Publishing within flash 5.5

Hi all,
If I publish for ios within the flash 5.5 environment, does that output as air 2.7? Or do I have to use swf then the ADT command line?

Works nice, thanks a ton =)
I'm guessing there is no way to use either GPU / CPU on the fly? CPU is great now but I use a lot of big slow moving paralax items for animation backdrops and they look much better in GPU, but being able to filter other items would be handy.

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    Can anyone tell me if and when we can expect an update for Flash CS5.5 so we can publish Air 3.0 files from within the IDE directly?

    There are two ways of being able to publish to AIR 3,0 from within Flash CS5.5. You can either rename the AIR2.6 folder and put in the AIR3.9 folder, renamed to AIR2.6. That, of course, won't let you do code completion on new features, or see any interface changes. Or you can follow the long winded overlay process, and then would be able to do code completion.
    Are you saying that the long winded overlay way still doesn't give an option to publish with captive runtime? When you said that copying the SDK wouldn't give new UI options, that made me think you were saying that the more elaborate overlay would would.
    So, users are then stuck with FB4.6 public beta, command line, or waiting for "Flash Next" before being able to publish captive runtime Android apps.

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    The earliest Flash Pro I've got installed is CS6 - so can't be sure if this is the same with 5.5 - but with CS6 when you publish for Android just select "Embed AIR runtime with application".
    And this covers ADT pretty comprehensively ...
    Adobe AIR * Android APK packages

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    For AS3 projects we use Pipwerks Actionscript 3 SCORM API Wrapper for LMS communication (this includes CS6 built projects). See link below:
    SCORM projects | pipwerks
    Works well.

  • How do I turn video smoothing on for projects that I publish to Flash?

    I am using Captivate 7.  I have an MP4 that is places on a slide.  I am publishing to Flash.  I have set everything to the highest quality and have turned off all compression.  Due to contstraines in our delivery system I must limit the playback size by editing the HTML file after it has been plublished (I dont have a choice in this and I have to use Flash).  So the problem is that when the player is resized the video quality is very poor in the flash output.  If I simply play the MP4 outside of flash I can cleanly resize the window.  It appears that video smoothing is not turned on in when Captivte publishes a Flash file.  Anyone know a script or setting to turn this feature on in the resulting flash file?  As a side note before I got here they used Camtasia and it used video smoothing by default.  So Im trying to get the same look.  As a test I took the same mp4 (newly created by me) and droped in into one of their old Camtasia flash folders and it looked fine.  So I know it is something that Captivate is not doing the way I want it too.  Any help?

    From your end, it is likely you cannot. Some cellular providers do not allow anything other than simple SMS, or the person you wish to message may not have elected to include those feature, or have them turned off. It has nothing to do with any settings or capability on your phone.

  • Publishing a flash with AS3.0 on website does not work

    Okay, I'm finally at the end of my flash card. Here's the whole code.
    //import classes
    import com.greensock.TweenLite;
    import com.greensock.easing.*;
    import fl.transitions.Tween;
    import fl.transitions.easing.*;
    //end of importing
    //start of sound section is for sound
    var cssLoader:URLLoader;
    var css:StyleSheet;
    var soundReq:URLRequest=new URLRequest("audioFiles/PaukenBrumfiel_AngelsOnHigh.mp3");
    var sound:Sound = new Sound();
    sound.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
    //end of sound section
    //Loading external texts
    var weiss:Font = new Weiss();
    var weissBold:Font = new WeissBolder18();
    var weissBolder:Font = new WeissBolder();
    var slideXTween:Tween;
    var txtAlphaTween:Tween;
    var txtNextText:Tween;
    var txtContainer:Sprite;
    var txtField:TextField = new TextField();
    var myTxtField:TextField = new TextField();
    var txtFldwebImages:TextField = new TextField();
    var textRequest:URLRequest=new URLRequest("happyHoliday.txt");
    var textLoad:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var txtFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    var myLinkFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    var strLink:String;
    var numXPos:Number;
    var numYPos:Number;
    //end of loading external texts
    function onComplete(event:Event):void {;
    function textReady(event:Event):void {
        //txtFormat.font= weiss.fontName;
        //txtField.x = stage.stageWidth;
        //txtField.width = 800;
        //txtField.height = txtField.autoSize
        //txtField.y = 350;
    txtFormat.font= weiss.fontName;
    textLoad.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, textReady);
    txtField.y=350;, 40, {x:-stage.stageWidth*2.25, ease:Linear.easeNone, delay:0.5, onComplete:Inspiration});
    function Inspiration():void {
        txtFormat.font= weissBolder.fontName;
        textLoad.load(new URLRequest("inspiration.txt"));
        txtField.alpha=0;, 5, {alpha:1, onComplete:GoogleFunc});
    function GoogleFunc():void {
        //create and initialize css
        strLink = "<a href='' target='_blank'>Google</a>";
        numXPos = 180;
        numYPos = 370;
        var myCSS:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
        myCSS.setStyle("a:link", {color:'#000066',textDecoration:'none'});
        myCSS.setStyle("a:hover", {color:'#FF6600',textDecoration:'underline'});
        txtFormat.font = weissBold.fontName;
        //txtFormat.bold = true;
        myTxtField.styleSheet = myCSS; // Linking CSS to TextField
        //myTxtField.embedFonts = true;
        myTxtField.width = strLink.length*2;
        //trace("Third txtField.y: " + txtField.y);
        myTxtField.alpha=0;, 1, {alpha:1, onComplete:webImages});
        //trace("tween done");
    function webImages():void {
        var myCSS:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
        myCSS.setStyle("a:link", {fontsize:'20',color:'#000066',textDecoration:'none'});
        myCSS.setStyle("a:hover", {fontsize:'20',color:'#FF6600',textDecoration:'underline'});
        txtFormat.font = weissBold.fontName;
        //txtFormat.bold = true;
        txtFldwebImages.styleSheet = myCSS; // Linking CSS to TextField
        txtFldwebImages.htmlText = "";
        txtFldwebImages.htmlText="<a href='' target='_blank'>Google Images</a>";
        //myTxtField.embedFonts = true;
        txtFldwebImages.width = 300;
        txtFldwebImages.alpha=0;, 1, {alpha:1});
    //end of loading external texts
    Okay, the problem is when I publish the .swf files and put it in an html or .aspx page, it does not work. The audio is not there and a few others things ar enot working. However, it does work if I click on the.html file that Flash created during the publication.
    Here are the folder structions:
    So, the myFlashPage.aspx containsthe myFlash.swf file that is inside the flashFileFolder. For some reason, it does not work. Any suggestion is much appreciated.

    The .html file does work if I publish it into the same folder as I created the Flash project. However, when I publish the
    flash .swf to my web site folder (mapped), it's no longer working. The mapped web site drive structher are as follows:
    D:\Mysite\ contains the .html file
    D:\Mysite\flashFileFolder\ contains the .swf file
    D:\Mysite\flashFileFolder\audioFiles contains the PaukenBrumfiel_AngelsOnHigh.mp3 file
    D:\Mysite\flashFileFolder\greensock-tweening-platform-as3 contains all the tweenlite files
    The .html file does not work either. What else do I need to change?

  • Help:How to publish a Flash with full screen HTML

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    board, but so far no luck.
    Originally, I want my .SWF to keep changing its background.
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    So, after I construct a Flash file with backdrop-color
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    here? Help!
    Thanks in advance, guys.

    Here's an AS2 and a AS3 version I got from David Stiller
    2 small details you have to add 1 in publish settings set Dimensions to percent 100 100
    and in the html set <style>body {margin: 0; padding: 0}</style>
    // AS2
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    Stage.align = "TL";
    Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
    var tile:BitmapData = BitmapData.loadBitmap("tile");
    function fillBG():Void {
      moveTo(0, 0);
      lineTo(Stage.width, 0);
      lineTo(Stage.width, Stage.height);
      lineTo(0, Stage.height);
      lineTo(0, 0);
    var listener:Object = new Object();
    listener.onResize = fillBG;
    // AS3
    stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
    var bmp:Tile = new Tile(50, 50);
    var tile:BitmapData = new BitmapData(50, 50);
    function fillBG(evt:Event = null):void {
      graphics.moveTo(0, 0);
      graphics.lineTo(stage.stageWidth, 0);
      graphics.lineTo(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight);
      graphics.lineTo(0, stage.stageHeight);
      graphics.lineTo(0, 0);
    stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, fillBG);
    David Stiller
    Co-author, ActionScript 3.0 Quick Reference Guide
    "Luck is the residue of good design."

  • Background audio not adjusting after project is paused when published to Flash. Any suggestions?

    I'm working with:
    Captivate 6
    Mac OS X 10.8.2
    Flash Player is updated to most recent version
    My project contains background audio music set to adjust to slide audio. When I publish to Flash the background audio adjusts appropriately until I pause the video and then resume. Once the video resumes the background audio no longer adjusts to slide audio. So basically anytime a learner pauses the video and then resumes the background audio drowns the slide audio out. I've tried this with multiple projects and get the same result.
    When I publish in HTML5 it works fine. But I cannot use HTML5 because my project contains necessary rollover objects and captions, slide transitions, text animations, and other effects that HTML5 does not support.
    I've to remove and re-add the background audio, uninstall and reinstall Captivate, adjust the background and slide volume levels, uncheck loop audio, and pretty much any audio settings and publish settings I can think of.
    Can someone else with the same OS and Captivate version try and see if they encounter the same problem when publishing to Flash?
    Or does anyone have a solution/workaround?
    Thank You!

    Hi folks
    Sorry, I don't have a fix to offer. Only an observation. I'm rather surprised to see this many folks actually USING background audio. I say that, because I have facilitated hundreds of Captivate classes over the years. And there are lots of folks with Instructional Design background that attend. And in so many of the classes, when we reach the audio section and we cover how to use Background Audio, the same comment is made.
    The comment is that generally speaking, it is their opinion that from an Instructional Design standpoint, background music is a "no no" and should be avoided because it detracts from the learning objective.
    Perhaps the link below will help.
    Click here
    Cheers... Rick

  • Dynamic text not displaying when publishing for flash 8

    This dynamic text works fine when the movie is published for
    flash 7, but when i export for the flash 8 player it seems to be
    invisible. Is there any obvious reason for this happenning?

    Ok, thanks, looks like you've pointed me in the right
    direction. I havent fixed it yet though. Heres where i am at:
    eval(theTarget+".buttonPrime").tex.embedFonts = false;
    now i can see my text. of course its using a default font.
    var my_fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    my_fmt.font = "arial14b";
    eval(theTarget+".buttonPrime").tex.embedFonts = true;
    eval(theTarget+".buttonPrime").tex.text = "wasssup?";
    eval(theTarget+".buttonPrime").tex.setTextFormat = my_fmt;
    this isnt working. I have added a font object to the library
    and linked it for actionscript using the monkier "arial14b".
    however my text is quite invisible. i have checcked, 'export in
    first frame' for the font object i even tried it with this
    deselected. i have deselected the embed font option on the text
    feild itself. that doesnt work either (unless i dont try to set the
    text format, so long as i accept a default font, its fine).
    so err, help?
    ps further to this is have discovered more about this strange
    behaviour. i can set the text to a different string, provided i do
    not try to embed the font in any way. if i set the font to embed, i
    can have the text display with the correct font, until i change the
    text. then it dissappears. also i cannot seem to affect properties
    like font size by means of my TextFormat object. the textFormat
    object also does not seem to affect the font of the text.
    in short, when exporting for flash 8, i cannot seem to
    successfully embed fonts for dynamic text. the only thigs i have
    gotten to work are: static text (or a dynamic text feild with
    unchanged text) with an embedded font, or dynamic text with a
    default font.

  • Preloader for Acrobat 3D PDFs without publishing to flash

    Is there anyway I can make pre-loaders natively for Acrobat 3d without having to publish to flash? Some of the .pdf files can get pretty big with the 3d objects and I'd like to have a loading bar for them. Is this possible without flash?

    Is there anyway I can make pre-loaders natively for Acrobat 3d without having to publish to flash? Some of the .pdf files can get pretty big with the 3d objects and I'd like to have a loading bar for them. Is this possible without flash?

  • Using Flex components within Flash CS3

    I'm new to Flex and I enjoy all of the components that it has
    to offer, but I am wondering about their availability within Flash.
    My plan is to make a highly animated and interactive menu and
    I have reached a point where I have to ask two questions:
    1. Is is possible to use any of the Flex components within
    Flash CS3?
    2. If the first is not possible, then if I make my menu and
    specify "containers" within the Flash file then is it possible to
    populate these "containers" with Flex components by making the
    Flash (.swf) file of my menu into a Flex component itself?

    No, Flex components cannot be used in Flash 8.

  • Captivate 3 publish as Flash no swf files in folder

    My colleague created a Captivate 3 file with audio voice over. After publishing to Flash file, the View output button was grayed out and no files in the output folder. Please help.

    Hi there
    Glad to hear the issue is solved. Yes, full screen is seldom (if ever) a good idea.
    WRT: Please think Green. Do you really need to print this email?
    I plan on terribly inconveniencing some electrons with this message...
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    Captivate eBooks

  • Publishing for flash player 9

    How do I publish for flash player 9? using macromedia mx

    you simply cant until flash 9 (authoring tool) comes out. MX
    2004 was developed in 2004 - we are
    almost in 2007 and flash 9 player has been released - but for
    now it is to penetrate the market and
    insure backward compatability - none of us can author any
    flash 9 content until the flash 9 tool is
    released - what are you wanting to do in flash 9 that cant be
    done in flash 8? nobody is developing
    for flash 9 right now because it doesnt exist as a tool yet.
    --> **Adobe Certified Expert**
    Z33 wrote:
    > Ok, then how do I become able to publish for flash
    player 9?
    > -> is it possible to do with flash mx 2004 by
    installing something?
    > ->How can i do it?

  • Starting a quicktime movie from within flash?

    I am very new to flash and would like to know if this is
    possible? I have a flash template that I am using for a business
    card CD. I would like to have a jpeg image (within the flash
    template) act as a button that when pressed opens a full screen
    quicktime movie. Is this possible from within flash? Would it make
    a difference if I export everything to a quicktime movie? If flash
    can't do this would there be a 3rd party software that would enable
    me to do this? Any suggestions or options would be much

    This you can achieve via Interactive Adobe forms.
    Refer this [Link|].

  • Load webpage within flash page?

    Sorry if this has been answered before, but I'm not sure what
    to search under. I have a page made in Flash 8 that is mainly an
    animated background and a menu on the bottom. I want to be able to
    click one of the buttons on the menu and have a new "window" open
    up in the middle of the background area and load the different
    webpages (html, etc). Honestly I have no idea where to start on how
    to tell the buttons to open up in the new window instead of opening
    up in an external link. I have everything else done except for this
    last part. I am including a little picture to explain - if it
    helps. Thanks!
    Main page before click
    After click, menu

    veekay8 wrote:
    > Sorry if this has been answered before, but I'm not sure
    what to search under.
    > I have a page made in Flash 8 that is mainly an animated
    background and a menu
    > on the bottom. I want to be able to click one of the
    buttons on the menu and
    > have a new "window" open up in the middle of the
    background area and load the
    > different webpages (html, etc). Honestly I have no idea
    where to start on how
    > to tell the buttons to open up in the new window instead
    of opening up in an
    > external link. I have everything else done except for
    this last part. I am
    > including a little picture to explain - if it helps.
    well, you can't load web page within flash, flash has no
    browser capabilities.
    you can only load text formatted with basic html tags, but
    not an actual html page.
    Happy New Year guys - all the best there is in the 2006 :)
    <web junk free>
    </web junk free>

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