Raise exception ORA-00942

--How do I raise an exception for 6550 or 942?  Here is the anonymous block that I'm running in SQL Developer which fails to raise an exception:
--(I might add that this is a self contained example; the table "image_masterr" does not exist)
--I'm running in
lcl_temp1 VARCHAR2(10);
v_error_code NUMBER;
v_error_message VARCHAR2(255);
no_table EXCEPTION;
no_table_942 EXCEPTION;
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(no_table, -06550);
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(no_table_942, -00942);
lcl_temp VARCHAR2(20);
v_error_code := SQLCODE;
v_error_message := SQLERRM;
SELECT count(1) INTO lcl_temp FROM image_masterr;
v_error_code := SQLCODE;
v_error_message := SQLERRM;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('There is no problem '|| lcl_temp);
WHEN no_table OR no_table_942 THEN
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('There is a problem ');
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('There is a problem ');
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('There is no problem :'||v_error_code ||v_error_message );

You cannot expect to catch such an exception at compile time, since PL/SQL identifies all referenced objects in your code first. If any object does not exist, a compile error is generated, hence the exception block will never be executed since it is only evaulated at runtime.
Furthermore, even though the table may exist, if the user in which you are running the code cannot see the table, you will still get a compile error.
  2    lcl_temp1       VARCHAR2(10);
  3    v_error_code    NUMBER;
  4    v_error_message VARCHAR2(255);
  5    no_table        EXCEPTION;
  6    no_table_942    EXCEPTION;
  7    PRAGMA          EXCEPTION_INIT(no_table, -06550);
  8    PRAGMA          EXCEPTION_INIT(no_table_942, -00942);
10    BEGIN
11      DECLARE
12        lcl_temp VARCHAR2(20);
13      BEGIN
15        v_error_code  := SQLCODE;
16        v_error_message := SQLERRM;
18        SELECT count(1)
19        INTO lcl_temp
20        FROM image_masterr;
22        v_error_code    := SQLCODE;
23        v_error_message := SQLERRM;
25        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('There is no problem '|| lcl_temp);
28        WHEN no_table OR no_table_942 THEN
29          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('There is a problem ');
32          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('There is a problem ');
33    END;
34    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('There is no problem :'||v_error_code ||v_error_message );
35  END;
36  /
      FROM image_masterr;
ERROR at line 20:
ORA-06550: line 20, column 12:
PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
ORA-06550: line 18, column 7:
PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored

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      2   table_not_found EXCEPTION;
      3   PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(table_not_found, -942);
      4  BEGIN
      6  EXCEPTION
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      8   THEN
      9      dbms_output.put_line('Table NOT found');
    10  END;
    11  /
    Table NOT found

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    Exactly what procedure or package in SYS are you calling that causes this problem?
    <p>Are both test and production databases at the same version?
    <p>Do you know what procedure or package is named in the error? If not, then you need to improve your on-error trigger processing. I use a PLL_On_Error trigger to capture and improve a number of Oracle messages. It is posted here:
    <p> Re: FRM-40735:Pre_Insert trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-20011
    <p>Note especially the part near the end that deals with FRM-40735. (Not sure, but you may also want to display DBMS_ERROR_TEXT in your situation.)
    <p>If that doesn't help find the actual problem, I would pull out my Re: Zdebug -- Download a Forms debugging message tool, and add messages before every call in the when-new-form-instance process to zero-in on the offending call.
    <p>If it really IS a call to a system process, I would then experiment with creating a server-side package or stored procedure that calls the process, and then call that stored procedure from my form. That way, you effectively insulate your form from system differences.

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    Any idea why this error happening...What changes have been done recently?
    Please run AutoConfig and make sure it completes successfully.
    Also another error which is faced by users other than SYSADMIN is the below one when changing the responsability...
    APP-FND-01926---The custom event WHEN-RESPONSIBILITY-CHANGED raised unhandled exception:User Defined ExceptionCan you find any errors in the database log file?
    Please compile CUSTOM.pll (and other files) as per these docs and try again (as you are on R12 use frmcmp_batch.sh instead of f60gen).
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    Welcome to OTN
    Before posting on this forum please read
    FRM-40735: WHEN-CUSTOM-ITEM-EVENT trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-06502.
    you'll get some hint here
    Oracle/PLSQL: ORA-06502 Error

  • FRM-40735: When validate item raised unhandled exception ora-04063

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    FRM-40735: When validate item raised unhandled exception ora-04063
    I have noticed the below error on my instance while trying to test some functionality.
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    Please advise.
    Mohammed. Abdul Muqeet

    FRM-40735: When validate item raised unhandled exception ora-04063
    I have noticed the below error on my instance while trying to test some functionality.How do you get this error?
    What is the navigation path?
    Please check the application.log file along with Apache log files for any errors.

  • FRM-40735 on-error raised unhandled exception ORA-06502

    Hi there,
    I have a form and all the items on canvas are base table items. If iam in normal mode and click on buttons, the LOVs show up correctly.
    If i query records and i click on any of buttons to get LOV i get " FRM-40735 on-error raised unhandled exception ORA-06502". I checked insert_allowed,enabled,update_allowed properties and also format mask for each items and all are correct.
    ANy help is appreciated.

    Use the debugger to single step through your code line by line. The debugger will stop at the line where the error is occurring. Look at that line of code. You will probably see a problem with a data type or the data length.

  • FRM-40735: ON-ERROR triggers raised unhandled exception ORA-06508

    I get the following error message: FRM-40735: ON-ERROR triggers raised unhandled exception ORA-06508
    after login in a Web forms application.
    I tried the solution as described in the Headstart Manual, e.g. recompiling the libraries in the specified order.
    All the libraries are in the working directory and has been included in FORMS60_PATH.
    All the involved stored procedures and packages are valid.
    the same application works fine as C/S.
    Any clue?
    Used configuration:
    Forms 6i
    Designer 6i r 4.11
    Headstart 6.5
    Oracle 9ias r 1 running on Sun Solaris 64bit version 5.8

    This is actually a pretty generic error and I would suggest running through the debugger to see the line of code it is actually failing at - that may make it easier to track.
    Grant Ronald
    Forms Product Management

  • FRM-40735: WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-06508

    Hi all,
    In Production instance we have an issue on AP invoice workbench, gives an error (FRM-40735 Post-Query Trigger On Quering Invoice ) when we retrieve the existing invoice data entered.
    For this we compiled the invalid objects and applied the patch according to the metalink id [ID 1209736.1]
    After that we came up with new error FRM-40735: WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-06508.
    Can any one help us

    Hi Thanks for the reply we have implemented the following things
    1) Please download and review the readme for Patch 8671468:R12.AP.B
    2) Please apply Patch 8671468:R12.AP.B in a test environment.
    3) Check the file versions , they have to be the same as given below.
    Patch/115/sql/aphanwfb.pls 120.64.12010000.11
    4) Please retest the issue.
    5) If the issue is resolved, please migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.
    APXINWKB : When Entering Invoice Details, Get Error: FRM-40735: WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-06508 [ID 1284114.1]
    This is done no luck.

  • FRM-40735: When-Validate-Item trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-01861

    Dear all, I runned a form designed by Developer 2000 version 4.5 and encountered a puzzling problem. The same program could be runned on one computer but not in another one. The error message is as below: FRM-40735: When-Validate-Item trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-01861. The OS of both computers are windows 2000 professional. The only difference between two computers is the patch files didn't installed on one of them. I don't know if it is the key point. Could you tell me why?
    Thank you!!!

    I sure wish people would post the entire text of the error message. "ORA-01861: literal does not match format string."
    What kind of field are you trying to validate? This message is usually due to a date format error. If you are trying to convert text into a date without using TO_DATE('some text','date-format'), then that is the problem. It sounds like you are, and the database default date format is different between the two systems.

  • FRM-40735: WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-04063.

    Hi All,
    After Cloning the 11i instace to 12.1.3 and when trying to create an absence
    am gettin the follwing Error
    ORA-01403: no data found
    FRM-40735: WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-04063.
    Please note I didnt get any of these kind of errors when cloned for CRP1 or CRP2.

    Its because of the invalid objects. We have compiled the invalid objects again and the issue got fixed.

  • FRM-40735 when validate-item_trigger raised unhandled exception ORA 06502

    Hi, after i migrated my form to 10g when I enter a new record into the form and want to save I get the following message:
    Frm-40735 when validate-item_trigger raised unhandled exception ORA 06502
    what could be the reason? It worked before in 6i but not in 10g please help I don't know what could be the problem?

    library is in form. I don't know how to use debugger... below is the code for WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger:
    Thanks in advance for helping...
    tmpcnt number;
    tmpcnt_u number;
    tmpcnt_b number;
    v_login_id documents.login_id%type;
    v_copy documents.copy%type;
    alr_id alert;
         alr_button number;
         al_btn number;      
         IF (:dts_transactions.barcode IS NULL or :dts_transactions.barcode = ' ')
         and (:dts_transactions.login_id IS NOT NULL or :dts_transactions.copy_nbr IS NOT NULL or :dts_transactions.recipient_person_name IS NOT NULL) THEN
                             alr_button := SHOW_ALERT('DELETE_ALERT');
              IF alr_button = ALERT_BUTTON1 THEN
              --:dts_transactions.login_id := null;
                                            --:dts_transactions.copy_nbr := null;
                                            --:dts_transactions.recipient_person_name := null;
                                            --set_item_property(':dts_transaction.barcode', item_is_valid, PROPERTY_TRUE);
                                  --set_item_property(':dts_transaction.recipient_person_name', item_is_valid, PROPERTY_TRUE);
                                  --set_item_property(':dts_transaction.route_to_dcc', item_is_valid, PROPERTY_TRUE);
              ELSIF alr_button = ALERT_BUTTON2 THEN
                        RAISE FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE;
    ELSIF alr_button = ALERT_BUTTON3 THEN
                   RAISE FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE;
              END IF;          
    END IF;
         IF     :dts_transactions.barcode IS not NULL and :dts_transactions.barcode <> ' ' THEN
    INTO tmpcnt
    FROM documents
    WHERE document_bar_code = :dts_transactions.barcode;
    IF tmpcnt = 0 THEN
              SELECT count(UNIQUE_ID)
              INTO tmpcnt_u
              FROM dts_transactions
              WHERE unique_id = :dts_transactions.barcode;
              IF tmpcnt_u > 0 THEN      
                        :dts_transactions.chk_barcode_range := 'Y';
                        set_item_property('dts_transactions.chk_barcode_range', item_is_valid , property_true);
              ELSIF tmpcnt_u = 0 THEN
              alr_id := find_alert('edit_clear');
              set_alert_property(alr_id, alert_message_text,'Validation Trigger - Please enter valid barcode.
    You must Edit or Clear value before leaving field.');
              alr_button := Show_Alert( alr_id );
              IF alr_button = ALERT_BUTTON2 THEN
              :dts_transactions.barcode := Null;
              raise form_trigger_failure;
              raise form_trigger_failure;
              END IF;
         END IF;
    ELSE /*Check duplicated barcodes*/
         SELECT count(bims_bar_code_id)
         INTO tmpcnt_b
              FROM documents
              WHERE bims_bar_code_id = :dts_transactions.barcode
              AND document_bar_code <> :dts_transactions.barcode;
              IF tmpcnt_b > 0 THEN
                   show_msg('Duplicate barcodes found in database. You must select one of the barcode from the LOV that will pop up after this message to continue or talk to DTS support to resolve this issue.', 'STOP');
                        IF SHOW_LOV('lov_bims_barcode_from') THEN
    raise form_trigger_failure;
    END IF;
              END IF;
    END IF;
    :parameter.p_unsaved_records := 'Y';
    :dts_transactions.record_saved := 'N';
    -- Fill in LOGIN_ID and COPY fields.
    SELECT login_id, copy
    INTO :dts_transactions.login_id, :dts_transactions.copy_nbr
         FROM documents
         WHERE document_bar_code = :dts_transactions.barcode
         AND rownum = 1;
                   WHEN no_data_found THEN
                             :dts_transactions.login_id := NULL;
                             :dts_transactions.copy_nbr := NULL;
                   WHEN OTHERS THEN
              ---     message(sqlerrm);
    ---raise form_trigger_failure;
                   --- Raise;

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