
              addrecordbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                             MaxRecord = readRecordNumber();
                             CurrentRecord = MaxRecord;
                             orderDetails[CurrentRecord] = new CustOrdObject();
                             MaxItems = 1;
                             innerCustOrdObj[MaxItems] = new InnerCustOrdObject();
                             //--<BEGINNING>--Clear Fields-------------------------------------------------------//
                             //Get today's date
                             Date todaydate = new Date();
                             //--<END>--Clear Fields-------------------------------------------------------------//
                        } catch(Exception ec){ec.printStackTrace();}
              savebtn = new JButton("Save Data", createSaveButtonIcon());
              savebtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
     imageURL_AddRowIcon = CommonFeatures.class.getResource("Icons/edit_add.png");
              ImageIcon AddRowIcon = new ImageIcon(imageURL_AddRowIcon);
              additemreqbtn = new JButton("Add Item", AddRowIcon);
              additemreqbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                             //--<BEGINNING>--Clear Fields-------------------------------------------------------//
                             //--<END>--Clear Fields-------------------------------------------------------------//
                             //CurrentRecord = MaxRecord;
                             innerCustOrdObj[MaxItems] = new InnerCustOrdObject();
                             System.out.println("Max Items "+MaxItems);
                             currentItem = MaxItems;
                        } catch(Exception ec){ec.printStackTrace();}
              externalnextbtn = new JButton(createNextButtonIcon());
              externalnextbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                        if(CurrentRecord < MaxRecord){
                             System.out.println(CurrentRecord);//Checking RECORD_NUM
                        if(CurrentRecord == MaxRecord){
              gotorecordbtn = new JButton("Go To Record", createGotoButtonIcon());
              gotorecordbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                         * The text from the GotorecordTxt textfield will be taken and assigned
                         * to a temporary integer variable called Find. 
                        int Find = Integer.parseInt(CustOrderIDTxt.getText());
                        for(int j=1; j <= MaxRecord; j++){
                              * Using a for loop, each record can be read using the readCustRecord
                              * method.
                              * An if condition is utilized to check whether the temporary stored variable, Find,
                              * matches a field in a record. If this record is found, then using the RecordExists
                              * which was declared at the top, either a true or false statement can be assigned
                              * If the record exists, then a true statement will be assigned, if not a false
                              * statement will be assigned.
                             if(orderDetails[j].getCustOrderID() == Find){
                                  RecordExists = true;
                                  RecordExists = false;
                        if(RecordExists == false){
                              * If the RecordExists is assigned a false statement, then a message will be
                              * displayed to show that the record does not exist.
                             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Record Does Not Exist!", "Error Message", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, createErrorIcon());
              return buttonpanel;
         public void setFieldText(int orderID){//TODO
         public void setInnerFieldText(int currentItem){//TODO
              innerCustOrdObj[currentItem] = new InnerCustOrdObject();
         public void getFieldText(int orderID){
              currentItem = orderDetails[orderID].getMaxItems();
              System.err.println("currentItem" + currentItem);
         public void getInnerFieldText(int currentItem){
         public void writeOrder(){//TODO
              try {
                   objOut = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(OrderDetailsFile));
              } catch (IOException e) {
         public Object readOrder(){
              Object temporaryObj;
                   objIn = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(OrderDetailsFile));
                   temporaryObj = objIn.readObject();               
                   CustOrdObject[] blah = (CustOrdObject[]) temporaryObj;
                   /*               System.out.println("Outer: "+blah[1].getCustID());
                   InnerCustOrdObject[] whee = blah[1].getInnerCustOrdObj();
                   System.out.println("Inner: "+whee[1].getItemNumber());*/
                   System.out.println("Read Worky!");
                   return temporaryObj;
              }catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println("Read No Worky!");
                   return null;
         public void writeRecordNumber(int MaxRecord){
                   objOut = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(OrdRecordNumStore));
              }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
         public int readRecordNumber() {
              try {
                   objIn = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(OrdRecordNumStore));
                   int temporaryObj = Integer.parseInt(objIn.readObject().toString());
                   System.out.println("Read Number Worky!");
                   return temporaryObj;
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   System.out.println("Read Number No Worky!");
                   return -1;
    }Message was edited by:

  • There is a Problem with Adobe Acrobat/Reader. If it is running, please exit and try again (1014:101

    I have this problem with Adobe Reader 11.0.01. It displays this message "There is a Problem with Adobe Acrobat/Reader. If it is running, please exit and try again (1014:1014). This is in Internet explorer when attempting to open Reader links.
    This is on a Windows XP SP3 machine.
    Please help me find a solution for this?

    Try the Acrobat and Reader Cleaner tool. Then re-install.

  • Error: "There is a problem With Adobe Acrobat/Reader..." What is .MST file??

    I get the following error message and I looked it up in the knowledge base, and there was a solution for fixing the error message. However, I have no idea what they are talking about. I have downloaded the Customization Wizard, but I have no clue what the following means:
    A) Create a new transform
    B) Open your previously created .mst file
    I went into the C Drive and opened Program Files. I found the Adobe folder, but I couldn't find an .mst file anywhere. Am I completely lost??? Below is the knowledge base solution:
    Error: "There is a problem With Adobe Acrobat/Reader..." when you view a PDF in a browser (Acrobat and Adobe Reader 8 on Windows)
    When you try to view a PDF in Internet Explorer, you see the error message, "There is a problem With Adobe Acrobat/Reader. Please exit Adobe Acrobat/Reader and try again." When you click OK to the error, the PDF opens outside of the browser.
    When you use the Adobe Customization Wizard to create a transform for Adobe Acrobat 8 or Adobe Reader 8, and you choose the option to "Make Acrobat the default viewer if both Acrobat and Reader are installed", or "Make Reader the default viewer if both Acrobat and Reader are installed", an error occurs if the computer does not have Acrobat or Reader already installed.
    Create a new transform and re-deploy Acrobat or Adobe Reader.
    Start the Adobe Customization Wizard 8.
    Open your previously created .mst file.
    Under Installation Options, select "Installer will decide which product will be the default".
    Save the transform.
    Re-deploy Acrobat or Adobe Reader.
    Additional Information
    When you create a transform in Adobe Customization Wizard 8, the installation options allow you to set the default viewer for PDF files. "Installer will decide which product will be the default" is the default setting and should be used when you are uncertain if the target machine has a version of Acrobat or Adobe Reader that won't be removed as part of the installation process. When installed silently using this option, Acrobat will always be configured as the default viewer.

    I think you are headed down the wrong path. The Customization Wizard is what you use to push out Reader to several hundred computers. An MST is a package or transform file that is used to accomplish this task. Unless you are an IT person and are trying a deployment of Reader this solution does not fit your situation.

  • Problem with adobe acrobat/reader

    I am having problems with adobe. I am trying to open an old bamk statment but I keep getting "there is a problem with adobe acrobat/reader. If it is running please exit and start again (103:103)
    Or it will say "Adobe reader has encountered a problem and needs to close"
    I am using windows xp IE8
    In my add/remove programs there is "adobe reader 9.5.3" and below that there is "adobe reader XI (11.0.03)
    I tried to repair or patch then restarted my computer but the same problem. I tried to remove them but they won't remove.
    PLEASE someone help me.
    Thank You in advance
    GOD Bless

    Yep it works. I think the reason I had the reader 11.0.03 was a few months ago I asked me to click for an upgrade. The one that I had was the one you gave me last year. I don't know how/why it didn't delete the older one, or maybe it was an offer from some other site. I just saw the word upgrade and figured it was suppose to. Funny thing is, The files I was having trouble to see last night, I was able to see them 2 days earlier and it didn't prevent me firm seeing them then, and I hadn't messed with the adobe for a few months. GO FIGURE!!
    While your here, do you happen to know of an excellent system tool cleaner I could get from amazon?? I got a desktop from Listia hew/used and before I get my stuff transferred from this one to my new one I want to get something that runs in the background to keep it running smooth, and this laptop I'm using is about 10 years old and getting sluggish. I've tried one or two that I bought online that offer free download then charge to fix it. So I once or twice bought the download clicked the fix, and it shows EVERYTHING is fixed. Then run another scan and there would be more things need fixing so would click fix again, run a third scan and still have more to fix. So I would have to call the place I bought it from to get my money back.
    I look on amazon and read peoples reviews but just can't decode which one to get. The ones that sound great are old versions. I don't want to spend an arm and a leg, just something that get old stuff off. There are so many programs on the add/remove but I don't want to take the chance to remove something only to find out I shouldn't have. Do you know what I mean?? All of them on web sites  and like on tv claim to be good but are really junk.
    I do surveys online to make extra money fixedincome due to sever RA in my back and focus groups online, to things get thick I don't want my computer to get bougged down
    So if you happen to have any suggestions please tell me. If your allowed to. Thanks again

  • Problem with finding a File

    I am having problem with finding a file on the OS
    (using Win2000) when given an absolute pathname;
    here is the rough code:
    //theFile is specified at command line
    File f = new File(theFile);
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));When I run the program, I type
    java myProgram C:\aFolder\theFile
    But it can't find theFile. I am not sure what's wrong.

    No that can't be it; he takes the filename from the command line, so escaping isn't an issue (unless he used a shell that unescaped '\\' for him, but I think he's using the win2000 cmd shell).
    Dunno, I have no idea of your filesystem or shell. Just do some debugging, around the lines of:
    File f = new File(theFile);
    if (f.exists()) {
      System.err.println(theFile + " exists.");
    } else {
      System.err.println(theFile + " doesn't exist.");

  • "there is a problem with adobe acrobat/reader. if it is running please exit and try again. (523.523)

    We are getting the following error "there is a problem with adobe acrobat/reader. if it is running please exit and try again. (523.523)" and a gray screen appears (Image not viewable) with multiple users. We are using Adobe Reader XI (11.0.05) and (11.0.06). The current workaround is to log off the website and log back in. Once the user logs back in, the pdf will appear. However it occurs anywhere from 2-8 times in a day. Anyone else having this issue or know of another workaround? Any suggestion with how to fix? Please help!!

    Hi Valerie,
    Please let me know the version of Adobe Acrobat/Reader & operating system installed on your computer?
    Also, try this:-
    Launch Adobe Reader/Acrobat.
    From the menu, choose Edit -> preferences -> General
    Uncheck the option for "Enable Protected Mode at startup"
    Restart the Adobe Reader and web browser.

  • Hi I've a big problem with adobe acrobat reader XI pro and I hope you can help me. The problem is; when I past copied text from some pdf books (not all of them) it past symbols only! wherever I past it! and even if I coped that text from another pdf reade

    I've a big problem with adobe acrobat reader XI pro and I hope you can help me.
    The problem is; when I past copied text from some pdf books (not all of them) it past symbols only! wherever I past it! and even if I coped that text from another pdf reader (adobe pdf reader, internet browsers, ...etc.).
    This problem started to happen since yesterday when I installed adobe acrobat reader XI pro to try it before I buy it, and before that when I was using the free adobe pdf reader I was totally able to copy any text from any pdf and past it anywhere with nothing wrong.
    What can I do?
    thank you a lot.

    There is no product called Adobe Acrobat Reader Pro. There is
    - Adobe Acrobat Pro ($$)
    - Adobe Reader (free)
    Which do you have? And are you a programmer?

  • I have an older version of Adobe Digital Editions (around 3 years old) and was very happy with it.  Then I had problems with my Kobo Reader and asked a friend who works in IT to assist. She could not fix the Kobo but she messed up my Addobe. She downloade

    I have an older version of Adobe Digital Editions (around 3 years old) and was very happy with it.
    Then I had problems with my Kobo Reader and asked a friend who works in IT to assist. She could not fix the Kobo but she messed up my Addobe. She downloaded version three and I have an account and a password - was not able to transfer my books from my reader to version three (and I don't like the lay-out - I would prefer to stay with the old version as I also loose all my download date info..)
    But all the books I have bought over the last three years are in the old Adobe Digital and I cannot access them any more. When I use it I get the message "that the document is licensed to a different account. I can't even open the books on my computer.
    When I go to my Kobo library, I cannot also not open my books and get the message "this doc is protected by adobe digital rights management and is not currently authorized for use with your adobe. please sign in with your authorized adobe id and try again"
    I believe the problem is that I do not seem to have a digital id for my old adobe or that the Kobo is not in sync with it anymore.
    can you please help me - going on vacation in three days and cannot go without books.

    Please authorize ADE 3 with same credentials that you used with older version of ADE

  • How do you fix error message "There is a problem with Adobe Acrobat/Reader. (6:6)

    How does one fix error message "There is a problem with Adobe Acrobat/Reader.
    If it is running, please exit and try again. (6:6) is one example but a whole lot of the material which has been uploaded as pdf files over the last four years is now unviewable - if you click on the link you just get a black page.  The main site url is and our site is the Queens Road Residents Association.  I have just gone through every link on the site and a number of links when clicked on will not bring up the material.  I tried going into Adobe 10 on my computer and disenabling protected mode as was suggested on your forum and at first when I went back into the essex info site it seemed to have worked when I clicked on a link that had only produced a black page.  However when I went back to test all the other links I found that the problem was still re-occuring.  This is really weird as the site and my connections to it which I sometimes make by directly accessing the site and sometime via a link from our QRRA blog have always worked perfectly with no problems up to now.  I downloaded adobe 10.1 on 8 March 2011.
    I contacted essexinfo separately but they said everything seemed to be OK at their end working from within the system.
    If you can help I would appreciate it.

  • When i try to open docs in mail box  i get an error msg : there is a problem with adobe acrobat/read

    when i try to open docs in mail box  i get an error msg : "there is a problem with adobe acrobat/reader.  If it is running please exit and try again (1014:1014)"

    I have the same problem also but solved with the solution from

  • Message that says there is a problem with adobe/acrobat/reader

    Can't view or download from internet. Message that says, There is a problem with Adobe/Acrobat/Reader. If it is running, please exit & try again.(0:104)

    Hi Ciny Lu,
    Please try steps mentioned here:

  • There is a problem with adobe acrobat reader please exit adobe acrobat reader and try again 101:101

    I'm trying to access some web PDF files via SharePoint Application but i got this error message "there is a problem with adobe acrobat reader please exit adobe acrobat reader and try again 101:101"
    my operating system is Win 7 and I'm using Adobe Acrobat Pro 11.0

    I'm having the same problem. Only I have Windows XP and at the end of the error message it shows 103.103. Please let me know if and when you get an answer or remedy to this problem. Thanks!

  • Adobe Reader X: There is a problem with Adobe Acrobat/Reader. (127:0)

    I am getting an error when i am opening an pdf document inside an other application (Attensity Respond).
    "There is a problem with Adobe Acrobat/Reader. If it is running, please. exit and try again (127:0)"
    I am using Adobe Reader Version 10.0.1 installed under Citrix XenApp 6.5 Windows 2008R2.
    Has anyone an idea how to fix this issue?

    I don't know what this means.  All I can suggest that you try updating your old Reader version to the latest (10.1.9 or 11.0.6).

  • There is a problem With Adobe Acrobat/Reader.

    I have XP professional, IE 8, and Adobe Reader 9.3.  When I try to open any pdf files from a web page I see the following error: "These is a problem With Adobe Acrobat/Reader. Please exit Adobe Acrobat/Reader and try again. "
    Although, the web pdf rendering returns an error, I'm able to open pdf files locally.
    Any assistance would be appreciated.

    I had similar problems with Windows XP SP3 and Adobe Reader 9.3 and I uninstalled AR 9.3 and went to:  and installed Adobe Reader 8.3.  No problems after that. However,
    ʇɐb ɹəuəllıʍ  posted this reply to one of my earlier posts. So, I don't know what to think...
    3. Feb 15, 2010 7:45 PM in response to: cbuzz1
    Re: Can you help me access PDF files via Adobe Reader?
    cbuzz1 wrote:
    I just discovered that Internet Explorer 8 is not supported by Adobe Reader 9.3 or that they just don't interface properly.
    Reader 9.3 works perfectly fine in IE8.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Problem with bluetooth driver (bootcamp windows 7) ! Can't connect any bluetooth device...

    1st word, so sorry about my poor English ! My device here is : macbook pro mid 2012 MD101 (MacOSX & Windows 7 Ultimate, my question here's on Windows 7) ! I have a bluetooth mouse and a speaker, at my workplace I need to use 2 devices wireless, altho

  • Imac 2010 mid as a display

    I use thunderbolt to thunder to connect my air (2011) to imac 2010 mid , press commnod F2 no responce?

  • Online redo logs in Flash Recovery Area

    Hi, Currently I have redo logs multiplexed on two separate disks. I want to add a new member to each log file group that goes in flash recovery area. What is the easiest way to accomplish this? It seems to me that I can only do this by dropping the e

  • SRM 7.0 Invoice Rejection in SRM Portal

    Hi, We have come across a scenario where an approver is unable to reject an invoice in their tasks queue. An error message of "/sapsrm/cx_pdo_error Reason for rejection is mandatory" appears However, when they reject a Shopping Cart for example, it w

  • Can't update to 10.6.2 on Snow Leopard

    Hi, I'm currently running 10.6.0. As I wanted to install the latest iPhone SDK 4 I got the error that I have to update to 10.6.2 before. So I run the software update application, but it says that I'm already using the latest software.