Quick question - compare statement problem

Hi all,
I am new. I tried to implement - the input should be >= 1.0 and <=4.3.
The following is my statement but no working when I input 4.3. When 4.3, show re-enter the statement.
Please help and advise how I can implement it.
while(a < 1.0 || a > 4.3)
          System.out.println("\n a must be 1.0 <= a <= 4.3 " + "Please enter the correct a");
          System.out.print("Please enter the correct a: ");
          ans = console.readLine();
          a = Float.parseFloat(ans);

Try BigDecimal.
        BigDecimal a = new BigDecimal(0);
     BigDecimal min = new BigDecimal("1.0");
     BigDecimal max = new BigDecimal("4.3");
     a.setScale(10, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
     min.setScale(10, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
     max.setScale(10, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
        while(a.compareTo(min) < 0 || a.compareTo(max) > 0) {
            String ans = null;
         try {
          ans = console.readLine();
         } catch (IOException e) {
         a = new BigDecimal(ans);
         a.setScale(10, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);

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    As you already know, square brackets are used to send a message to an object, so if a object like myObject implements the method -doSomething, you can call it with:
    \[myObject doSomething\];
    The other use square for brackets have is to index C-style arrays, such as:
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    \- (void \*)returnPointerToAnything; // In obj-C one typically uses id instead of void*
    Returning whole objects from methods has problems and it is better to just return a pointer (the address in memory) instead:
    \- (NSString *)makeAString;
    The method above returns a pointer to an NSString rather than the entire object.
    Good luck with your learning,
    Message was edited by: Juan Pablo Claude

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    More likely there are a lot of people around here who think they are experts. As the remark goes, "An 'expert' derives from ex, meaning 'has been', and spert, meaning 'drip under pressure.'"
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    //This program reads in a user's opening balance and performs a withdrawal or a deposit at the request of the user
    import java.text.*;
         public class ATM
         public static void main(String args[])
              int      balance;
              char      withdrawal, deposit, choice;
              //Ask for the opening balance
              System.out.print("Please enter your opening balance");
              //Find out what the user wants done
              System.out.print("What would you like to do? (Withdrawal, Depositor Exit(x))");
    case "w":
                                                                                              System.out.print("How much would you like to withdraw?");
                                                                                              System.out.print("Your remaining balance is " + balance);
    case "d":     
                                                                                              System.out.print("How much do you wish to deposit?");
                                                                                              System.out.print("Your new balance is " + balance);
    case "x":          
                                                                System.out.print("Goodbye and thank you for using this program");
                                                                     System.out.print("We were not able to process your request, please try again");

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    Original Message:
    Switch statement problem
    Xivilai Registered: Mar 3, 2007 9:52 AM      Mar 3, 2007 10:06 AM
    I am doing a question in which I have to make a simple ATM program that can withraw and deposit money as many times as the user wants. To exit the program the user has to hit "x". I have to use a switch statement. Im getting incompatible type errors after compiling it. Can anyone help me? Sorry if the formattings not too good.
    //This program reads in a user's opening balance and performs a withdrawal or a deposit at the request of the user
    import java.text.*;
    public class ATM
    public static void main(String args[])
    int balance;
    char withdrawal, deposit, choice;
    //Ask for the opening balance
    System.out.print("Please enter your opening balance");
    //Find out what the user wants done
    System.out.print("What would you like to do? (Withdrawal, Depositor Exit(x))");
    case 'w':
    System.out.print("How much would you like to withdraw?");
    System.out.print("Your remaining balance is " + balance);
    case 'd':
    System.out.print("How much do you wish to deposit?");
    System.out.print("Your new balance is " + balance);
    case 'x':
    System.out.print("Goodbye and thank you for using this program");
    System.out.print("We were not able to process your request, please try again");

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    If I wanted to add a Fade Effect from one state to another
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    Originally posted by:
    You can do something like on the click of the button:
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    fader.duration = 1000;
    or listen for currentStateChanging event and write the same
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    <mx:Iris showTarget="false" duration="350"/>
    <mx:SetPropertyAction name="visible"/>
    <mx:SetPropertyAction target="{p2}"
    I would like to use the "transition from one state to
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    Hello everyone!
    I just have a quick question for you all... (I want to see if this is normal - I'm on a deadline and this is kind of freaking me out)
    So, we have a 20 minute or so video in iDVD. It plays fine, etc etc. The goal is to burn it to a DVD.
    I used the "Export -> to iDVD" function in iMovie, which launched iDVD.
    But here is the weird thing: nothing comes up in iDVD. It doesn't make a new file, doesn't give me anything... it is just open, waiting for me to create a new project to work with.
    YET, if I look in the Activity Monitor, I do see that EncoderServer (using 123% CPU) and ThumbnailServer (both iDVD processes) are running.... but shouldn't iDVD have told me it is working or that it is dealing with data?
    This is very un-"apple". I totally would have expected a progress bar of some sort in iDVD telling me it is working or something.... or is something wrong and I should try to export it in a different way?
    (I guess the underlying question is: when you export from iMovie to iDVD, does iDVD normally give you any 'heads-up' that it is working? how long does it normally take to open the project in iDVD?)

    Hi Matt!
    when you export from iMovie to iDVD, does iDVD normally give you any 'heads-up' that it is working? how long does it normally take to open the project in iDVD?)
    Yes, and it's instant.
    What you should see is iDVD opening and asking you to create a new project, It will suggest naming it the same as the iMovie project.
    There are reports that exporting from Imovie to iDVD can produce problems. What I do is save the iMovie project and close iMovie. Open iDVD, create the new DVD project, then go the File menu in iDVD, scroll down to Import, and in the side menu select Video. This open your Movie Folder, wherein resides your iMovie project. Select it and it imports into iDVD in a flash.
    Remember: iMovie projects go in the Movies Folder, iDVD projects go in the Documents folder. Change that, and they get very confused and unhappy.

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    It is finally enough n2th2n. Don't open tons of threads for the same issue. For your board issue use your original thread: forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=184002
    Consider this a final warning.

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    Also has anyone had any experiences with this issue?
    Thanks for your time and your help,
    Message was edited by: Mr.Noah Renfrow
    Message was edited by: Mr.Noah Renfrow

    the 3GS is known for that. you should be able to return it.

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    Hi Everyone, i need your help again...
    [....]. since i installed Win2k3 on my system i was getting stability problems, especially lockups to black screen in games. On Win2k3 i was using the exact same drivers as I am going to list soon, and so I thought I'd install Windows XP again on a spare hard drive to see if this helped. I wish i'd never messed with my system my previous XP install was almost 100% stable, but that's another  story.
    Today I perfomed these steps in this order:
    1)Downloaded SP1a
    2)formatted new hard drive
    3)Booted from CD, did a Windows XP Pro install
    4)Started XP Pro, installed SP1a
    5)Installed Nforce system drivers and Display Drivers 29.42 (these were very good to me before...) and restarted
    6)Installed Speedtouch USB ADSL Drivers and went online
    6.5)Enabled Hardware Acceleration on Displayt Properties
    6.7) Installed direct x 9.0a web setup.
    7)Did full windows update: all the critical stuff, most of the recommended (except MEssanger, Media Player and a couple others) and the CPU driver (left my Gfx and Sound on the above)
    8) After a restart started a game
    It lasted all of 10 seconds once I started playing.
    Ok, maybe 5 seconds. Smae as Win2k3!!! I was running bios default performance options, with APIC off... so I ran Prime 95 for a while, got no errors .... about to try a memtest86 but I'm pretty cetrain the memory is good never had trouble with it before at all and I've tested it before too.
    Can someone help me out? Here's my hardware config
    AMD XP 1900+ (no overclock any more)
    MSI K7N420D MB
    2*512MB DDR266 Samsung 'Transcend' Memory (unbranded really) (16 chip DIMMs)
    Geforce 2 MX400 32MB SDRAM (unbranded - runs a little faster then onboard graphics)
    Adaptec 29160LP Scsi Card
    IBM 16000rpm 32GB SCSI Disk (UW-2)
    2*WD1000BB 100GB Western Digital IDE Drives (the normal ones with 2mb cache) in Software Raid - 0 on Promise card
    18GB Maxtor ATA66 IDE hd on Nforce, with CDR.
    a Promise Ultra TX100 Dual IDE Controller card (for CD Rom + expansion)
    Enermax 431w PSU / 7200rpm fan on heavy HS.
    Windows XP SP1 / DX 9.0a (going to reformat to Win2003)
    I could really do with anyone's working driver config for a windows XP sp1a system, and how to build it from the bottom up. If a given driver config that works 100% for others fails for me I can start hardware troubleshooting and cursing loudly, otherwise with any luck it'll fix my problem.... please help me out i know there are people out there still running NForce 1 boards!
    Quick question that could help: what sound driver revision from windows update should i be using? I can get the archived ones....
    PS If i manage to fix it i'll update here, but i need a hand plz

    .... also, I have the same errors running the same game from Win2k3 on a SCSI drive through the PCI bus (adaptec 29160) on the 2.7 bios. It looks like there is still an issue with fast PCI bus read/writes, sound usage and AGP card usage causing crashes. Discounting the OS change and APIC, I have these scenarios:
    1) Game running off IDE drive on Nforce IDE ports: fine
    2) Running of IDE drives on promise controller card: fails, locks.
    3) Running off scsi drive on Adaptec 29160 card: fails, game locks.
    So we may still have an issue with PCI read/writes and stability on bios 2.7 and Nforce system drivers 2.03 ... which is big news really.
    I hope one of the moderators can put MSI in the picture and get them or NVidia to look into this. I can try eliminating APIC and the OS/Drivers from the issue, and install the game on all 3 drive configurations to confirm the above if necessary, but it's what it looks like from here. Using Performance bios defaults with no overclock, underclocking didnt help.
    Perhaps bios 2.4 will fix this in which case the bios still needs work, 2 years on.

  • Some quick questions before I purchase LE8..

    Hi all,
    I'm a longtime mac user and I just got into music production. I plan on mainly making Hip Hop beats and also record me playing bass on sampled tracks. I have already purchased an audio interface( PreSonus Firebox 6x10) and some monitors (KRK RP5's). I'm going to be purchasing LE8 and a MIDI keyboard soon, as well as a turntable for sampling vinyl sometime this week.
    I got some quick questions though. If I'm loading samples off vinyl into the ESX24 sampler in LE8, what program can I use within LE8 to cut the desired parts of the sample? Then assign them to my MIDI keyboard or Akai MPD24.
    I plan on hooking everything up to my 2.16ghz w/2MB Macbook and was wondering if it could withstand Logic. Also, will I need to update any drivers for the firebox? I remember reading problems about it working with Logic.
    Any help would greatly be appreciated. If any Hip Hop heads here have any tips/ suggestions, lemme know!
    Message was edited by: sonofabass

    I'm not a big expert on audio recording, but other than the video card (which would not be a big factor for audio) you can't really upgrade it to much further than what you specified. You could increase the internal storage, but I've always been inclined to keep most of my personal files (things I am not actively working on now) on an external drive, and keep the OS, applications, and my current ongoing work on the internal drive, along with plenty of free space. I think that improves performance. If you did get the larger internal storage option, you might consider partitioning it into two volumes. You could keep your OS, apps, ongoing work, and that free space on one volume, and use the other volume for the long-term storage of your user files. Or maybe for your audio work, it is better to have a separate volume that is a dedicated +scratch space+, so if you had the larger internal drive, you can use that space more flexibly.
    One other consideration is the CPU speed. There is really very little difference between 2.93 GHz and 3.06 GHz. It's about 4%, but in the real world, the performance difference is probably even less. So you could trade the $150 for the slightly faster speed and get the extra internal storage for $100, saving you $50.
    Also, the online store has a page for clearance and refurbs (Special Deals). For example, this one is currently listed
    It is the current gen iMac model. Note: Many of the items on the Special Deals section are previous generation Mac models (so keep that in mind if you look at other listings). My current iMac is a refurb. In my experience, the one Mac and two iPods I have purchased as refurbs have looked new. They just come in a plain brown box instead of the fancy retail packaging. The warranty is the same as new.

Maybe you are looking for

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