Read date from an email using sender mail adapter.

Hi All,
I am working on a scenario, which reads emails from mail box using POP3 protocol and Mail adapter. How to get the mail attributes like received date? I have to take some decisions based on that field.
Also can we tell to move that mail to different folder in that mail box after successfully read? it is like archiving folder in that mail box.

Hi Hari,
You use IMAP4 (Internet Message Access Protocol) to retrieve e-mails from a folder of an e-mail server.
You use POP3 (Post Office Protocol Version 3) to retrieve e-mails from an e-mail server.
AFAIK,  you have to use IMAP4 protocol for moving email to another folder are reading email successfully. And i don't think POP3 will allow this functionality.
Regarding email date , If you maintain Message protocol as XIPAYLOAD you will receive all header details(Subject , TO ,FROM ,CC,DATE ,etc ) in your payload.

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    I doing a scenario JDBC to IDOC I need to read 3 tables of ORACLE.  how JDBC sender adapter will retrieve data from more than 3 ORACLE tables and also i need to update control status fields of these tables.
    Please provide me the syntax for the select and update.
    Thanks in Advance

    Select Syntax:-  select Table1.Field1, Table1.Field2, Table2.Field3, Tabl2.Field4
    From Table1 , Table2 where Table1.Field1 = Table2.Field3.
    Similary use this Syntax for three Tables.
    Update Syntax: -
    In SP Check if Data Seletion is suceesful then Use the seperate Update statement for each table.
    like Update Table1 set Field5 = 'Value'
    where Field1  = 'Value'.
    Also use the refernce link provided by Mr.Vinithra Iyangar.

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    can anyone help on how to read data from ODS table using value mapping

    Take a look at this blog,
    <a href="/people/siva.maranani/blog/2005/08/23/lookup146s-in-xi-made-simpler">DB Lookup in Mapping</a>

  • Trouble reading data from GPIB instrument using VISA

    Hello, I am having trouble with reading data from a GPIB instrument in LabVIEW. It appears that the data that is returned from VISA read is incorrect. (I used NI Spy to verify what it should be and what I get, they are different) The odd thing is that when I use the VISA interactive control utility to get the data, it works perfectly. Is there some sort of VISA property that I need to set to get it to work right? Writing to the device seems to work correctly. If you need more info, please e-mail me @ [email protected] Thanks in advance!

    What exactly do you mean when you say the data you are getting is incorrect? I'm guessing that you are dealing with some sort of data type issue. The VISA Read VI will return a set number of bytes in string (ASCII) format. If you are expecting a different data type, you will have to do some conversion by either using a type cast or string conversion function. The type cast function can be found in the Advanced-> Data Manipulation palette, while the string conversion functions can be found in the String palette.

  • Reading data from flat file Using TEXT_IO

    Dear Gurus
    I already posted this question but this time i need some other changes .....Sorry for that ..
    I am using 10G forms and using TEXT_IO for reading data from flat file ..
    My data is like this :-
    Here each column is separated by | . I want to read all the columns and want to do some validation .
    How can i do ?
    Initially my requirement was to read only 2 or 3 columns so i did like this ...
    Procedure Pay_Simulator(lfile_type varchar2,lac_no varchar2,lcur varchar2,lno_item number,ltotal number,ldate date,lpay_purp varchar2,lfile_name varchar2)
    v_handle utl_file.file_type;
    v_filebuffer varchar2(500);
    line_0_date VARCHAR2 (10);
    line_0_Purp VARCHAR2 (10);
    line_0_count Number;
    line_0_sum number(12,2);
    line_0_ccy Varchar2(3);
    line_9_sum Number(12,2);
    line_9_Acc_no Varchar2(12);
    Line_1_Sum Number(12,2);
    Line_1_tot Number(15,2) := 0;
    Line_1_flag Number := 0;
    lval number;
    lacno varchar2(16);
    v_file varchar2(20);
    v_path varchar2(50);
    v_file := mcb_simulator_pkg.GET_FILENAME(lfile_name); -- For the file name
    v_path :=rtrim(regexp_substr( lfile_name , '.*\\' ),'\'); For the Path
    v_path := SUBSTR (lfile_name,0, INSTR (lfile_name, '\', -1));
    v_handle := UTL_FILE.fopen (v_path, v_file, 'r');
    UTL_FILE.get_line (v_handle, v_filebuffer);
    IF SUBSTR (v_filebuffer, 0, 1) = '0' THEN
    SELECT line_0 INTO line_0_date
    FROM (SELECT LTRIM (REGEXP_SUBSTR (v_filebuffer, '[^|]+{1}', 1, LEVEL)) line_0, ROWNUM rn
    CONNECT BY LEVEL <= LENGTH (REGEXP_REPLACE (v_filebuffer, '[^|]*')) + 1)
    WHERE rn = 3;
    SELECT line_0 INTO line_0_Purp
    FROM (SELECT LTRIM (REGEXP_SUBSTR (v_filebuffer, '[^|]+{1}', 1, LEVEL)) line_0, ROWNUM rn
    CONNECT BY LEVEL <= LENGTH (REGEXP_REPLACE (v_filebuffer, '[^|]*')) + 1)
    WHERE rn = 4;
    SELECT line_0 INTO line_0_count
    FROM (SELECT LTRIM (REGEXP_SUBSTR (v_filebuffer, '[^|]+{1}', 1, LEVEL)) line_0, ROWNUM rn
    CONNECT BY LEVEL <= LENGTH (REGEXP_REPLACE (v_filebuffer, '[^|]*')) + 1)
    WHERE rn = 7;
    SELECT line_0 INTO line_0_sum
    FROM (SELECT LTRIM (REGEXP_SUBSTR (v_filebuffer, '[^|]+{1}', 1, LEVEL)) line_0, ROWNUM rn
    CONNECT BY LEVEL <= LENGTH (REGEXP_REPLACE (v_filebuffer, '[^|]*')) + 1)
    WHERE rn = 8;
    SELECT line_0 INTO line_0_ccy
    FROM (SELECT LTRIM (REGEXP_SUBSTR (v_filebuffer, '[^|]+{1}', 1, LEVEL)) line_0, ROWNUM rn
    CONNECT BY LEVEL <= LENGTH (REGEXP_REPLACE (v_filebuffer, '[^|]*')) + 1)
    WHERE rn = 9;
    ELSIF SUBSTR (v_filebuffer, 0, 1) = '9' THEN
    SELECT line_9 INTO line_9_Acc_no
    FROM (SELECT LTRIM (REGEXP_SUBSTR (v_filebuffer, '[^|]+{1}', 1, LEVEL)) line_9, ROWNUM rn
    CONNECT BY LEVEL <= LENGTH (REGEXP_REPLACE (v_filebuffer, '[^|]*')) + 1)
    WHERE rn = 3;
    SELECT line_9 INTO line_9_sum
    FROM (SELECT LTRIM (REGEXP_SUBSTR (v_filebuffer, '[^|]+{1}', 1, LEVEL)) line_9, ROWNUM rn
    CONNECT BY LEVEL <= LENGTH (REGEXP_REPLACE (v_filebuffer, '[^|]*')) + 1)
    WHERE rn = 2;
    ELSIF SUBSTR (v_filebuffer, 0, 1) = '1' THEN
    line_1_flag := line_1_flag+1;
    SELECT line_1 INTO line_1_sum
    FROM (SELECT LTRIM (REGEXP_SUBSTR (v_filebuffer, '[^|]+{1}', 1, LEVEL)) line_1, ROWNUM rn
    CONNECT BY LEVEL <= LENGTH (REGEXP_REPLACE (v_filebuffer, '[^|]*')) + 1)
    WHERE rn = 3;
    Line_1_tot := Line_1_tot + line_1_sum;
    END IF;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (Line_1_tot);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (Line_1_flag);
    UTL_FILE.fclose (v_handle);
    But now how can i do ? Shall i use like this select Statement for all the columns ?

    Sorry for that ..
    As per our requirement ...
    I need to read the flat file and it looks like like this .
    I have to check the file :-
    Validation are 1st line should start from 0 else it should raise an error and insert that error into one table .
    The for 2nd line also same thing should start from 9 else it should raise an error and insert that error into one table .
    Then the 3rd line should start from 1 else it should raise an error and insert that error into one table .
    After that i have to do a validation like i will read the 1st line 2nd column .. It should be like this BP-V1 else raise an error and insert that error to a table . Then i will check the 3rd column which is 20100928 , it should be YYYYMMDD format else same thing ERROR.
    Then like this for all columns i have different validation .......
    Then it will check for the 2nd line 3rd column . this is an account no .1st i will check it should be 12 char else ERROR .Then I will check that what user has imputed in the form.Like for example User putted 111111111 then i will check with this 000111111111 which is there in the 2nd line . I have to add 000 before that Account no which user imputed .
    Then the lines which is starting from 1 , i have to take all the 2nd column for all the lines which is starting from 1 and i have to do a sum . After that i have to compare that sum with the value in the 1st lines ( Starting from 0) 6th column . It should be same else ERROR ...
    Then same way i have to count all the lines which is starting from 1 . Then i have to compare with the 7th column of 1st line . It should be same . Here in this file it should be 9.
    MY CODE IS :-
    Procedure Pay_Simulator(lfile_type varchar2,lac_no varchar2,lcur varchar2,lno_item number,ltotal number,ldate date,lpay_purp varchar2,lfile_name varchar2)
    v_handle TEXT_IO.file_type;
    v_filebuffer varchar2(500);
    line_0_date VARCHAR2 (10);
    line_0_Purp VARCHAR2 (10);
    line_0_count Number;
    line_0_sum number(12,2);
    line_0_ccy Varchar2(3);
    line_9_sum Number(12,2);
    line_9_Acc_no Varchar2(12);
    Line_1_Sum Number(12,2);
    Line_1_tot Number(15,2) := 0;
    Line_1_flag Number := 0;
    lval number;
    lacno varchar2(16);
    v_file varchar2(20);
    v_path varchar2(50);
    LC$String VARCHAR2(50) ;--:= 'one|two|three|four|five|six|seven' ;
    LC$Token VARCHAR2(100) ;
    i PLS_INTEGER := 2 ;
    lfirst_char number;
    lvalue Varchar2(100) ;
    v_file := mcb_simulator_pkg.GET_FILENAME(lfile_name); For the file name
    v_path :=rtrim(regexp_substr( lfile_name , '.*\\' ),'\'); For the Path
    --v_path := SUBSTR (lfile_name,0, INSTR (lfile_name, '\', -1));
    v_handle := TEXT_IO.fopen(lfile_name, 'r');
                        TEXT_IO.get_line (v_handle, v_filebuffer);
                        lfirst_char := Substr(v_filebuffer,0,1);
                        --Message('First Char '||lfirst_char); 
                                  IF lfirst_char = '0' Then
                                  LC$Token := mcb_simulator_pkg.Split( v_filebuffer, i , '|') ;
                                  Message('VAL - '||LC$Token);
                                  lvalue := LC$Token;
                                  EXIT WHEN LC$Token IS NULL ;
    i := i + 1 ;
    End Loop;
                                       Insert into MU_SIMULATOR_output_ERR (load_no,ERR_CODE,ERR_DESC) values (9999,'0002','First line should always start with 0');
                                       raise form_Trigger_failure;
                                  End if ;
                        TEXT_IO.get_line (v_handle, v_filebuffer);
                        lfirst_char := Substr(v_filebuffer,0,1);
                        LC$Token := mcb_simulator_pkg.Split( v_filebuffer, i , '|') ;
                        --Message('Row '||LC$Token);
                             IF lfirst_char = '9' Then
                                  Insert into MU_SIMULATOR_output_ERR (load_no,ERR_CODE,ERR_DESC) values (8888,'0016','Second line should start with 9');
                                  raise form_Trigger_failure;
                             End IF;
                        TEXT_IO.get_line (v_handle, v_filebuffer);
                        lfirst_char := Substr(v_filebuffer,0,1);
                        LC$Token := mcb_simulator_pkg.Split( v_filebuffer, i , '|') ;
                        --Message('Row '||LC$Token);
                                  IF lfirst_char = '1' Then
                                       Insert into MU_SIMULATOR_output_ERR (load_no,ERR_CODE,ERR_DESC) values (7777,'0022','The third line onward should start with 1');
                                       raise form_Trigger_failure;
                                  End if;
                        END LOOP;
                        --END IF;
                        END LOOP;
                   When No_Data_Found Then
              TEXT_IO.fclose (v_handle);
         When Others Then
         Message('Other error');
    I am calling the FUNCTION which you gave SPLIT as mcb_simulator_pkg.Split.

  • Vaildating File name with the data in the file using sender file adapter

    Below is the scenario
    1)       Pick up files from a FTP server, the file name is dynamic, how do I put dynamic name in sender file adapter?
    2)       Determine if the user correctly named the file based on data in the file.
    a.       File naming structure that we will be concerned with is <company_code><accounting_time_period>.<extension>
    b.      The company code and the time period in the file name have to match the data in the file.
    i.      For example.  If the file name is 1001_200712.csv and the data in the file is for company code 1005, time period 200712, the file is incorrectly named.  Both values must be correct.
    How do we do this?

    Hi Sachin,
                    As Rightly said by Krishna, You can not put Dynamic name in sender File Adapter .You have to provide the name of the file like "*.txt" in Sender Adapter and at runtime you can access this file name by using following UDF:
    DynamicConfiguration conf  = (DynamicConfiguration) container
    DynamicConfigurationKey key = DynamicConfigurationKey.create("","FileName");
    String valueOld = conf.get(key);
    return (valueOld);
    As now you have picked up the file name at runtime.
    Now concatenate source file fields Company_code and Accounting_timeperiod using "_" as delimiter in properties.Also concat the extension .Now you have required file name.
    So using EQUALS standard function ,compare it with File Name fetched at runtime using above given UDF, and pass result as you desire to process further or not or to raise Alert to resend the file.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Anurag Garg
    You can validate this file name in Mapping itself.

  • How to read data from a GPIB when sending a function generator command

    I'm using Visual C++ with the ComponentWork ActiveX and I'm tring to plot a
    CWGraph using the data coming from a GPIB device. When I write command such
    as "*IDN?" to the GPIB device, everythings if fine and I can read what the
    GPIB device return me. But when I send a command like "SOUR:FUNC SIN;SENS
    DATA?", the writing seems to be okay, but when I try to read the data, I
    alway get a "Timeout expired before operation completed" error message. I
    have tried with the CWGPIB and with the CWVISA but the result are the same
    with both.
    My reading code looks like this:
    COleVariant vReadBuffer;
    vReadBuffer = m_VISA.Read( COleVariant( (short) 2000 ) );
    and it work fi
    ne for "*IDN?" or for multimeters command.
    I want to know how I must read the data for function generator commands.
    Thank alot

    It sounds like your device is not accepting that command string as valid. The string you listed above is probably missing a colon between SENS and DATA. "SOUR:FUNC SIN;SENSATA" Try sending this string in Measurement & Automation Explorer to the instrument first to make sure it is working.
    Best Regards,
    Chris Matthews
    Measurement Studio Support Manager

  • Reading Data from a Table using loop

    I have a dynamic table inside the PDF form. I want to loop through the table rows and read the cell contents. I successfully get the rows count in the table. But can't read the values from the cells. I have put editable TextField (txtName) control in each cell and trying to read its value.
    screenshot is below.
    Code I am using is:
    form1.Page1.Subform1.btnReadTable::click - (JavaScript, client)
    var rowCount = MyTable._Row1.count;
    app.alert("Row Count: " + rowCount);
    var i = 0;
    for(i=0 ; i<rowCount ; i++)
        //app.alert(MyTable.Row1[i].txtName.rawValue); // NOT WORKING
        app.alert(MyTable.Row1.txtName.rawValue); // WORKING, But just giving the value for the first row.
    Please tell me how can I get the value of each name in every row by looping.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi, Abhinav,
    You need to resolve the node for the particular instance of i. The syntax is:
    xfa.resolveNode("MyTable.Row1[" + i  + "].txtName").rawValue;
    There is an example here that will show the loop in action:
    Hope that helps,
    Assure Dynamics

  • How to read data from an excel using abap program?

    I have to write an abap program to read the contents of ms excel across various
    sheets. Can any one help me regarding this
    Thanks in advance

    Hai Satish,
    <b>You save  all your Excel sheets as Text Tab Delimited.</b>
    And then for each teext file can be uploaded into your daabase table.
    See the Report that  i have done.
      ZDETMAST.                        " Database table to be uploaded
    Data declaration of the structure to hold ZDETMAST(zdetcode) data  *
        CNT(3)      TYPE C,                " Client
        DETCODE(15) TYPE C,                " Det Code
        DETCAT(1)   TYPE C,                " Det category
        DETTYPE(2) TYPE  N,                " Det type
        DETDESC(30) TYPE C,                " Det description
        PFLAG(1)   TYPE C,                " Det Flag
        TOTALDR(10) TYPE C,                " Total DR
        TOTALCR(10) TYPE C,                " Total CR
    Internal table to hold ZDETMAST(zdetcode) data                     *
    Function Module to upload ZDETMAST Data
         FILENAME                      = 'D:/ZDETMAST_2.TXT'
         FILETYPE                      = 'ASC'
         HAS_FIELD_SEPARATOR           = 'X'
        HEADER_LENGTH                 = 0
        READ_BY_LINE                  = 'X'
        DAT_MODE                      = 'DAT'
        CODEPAGE                      = ' '
        IGNORE_CERR                   = ABAP_TRUE
        REPLACEMENT                   = '#'
        CHECK_BOM                     = ' '
        VIRUS_SCAN_PROFILE            =
        FILELENGTH                    =
        HEADER                        =
          DATA_TAB                      = T_ZDETMAST
         FILE_OPEN_ERROR               = 1
         FILE_READ_ERROR               = 2
         NO_BATCH                      = 3
         GUI_REFUSE_FILETRANSFER       = 4
         INVALID_TYPE                  = 5
         NO_AUTHORITY                  = 6
         UNKNOWN_ERROR                 = 7
         BAD_DATA_FORMAT               = 8
         HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED            = 9
         SEPARATOR_NOT_ALLOWED         = 10
         HEADER_TOO_LONG               = 11
         UNKNOWN_DP_ERROR              = 12
         ACCESS_DENIED                 = 13
         DP_OUT_OF_MEMORY              = 14
         DISK_FULL                     = 15
         DP_TIMEOUT                    = 16
         OTHERS                        = 17
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    ENDIF.                                 " IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
        / FS_ZDETMAST-CNT,
    ENDLOOP.                               " LOOP AT T_ZDETMAST ...
       IF SY-TABIX GE 2.
       ENDIF.                              " IF SY-TABIX EQ 2
    ENDLOOP.                               " LOOP AT  T_ZDETMAST
    Hope this helps you a lot.
    <b>Reward points if it helps you.</b>
    Rama chary.Pammi

  • Error while reading data from SharePoint List - using object model

    Any idea what could be reason for this error:-
    Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequestInternalClass.GetListItemDataWithCallback2(IListItemSqlClient pSqlClient, String bstrUrl, String bstrListName, String bstrViewName, String bstrViewXml, SAFEARRAYFLAGS fSafeArrayFlags, ISP2DSafeArrayWriter pSACallback,
    ISPDataCallback pPagingCallback, ISPDataCallback pPagingPrevCallback, ISPDataCallback pFilterLinkCallback, ISPDataCallback pSchemaCallback, ISPDataCallback pRowCountCallback, Boolean& pbMaximalView)
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.GetListItemDataWithCallback2(IListItemSqlClient pSqlClient, String bstrUrl, String bstrListName, String bstrViewName, String bstrViewXml, SAFEARRAYFLAGS fSafeArrayFlags, ISP2DSafeArrayWriter pSACallback,
    ISPDataCallback pPagingCallback, ISPDataCallback pPagingPrevCallback, ISPDataCallback pFilterLinkCallback, ISPDataCallback pSchemaCallback, ISPDataCallback pRowCountCallback, Boolean& pbMaximalView)
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItemCollection.EnsureListItemsData()
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItemCollection.GetDataTableCore(Boolean isJsGrid)
       at HRCompetencyGuide.SPHelper.<>c__DisplayClass2.<getDataTableFromList>b__0()
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSecurity.<>c__DisplayClass4.<RunWithElevatedPrivileges>b__2()
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SecurityContext.RunAsProcess(CodeToRunElevated secureCode)
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(WaitCallback secureCode, Object param)
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(CodeToRunElevated secureCode
    Mark ANSWER if this reply resolves your query, If helpful then VOTE HELPFUL
    Mohammad Nizamuddin

    It is a simple code:- below is the part of the code taken from the method
    using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteURL))
    if (site != null)
    using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
    SPList list = web.Lists.TryGetList(listName);
    if (whereQuery == null)
    collection = list.GetItems().GetDataTable();
    collection = list.GetItems(whereQuery).GetDataTable();
    Mark ANSWER if this reply resolves your query, If helpful then VOTE HELPFUL
    Mohammad Nizamuddin

  • How can we read data from spread sheet using RowSet Object ??

    Please give some sample code for this...
    Urgent requirement....please....
    �I sense many useless updates in you... Useless updates lead to defragmentation... Defragmentation leads to downtime...Downtime leads to suffering..Defragmentation is the path to the darkside.. DBCC INDEXDEFRAG and DBCC DBREINDEX are the force...May the force be with you" --

  • Read multi-tabbed excel file attachments from Sender Mail Adapter.

    There is a need to read excel attachments from incoming email to a
    mailbox. We know we can use Sender Mail adapter to easily read .xml, .txt
    or .csv attachments.
    For excel attachments we know from SDN that you have to write
    adapter modules to handle excel. However the excel file we need to read has
    multiple worksheets(tabs) and data may be contained in any of them.
    Is it possible to use SAP XI Mailsender adapter to read such a file as an attachment? What kind of module development would we need for this? I am not much of a Java programmer so examples or links to other documentation would help.

    Use Java Mapping.  There is a free java api available called JExcelAPI to achieve this. 
    Shabarish's blog describes about this.  This might be helpful to you

  • Error reading data from Infocube using shell script.

    Dear all ,
    I am facing a problem while reading data from an infocube using a shell script.
    The details are as follows.
    One of the shell script reads the data from the infocube to extract files with the values.
    The tables used for extraction by the shell script are :
    from   SAPR3."/BIC/F&PAR_CUBE.COPA"     FCOPA,
           SAPR3."/BIC/D&PAR_CUBE.COPAU"    COPAU,
           SAPR3."/BIC/D&PAR_CUBE.COPAP"    COPAP,
           SAPR3."/BIC/D&PAR_CUBE.COPA1"    CCPROD,
           SAPR3."/BIC/D&PAR_CUBE.COPA2"    CCCUST,
           SAPR3."/BIC/D&PAR_CUBE.COPA3"    COPA3,
           SAPR3."/BIC/D&PAR_CUBE.COPA4"    COPA4,
           SAPR3."/BIC/D&PAR_CUBE.COPA5"    COPA5,
           SAPR3."/BIC/MCCPROD"      MCCPROD,
           SAPR3."/BIC/SCCPROD"      SCCPROD,
           SAPR3."/BIC/SORGUNIT"     SORGUNIT,
    /*     SAPR3."/BI0/SFISCPER"     SFISCPER, */
           SAPR3."/BI0/SREQUID"      SREQUID,
           SAPR3."/BIC/SSOURCE"      SSOURCE
    The problem is that the file generation by this script (after reading the data from teh infocube) is taking an unexpected time of 2 hours which needs to be maximum 10 mins only.
    I used RSRV to get the info about these tables for the infocube:
    Entry '00046174', SID = 37 in SID table is missing in master data table /BIC/MCUSLEVEL2
    Entry '00081450', SID = 38 in SID table is missing in master data table /BIC/MCUSLEVEL2
    and so on for SID = 39  and SID = 35 .
    Checking of SID table /BIC/SCUSLEVEL2 produced errors
    Checking of SID table /BIC/SCUSLEVEL3 produced errors
    Can you please let me know if this can be a reason of delay in file generation (or reading of data from the infocube).
    Also , Please let me know how to proceed with this issue.
    Kindly let me know for more information, if required.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Hi ,
    In continuation with searching the solution to the problem , I could manage to note a difference in the partition of the Fact table of the infocube.
    Using SE14 -> Storage Parameters, I could find the partition done for the fact table as :
    and subsequently there are partitions with data in it.
    I need to understand the details of these partitions .
    Do they correspond to each requests in the infocube(which may not be possible as there are 13 requests in infocube and much more partitions).
    Most importantly, since this partition is observed for this onfocube only and not for other infocubes, it is possible that it can be a reason for SLOW RETRIEVAL of data from this ionfocube( not sure since the partition is used to help in fast retreival of data from the infocubes).
    Kindly help.
    Thanks for your co-operation in advance.

  • How to read data from a file in OSB

    hi guys,
    Recently, I've got a problem with reading file from specific location. I've actually followed this post OSB 11g - Read or Poll File in OSB - Oracle Fusion Middleware Blog, and then
    I know how to read a file. However, it does not as expected. Because, I've found no way to read data from the file. Therefore, no chance to manipulate the data like assigning to a variable, or extracting ....
    Hence, is there any way to read data from file by using proxy service in OSB ??? No Java code ???
    by the way, supposed that there is no way to read data from a file in OSB. So, What purposes will the way in the post above be used for?
    Many thanks in advance
    HSSF stands for Horrible Spreadsheet Format, but it still works!

  • We want to read data from weigh bridge and display in oracle forms & store

    in our organisation we had one requirement. i.e is reading data from weigh bridge using serial port, displying that data in oracle forms and when ever user click save button we store that into my oracle database. we are using oracle 8i and forms 6i and windows OS environment. we don't know reading data from serial port and placing that into form items. please help me as early as possible if there is any property available in d2k regarding this requirement .
    thank you,

    There's no property in Forms that makes you read serial ports, but as far as I know you need to know the API of the machine which you want to read data from (it should come with machine's manual) and then it will be easy to store it in forms item.

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