Quicktime file from 1999

Is there a way to open/play quicktime movies from 1999 and earlier? In the same vein, is here a way to open After Effects files from same time period?

I can play nearly all of my ancient QuickTime files (except those that used Flash .swf) without issues on my modern machine. Backward compatibility for most formats has been built in with each upgrade.
We need to know more about the codecs used in your files. Can you tell us?

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    Before anyone can help, they need information to work with. Basic stuff:
    - What version of iPhoto.
    - What version of the Operating System.
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    did you try to open video clip from VLC or any other media player ?
    good luck

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    many thanks

    You can download the latest Avid Quicktime codecs here...
    http://avidtechnology.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/avidtechnology.cfg/php/enduser/popupadp.php?p_sid=1yy5i_6j&p_lva=&p_li=&p_faqid=75079&p_created=1201627416&psp=cF9zcmNoPTEmcF9zb3J0X2J5PWRmbHQ6MSZwX2dyaWRzb3J0PSZwX3Jvd19jbnQ9MjEzLDIxMyZwX 3Byb2RzPTAmcF9jYXRzPTAmcF9wdj0mcF9jdj0mcF9zZWFyY2hfdHlwZT1hbnN3ZXJzLnNlYXJjaF9ub CZwX3BhZ2U9MSZwX3NlYXJjaF90ZXh0PWNvZGVj

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    To Apple Discussions!
    What type of QT files?
    Do you have Flip4Mac, VLC and/or Perian installed?

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    Can anyone tell me why I cannot open files from my secondary hard drive?
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    My operating system is Widows XP MCE
    Computer: Compaq Presario Desktop SR1950NX
    RAM Memory: `1Gb
    Hard Drive 1: 160Gb
    Hard Drive 2: 250Gb
    QT Version 6.5.2
    If you need any other information please dont hesitate to ask!
    Elaine Beauxrauxgard-Weiderhoff

    I've had a problem in the past with opening .mov files from a second hard drive which was caused by the drive being named in a way QT could not recognize it. The drive was named (F:\F:\) when changing the drive letter to a single(F:\). QT was then able to recognize and play. But that was generating a, error 43 file could not be found. So you might still want to check how the drives are named.
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    Some information on Quicktime player. The last two links are you other applications you can download to see if they can play the movie:
    Video - QuickTime Media Formats
    Video - QuickTime Player
    Video Player - Divx
    Video Player - VLC

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    ANY time you move between PC and Mac there are inherent problems- but animation ought to work for you. Usually the biggest problem is a proprietary codec on a pc that isn't supported in Mac QT. I'd take a careful look at the settings on the PC app in terms of what you are actually outputting. There might be something really strange...

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    == URL of affected sites ==

    Hello superdavis78, try in [http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_folder_-_Firefox#Mac profile folder] to delete the [http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profiles.ini_file profiles.ini] file to force Firefox to create a new default profile.
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    [http://kb.mozillazine.org/Transferring_data_to_a_new_profile_-_Firefox Transferring data to a new profile - Firefox]
    thank you

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    So you can imagine our disappointment when I logged in today to move them to a safe location, and couldn't see them in Photo Booth. Inside the filesystem, I show a number of .MOV files, but none of them play. Quicktime reports "The movie could not be opened. The file is not a movie file." Seven of Fourteen movie files in the folder are like this.
    When I try to open it in VLC I get a more detailed message in the message log (i've snipped it down for the purpose of posting)
    access_file debug: opening file `/Users/family/Movies/kids/Movie 36.mov'
    main debug: using access2 module "access_file"
    main debug: pre-buffering...
    main debug: received first data for our buffer
    main debug: pre-buffering done 851942 bytes in 0s - 7424 kbytes/s
    mp4 debug: found Box: mdat size 32
    mp4 debug: skip box: "mdat"
    mp4 debug: found Box: wide size 8
    mp4 debug: skip box: "wide"
    mp4 debug: found an empty box (null size)
    mp4 debug: dumping root Box "root"
    mp4 debug: | + mdat size 32
    mp4 debug: | + wide size 8
    mp4 debug: file type box missing (assuming ISO Media file)
    mp4 error: MP4 plugin discarded (no moov box)
    I loaded the file up in 0xED (a Hex Editor) and the raw file header in the BAD files look like:
    ... mdatftypftypftypftypftypftypftyp....wide....mdat h.......
    while a GOOD file header look something like
    ... ftypqt ....qt ......................wide...smdat h .....
    It looks corrupt to me. I'd like to think that only the header is corrupt, and the video data is still fine ... I was curious if anyone had anything to assist?
    The only other thing I could think about doing was hexediting the headers, swapping good headers for the bad ones (since the videos from Photo Booth share the same dimension, FPS, etc)

    Was this problem ever solved? I've got a similar one.

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    Any tips or tricks?
    Segment or compress the files. The 4GB limit is due to the FAT32 format, not QuickTime, and no other workaround or fix exists.

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    1) Placing the file on the main hard drive
    2) Importing to QuickTime, or iMovie, iDVD
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    Does your client have the codec needed to read/play the file on his system?

  • Manually copy a Quicktime installation from one Mac to another?

    We have an office full of computers with a very specific setup that includes Quicktime 7.1.3. And no, I cannot upgrade to the newer versions of Quicktime due to various technical issues that have arose during our testing. I'm setting up a new Mac station but have discovered that Apple removed all links for Quicktime 7.1.3. So i'm curious if i'd be able to manually copy/paste all the relevant quicktime files from one Mac to another (same specs on both). Would that work? Anybody have a list of files that Quicktime installs?

    See if this will work (I've never tried it):
    Check to see if you have a QuickTime or QT7.1.3 pkg file. If so, click on same. See if it will re-install QT.
    If the above works, then you will have no need to transfer QT from one Mac to another.
    I wonder if you can transfer just the .pkg files? Hmmmmm.............

  • Jumpy video after Exporting Quicktime Movie from PS CS4 Extended

    I am trying to produce a short training video for work.  I created my entire movie in iMovie '09, and decided that it desperately needed some arrows and text to clarify some of the more technical aspects.  I exported it as a Quicktime file from iMovie and imported into Ps CS4 extended.
    After I finished the editing, I chose to export my video, again as a Quicktime movie.
    The export completed, and when I went to review my movie, it was extremely jumpy.  Watching the time line on the bottom of the Quicktime screen, I noticed that it was jumping in multiple second intervals.  The audio portion seemed normal, but the video kept freezing and scrambling.
    I attempted re-exporting the video with the Quicktime settings of Animation, and Frames Per Second set at current.
    No difference.
    Any ideas what I am doing wrong????

    Marian -
    Thank you for your response.  I am only an amateur video editor, and up until now, I hadn't bumped up against the limitations of iMovie too often.  You are definitely correct, it would FAR easier to do these effects in FCE, FCPro, AE, Premiere, etc., except for one thing . . . I don't own any of those programs!    (I've already ordered a copy of Final Cut Express, but it stinks to have to spend $200 to get $7 worth of personal functionality.)
    I do, however, own the extended Ps CS4.  And, to paraphrase the guy on Lynda.com, "You already have it, and you know how to use it . . . It should work for you . . ."
    This is the information on the file, it was exported this way automatically by iMovie (They don't give you much control over these functions.)
    Unfortunately, I trashed my output from PS as well as the .psd in a fit of rage!  It wouldn't take me more than 30 minutes to recreate it . . .
    Would it be worth attempting to export it using H.264 instead of the animation Codec?
    Message was edited by: dmisita

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