Quit aperture without file save?

Is there any way to quit Aperture without saving changes made during session?

No the changes to the library are made real time not stored up and applied when the  program closes.
Is there something specific you are looking to be able to do (or undo)?

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    C : \ t e m p \
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    Bah, no more than I typed the above, than I specifically tested the exact same sequence and reproduced the problem again.  This was a relatively short editing sequence.
    Notably the current folder the dialog was open to as I was typing the path was the one from which I opened the file, which contains rather a lot of raw image files.  The dialog wasn't showing any of them because the default filename was file type .psd, which didn't match any files in that folder, so while your thoughts about FastPictureViewer maybe working on thumbnails could possibly be pertinent, it seems less likely.
    I'm going to try to nail this down to a reproducible set of steps.  Notably, one thing I'm sure I did in all 3 cases, which I don't often do, was a Crop with Perspective checked (and corners moved).
    Another thing I did was Image - Adjust - HDR Toning.  I just tried again without doing that and no quit.  Unfortunately, I did HDR Toning and still no quit. 

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    You posted in the wrong place. This is the Reader forum and the Adobe PDF printer is a part of Acrobat...
    But anyway, to do that right-click the printer and select Printing Preferences, then go to the "Adobe PDF Settings" tab and click on the Browse button next to the "Adobe PDF Output Folder" drop-down. Select the folder where you want the files to be saved and click OK.
    That should do it...

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    The home folder is where all of your personal files are kept.
    Best candidates to delete are movies, videos, music and photos since they generally take the most space.
    Don't forget to empry the Trash after you delete the file because the space is not returned until the Trash is emptied.

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    Thanks for clarifying. 
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    Break in concentration and extra steps for the user who knows what he's doing.
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    The more powerful Save As dialog just as it is today would be a perfect match for this.  It's a logical outgrowth of Save As A Copy, and the new feature where you're now allowing Save As JPEG directly from a 16 bit file.  By using the same dialog at the same time as making the product more powerful, you could simplify the implementation and save some future maintenance cost.

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    Thanks in advance.

    project manager
    um, yeah.
    Should not need the project manager simply to see new files added to a directory in a Open/Save dialog window since last opening the app.
    I did a scan, a extended scan, opened all the little turn down arrows of the
    full path to the directory I knew there to be the new files and yes, Logic
    shows them there in the "Project manager".
    BUT Logic still does not show the files in the Open/Save dialog windows.
    This is strange because even simple app like TextEdit can show
    new files in it's Open/Save dialog function windows without the need of
    a project manager.
    I have to quit and re-launch each time to see any new files?

  • Prevent File Save Dialog appearing?

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    When I moved to Office 2013 the same code now presents a File Save dialog box.
    I have researched the issue and can find no way to prevent the Dialog appearing (and worse regardless of the user selection the Excel code crashes)
    The following is a simplified version of the troublesome code
    Sub TestWordSaveAs2()
    Dim InvoiceProFormaFileName As Variant
    Dim NewFileName As String
    Dim WordApplication As Object
    Dim WordDoc As Object
      ' Prompt for a word document
      InvoiceProFormaFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Word Documents, *.docx", Title:="Any Word File", MultiSelect:=False)
      Set WordApplication = CreateObject("Word.Application")
      Set WordDoc = WordApplication.Documents.Open(InvoiceProFormaFileName) ' Open the pro-forma invoice
      ' Create a new name
      NewFileName = Replace(InvoiceProFormaFileName, ".docx", "2.docx")
      WordDoc.SaveAs2 Filename:=NewFileName, FileFormat:=16, AddtoRecentFiles:=False ' <======= this line Shows the File Save Dialog and then fails
      WordDoc.Close SaveChanges:=0 ' wdDoNotSaveChanges
      ' Finished with the Word Application so can close
    End Sub
    Thank you in advance

    I have create a doc file and a excel file in my pc, after I run the code you have provided ,and choose the doc file I just created, it runs without any save dialog. And My Office is Pro Plus 2013 .
    I have upload my sample to OneDrive, you can download it here:
    When you run this sample, will this show the save dialog again ?
    To narrow down this issue, can you create a new empty word and choose it in the excel, does it will happen again? if it is convenient, can you share the doc file you're using? Have you update your office ?
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Selecting disc using [File, Open] or [File, Save (as)] crashes application

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    I did " Repair disk" (no problem found) and "Repair permissions" (both from the Tiger DVD), but the problem still exists.
    I created a new account, problem is exactly the same for the new account
    I trashed com.apple.finder.plist and com.apple.sidebarlists.plist but no luck
    I tried to watch in crash reports, but the crashes do not seem to get logged.
    I hope anyone has a clue what's going on and how I can repair this? This is really annoying
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  


  • How can i start aperture without retyping the serial number?

    how can i start aperture without retyping the serial number?

    Quit Aperture.
    Go to your Macintosh HD and open the folder "Library", then "Application Support", then "ProApps".
    Remove the File "ProAppsSystemID" to the Desktop, if it exist and restart Aperture.
    Reenter your serial number, hopefully for the last time.

  • Aperture doesn't save book layout, book disappears

    I start to create a book in Aperture. Then I quit Aperture. When I relaunch Aperture, the book no longer appears in the project. However, if I explore the database using "show package contents," I can see a file with the book's name. Why won't Aperture save my book layout? Why does the file appear to exist, yet the book doesn't appear in the project? Can I recover the in-progress layout?

    Yep, that did it! Rebuilt the library as instructed, and the book layout reappeared in the project. Many thanks for the simple and effective solution!

  • Aperture's file naming. Am I doing something wrong?

    I hate Aperture's file naming with every ounce of my being. It is so frustrating and this simple item kills my workflow. I am hoping it's me and I'm doing it wrong. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    1. I import the originals. File name is _dsc.0450.nef
    2. On import, I change the name to lapresle200909260450 and sort by image date.
    3. I edit.
    4. I move images around and group them visually by subject: the details, the groomsmen, etc...
    5. I rename the files sequentially. So file #450 might now be #575. The new name might be iconex090926prf0575 and sort by version name.
    The proofs go up and the client orders #575. I open the image in A2, edit with Photoshop and save. I go back to A2 and the stack now has two images, iconex090926prf0575 and lapresle200909260450. I export the client's retouched image to a folder on my desktop. My file naming presets are "version name_custom name" with the custom names being 4x6, 5x7, 8x10. When I'm ordering from my lab, each image has the print size in the name so I can keep big orders straight.
    After each image that gets an external edit, I have to go into the folder on my desktop and rename the file. Is there any way to have A2 export the image with the name that is visible? Going back in and highlighting and renaming every file to match the proof is so time consuming.
    Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

    I import files as they are, no renaming. Then when I'm completely finished editing and organizing them within folders/projects/albums, + any additional editing in PS or other external editors, I relocate masters to my desk top and rename them then. A few seconds later I consolidate those same files back into the Aperture library and there they sit with new "file names." This method works for me but it helps to have tons of free space on the desktop and 16 cores rockin.
    Now why can't aperture export "file names" not version names but files names makes absolutely no sense! There is no preset for this and that needs to be fixed. I export custom name and index using the same exact name as the file name to put the images online or where ever. As long as nothing was moved or deleted this method sends images out matching the file names. You need to make sure that all your editing is done before you relocate and consolidate masters. My invoice from Paypal matches the files in my library. Perfect work flow if you never mess up the rough edit, if no body ever wants additional changes-lol, it's really a linear process, and is very limited*
    Editing images in apertures external editor or aperture dodge and burn is just stupid because they both create a additional tiff file in an attempt to force nondestructive editing. Where is the switch to turn this off! Please, we're professionals, lets' go manual.
    No switch, so I don't use it. It's a failed system like most other "round trip editing" attempts from apple like fcp, soundtrack, and others. I've used them all for years and they only work about half the time, removed from my work flow, end of story.
    Instead, prior to relocating and consolidating, I just export out the raw file as a 16 bit tiff and reimport it into aperture when editing is done in PS. Again, my computer does this in under a second, so it works for me.
    *Okay, rwboyer, has a very good approach to the problem. Do it the programs way instead of our way. Renaming the masters on import and only adding extensions later is really the way to go. All your searches will always hit the master name so all the extra stuff after the master name can personalize your client without ever changing the master name. He is also right regarding the use of metadata, it's really the reason why I'll forever be a aperture guy.
    Having said all that, I still think my way could be the fastest for all kinds of reasons with just two fixes.
    Add preset to export file names
    toggle switch, for editing raw files in Photoshop raw instead of creating new tiff files.
    Rwboyer, makes perfect sense, great approach.
    Message was edited by: Solved

  • Some progress,  comparing com.apple.aperture.plist files

    After restoring an old com.apple.Aperture.plist file from a backup on my iDisk with some success in restoring functionality in Full Screen Mode, I am submitting comparisons of some values for both plist values for Leopard (which works very well in Full Screen Mode) and Snow Leopard (which now works somewhat better, miraculously) in Full Screen Mode. Each of these could be used as a starting point to troubleshoot your screen glitch adjustment issues. For those with severe problems, check these out intently. Tonight I will change some of the SL values to be the Leopard values and see what happens. If anyone uses the PropertyListEditor.app and wants to give it a go....make sure you save your present plist on your desktop as com.apple.Aperture.plistold somewhere so that you can restore it to the ~/Library/Preferences directory if you should have some issues:
    fullscreenWhichWIndow>Boolean>checked in Leopard, unchecked in Snow Leopard
    fullSizeJPEGQuality>Number>1 in Leopard, 0.75 in Snow Leopard
    fullscreenScale>Number>0.2 in Leopard, 0.5 in Snow Leopard (.75 in the unworkable version)
    fullscreenFadeMode>Number> does not list this variable in Leopard, 3 in Snow Leopard
    fullScreenSecondaryMode>Number> does not list this variable in Leopard, 4 in Snow Leopard
    fullscreenWhichWindow>Boolean>checked in Leopard, unchecked in Snow Leopard
    fullscreenAvoid>Boolean>does not exist in Leopard, checked in Snow Leopard
    The following plist entries are the same values for each OS but they are Boolean in Leopard and Number type in Snow Leopard.....
    GridViewSet1ShowLabels>Boolean>unchecked in Leopard
    GridViewSet1ShowLabels>Number>0 in Snow Leopard
    GridViewSet2ShowLabels>Boolean>Unchecked in Leopard
    GridViewSet2ShowLabels>Number>0 in Snow Leopard
    GridViewShowProperties>Boolean>checked in Leopard
    GridViewShowProperties>Number>1 in Snow Leopard

    You are looking at Aperture's cache in $TMPDIR.
    Usually it is no problem to delete the contents of this cache, if Aperture is not running. But it is suspicious, that the videos have not been removed automatically, after Aperture quit.
    Check the permissions on the $TMPDIR folder, if you are still the owner. If you are not for some reason, reset the ownership to yourself.
    Log off and on to terminate any running processes. Open the Terminal and enter:
    sudo chown -R $UID $TMPDIR..
    You will need to enter your admin password.
    Then test, if Aperture clean the cache on its own, after you relaunch Aperture.
    Otherwise remove the videos yourself after quitting Aperture.
    P.S: Is there any related problem that made you browse the system cache files?


    Today some kind of update happened on Firefox without me even approving it. Suddenly, I no longer have the tabs across the top that I REALLY liked--File/save as, Bookmark, View, etc. I WANT THEM BACK. Yes, I have found the little goofy drop-down icon on the right corner of the screen, but I don't like that. How can I get old view back???
    Thank you!

    Right-click on the Tab Bar and select '''Menu Bar'''.

  • Saving a PDF file when printing is not supported. Instead, choose File Save.

    I am using Mountain Lion (10.8.2) and I was using Adobe Reader version 9. In the past, I've always been able to print to file using the File -> Print dialogue but all of a sudden it stopped working. I read somewhere that installing the latest version of Adobe Reader (version 11) would remove the old printer, so I did so. It took me about an hour on version 11 to even find the pdf print to file option, but I am getting the same message. For what it's worth, when I try print to file from Microsoft Word, I have no problem. I have no idea why things changed all of a sudden, but does anyone have any idea how I can get this working again?

    I checked with Adobe.  No luck. 
    Allow me to clarify my problem: 
    I have Adobe Reader XI. I also use a Mac--imac and a MacBook Pro.   My adobe was updated on 12/24.  Prior to that point, I could open my print dialogue box and there was a PDF tab on the bottom left.  In the drop down menu there were many choices, including but not limited to Open in PDF Preview, Print PDF, Save PDF, email PDF.  If I selected one page of 30 pages from a document saved in Adobe, I could extract just that one page and save it or email it, without having to send the entire document.   After the update, when I open a PDF file using ADOBE READER XI, and then open the print dialogue box, and follow those same steps, I get the message "Saving a PDF file when printing is not supported. Instead, choose File > Save."   My question is why is this feature now unavailable and is there a way to fix it? 
    The answer I got from Adobe was that Adobe never had this function, so it must have been via my print or preview programs..which are apple.  Does anyone have any thoughts?
    Thank you.

  • I just upgraded to Snow Leopard, and I have Aperture 3.1.3.  Now after I import pics from my camera I get a dialog box so large I can't get to the eject card button.   I have to force quit Aperture.  How do I fix?

    I just upgraded to Snow Leopard, and I have Aperture 3.1.3.  Now after I import pics from my camera I get a dialogue box so large that I can't see the eject card button.  Consequently, I can't get rid of the dialogue box without having to do a force quit on Aperture.  How do I fix?

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    It is even difficult to get to the Finder with the Dialague box is open.  I have to force quit aperture.
    Any ideas would be appreciated.

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