Purge Cache Table

Hi all,
I use this the function SAPurgeCacheByTable to purge a cache table but i get an error.
the way the function is used is the following :
Call SAPurgeCacheByTable('SH','SH', NULL, 'PRODUCTS');
I put null for catalog
but also i tried that Call SAPurgeCacheByTable('SH',NULL,'SH','PRODUCTS');
I always get the error message 'statement preparatrion failed error towards null'
Any suggestion

Instead of NULL just use ''

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    Morning all,
    I try to understand how can i schedule purging obiee cache.
    . OBIEE is used with Essbase database
    . one database for Australia, one for France and one for USA
    I want to purge cache for each region after daily loading process (scheduled at different time) but Call SAPurgeAllCache() seems too radical
    Can you explain me steps to use to purge Business Model cache ?
    Currently I have to connect to Administration => Manage Cache => Clear Cache by Business Model and is not automatic !!
    Thanks for your help

    hi Saichand,
    I am not sure that could work with essbase physical mapping.
    OBIEE documentation doesn't translate this information for Essbase database :
    create table UET (
    UpdateType Integer not null,
    UpdateTime date DEFAULT SYSDATE not null,
    DBName char(40) null,
    CatalogName varchar(40) null,
    SchemaName varchar(40) null,
    TableName varchar(40) not null,
    Other varchar(80) DEFAULT NULL
    In step 4 :
    I can't add ETL code because loading process works on essbase side and not in dataware environnement...

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    Thanks, Mike.
    I'm thinking about the ldconsole provided with ALDSP.
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  • Purge Cache for a Specific Business Model

    Hi everyone,
    I have a obiee(11) report purging all cache entries (as Call SAPurgeAllCache()). Is there a method to purge cache partially for specific business model entries and not to purge all the cache ?
    Thanks ...

    To selectively purge, you could use SAPurgeCacheByQuery, SAPurgeCacheByTable or SAPurgeCacheByDatabase. Alternatively, Event Polling Tables may help. See http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E23943_01/bi.1111/e10541/querycaching.htm#i1005542 and http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E23943_01/bi.1111/e10541/querycaching.htm#i1010207.
    Also see the section on BI Server caching here : http://www.rittmanmead.com/2013/03/optimising-obiee-performance-tuning/
    It will purge the cache for that report.This is just wrong. DISABLE_CACHE_HIT only DISABLES cache use for the query execution, it does not PURGE it
    You may go for this DISABLE_CACHE_SEED for more info http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E23549_01/bi.1111/e10540/variables.htm
    What's the point of DISABLING use of the cache, if the OP wants to use the cache?
    set the cache persistence time for the related physical tables. so based on the time interval u set, at that time specific tables only will get cache purged.This is only the time from which the entry got loaded into the cache, so is not a good way to manage the purging of the cache usually - because it has no relation to when the data got loaded to the database

  • Purge Cache from Admin tool

    Hi Experts,
    I am using security filters for groups. I am devolving my S&V. when ever I am changing my conditions it is not reflecting. I think I have issue with cache. When ever I am taking query from log always where condition is showing previous table which one I used two days ago.
    My question is how can purge cache from security filters ? I don’t want keep any cache for any user.
    Please let me know. Thanks for your time.

    Hi user10441472,
    When you setup your session variable for your row level security, are you doing row-wise initialization? If so, did you remember to un-check the Use caching box?
    If that is your problem, follow these steps to fix it
    1) Open the RPD as Administrator
    2) Go to Manage -> Variables
    3) Double click on your initialization block
    4) Click on the edit target button
    5) Un-check the Use Caching check box
    The other thing you can do is completely disable caching on your physical tables. Do the follow to do this:
    1) Open your RPD as Administrator
    2) Double click on a physical table
    3) Un-check Cachable
    A final place you can turn off caching is a report.
    1) Open you Answer report
    2) Click on the advanced tab
    3) Check the Bypass presentation service cache
    Good luck and if you found this post useful, please award points!
    Best regards,

  • Purge Cache by user

    Is there a command available to purge cache by user? something like "SAPurgeCacheByUser"
    In the documentation the following comands are available for purging the cache
    1. SAPurgeCacheByQuery
    2. SAPurgeCacheByTable
    3. SAPurgeAllCache
    4. SAPurgeCacheByDatabase
    The cache entries can be viewed by user in the cache Manager from Adminisdtrator tool... I wonder why there is no command available to do the same from the scripts...
    Currently I have setup the purge at the physical table level using the UET table (Event Polling table) that gets inserted with entries based on ETL jobs.
    We have requirements to purge cache entries for specific requests (that take lot of time to run) monthly, and still continue to clear cache generated from adhoc analysis requests on a daily basis...
    I seems like I'm left with only one appraoch to clear the cache using "SAPurgeCacheByQuery" by generating scripts that will capture the queries for which the cache needs to be purged...
    If anyone has an alternative (easier) method... please suggest..

    Okay, let me try to explain what I'm looking for...
    Current setup...
    We are purging the entire cache daily at a physical table level using the Event Poll table that is setup to get inserted with physical table names based on the ETL routines. If the Dim or Fact is inserted/updated by the daily loads then I insert a row into the event polling "UET" table with the physical table name of the dim or fact. OBIEE server is set to poll the UET every hour and when it finds an entry for a physical table, it clears all the caches associated with the physical table.
    I'm looking for....
    I have some fact tables that are very large and few queries to report at monthly or yearly level are not performaning well, so I'm looking for ways to retain the cache for specific requests which does not need the incremental daily changes to the facts/dims. Rest of the cache entries created by adhoc quering through answers can continue to be purged on a daily basis.
    To be able to achive this flexibility, I need to do the following
    1. Remove the cache purging based on physical table that is setup now based on UET table polling from OBIEE server...
    2. Identify those requests that need to be retained for a month or a week (typically these are used in dashboards and some monthly or weekly runs identified by users) These reports need not change until the next month or week... even though the fact and dims are loaded on a daily basis...
    3. Purge all the cache entries except for those request that are identified as weekly or monthly refresh rates...
    I was thinking that if I schedule and run those monthly or weekly request for seeding the cache with Administrator login then all I have to do is purge rest of the cache entries that are run by Non Administrators....
    Ofcourse this is not a complete solution as I need to be able to differntiate between a weekly and monthly requests...
    Hope this explaination helps, if not, let me know, I can try to provide more details....
    I appreciate you taking time to understand the question and try to help...

  • New update 8.7.1 CS6 ACR not working---(I own hard copy not a Trial or part of CC), I purged cache in bridge, and photoshop. NO photos will open when I double clik, or  will not open again in ACR alone.  When I double clik on raw file I get Sign In requir

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    When you sign in to Adobe.com with the user ID and Password your using in the Creative Cloud and Photoshop does this link  https://www.adobe.com/account/my-products-services.html show that the account has a subscription?
    Also this is a user forum not a Adobe Customer Services web site.

  • I have problem with adobe bridge cs6. Every time I open it Bridge tells me to Purge Cache. I have CS

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    "Bridge encountered a problem and is unable to read the cache. Please try purging the central cache in Cache Preferences to correct the situation."

    You must have a Mac.  Try this.
    Quit Bridge, from user library (NOT system and root library) preferences folder find and delete the com.adobe.bridge5.plist file manual. Do this also in same user library caches folder (Caches/Adobe/Bridge CS6) and inhere find and the folder called 'cache' and drag it to the trash.
    restart Bridge holding down option key and choose reset preferences, then try again.

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    Hold down the Option key as you launch Bridge, keep it down until you see a dialog box, then click all three options in the re-set box that comes up.
    If you don't see that re-set box, you're doing it wrong, i.e., you're not holding the Option key down fast enough.

  • Bridge CC asks to Purge Cache but freezes when I try to do so

    Am using Bridge on a MAC. Each time I open Bridge an error message comes up requesting to Purge Cache via preferences - But when I try to do this, it freezes.
    In fact, even before trying to purge cache, if I try navigating to another folder on Bridge it also freezes.
    Have trashed Bridge, downloaded it again and reinstalled - problem continues.
    What should I do?

    Yes that worked - THANKS.
    I created a new cache folder and deleted the other - and now it works!
    I had to show hidden files via terminal to delete the previous cache folder.

  • Bridge CC. on opening message says unable to read cache, purge cache. This does not help.

    On opening message says unable to read cache, purge cache. Purging the cache does not help and Bridge continues to hang. Was working fine before.

    Mac?  REad this http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1237168

  • Purge Cache Error in OBIEE 11g ( in Linux Env.

    Hi all,
    I following the following blog to purge cache in Linux.
    When I excute I get the following error message. Can someone help me to fix this issue? Thanks
              Oracle BI ODBC Client
              Copyright (c) 1997-2011 Oracle Corporation, All rights reserved
    [0][State: IM002] [DataDirect][ODBC lib] System information file not found. Please check the ODBCINI environment variable.
    Connect open failed
    Connection open failed:
    [0][State: IM002] [DataDirect][ODBC lib] System information file not found. Please check the ODBCINI environment variable.
    Connection open failed

    I have exported ODBC path manually.
    export ODBCINI=$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bifoundation/OracleBIApplication/$ORACLE_BI_APPLICATION/setup/odbc.iniAnd then executed the nqcmd command. Now I am getting the different error.
               Oracle BI ODBC Client
               Copyright (c) 1997-2011 Oracle Corporation, All rights reserved
    Initialize client environment failed, possibly caused by incomplete installation
    [nQSError: 47001] Invalid Oracle BI Bin directory:
    Initialize client environment failed, possibly caused by incomplete installation
    [nQSError: 47001] Invalid Oracle BI Bin directory:
    [0][State: IM004] [DataDirect][ODBC lib] Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_ENV failed Connect open failed

  • Bridge CC hangs upon opening, suggests purging cache which dies nothing except make issue worse

    Have had issues with Bridge becoming increasingly and painfully slow in loading/previewing its thumbnails on all machines in the studio.
    We have purged cache as per suggestions from the opening error messages but this has only made matters worse to the extent that now it wont load its previews at all.
    Ive reinstalled Bridge three times now. Even after reinstalling Bridge still retains last folder browsed information and will attempt to navigate to that folder regardless what you are trying to select.

    Have had issues with Bridge becoming increasingly and painfully slow in loading/previewing its thumbnails on all machines in the studio.
    We have purged cache as per suggestions from the opening error messages but this has only made matters worse to the extent that now it wont load its previews at all.
    Ive reinstalled Bridge three times now. Even after reinstalling Bridge still retains last folder browsed information and will attempt to navigate to that folder regardless what you are trying to select.

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    Maybe a Preferences reset can help:
    Numerous program settings are stored in the Adobe Bridge preferences file, including display, Adobe Photo Downloader, performance, and file-handling options.
    Restoring preferences returns settings to their defaults and can often correct unusual application behavior.
    Press and hold the Ctrl key (Windows) or the Option key (Mac OS) while starting Adobe Bridge.  
    In the Reset Settings dialog box, select one or more of the following options:  
      Reset Preferences 
    Returns preferences to their factory defaults. Some labels and ratings may be lost. Adobe Bridge creates a new preferences file when it starts.
    Purge Entire Thumbnail Cache
    Purging the thumbnail cache can help if Adobe Bridge is not displaying thumbnails properly. Adobe Bridge re-creates the thumbnail cache when it starts.
    Reset Standard Workspaces
    Returns Adobe predefined workspaces to their factory default configurations.
    Click OK, or click Cancel to open Adobe Bridge without resetting preferences.   

  • How to achieve transport of value mapping replication cache table values ?

    During the migration of our interface from XI3.0 to PI 7.11,
    I need to transport the value mapping replication cache table values present in cache monitoring of runtime workbench in
    XI 3.0 PRD  to PI 7.11 DEV .
    Please let me know the ways to acheive this so that I can have the same values present in PI 7.11 Value Mapping Cache table as maintained in XI 3.0.
    Please point me into correct direction.

    Click on "Tools" option, select "Export Configuration Objects" -> "Individual Objects" -> Choose the "Value Mapping Group" type, and then select the value mappings you want to transport.

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