Re: new tip on Flash Player notes that the 10.6.4 update includes an older Flash Player version. However, do note that if one has already installed the 10.1 version, the updater leaves it in place. The tip, which BTW doesn't show up in the Library at needs to include this information.

Thanks for the feedback. Yes, we have been trying to put new tips in the Forums they relate to in hopes they get more exposure and use. Since this tip specifically relates to Mac OS X 10.6.4 it was placed in the Using Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Forum with a link to it in the header.
CodLBi, how does the updated tip look for you?

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    Hi, You can go to this test site to see if you have Flash Player Installed on your 10.6.5 Mac.
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    Yes, as Xarvo indicates, we released a new version of Flash Player this morning.  If you'd like to upgrade Flash Player, you can do so at, or use the direct links below to download the installers:
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    Windows: Flash Player Plug-in (All other browsers)
    Mac: Flash Player Plug-in (All other browsers)
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    Pat Willener created the
    "Re: I need to install the new version of adobe flash player and cant?"
    To view the discussion, visit:

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    Ok, we're fixing it and it should be resolved by tomorrow.  Please let me know if you can't find it by tomorrow evening.
    Thanks again for letting us know!

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    Safari Web Browser

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    There are a number of active threads concerning the latest Flash player plugin (11.3) and the latest Firefox (13). Not all users are experiencing the same issues, but things to check include the following:
    - Conflict with Realplayer Browser Record plugin (to disable this, open Add-ons from the orange Firefox button or the classic Tools menu and look under the Extensions and Plugins categories)
    - Conflict with Flash 11.3 Protected Mode (see [ Adobe Forums: How do I disable Flash Player's protected mode for Firefox?])
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    It's NOT an Adobe password. It's your Operating System (admin) password.
    Download the Adobe Flash Player installer directly by clicking one of the following links.
    Flash Player for ActiveX (Internet Explorer)
    Flash Player Plug-in (All other browsers)
    Flash Player (Mac OS X)

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