Project budget and forecast tables in R12

Hi All,
I had to extract the budget and forecast amounts for each project in the below format.
Project number, budget/forecast, task, resource, PA period, burden cost..etc.+
We are on R12. Can I use below tables to extract the above information. or should i depend on PJI% tables. please suggest.
below is the full query i built:
SELECT pp.NAME project_name, pp.segment1 project_number,
haou.NAME project_organization, pp.project_type,
pp.project_status_code, pp.start_date project_start_date,
pp.completion_date project_completion_date,
pfpt.NAME fin_plan_type, pfpt.description fin_plan_description,
pfpt.plan_class_code, pbv.budget_version_id, pbv.budget_type_code, pbv.version_number,
pbv.budget_status_code, pbv.version_name, pbv.baselined_date,
pbv.labor_quantity project_level_labor_quantity,
pbv.labor_unit_of_measure, pbv.raw_cost project_level_raw_cost, pbv.burdened_cost project_level_burdened_cost,
pbv.revenue project_level_revenue, pbv.version_type,pbv.current_planning_period, pt.task_number, pt.task_name,
prlm.alias resource_alias, prlm.expenditure_type, prlm.event_type,
prlm.expenditure_category, prlm.resource_class_code,
prlm.unit_of_measure, pbl.start_date, pbl.end_date, pbl.period_name,
pbl.quantity, pbl.raw_cost, pbl.burdened_cost, pbl.revenue, prlm.resource_list_member_id,
FROM apps.pa_projects_all pp,
hr_all_organization_units haou,
apps.pa_budget_versions pbv,
apps.pa_fin_plan_types_vl pfpt,
apps.pa_budget_lines pbl,
pa_resource_assignments pra,
pa_tasks pt,
pa_resource_list_members prlm
WHERE 1 = 1
AND pp.project_id = pbv.project_id
AND pp.carrying_out_organization_id = haou.organization_id
AND pbv.fin_plan_type_id = pfpt.fin_plan_type_id
AND pbv.budget_status_code = 'B'
AND pbv.budget_version_id =
(SELECT MAX (budget_version_id)
FROM pa_budget_versions pbv1
WHERE 1 = 1
AND pbv1.project_id = pp.project_id
AND pbv1.budget_status_code = 'B'
AND pbv1.version_type = pbv.version_type)
--AND version_type = 'COST'
AND pbl.budget_version_id = pbv.budget_version_id
AND pbl.resource_assignment_id = pra.resource_assignment_id
AND pra.resource_list_member_id = prlm.resource_list_member_id
AND pt.task_id(+) = pra.task_id
and = 'TEST_XX'
order by pp.segment1, pbl.period_name, pt.task_number, pbl.start_date

Can any body please help on this note..
thanks in advance..

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    --––variables needed for API standard parameters
       l_api_version_number     NUMBER                                 := 1.0;
       l_commit                 VARCHAR2 (1)                           := 'T';
       l_return_status          VARCHAR2 (1);
       l_init_msg_list          VARCHAR2 (1);
       l_msg_count              NUMBER;
       l_msg_data               VARCHAR2 (2000);
       l_data                   VARCHAR2 (2000);
       l_msg_entity             VARCHAR2 (100);
       l_msg_entity_index       NUMBER;
       l_msg_index              NUMBER;
       l_msg_index_out          NUMBER;
       l_encoded                VARCHAR2 (1);
       i                        NUMBER;
       a                        NUMBER;
    --––variables needed for Oracle Project specific parameters
       l_pm_product_code        VARCHAR2 (100);
       l_pa_project_id          NUMBER;
       l_pm_project_reference   VARCHAR2 (100);
       l_budget_type_code       VARCHAR2 (30);
       l_change_reason_code     VARCHAR2 (30);
       l_description            VARCHAR2 (255);
       l_entry_method_code      VARCHAR2 (30);
       l_resource_list_name     VARCHAR2 (60);
       l_resource_list_id       NUMBER;
       l_budget_lines_in        pa_budget_pub.budget_line_in_tbl_type;
       l_budget_lines_in_rec    pa_budget_pub.budget_line_in_rec_type;
       l_budget_lines_out       pa_budget_pub.budget_line_out_tbl_type;
       l_line_index             NUMBER;
       l_line_return_status     VARCHAR2 (1);
       l_user_id                NUMBER;
       l_responsibility_id      NUMBER;
       API_ERROR                EXCEPTION;
       SELECT user_id,
         INTO l_user_id,
         FROM pa_user_resp_v
        WHERE user_name = 'RAJU';
       PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.SET_GLOBAL_INFO (p_api_version_number      => 1.0,
    p_responsibility_id       => l_responsibility_id,
    p_user_id                 => l_user_id,
                                               p_msg_count               => l_msg_count,
    p_msg_data                => l_msg_data,
    p_return_status           => l_return_status
       IF l_return_status != 'S'
          RAISE API_ERROR;
       END IF;
       l_pm_product_code        := 'GMS';
       l_pa_project_id          := 6271;
       l_pm_project_reference   := NULL;--'ABC';
       l_budget_type_code       := 'FC';
       -- l_change_reason_code := 'INITIAL';
       l_description            := 'New description –> 2';
       l_entry_method_code      := 'PA_TASKLVL_BASELINE';
       l_resource_list_id       := 1001;
       a                := 1;
       FOR i IN 1 .. a
          l_budget_lines_in_rec.pa_task_id := 405156;
          l_budget_lines_in_rec.pm_task_reference       := NULL;
          l_budget_lines_in_rec.resource_alias          := 'Labor';
          l_budget_lines_in_rec.resource_list_member_id := '1034';
          -- l_budget_lines_in_rec.budget_start_date        := '01-Jan-13';
          -- l_budget_lines_in_rec.budget_end_date          := '31-Dec-14';
          -- l_budget_lines_in_rec.period_name          := 'JUL-10FY2011';
          l_budget_lines_in_rec.description             := 'Some Text';
          l_budget_lines_in_rec.quantity := 100.00;
          l_budget_lines_in_rec.raw_cost := 300.00;
          l_budget_lines_in (i)                         := l_budget_lines_in_rec;
       END LOOP;
       FOR i IN 1 .. a
                            (p_api_version_number           => l_api_version_number,
    p_return_status                => l_return_status,
                             p_pa_task_id                   => l_budget_lines_in (i).pa_task_id,
    p_pm_task_reference            => l_budget_lines_in (i).pm_task_reference,
    p_resource_alias               => l_budget_lines_in (i).resource_alias,
    p_resource_list_member_id      => l_budget_lines_in (i).resource_list_member_id,
    p_budget_start_date            => l_budget_lines_in (i).budget_start_date,
                             p_budget_end_date              => l_budget_lines_in (i).budget_end_date,
    p_period_name                  => l_budget_lines_in (i).period_name,
    p_description                  => l_budget_lines_in (i).description,
                             p_raw_cost                     => l_budget_lines_in (i).raw_cost,
    p_burdened_cost                => l_budget_lines_in (i).burdened_cost,
    p_revenue                      => l_budget_lines_in (i).revenue,
    p_quantity                     => l_budget_lines_in (i).quantity
       END LOOP;
       IF l_return_status != 'S'
          RAISE api_error;
       END IF;
        pa_budget_pub.execute_create_draft_budget (p_api_version_number        => l_api_version_number,
    p_msg_count                 => l_msg_count,
    p_msg_data                  => l_msg_data,
    p_return_status             => l_return_status,
    p_pm_product_code           => l_pm_product_code,
                                                  p_pa_project_id             => l_pa_project_id,
    p_pm_project_reference      => l_pm_project_reference,
    p_budget_type_code          => l_budget_type_code,
    p_change_reason_code        => l_change_reason_code,
    p_description               => l_description,
                                                  p_entry_method_code         => l_entry_method_code,
    p_resource_list_name        => l_resource_list_name,
    p_resource_list_id          => l_resource_list_id
       IF l_return_status != 'S'
          NULL; --––RAISE API_ERROR;
       END IF;
       FOR l_line_index IN 1 .. pa_budget_pub.g_budget_lines_tbl_count
          pa_budget_pub.fetch_budget_line (p_api_version_number      => l_api_version_number,
    p_return_status           => l_return_status,
    p_line_index              => l_line_index,
    p_line_return_status      => l_line_return_status
          IF l_return_status != 'S' OR l_line_return_status != 'S'
             RAISE api_error;
          END IF;
       END LOOP;
       IF l_return_status != 'S'
          RAISE api_error;
       END IF;
       WHEN api_error
          FOR i IN 1 .. l_msg_count
             pa_interface_utils_pub.get_messages (p_msg_data           => l_msg_data,
    p_data               => l_data,
    p_msg_count          => l_msg_count,
    p_msg_index_out      => l_msg_index_out
             DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Error Mesg ' || l_data);
             DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Error Mesg ' || l_msg_data);
          END LOOP;
          FOR i IN 1 .. l_msg_count
             pa_interface_utils_pub.get_messages (p_msg_data           => l_msg_data,
    p_data               => l_data,
                                                  p_msg_count          => l_msg_count,
    p_msg_index_out      => l_msg_index_out
             DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('error mesg ' || l_data);
          END LOOP;

    Not knowing how its embedded...  you will need to get the report instance from the dll and cast it as a ReportDocument object.
    Given the info so far, that is all we can say.
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  • Budgeting and Forecasting in AWM 11g

    We are looking at implementing the budgeting and forecasting capabilities into an Oracle OLAP 11g Cube built using AWM v11.
    On a very high level, we have the following questions:
    1. What are the options available in AWM 11g for budgeting/forecasting.
    2. What are the limitations/pre-requisites (in terms of cube or AW design).
    3. Steps required to create a budgeting/forecasting model (like what needs to be done in the Cube Scripts) in AWM.
    Any inputs on the above are highly appreciated.
    Thanks and Regards,

    There is, unfortunately, no direct support for Forecasting in 11g AWM or the 11g OLAP API (which sits underneath AWM). But there is support for this in the OLAP DML and I recommend that you look at the OLAP DML Reference documentation. For forecasting, for example, see
    FCOPEN function -- Creates a forecasting context.
    FCSET command -- Specifies the forecast characteristics.
    FCEXEC command -- Executes a forecast and populates Oracle OLAP variables with forecasting data.
    FCQUERY function -- Retrieves information about the characteristics of a forecast or a trial of a forecast.
    FCCLOSE command -- Closes a forecasting context.
    These can be built into a DML PROGRAM, which can in turn be run from a Cube Build Script (as an OLAP DML command step).
    You can write directly to the variables of a cube (provided you have not enabled Materialized Views, which is unlikely in this case).
    There is support in the 11g OLAP API for MODELs in the OLAP DML sense, but this has not been exposed through AWM. You can use the API (Java or XML) to create models, custom members, and rules in models. See
    OLAP Java API Reference (Javadoc)
    In particular you may want to see classes
    oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmModel and subclass MdmDimensionCalculationModel (to represent a model)
    oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmAssignment (to represent an assignment of the form lhs = rhs in a model)
    oracle.olapi.syntax.ConsistentSolveSpecification (to associated a model with a cube)
    oracle.olapi.syntax.Expression and subclasses (to define rhs of model assignments)

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    Has someone some documents or links on better strategies for budgeting and/or forecasting on SEM-BPS, both for technical and managerial aspects ?
    If you want to send me some documents my mail is:
    [email protected]
    I will give you points for the most interesting documents.
    Thanks in advance.

    No answers.

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    I am new to Oracle apps. We are upgrading from EBS 11i to R12.1.3. In it, ar_vat_tax is obolete. I know its replacement is ZX_rates_b table. But in 11i, they are connected using
    ar_vat_tax.tax_account_id = gl_code_combinations.code_combination_id
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    Swapnil K.

    Resolved the issue.
    There is a table called ZX_ACCOUNTS. Use the column tax_account_ccid in it. Link ZX_ACCOUNTS.tax_account_entity_id to ZX_RATES_B.tax_rate_id.
    Swapnil K.

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    Re: how to track invoices transfered to gl - Re: how to track invoices transfered to gl

  • Budget and Forecast upload

    Edited by: NW on Aug 24, 2009 10:23 AM

    You can do it, check the follwoinh URL, which is having the complete steps with various examples...
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    Using Customer Exit Variables in BW or BI Reports Part - 1

  • Relation between Budget and PR

    We want to establish Relation between Budget and PR.
    How this can be achieved?

    What is the budget?
    Budget is the estimation cost to the reppective project and within the budget the project to be completed.
    What is PR?
    PR means purchase requisition for requirement of procurment material and the PR qty & Value is the commitment cost to the respective project.
    Now, PO created in SAP against PR and SAVEd. After geting PO approval and then GRN made against PO. The GRN (Material document) cost is actual cost of the respective project. 
    So, we procure material within the budget value only and if procurment cost excess the budget value the SAP system is not allow to procure the material for the respective project.
    If budget excess and material require, in this scenario we have amendment the respective project budget and get it approval then only we can procure material to the project.
    Hope, you are understand budget and PR relation costwise.

  • Table for WBS project status and budget.

    i am being requested to have a report with project details with the PO and PR.
    but i were unable to find the table for the project status (TECO, REL) for a WBS element. may i know want table and what field they were being link?
    aside, may i know under what table does the "budget assigned" to a WBS element located at?

    Hi Ben,
    in order to retrieve the status of a WBS element, please select into table JEST by object number (JEST-OBJNR = PRPS-OBJNR). This will give you an internal status code (JEST-STAT). Then go to table TJ02 with this internal code and select field TJ02-TXT04: this will give you the external status code.
    For the budget, go to tables COSP and COSS, selecting by object number (OBJNR).
    I hope this helps. Best regards,

  • Project system tables for getting baseline and forecast values

    Hi all,
    I am new to Project systems and currently i am having the PS report.
    I need to pick the following values based on project definition (proj-pspid):
    --> historical baseline values like:
    1) versions
    2) created by
    3) created on
    --> historical forecast values like:
    1) versions
    2) created by
    3) created on
    Can you please let me know the tables and fileds for fetching the above values.

    IMAK Appropriation requests - general data
    IMAV Appropriation request variant
    IMPR Investment Program Positions
    IMPU Texts for cap. inv. program positions
    IMTP Investment programs
    IMZO Assignment Table- CO Object - Capital Investment Prog.Pos.
    PMCO Cost structure of maintenance order
    PRHI Work Breakdown Structure, Edges (Hierarchy Pointer)
    PROJ Project definition
    PRPS WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Element Master Data
    Check with tables

  • Does Form Base Project budgeting support Budget Forecasting?

    Hello Expert,
    Can you please help me in understanding that does form base budgets in project costing support budget forecasting? if no then is that it can be achive only through Project Management?
    Your help will be appreciated.

    If you use the Forms for budgeting you can setup various budget types, like approved cost budget, proposal cost plan, funded revenue budget, forecast cost, etc...
    For each one of those types you have the same functionality, and budget entry is just keying in the quantities and amounts on the budget form. You could automate the calculation of burdened cost based on the entry of raw cost amount, or that based on quantity. Such automation is done using the budget client extension, and that extension is called immediately as you key in the line value.
    With Oracle Project Management (PJT) a new entity was introduced called Financial Plans. A financial plan type is an enhancement of a budget type. The entry of financial plan is done on HTML pages. You could set up financial plans for Firm annual budget, for forecast, for funded revenue etc. With PJT Oracle also delivered a concurrent program called Forecast. That program can generate the plan amounts and insert them on the financial plan defined as parameter. Such calculation functionality is not supported on the Form based budgets.

  • Which table can we see consumption and forecast values in forecast based planning

    Dear SAP Gurus,
    I am working on implementing forecast based planning for Spare parts for my client. They have one Main Plant which do purchase of Spare Parts and through Stock transfers moved to 60+ Plants from where Spares are being sold.
    Now I am carrying out SAP trial runs for a set of 160+ materials with various models and want to compare with their existing methodology of requirement calculation.
    I want to compile Consumption and Forecast data month wise for these trial materials (160+ materials in 60 Plants) . One way I thought is to go individual Material Master and looks for values in Forecast view. However it is tedious and time consuming.
    The table name shows RMCP2 and RM03M for forecast and Cons values, but I could not find the table.
    Hence I want to know which table if I can view I can get the consumption and forecast data calculated for quick copying and compilation. 
    Thanks and Regards,

    Dear Mariano,
    Thanks for your valuable inputs.
    Like I could able to get the consumption values for materials using table MVER and fields GSV01,GSV02 etc.,
    What field I need refer in table PROP for getting forecast values.
    As such I could not see any column where in data are similar to Forecast view.
    Thanks and Regards,

  • In which table can I find a project (CMOD)and enhancement (SMOD)??

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    or else please suggest to me how I can find the project assigned to a enhancement?

    It looks like table MODACT makes the link between the project and the contained enhancements.

  • _all tables and views - suggestion in R12

    Hi, I am trying to send one output file on invoice , and check information in R12
    from ap_invoices_all, ap_checks_all
    I can see org_id in both tables
    As of now we have only one org_id in this table as 102,
    Can some one tell which is the best way to get this data from pl/sql
    Do i need to set org info in my pl/sql
    MO_GLOBAL.SET_POLICY_CONTEXT('S',p_org_id); -- where p_org_id is create one parameter with operating unit on concurrent program
    derive the org_id based on this parameter value
    and pass to _all tables
    or should i use views example ap_invoices, ap_checks
    Which is the best approach because tomorrow if they add one more operating unit this should work.
    Appreciate your response.

    look at Re: How to fetch data for all OUs
    MO_GLOBAL.SET_POLICY_CONTEXT('S',p_org_id); -- where p_org_id is create one parameter with operating unit on concurrent program
    or should i use views example ap_invoices, ap_checks

  • Doc listing all OBIA RPD Projects and related Subject areas and Presentation tables.

    Hi All,
    Can anyone help with the Oracle document ID which gives the RPD Projects and related Subject areas only and Presentation tables.
    I tried using the documentation utlity but it is unable to give me result according to the RPD Projects.

    It is combination of different activities:
    Product guide, check here
    RPD documentation based on prod guide.
    There might be a project called Project and try to import rpd contents into another then generate rpd doc.
    if helps mark

Maybe you are looking for