A small query regarding the SQL Update......
I have the below table values where I want to update two columns.....
EmpID EmpName Sal DocID DocSeqNum CreaDate
1 XYZ 25 289 1 12-MAY-2012
2 XYZ1 50 289 2 12-MAY-2012
3 XYZ2 55 NULL NULL 14-MAY-2012
4 XYZ3 60 NULL NULL 14-MAY-2012
5 XYZ4 65 NULL NULL 14-MAY-2012
6 XYZ5 70 NULL NULL 13-MAY-2012
I want to update the DocID with value 289 and DocSeqNum with a sequence i.e 3, 4, 5, 6 etc.....
Please advise.

Maybe just (for this particular case)
update the_table
   set docid = 289,
       docseqnum = empid
where coalesce(docid,docseqnum) is nullor
merge into the_table t
using (select empid,289 sal,row_number() over (order by empname) docid
         from the_table
      ) u
   on (t.empid = u.empid)
when matched
then update
        set t.sal = u.sal,
            t.docid = u.docid
      where coalesce(docid,docseqnum) is nullRegards

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  • Multiple SQL Update within Parent Query

    I am tring to extract an image from within a MS SQL image field,
    opening the image using JAI, getting the src.getWidth() & src.getHeight
    () of each item within the database, and then writing the width and
    height back into the database. Everything works except when I goto
    write the values into the database - the page (when loading) continues
    to work and work and work until I restart the tomcat service. I do not
    understand why this would occur, and what is even stranger - I have
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    I have tried the code with out the inner update query - it works. I
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    query and that works, but when I try multiple updates the second query
    appears to stall.
    The code is as follows.:
    <%@ page language="java" import="javax.servlet.*,javax.servlet.http.*,java.io.*,java.util.*,java.sql.*,javax.media.jai.*,java.awt.*,java.awt.image.*,java.awt.Graphics.*,java.awt.geom.*,java.awt.image.renderable.*,javax.media.jai.widget.*,com.jspsmart.upload.*,java.net.*,com.sun.media.jai.codec.*"%>
    <jsp:useBean id="mySmartUpload" scope="page" class="com.jspsmart.upload.SmartUpload" />
         // Variables
         int count=0;
         int width                                             = 0;
         int height                                             = 0;
         String vFileName                                   = "";
         String vFileExt                                        = "";
         String vFileID                                        = "";
         String format                                        = "0";
         // Connect to the database
         Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://;DatabaseName=WWWBBD;User=wwwbbd;Password=bbd1412");
         //Create the statement
         Statement sqlGetPics                              = con.createStatement();
         Statement sqlUpdate                                   = con.createStatement();
         //build the query
         String qryGetPics                                   = "SELECT TOP 5 FileID, FileExt, FileName, AdjFile = CASE WHEN FullFile IS NULL THEN Display ELSE FullFile END FROM FileStore WHERE (UPPER(FileExt) = '.JPG' OR UPPER(FileExt) = '.TIF' OR UPPER(FileExt) = '.GIF' OR UPPER(FileExt) = '.BMP') AND (NOT Display IS NULL OR NOT FullFile IS NULL)";
         //execute the query
         ResultSet rsGetPics                                   = sqlGetPics.executeQuery(qryGetPics);
         // Initialization
         SmartUpload uploader                              = new SmartUpload();
         mySmartUpload.initialize(getServletConfig(), request, response);
         // Upload
         while (rsGetPics.next()) {
              vFileID                                             = rsGetPics.getString("FileID");
              vFileExt                                        = rsGetPics.getString("FileExt");
              vFileName                                        = rsGetPics.getString("FileName") + vFileExt;
              width                                             = 0;
              height                                             = 0;
              uploader.fieldToFile(rsGetPics, "AdjFile", "/upload/" + vFileName);
              if (vFileExt.equalsIgnoreCase(".JPG") || vFileExt.equalsIgnoreCase(".JPEG"))
                   format                                        = "JPEG";
              else if (vFileExt.equalsIgnoreCase(".TIF") || vFileExt.equalsIgnoreCase(".TIFF"))
                   format                                        = "TIFF";
              else if (vFileExt.equalsIgnoreCase(".GIF"))
                   format                                        = "JPEG";
              else if (vFileExt.equalsIgnoreCase(".BMP"))
                   format                                        = "BMP";
                   format                                        = "0";
              // update the width & height
              if (format != "0")
                        //Opens the image
                        RenderedImage src                    = JAI.create("fileload","d:\\servers\\tomcat\\webapps\\jsp\\upload\\" + vFileName);
                        width                                   = src.getWidth();
                        height                                   = src.getHeight();
                        java.io.File imageFile               = new java.io.File("d:\\servers\\tomcat\\webapps\\jsp\\upload\\" + vFileName);
                        InputStream is                         = new FileInputStream(imageFile);
                        //build the query
                        String qryUpdate                    = "UPDATE FileStore SET Width = " + width + ", Height = " + height + " WHERE FileID = " + vFileID;
                        //execute the query
                        ResultSet rsUpdate                    = sqlUpdate.executeQuery(qryUpdate);
                   catch(Exception e)
                        {out.println("An error occurs : " + e.toString());}               
         <TITLE>Repair Files</TITLE>
    <%=count%> files updated in the database.

    BTW - I also tried this with a prepared statment query... no good.

  • Start SQL-Update query on click

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    Can someone give me some advise how this can be done?
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    <sql:setDataSource dataSource="jdbc:oracle:thin:@<IP-address>:1521:<SID>,oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver,<user>,<password>" var="datasource1"/>
    <sql:update var="insert1" sql="insert into table (column1,column2,column3,column4) select sysdate,column1,column2,column3 from <table2>" dataSource="${datasource1}"/>
    But I have no idea how to associate it with the click on a button.
    Best regards.

    What proportion of each column has a -1 value?
    Will the -1 value be in only one of the columns for each row or could there be multiple -1 values in a row?
    How big is the table?
    If only a small portion has a -1 and only one column per row could have -1, then seperate updates might be more efficient since only the columns that require updating will be touched. On the other hand, if several columns in a row could have -1 or if most rows would have at least one column with a -1, a single update might be more efficient since each row that requires multiple updates would only be touched once.

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    If (:P30_POD Is Not Null) Then
    v_where := v_where || v_condition || 'POD IN (''''''''||REPLACE(''' || :P30_POD || ''', CHR(13) || CHR(10), '','')||'''''''''')';
    v_condition := ' AND ';
    End If;
    But the query doesn't return any rows.
    I tried to reproduce it in Toad:
    select * from asx_worklistitem
    POD IN (''''||REPLACE('541449200000171813'||CHR(13) || CHR(10)||'541449206006341366', CHR(13) || CHR(10), ''',''')||'''')
    ==> This is the query that does't return any rows
    select (''''||REPLACE('541449200000171813'||CHR(13) || CHR(10)||'541449206006341366', CHR(13) || CHR(10), ''',''')||'''')
    from dual;
    ==> This returns '541449200000171813','541449206006341366'
    select * from asx_worklistitem
    where pod in ('541449200000171813','541449206006341366');
    ==> and when I copy/paste this in the above query, it does return my rows.
    So why does my first query doesn't work?
    Doe anyone have any idea?
    Kind regards,
    Message was edited by:

    Thanks for the help.
    I made it work, but via the following code:
    If (:P30_POD Is Not Null) Then
    v_pods := REPLACE(:P30_POD, CHR(13) || CHR(10));
    v_where := v_where || v_condition || 'POD IN (';
    v_counter := 1;
    WHILE (v_counter < LENGTH(v_pods)) LOOP
    v_pod := SUBSTR(v_pods, v_counter, 18);
    IF (v_counter <> 1) THEN
    v_where := v_where || ',';
    END IF;
    v_where := v_where || '''' || v_pod || '''';
    v_counter := v_counter + 18;
    v_where := v_where || ')';
    v_condition := ' AND ';
    End If;But now I want to make an update of all the records that correspond to this search criteria. I can give in a status via a dropdownlist and that I want to update all the records that correspond to one of these POD's with that status.
    For a region you can build an SQL query via PL/SQL, but for a process you only have a PL/SQL block. Is the only way to update all these records by making a loop and make an update for every POD that is specified.
    Because I think this will have a lot of overhead.
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    already established the OBDC link and tested.

    Here are a few lines of the SQLCMD code in the [Auto Null Update].sql query:
    USE [Archive Master]
    :r "\\\c$\Users\bkreft\My Documents\SQL Server Management Studio\Projects\Null BackPress 2 update.sql"
    :r "\\\c$\Users\bkreft\My Documents\SQL Server Management Studio\Projects\Null CHWR 3 update.sql"
    :r "\\\c$\Users\bkreft\My Documents\SQL Server Management Studio\Projects\Null CHWR 4 update.sql"
    When this code is pasted into a Create Procedure, (the USE [Archive Master] is not used), the procedure will run, but once saved here is what is left of the procedure once I attempt to modify:
    -- =============================================
    -- Author:                         
    -- Create date: <Create Date,,>
    -- Description:              
    -- =============================================
    Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[NullTest2]

  • UPDATE QUERY can't update table

    During 1500-2000 concurrent users, DB Transaction locks occur. So that Update query can't update table and we get inconsistent data. How can we avoid this inconsistent data?? Why we get transaction locks??
    Eg. In update query it update the status of user with completed; but because of transaction lock  update query can't update status of user it remains uncompleted. So we can get wrong status of user(inconsistent data). Why UPDATE query update the status
    of user???
    update table set status='completed', date=@p2,score=@p3 where id=@p1

    You are not getting inconsistent data, you are getting the data according to the isolation level you are running under. The isolation level determines the locking model and therefore determines any bad dependencies you may experience. Reducing the bad dependencies
    through higher isolation level will lower concurrency. *This* is the core concept of Transactional Processing theory.
    Furthermore there is not really such a thing as a DB Transaction lock - at least not in the way you mean. SQL server does use DB locks (such as Shared transaction workspace and Exclusive transaction workspace) but the highest level of lock escalation is
    the object level (heap or btree) so those are the things you are really interested in. In the ideal would you want all Exclusive, Shared and U locks to be taken at the RID (heaps) or Key (cluster tables) level - and only have few of them per query.
    In conclusion think carefully about your query and how it is implimented under the covers by the database engine.
    Mark Broadbent.
    Microsoft Certified Master
    Contact me through twitter |
    blog | sqlcloud
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  • Get definition of an index from query in SQL Server

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    Thanks In advance,

    I have worked on the script and updated the script as per my need. Now I am able to generate the script for a specific index. Here is the script:-
    CREATE PROCEDURE ScriptCreateDropIndexes_SP
     @TableName                    SYSNAME
    ,@SchemaName                SYSNAME            = 'dbo'
    ,@SORT_IN_TEMPDB            VARCHAR(3)        = 'OFF'
    ,@DROP_EXISTING                VARCHAR(3)        = 'OFF'
    ,@ONLINE                    VARCHAR(3)        = 'OFF'
    ,@Index_Name                NVARCHAR(1000)
    ,@is_Create int = 0
    @Schemaname                    - SchemaName to which the table belongs to. Default value 'dbo'.
    @Tablename                    - TableName for which the Indexes need to be scripted.
    @SORT_IN_TEMPDB                - Runtime value for SORT_IN_TEMPDB option in create index.
                                  Valid Values ON \ OFF. Default = 'OFF'
    @DROP_EXISTING                - Runtime value for DROP_EXISTING option in create index.
                                  Valid Values ON \ OFF. Default = 'OFF'
    @STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE        - Runtime value for STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE option in create index.
                                  Valid Values ON \ OFF. Default = 'OFF'
    @ONLINE                        - Runtime value for ONLINE option in create index.
                                  Valid Values ON \ OFF. Default = 'OFF'
            IF @SORT_IN_TEMPDB NOT IN ('ON','OFF')
                RAISERROR('Valid value for @SORT_IN_TEMPDB is ON \ OFF',16,1)
            IF @DROP_EXISTING NOT IN ('ON','OFF')
                RAISERROR('Valid value for @DROP_EXISTING is ON \ OFF',16,1)
                RAISERROR('Valid value for @STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE is ON \ OFF',16,1)
            IF @ONLINE NOT IN ('ON','OFF')
                RAISERROR('Valid value for @ONLINE is ON \ OFF',16,1)
            DECLARE @IDXTable TABLE   
                 Schema_ID        INT
                ,Object_ID        INT
                ,Index_ID        INT
                ,SchemaName        SYSNAME
                ,TableName        SYSNAME
                ,IndexName        SYSNAME
                ,IsPrimaryKey   BIT
                ,IndexType        INT
                ,CreateScript    VARCHAR(MAX)    NULL
                ,DropScript        VARCHAR(MAX)    NULL
                ,ExistsScript    VARCHAR(MAX)    NULL
                ,Processed        BIT                NULL
        INSERT INTO @IDXTable
        SELECT ST.Schema_id
            ON SI.Object_ID = ST.Object_ID
            ON SCH.schema_id = ST.schema_id
         WHERE SCH.Name = 'dbo'
           AND ST.Name  = 'group_master'
           AND SI.name = 'uq_group_master__parent_id'
           AND SI.Type IN (1,2,3)
      DECLARE @SchemaID        INT
      DECLARE @TableID        INT
      DECLARE @IndexID        INT
      DECLARE @isPrimaryKey BIT
      DECLARE @IndexType    INT
      DECLARE @DropSQL        VARCHAR(MAX)
      DECLARE @ExistsSQL        VARCHAR(MAX)
      DECLARE @IndexName    SYSNAME
      DECLARE @TblSchemaName SYSNAME
      SELECT @TblSchemaName = QUOTENAME(@Schemaname) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@TableName)
      SELECT @CreateSQL = ''  
      SELECT @IndexColsSQL = ''  
      SELECT @WithSQL = ''  
      SELECT @IncludeSQL = ''  
      SELECT @WhereSQL = ''  
                       FROM @IDXTable
                      WHERE CreateScript IS NULL)
            SELECT TOP 1 @SchemaID = Schema_ID
                  ,@TableID  = Object_ID
                  ,@IndexID  = Index_ID
                  ,@isPrimaryKey = IsPrimaryKey
                  ,@IndexName     = IndexName
                  ,@IndexType     = IndexType
              FROM @IDXTable
             WHERE CreateScript IS NULL
               AND SchemaName = @SchemaName
               AND TableName  = @TableName
             ORDER BY Index_ID
            IF @isPrimaryKey = 1
                SELECT @ExistsSQL = ' EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''' + @TblSchemaName + ''') AND name = N''' + @IndexName + ''')'  
                SELECT @DropSQL =   ' ALTER TABLE '+ @TblSchemaName + ' DROP CONSTRAINT [' + @IndexName + ']'
                SELECT @ExistsSQL = ' EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''' + @TblSchemaName + ''') AND name = N''' + @IndexName + ''')'  
                SELECT @DropSQL =  ' DROP INDEX [' + @IndexName  + '] ON ' + @TblSchemaName
            IF @IndexType IN (1,2)
                    SELECT @CreateSQL = CASE  
                                        WHEN SI.is_Primary_Key = 1 THEN  
                                            'ALTER TABLE ' + @TblSchemaName
    + ' ADD  CONSTRAINT [' + @IndexName + '] PRIMARY KEY ' + SI.type_desc
                                        WHEN SI.Type IN (1,2) THEN  
                                            ' CREATE ' + CASE SI.is_Unique
    WHEN 1 THEN ' UNIQUE ' ELSE '' END + SI.type_desc + ' INDEX ' + QUOTENAME(SI.Name) + ' ON ' + @TblSchemaName
                          ,@IndexColsSQL =  ( SELECT SC.Name + ' '  
                                     + CASE SIC.is_descending_key
                                       WHEN 0 THEN ' ASC '  
                                       ELSE 'DESC'
                                       END +  ','
                                FROM SYS.INDEX_COLUMNS SIC
                                JOIN SYS.COLUMNS SC
                                  ON SIC.Object_ID = SC.Object_ID
                                 AND SIC.Column_ID = SC.Column_ID
                              WHERE SIC.OBJECT_ID = SI.Object_ID
                                AND SIC.Index_ID  = SI.Index_ID
                                AND SIC.is_included_column = 0
                              ORDER BY SIC.Key_Ordinal
                               FOR XML PATH('')
                            ,@WithSQL =' WITH (PAD_INDEX  = ' + CASE SI.is_padded WHEN 1 THEN 'ON' ELSE 'OFF' END + ',' + CHAR(13) +
                                       ' IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ' + CASE SI.ignore_dup_key WHEN 1
    THEN 'ON' ELSE 'OFF' END + ',' + CHAR(13) +
                                       ' ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ' + CASE SI.Allow_Row_Locks WHEN
    1 THEN 'ON' ELSE 'OFF' END + ',' + CHAR(13) +
                                       ' ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ' + CASE SI.Allow_Page_Locks WHEN
    1 THEN 'ON' ELSE 'OFF' END + ',' + CHAR(13) +
                                       CASE SI.Type WHEN 2 THEN 'SORT_IN_TEMPDB = ' + @SORT_IN_TEMPDB
    +',DROP_EXISTING = ' + @DROP_EXISTING + ',' ELSE '' END +  
                                       CASE WHEN SI.Fill_Factor > 0 THEN ' FILLFACTOR =
    ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(3),SI.Fill_Factor) + ',' ELSE '' END +
                                       ' STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE  = ' + @STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE
                                       ', ONLINE = ' + @ONLINE  + ') ON ' + QUOTENAME(SFG.Name)
                            ,@IncludeSQL =  ( SELECT QUOTENAME(SC.Name) +  ','
    ON SIC.Object_ID = SC.Object_ID
    AND SIC.Column_ID = SC.Column_ID
                                              WHERE SIC.OBJECT_ID
    = SI.Object_ID
    AND SIC.Index_ID  = SI.Index_ID
    AND SIC.is_included_column = 1
                                              ORDER BY SIC.Key_Ordinal
    XML PATH('')
                            ,@WhereSQL  = SI.Filter_Definition
                      FROM SYS.Indexes SI
                      JOIN SYS.FileGroups SFG
                        ON SI.Data_Space_ID =SFG.Data_Space_ID
                     WHERE Object_ID = @TableID
                       AND Index_ID  = @IndexID
                       SELECT @IndexColsSQL = '(' + SUBSTRING(@IndexColsSQL,1,LEN(@IndexColsSQL)-1) + ')'
                       IF LTRIM(RTRIM(@IncludeSQL)) <> ''
                            SELECT @IncludeSQL   = ' INCLUDE (' + SUBSTRING(@IncludeSQL,1,LEN(@IncludeSQL)-1) + ')'
                       IF LTRIM(RTRIM(@WhereSQL)) <> ''
                           SELECT @WhereSQL        = ' WHERE (' + @WhereSQL + ')'
            IF @IndexType = 3
                    SELECT @CreateSQL = ' CREATE ' + CASE  
    WHEN SI.Using_xml_index_id IS NULL THEN ' PRIMARY '  
    ELSE '' END  
    + SI.type_desc + ' INDEX ' + QUOTENAME(SI.Name) + ' ON ' + @TblSchemaName
                          ,@IndexColsSQL =  ( SELECT SC.Name + ' '  
                                     +  ','
                                FROM SYS.INDEX_COLUMNS SIC
                                JOIN SYS.COLUMNS SC
                                  ON SIC.Object_ID = SC.Object_ID
                                 AND SIC.Column_ID = SC.Column_ID
                              WHERE SIC.OBJECT_ID = SI.Object_ID
                                AND SIC.Index_ID  = SI.Index_ID
                                AND SIC.is_included_column = 0
                              ORDER BY SIC.Key_Ordinal
                               FOR XML PATH('')
                            ,@WithSQL =' WITH (PAD_INDEX  = ' + CASE SI.is_padded WHEN 1 THEN 'ON' ELSE 'OFF' END + ',' + CHAR(13) +
                                       ' ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ' + CASE SI.Allow_Row_Locks WHEN
    1 THEN 'ON' ELSE 'OFF' END + ',' + CHAR(13) +
                                       ' ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ' + CASE SI.Allow_Page_Locks WHEN
    1 THEN 'ON' ELSE 'OFF' END + ',' + CHAR(13) +
                                       CASE SI.Type WHEN 2 THEN 'SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF,DROP_EXISTING
    = OFF,' ELSE '' END +  
                                       CASE WHEN SI.Fill_Factor > 0 THEN ' FILLFACTOR =
    ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(3),SI.Fill_Factor) + ',' ELSE '' END +
                                       'SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF ' + ') '  
                            ,@IncludeSQL = ' USING XML INDEX [' + (SELECT Name
    FROM SYS.XML_Indexes SIP
    WHERE SIP.Object_ID = SI.Object_ID
    AND SIP.Index_ID = SI.Using_XML_Index_ID)  + '] FOR PATH '
                      FROM SYS.XML_Indexes SI
                     WHERE SI.Object_ID = @TableID
                       AND SI.Index_ID  = @IndexID
                       SELECT @IndexColsSQL = '(' + SUBSTRING(@IndexColsSQL,1,LEN(@IndexColsSQL)-1) + ')'
               SELECT @CreateSQL = @CreateSQL  
                                   + @IndexColsSQL + CASE WHEN @IndexColsSQL <> '' THEN CHAR(13) ELSE ''
                                   + ISNULL(@IncludeSQL,'') + CASE WHEN @IncludeSQL <> '' THEN CHAR(13) ELSE
    '' END
                                   + ISNULL(@WhereSQL,'') + CASE WHEN @WhereSQL <> '' THEN CHAR(13) ELSE
    '' END  
                                   --+ @WithSQL  
                UPDATE @IDXTable
                   SET CreateScript = @CreateSQL
                      ,DropScript   = @DropSQL
                      ,ExistsScript = @ExistsSQL
                 WHERE Schema_ID = @SchemaID
                   AND Object_ID = @TableID
                   AND Index_ID  = @IndexID
       -- PRINT REPLICATE('-',100)
      --  PRINT 'DROP Indexes'
      --  PRINT REPLICATE('-',100)
      if @is_Create = 0
        UPDATE @IDXTable
            SET Processed = 0
         WHERE SchemaName = @SchemaName
              AND TableName  = @TableName
                       FROM @IDXTable
                      WHERE ISNULL(Processed,0) = 0  
                            AND SchemaName = @SchemaName
                           AND TableName  = @TableName )
            SELECT @SQL = ''
            SELECT TOP 1 @SchemaID = Schema_ID
                  ,@TableID  = Object_ID
                  ,@IndexID  = Index_ID
                  ,@SQL = 'IF ' + ExistsScript + CHAR(13) + DropScript + CHAR(13)
              FROM @IDXTable
             WHERE ISNULL(Processed,0) = 0
               AND SchemaName = @SchemaName
                  AND TableName  = @TableName
             ORDER BY IndexType DESC,Index_id DESC
             PRINT @sql
             UPDATE @IDXTable
                 SET Processed = 1
              WHERE Schema_ID = @SchemaID
                AND Object_ID = @TableID
                AND Index_ID  = @IndexID
        --PRINT REPLICATE('-',100)
       --PRINT 'Create Indexes'
       -- PRINT REPLICATE('-',100)
         if @is_Create = 1
        UPDATE @IDXTable
            SET Processed = 0
         WHERE SchemaName = @SchemaName
              AND TableName  = @TableName
                       FROM @IDXTable
                      WHERE ISNULL(Processed,0) = 0  
                            AND SchemaName = @SchemaName
                           AND TableName  = @TableName )
            SELECT @SQL = ''
            SELECT TOP 1 @SchemaID = Schema_ID
                  ,@TableID  = Object_ID
                  ,@IndexID  = Index_ID
                  ,@SQL = 'IF NOT ' + ExistsScript + CHAR(13) + CreateScript + CHAR(13)
              FROM @IDXTable
             WHERE ISNULL(Processed,0) = 0
               AND SchemaName = @SchemaName
                  AND TableName  = @TableName
             ORDER BY IndexType DESC,Index_id DESC
             PRINT @sql
             UPDATE @IDXTable
                 SET Processed = 1
              WHERE Schema_ID = @SchemaID
                AND Object_ID = @TableID
                AND Index_ID  = @IndexID

  • How can i write jstl with jsp in sql:update ,when it give sqlException"

    <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core_rt"%>
    <%@ taglib prefix="sql" uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/sql_rt"%>
    <%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/fmt" %>
    <sql:query var="login" dataSource="jdbc:mysql://localhost/user,com.mysql.jdbc.Driver,user,parul">
    SELECT * FROM login;
    <title>login information</title>
    <h1>login information</h1>
    <table border="1">
    <th colspan="2">password</th>
    <c:forEach var="round" items="${login.rows}" >
    <td colspan="2">${round.password}</td>
    <form name="round-input" action="round_process.jsp" method="POST">
    <td><input name="id" type="text" size="20" /></td>
    <td><input name="login" type="text" size="20" /></td>
    <td><input name="password" type="text" size="20" /></td>
    <td><input type="submit" value="Update" /></td>
    it pass the parameter in round_process.jsp
    <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core_rt" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="sql" uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/sql_rt" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/fmt_rt" %>
    <sql:query var="login" dataSource="jdbc:mysql://localhost/user,com.mysql.jdbc.Driver,user,parul">
    SELECT * FROM login WHERE id=?
    <sql:param value="${param.id}"/>
    INSERT INTO login(id,login,password)VALUES(?,?,?)
    <sql:param value="${param.id}"/>
    <sql:param value="${param.login}"/>
    <sql:param value="${param.password}"/>
    <c:redirect url="round-input.jsp"/>
    when i execute the second .jsp page it will show an exception and error that is
    javax.servlet.ServletException: Unable to get connection, DataSource invalid: "null"
    root cause
    javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Unable to get connection, DataSource invalid: "null"
    note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/5.0.28 logs.

    Your problem is that you need to have a
    />and your sql:query would now be
    <sql:query var="login" dataSource="${myDataSource}">
    SELECT * FROM login;
    </sql:query>You can use whatever name you want for the var in the setDataSource as long as it matches the dataSource in the query.

  • Add members to collection from sql updatable report.

    I have created a collection based on a query (collection_name = 'EMP_COLLECTION' query = select name, ssn, dept from emp.
    The collection is created perfectly.
    Now, I have a page with a SQL-updatable Report based off of the collection
    (select * from htmldb_collection where collection_name = 'EMP_COLLECTION'. The collection rows appear, and I am able to press an ADD button to add a row. I fill in the data using the key DEPT which a pull from a field stored on the page.
    How can I reference the other fields in the collection...#NAME#, #SSN# (as they are not items on the page).
    Please let me know if you need clarification on this question as I realize I am a bit out of my league in describing it....but could really use a tip.

    I recently began working on collections, so here are a few code snippets that may help you:
    Create Collection (placed in a Before Header Page Process)
    (p_collection_name => 'SOME_COLLECTION');
    Initially populate a collection with default values (placed in a Before Header Page Process)
    i number;
    cntr number := 5; -- Sets number of default entries in collection
    for i in 1..cntr loop
    p_collection_name => 'SOME_COLLECTION',
    p_c001 => 0, --Unique ID
    p_c002 => :P10_ITEM_NM, -- Item Name
    p_c003 => NULL, -- Description
    p_c004 => sysdate, -- Date of Entry
    end loop;
    each p_cXXX is a reference to a column in the collection.
    View existing collection
    c001 ID,
    c002 ITEM_NM,
    c003 ITEM_DESC,
    You can also turn this into an editable collection by going into the report and individually changing the fields to text fields, dropdowns, etc.
    To Update a collection (On Submit, After computations Page Process)
    c pls_integer := 0;
    for c1 in (
    select seq_id from apex_collections
    where collection_name = 'SOME_COLLECTION'
    order by seq_id) loop
    c := c+1;
    --Item Name
    apex_collection.update_member_attribute (p_collection_name=> 'SOME_COLLECTION',
    p_seq=> c1.seq_id,p_attr_number =>2,p_attr_value=>wwv_flow.g_f01(c));
    --Item Description
    apex_collection.update_member_attribute (p_collection_name=> 'SOME_COLLECTION',
    p_seq=> c1.seq_id,p_attr_number =>3,p_attr_value=>wwv_flow.g_f02(c));
    --Item Entry Date
    apex_collection.update_member_attribute (p_collection_name=> 'SOME_COLLECTION',
    p_seq=> c1.seq_id,p_attr_number =>4,p_attr_value=>wwv_flow.g_f03(c));
    end loop;
    In this example, the ID field is hidden to the users and populated using a sequence. The other fields are presented as text fields for Item Name and Item Description and a Date Picker for the Item Entry Date.
    The key to understanding this is that the attribute number indicated by p_attr_number references the column in the COLLECTION containing the value you want to update/overwrite. The g_fXX tells which of the updatable columns in your report provide the values for the columns. Keep in mind that the number of updateable columns in your report is likely fewer than the total number of columns, so the numbering here starts from the first updatable column and goes down. If you rearrange the order of the columns in the display, it will not alter the field in the collection you reference (the attribute), but it WILL alter the g_fXX notation you use to get the value from.
    Writing to the DB
    for c1 in (select TO_NUMBER(c001) row_id, c002 itm_nm, c003 itm_desc,
    to_date(c004,'DD/MM/YYYY') itm_dt from APEX_COLLECTIONS
    values (c1.row_id, c1.itm_nm, c1.itm_desc, c1.itm_dt);
    end loop;
    Here, the trick is to reference the items using the [collection name].[attribute alias] syntax. This avoids the Oracle error "can't use a column".
    If you want to reference items not on the page and put them into the collection, I recommend pre-populating them, since the user isn't going to be able to alter something they can't see anyway. I have used this successfully with both page items and application items.

  • TSQL - Dynamic Query Case statment update issue - to update table by left shifting the rows

    Hi all
    I need an help on my tsql query in 2000 to fix the case statement.
    I have a table like shown below.
    On this table where ever I see PortID as 101 and 105 I need to remove it and shift the rows from right to left.
    ie on First row PortID1 is 101 so I need to remove it and replace it with PortId2 and similarly PortID2 replaced my PortID3 and so on.
    ie like on excel if you delete cell we need to shift the rows to left .
    I wrote an dynamic update statement i,m not sure on the assigning dynamic case statment.
    CREATE TABLE [TravelRank]
    [Destination] [varchar] (50) NULL,
    [PortID1] [int] NULL ,
    [Distance1] [int] NULL ,
    [Rating1] [int] NULL ,
    [PortID2] [int] NULL ,
    [Distance2] [int] NULL ,
    [Rating2] [int] NULL ,
    [PortID3] [int] NULL ,
    [Distance3] [int] NULL ,
    [Rating3] [int] NULL ,
    [PortID4] [int] NULL ,
    [Distance4] [int] NULL ,
    [Rating4] [int] NULL
    INSERT into [TravelRank]
    select 'Virgin Islands','101','10','5','102','20','5','103','31','5','109','41','5'
    Union all
    select 'Guinea','101','15','3','102','22','3','105','32','2','110','45','4'
    Union all
    select 'Benin ','102','12','4','106','28','4','104','33','3','109','48','2'
    Union all
    select 'Ecuador','102','18','5','101','29','5','108','34','1','111','45','5'
    Union all
    select 'Belarus ','103','17','4','105','24','4','108','45','4','112','46','3'
    Union all
    select 'Cook Islands','105','11','2','108','23','2','101','32','2','107','42','4'
    Here is my code to fix
    declare @SQL varchar(4000)
    declare @left varchar(1)
    declare @right varchar(1)
    select @left = '1',@right = '2'
    while @left < 4
    select @SQL = '
    update t1.PortID' + @left + ' = t2.PortID' + @right + '
    t1.Distance' + @left + ' = t2.Distance' + @right + '
    t1.Rating' + @left + ' = t2.Rating' + @right + '
    'case @left
    when '1' then
    ' t1.PortID' + cast(cast(@left as int)+1 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.PortID' + cast(cast(@right as int)+1 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.PortID' + cast(cast(@left as int)+2 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.PortID' + cast(cast(@right as int)+2 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.PortID' + cast(cast(@left as int)+3 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.PortID' + cast(cast(@right as int)+3 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.Distance' + cast(cast(@left as int)+1 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.Distance' + cast(cast(@right as int)+1 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.Distance' + cast(cast(@left as int)+2 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.Distance' + cast(cast(@right as int)+2 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.Distance' + cast(cast(@left as int)+3 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.Distance' + cast(cast(@right as int)+3 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.Rating' + cast(cast(@left as int)+1 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.Rating' + cast(cast(@right as int)+1 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.Rating' + cast(cast(@left as int)+2 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.Rating' + cast(cast(@right as int)+2 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.Rating' + cast(cast(@left as int)+3 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.Rating' + cast(cast(@right as int)+3 as varchar(1)) +'
    ' when '2' then
    ' t1.PortID' + cast(cast(@left as int)+1 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.PortID' + cast(cast(@right as int)+1 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.PortID' + cast(cast(@left as int)+2 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.PortID' + cast(cast(@right as int)+2 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.Distance' + cast(cast(@left as int)+1 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.Distance' + cast(cast(@right as int)+1 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.Distance' + cast(cast(@left as int)+2 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.Distance' + cast(cast(@right as int)+2 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.Rating' + cast(cast(@left as int)+1 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.Rating' + cast(cast(@right as int)+1 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.Rating' + cast(cast(@left as int)+2 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.Rating' + cast(cast(@right as int)+2 as varchar(1)) +'
    ' when '3' then
    ' t1.PortID' + cast(cast(@left as int)+1 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.PortID' + cast(cast(@right as int)+1 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.Distance' + cast(cast(@left as int)+1 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.Distance' + cast(cast(@right as int)+1 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.Rating' + cast(cast(@left as int)+1 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.Rating' + cast(cast(@right as int)+1 as varchar(1)) +'
    ' when '3' then
    ' t1.PortID' + @left + ' = null '
    t1.Distance' + @left + ' = null '
    t1.Rating' + @left + ' = null '
    else '' end'
    from [TravelRank] t1
    inner join [TravelRank] t2
    on t1.destination = t2.destination
    where t1.PortID1 = 101'
    print @SQL
    -- exec (@SQL)
    select @left = cast(cast(@left as int) + 1 as varchar(1))
    , @right = cast(cast(@right as int) + 1 as varchar(1))
    Thanks a lot in advance.

    declare @SQL varchar(4000)
    declare @left varchar(1)
    declare @right varchar(1)
    select @left = '1',@right = '2'
    while @left < 4
    select @SQL = '
    update t1.PortID' + @left + ' = t2.PortID' + @right + '
    t1.Distance' + @left + ' = t2.Distance' + @right + '
    t1.Rating' + @left + ' = t2.Rating' + @right + '
    '+CASE @left
    when '1' then
    ' t1.PortID' + cast(cast(@left as int)+1 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.PortID' + cast(cast(@right as int)+1 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.PortID' + cast(cast(@left as int)+2 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.PortID' + cast(cast(@right as int)+2 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.PortID' + cast(cast(@left as int)+3 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.PortID' + cast(cast(@right as int)+3 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.Distance' + cast(cast(@left as int)+1 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.Distance' + cast(cast(@right as int)+1 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.Distance' + cast(cast(@left as int)+2 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.Distance' + cast(cast(@right as int)+2 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.Distance' + cast(cast(@left as int)+3 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.Distance' + cast(cast(@right as int)+3 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.Rating' + cast(cast(@left as int)+1 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.Rating' + cast(cast(@right as int)+1 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.Rating' + cast(cast(@left as int)+2 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.Rating' + cast(cast(@right as int)+2 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.Rating' + cast(cast(@left as int)+3 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.Rating' + cast(cast(@right as int)+3 as varchar(1)) +'
    ' when '2' then
    ' t1.PortID' + cast(cast(@left as int)+1 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.PortID' + cast(cast(@right as int)+1 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.PortID' + cast(cast(@left as int)+2 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.PortID' + cast(cast(@right as int)+2 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.Distance' + cast(cast(@left as int)+1 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.Distance' + cast(cast(@right as int)+1 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.Distance' + cast(cast(@left as int)+2 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.Distance' + cast(cast(@right as int)+2 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.Rating' + cast(cast(@left as int)+1 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.Rating' + cast(cast(@right as int)+1 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.Rating' + cast(cast(@left as int)+2 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.Rating' + cast(cast(@right as int)+2 as varchar(1)) +'
    ' when '3' then
    ' t1.PortID' + cast(cast(@left as int)+1 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.PortID' + cast(cast(@right as int)+1 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.Distance' + cast(cast(@left as int)+1 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.Distance' + cast(cast(@right as int)+1 as varchar(1)) +'
    t1.Rating' + cast(cast(@left as int)+1 as varchar(1)) + ' = t2.Rating' + cast(cast(@right as int)+1 as varchar(1)) +'
    ' when '3' then
    ' t1.PortID' + @left + ' = null '+
    ' t1.Distance' + @left + ' = null '+
    ' t1.Rating' + @left + ' = null '
    else '' END + '
    from [TravelRank] t1
    inner join [TravelRank] t2
    on t1.destination = t2.destination
    where t1.PortID1 = 101'
    print @SQL
    -- exec (@SQL)
    select @left = cast(cast(@left as int) + 1 as varchar(1))
    , @right = cast(cast(@right as int) + 1 as varchar(1))
    You were missing a couple of concats. This runs now, but I'm not completely sure if it's the output you were expecting.

  • SQL Update to split 1 column into 2

    I have a column in a table that holds both a city and a zip ex. Jackson 44319
    I am trying to write an sql update query so that the 2 pieces of info would be split and funneled into their own respective column. For example:
    column name: address
    Jackson 44319
    column name:city                             column name: zip
    Jackson                                           44319
    Here is what I have come up with so far, but it does not work correctly.
    Update Table
    Set city=Parsename(Replace(address ,',','.'),2),
    zip=Parsename(Replace(address ,',','.'),1)
    this query basically copies all my info from the address table and puts it into the zip table, and the city table remains null. yet, nothing gets split.

    Does your db have a bulk loading utility?  Do you have access to text manipulation tools such as awk?
    If so, using them is probably a better idea than using ColdFusion.

  • Aspect logging - ie, trigger logging of sql:update

    Is it possible to...somehow attach an aspect to a JSTL action?
    In other words,
    like, for every
    </sql:update> tag, could I somehow trigger some code to log the query that was executed?
    I would love to add logging to all non SELECT statements to my app, and if there is an easy way to ... say, wrap the SQL tld, that would be great!

    Can Log4j do this?

  • AXL execute SQL update

    Is there a way to fire off an update query like:
    Update devices set description = 'A' where description = 'B'
    I get a "no update permission" error.
    Yes, this a bad idea for many reasons, but I'm not willing to let that stop me, at least in this lab/test scenario...

    Thanks for the response Stephan and s. Sorry - the original post had a typo. I was using the proper table name.
    I didn't realize that there was a command line option. I've been avoiding the command line because I don't know too much about it. The command line option worked:
    admin:run sql update device set description= "Test" where name="SEP000000032081"
    Rows: 1
    Of course this morning, I get something totally different from AXL (but these are the actual reuest and response envelopes):
    http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    update device set description= 'Test' where name='SEP001BD458B533'
    Method only for queries
    Method only for queries

  • SQL query (pl/sql function body returning query) performance issue

    I create my report in building my sql instruction with ( SQL Query pl/sql function body returning sql query );
    My report take more than 20 seconds however if i did a cut and paste with the sql code in TOAD the same sql take 1 second.
    To try to discover the source of the problem; i take the sql generated by the function and i create another report ( sql query ) this new report take 2 seconds.
    My query is very big 25,000 characters with database link.
    What is the difference between SQL-quey and sql-query(pl/sql function body returning sql query)

    Firstly...don't compare the timings from Toad, since often Toad only fetches the first few records for you (i.e. it pages them).
    Secondly....the database link could be a factor here, but without seeing your query it's too hard to say.
    Can you post the query somewhere (on a webserver say)?

  • Different output of same query in SQL Server and Oracle

    I have two tables table1 and table2
    --table1 has two columns c1 int and c2 varchar. there are not constraints added in it. it has data as given below
    c1     c2
    6     d
    5     j
    102     g
    4     g
    103     f
    3     h
    501     j
    1     g
    601     n
    2     m
    --table2 has only one column c1 int. there are not constraints added in it. it has data as given below
    now when i run below given query in sql server and oracle it gives me different result
    select *
    from table1
         inner join (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by c1 ASC) AS c1 from table2) table2 on table2.c1=table1.c1
    sql server output
    c1     c2     c1
    1     g     1
    2     m     2
    3     h     3
    4     g     4
    5     j     5
    oracle output
    C1 C2 C1
    5 j 5
    4 g 4
    3 h 3
    1 g 1
    2 m 2
    If you notice the first column in both output. It is sorted in sql server and not in oracle.
    Why it is behaving differently in oracle? Is there any way I can solve this in oracle?

    It is NOT behaving "differently" in Oracle; you just haven't specified an order that you expect your results to be in, so you're going to get output in whatever order the database fancies displaying it (ie. no guarenteed order). This is an artifact of how the database chooses to put together the data, and different databases (or even datasets within the same database) can and most likely will behave differently.
    Even SQL Server won't guarentee to always get your data in an ordered fashion if you exclude the order by clause, even if you think it has always output the data in an ordered fashion.
    Your solution is to add an order by clause, in BOTH databases, to force the order of the output data.

Maybe you are looking for