Random number problems

I'm creating a horse racing game and I'm having a problem with my random number generator inside my threads.
I'm creating four threads and then inside each of them I'm using:
sleep(rand.nextInt(5) * 300);
Which I thought would make each horse thread sleep for a different amount. Instead, my first horse thread sleeps for a random amount, then my next THREE threads sleep for the exact same amount!
Is my random (class random) object not being seeded properly or something?
What could be causing this?

Ok, here is a snipped version of my code:
public class HorseThread extends Thread {
private Random rand;
public void run() {
rand = new Random();
private void draw() {
// Grab the graphics object out of our JPanel
Graphics g = panel.getGraphics();
try {
for (int x=0; x < 500; x+=25) {
// Erase our racing lane
g.fillRect(startX, startY, 500, 75);
// Draw our horse
g.drawImage(horsePicture, curX + x, curY, 75, 75, null);
// Sleep a random amount
int sleepamount = rand.nextInt(5) * 500;
System.out.println("Horse [" + horseNum + "] sleeping for [" + Integer.toString(sleepamount) + "] milliseconds.");
} // end for
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} // end try
} // end draw()
} // end HorseThread()

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    heres my problem, i am writing one of them 8 puzzle problems (the one based around sam lloyds 15 puzzler), i can successfully generate one random sequence of numbers with no duplicates, but whenever i call the random method again it keeps producing the same results
    heres the code
    in my main class file
    if(e.getSource() == randomButton) {
          new RandomPuzzle();
          //startStateString = new RandomPuzzle();
    }heres my number generator class file
    import java.util.Random;
    import java.io.*;
    public class RandomPuzzle
         /** Base Random number generator */
        Random rn = new Random();
        /** Puzzle holder */
        byte b[];
        long number = 0;
        String randState = "";
        /** Default constructor */
        public RandomPuzzle() {
            b = new byte[9];
            randState = randomString();
        /** Provide range for generation */
        public int rand(int lo, int hi) {
            int n = hi - lo + 1;
            int i = rn.nextInt() % n;
            if (i < 0)
            i = -i;
            return lo + i;
        /** Set size for array */
        public int rand( int hi){
            int n = hi;
                return n;
        /** Check for duplicate values within the same configuration */
        boolean valueExists( byte value ) {
            int i = b.length;
            boolean exists = false;
            for( int j = 0; j < i; j++ ){
                if( b[j] == value )
                    exists = true;
            return exists;
        /** returns the actual string */
        public String randomString(int lo, int hi) {
            int n = rand( 9 );
            //boolean valueEntered = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
                boolean valueEntered = false;
                byte temp = (byte)rand('0', '8');
                while( valueEntered == false ) {
                    if( !valueExists( temp ) ) {
                         b[i] = temp;
                         valueEntered = true;
                        temp = (byte)rand('0', '8');
            return new String(b, 0);
        /** calls above function */
        public String randomString() {
            return randomString(0, 8);
    }i've tried for hours to work this out, but i am stumped. if anyone can point me in the right direction, maybe point out the problem code and give one or two tips i would be forever in your debt
    thanx in advance

    thanx for the help paulcw, but when i removed the seed code it done the same
    but i added this to my main class and now it works fine
    if(e.getSource() == randomButton) {
                   RandomPuzzle temp = new RandomPuzzle();
                   //startStateString = new RandomPuzzle();
              }thanx again for your help

  • Generating random number within size of map problem (why me!!) ?

    Hi Guys,
    I'm trying to generator random numbers between 0 and a map width and another random number between 0 and a map height i.e if the map width was 3 i can generator 0,1,2.
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    int randomCol;
    int randomRow;
    randomCol = newMapWidth - 0 + 1;
    int itemp = generator.nextInt() % randomCol;
    if (itemp < 0)
          itemp = -itemp;
    randomCol = 0 + itemp;
    randomRow = newMapHeight - 0 + 1;
    int jtemp = generator.nextInt() % randomRow;
    if (jtemp < 0)
         jtemp = -jtemp;
    randomRow = 0 + jtemp;I've had a look at similar problems and searched penalty but can't seem to get it right for whatever way i implement. It leads to some array out of bound errors.
    If any can help me resolve this problem it would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks A lot !

    Hippolyte wrote:
    randomRow = 0 + jtemp;I'll bite: what's the "0 + " voodoo for?It?s for clarity and Code readability, I guess. @OP: Random.nextFloat() generates numbers from 0.0f to 1.0f. Multiplying this number with your max value will generate a number between 0 and that given max value. BTW, you can generate numbers from -a to a by using (Random.nextFloat()- .5f) * (2 * a).

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            Random random = new Random(number);
            return random.nextInt(number);
        }And in my code I do int random = getRandomNumber(blah)...where blah is always the same number.
    My problem is it always returns the same number. What am I missing here. I was under the impression that nextint(int n) was supposed to generate the number randomly!! Obviously I'm doing something wrong or not using the correct thing. Someone please point out my stupidity and point me in the right direction? Ta

    I think the idea is that Random will generate the same pseudo-random sequence over and over if you don't supply a seed value. (The better to debug with, my dear.) When you're ready to put an app into production, the seed value should be the current system time in milliseconds to guarantee a new sequence with each run.
    Do indeed move Random outside the loop. Think of it like a number factory - instantiate it once and let it pump out the random values for you as needed.

  • How do I assign images to grid cells based on their random number value?

    Hello everyone!
         I need a good point (or shove) in the correct direction.
         I've created (with previous help from this forum) a 12 x 9 random number grid which cycles through the numbers 1 to 9 a total of twelve times each. I've then created a button which shuffles the current grid's cells each time it is clicked. I now want to use 9 images that I have imported as individual symbols into the library (I have given them each their own class titled "skin1," "skin2," ... "skin9") as cell labels or the equivalent. I have also set the images up as individual movie clips (using the .Sprite class as the extended base class but keeping the actual image class names in line with their object name, i.e. the "skin1" image is the "skin1.as" class).
         How do I assign these images to the grid cells based on their respective values (ranging from 1 to 9) and have them populate the grid each time I click the "shuffle" button? So for example, in my grid the numbers 1 through 9 randomly appear 12 times each. Every time the number 4 appears in a cell, I want it to be assigned to the image "skin4" (which is just a graphic that looks like a button and has a fancy number "4" printed on it). Below is a chunk of the code I am using to draw the grid cells with:
    // Creates a grid cell when called by generateGrid().
    private funciton drawCell(_numeral:int):Sprite
              This is the code I am currently implementing to populate the grids with (although I
              don't want to use text labels as I want to fill each grid with an image according
              to its numerical value (1 to 9).
         var _label:TextField = new TextField();
         _label.multiline = _label.wordWrap = false;
         _label.autoSize = "center";
         _label.text = String(_numeral);
         // Add numerical label to cell array.
         var _s:Sprite = new Sprite();
         _s.graphics.lineStyle(2, 0x019000);
         _s.graphics.drawRect(30, 0, cellW, CellH);
         return _s;
         While the following isn't working code, it will hopefully demonstrate what I want to achieve inside this function so I don't have to use the above snippet for text labels:
         //This will "hopefully" create an array of all 9 images by calling their classes.      var _imageArray:Array = [skin1, skin2, skin3, skin4, skin5 , skin6, skin7, skin8, skin9];      // This is what I want to happen for each cell using the above image array:      for (i = 0; i < cells; i++)      {           if (_numeral == 1)           {                // Insert skin1 image for each instance of #1 in the grid.           }           if (_numeral == 2)           {                // Insert skin2 image for each instance of #2 in the grid.           }           ...           if (_numeral == 9)           {                // Insert skin9 image for each instance of #9 in the grid.           }      } 
         Again, I don't want to use text labels. I have a custom skin graphic that I want to go over each number on the grid based on its numerical value (1 to 9). Any help with this is much appreciated!

         Thank you for your help with this one. Using the code below, I have successfully populated my grid cells with the desired corresponding graphics. I noticed one thing though regarding my use of the shuffle button with this particular implementation: even though the numerical values residing in each cell get shuffled, the original images remain in the grid rather than being replaced by new ones. The first code snippet below is the revised cell drawing function including your help; the second snippet shows you my simple shuffle button function (where the problem lies, I think).
    Snippet #1:
         // Creates a grid cell when called by generateGrid().
         private function drawCell(_numeral:int):Sprite
              var _label:TextField = new TextField();
              _label.multiline = _label.wordWrap = false;
              _label.autoSize = "center";
              // Creates a label that represents the numerical value of the cell.
              var _s:Sprite = new Sprite();
              _s.graphics.lineStyle(2, 0x019000);
              _s.graphics.drawRect(30, 0, cellW, cellH);
              // Physically adds the labels to the grid.
              // Assigns a graphic class to a cell based on its numerical value.
              var _classRef:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName("skin" + _numeral));
              // Undefined variable for holding graphic classes.
              var _image:* = new _classRef();
              // Lines the images up with the grid cells.
              _image.x = 30;
              // Physically adds a graphic on top of a cell label.
              return _s;
         So far so good (although I question needing text labels at all if they are just going to remain invisible underneath the images, but enough about that for now). This next part is the reason that the images won't shuffle with the cell values, I think.
    Snippet #2:
         // When shuffleButton is clicked, this event shuffles
         // the number array and fills the cellLabels with the new values.
         private function onButtonShuffleClick(e:MouseEvent):void
              // Shuffles the number array.
              // Verifies the array has been shuffled.
              trace("After shuffle:", numbers);
              // Loop replaces old cellLabels with new number array values.
              for (var i:int = 0; i < cells; i++)
                   cellLabels[i].text = String(numbers[i]);
         As you can see, it never replaces the original images that populate the grid. I tried using the _s.removeChild(image) function but that didn't work, nor would copying/pasting some of the code from snippet #1 directly into this function as it would cause another instance of the images to be placed over top of the existing ones rather than actually swapping them out. Any continued help here is greatly appreciated!
         PS Is there a quicker method for posting code into these forums without having to type it all out by hand again (i.e. copy/paste or drag/drop from my .fla or Notepad file directly into this thread)?

  • How to define "leading" random number in Infoset fpr parallel processing

    in Bankanalyzer we use an Infoset which consists of a selection across 4 ODS tables to gather data.
    No matter which PACKNO fields we check or uncheck in the infoset definition screen (TA RSISET), the parallel frameworks always selects the same PACKNO field from one ODS table.
    Unfortunately, the table that is selected by the framework is not suitable, because our
    "leading" ODS table which holds most of our selection criteria is another one.
    How to "convince" the parallel framework to select our leading table for the specification
    of the PACKNO in addition (this would be times 20 faster due to better select options).
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    but it seems that note 999101 just fixes this for non-system-fields.
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    fill_range_random instead of fill_range.
    Has anyone managed to assign the PACKNO of his choice to the infoset selection?
    Thanks in advance

    Well, it is a bit more complicated
    ODS one, that the parallel framework selects for being the one to deliver the PACKNO
    is about equal in size (~120GB each) to ODS two which has two significant field which cuts down the
    amount of data to be retreived.
    Currently we execute the generated SQL in the best possible manner (by faking some stats )
    The problem is, that I'd like to have a Statement that has the PACKNO in the very same table.
    PACKNO is a generated random number esp. to be used for parallel processing.
    The job starts about 100 slaves
    Each slave gets a packet to be processed from the framework, which is internaly represented
    by a BETWEEN clause on this PACKNO. This is joined against ODS2 and then the selective fields
    can be compared resultin in 90% of the already fetched rowes can be discarded.
    Basicly it goes like
    select ...
      ods1 T_00,
      ods2 T_01,
      ods3 T_02,
      ods4 T_03
    ... some key equivalence join-conditions ...
    AND  T_00.PACKNO BETWEEN '000000' and '000050' -- very selective on T_00
    AND  T_01.TYPE = '202'  -- selective Value 10% on second table
    I'd trying to change this to
    AND  T_01.PACKNO BETWEEN '000000' and '000050'
    AND  T_01.TYPE = '202'  -- selective Value 10%
    so I can use a combined Index on T_01 (TYPE;PACKNO)
    This would be times 10 more selective on the driving table and due to the fact,
    that T_00 would be joined for just the rows I need, about a calculated time 20-30 faster.
    It really boosts when I do this in sqlplus
    Hope this clearyfies a bit.
    Problem is, that I can not change the code either for doing the
    build of the packets or the one that executes the application.
    I need to change the Inofset, so that the framework decides to build
    proper SQL with T_01.PACKNO instead of T_00.PACKNO.
    Thanks a lot

  • How to use a random number equal another number. (with my source code)

    hi, i'm having trouble with this assignment.
    3. Determine how many times a die must be rolled in order to
    win a prize. (This represents one trial.) Print this value to a
    text file.
    4. Conduct at least 1,000 trials.
    5. Read the data back in from all of the trials.
    6. Calculate the average number of times a die must be rolled in order to win a prize.
    7. Print the result to the screen
    This is what I have so far.
    But I get a "int cannot be dereferenced" error
    * Write a description of class BottleCapPrize here.
    * @author (your name)
    * @version (a version number or a date)
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.PrintWriter;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.util.Random;
    import java.io.File;
    public class BottleCapPrize
    public static void main (String [ ] args) throws IOException
    PrintWriter outFile = new PrintWriter(new File("bah.txt"));
    Random randomGenerator = new Random();
    int random = randomGenerator.nextInt(5);
    int count = 0;
    for (int loop = 1; loop <= 1000; loop++)
    outFile.println("Congratulations, both pairs matched.");
    outFile.close ( );

    And the random generator can only choose a 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5. This is then randomly chosen 1000 times like 400 2s and 200 5s for example.I think you have still to appreciate that the task is not to roll a dice 1000 times and see how many of each number you get.
    Tackle it one step at a time:
    3. A - Determine how many times a die must be rolled in order to win a prize. (This represents one trial.)
    B - Print this value to a text file.
    Even the first part of the problem can be broken down into two parts. I strongly suggest to get step 3A working correctly before you move any further. Notice that this step does not involve 1000 rolls of the dice. Rather it asks you to roll the dice as many times as needed until you get a three. Start there: write a method that does no more than report the number of times it had to roll the dice in order to get a three.
    import java.util.Random;
    public class BottleCapPrize
        public static void main (String [ ] args) throws IOException
            Random randomGenerator = new Random();
            int count = 0;
             * Your code here.
             * At the end of it count should be equal to the number of
             * dice rolls it took to get a three.
            System.out.println("It took " + count + "dice rolls to get a three");
    }Once you have this method working correctly - that is you run it lots of times and it agrees with what you find experimentally with an actual dice - then you can move on to saving this result to a file (step 3B). The steps of the assignment provide a framework that makes sense - follow them one at a time.
    but only thing is that the random number is all a certain number.That's a fairly major defect in a randomly generated number ;). Read the API documentation for the [nextInt(n)|http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/Random.html#nextInt(int)] method. It should be clear that this is the method that randomly generates a number. So if you want lots of randomly generated numbers (rather than one randomly generated number lots of times) then you have to call this method lots of times. A call to nextInt(n) is the programming equivalent to rolling a dice.

  • How to generate a unique random number in a MySQL db

    I'm creating a volunteer and also a separate vendor application form for an airshow. The volunteer and vendor info is stored in separate tables in a MySQL db, one row per volunteer or vendor. There will be about 100 volunteers and 50 vendors. When the application is submitted it should immediately be printed by the applicant, then signed and mailed in. This past year we had problems with some people who didn't immediately print their application so I'd like to still give them the option to immediately print but also send them an e-mail with a link to their specific row in the MySQL db. I have an autoincrement field as the primary key for each table, but I think sending this key to the applicant in an e-mail would be too easy for them to guess another id and access other people's info.
    I'm thinking I should add a column to each table which would contain a unique random number and I would then send this key in the e-mail to the applicant. So, can anyone suggest a simple way to do this or suggest a better way of giving the applicant a way to access their own application and no-one elses after they have submitted their form?
    Thanks all.
    Tony Babb

    Thanks so much, that was very helpful. I added the code you suggested to create and display the random number - I called it "vollink" and that worked fine. Then I added the hidden field toward the bottom of the form - it shows at line 311 when I do a "View Source in Int Explorer and then tried adding the code to add it to the table and when I tested it failed with "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1" . The test version of the page is here www.hollisterairshow.com/volunteerapp2.php . The changes I made to add it to the table is shown below , I must be missing something blindingly obvious, if you could suggest a fix I'd really appreciate it. I did add the field to the MySQL table also.
    Thanks again
    $editFormAction = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
    if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
      $editFormAction .= "?" . htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
    if ((isset($_POST["MM_insert"])) && ($_POST["MM_insert"] == "form1")) {
      $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO volunteers (firstname, lastname, email, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, monday, activity, talents, specialrequests, tshirt, phone, street, city, st, zip, updatedby, vollink) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, $s)",
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['firstname'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['lastname'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['email'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['thursday'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['friday'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['saturday'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['sunday'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['monday'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['activity'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['specialtalents'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['specialrequests'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['tshirt'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['phone'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['street'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['city'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['st'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['zip'], "text"),
            GetSQLValueString($_POST['vollink'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['lastname'], "text"));
      mysql_select_db($database_adminconnection, $adminconnection);
      $Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $adminconnection) or die(mysql_error());

  • Plot xy graph using random number generator

    How do i plot xy graph dynamically every 5 seconds with a random number generator?
    X axis : Time
    Y Axis : Random number generator

    I've done tis so far. im able to plot dynamically every 1 second.
    but the problem i am facing is The X axis display every 1 second.
    i want it to be fixed 24 hours time format, and the data will gradually plots the data on y axis against x axis every one second, without changing the scale of the x axis (24hour time format)

  • Generate a random number and make it STAY after "save"

    I searched around this forum and found that I can use this code to generate a random number:
    //this.rawValue = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000);
    Works great. only problem is, once I practice on the "real" form and save, close, and reopen - it changes the random number every time. I need to figure out a way to make it save the 1st number it generates when someone opens the form and types info in it....then they save and close, etc.
    Can anyone help me? Thanks!!

    Example steps:
    1. Add a hidden field to the same subform with name 'hiddenField'.
    2. First time you open 'hiddenField' rawValue will be null.
    3. where ever you run the code to generate random number use scenario like this.
    if (hiddenField.isNull) {
    this.rawValue = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000);
    }else {
    this.rawValue = hiddenField.rawValue;
    Hope this thelps.

  • Is it possible to create a 1 D array with the "build array VI"? when receiving random number

    Hello all,
    Is it possible to create a 1 D array with the "build array VI" when receiving random number?
    I am receiving random data and the build array VI always create a 2D array which might cause some problem if you want to compute certain type of operation after.
    Any example will be welcomed.
    Thank you,

    Hello Lynn and Yamaeda
    First I want to Thank you Lynn for your linguistic contribution indeed "Build Array" is a primitive and not VI, thank you for the education. In reality what I am doing is simple.
    I have two arrays of complex elements Array1 and Array2.
    Array1 conains the complex elements ""(a0+ib0) ; (a1+ib1) ;...(an+ibn) ;
    Array2 conains the complex elements ""(c0+id0) ; (c1+id1) ;...(cn+idn) 
    What I want to do is the multiplication of the first array by the  conjugate of the second array element.
    Array1*(Conjugate Array 2)" for the first element the results is "(a0.C0-b0.d0) + i(b0c0-a0d0)" and the etc...
    and then taking the square root ([(a0.C0-b0.d0) power of 2]) +  [(b0c0-a0d0) power of 2])
    I was wondering if there were some dedicate primitive that could solve the computation above which is the cross correlation in Frequency domain.
    Thank you very much.

  • Random Number list

    Lo peeps, I have a small problem, i'm trying to create a random number generator and create a list of size current_size. The code also generates the random number from zero to current_size. The following code seems to work correctly in generating a random number, but it doesn't create a list of random numbers, instead it creates a list of the same random number!!! Does anyone have any ideas?
    import java.util.*;       // needed for Random
    public class ListByArray
        private     int           current_size;
        private     String[]      data;
        private final int        default_max_size = 4096;
        public int createRandomList(String string_size)
            int i;
            int j;
            if(!isIntString(string_size)) {
                return 0;
            else {
                Integer size = Integer.valueOf(string_size);
                current_size = size.intValue();
            for(i=0; i<current_size; i++) {
                Random R = new Random();
                j = (int)(R.nextFloat()*current_size);
                data[i] = Integer.toString(j);
            return current_size;
        } //end createRandomList
    } //end classIt's manly the for loop which I'm wondering about because I know the rest of the code works!!!.

    That line creates a new pseudo random number generator with the current time (in milliseconds) as a seed. When you call r.nextFloat you don't actually get a random number but a number that is a function of the last number generated, or, if there are no numbers yet generated, of the seed (that's why they call them pseudo random number generators). So the sequence you get is totally dependent on the seed. Your loop seems to be passed so fast that the time in milliseconds doesn't change during it, with the result that you have many generators with the exact same seed and will produce the exact same sequence of numbers... and you use only the first number of each sequence.
    But if you move the line outside the loop you'll have only one RNG that is seeded only once.
    More info on RNGs: http://directory.google.com/Top/Computers/Algorithms/Pseudorandom_Numbers/

  • Do random number generators (RNGs) depend on sequential number generation?

    I know that random number generators (RNGs) are guaranteed to be random as N (the number of numbers generated) approaches infinity, but what does the specification say about throwing away the RNG after a single use?
    That is, is there a difference between generating 1000 numbers using the same generator versus generating 1000 generators and reading at one number from each?
    Is there a difference between the normal RNGs and the cryptographically-strong ones for this?
    I ask because I am wondering whether a web server needs to maintain a RNG per client session, or whether it can share a single generator across all clients, or whether it can create a new generator per HTTP request. Does any of this affect how random the resulting numbers will be (from the client point of view, as T approaches infinity)?
    Thank you,

    ghstark wrote:
    cowwoc wrote:
    I know that random number generators (RNGs) are guaranteed to be random as N (the number of numbers generated) approaches infinityHow do you know this? it is a challenge just to come up with a formal definition for the "random" in "random number generators".
    Wasn't this covered in your [earlier thread|http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5320382&messageID=10369834] ?
    You're right, but what bothered me about that thread is that the replies concluded that since there is no practical proof that SecureRandom has a problem that should be good enough. I'm looking for a code sniplet guaranteed by the specification (hence portable across implementations) to generate random numbers. No one has yet to provide such an answer.
    What's to guarantee that if I move to a different platform, vendor or even a different version of Sun's JVM that my code won't magically break? Verifying randomness isn't a trivial matter.

  • Somehow a random number appeared on the bottom of all my slides on keynote- it is always the same number regardless of the slide number I am- how can I remove it??

    Somehow a random number (white font on black square) appeared on the bottom of all my slides on keynote… it is always the same number regardless of the slide number I am… how can I remove it??

    Sorry!  I hope I didn't waste anybody's time.  I should have looked first for previous posts and I would have seen other people having the same issue and how they solved it.  Problem solved.  Thanks

  • Random Number being changed to the same number for all rows

    hello all,
    first of all I want to mention that this problem start happening after 2.14 instalation of Power Query.
    I'm creating new column in my query and setting all values to random numbers. The problem is that next step (doesn't matter what it do itself) somehow changes all those random numbers to the same random number for all lines.
    here's code sample:
    InsertedCustom = Table.AddColumn(RemovedColumns3, "Random Number", each Number.Random()),
        InsertedCustom2 = Table.AddColumn(InsertedCustom, "Analyst Full Name", each [Analyst First Name]&" "&[Analyst Last Name]),
    when I'm checking step by step, InsertedCustom  creates new column and all values are being set randomly for all lines BUT when going to the next step (InsertedCustom2) all values in the column "Random Number" are being changed to the
    same number (no matter that InsertedCustom2 itself should not be doing anything to column named "Random Number") . I even tried moving InsertedCustom step to the bottom of my code but it didn't help and still facing this issue.
    p.s. updated my PQ to 2.15 - didn't help

    This is a known issue. Power Query assumes that functions are idempotent (given the same arguments, they produce the same result), which isn't true for Number.Random. Our optimization pipeline is turning Number.Random() into a constant in the scenario you
    encountered, which results in all rows having the same value.
    There's been some discussion of how to fix this, but that won't help you in the near term. Can you describe a bit more about your scenario and what you're trying to accomplish? Perhaps we can help you find a workaround.

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