Quick PHP question

Unfortunatly I don't know very much about .php and I was
hoping I could ask a very simple question.
Does your html page, that has a bit of referanced php, have
to be uploaded to your server to work? I'm working on a page and I
can't see the image the php is suppose to call up and I'm wondering
if its because it has to be uploaded to a host server before it
will display? I don't have a server at the moment to test it on and
would like to know if thats the problem or not.

> Does your html page, that has a bit of referanced php,
have to be uploaded
> to
> your server to work?
PHP must be 'served' to work. That can be done by uploading
it to a PHP
capable server, or by previewing it locally if you have PHP
and a compatible
webserver installed in your local environment. Normally,
people would use
Apache, although I believe you can configure your local IIS
to serve PHP as
well. You can find explicit instructions for how to install
these locally
in many places on the web - but try Google with "WAMP" or
Murray --- ICQ 71997575
Adobe Community Expert
(If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
- DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
Tutorials & Resources
"c-fqgy" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:ghmj15$7u6$[email protected]..
> Hello,
> Unfortunatly I don't know very much about .php and I was
hoping I could
> ask a
> very simple question.
> Does your html page, that has a bit of referanced php,
have to be uploaded
> to
> your server to work? I'm working on a page and I can't
see the image the
> php is
> suppose to call up and I'm wondering if its because it
has to be uploaded
> to a
> host server before it will display? I don't have a
server at the moment to
> test
> it on and would like to know if thats the problem or
> Thanks!

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  • Quick script question

    Hi all,
    Could anyone advise me if i can add anything within - header('Location: http://www.mysite.co.uk/thankyou.html'); in the script below so as the page
    re- directs back to the main index page after a few seconds ?
    Thankyou for any help.
    $to = '[email protected]';
    $subject = 'Feedback form results';
    // prepare the message body
    $message = '' . $_POST['Name'] . "\n";
    $message .= '' . $_POST['E-mail'] . "\n";
    $message .= '' . $_POST['Phone'] . "\n";
    $message .= '' . $_POST['Message'];
    // send the email
    mail($to, $subject, $message, null, '');
    header('Location: http://www.mysite.co.uk/thankyou.html');

    andy7719 wrote:
    Mr powers gave me that script so im rather confused at this point in time
    I don't think I "gave" you that script. I might have corrected a problem with it, but I certainly didn't write the original script.
    What you're using is far from perfect, but to suggest it would lay you open to MySQL injection attacks is ludicrous. For you to be prone to MySQL injection, you would need to be entering the data into a MySQL database, not sending it by email.
    There is a malicious attack known as email header injection, which is a serious problem with many PHP email processing scripts. However, to be prone to email header injection, you would need to use the fourth argument of mail() to insert form data into the email headers. Since your fourth argument is null, that danger doesn't exist.
    One thing that might be worth doing is checking that the email address doesn't contain a lot of illegal characters, because that's a common feature of header injection attacks. This is how I would tidy up your script:
    $suspect = '/Content-Type:|Bcc:|Cc:/i';
    // send the message only if the E-mail field looks clean
    if (preg_match($suspect, $_POST['E-mail'])) {
      header('Location: http://www.example.com/sorry.html');
    } else {
      $to = '[email protected]';
      $subject = 'Feedback form results';
      // prepare the message body
      $message = 'Name: ' . $_POST['Name'] . "\n";
      $message .= 'E-mail: ' . $_POST['E-mail'] . "\n";
      $message .= 'Phone: ' . $_POST['Phone'] . "\n";
      $message .= 'Message: ' . $_POST['Message'];
      // send the email
      mail($to, $subject, $message);
      header('Location: http://www.example.com/thankyou.html');
    Create a new page called sorry.html, with a message along the lines of "Sorry, there was an error sending your message". Don't put anything about illegal attacks. Just be neutral.
    By the way, when posting questions here, don't use meaningless subject lines, such as "Quick script question". If you're posting here, it's almost certain to be a question about a script. It doesn't matter whether it's quick. Use the subject line to tell people what it's about.

  • Hi all .hope all is well ..A quick trim question

    Hi all
    Hope all is well ......
    I have a quick trim question I want to remove part of a string and I am finding it difficult to achieve what I need
    I set the this.setTitle(); with this
    String TitleName = "Epod Order For:    " + dlg.ShortFileName() +"    " + "Read Only";
    Now I what to use a jbutton to remove the read only part of the string. This is what I have so far
      void EditjButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        String trim = this.getTitle();
          int stn;
          if ((stn = trim.lastIndexOf(' ')) != -2)
            trim = trim.substring(stn);
    Please can some one show me or tell me what I need to do. I am at a lose                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

    there's several solutions:
    // 1 :
    //you do it twice because there's a space between "read" and "only"
    int stn;
    if ((stn = trim.lastIndexOf(' ')) != -1){
        trim = trim.substring(0,stn);
    if ((stn = trim.lastIndexOf(' ')) != -1){
          trim = trim.substring(0,stn);
    //2 :
    //if the string to remove is always "Read Only":
    if ((stn = trim.toUpperCase().lastIndexOf("READ ONLY")) != -1){
       trim = trim.substring(0,stn);
    //3: use StringTokenizer:
    StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(trim," ");
        String result="";
        int count=st.countTokens();
        for(int i=0;i<count-2;i++){
          result+=st.nextToken()+" ";
        trim=result.trim();//remove the last spaceyou may find other solutions too...
    perhaps solution 2 is better, because you can put it in a separate method and remove the string you want to...
    somthing like:
    public String removeEnd(String str, String toRemove){
      int n;
      String result=str;
      if ((n = str.toUpperCase().lastIndexOf(toRemove.toUpperCase())) != -1){
       result= str.substring(0,stn);
      return result;
    }i haven't tried this method , but it may work...

  • Quick Easy Question About N580GTX-M2D15D5 Bios

    Hey guys!!
    I just have a real quick and easy (i suppose) question!
    I had bios version KH0, and MSI live update found KH1, i downloaded and flashed successfully (DOS window said please restart and press any key to exit) so i did, restarted my computer, and MSI live update utlity and gpu-z and MSI afterburner are all reporting the same bios version i had with the KH0, version & date November 09, 2010
    MSI live update is not picking up the update again, so my question is, how do i know if it flashed correctly since the bios date and version remained the same?
    Thanks !

    I had bios version KH0, and MSI live update found KH1, i downloaded and flashed successfully (DOS window said please restart and press any key to exit) so i did, restarted my computer, and MSI live update utlity and gpu-z and MSI afterburner are all reporting the same bios version i had with the KH0, version & date November 09, 2010
    that's suppose to be, this is the version of the both bioses
    & date November 09, 2010
    this is GPU release date, not BIOS date
    MSI live update is not picking up the update again, so my question is, how do i know if it flashed correctly
    Get this: https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=147603.0;attach=7931
    extract it somewhere, then run info1 , and look for the last line
    since the bios date and version remained the same?
    they are not the same, your looking the wrong stuffs

  • Urgent help with quick translation questions

    I am somewhat new to Java. I have a translation to hand in in a few hours (French to English). Argh! I have questions on how I worded some parts of the translation (and also if I understood it right). Could you, great developers, please take a look and see if what I wrote makes sense? I've put *** around the words I wasn't sure about. If it sounds strange or is just plain wrong, please let know. I also separated two terms with a slash, when I was in doubt of which one was the best.
    Many thanks in advance.
    1) Tips- Always ***derive*** the exceptions java.lang.Exception and java.lang.RuntimeException.
    Since these exceptions have an excessively broad meaning, ***the calling layers will not know how to
    distinguish the message sent from the other exceptions that may also be passed to them.***
    2) The use of the finally block does not require a catch block. Therefore, exceptions may be passed back to the
    calling layers, while effectively freeing resources ***attributed*** locally
    3) TIPS- Declare the order for SQL ***statements/elements*** in the constant declaration section (private static final).
    Although this recommendation slightly hinders reading, it can have a significant impact on performance. In fact, since
    the layers of access to data are ***low level access***, their optimization may be readily felt from the user’s
    4) Use “inlining.”
    Inlining is a technique used by the Java compiler. Whenever possible, during compilation, the compiler
    copies the body of a method in place of its call, rather than executing a ***memory jump to the method***.
    In the example below, the "inline" code will run twice as fast as the ***method call***
    5)tips - ***Reset the references to large objects such as arrays to null.***
    Null in Java represents a reference which has not been ***set/established.*** After using a variable with a
    large size, it must be ***reassigned a null value.*** This allows the garbage collector to quickly ***recycle the
    memory allocated*** for the variable
    6) TIPS Limit the indexed access to arrays.
    Access to an array element is costly in terms of performance because it is necessary to invoke a verification
    that ***the index was not exceeded.***
    7) tips- Avoid the use of the “Double-Checked Locking” mechanism.
    This code does not always work in a multi-threaded environment. The run-time behavior ***even depends on
    compilers.*** Thus, use the following ***singleton implementation:***
    8) Presumably, this implementation is less efficient than the previous one, since it seems to perform ***a prior
    initialization (as opposed to an initialization on demand)***. In fact, at runtime, the initialization block of a
    (static) class is called when the keyword MonSingleton appears, whether there is a call to getInstance() or
    not. However, since ***this is a singleton***, any occurrence of the keyword will be immediately followed by a
    call to getInstance(). ***Prior or on demand initializations*** are therefore equivalent.
    If, however, a more complex initialization must take place during the actual call to getInstance, ***a standard
    synchronization mechanism may be implemented, subsequently:***
    9) Use the min and max values defined in the java.lang package classes that encapsulate the
    primitive numeric types.
    To compare an attribute or variable of primitive type integer or real (byte, short, int, long, float or double) to
    ***an extreme value of this type***, use the predefined constants and not the values themselves.

    1) Tips- Always ***derive*** the exceptions java.lang.Exception and java.lang.RuntimeException.***inherit from***
    ***the calling layers will not know how to
    distinguish the message sent from the other exceptions that may also be passed to them.***That's OK.
    while effectively freeing resources ***attributed*** locally***allocated*** locally.
    3) TIPS- Declare the order for SQL ***statements/elements*** in the constant declaration section (private static final).***statements***, but go back to the author. There is no such thing as a 'constant declaration section' in Java.
    Although this recommendation slightly hinders reading, it can have a significant impact on performance. In fact, since
    the layers of access to data are ***low level access***, their optimization may be readily felt from the user’s
    perspective.Again refer to the author. This isn't true. It will make hardly any difference to the performance. It is more important from a style perspective.
    4) Use “inlining.”
    Inlining is a technique used by the Java compiler. Whenever possible, during compilation, the compiler
    copies the body of a method in place of its call, rather than executing a ***memory jump to the method***.
    In the example below, the "inline" code will run twice as fast as the ***method call***Refer to the author. This entire paragraph is completely untrue. There is no such thing as 'inlining' in Java, or rather there is no way to obey the instruction given to 'use it'. The compiler will or won't inline of its own accord, nothing you can do about it.
    5)tips - ***Reset the references to large objects such as arrays to null.***Correct, but refer to the author. This is generally considered bad practice, not good.
    Null in Java represents a reference which has not been ***set/established.******Initialized***
    After using a variable with a
    large size, it must be ***reassigned a null value.*** This allows the garbage collector to quickly ***recycle the
    memory allocated*** for the variableAgain refer author. Correct scoping of variables is a much better solution than this.
    ***the index was not exceeded.******the index was not out of range***
    The run-time behavior ***even depends on compilers.***Probably a correct translation but the statement is incorrect. Refer to the author. It does not depend on the compiler. It depends on the version of the JVM specification that is being adhered to by the implementation.
    Thus, use the following ***singleton implementation:***Correct.
    it seems to perform ***a prior initialization (as opposed to an initialization on demand)***.I would change 'prior' to 'automatic pre-'.
    ***this is a singleton***That's OK.
    ***Prior or on demand initializations***Change 'prior' to 'automatic'.
    ***a standard
    synchronization mechanism may be implemented, subsequently:***I think this is nonsense. I would need to see the entire paragraph.
    ***an extreme value of this type******this type's minimum or maximum values***
    I would say your author is more in need of a technical reviewer than a translator at this stage. There are far too serious technical errors in this short sample for comfort. The text isn't publishable as is.

  • PHP question related to preg_match_all since PHP 5.4 [SOLVED]

    Please let me know if a PHP syntax related question is not appropiate here. I am debugging an abandoned PHP 5.2.3 script from: http://outbreakmonkey.org/mythtv/csr0.3.php
    This is the part of the code with the problem. I believe preg_match_all has an issue with PHP 5.6.
    #Markssql will hold the lines of SQL to insert in to the DB.
    #Go through each line
    foreach ($cutlist as $aline) {
    #And match "One or more digit followed by one or more space/tab folowed by one or more digits again"
    #ie. Look for two columns of numbers - get those numbers.
    #if there numbers make sense, create some SQL to insert the record in to the database
    if(!empty($result[1])) {
    if (($result[1][0]>0)&&($result[2][0])>1) {
    with a sample $cutlist being:
    27475 32467
    52725 58360
    86124 89494
    96382 99042
    The script works with PHP 5.6 but returns an output of 0 for these marks. PHP says the following in the change log:
    Version Description
    5.4.0 The matches parameter became optional.
    5.3.6 Returns FALSE if offset is higher than subject length.
    5.2.2 Named subpatterns now accept the syntax (?<name>) and (?'name') as well as (?P<name>). Previous versions accepted only (?P<name>).
    Does anyone good with PHP know how the syntax of preg_match_all could be changed to work with 5.6? Or maybe another function to do the same?
    Last edited by wdirksen (2014-10-02 19:33:55)

    Thanks mpan for your reply.
    This is not a matter of strict debugging per se. This PHP script has worked for many in the past. Also the provided cutlist is a complete one and not a snippit. There is more online about preg_match_all and PHP regressions so I was hoping someone whould know an easy way out here. I don't think it has to do with foreach. I will try to track this down and learn from it, starting with trying an older PHP version with current ARCH and hoping it will not fyrk up other PHP stuff like mythweb.
    Yeah. You're right about the Programming and Scripting. I didn't scroll down far enough I guess.

  • Database setup with MySQL and PHP question

    Hello all,
    I recently had a problem getting a report to work for a site I was updating.  This site is written in PHP with a MySQL database.  The application is to track customer calls to auto repair stores.  The database has a lot of foreign keys because they wanted to update information in only one spot and have multiple records be updated all at once.  So, I've got all the information from individual calls saved in the call_log table, and have foreign keys to reference information in other tables (for example this table lists what store received the call referencing the store table).  If a store changes locations, they want to have reports automatically update with the new address, connection to conversation number, etc.
    In one of the responses to my question on how to get this report to work, I was told that this could be done without using foreign keys (by Normalizing the database using mapping tables).  I am still a newbie to MySQL, and after looking though a lot of manuals, tutorials, and forum posts, I am more confused now than ever.
    I got the report to work using the foreign keys, but I would like to learn what I should have done with the database (and how to get the information displayed).
    So for example one report would be displaying the following:
               Store                                                      Reason for the Customer Call
                                               breaks             oil change            shocks              tune up         total calls
    5636 - Bloomington                  2                       4                        0                       2                   8
    8875 - Duluth                           1                       6                       4                        8                  19
    with links on the store name to pull up the information on that specific store.  How would I change the database (listed below) to do this without foreign keys?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    call_log             (table that contains the following:)
    camp_type         (foreign key to the campaign table so it displays the campaign_id)
    reason               (foreign key to the call_reason table so it displays the reason_id)
    location              (foreign key to the store table so it displays the store_id)
    trainig_issue      (foreign key to the training_points table so it displays the training_key_id)
    example            (foreign key to the example_type table so it displays the example_id)
    campaign          (table that contains the following:)
    call_reason       (table that contains the following:)
    store               (table that contains the following:)
    training_points  (table that contains the following:)
    example_type  (table that contains the following:)
    Thank you very much.

    Frankly, that is way to much of a question to be answered in detail on a forum... There's a lot involved and a lot of general database understanding required. I would highly recommend:
    Database Design for Mere Mortals:                       A Hands-On Guide to Relational Database Design, Second                       Edition -- by Michael                     J. Hernandez
    This is an invaluable book to get you going in the right direction and on a firm foundation.
    Lawrence   *Adobe Community Expert*
    Complete Shopping Cart Application for
    Dreamweaver, available in ASP, PHP and CF

  • Quick NativeWindow questions.

    Two Quick Questions about native window actions (I am using AIR with HTML and JS):
    1. How do you "refer" to minimize button ? - So, when a user clicks minimize, it should do an action defined in javascript.
    2. How to define click event for System tray icon ? - So I can display something when my system tray icon is double-clicked.

    1. Add an event listener to the window.nativeWindow object, listening for the NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent.DISPLAY_STATE_CHANGING  or DISPLAY_STATE_CHANGE events.
    2. Add an event listener to your SystemTrayIcon object. You can listen for click, mouseUp or mouseDown events, but doubleClick events are not dispatched by this object.

  • Quick REGEXP_LIKE Question

    Hi everyone,
    Had a very quick question: so I need to retrieve all records that have values in this format "type:123;target_id:456". Note that the numeric value can be 1-6 digits long for either type or target_id.
    Can someone please help me with the regexp_like-ing this?
    Thank you,
    Edited by: vi2167 on May 27, 2009 2:06 PM
    Edited by: vi2167 on May 27, 2009 2:07 PM

    WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(val,'type:\d{1,6};target_id:\d{1,6}')SY.

  • Simple php question

    I want to be able to create an if/else statement for the
    formatting of a date cell in a dynamic result table.
    This cell will turn red if the date returned is less than a
    specified number of days older than todays date.
    The trouble is, I don't know how to subtract days from a date
    $OldDateThreshold = (date("Y-m-d")-365); Where I am trying to
    set a year old threshold. - this just returns a value of 1642?
    I do hate this PHP, MySQL date format!

    My apologies for being unclear.
    I have a Contact Database, within which is a field "Last
    Checked". When record details are checked by a user, this field is
    updated to today's date.
    When doing mailmerges, this field is crucial as it quickly
    highlights those records which are likely to be out of date.
    I have a page with a dynamic table from a recordset which
    contains all contacts to be included in a mailshot/mailmerge. In
    the dynamic table is the field "last checked".
    What I want to be able to do is have a form field (highlight
    in red all those records last checked before...[ ]) with a
    javascript function to call up a calendarised type date/time
    picker. This javascript will then input the value selected (in
    whatever format) into the form field.
    When submitted, all records that have not been updated since
    the threshold date will be highlighted using the else/if formatting
    I understand the form variable now and have just put the
    $_POST['datethreshold'] directly into the else/if code i.e.
    <?php if ($row_mergelookup['LASTCHECK']
    <$_POST['datethreshold']) { ?>.......else.....etc.
    This does seem to partially work but there must still be an
    issue with the date formatting.
    The javascript is currently using YYYYMMDD as follows:
    And it looks (when echo'd) visually like "yyyy/mm/dd"
    This format does work for the majority of other recordsets in
    other pages where a date variable is required (such as last edited
    For whatever reason, if I enter a date such as 2007/02/01, it
    highlights ALL records, even after that date.
    If I enter 2006/02/01, it will highlight all records not
    updated <2007.
    It does not seem to be taking into account the MMDD.
    Does this make more sense?

  • I Have a DW CS4 php question???

    I completed this tutorial.  > http://www.adobe.com/devnet/dreamweaver/articles/first_dynamic_site_pt3.html
    GREAT Tut if you have not tried it. A big thank you to Ms. Dumitrascu.
    My question is I put together this site while doing the tutorial. > http://www.bieberettes.com for a child and I would like to add a ban ip button/link to the admin area. If you do the tutorial you will find that on the admin page it adds a "delete this entry" and a "change status" to each post how hard would it be to add a "ban" based on the post? I'm not very savy in php so go easy on me.
    Thank you

    Hey Ned, thanks for your response. Here is a screen shot.
    I hope you can see this, I don't think that I could have gotten it bigger. If you need to, I can send this directly to your emial, if it did'nt already go there.

  • Okay quick easy question for all who have successfully uploaded videos

    hi, this is my first post in the Apple forums!
    my quick question:
    I have Quicktime Pro, and am currently exporting a video to the iPod
    but it is taking an unusually long time...
    is this normal (and by long I mean I'm @ 16% and it has been 5 minutes)
    do I just need to be more patient?

    don't say that...
    I successfully uploaded videos to my iPod I just was not doing it right
    my question has been answered already so STOP BRINGING IT UP AGAIN
    also, look... many people just got their iPods today and are kinda anxious to see the video capibilities work on them, so If you do not have anything constructive to say (by calling us n00bs), then I suggest you don't say anything at all
    iPod video, Dell modded Windows XP Windows XP > your macs

  • TDMS - Quick winning Question....

    We are reviewing TDMS
    We have  one quick question ....
    After 4 years of Journey & age of landscpae, becuase of  SPDD & SPAU was not handled incidentally during "different" patch upgrades. and we assume there is slight inconsistency of " Repository objects"  " Dictionary Objects"...
    We want to acheive  In short
    We want to build a Development System which should be in synch of  " Repository objects"  " Dictionary Objects"... with out any master & application data with TDMS ?
    Can we acheive this or not ...
    TDMS provides all other luxuries, but we could get a straight confirmation as requirement as above.
    Pl Help

    Hi Sriniwas
    If you are asking this question to make a buying decision about TDMS then i would suggest that you get in touch with your SAP customer engagement manager (account manager) and ask him to present you all the capabilities and functionalities of TDMS.
    Current version of TDMS offer multiple options and functionalities which may be useful for you.
    Now regarding the query that you have asked -
    If I understood you correctly you are looking for a functionality using which you want to create a development system which is a copy of your production system such that only repository gets copied over from production to the development system and all the client dependent application data is filtered. In the end you will have your development system which is in perfect sync as far as repository and DDIC is concerned.
    The above can certainly be achieved using the TDMS Shell process within TDMS. TDMS Shell is also used as a process to prepare your receiver system for TDMS data transfer.
    I hope this info helps

  • Quick naming question

    Wasnt sure if its a naming issue or not but Ive never ran into the problem and Im not sure how to describe it....so here goes.
    Question: Is there a way to insert a string into the name of a component name and have java see it as the actual component name. (see that question still sounds incorrect)
    What I mean is......
    you have 10 buttons named oneB, twoB, threeB,......tenB
    I need to either change a whole lot of code and make what I want to be simple, very large and complex or, find a way to....
    (someObject.getString( ) ) + B.setLocation(whereverNotImportant);
    It looks really odd to me. If theres a way to do it, it just saved me a lot of annoyance.....if not well, Im gonna need more energy drinks.

    Paul5000 wrote:
    Fair enough. I kept adding features onto the code and it grew into needing something different. Was just hoping there was a quick workaround so I didnt have to go back and recode half of it.When you've got Franken-code, the answer is to recode it.

  • Quick Notation Question - Data Rates/Frame Rates/Interlacing

    Finally upgraded to a decent prosumer camera and I'm trying to decipher what the manual is telling me about the many different formats it shoots and and the associated options.  I keep seeing things like "There are two basic shooting modes: 720p and 1080i/p.", which I'm finding confusing.  In my understanding, the "p" in 720p means progressive video and the "i" in 1080i means interlaced.  So what do I make of 1080i/p?
    On top of this, my camera shoots in "native" mode, which drops duplicate frames used in "over 60" formats.  This will give me variations in the notation like:
    720p Native 60 fps
    Can someone give me a quick primer about frame rate vs data rate and explain how to read these notations?  I'd appreciate it quite a bit.

    There are so many cameras, capable of so many different formats that providing a manufacturer and model could be helpful in this discussion.
    Jim's answer is absolutely correct but I'm going to re-state for clarification.
    The i/p designation means you can chose to record as interlaced or progressive for a given resolution.
    It sounds like your camera is designed to "capture" images at 60 frames per second, selecting "native" mode means extra frames are deleted and only the desired frames, based on frame rate setting, are recorded to memory. The advantage of "native" @ 24fps is you save space on your memory card. The advantage of NOT using "native" mode is that all 60 frames per second are recorded, but the file metedata tells playback software to only show the frames needed for the specified frame rate (i.e. 24). Since all 60 frames per second are recorded, you use more memory but you also have the option of retrieving all the those frames, if you so desire, at a later time (i.e. for smoother slo-mo).
    To be honest I don't know what your spec of 1080i/24p means. If that is truly an option then I would guess it means it will record a 24p image but the metedata would indicate the file should playback at 30fps interlaced by adding the proper 3:2 pulldown. This would give you that "film" look in a broadcast compatible format.
    For the most part, you don't want use use any interlaced settings. Very few display devices still in use can properly display interlaced images. Interlacing is only required in some broadcast specifications.
    To answer the second part of your question;
    Frame rates are an indication of how many times the moving image is captured over a given period (per second). Higher frame rates means smoother, more "real life" motion. Data rates can generally be considered an indication of image or audio quality. Higher levels of compression result in lower data rates and (generally) lower quality. If squeezing more hours of footage on fewer memory cards is more important than getting the best image quality, choose a lower data rate. Higher frame rates (more images per second) inherently require a higher data rate to retain the same quality as fewer frames at a lower data rate.

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