PROCEDURE download_my_file with .docx files

I am using the procedure download_my_file from the Application Express Advanced Tutorials site:
If I save a file with a .docx extension, and then try to open the file using the procedure, the file type is not recognized. The file extension is also not displayed with the name. Is this caused by having a 4 digit file extension rather than the standard 3 digit extension?
Thanks in advance for your help,

Have a look at: Uploading files Mime Type not correct for Office 2007 default extensions. I don't have access to a server to be able to check, but I have seen before that there are files on the server that you need to update to recognise new mimetypes.
Here's a list of the mimetypes for Office 2007: []

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    Yes. will open and edit DOCX files.  Use Windows Attachments when clicking on the paperclip attachment in composing messages to attach the DOCX file.    The paperclip icon will appear if you use View menu -> Customize toolbar to add it there, if it was not there already.

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    Message was edited by: juliamontgomery

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    Edited by: user7660930 on Apr 18, 2011 7:40 AM

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    SERVER_SOFTWARE = Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server
    SERVER_PORT = 4445
    QUERY_STRING = p=301:1:3167922978599440:::::
    PATH_INFO = /f
    SCRIPT_NAME = /pls/apex/sand
    HTTP_USER_AGENT = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; InfoPath.2; Tablet PC 2.0)
    HTTP_ACCEPT = image/jpeg, application/x-ms-application, image/gif, application/xaml+xml, image/pjpeg, application/x-ms-xbap, application/, application/, application/msword, */*
    HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING = gzip, deflate
    HTTP_ORACLE_ECID = 1303315270:,0
    DAD_NAME = apex/sand
    DOC_ACCESS_PATH = docs
    DOCUMENT_TABLE = wwv_flow_file_objects$
    SCRIPT_PREFIX = /pls
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    Here it is:
    create or replace
    v_out_file UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
    v_row_Count NUMBER;
    rec_users varchar;
    ---r_dca variable
    FOR r_dca IN
    ( SELECT *
    FROM dcaadditionaldata
    WHERE directory_name IS NOT NULL
    ) LOOP
    -- Confirm there are actually rows to export
    INTO v_row_count
    --Dependent if rows were found or not, below checks to see if rows are found.
    ( SELECT *
    WHERE DCAACCOUNTALLOCATION.dcaid = r_dca.dcaid
    -- Checks to see if any rows are available to export, in this case, if there are no rows (0) returned, then.
    IF v_row_count = 0 THEN
    -- No rows to export so do nothing
    -- Anything Else, then
    -- Output file
    v_out_file := utl_file.fopen (r_dca.directory_name, 'DCAExport_1_' || TRIM(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'DDMMYYYY_HH24MISS')) || '.txt', 'W');
    -- Header
    -- REC_USERS = the variable
    FOR rec_users IN
    ( SELECT
    ( SELECT *
    WHERE DCAACCOUNTALLOCATION.dcaid = r_dca.dcaid
    --same as trigger, rec_users is the variable
    UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE (v_out_file,
    rec_users.CUSTOMERNUMBER|| ',' || rec_users.ACCOUNTNUMBER|| ',' ||rec_users.CDTITLE|| ',' ||rec_users.CDFIRSTNAME || ',' ||
    rec_users.CDLASTNAME|| ',' || rec_users.ACCOUNTTYPE|| ',' ||rec_users.ORIGINALCONTRACTENDDATE|| ',' ||rec_users.CONTRACTTERM || ',' ||
    rec_users.CONTRACTENDDATE|| ',' || rec_users.BRANCHAREA|| ',' ||rec_users.PRODUCTTYPE|| ',' ||
    rec_users.HOUSEBANKACCOUNT|| ',' || rec_users.CARMODEL|| ',' ||rec_users.CARLICENCE|| ',' ||
    rec_users.ARREARSBALANCE|| ',' || rec_users.CODEBTOR|| ',' ||rec_users.GUARANTORnumber);
    --Close the file below
    UTL_FILE.fclose (v_out_file);
    -- IF an error occurs while writing the file then we want to
    -- close the open file
    IF utl_file.is_open(v_out_file)
    UTL_FILE.fclose (v_out_file)                    *-- ERROR OCCURS HERE **
    END IF;
    -- We have successfully written a file so set handover date to current date
    -- for all relevant debtepisodes
    SET handoverdate = TRUNC(SYSDATE)
    AND handoverdate IS NULL
    AND accountid IN
    ( SELECT accountid
    AND DCAACCOUNTALLOCATION.dcaid = r_dca.dcaid
    END IF;
    The tables and columns stated are what I am currently using and what needs to be used.
    The error is shown in bold above producing this:
    Error(101,11): PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "END" when expecting one of the following: := . ( % ; The symbol ";" was substituted for "END" to continue.
    Any help would be appreciated, many thanks

    Ram wrote:
    Hmm doesnt seem to work
    another small error :(And that is? Try and compile your code in SQL*Plus and COPY/PASTE that and Oracle's response here. Use \ tags please :)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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    Shortly  after the secretary of a group I belong to got Word 2007, Pages '09 on my Mac became the defacto gateway through which his files passed to make them readable on another member's Mac (with AppleWorks) and by a couple of PC owners who were still using earlier versions of MS Office. For the fairly simple files (meeting minutes) Pages '09 apparently worked quite well for this task. Several "Thank you"s, no complaints.
    An iWork '09 30 day trial is available for download. It's the full version for 30 days. After the trial period it loses the ability to save or print unless a user licence is purchased and entered. 30 days should be enough for a fair trial of it's suitability to your purposes.

  • Having issues with docx files that contain images. I can only see the first page of a multipage docx (the docx only contain images)

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    Hey all,
    I solved this problem. It was not a code-problem but a printer problem. This code do not work on a BrotherHL1660e-printer. On all other printer I tried it works fine.
    Greetings - netti

  • Windows Explorer Preview pane does not work with .docx files

    This question follows on from previously unresolved questions posted on this forum (see and another forum I
    have visited.
    The problem:
    In windows explorer scrolling down (using mouse or arrow keys) in the library pane from one file to the next stops at a word document with more than 2 pages. Instead of continuing to scroll through the file list in the library pane it switches to scrolling
    through the pages of the document in the preview pane. This is a major pain because it impedes being able to move quickly through the files within a folder.
    The logical way this should work is to always scroll within the library pane unless you click in the preview pane to scroll through the document preview. This isn't how it is working.
    I am using Windows 7 with Microsoft Office 2010.
    Can someone please provide give me a solution.

    I did a test on my machine, couldn't reproduce this issue.
    There doesn't seem to be any settings on Office to change that; anyway, please try repairing Office in Control Panel to try again.
    Since it may be an issue more related to Windows Client, I suggest you post this question in Windows Client forum:
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • Work with office file (.docx, .xlsx)

    How can I open/create/save/change any word file? Can I use some library or must write myself?
    I known that docx file is archive with xml documents, but how I can change, for ex., some paragraph/text/etc.?

    There are no native controls for working with docx files in Windows Store APIs. You may be able to find a third-party control that does this.
    Matt Small - Microsoft Escalation Engineer - Forum Moderator
    If my reply answers your question, please mark this post as answered.
    NOTE: If I ask for code, please provide something that I can drop directly into a project and run (including XAML), or an actual application project. I'm trying to help a lot of people, so I don't have time to figure out weird snippets with undefined
    objects and unknown namespaces.

  • I am not able to open docx files

    I have some docx files (on dvd) from days gone by (good-bye to Windows&Word), and I can't get Pages '09 to open them. It just stalls, it has the progress bar and the beach ball is spinning, but nothing happens. I have to go to the dock and force quit.
    I've read in the forums of other people opening docx files, what am I doing wrong? some of these are not complicated files, one page of text and such. only some do have clipart, but that's about it.
    is there some setting I could check??
    *Did some more testing. These files were copied to my desktop, and I was clicking and right-clicking and opening them from the desktop. And, Pages would not open them. I then opened Pages and chose File, Open and opened them from within Pages, and just like that they open! only errors are missing font errors. Why would Pages have this behavior? What's so different about opening them by clicking on them or right-clicking Open??
    Well, at least I got them open. maybe this will help someone else.
    Message was edited by: linda2009

    Okay, I never really found an answer, but at this point Pages is opening when I click on docx files.
    Here's what I did and found out:
    FIRST, thank you to all the suggestions and thoughts! Most of them I had already tried, but this is what the forum is for, and most of the time it's what solves things for me, so a big thank you!
    I tried deleting the plist and cache files for Pages. (I use TinkerTool) That did not help, problem still existed. So I completely deleted/uninstalled Pages (TinkerTool). - I always try rebooting between troubleshooting - Then re-installed Pages, and tested before I made any changes/customizations. Here's where I saw a ray of hope; it worked! So then I made a few customizations, minor ones, such as which template, zoom size, ruler, etc. Then exit Pages. Try from opening docx from desktop...spinning ball again.
    At that point, I decided to go as fruhulda mentioned and reinstall the OS. I always do regular backups and Time Machine is going, but I looked around and backed up some stuff. Was not exited about having to reinstall all my software, but it bugs me when something is not working as intended (what else could be goofy in the background?). After reinstalling OS and downloading any updates, first thing I installed was iWorks. Tested opening docx, issue gone! Did some Pages customizations, and tried again...still working. Add a personal template for Pages to open with, and tested again...still working.
    As I go through and add my applications and customizations, I stop briefly and test Pages with docx files, so far it continues to open.
    There must have been some file(s) somewhere in the system or system library that was messing with Pages. It's the kind of thing you never find out. However, fresh and clean did the trick.
    Again, thank you to all who read and posted; I appreciate it all!

  • How do I change the "Open with Windows Wordpad Application (default)" for a DOCX file to I guess, Microsoft Word?

    I think the "Wordpad Application (default) got entered some time ago while trying to open a DOCX file. I now have a compatibility pack downloaded for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Formats for my Office 2003 and I think I could open a DOCX file now but can't get this Wordpad application removed and changed to another application to open it, which I think would probably be Word or if someone has another suggestion.

    I can't get "Use Microsoft Word (default)" to appear as an Action option. Only Windows WordPad application, Media Center, Internet Explorer, iTunes, Media Player Classic, Nero, Windows Photo, Picasa, Windows Calendar and wWindow Media Player appear as choices. I don't know how to add Microsoft Word as a choice. Maybe the second part of the instructions in your reply "Adding download actions" would solve this but I don't understand the instruction starting with #1. I don't know how to go about doing what it says to do.
    I don't think it makes any difference, but I do have Office XP instead of 03 as I stated in my first question.

  • (Problem) Grey empty Word window shows up while opening .doc or .docx files with virtual Internet Explorer 9

    First i'll explain what i did.
    I've Thinapped Office 2010 Professional Plus SP2 with an Internet Explorer entry point. (Thinapp version 4.7.3)
    Made some changes in the registry so .doc and .docx files will open in the virtual IE browser.
    Here are my changes made to the registry:
    Now i have this problem:
    When opening a .doc or .docx file in the browser a ' download bar' appears.
    My document opens in the browser as expected but, at the same time an empty grey Word window appears at the background.
    The grey window shows not all the time when opening a .docx or .doc file , this is whats so strange about it.
    Sometimes when i open the .doc or .docx file it opens without the grey empty word window. It seems like it's happening randomly.
    I also tested it out with .xlsx files (Excel) but this go's all well.
    Before i forget, this all runs on a Windows 7 Enterprise environment.
    Does anyone know what causes my problem, or can anyone help me?
    Kind regards,

    First i'll explain what i did.
    I've Thinapped Office 2010 Professional Plus SP2 with an Internet Explorer entry point. (Thinapp version 4.7.3)
    Made some changes in the registry so .doc and .docx files will open in the virtual IE browser.
    Here are my changes made to the registry:
    Now i have this problem:
    When opening a .doc or .docx file in the browser a ' download bar' appears.
    My document opens in the browser as expected but, at the same time an empty grey Word window appears at the background.
    The grey window shows not all the time when opening a .docx or .doc file , this is whats so strange about it.
    Sometimes when i open the .doc or .docx file it opens without the grey empty word window. It seems like it's happening randomly.
    I also tested it out with .xlsx files (Excel) but this go's all well.
    Before i forget, this all runs on a Windows 7 Enterprise environment.
    Does anyone know what causes my problem, or can anyone help me?
    Kind regards,

  • Creating PDF's from *.doc or *.docx file with fake security issue's ......

    We're trying the new 11 Pro and just patched it to:11.0.09 to try to fix this error below.
    When the user tries to create a PDF from the main menu that now says "Create PDF from File" instead of the old screen that said "Create PDF" ......
    If I start the process with a *.docx file I get the " can't open the file because of rights "  error and it was doing the same thing in the old original installed
    version of 11 and also now this the new one I just updated now to try to fix it. 
    I also deleted the normal.doc templates in both his old MS Word 2003 program and also in the current copy he uses MS Word 2007.
    If I start the 11 Pro and pick the same document as the first one except for the fact that it has been re-saved in a *.doc MS Word 2003 format,
    the whole thing works perfectly.
    Any suggestions?

    Have you tried to open WORD and either print to the Adobe PDF printer or use the Acrobat icon (PDF Maker)? Try both. Do they work or not. PDF Maker has to work for the functionality of the create in Acrobat to work.

  • Problem is occurring in docx format; it is not printing "New Line" character in extracted txt using IFilter (offfiltx.dll) while with doc file IFilter (OffFilt.dll) is working fine.

    Problem: Problem
    is occurring in docx format; it is not printing “New Line” character in extracted txt using IFilter (offfiltx.dll) while with doc file IFilter (OffFilt.dll) is working fine.
    Environment: -
    Windows XP SP2/7
    Office Version: - MS Office 2007/2010/2013
    Description: -
    file with new line character, and we are processing this file in IFilter for extracting text, and it is giving output with concatenation of lines.
    file format (Sample.docx)
    Test this music
    Word processing
    Testing docx file
    - Test this music Word processing Testing docx file
    - We
    have requirement to get following text in particular format with New Line from docx because client is using docx format only.
    Test this music
    Word processing
    Testing docx file
    We have tried a lot after changing IFilter configuration,
    but it is not giving required output. Then we saved same file in doc format (Sample.doc), which is giving required output.
    Because it is application specific problem, kindly
    assist to resolve issue on priority. We are sharing IFilter paths for extracting text for doc and docx.
    Doc Filter Location: - %systemroot%\system32\OffFilt.dll
    Docx Filter Location: - <Drive>:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\MICROS~1\Filters\offfiltx.dll
    Code Snippet for setting property of filter
    internal static IFilter LoadAndInitIFilter(string fileName, string extension)
                IFilter filter
    = LoadIFilter(extension);
                if (filter
    == null)
                    return null;
                IPersistFile persistFile
    = (filter as IPersistFile);
                if (persistFile
    != null)
    persistFile.Load(fileName, 0);
                    IFILTER_FLAGS flags;
                    IFILTER_INIT iflags
                    if (filter.Init(iflags,
    0, IntPtr.Zero, out flags)
                        return filter;
                return null;
    assist to resolve this issue and also let us know if any input is required.
    For any help, we would be really

    assist to resolve this issue and also let us know if any input is required.
    For any help, we
    would be really thankful.

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    And for that matter, there is no such beast as “InDesign CC 2.01.” What is referred to as InDesign CC is actually InDesign 9.x and what is referred to as InDesign CC 2014 is actually InDesign 10.x.
              - Dov

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