Question about user creation.

So I've created using the Wiki article here.
I've created a user and gave it a password and added to the wheel, and it works fine. I can login and it starts X and everything, however there is no file structure within the home/username directory. I always see on Arch Wiki and other ones about editing X rc files and what not, and they're referring to ~/.xinitrc or something similar.
However my X files are located in the root place still. Is this something I should be taking into consideration and changing? I don't want to get further down the road and then have something be setup wrong. As of right now the only folders in my user folder are Desktop and Downloads, and I created those. I'm just wondering if there is something I'm supposed to do to transfer my X server and Window Manager stuff from the root positions to the user level. If running these from a root point is an okay thing to do I'm fine with that, I'm just under the impression I'm not supposed to do that.

jasonwryan wrote:Don't run X as root. Follow the xinitrc wiki article and move all the files you need to run X as your user to their ~.
Alright. Thanks for the link, should I follow that as a general rule of thumb(Although I can't see myself really installing anything else as root in the future)? Right now my Display Manager and Window Manager as both installed under root as well, and a couple other things I believe.

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    Hi Marco,
    If the date format is fixed as you have mentioned,please use this:
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    Shekar.J wrote:
    > Agr_users for the user ID and role assignments
    > USR02 to check the validity of the User ID
    > and USER_ADDR for the first name and last name
    > You can create a Table join of the above 3 tables to retrieve the data you require
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    *==================start date of the quarter===============
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                VA_APPLE_YEAR      = l_var_year
                VA_APPLE_QUARTER_S = l_var_quarter_s.
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    THanks your replies!
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    useradd --help
    -g, --gid GROUP name or ID of the primary group of the new account
    -N, --no-user-group do not create a group with the same name as the user
    You may set these options.
    useradd -m -g users -G audio,lp,optical,storage,video,wheel,power -N -s /bin/bash thomas

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    Hi Kevin,
    Cube has Secondary index's. The index's that we find in the Manage of the Cube are the Secondary Index's. Please check the following link for more information.
    Also, to know about Unique indexes, use the following link
    "The indexes displayed are the secondary indexes of the F and E fact tables for the InfoCube. The primary indexes and those defined by the user are not displayed. " (SAP help).
    This should answer your questions.

  • Questions about PO creation / update / cancel interfaces

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    An E-Business Suite customer wants to use the 11i PO creation / update / cancel interfaces in order to manage Purchase Orders created from a 3rd party system.
    I've been through the 'Oracle Purchasing Open Interfaces' guide (115mfgapi.pdf), but it's still unclear to me whether:
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    Kind regards - Hugues

    1. Answer is YES. You can add a line to an existing standard purchase order by choosing the UPDATE. This can be done through Purchase Documents Open Interface.
    I can not give an example. It's quite long to write it. But You should use Open interface user guide to find nessesary columns. Just insert new row with status UPDATE and try to import
    2. Think You can NOT.
    3. Answer is YES. You can do it. Use "Cancel PO API". Function name is PO_Document_Control_PUB.control_document ().
    For technical details read Open interface UG.
    You must create exception to be avoid problems if some lines can not be canceled.
    4. Answer is YES. You can do it if there's still expected quantity to recive.
    boldJust from UG:*bold* :)
    bold1. Purchase Order Change APIs. bold
    boldThe APIs enable you to do the following*bold*:
    - Record Acceptance/Rejection in Oracle Purchasing
    - Update quantity, price, and promise date on standard purchase orders or releases in Oracle Purchasing
    boldSo only qty, promissed date, price*bold*
    boldRead next*bold*:
    Line Level Validation and Update: This logic occurs when LINE_NUM is not null
    and SHIPMENT_NUM is null.
    1. No update occurs if the line status is FINALLY CLOSED or CANCELLED.
    2. The new quantity or price value must be positive.
    3. If updating quantity, the new quantity must be greater than or equal to the
    greater of total quantity_received of all shipments and total quantity_billed
    of all shipments for this line. After the update takes place, the new quantity
    will be prorated at the shipment level and for each shipment the quantity is
    prorated at the distribution level if applicable.
    4. If updating price, no update occurs if a receipt has been created against one
    of the line’s shipments and it's been accrued upon receipt. No update
    occurs if an invoice has been created against one of the line’s shipments.
    After a price update takes place, price changes are rolled down to the
    shipment level for standard POs. No price update occurs for a release if the
    Price Override flag on the blanket purchase agreement Line is No.
    boldYou can update qty if still there's a qty to receive (Expected) and if PO still is not canceled*bold*
    Usage Example
    set serveroutput on;
    -- After the API completes, do not forget to commit if the result is 1
    -- and rollback if the result is 0.
    l_result NUMBER;
    l_api_errors PO_API_ERRORS_REC_TYPE;
    -- This needs to be changed according to your environment setup.
    FND_GLOBAL.apps_initialize ( user_id => 1318, resp_id => 50578, resp_appl_id => 201 );
    -- Record an acceptance of Y for PO 1261.
    l_result := PO_CHANGE_API1_S.record_acceptance(
    x_po_number => 1261,
    x_release_number => null,
    x_revision_number => 0,
    x_action => 'NEW',
    x_action_date => null,
    x_employee_id => 588,
    x_accepted_flag => 'Y',
    x_acceptance_lookup_code => 'On Schedule',
    x_note => 'All valid',
    x_interface_type => 'APITEST',
    x_transaction_id => null,
    version => '1.0');
    IF (l_result <> 1) THEN
    -- Handle the errors in the PO_INTERFACE_ERRORS table.
    END IF;
    -- Change the quantity to 5 on line 1, shipment 1 of PO 1263.
    l_result := PO_CHANGE_API1_S.update_po (
    x_po_number => 1263,
    x_release_number => 1,
    x_revision_number => 1,
    x_line_number => 1,
    x_shipment_number => 1,
    new_quantity => 5,
    new_price => NULL,
    new_promised_date => NULL,
    launch_approvals_flag =>'Y',
    update_source => NULL,
    version => '1.0',
    x_override_date => NULL,
    x_api_errors => l_api_errors,
    p_buyer_name => null
    IF (l_result <> 1) THEN
    -- Display the errors
    FOR i IN 1..l_api_errors.message_text.COUNT LOOP
    dbms_output.put_line ( l_api_errors.message_text(i) );
    END IF;

  • Question about user accounts

    Setting up new mini with 10.6 installed. This is my second Mac, current system is eMac with 10.3. All files/media I want to save are backed up on ext. HD.
    This time I want to set up an Administrator Acct. and another User Acct. (without Admin. access) for routine use. Did not know enough to do that the first time.
    But, I want access to all the old files without ownership/privileges problems.
    As I understand it, I can make the user acct. names the same as the names on my acct. on the old system and there should not be any problem? I have a reason for wanting to not do this, but certainly can and probably will, if that will work.
    To help me understand all this, is the "short name" the real account name/identifier? In other words, can I make the user name anything I want as long as the "short name" is the same?

    The info you have given has thrown me for a loop. As I stated in my reply to Scott I am really having trouble understanding this whole account/file ownership issue, although I thought I had it figured out and was seeking verification.
    Regarding your info about copying files from an external drive, how/why does "ignore ownership on this drive" work?
    "ignore ownership" makes all files on the external read+write by any user so there are no issues with permissions.
    Did a lot of research on several Mac help sites before posting here. A common problem seems to be someone wanting/needing to change account name(s) on a system they will continue to use. Common advice given is:
    Create new account.
    Copy/transfer files to new account.
    Remove/delete old account.
    How/why does that work without file ownership/permissions being a problem?
    most files have read permissions by everybody when created so copying them from one account to another is not a problem. please read up on the basic permissions structure
    I understand that the real UID is a numeric code. How does the system arrive at that code?
    the very first user account created on any mac has UID 501 by default. the next one 502 and so on.
    It seems to me if I use the same, exact, account name(s), file ownership would not be an issue.
    that's completely wrong. same account name doesn't help in any way at all. same user ID is what's checked.
    for example when you create a file on an external drive and then move that drive to another computer if you access it from an account with the same user ID by a different user name it will show you as the owner.

  • A question about Job Creation

    Hi Expert,
    By JOB_OPEN, JOB_SUBMIT, JOB_CLOSE, we can schedule a job.
    When the first two FMs is executed, the job is still in 'scheduled' status. Only when the FM JOB_CLOSE is executed, the job will be in 'released' status.
    In my applicaiton, I need to check the job status. If the job is in 'scheduled' status, I think that the job creation is not successsful; Otherwise, the job creation is successful.
    But the issue is, if job is in 'scheduled' status, how can I know whether all three FMs is executed in the job creation or only JOB_OPEN and JOB_SUBMIT are executed while JOB_CLOSE still not starts?
    In the later case, the applicaiton should wait some time and check the job later.
    Thanks for your support
    Best Regards, Johnney.

    Suppose there two APIs.
    In API1, there are four steps:
    1. call FM JOB_OPEN
    2. call FM JOB_SUBMIT
    3. Save the Jobname and Jobcount in the DB
    4. CAll JOB_CLOSE
    in  API2, there are two steps:
    1. get the Jobname and Jobcount from the DB
    2. Call FM BP_JOBLIST_STATUS_GET to get the job status.
    API1 and API2 are executed asynchronically. Consider the following case:
    After STEP3 is executed(STEP4 has not yet been started), the API2 starts to run. Now the job status that API2 get is 'Scheduled'.
    This is not correct, because the job creation is still not finished. The API2 should wait some time and check later.
    So my question, is how API2 know that the job creation is not finished.
    Thanks & Best Regards, Johnney.

  • Question about users

    after installing oracle database ii saw that there are numerous default users (for example: DMSYS, HR, IX, CTXSYS, WMSYS, XDB, and so on..). if i don't need these users can i delete them? or what's the sense having those users? what they are for? i wanna have just those users i need, so for example i have an organization and i created a user for each employee. i don't need all other users
    Please clarify me..

    Every username ending in SYS owns the repository for an Oracle provided facility.
    DMSYS is for datamining, CTXSYS is for Oracle Text, WMSYS is for Workspace Manager, etc.
    Apart from the fact you can not 'delete users', there is a DROP USER ... CASCADE statement,
    these facilities have their own de-installation procedure, which you can run by starting up dbca and choose for 'Edit Database' and disable the appropiate question.
    The nature of your question betrays you seem to plan to abuse this forum as a free documentation abstraction service.
    Could you please refer to first, this will resolve your questions quicker, and you will actually learn something.
    Sybrand Bakker
    Senior Oracle DBA
    Experts: those who did read documentation.

  • Question about user accounts in multi domain scom design

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    the design is scom 2007 r2.
    any ideas?

    is that enough? I am worriyng about this account not to have enough access on SQL or SDK and ...
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    can you please clarify this.
    thanks for your help.

  • Question about users in thr realm file.

    I started reading and practicing how to implement security issues on web applications. I understand that you can use either a the declarative approach or a programmatic approach using annotations. From what I understand all the users,groups and principals are managed by the application server and the roles are managed by the web.xml and sun-web.xml and can be used in the annotations.
    My question is as follows: If I am building a web site that requires a login process, it means that I have to save the information of the web site's users in a database or in some other means of data source. Do I have to declare all my web site users in the realm file also, Is there a way to map the users from the database to the users in the realm file?

    Hi ,
    Has the IBR server been configured correctly to process contents that are to be converted to PDF ?
    If not , then please go through the following documentation :
    This will list all the relevant steps / configurations which should be done to get conversions working .

  • Question about User Accounts and bugs

    I'm a developer and just started this iPhone app project so I'm not really experienced with all this cocoa/Mac/iPhone world yet.
    The thing is: I'm having this crash on the app running on the simulator, but this ONLY happens with my main user account. Doesn't happen on the device, on another account on the same computer or my coworkers computers.
    I haven't found what's causing this, so I'm thinking about deleting my account and recreating it.
    Is deleting an user account like formatting it?
    Is there anything that I could try before deleting it? Like restoring permissions or the OS with the dvd... These are things that I read about Mac Support.
    Any ideas?

    roam wrote:
    Is deleting an user account like formatting it?
    No, deleting it removes it. Like, put in the trash and then empty it.
    Importantly you should create a new user account with Admin privileges and from that new account delete the older one. Doing it this way still leaves you with Admin control of your computer.
    Before you delete an account... as to your particular problem, there are particular forums concerned with application development. Click on the link below for more specialized forums regarding iPhone app development and your coding error.
    Yeah, I created another account with Admin privileges, I'm just reluctant to the idea of having to config everything again in the new account. I tried Stack Overflow and iPhoneDevSDK, will try the Apple's forum now.
    Thanks mate.

  • Repaired MacBook Pro - Question about User Account being copied

    On Wednesday, my MBP was ready to be picked up at the Apple Store. They told me it was basically everything inside that caused my display to not function and it would have cost me over 1700 dollars without AppleCare, so that made me happy. They also said they heard weird noises coming from my hard drive so they gave me a new one as well. Some applications needed to be installed but I was told that all of my documents are on this machine. They copied over my User folder. I didn't really care that I lost my Windows partition but it would have been nice to know before they just deleted it..
    Anyway, I got home and turned on my machine. It said I only had about 20 gigs left of storage. Wait a minute... This had to be wrong because thats the space I had on my previous computer WITH the Windows partition. After a little researching, I saw that in my Users folder there was another folder called "DELETED USERS." When I opened it, I saw my documents and music files. I thought it was where they put my old data from my other drive but it wasn't. There was another folder in "Users" with my name and data. It seems like they copied it twice or something. I was just wondering if it's okay to delete this data.

    yes, it's quite ok to delete that folder. First make sure that everything was indeed copied to your main user folder and if it is, delete "Deleted Users".

  • Question about 'user process' in the context of Oracle

    The following is an except from oracle documentation.
    Overview of User Processes
    When a user runs an application program (such as a Pro*C program) or an Oracle tool (such as
    Enterprise Manager or SQL*Plus), Oracle creates a user process to run the user's application.
    As my understand, an user process is a piece of software that can connect to an oracle server. You (the user) can start a piece of this kind of software, then connect to oracle. If so, why Oracle creates a user process to run the user's application?
    Edited by: Yang Shuai on Jul 6, 2011 10:20 AM

    Hi. I would suggest reading the 11.2 Concepts manual: it is much improved:
    This text is trying to say that the application starts a client process that can connect to the database. The database manages server processes and background processes; the application runs the client process.

Maybe you are looking for