RE: insert statement runs twice in place of once Randomly

I am using a simple nsert statement .The insert statement picks a variable
from the form and inserts it into the database
I have no loops in the page
the code is :
<cfif isdefined("Form.Category")>
<cfquery name="InsertCat" datasource="ShoppingCart">
Insert Into ShoppingMstCategory(Category)
Values '#Form.Category#')
The insert runs twice on its own.
Though if I use Query analyser to insert the statement only inserts once.
am I missing something. I am using CF 10

ColdFusion is behaving exactly as it should. When the form is submitted, the variables form.category and form.categoryEdit are both defined. In other words, isdefined("Form.Category") and isdefined("Form.CategoryEdit") are both true. Hence, the if-block as well as the else-block will run.

Similar Messages

  • Re: insert statement runs twice in place of once

    I am using a insert statement.The insert statement picks a variable
    from the form and inserts it into the database
    I have no loops in the page the code is :
    <cfif isdefined("Form.Category")>
    <cfquery name="InsertCat" datasource="ShoppingCart">
    Insert Into ShoppingMstCategory(Category)
    The insert runs twice on its own.
    Though if I use Query analyser to insert the statement only inserts once.
    am I missing something. I am using CF10.
    Here's the whole page.
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <title>cat update</title>
    <cfif isdefined("Form.Category")>
    <cfquery name="InsertCat" datasource="ShoppingCart">
    Insert Into ShoppingMstCategory(Category)
    <cfif isdefined("Form.CategoryEdit")>
    <cfquery datasource="Shoppingcart">
    UPDATE ShoppingMstCategory
    [Category] = '#Form.Category#'
    WHERE CategoryID = #Form.EditId#

    ColdFusion is behaving exactly as it should. When the form is submitted, the variables form.category and form.categoryEdit are both defined. In other words, isdefined("Form.Category") and isdefined("Form.CategoryEdit") are both true. Hence, the if-block as well as the else-block will run.

  • Select query and Insert statement performance

    Hi all,
    Can anyone plz guide us on below problem I am facing ?
    1) One of the simple Insert statement runs very slow..What might be the reason? Its simple table without any LOBs ,LONG or so. Everything else in the DB works fine.
    2) one of the SELECT statement runs very slow. It selects all records (around 1000) from a table..How can i improve its performance?
    3)Which columns in the Master and its detail tables should be indexed to improve Query performance on them.
    Many Thanks

    To get an answer to your questions you have to post some informations about your system:
    1. operating system
    2. RAM
    3. oracle version
    4. init.ora

  • Running .sql file or insert statements

    I have a large .sql file compiled from SQL developer from a SQL Server database. Whatever I do, I cannot get the rows to be permanently committed to the oracle db. I tried copying the text directly from the file and running it as a script on the Oracle server which seemed to work but the rows did not actually commit, they weren't available in the program and when I restarted the SQL Developer program they disappeared.
    I also tried using SQL Plus and received the same results. I even tried copying just a single insert statement in with no success.
    A second problem I have is when copying the entire file over, somewhere around line 500 it starts asking for substation variables, which I have no idea what they are or why it's asking for them.
    Thanks for any help :)

    Daft question, but have you got "commit" in your script?
    Also, you'll need to "set define off" at the beginning of your script - & is the default prompt for SQLPLUS to ask for a variable, so if you're trying to insert "You & Me", it'll prompt you for a value for Me, unless you've got set define off.

  • Issue for running complex insert statement

    Hello expert,
    I have a complex insert statement in store procedure. when I run this statement in toad, it takes only 1 minute. but when I monitor execution of this procedure, it takes about 2 hours. this insert statement is as " insert into table select......". can you tell me the possible reason for that ? by the way , index for these two running are always existing there.
    Many Thanks,

    Thanks for all you reply, I create another procedure using statements from issue procedure. it takes 3 minutes compared with 2 hours for this insert statement in the issue procedure. I find out a statement before this insert statement in the issue procedure as follows, I wonder if this is the reason for low performance:
    at the end of the issue procedure, having another statement:
    please tell me if these statement will affect the performance. I know little about DBA, so I post it overhere without advanced investigation. Appreciate very much for your help.

  • How many insert statements to run in a batch

    Hi all,
    I have access to a table in a database. For one reason and another that I wont go into, this project only lets me run select and insert statements against this table. The reason I state this is because I know for performance its better not to use neat inserts but in this instance it is the only option.
    so... I have a c# application that has hold of a big set of data. In terms of performance would those people who are far more experienced with Oracle than myself consider it better to perform each insert statement on its own. Then move to the next. or... build a statement up that contains 10..20..30..100? statements and bulk run them.
    If it is better to bulk run... I know this is going to be a subjective question but what are the limits to the amount of statements one should run in a go.
    I have in the past run auto built scripts of 200mb+ in sqlDeveloper and it tended to break it. I think this is more an issue with sqlDeveloper than oracle however.
    Thanks Guys / Girls

    This thread looks useful to me. Please skim through.

  • Issu for running insert statement in oracle procedure.

    Hi expert,
    I ran a oracle procedure with a insert statement inside as:
    insert into table1 select....
    but I got error message related to this insert statement as "SQLERRM= ORA-08103: object no longer exists"
    I ran this statement separately in toad, no error message, but no data result from this execute.
    please tell how to fix this issue.
    Many Thanks,
    Edited by: 918440 on 27-Jun-2012 8:04 AM

    Hi friend,
    my insert statement is as follows:
                    hiroc_rpt_user.hiroc_get_entity_name(pp.policy_fk,'POLHOLDER')  policy_holder,  
                    hiroc_sel_entity_risk_name2 (pp.risk_fk,r.entity_fk)  risk_name,   
                    substr(trim(nvl(r.county_code_used_to_rate,pth.issue_state_code)),1,2) rating_state_code,  
                    hiroc_get_province_name(substr(trim(nvl(r.county_code_used_to_rate,pth.issue_state_code)),1,2), 'PROVINCE_CODE', 'L') rating_state_name,  
                    hiroc_get_provicne_pol_prefix(substr(trim(nvl(r.county_code_used_to_rate,pth.issue_state_code)),1,2),p.policy_type_code) rating_prov_pol_prefix,   
                    nvl(r.risk_cls_used_to_rate,pth.peer_groups_code) rating_peer_group_code,  
                    hiroc_get_lookup_desc('PEER_GROUP',nvl(r.risk_cls_used_to_rate,pth.peer_groups_code),'L')  rating_peer_group_name,   
                    to_char(pth.effective_from_date,'yyyy') term_effective_year,   
                    cls.coverage_code coverage_class_code,   
                    cls.coverage_long_desc coverage_class_long_desc,   
                    decode(pp.coverage_component_code ,'GROSS',cls.exposure_unit,null) exposure_unit, --hiroc_get_expos_units_by_cov(c.coverage_pk,pc.coverage_code,c.effective_from_date,c.effective_to_date) exposure_unit,   
                    decode(pp.coverage_component_code ,'GROSS',cls.number_of_patient_day,null) number_of_patient_day,   
                    pth.effective_from_date  term_eff_from_date,   
                    pth.effective_to_date term_eff_to_date,    
                    pp.premium_amount premium_amount,    
                    (case when (pc.coverage_code in ('CP','MC1','MC2','MC3','MC4','HR','F') or pc.coverage_code like 'ST%') and  
                                  pp.coverage_component_code != 'RISKMGMT' then     
                    end) primary_premium,   
                    (hiroc_get_risk_units(hiroc_get_provicne_pol_prefix(substr(trim(nvl(r.county_code_used_to_rate,pth.issue_state_code)),1,2),p.policy_type_code)-- rating_prov_pol_prefix  
                                        ,nvl(r.risk_cls_used_to_rate,pth.peer_groups_code) -- rating_peer_group_code  
                                        ,cls.coverage_code --coverage_class_code  
                                        ,decode(pp.coverage_component_code ,'GROSS',cls.exposure_unit,null)  
                                        ,(case when (pc.coverage_code in ('CP','MC1','MC2','MC3','MC4','HR','F') or pc.coverage_code like 'ST%') and  
                                                      pp.coverage_component_code != 'RISKMGMT' then     
                                         end)  -- primary_premium  
                                        ,trunc(pth.effective_to_date))) risk_units  
             from     proddw_mart.rmv_territory_makeup tm,  
                      proddw_mart.rmv_premium_class_makeup pcm,  
                      proddw_mart.rmv_product_coverage pc,  
                      proddw_mart.rmv_coverage c,  
                      proddw_mart.rmv_risk r,  
                      proddw_mart.rmv_policy_term_history pth,  
                      proddw_mart.rmv_policy p,  
                      proddw_mart.rmv_transaction_log tl,  
                      proddw_mart.rmv_policy_premium pp,  
                      (select  /* +rule */  
                               pc.short_description coverage_short_desc,   
                               pc.long_description coverage_long_desc,  
                               p.policy_start_date policy_effective_date,  
                               p.policy_end_date policy_expiry_date,  
                               to_char(c.effective_from_date,'YYYY') class_eff_year  
                        from   proddw_mart.odwr_coverage_only      c  
                              ,proddw_mart.odwr_product_coverage   pc  
                              ,proddw_mart.odwr_risk               r  
                              ,proddw_mart.odwr_policy             p  
                        where  pc.code                 = c.product_coverage_code  
                          and  pc.parent_product_covg_code is not null                 -- coverage classes only  
                          and  r.risk_pk = c.risk_base_record_fk  
                          and  c.accounting_to_date = to_date('1/1/3000','mm/dd/yyyy') -- only open records  
                          and  c.base_record_b = 'N'  
                          and  p.base_record_b = 'N'  
                          and  p.policy_pk = r.policy_fk  
                          and  p.accounting_to_date = to_date('1/1/3000','mm/dd/yyyy')  -- only open records  
                       group by p.policy_no,  
                               pc.short_description, -- coverage_short_desc,   
                               pc.long_description, -- coverage_long_desc,  
                               p.policy_start_date, -- policy_effective_date,  
                               p.policy_end_date, -- policy_expiry_date,  
                               to_char(c.effective_from_date,'YYYY')-- class_eff_year  
                      ) cls  
                where    tm.risk_type_code = r.risk_type_code  
                and        tm.county_code = r.county_code_used_to_rate  
                and        tm.effective_from_date <= pp.rate_period_from_date  
                and        tm.effective_to_date   >  pp.rate_period_from_date  
                and        pcm.practice_state_code (+) = r.practice_state_code  
                and        pcm.risk_class_code (+) = r.risk_cls_used_to_rate  
                and        nvl(pcm.effective_from_date, pp.rate_period_from_date) <= pp.rate_period_from_date  
                and        nvl(pcm.effective_to_date, to_date('01/01/3000','mm/dd/yyyy')) > pp.rate_period_from_date  
                and        pc.code = c.product_coverage_code  
                and        c.base_record_b = 'N'  
                and        ( c.record_mode_code = 'OFFICIAL'  
                         and (c.closing_trans_log_fk is null or  
                              c.closing_trans_log_fk != tl.transaction_log_pk)  
                         or c.record_mode_code = 'TEMP'  
                         and c.transaction_log_fk = tl.transaction_log_pk )  
                and   c.parent_coverage_base_record_fk is null  
                and        c.effective_from_date  <  c.effective_to_date  
                and        c.effective_from_date  <= pp.rate_period_from_date  
                and        c.effective_to_date    >  pp.rate_period_from_date  
                and   c.accounting_from_date <= tl.accounting_date  
                and   c.accounting_to_date   >  tl.accounting_date  
                and        c.coverage_base_record_fk=pp.coverage_fk  
                and        r.base_record_b = 'N'  
                and        ( r.record_mode_code = 'OFFICIAL'  
                        and (r.closing_trans_log_fk is null or  
                             r.closing_trans_log_fk != tl.transaction_log_pk)  
                        or r.record_mode_code = 'TEMP'  
                        and r.transaction_log_fk = tl.transaction_log_pk )  
                and        r.effective_from_date  <  r.effective_to_date  
                and        r.effective_from_date  <= pp.rate_period_from_date  
                and        r.effective_to_date    >  pp.rate_period_from_date  
                and   r.accounting_from_date <= tl.accounting_date  
                and   r.accounting_to_date   >  tl.accounting_date  
                and         r.risk_base_record_fk = pp.risk_fk  
                and        pth.base_record_b = 'N'  
                and        ( pth.record_mode_code = 'OFFICIAL'  
                        and (pth.closing_trans_log_fk is null or  
                             pth.closing_trans_log_fk != tl.transaction_log_pk)  
                        or pth.record_mode_code = 'TEMP'  
                        and pth.transaction_log_fk = tl.transaction_log_pk )  
                and        pth.accounting_from_date <= tl.accounting_date  
                and        pth.accounting_to_date   >  tl.accounting_date  
                and        pth.term_base_record_fk = pp.policy_term_fk  
                and   p.policy_pk = pp.policy_fk  
                and        tl.transaction_log_pk  =  pp.transaction_log_fk  
                and   pp.active_premium_b = 'Y'  
                and        pp.rate_period_type_code in ('CS_PERIOD','SR_PERIOD')  
                and        pp.rate_period_to_date > pp.rate_period_from_date  
                and tl.accounting_date <= sysdate   
                and p.policy_cycle_code = 'POLICY'  
                and substr(p.policy_no,1,1) <> 'Q'  
                and tl.transaction_log_pk = (select max(pp.transaction_log_fk)  
                                               from proddw_mart.rmv_policy_premium pp,proddw_mart.rmv_transaction_log tl2  
                                              where pth.term_base_record_fk = pp.policy_term_fk  
                                                and pp.transaction_log_fk = tl2.transaction_log_pk  
                                                and tl2.accounting_date <= sysdate )    
                 and p.policy_type_code in ('LIABCRIME','MIDWIFE')    
                 and pth.accounting_to_date =  to_date('01/01/3000','mm/dd/yyyy') --<<<*******  eliminates duplicates  
                 and p.policy_no = cls.policy_no  
            --     and r.risk_pk = cls.risk_pk  
                 and c.coverage_base_record_fk = cls.parent_coverage_base_record_fk(+)  
                 and  cls.effective_from_date < pth.effective_to_date -- from date less than period end date  
                 and  cls.effective_to_date   > pth.effective_from_date -- to date greater than period start date  
                 and  cls.policy_effective_date   < pth.effective_to_date -- from date less than period end date  
                 and  cls.policy_expiry_date     > pth.effective_from_date -- to date greater than period start date  
           group by pp.policy_fk,  
                    substr(trim(nvl(r.county_code_used_to_rate,pth.issue_state_code)),1,2), -- rating_state_code,  
                    nvl(r.risk_cls_used_to_rate,pth.peer_groups_code) , --  rating_peer_group_code,  
                    to_char(pth.effective_from_date,'yyyy'), --term_effective_year,   
                    cls.coverage_code, -- coverage_class_code,   
                    cls.coverage_long_desc, -- coverage_class_long_desc,   
                    decode(pp.coverage_component_code ,'GROSS',cls.exposure_unit,null),-- exposure_unit,   
                    decode(pp.coverage_component_code ,'GROSS',cls.number_of_patient_day,null), -- number_of_patient_day,   
                    pth.effective_from_date, --term_eff_from_date,   
                    pth.effective_to_date, --, --term_eff_to_date,    
                    pp.premium_amount ;Edited by: BluShadow on 27-Jun-2012 16:12
    added {noformat}{noformat} tags for readability.  PLEASE READ {message:id=9360002} AS PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           &

  • Report with stored proc running multiple stored procedures with insert statement

    I wonder if this is possible in SSRS ... I use the 2012 version (Data Tools).
    I have a report that triggers a stored procedure. See below.
    Within this SP there are 2 insert statements getting data from 2 other SP's.
    When I make a dataset referring to the main SP below, SSRS does not show me any fields at all.
    Is this because it's a SP with insert statements and nested SP's?
    At the end of the SP I make a select so it should see all the fields.
    The parameters @month and @costcenter are multivalue params. I use a special function to convert the multivalues, selected in the report, into a string to pass it correctly to the query (comma separated).
    USE [TestDB]
    /****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[_Pink_SP_StandingsRegisterDataset]    Script Date: 15-4-2014 13:31:30 ******/
    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[_Pink_SP_StandingsRegisterDataset]
    @year INT,
    @month NVARCHAR(50),
    @costcenter NVARCHAR(500),
    @GLaccount NVARCHAR(9)
    /* Remove existing content*/
    DELETE FROM _Pink_TB_StandingsRegister
    /* Add records part 1 */
    INSERT INTO _Pink_TB_StandingsRegister
    EXEC _Pink_SP_StandingsRegister @year, @month, @costcenter, @GLaccount
    /* Add records part 2 */
    INSERT INTO _Pink_TB_StandingsRegister
    EXEC _Pink_SP_StandingsRegisterDatetable @year
    /* Select all records */
    SELECT *
    FROM _Pink_TB_StandingsRegister

    Hi bijntjede2e,
    After testing a similar scenario in my own environment, it works well in Reporting Services. In my test, the stored procedure returns all the fields from _Pink_TB_StandingsRegister table in the dataset. Then I select some values from year, month, costcenter
    and Glaccount parameters, it inserts some values in the _Pink_TB_StandingsRegister table. So we can use this stored procedure as the dataset in the report.
    In order to solve the problem more efficiently, I need to clarify some information.
    Are you pass multiple values parameter to one stored procedure correctly? We can refer to the following thread:
    What results are you get when executing the stored procedure in SQL Server Management Studio? Is it works well? We should double those stored procedures.
    If there are any misunderstanding, please elaborate the issue for further investigation.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Simple Insert Statement Not Working

    This problem is just driving me crazy. I dont know what I m
    doing wrong here. The code works fine on my localhost but giving
    problem on the live site. It is a simple insert statement like
    insert into tblSubImages(productid, title, subdescription,
    image, place)
    The error I m getting looks like this:
    Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.
    The error occurred in
    D:\Hosting\davedhillon\superprinters\admin\addaditional.cfm: line
    9 : <cfset uploadedImage = cffile.serverfile>
    10 : <cfquery name="insertadditional"
    11 : insert into tblSubImages(productid, title,
    subdescription, image)
    12 : </cfquery>
    13 :
    SQL insert into tblSubImages(productid, title,
    subdescription, image)
    DATASOURCE davedhillon_accesscf_super
    You can see it is the simple insert statement which I have
    worked with so many times. Why has it started giving problem all of
    a sudden?
    Thank you

    Try copying and pasting the SQL statement produced in the
    error into your DB's query analyzer and try running it, as it might
    produce a more useful error message so you can see where the
    problem exists in the SQL statement. Also, I think I've seen that
    3092 code before and it means there is a reserved word violation so
    cf_dev2 solution will probably solve it.

  • Insert statement taking time on oracle 10g

    My procedure taking time in following statement while database upgrading from oracle 9i to oracle 10g.
    I m using oracle version
    cust_item is matiralize view in procedure and it is refreshing in the procedure
    Index is dropping before inserting data into cust_item_tbl TABLE and after inserting data index is created.
    There are almost 6 lac records into MV which are going to insert into TABLE.
    In 9i below insert statement is taking 1 hr time to insert while in 10g it is taking 2.30 hrs.
             (SELECT /*+ PARALLEL */
                     ctry_code, co_code, srce_loc_nbr, srce_loc_type_code,
                     cust_nbr, item_nbr, lu_eff_dt,
                     0, 0, 0, lu_end_dt,
                     bus_seg_code, 0, rt_nbr, 0, '', 0, '', SYSDATE, '', SYSDATE,
                     '', 0, ' ',
                                 when cust_nbr in (select distinct cust_nbr from aml.log_t where CTRY_CODE = p_country_code and co_code = p_company_code)
                                            when trunc(sysdate) NOT BETWEEN trunc(lu_eff_dt) AND trunc(lu_end_dt)
                                            then NVL((select cases_per_pallet from cust_item c where c.ctry_code = a.ctry_code and c.co_code = a.co_code
                                                          and c.cust_nbr = a.cust_nbr and c.GTIN_CO_PREFX = a.GTIN_CO_PREFX and c.GTIN_ITEM_REF_NBR = a.GTIN_ITEM_REF_NBR
                                                          and c.GTIN_CK_DIGIT = a.GTIN_CK_DIGIT and trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN trunc(c.lu_eff_dt) AND trunc(c.lu_end_dt) and rownum = 1),
                                      else cases_per_pallet
                          else cases_per_pallet
                     END cases_per_pallet,
                FROM cust_item a
               WHERE a.ctry_code = p_country_code ----varible passing by procedure
                 AND a.co_code = p_company_code   ----varible passing by procedure
                 AND a.ROWID =
                        (SELECT MAX (b.ROWID)
                           FROM cust_item b
                          WHERE b.ctry_code = a.ctry_code
                            AND b.co_code = a.co_code
                            AND b.ctry_code = p_country_code ----varible passing by procedure
                            AND b.co_code = p_company_code   ----varible passing by procedure
                            AND b.srce_loc_nbr = a.srce_loc_nbr
                            AND b.srce_loc_type_code = a.srce_loc_type_code
                            AND b.cust_nbr = a.cust_nbr
                            AND b.item_nbr = a.item_nbr
                            AND b.lu_eff_dt = a.lu_eff_dt));explain plan of oracle 10g
    INSERT STATEMENT  CHOOSECost: 133,310  Bytes: 248  Cardinality: 1                      
         5 FILTER                 
              4 HASH GROUP BY  Cost: 133,310  Bytes: 248  Cardinality: 1            
                   3 HASH JOIN  Cost: 132,424  Bytes: 1,273,090,640  Cardinality: 5,133,430       
                        1 INDEX FAST FULL SCAN INDEX MFIPROCESS.INDX_TEMP_CUST_AUTH_PERF_MV Cost: 10,026  Bytes: 554,410,440  Cardinality: 5,133,430 
                        2 MAT_VIEW ACCESS FULL MAT_VIEW MFIPROCESS.TEMP_CUST_AUTH_PERF_MV Cost: 24,570  Bytes: 718,680,200  Cardinality: 5,133,430  can you please look into the issue?

    According to the execution plan you posted parallelism is not taking place - no parallel operations listed
    Check the hint syntax. In particular, "PARALLEL" does not look right.
    Running queries in parallel can either help performance, hurt performance, or do nothing for performance. In your case a parallel index scan on MFIPROCESS.INDX_TEMP_CUST_AUTH_PERF_MV using the PARALLEL_INDEX hint and the PARALLEL hint specifying the table for MAT_VIEW MFIPROCESS.TEMP_CUST_AUTH_PERF_MV Cost might help, something like (untested)
    select /*+ PARALLEL_INDEX(INDX_TEMP_CST_AUTH_PERF_MV) PARALLEL(TEMP_CUST_AUTHPERF_MV) */Is query rewrite causing the MVs to be read? If so hinting the query will be tricky

  • Strange results with Insert statement having select query

    Hi all,
    I am facing a strange issue with Insert statement based on a select query having multiple joins.
    DB- Oracle 10g
    Following is the layout of my query -
    Insert into Table X
    Select distinct Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4, Function(Col 5) from Table A, B
    where trunc(updated_date) > = trunc(sysdate-3)
    and join conditions for A, B
    Select Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4, Function(Col 5) from Table C, D
    trunc(updated_date) > = trunc(sysdate-3)
    and join conditions for C, D
    .... till 4 unions. all tables are residing in the local Database and not having records more than 50,000.
    If I execute above insert in a DBMS job, it results into suppose 50 records where as if I execute the select query it gives 56 records.
    We observed following things-
    a) no issue with size of tablespace
    b) no error while inserting
    c) since query takes lot of time so we have not used Cursor and PLSQL block for inserting.
    d) this discrepancy in number of records happens frequently but not everytime.
    e) examined the records left out from the insert, there we couldn't find any specific pattern.
    f) there is no constraint on the table X in which we are trying to insert. Also tables A, B, C....
    I went through this thread -SQL insert with select statement having strange results but mainly users are having either DB Links or comparison of literal dates, in my case there is none.
    Can somebody explain why is the discrepancy and what is the solution for it.
    Or atleast some pointers how to proceed with the analysis.
    Edited by: Pramod Verma on Mar 5, 2013 4:59 AM
    Updated query and added more details

    Since I am using Trunc() in the where clause so timing should not matter much. Also I manually ruled out records which were updated after the job run.
    The first rule of troubleshooting is to not let your personal opinion get in the way of finding out what is wrong.
    Actually this code, and the process it represents, is the most likely CAUSE of the problem.
    where trunc(updated_date) > = trunc(sysdate-3)
    You CANNOT reliably use columns like UPDATED_DATE to select records for processing. Your process is flawed.
    The value of that column is NOT the date/time that the data was actually committed; it is the date/time that the row was populated.
    If you insert a row into a table right now, using SYSDATE (8am on 3/5/2013) and don't commit that row until April your process will NEVER see that 3/5/2013 date until April.
    Here is the more typical scenario that I see all the time.
    1. Data is inserted/updated all day long on 3/4/2013.
    2. A column, for example UPDATED_DATE is given a value of SYSDATE (3/4/2013) in a query or by a trigger on the table.
    3. The insert/update query takes place at 11:55 PM - so the SYSDATE values are for THE DAY THE QUERY BEGAN
    4. The data pull begins at 12:05 am (on 3/5/2013 - just after midnight)
    5. The transaction is COMMITTED at 12:10 AM (on 3/5/2013); 5 minutes after the data pull began.
    That data extract in step 4 will NEVER see those records! They DO NOT EXIST when the data pull query is executed since they haven't been committed.
    Even worse, the next nights data pull will not see them either! That is because the next pull will pull data for 3/5/2013 but those records have a date of 3/4/2013. They will never get processed.
    Job timing is 4am and 10pm EST
    Another wrinkle is when data is inserted/updated from different timezones and the UPDATED_DATE value is from the CLIENT pc or server. Then you can get even more data missed since the client dates may be hours different than the server date used for the data pull process.
    DO NOT try to use UPDATED_DATE type columns to do delta extraction or you can have this issue.

  • Generate Insert Statement Script to Extract Data from Table in Oracle 7i

    Hi all, I have an old Oracle legacy system that is running for over 15 years.Every now and then we need to extract data from this table@ ORacle 7i to be imported back to Oracle 10G.
    My thoughts are to create a script of Insert statements in oracle 7 and that to be deployed back to Oracle 10G.
    I found this scripts in Google and not sure how exactly this works.Any explanation on thsi scripts , would be greatly appreciated.I find this scripst may help to generate a set of insert statements from that table to the latest table at 10G.
    -- Step 1: Create this procedure:
    create or replace Function ExtractData(v_table_name varchar2) return varchar2 As
    b_found boolean:=false;
    v_tempa varchar2(8000);
    v_tempb varchar2(8000);
    v_tempc varchar2(255);
    for tab_rec in (select table_name from user_tables where table_name=upper(v_table_name))
    v_tempa:='select ''insert into '||tab_rec.table_name||' (';
    for col_rec in (select * from user_tab_columns
    order by
    if col_rec.column_id=1 then
    end if;
    if instr(col_rec.data_type,'CHAR') > 0 then
    elsif instr(col_rec.data_type,'DATE') > 0 then
    v_tempc:='''to_date(''''''||to_char('||col_rec.column_name||',''mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi'')||'''''',''''mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi'''')''';
    end if;
    end loop;
    v_tempa:=v_tempa||') values ('||v_tempb||');'' from '||tab_rec.table_name||';';
    end loop;
    if Not b_found then
    v_tempa:='-- Table '||v_table_name||' not found';
    v_tempa:=v_tempa||chr(10)||'select ''-- commit;'' from dual;';
    end if;
    return v_tempa;
    show errors
    -- STEP 2: Run the following code to extract the data.
    set head off
    set pages 0
    set trims on
    set lines 2000
    set feed off
    set echo off
    var retline varchar2(4000)
    spool c:\t1.sql
    select 'set echo off' from dual;
    select 'spool c:\recreatedata.sql' from dual;
    select 'select ''-- This data was extracted on ''||to_char(sysdate,''mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi'') from dual;' from dual;
    -- Repeat the following two lines as many times as tables you want to extract
    exec :retline:=ExtractData('dept');
    print :retline;
    exec :retline:=ExtractData('emp');
    print :retline;
    select 'spool off' from dual;
    spool off
    -- STEP3: Run the spooled output c:\recreatedata.sql to recreate data.

    Thanks Justin.
    I get what you are saying,i really wanted to see the output of the codes, because the furtherst i could get from that code is
    and it generated this:
    "select 'insert into MYTABLE ('||chr(10)||'DATE1,'||chr(10)||'TIME1,'||chr(10)||'COUNTS) values ('||decode(DATE1,Null,'Null','to_date('''||to_char(DATE1,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi')||''',''mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi'')')||','||chr(10)||''||decode(TIME1,Null,'Null',TIME1)||','||chr(10)||''||decode(COUNTS,Null,'Null',COUNTS)||');' from MYTABLE;
    select '-- commit;' from dual;"
    "select 'insert into MYTABLE ('||chr(10)||'DATE1,'||chr(10)||'TIME1,'||chr(10)||'COUNTS) values ('||decode(DATE1,Null,'Null','to_date('''||to_char(DATE1,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi')||''',''mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi'')')||','||chr(10)||''||decode(TIME1,Null,'Null',TIME1)||','||chr(10)||''||decode(COUNTS,Null,'Null',COUNTS)||');' from MYTABLE;
    select '-- commit;' from dual;"
    "select 'insert into MYTABLE ('||chr(10)||'DATE1,'||chr(10)||'TIME1,'||chr(10)||'COUNTS) values ('||decode(DATE1,Null,'Null','to_date('''||to_char(DATE1,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi')||''',''mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi'')')||','||chr(10)||''||decode(TIME1,Null,'Null',TIME1)||','||chr(10)||''||decode(COUNTS,Null,'Null',COUNTS)||');' from MYTABLE;
    select '-- commit;' from dual;"
    "select 'insert into MYTABLE ('||chr(10)||'DATE1,'||chr(10)||'TIME1,'||chr(10)||'COUNTS) values ('||decode(DATE1,Null,'Null','to_date('''||to_char(DATE1,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi')||''',''mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi'')')||','||chr(10)||''||decode(TIME1,Null,'Null',TIME1)||','||chr(10)||''||decode(COUNTS,Null,'Null',COUNTS)||');' from MYTABLE;
    select '-- commit;' from dual;"
    "select 'insert into MYTABLE ('||chr(10)||'DATE1,'||chr(10)||'TIME1,'||chr(10)||'COUNTS) values ('||decode(DATE1,Null,'Null','to_date('''||to_char(DATE1,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi')||''',''mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi'')')||','||chr(10)||''||decode(TIME1,Null,'Null',TIME1)||','||chr(10)||''||decode(COUNTS,Null,'Null',COUNTS)||');' from MYTABLE;
    select '-- commit;' from dual;"
    "select 'insert into MYTABLE ('||chr(10)||'DATE1,'||chr(10)||'TIME1,'||chr(10)||'COUNTS) values ('||decode(DATE1,Null,'Null','to_date('''||to_char(DATE1,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi')||''',''mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi'')')||','||chr(10)||''||decode(TIME1,Null,'Null',TIME1)||','||chr(10)||''||decode(COUNTS,Null,'Null',COUNTS)||');' from MYTABLE;
    select '-- commit;' from dual;"
    I was expecting a string of
    insert into mytable values (19/1/2009,1,1);
    insert into mytable values (19/10/2008,5,10);
    Thanks for the explanation .

  • Error due to # in insert statement

    Guys there is a .sql file which we run in oracle DB using a batch process
    act_errors number(10, 0);
      at_least_one_exception  EXCEPTION;
      err_num NUMBER;
      err_msg VARCHAR2(1000);
    act_errors  := 0;
    dbms_output.put_line('Starting to process Case '|| 'C-9');
    insert into C_A(A_ID,
    ('C-9' ,
    'C-9' ,
    #5 Jessica Gardea-Cash Box open
    #6 Quan T Nguyen-Teller in question')) ;
      when others then
         act_errors := 154181;
          err_num := SQLCODE;
          err_msg := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 1000);
         dbms_output.put_line('Statement number ' || act_errors || ' failed (search for "act_errors := ' || act_errors || '" in the source file)');
         dbms_output.put_line(err_msg );
    IF act_errors <> 0 THEN
             RAISE at_least_one_exception;
    END IF;
    dbms_output.put_line('Case '|| 'C-9' || ' processed successfully');
         when others then
           dbms_output.put_line('Error detected, rollbacking');
    /this above insert when run through toad , it runs fine... but when run as a btach process using sql plus
    it errors out with the following error message..
    Jessica Gardea-Cash Box open
    ERROR at line 5:
    ORA-06550: line 5, column 15:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "-" when expecting one of the following:
    := . ( @ % ; not null range default character if i remove the '#' alone or if i push the '#' with spaces before it... it runs fine... if the '#' is right after a 'enter' or it is at the begining of the line it fails with error....\
    Please help me solve it?? there are many such cases for it.. we cannot prevent '#' from coming at the start
    Edited by: Depakjan on Mar 24, 2011 12:12 PM
    Edited by: Depakjan on Mar 24, 2011 1:47 PM

    Try this in sqlplus.
    SET SQLPREFIX OFFAnd now execute your script.

  • Using sql:variable in an insert statement

    I'm writing an insert statement for a table with an XML column.  Most of the XML is static, but I need to replace the value of an element with the value of a T-SQL variable, as shown here:
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[OrderDetail](
    [OrderID] [int] NULL,
    [OrderDetail] [xml] NULL
    SET @ItemID = 1000;
    SELECT @XMLData = N'
    <OrderDetail xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    SET @XMLData.modify('insert <ItemID>[sql:variable("@ItemID")]</ItemID> into (/OrderDetail)[1]')
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[OrderDetail] ([OrderID], [OrderDetail])
    VALUES (@ItemID, @XMLData);
    When I run this, it inserts "[sql:variable("@ItemID")]" instead of the value of @ItemID.  If someone could show me the proper syntax, I would really appreciate it.  Thanks.

    Yes, that worked.  Now I want to change it a little.  I also have an attribute that I need to update with the value of a variable.
    SET @SetID = 9999;
    SET @SetIDStr = CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), @SetID);
    SELECT @XMLData = N'
    <OrderDetail xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <RightOperand ID="15524" Name="ItemName" Value="15524" />
    SET @XMLData.modify('replace value of (/OrderDetail/RightOperand/@ID)[1] with sql:variable("@SetIDXML")');
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[OrderDetail] ([OrderID], [OrderDetail])
    VALUES (@SetID, @XMLData);
    SELECT * FROM [dbo].[OrderDetail];
    I'm trying to replace "ID="15524"" with the value of @SetID.  This code throws an exception:
    Msg 9342, Level 16, State 1, Line 23
    XQuery [modify()]: An XML instance is only supported as the direct source of an insert using sql:column/sql:variable.
    Thanks again for your help.

  • Insert statement is not working for z table.

    Hi experts,
    My insert statement is not working.
    I have used follwing code to update z table .
    INSERT ztable FROM TABLE gt_table.
    here i have checked gt_table and its filled up with all the records properly.
    now the problem is in this table i have 15 fields and it inserts 14  fields of it but
    the last field is never inserted though in gt_table i can see value for last fields also.
    I have added this field in ztable recently . so i also used se14 to adjust table but still i am facing same problem.
    please help me out.

    > > Table maintainance will have nothing to do with
    > this
    > > issue.
    > It does sometimes when you are trying to see the
    > values from SM30 instead of SE16. The value may be
    > there, but it may just not seen in SM30 because the
    > table maintenance hasn't registered the addition of
    > new field.
    > Another place to look at is the activation log to see
    > if there are any warnings issued there.
    You shouldn't use SM30 to view table entries. You use this transaction to maintain the table entries. Pure and Simple.

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