Query to Excel

I have a page that displays results of a search query. I'd
like to give users an option to export the results that they see
into Excel format by clicking on an icon.
How can I do that?
I do have an UDF that convert query to Excel and takes query
as an argument. Anyway I can call it after the page's been
Any suggestions welcome.
Thank you

I used to use the html method which is very simple - generate
your output in an html table, save it to a file with an .xls
extension and then open it using cfcontent. Excel automatically
converts the html table into excel rows and columns and some basic
formatting is also retained.
More recently however I've been using Jakarta POI which is
simple to use and much more powerful. I won't try explaining how to
use it as there's a page that already does a nice job of it

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    DECLARE @cmd VARCHAR(255)
    SET @cmd = 'bcp "select * from dbo.test1" queryout "D:\testing2.xlsx;" -U "user-PC\user" -P "" -c '
    Exec xp_cmdshell @cmd
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    I would suggest you take a look at the following article:
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    The 'prompt' as you call it is a sqlplus feature, so does not belong to the SQL language
    You would need to write a stored procedure returning a resultset.
    create or replace procedure foo(rc in out sys_refcursor, p_item) as
    open rc for
    IM.ITEM = '||p_item;
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    Sybrand Bakker
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    <cfinvokeargument name="mydate" value="#url.mydate#">
    <CFCONTENT TYPE="application/vnd.ms-excel">
    <cfheader name="Content-Disposition"
    <cfquery name="exportdata" dbtype="query">
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    FROM qOrds
    <cfloop list="#exportdata.columnlist#" index="TDFIELD">
    <cfoutput query="exportdata">
    <cfloop list="#exportdata.columnlist#"
    <cfreturn #exportdata#>
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    var urlString:String =
    + myDataVar;
    var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest(urlString);

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    I've attached my code that exports a query to an XLS.
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    <cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="inline;
    filename=All_Leads.xls" charset="utf-8">
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    best regards

    Good day,
    This sounds like you are not using an anonymous user or alias users ..??
    When you download into Excel, the cookie for the MIME handler is not held. This means that the system needs to verify the userid/password again. Check out the SAP Notes 516884 and 487456 - there are some other SAP Notes referenced in these that may also be helpful if you still have a problem.

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    Do you have to use the Access query, couldn't you just recreate the query in Powershell?  Here's a link with good info that references an existing script for querying an Access database:
    Once you have your dataset you can pipe it to
    Export-Csv -NoType c:\pathtofile\output.csv

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    Suraj S Nair
    Edited by: Suraj S Nairon Dec 28, 2009 10:50 AM

    Hi Suraj,
    If you want to execue your query, you can use the bex analyzer.
    If you are opening the query from query designer 3.x query in 7.0 fronend, it will get upgraded and then cannot be reveted.
    In your case this automatic migration might be havng some issues, owing to complexities.
    Please recheck.

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    Has anyone seen anything similar, or have any idea as to what is causing the problem?
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    Message was edited by:
            E Gregory

    Ensure that file name with same name and in same path should not be open while saving the data.
    Award if it helps.
    Jogdand M B

  • In C# is there a way of refreshing query in EXCEL (REFRESH ALL)

    Hi All,
    Need C# code in SSIS Sript task which should refresh all excel data which extracts from a table using Microsoft query.
    Can anyone help at all ?

    Hi All,
    Found the code to refresh excel data the above code is saving before refrshing so I added application wait for 20 seconds so that it refrshes first than saves it.
    Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Script Task
    Write scripts using Microsoft Visual C# 2008.
    The ScriptMain is the entry point class of the script.
    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
    namespace ST_53932a75e92c44f086535fc017a56e6a.csproj
    [System.AddIn.AddIn("ScriptMain", Version = "1.0", Publisher = "", Description = "")]
    public partial class ScriptMain : Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ScriptTask.VSTARTScriptObjectModelBase
    #region VSTA generated code
    enum ScriptResults
    Success = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Success,
    Failure = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Failure
    The execution engine calls this method when the task executes.
    To access the object model, use the Dts property. Connections, variables, events,
    and logging features are available as members of the Dts property as shown in the following examples.
    To reference a variable, call Dts.Variables["MyCaseSensitiveVariableName"].Value;
    To post a log entry, call Dts.Log("This is my log text", 999, null);
    To fire an event, call Dts.Events.FireInformation(99, "test", "hit the help message", "", 0, true);
    To use the connections collection use something like the following:
    ConnectionManager cm = Dts.Connections.Add("OLEDB");
    cm.ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;Provider=SQLNCLI10;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;";
    Before returning from this method, set the value of Dts.TaskResult to indicate success or failure.
    To open Help, press F1.
    public void Main()
    // TODO: Add your code here
    ExcelRefresh(@"C:\Documents and Settings\ST84879\Desktop\ROBERT_DATA_SET\TEST.xls");
    Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;
    private void ExcelRefresh(string Filename)
    object NullValue = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application excelApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ApplicationClass();
    excelApp.DisplayAlerts = false;
    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook Workbook = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(
    Filename, NullValue, NullValue, NullValue, NullValue,
    NullValue, NullValue, NullValue, NullValue, NullValue,
    NullValue, NullValue, NullValue, NullValue, NullValue);
    Workbook.Close(false, Filename, null);
    Workbook = null;
    Thanks All

  • User kicked out of PS when running Query to excel

    Just to note, I am actually a developer and doesnt know a thing about configurations or any PS tech admin knowledge regarding installation and setting up Psoft. So please be patient with me since im starting this just now and only starting to gain knowledge in this are.
    Just to give an overview, currently we are supporting US psoft and I am located in malaysia tranferring the servers here at our end. we are on UAT right now and having trouble with the psoft application itself and from I see it, it can be caused by how it is installed. Because the US env (server in US) is working perfectly but the M'sia env are having errors (server in M'sia). Just to remind that its the same env only installed in different location, you can call it parallel testing if you like.
    Now with the problem, when the user tries to run a query in the Query manager and doing "run to excel", the user gets kicked out of PeopleSoft online and giving just the literal "Error" message. And when I look at the PSQRYSRV dump file (just learned it yesterday), can't really understand what it says. I try googling it but to no success.
    Does anybody can help me with this? TIA!
    PSQRYSRV.10159 [06/09/09 06:06:30 [email protected] (IE 6.0; WINNT) ICQuery](0) ==================================================================================
    PSQRYSRV.10159 [06/09/09 06:06:30 [email protected] (IE 6.0; WINNT) ICQuery](0) PSQRYSRV crash dump at 2009-06-08
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    PSQRYSRV.10159 [06/09/09 06:06:30 [email protected] (IE 6.0; WINNT) ICQuery](0) Call stack:
    = begin trace Tue Jun 9 06:06:30 GMT 2009 on 10159
    == process 10159
    -- process 10159
    == dumps
    going to run gdb -nx batch command 10310/commands /proc/10159/exe 10159
    /opt/psoft/hr8prd/bin/psprocinfo[7]: gdb: not found.
    === gdb 10159
    --- gdb 10159
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    PSQRYSRV.10159 [06/09/09 06:06:30 [email protected] (IE 6.0; WINNT) ICQuery](0) Current Keylist
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    PSQRYSRV.10159 [06/09/09 06:06:30 [email protected] (IE 6.0; WINNT) ICQuery](0) Begin Scrolls
    PSQRYSRV.10159 [06/09/09 06:06:30 [email protected] (IE 6.0; WINNT) ICQuery](0) Begin level 0[row 0] occcnt=1 activecnt=1 hiddencnt=0 scrlcnt=0 flags=0000 nrec=1
    PSQRYSRV.10159 [06/09/09 06:06:30 [email protected] (IE 6.0; WINNT) ICQuery](0) RecordsEventSet 00000000 SubscrollsEventSet 00000000
    PSQRYSRV.10159 [06/09/09 06:06:30 [email protected] (IE 6.0; WINNT) ICQuery](0) Rec InputKeys (recdefn 00f5a8e0) keyrec=-1 keyfield=-1
    PSQRYSRV.10159 [06/09/09 06:06:30 [email protected] (IE 6.0; WINNT) ICQuery](0) EventSet 00000000
    PSQRYSRV.10159 [06/09/09 06:06:30 [email protected] (IE 6.0; WINNT) ICQuery](0) Row 0 at 00ecef58.
    PSQRYSRV.10159 [06/09/09 06:06:30 [email protected] (IE 6.0; WINNT) ICQuery](0) CRecBuf InputKeys(00f423f8) fields=2 changed new lvl0 needsinit
    PSQRYSRV.10159 [06/09/09 06:06:30 [email protected] (IE 6.0; WINNT) ICQuery](0) bind1(001fc498)='2009-06-07'; changed (was '') updated key used
    PSQRYSRV.10159 [06/09/09 06:06:30 [email protected] (IE 6.0; WINNT) ICQuery](0) bind2(001fc4e4)='2009-06-08'; changed (was '') updated key used
    PSQRYSRV.10159 [06/09/09 06:06:30 [email protected] (IE 6.0; WINNT) ICQuery](0) End level 0[row 0]
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    PSQRYSRV.10159 [06/09/09 06:06:30 [email protected] (IE 6.0; WINNT) ICQuery](0) ==================================================================================

    We have the same issue as yours.
    Did you solve it already?
    If yes, would you mind to share your soloution to us?

  • Data from query to excel

    I'm using SQL to query a database which works fine. Then I want to pass it to excel from within Labview. So intially I just have it reading row by row, column by column to take in data. Well this can take forever with a lot of info from the database. Is there a faster way than just by using for loops to do this?
    I guess if it doesn't work, I'll just go back to doing it in excel.

    But if your strings are not actually representations of numerics, or if you just want to write them to a spreadsheet file without converting to numbers first, you can do it easily by using Array to Spreadsheet String and Write Characters to File (see attached image).
    JohnMessage Edited by Johnner on 03-08-2005 11:48 AM
    2Dstring.png ‏4 KB

  • How to extract a query in EXCEL Form using ABAP?

      is there a way using ABAP to extract the results from a specific BW Query and save them in an EXCEL format file?

    You can do it by using InfoSpoke or RSCRM_BAPI.
    see in the following URL, there one blog  in(https://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/profile/Surendra+Reddy)
    How to transfer the Data from SAP-System to Non-SAP system without additional Cost/License
    Re: Running Quaries automatically and saving them in as a Excel file in Server
    Re: Data transfer to external systems
    Re: Loading from a Custom R/3 Table
    Re: How can I schedule my Bex report to execute in background
    Re: How can I insert the RSCRM_BAPI into Process chain?

  • How to send output of  my query in Excel to  inbox  .

    1. I have created a query
    2. executed the in RSRT Tcode and set the broad casting setting.
    3. execute the broadcasted settings .
    I got that to my inbox also (only hyperlinlk).
    Now my doubt how to get the output in excel format to my inbox directly .
    I checked the braod caste settings.it only show me MHTML,HTML ,Online link to Current Data
    i do not find an excel option there in broad cast settings.
    Can any one help me...or even docu's......

    Goto Transaction :RSRD_ADMIN
    click on "Settings"
    Enter the Technical Name and Descreption of the broadcasting
    in the Basis Object
    type - BQ - query
    technical name - Query Technical name
    Distribution type - MAIL
    Outputformat - XLS
    and click on F8(Execute).
    Next goback and select Schedule and enter the scheduling parameters and check.

  • SAP Query in Excel

    I actually found what I needed to do this on the forum last week and now I can't duplicate it nor can I find the original forms thread.  I need to get the SAP Query results to a file or to Excel.  The first time I tried this, I executed the query in background, got the spool number then went to SP01.  There I believe it did the following:
    Selected:  Spool Request / Forward / Export as Text
    At this point, I was presented a popup similiar to when downloading with options: unconverted, spreadsheet, etc.  I selected spreadsheet and everyting went fine.  
    Now when I repeat the process, after I do Spool Request / Forward / Export as Text, the file is automatically written to a text file; I do not get the option to put it in a spread sheet. 
    Please, can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?  If I hadn't saved the spreadsheet last week, I would have myself convinced I only dreamed that I got it to work.

    You can try this way
    sp01> display spool>spool request> forward> save to local file--> spread sheet
    otherwise try with
    Once you logged in, press Alt+F12 -> Options -> Local Data. Then just press "Clear History" button
    and try spool> forward> write to text

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