Rcvr Determination problem

Hi All,
In my scenario there is rcvr determination in ID , but it is throwing an error no Rcvr determination found. What can i do?

this is a common error and relate to a wrong configuration. if you have the rights try a test configuration under tools menu
please check the service interface (enterprice services in PI7.1)configured in the receiver determiantion and sender agreement.
take a look to these thread:
u0093RCVR_DETERMINATION.NO_RECEIVER_CASE_BE No receiver could be determineu0094
No receiver could be determined - ERROR
No Receiver could not be determined ?
Edited by: Rodrigo Alejandro Pertierra on Sep 17, 2010 10:54 AM

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    the problem is already 2 receivers nodes are there which will trigger 2 receivers based on their own conditions.
    You can generate these receiver nodes dynamically by checking condition in UDF.
    For more on mapping and UDF refer

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    Thanks in Advance

    Hi PRabhat,
    In RCVR determination, you need to select the party & service (as appropriate) save the obeject
    then refresh the configuration overview of recr det.
    then you can see the partner/service
    then you can open it & add the necessary objects.

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    Rank 2: ABMB2
    Rank 3: ABMB3
    Rank 15: MBB
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    Payment program will select house bank from bank determination which you made for your payment method and house bank combination.
    The house bank you have entered in payment media program variant is used to generate payment advice or payment media. It has nothing to do with house bank through which you want to make this payment.
    For any reason you want to make payments to the vendor using specific house bank you can enter house bank ID directly in vendor master data.
    Edited by: M V Narayana Raju on Sep 14, 2010 5:20 AM

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    Are you absolutely sure that it is not an authorisation issue? Can you give SAP_ALL (and the possible structural authorisations) to all the users that are involved in the process? (I don't think that changing sy-uname in debug mode to another user really is a correct way to try to prove whether this is an authorisation issue.)
    The agent determination of the following step is executed by the previous WF agent, if there is no background steps between. So if the previous agent doesn't have enought authorisations, the agent determination will fail.

  • Clarification neded on extended RCVR Determination

    Hi Experts,
    Plz clarify me here:
    1.we can send mesages to multiple receivers based on condition in conditional editor......when exactly we should go for extended rcvr determination?
    2.why we need to use a seperate mapping for extended rcvr determination using basis object"receiver determination"? wat is the use of this mapping?
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    4.Plz let me know what is the sequence of processing steps that takes place in IE/IS...
    Thaks in advance.

    1.we can send mesages to multiple receivers based on condition in conditional editor......when exactly we should go for extended rcvr determination?
    Depending upon your requirement like, for same BS you want to send some data to other customers if some field changes. lets say for Cust A , if X fields changes you wanna send some different amount of data ie payload 1, else if X field have diff data which behaves in different way , and sends some other payload to Cust B.
    If X = "M"
         Send Payload P1 to Cust A
    else if
       X = "N"
         Send Payload P2 to Cust B
         Send Default Payload Z1
    This is one of the general scenario.
    2.why we need to use a seperate mapping for extended rcvr determination using basis object"receiver determination"? wat is the use of this mapping?
    As you can see using the above scenario, you must use other or you can resuse the same mapping for different purposes, depending upon your requirement. You can use graphical mapping for conditional values to be fix in target. Also You can provide the context objects depending upon your requirement and then you can refer this to determine conditional receiver in XPATH.
    3.do we need to go for enhanced interface face determination everytime when we r gong for extended rcvr determination?
    I guess above answers will clarify you why we do this for all receiver determination. in simple way, all receiver needs a Interface mapping, as you know in interface mapping we define the actual path like Source to target with some message mapping X. So for every receiver we should provide the Interface detemination that which mapping program its gonna use.
    4.Plz let me know what is the sequence of processing steps that takes place in IE/IS...
    To view Pipe line execution steps(You should have access to SXMB_ADM:
    1.Go to SXMB_ADM.
    2.select Display Pipeline defination option.
    3.Select PipeLine Id as (SAP_CENTRAL).
    4.Click on Pipelineelement tab.
    Then u can see the pipe line steps exactly.
    Also in SXMB_moni, take any successful or error message double click and in left hand side you will se the sequence of processing steps.
    Interface Determination----
    Message Split----
    Message Mapping -
    Technical Routing----
    Call Adaptor----
    Hope this will clarify you.
    Aashish Sinha
    PS : reward points if helpful

  • Multiple pricing procedure determination problem

    Dear Experts,
    I have a situation in pricing procedure determination. Please advice. The details are given below.
    Pricing procedure is determined for the combination of Sales Org,
    Division, Distribution Channel, Customer Pricing Procedure and Document
    Pricing procedure.
    Say there is a sale happening through following organizational units.
    Company Code: 4260
    Sales Org: 3260
    Division: 02
    Distribution Channel: D1
    Customer: 9000000
    But the material is delivered from the plant that belongs to a different
    company code.
    Plant company code: 4262
    The customer 9000000 has customer pricing procedure maintained as 1 in
    the customer master.
    This will create following documents
    Sales order OR from 3260 to 9000000
    LF delivery
    F2 invoice from CC 4260 to customer 9000000.
    IV inter-company invoice from 4262 to 4260 through following sales area.Sales org: 3262
    Division: 04
    Distribution Channel: 99 (inter-company)
    Here the payer is 4260 which will have a customer pricing procedure
    maintained in the customer master (say 1-standard). The document pricing
    procedure is A.
    The pricing procedures determined for F2 invoice and IV invoice will be
    as per the below assignment.
    3260 02 D1 A 1 PRIPRO1
    3262 04 99 A 1 PRIPRO1
    The requirement is to determine another pricing procedure say PRIPROF
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    i.e. F2 and IV. The determination will happen from below assignment.
    3260 02 D1 A F PRIPROF
    3262 04 99 A F PRIPROF
    The problem here is that we can not maintain two different customer
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    Therefore 3262 04 99 A F PRIPROF assignment is not possible as 4260 can
    either have 1 or F as Customer pricing procedure.
    And 3262 04 99 A 1 PRIPRO1 assignment is already in use so we can not
    replace 1 with F and change the pricing procedure from PRIPRO1 to
    Can you please advice how can we resolve the issue of having multiple
    customer pricing procedure requirements for same customer to determine
    different pricing procedures?
    Thank you.
    WIth regards,
    Sahir Gaulkar

    Hi Ashish,
    Refer this links to understand links b/w the tables.
    Swamy H P

  • Controlling - Cost Center Determination Problem - MM

    Hi everyone,
    I have a problem concerning Cost Center determination.
    My Valuation Area is company code and I use division in order to input to diferent Plants.
    I filled all the fields on the OMJ7 transaction.
    I also filled all the data in the OKB9 transaction.
    The problem appears while posting a Goods Receipt: When a goods receipt is posted, the system just picks the Cost Center informed in the "Valuation Area - Division" and not in the "Plant-Division" of transaction OMJ7.
    The data informed in the "Plant-Division" part is working fine in SD, but during GR it does not work and it gets the data in the "Valuation Area - Division" part.
    Does anyone can tell me how to make it work the same way in SD and in MM ?
    Thanks in advance !
    Best regards,

    In OMJ7, there are two linksto maintain the values:
    1. Plant - Division (T134G)
    2. Valuation Area- Division (T134H)
    Both of these refer to two different tables (in brackets above).
    SD transactions read the G table and MM transactions read the H table. Hence you need to maintain the settings in both tables.
    In my situation, though the plant is the Val area, I had to maintain the entries in both tables.

  • Account determination problem

    In tcode MIGO i am getting error '' Account determination  for entry CAIN BSX -
    3000 not possible'' { Message no. M8147 } .Can you please guide me ?
    I am online.

    Goto OBYC T.code and Transaction key BSX where you are missing a GL account for Valuation area 3000 under CAIN chart of accounts.
    Assign GL account  for BSX transaction for valuation area 3000 under CAIN chart of account and this is solve your problem

  • Webservice to file (receiver determination problem)

    Hi ...
        I am doing webserive to file scenario in PI7.0 server. I have completed doing the scenario. But there is a problem in receiver side. In SXMB_MONI it is showing the below error.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    - <!--  Receiver Identification
    - <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1">
      <SAP:P1 />
      <SAP:P2 />
      <SAP:P3 />
      <SAP:P4 />
      <SAP:AdditionalText />
      <SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage namespace="" />
      <SAP:Stack>No receiver could be determined</SAP:Stack>
    Could you please help me out in this.

    When you have used the WSDL wizard in the Integration Directory and have clicked on "Propose URL" in the second screen, did you ever wonder, why the URL does not point to a sender SOAP adapter channel, it is the URL of the Integration Server instead?
    When you want to use the inbound channel of the Integration Server, you have to use following URL for the web service client:
    The namespace must be written with escaped characters. (%5E stands for "^")
    Note: The WSDL wizard creates an address with the escape sequence &amp; instead of &. Some SOAP clients (for example XPLSpy) do not automatically restore the character and you have to do this manually.
    By default the SOAP call is treated as a synchronous call. If you want an asynchronous call, you have to add &QualityOfService=ExactlyOnce to the URL.
    Additionally your web service client must provide the HTTP header parameter "SOAP action" = http://sap.com/xi/WebService/soap1.1
    The Web Service Wizard of the Integration Repository creates a WSDL concerning this URL and this SOAP action automatically. Only for asynchronous calls you need to change the URL inside the WSDL file with an editor and add &QualityOfService=ExactlyOnce.
    When you send SOAP messages directly to the Integration Server, you reduce the message load on the adapter engine. This can improve the performance.
    The SOAP inbound channel of the Integration Server does not support attachments. SOAP messages with content type "multipart" are rejected.
    For testing purpose it is possible to add logon data directly to the URL. The parameters are the same as in the HTTP sender adapter: &sap-user=<username>&sap-password=<password>

  • File to RFC scenario - receiver determination problems

    Hi ,
    Im trying to work out a flat file to RFC scenario, and am facing problems in configuring the receiver determination .
    While creating my receiver determination, in the configured receivers, when i click on the F4 help to select service, i do not see the business system that i configured in SLD .
    This system i have configured as an WAS ABAP system and provided all relevant data. I can also import objects from this system into IR, so i dont think i have set it up wrongly. I have also created RFC destination .
    Is there some setting that has to be made that im missing ? Could somebody point out why im not able to see this system in the list of business services available at receiver configuration time ?
    I also cleared the SLD cache by the way.. that didnt work either .
    Message was edited by:
            Joe Stein

    Thanks a lot for you replies guys , but problems still not solved ;
    1. I looked at the blog given and ive done everything pretty much as given . My problem lies in not finding the business system itself  in the list of services for the configured receiver. How to implement this has not been shown in the blog.
    2. I tried refreshing the cache and checking again, but it still doesnt show me the necessary step.
    SOS !
    I checked in the inbound system , and found that an RFC wasnt created for the XI system . I created that but i still cant see this system as a business system when i try to create the receiver determination . Do i need to recreate the technical system in the landscape to incorporate this change ?
    Any pointers at all ??
    Message was edited by:
            Joe Stein

  • ML single-level determination problems

    we have some problems about single-level determination:
    category                        quantity                  prelimval                   price diff             price
    Beginning Inventory      55,821,791.824      4,326,188.88            0.00                     77.50
    Receipts                        84,472,000             7,301,759.68            3,116,204.28      123.33
       Cumulative Inventory 140,293,791.824    12,126,995.37          3,116,204.28      108.65
    Consumption                 93,890,170             8,115,866.30            2,085,487.50       108.65
         Not Allocated           0                             0.00                          *592,153.96*
         Production               48,880,000              4,225,187.20            *493,568.10*
             6.1111004 LG01 387,000                   33,452.28                 8,596.04              108.65
             6.1111009 LG01 693,000                   59,902.92                 15,392.91            108.65
             6.4510111 LG01 39,939,000              3,452,327.16            *298,671.23          93.92*
             6.1111005 LG01 387,000                   33,452.28                 8,596.04              108.65
             7.5710050200 LG01 94,000               8,125.36                   2,087.93               108.65
    Ending Inventory          46,403,621.824       4,011,129.07            1,030,716.78        108.65
    material 6.4510111 was allocated 298,671.23, but 887,124.66 (2,085,487.50 * 39,939,000 / 93,890,170) is the correct amount, who can tell me y ? tks..

    Single level price determination is to calculate the unit price of material for a period. It takes into account the price differneces arising out of Price Differences like GR/IR Differences, Exchange Rate Differences, and revaluation differences to calculate the actual price of  a material.
    You can have more information of Single Level Price Determination at the following link:

  • HTTP to RFC Interface Determination problem

    Hi experts,
    I am doing HTTP <-> RFC scenario mentioned in blog
    almost everthing is done; but while configuring the interface determination, i am not able to see the inbound interface.
    your valuable help would be appreciated
    Sumit Bhutani

    Hi Bhavesh,
    Thanks for your quick response; this problem has been resolved, but while testing my scenario using RWB i am getting this error.
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    - <!--  Request Message Mapping
    - <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1">
      <SAP:P1 />
      <SAP:P2 />
      <SAP:P3 />
      <SAP:P4 />
      <SAP:AdditionalText />
      <SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage namespace="" />
      <SAP:Stack>Unable to read payload from the message object</SAP:Stack>
    Please suggest on this

  • Extended Receiver Determination problem

    I am making use of extended receiver determination to send 1 source to multiple target systems. When I was testing so that the interface would just send to 1 target system while still making use of the extended receiver determination, I got the following error CO_TXT_OUTBINDING_NOT_FOUND and "No receiver agreement found". The red flag error occurs during Technical Routing and when I checked the details SOAP Header -> Main, I found that the following:
    Sender Service: ServiceA (correct)
    Sender Interface: InterfaceA (correct)
    Sender namespace: NamespaceA (correct)
    Receiver Service: ServiceB (correct)
    Receiver Interface: InterfaceA (wrong)
    Receiver namespace: InterfaceA (wrong)
    It seems that extended receiver determination was able to successfully determine the receiver service but fail in determining the correct receiver interface and receiver namespace. Does anybody know why this happen and how to correct the problem?
    Some investigation that I already done:
    1.) I temporarily changed the extended receiver determination to a standard receiver determination and specifying the 1 target system explicity without changing any other object in both IR and ID as well as using the same test file. The result is that this worked and the file was sent succefully to my intended target system. This tells me that the problem might either be in the extended receiver determination or in the message mapping or message interface Receivers. Also, this means that all the other objects in ID for this interface is configured correctly.
    2.) I tried hard coding the target system as a constant in the message mapping for the Receivers message type and still make use of the extended receiver determination and I got the same problem mentioned above.
    3.) I tried deleting the receiver determination, activating the changes, re-create the object and activate it and I still got the problem
    4.) I tried checking sxi_cache and everything is up to date and correct
    Any suggestions is highly appreciated.

    I you are doing only standard receiver determination only and using certain condition you are sending to different targets. If yes check this url:
    Can you please put the payload after message mapping and the xpath condition you mentioned. or if you are doing enhanced receiver determination please check this:
    Re: Error in enhanced receiver determination
    Edited by: Satish Reddy on Jun 23, 2009 9:08 AM

  • Interface determination problem

    Hi experts,
    I hae a scenario in which i need to split a given message to multiple message(1:n) multimapping.
    I am doing without BPM,and my scenario is working fine and good when i test in message mapping giving various inputs.
    when i test in configuration or runtime it throws an error saying that  interface determaination not found
    The funniest part is if i give some payload it will work fine,and determines the interface....
    but for some conditions it shows interface determaination not found....
    Can anyone throw light on this problem please..

    The funniest part is if i give some payload it will work fine,and determines the interface....
    but for some conditions it shows interface determaination not found....
    This would mean that for some payload the condition is not met. Verify that the payloads for whom you are receiving the error are having the fields/ values that are required to satisfy the condition.

Maybe you are looking for