Q. How to get multiple results from a single column in a recordset using PHP

Hi everyone
Hope someone can help. I have a column called categories and about 5 categories listed. I want to show all products that are listed in say 2 categories. I only have basic php skills so only know how to pass a url value to show the products from 1 category e.g. 
Select *
FROM product
WHERE category = colname
$colname = $_GET['category'];
Questions is how do I get the products from multiple categories to show e.g. all products from categories 'fruit', 'dairy', 'meat'
Your help will be much appreciated as I am getting tired of beating my head against the wall. (should invent a PHP wall pillow and sell it online)

$colname1 = $_GET['category1'];
$colname2 = $_GET['category2'];
$colname3 = $_GET['category3'];
Select *
FROM product
WHERE category IN  ('$colname1', '$colname2', '$colname3')
>Your help will be much appreciated as I am getting tired of beating my head against the wall
My guess is that you are trying to build a web application without having first learned the basics on PHP and SQL. That's certainly the hard way.

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    These are just guesses that might hopefully steer you in directions you haven't looked in yet.
    I presume you used triangle brackets (< >) to avoid having the Jive Forum think it was the "italics" tag?
    Are you certain this: dbaseInfo.getcurrentDistrictID(nstate,vselectedDistrict);
    expects a Vector as its second parameter? And returns a Vector?
    I don't believe you've shown how you use the javabean, or its code? Perhaps it should be rewritten to accept an array of strings instead of a Vector?

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      'X'  'SAPMM61L'  '0500',
      ' '  'BDC_OKCODE'  '=NEWC',
      'X'  'SAPMM61L'  '0500',
      ' '  'BDC_CURSOR'  'PLPTU-PLWRK(01)',
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    While recording also record the scroll down button.
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    best practices when deleting multiple rows is to do this on the business service, not the view layer for performance reasons. When you selected the rows to delete and press submit, then in a managed bean you access thetable instance (put a reference to a managed bean from the table "binding" property") and call getSeletedRowKeys. In JDeveloper 11g, ADF Faces returns the RowKeySet as a Set of List, where each list conatins the server side row key (e.g. oracle.jbo.Key) if you use ADF BC. Then you create a List (ArrayList) with this keys in it and call a method exposed on the business service (through a method activity in ADF) and pass the list as an argument. On the server side you then access the View Object that holds the data and find the row to delte by the keys in the list
    Example 134 here: http://blogs.oracle.com/smuenchadf/examples/#134 provides you with the code

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    My guess is that the SUMIF function may be your friend.
    It's well described in the *iWork Formulas and Functions User Guid*e which every user may download from the Help menu.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 2 janvier 2010 21:56:39

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    For those kind of basic questions it would help a lot if you just gently consult the javadocs and tutorials.
    HttpServletRequest API: [http://java.sun.com/javaee/5/docs/api/javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest.html]
    Java EE tutorial part II: [http://java.sun.com/javaee/5/docs/tutorial/doc/]
    Coreservlet tutorials: [http://courses.coreservlets.com/Course-Materials/]

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    Msg 214, Level 16, State 2, Procedure sp_executesql, Line 12
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    CREATE TABLE Customer
    (CustomerKey INT , Name NVARCHAR(100));
    INSERT dbo.Customer
    VALUES ( 1, N'Sam' )
    DECLARE @query nvarchar(max) = ''
    declare @par varchar(10) = 'Name',
    @key varchar(10) = 'Sam'
    CREATE TABLE #temp ( CustomerKey INT );
    SET @query =
    insert #temp
    SELECT CustomerKey
    FROM Customer
    where ' + @par + ' = '''+ @key+ ''' '
    PRINT @query
    EXEC sp_executesql @query
    SELECT *
    FROM #temp
    DROP TABLE #temp;
    DROP TABLE dbo.Customer
    Saeid Hasani
    Database Consultant
    Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] as well as on Twitter and Facebook.
    [My Writings on TechNet Wiki] [T-SQL Blog] [Curah!]
    [Twitter] [Facebook] [Email]

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    c.gl_acct_id between '110'||'-'||'6890'||'-'||'69000'||'-'||'%'
    and '110'||'-'||'7000'||'-'||'67999'||'-'||'%'
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    Have you tried using the query either of the following...
    1) c.gl_acct_id between '110-6890-69000-000'
    and '110-7000-67999-999'
    and c.gl_acct_id not like '110-6910-51001-%'
    and c.gl_acct_id not like '110-6910-51003-%'
    assuming you have only 3 digits at the end of gl_acct.
    2)If you know that your acct_id belongs to only 69000 or 67999
    (c.gl_acct_id LIKE '110-6890-69000-%' OR
    c.gl_acct_id LIKE '110-7000-67999-%' )
    Plz. let me know if this not what you are looking for.
    Here is the whole script:
    select distinct c.gl_acct_id acct_no,
    min(a.local_act_beg_bal) local_act_beg_bal,
    sum(b.local_act_mtd_dr_amt) debits,
    sum(b.local_act_mtd_cr_amt) credits,
    sum(nvl(b.local_act_mtd_cr_amt,0)) end_bal
    from gl_acct c, gl_acct_bal a, gl_acct_bal b
    where c.org_unit_id = '110'
    and b.gl_acct_id = c.gl_acct_id
    and a.gl_acct_id = c.gl_acct_id
    and c.sum_det_ind = 'D'
    and c.gl_acct_class_ind in ( 'A' , 'L' , 'Q' , 'I' , 'E' )
    and a.year_no = '2001'--:loyear
    and a.period_no = '1'--:loperiod
    and ( ( b.year_no = '2001'--:hiyear
    and b.period_no between '1'--:loperiod
    and'13')-- :hiperiod
    and c.gl_acct_id between '110'||'-'||'6890'||'-'||'69000'||'-'||'%'
    and '110'||'-'||'7000'||'-'||'67999'||'-'||'%'
    group by c.gl_acct_id, c.gl_acct_desc
    I want to have ability to specify ranges for gl_accoount.

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    I am working with SharePoint 2013 designer workflow. we are using office 365.
    Our requirement to send email to multiple users, get the user groups from lookup list people and groups column.
    But SP designer sending emails to the first user alone.
    Please guide me to proceed.
    Advance Thanks.
    Jenkins NS
    Thanks and Regards Jenkins

    finally I got a solution
     Identified a workaround to solve the issue using SharePoint designer.
    Step 1
    Create a lookup list Example department
    Title (by default) – Single line of text
    Users – Person or Group
    Emails – Multiple lines of text
    hidden the Emails column (go to content type and set the column as hidden)
    Create a SharePoint designer Workflow
    Start Workflow automatically when an item is created
    Also Start Workflow automatically when an item is changed
    Workflow Stage 1
    Set Emails to current Item: Users
    The workflow will get all users email ids and add in the Emails column delimiter as semicolon.
    Step 2
    Create a custom list to get the email ids and send email
    Create a lookup column ex: analysis and refer department list, Allow multiple values
    Then Create a SharePoint designer workflow
    full details workflow steps please follow below
    Thanks and Regards Jenkins

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    you can do that first select the date column you want to use in dashboard prompt then select another column and in the dashboard prompts then open the fx of the date prompt you first selected copy that and paste it in the second column and in the control section click on calender it will work you can use same date column as two prompts with out creating new column.

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    I am keep working on this problem today.
    I tried Particle Analysis, the result is un-repeatable either. But when I decide to find Straight edge direct from source image,without any process,the angle is more repeatable,Max deviation is 0.03-0.06 degree.It seems my process to the image make thing worse.Then I found the algorithm to find straight is something like linear fit : find all the edge points,linear fit and calculate the angle.
    So I run my program for images those pixel resolution is 1280*960,the Max deviation is much lower: 0.008 degree.
    If I am right,the best resolution to my problem is to change my camera to higher resolution.
    Any advises is appreciate! Thank you!

  • How to get table result from XML

    Hi I am new to XML, I was playing with node, but wasn't successfull
    I have XML fragment
    DECLARE @XML xml =
    <E1EDP01 SEGMENT="1">
    <E1EDP19 SEGMENT="1">
    <E1EDP19 SEGMENT="1">
    <E1EDP01 SEGMENT="1">
    <E1EDP19 SEGMENT="1">
    <E1EDP19 SEGMENT="1">
    <E1EDP01 SEGMENT="1">
    <E1EDP19 SEGMENT="1">
    <E1EDP19 SEGMENT="1">
    and I need to create query, which list all products and his two codes, result should be like this
    It is visible from XML fragment, how those values are organised in segments......
    I tried to use
    select PC1.query('./text()')
    AS PC1,
    AS PC2
    from @XML.nodes('/E1EDP01/E1EDP19[1]/IDTNR') as PC1(PC1)
    CROSS APPLY @XML.nodes('/E1EDP01/E1EDP19[2]/IDTNR') as PC2(PC2)
    But it gets all combinations of ProductCode1 and PRoductCode2, somtehing like cross join and result has 9 rows...
    Could you help please

    Try this,
    DECLARE @XML xml ='
    <E1EDP01 SEGMENT="1">
    <E1EDP19 SEGMENT="1">
    <E1EDP19 SEGMENT="1">
    <E1EDP01 SEGMENT="1">
    <E1EDP19 SEGMENT="1">
    <E1EDP19 SEGMENT="1">
    <E1EDP01 SEGMENT="1">
    <E1EDP19 SEGMENT="1">
    <E1EDP19 SEGMENT="1">
    ;WITH CTE AS (
    select t.u.value ('QUALF[1]','varchar(10)') as QUALF,
    t.u.value ('IDTNR[1]','varchar(30)') as IDTNR,
    t.u.value ('KTEXT[1]','varchar(30)') as KTEXT,
    t.u.value ('..','varchar(30)') as DESCR
    from @XML.nodes('/ROOT/E1EDP01/E1EDP19') t(u)
    SELECT [002] AS ProductCode1,[003] AS ProductCode2 FROM (SELECT QUALF,IDTNR,DESCR FROM CTE) X
    PIVOT(MAX(IDTNR) FOR QUALF IN ([002],[003])) PVT
    Regards, RSingh

  • How to get Multiple records from functions

    Hi Everyone
    Im new to this stuff. Im trying  through JCO. As far as the single recordsets like data of customer or article are concerned i get it through an array.
    But i wanted to retrieve
    1- Whole tables like (all articles)
    2- Selected articles. or Customer order details (articles in PO)
    That means multiple records in one go.
    Later on ill display it in JTables.
    Like for the past three days i was googling around. Thought like this ones not for my stomach. Came across this Forum. Thought its worth posting a request.
    Here is the code
    public String[] KSearch(String Knr) throws Exception{
                            String[] Result=new String[11];
                            IFunctionTemplate ftemplate= Con.repository.getFunctionTemplate("SucheKUNDE");
                            if (ftemplate == null)
                                    throw new Exception("Funktionstemplate nicht gefunden");
                            JCO.Function function = ftemplate.getFunction();
                            JCO.ParameterList input = function.getImportParameterList();
                       JCO.Client client = JCO.getClient(Con.conPoolId);
                       JCO.ParameterList output = function.getExportParameterList();
                       return Result;
    now instead of a single record what if im expecting a number of records, like what if i need customer over 25. Which means more than one. I have to get in tabular format so that i can display it in JTables.
    Hope it a bit illustrative.
    Edited by: Aaron Maleck on Jan 5, 2008 7:35 AM

    public String[] KSearch(String Knr) throws Exception{
    String[] Result=new String11;
    IFunctionTemplate ftemplate= Con.repository.getFunctionTemplate("SucheKUNDE");
    if (ftemplate == null)
    throw new Exception("Funktionstemplate nicht gefunden");
    JCO.Function function = ftemplate.getFunction();
    JCO.ParameterList input = function.getImportParameterList();
    JCO.Client client = JCO.getClient(Con.conPoolId);
    // Maybe here you should use a JCO.Table Class to get the //ExportParameters such as
    JCO.Table output = function.getTableParameterList().getTable( "tabelname" );
    // so you can use setRow() Function to get the information of the //relevant record. such as the 3. Costum
    output.setRow(3);// Record Number
    return Result;
    &#65321;am not sure that works. But you can try it. and reply me to tell if it really works as i think.
    Hope helps.

  • How to get multiple values from the db using select

    hi all,
    i am using oracle 9i database
    i created a procedure
    create or replace procedure sample_proce
    to_i varchar2(50)
    select to_id into to_i from sample where flag in('y');
    dbms_output.put_line('hai'|| to_i);
    when i executed this procedure the following error occurred.
    error at line 5 fetching too many rows.
    but when i execute the select query alone i can able to view all the rows.
    how to resolve it

    i used the following procedure
    create or replace procedure sample_proc
    for s in(select to_id from sample where flag='y')
    end loop.
    it is executed fine. i can able to fetch all the rows.
    how to pass all these values into the another procedure.
    we usually pass only one value into another procedure, i do no how to pass all the values . please help me.
    Thank u.

  • How to get numeric result from 'search and replace' string function

    i am using search and replace function to get output.my output is of form ' *X0123.3 ' .here i am replacing the term *X01 with space because i need only 23.3 as a result.but i am unable to get that out in the output indicator.i used lot of functions like string to number and so on but i am getting output as zero .can you please suggest me wt to do.i am attaching a copy of my file.
    Untitled 1.vi ‏25 KB

    Your problem is the fact that you are converting it to an integer, thus loosing the fractional part. You need to use "Fract/Exp String To Number" instead and create a DBL so yor data is 23.3 instead of 23.
    You also don't need to manipulate the string if the initial part is of constant lenght. Just use the offset input as in the figure below.
    Message Edited by altenbach on 07-31-2006 07:02 AM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    ToDBL.png ‏2 KB

Maybe you are looking for