Question about Java SE Source Code

I was wondering, what is Java SE written in? Can't be Java right? Since thats like the chicken and the egg. Can't write in Java unless you have a platform to interpret Java code into byte code, but if the platform is written in Java... what is interpreting the platform? The platform can't interpret itself right?
Little confused about it ^, I didn't post in the thread about open source Java since everyones just fighting on there about how old or new the news is. To tell ya the truth, I heard about it yesterday but didn't expect it so soon. Its nice that its here, its now fully Linux friendly. :D
I might download the code and take a look at it if its written in Java.

I was wondering, what is Java SE written in? Can't be
Java right? Since thats like the chicken and the egg.
Can't write in Java unless you have a platform to
interpret Java code into byte code, but if the
platform is written in Java... what is interpreting
the platform? The platform can't interpret itself
So you write the 0.0.1 compiler and runtime in something else.
Using that you create and compile a Java version that you call 0.0.2.
You now have a compiler written in Java that can compile Java.
The runtime is a bit more complex as it needs some platform specific bootstrapping code, but most of that can be written in Java as well.
And that's no theory, it's what actually happens (and not just with Java).
Not everything is Java, but a good chunk certainly is (or can be).

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    1- .netrc file is in $HOME directory but i can't
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    Hi, Steve ...has to be frustrating! But do not despair.
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    Thank you
    import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat;
    import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream;
    import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem;
    import javax.sound.sampled.DataLine;
    import javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException;
    import javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine;
    public class SimpleAudioPlayer
         private static final int     EXTERNAL_BUFFER_SIZE = 128000;
         public static void main(String[] args)
                We check that there is exactely one command-line
                If not, we display the usage message and exit.
              if (args.length != 1)
                Now, that we're shure there is an argument, we
                take it as the filename of the soundfile
                we want to play.
              String     strFilename = args[0];
              File     soundFile = new File(strFilename);
                We have to read in the sound file.
              AudioInputStream     audioInputStream = null;
                   audioInputStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(soundFile);
              catch (Exception e)
                     In case of an exception, we dump the exception
                     including the stack trace to the console output.
                     Then, we exit the program.
                From the AudioInputStream, i.e. from the sound file,
                we fetch information about the format of the
                audio data.
                These information include the sampling frequency,
                the number of
                channels and the size of the samples.
                These information
                are needed to ask Java Sound for a suitable output line
                for this audio file.
              AudioFormat     audioFormat = audioInputStream.getFormat();
                Asking for a line is a rather tricky thing.
                We have to construct an Info object that specifies
                the desired properties for the line.
                First, we have to say which kind of line we want. The
                possibilities are: SourceDataLine (for playback), Clip
                (for repeated playback)     and TargetDataLine (for
                Here, we want to do normal playback, so we ask for
                a SourceDataLine.
                Then, we have to pass an AudioFormat object, so that
                the Line knows which format the data passed to it
                will have.
                Furthermore, we can give Java Sound a hint about how
                big the internal buffer for the line should be. This
                isn't used here, signaling that we
                don't care about the exact size. Java Sound will use
                some default value for the buffer size.
              SourceDataLine     line = null;
              DataLine.Info     info = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class,
                   line = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info);
                     The line is there, but it is not yet ready to
                     receive audio data. We have to open the line.
              catch (LineUnavailableException e)
              catch (Exception e)
                Still not enough. The line now can receive data,
                but will not pass them on to the audio output device
                (which means to your sound card). This has to be
                Ok, finally the line is prepared. Now comes the real
                job: we have to write data to the line. We do this
                in a loop. First, we read data from the
                AudioInputStream to a buffer. Then, we write from
                this buffer to the Line. This is done until the end
                of the file is reached, which is detected by a
                return value of -1 from the read method of the
              int     nBytesRead = 0;
              byte[]     abData = new byte[EXTERNAL_BUFFER_SIZE];
              while (nBytesRead != -1)
                        nBytesRead =, 0, abData.length);
                   catch (IOException e)
                   if (nBytesRead >= 0)
                        int     nBytesWritten = line.write(abData, 0, nBytesRead);
                Wait until all data are played.
                This is only necessary because of the bug noted below.
                (If we do not wait, we would interrupt the playback by
                prematurely closing the line and exiting the VM.)
                Thanks to Margie Fitch for bringing me on the right
                path to this solution.
                All data are played. We can close the shop.
                There is a bug in the jdk1.3/1.4.
                It prevents correct termination of the VM.
                So we have to exit ourselves.
         private static void printUsageAndExit()
              out("SimpleAudioPlayer: usage:");
              out("\tjava SimpleAudioPlayer <soundfile>");
         private static void out(String strMessage)

    I didnot go thru the code you posted but I know that the following workstry {
            // From file
            AudioInputStream stream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(new File("audiofile"));
            // From URL
            stream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(new URL("http://hostname/audiofile"));
            // At present, ALAW and ULAW encodings must be converted
            // to PCM_SIGNED before it can be played
            AudioFormat format = stream.getFormat();
            if (format.getEncoding() != AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED) {
                format = new AudioFormat(
                        true);        // big endian
                stream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(format, stream);
            // Create the clip
            DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(
                Clip.class, stream.getFormat(), ((int)stream.getFrameLength()*format.getFrameSize()));
            Clip clip = (Clip) AudioSystem.getLine(info);
            // This method does not return until the audio file is completely loaded
            // Start playing
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (LineUnavailableException e) {
        } catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException e) {

  • Question about java 5.0 & j2me & wireless toolkit

    I maybe have a dumb question, but to me it's not totally clear. I am currently developing an application (for J2ME and J2SE) which uses RSA encryption. So I found out that before Java 5.0 RSA encryption wasn't supported, but starting from Java 5.0 it is. So my question now is. If I use the RSA encryption from Java 5.0, can I still use it in my cell phone? And which Java version runs in my cell phone?
    It not clear to me, but maybe someone will be so nice to respond...
    Can my/any cellphone run Java 5.0 code? So what if I use the mentioned RSA-cipher... or generics...enumerations... On what does it depend whether I can use it for my cell phone or not?
    Does it just depend on the compiler? the JVM on my phone? or even the wireless toolkit?
    Thank you very much in advance.


  • Question about Java Errors

    I have some questions about some java errors
    1. what kind of errors are contained in Error class?
    2.does this class contain only runtime errors?
    3. if the question number 2 is positive, what about InstantiationError which is a compile error and is a subclass of Error.
    4.When our program is out of memory, which processes are done for an error to be produced. is the error actually from OS or VM?

    I have some questions about some java errors
    1. what kind of errors are contained in Error class?An Error is a subclass of Throwable that indicates serious problems that a reasonable application should not try to catch.
    2.does this class contain only runtime errors?No
    3. if the question number 2 is positive, what about
    InstantiationError which is a compile error and is a
    subclass of Error.
    4.When our program is out of memory, which processes
    are done for an error to be produced. is the error
    actually from OS or VM?Various - both, depending on where the error occurred.

  • Question about Java apps structure

    Hello guys,
    I'm a professional C++ programmer and I would like to start learning Java. I'm reading about Java from here and there and would like to ask you about how a java program is structured compared to C++.
    So in C++, I have main.cpp (or any other file name, doesn't matter), which contains a the main() function, and I have .h and .cpp class files that I instantiate (basically) in my main function to get my program to work.
    In Java, I'm confused and can't really find the "general" rule to how stuff are organised. I noticed that every class has a main function (why?), and there's no global scope. And "somehow", file names must exactly be equal to the class names.
    The question is: how are Java files of classes (and other stuff, if available) are arranged to create a program? What's the standard why? And How can I have many classes together in a single main()?
    Thank you for any efforts :-)
    Edited by: 927494 on 13.04.2012 07:02
    Edited by: 927494 on 13.04.2012 09:10

    Thank you guys for the replies. I still have some more doubts :-)
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    I don't know if I get that right too, we pass only a SINGLE class/file to the compiler, and it automatically resolves ALLLL the included files automatically, unlike C++, where all cpp files have to be passed to the compiler/makefile to create object files, and then the executable is created after linking all those object files with the libraries together. i.e.: Java doesn't really need a makefile because making is really simple with only 1 filename. True?

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    try{ nbc = pool.getNonBlockingConnection(inetAddress, 8090);
    try{ nbc.write("|01|______|02|______|03|______|04|______|05|______|06|______|07|______|08|______|09|______|10|______"); }catch(Exception ee){}
    }catch( f){}
    public boolean onData(INonBlockingConnection nbc) throws IOException,ClosedChannelException,BufferUnderflowException,MaxReadSizeExceededException{
    String x = nbc.readStringByLength(100);
    System.out.println("S >> C = "+x);

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    (1) first one first, Sun contradicts common sense, when it says that i can redistribute my own customized light version of their jre by taking out some files ( there are two ways for me to get a jre: Way one is by downloading one from Sun, the download comes as an *.exe file and I don't see how I can take files out of it, so do you know how?. Way two would be by simply copying the set of files i choose (according to that Readme) from my current jre installation (the one on my \java\jdk\jre directory), does this make sense?, (if you're under windows) doesn't an installed version of a jre need a couple of dlls plus some new registry entries?, this contradicts common sense, if I'm not wrong, that Readme is a nonsense, but since that readme is at each of us jre installation \java\jdk1.x\jre\Readme, it can't be a nonsense, therefore I'm wrong, therefore the answer is either Way 1 or Way 2, HOW? ... or maybe there's a Way 3?
    (2) Say I never read that Readme so I download the jre (as an exe) to bundle it along with my application in a jar ... now I'll give my neighbor either a jar with two exes or two exes jars ... is there a way to make a jar so that two files get executed? ... if the answer is No and I have competition from a second neighbor, then I believe I'm asking my first neighbor to choose my application based on our friendship, that's not reasonable if we are doing business, so Java loses.
    (3) Say that my application is a single executable file like this,
    class X{
    public static void main(String[]$$$){
    System.out.println("Console, where are you?");
    At this point, say that my neighbor accepted the two executables, he executed the jre.exe and has jre6 in his system, now he double clicks on my X.jar ... it's a console application and jar files are not associated with the java.exe launcher since java 5, but with javaw which doesn't open any console ... how do i make it so a console opens and prints "Console, where are you?" ... do I ask my neighbor-customer to add a couple of lines to his path and open his console and (please) enter java -jar jarfile.jar? ... isn't it too much? ... i hope i'm wrong cause this is kind of discouraging
    (4) I've read that by installing a more recent version of a jre on a system that has an older jre (there to help other applications work), I might be causing a problem for the other applications to run ... I guess that's the reason why that Readme kind of encourage to redistribute a "private" version of a jre (one that doesn't come with a java.exe launcher ... any feedback on this?
    (5) I'm reading a lot of hype about Java Web Start ... it looks better than the traditional jar/jre deployment ... but setting up a MIME type to *.jnlp, it doesn't come with some free hosting I've checked ... somebody can recommend a free hosting service that allows to set a *.jnlp MIME? (I'll appreciate a suggestion here, cause I would like to test Web Start)... and, anyhow, how you people compare it with the paradigm of the single executable file?.
    Thanks. Your feedback is highly appreciated.

    jorgelbanda wrote:
    ..(5) I'm reading a lot of hype about Java Web Start ... It's gratifying to think that someone who wants to deploy apps., has the common sense to search first! You would not guess how I often I hear "I wanna' make an EXE" shortly followed by "What's webstart?". looks better than the traditional jar/jre deployment ... but setting up a MIME type to .jnlp, it doesn't come with some free hosting I've checked ... OK. You cannot define new mime types, but perhaps the site already has it defined. An easy way to check is to upload 'any old file' that ends in .jnlp and use the [mime type checker|] to see what content type it is served as.
    ..somebody can recommend a free hosting service that allows to set a .jnlp MIME? (I'll appreciate a suggestion here, cause I would like to test Web Start)... I'm pretty sure the Google based sites offer it.
    Note that I edited the asterisks out of your post, to avoid the forum software parsing half the reply as bold.

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