Read parameters in a dynamic page portlet?

Is it possible to read input parameters in a dynamic page portlet?
Am I missing something if I want to read the input_parameter?
Thanks a lot.

It is not possible to read the input parameters in the <oracle> tag. You can read it in the additional plsql code. If you have
to access the parameter deptno then do this in the additional plsql code section.
for i in 1..p_arg_names.count loop
if p_arg_names(i) = 'deptno' then
end if;
end loop;

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    Did you try to use something like:
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    I had more luck with PL/SQL items. Try something like this:
    zip varchar2(10);
    zip := portal.wwpro_api_parameters.get_value('zip', 'a');
    if zip='94065' then
       ... do something ...
    end if;

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    You can use sessions to pass values from one page to another.
    In page A you can add a value:
    v_user_session portal.wwsto_api_session;
    v_user_session := portal.wwsto_api_session.load_session(
    p_domain => 'yourDomain',
    p_sub_domain => 'sub');
    p_name =>'name',
    p_value => 'YourValue'
    The p_domain and p_sub_domain can be choosen freely but you must know that they have to be the same if you want the retrieve the value from page2:
    v_user_session portal.wwsto_api_session;
    v_user_session := portal.wwsto_api_session.load_session(
    p_domain => 'yourDomain',
    p_sub_domain => 'sub');
    yourValue := v_user_session.get_attribute_as_varchar2('name');
    This is how you can pass values without posting or without adding them to the URL.

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    Thanks very much.

    You can do it using two dyns or one dyn.
    Using one dyn:
    Define a parameter :p1 and let a default value for it(e.g. 1).
    Construct a form that submits to the same dyn
    v_p1 varchar2(100) := :p1;
    htp.p('<form name="example" action="" method="post">
    <input type="text" name="p1" value="'||v_p1||'">
    <input type="submit">
    When you submit it to same page you will be able to see your new parameter value. If you want to use two dyns then submit it to second dyn.

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    Is there a restriction that I'm not aware of?
    Is there a documentation about this behaviour?
    Can anyone post me a hit or link to documentatin?
    Message was edited by:

    Make sure your Portlet Provider access is set to allow 'PUBLIC' access with Execute';
    To set, navigate to Providers > Locally Built Providers
    Follow 'Grant Access' link near provider name
    Doc Reference, Section A.5.1.2 >

  • In a dynamic page how to share variable between PL/SQL and javascript

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    info varchar(100);
    rowid urowid;
    procedure doDelete(
    row_id in urowid
    ) IS
    Delete From xxx
    WHERE rowid = row_id;
    end doDelete;
    Select name, rowid INTO info, rowid
    From xxx Where xxx;
    HTP.PRN(' <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="show value" onClick="alert(info);">');
    HTP.PRN(' <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="delete" onClick="doDelete(_row_id);">');
    The variable 'info' and '_row_id' are correct, however the two HTP. sentence do not work. What's the problem?
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    I was almost driven crazy by these :( I so appreciate if anyone can help.

    The code written by you is insufficient for the funtionality you are trying to achieve. Below is a method to achieve the same.
    Note: Used standard scott.emp table for the example which is located in my db provider schema.
    Do the below modifications as per your local configuration
    xxxxx -> Replace it with your Portal schema
    yyyyy -> Replace it with your db provider schema
    <<module_id_of_form>> -> Replace with the module id of form created in step 1 & 2.
    First and foremost... oracle does not allows variables starting with '_'. So if you want to use it you have to place it in double quotes ("")
    rowid -> illegal
    "_row_id" -> legal.
    However, I will advice you not to use variable names starting with "_".
    Now lets get started...
    1. Create a form on the table you are using in the dynamic page. Just have the update button. Remove the other buttons.
    2. Get the module id of this form. Instruction for getting the module id:
    a) Right-click on the form's run link and copy the shortcut
    b) Get the value of p_moduleid parameter. This is your module id.
    3. Create a procedure "save_action_details" in your db provider schema. This procedure will accomplish the delete operation on the record.
         CREATE OR REPLACE Procedure save_action_details(
         p_rowid IN VARCHAR2,
         p_action IN VARCHAR2,
         p_dyn_ref_path IN VARCHAR2,
         p_dyn_page_url IN VARCHAR2)
         l_sto_session xxxxx.wwsto_api_session;
         l_sto_session := xxxxx.wwsto_api_session.load_session(
         p_domain => 'DynStore',
         p_sub_domain => 'DynStore_' || p_dyn_ref_path
         p_name => 'rowid',
         p_value => p_rowid
         p_name => 'action',
         p_value => p_action
         end save_action_details;
    Explaination: The above procedure creates a session and keeps the rowid and action in the session. This information is used by the below dynamic form to perform the necessary action. In our exampl, the action is always going to be delete so you may go ahead and hard code it, else leave it as it is.
    4. Grant execute privilege on the procedure "save_action_details" to public.
    sql> grant execute on save_action_details to public;
    5. Create your Dynamic page.
    a) In HTML code section have the below code. This code shows some columns from the table and "update" and "delete" buttons to perform the respective action.
         <ORACLE>select empno,ename,rowid,
         '<input type="button" value="Update" onClick="doAction(this.form,''UPD'',''xxx'','''
         || xxxxx.wwv_standard_util.url_encode(rowid) || '''); tWin();">
         <input type="button" value="delete" onclick="doAction(this.form,''DEL'',''' || rowid || ''',''xxx'');">' Action
         from yyyyy.emp</ORACLE>
    b) In additional pl/sql code section of dynamic page, have the below pl/sql block "in after displaying the header" section.
         l_sto_session xxxxx.wwsto_api_session;
         l_del_rowid varchar2(20);
         l_action varchar2(10);
         htp.comment('User code starts here ...');
         htp.p('var winHandle;');
         function doAction(formObj, action, rowid, erowid)
              if (action == "UPD")
              var formURL = "' || xxxxx.wwctx_api.get_proc_path('<<module_id_of_form>>&p_arg_names=_rowid&p_arg_values=') || '" + erowid;
              winHandle =, "winDynUpd", "width=750,height=500,resizable=yes");
              formObj.p_rowid.value = rowid;
              formObj.p_action.value = action;
         function tWin() {
              if (winHandle.closed) {
              document.location = document.location;
              else {
              setTimeout("tWin()", 500);
         htp.p('<form name="dynRowProcess" method="POST" action="'
         || xxxxx.wwctx_api.get_proc_path('save_action_details','yyyyy')
         || '">');
         htp.p('<input type="hidden" name="p_rowid">');
         htp.p('<input type="hidden" name="p_action">');
         htp.p('<input type="hidden" name="p_dyn_ref_path" value="' || p_reference_path || '">');
         htp.p('<input type="hidden" name="p_dyn_page_url" value="' || p_page_url || '">');
         l_sto_session := xxxxx.wwsto_api_session.load_session(
         p_domain => 'DynStore',
         p_sub_domain => 'DynStore_' || p_reference_path
         l_del_rowid := l_sto_session.get_attribute_as_varchar2('rowid');
         l_action := l_sto_session.get_attribute_as_varchar2('action');
         if l_action = 'DEL' then
         delete from yyyyy.emp
         where rowid = l_del_rowid;
         end if;
    Explaination: The session information (rowid and action) stored by "save_action_details" procedure is retrieved by the dynamic page and is used to delete the record.
    6. Once you are through with the above steps, test it by placing the above "dynamic page" portlet on a page.
    a) When you click on delete button the record gets deleted and the automatically refreshed page will not show the deleted record.
    b) On clicking update button, a form will appear. do the necessary modifications in data and click update. the data in the form gets updated. Once you close the form the dynamic page gets refreshed automatically and it will show you the updated information.

  • How to display dynamic page content in an external application (MS Word)?

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    I had the idea of updating the dynamic page with hard coded html prior to each export - but I can't find where the dynamic page definition is stored in the database.
    Any ideas/better solutions out there?

    dynamic page:
    theUser varchar2(30) := portal30.COE_GET_CV_PERSON;
    v_output varchar2(6) := portal30.COE_GET_CV_OUTPUT;
    v_no number;
    v_url varchar2(500):= '';
    IF v_output = 'WORD' THEN htp.script('startWord('||''''||v_url||''''||');','Javascript');
    ELSE null;
    etc ...
    <script language="JavaScript">
    function startWord(strFile)
    var myApp = new ActiveXObject("Word.Application");
    if (myApp != null)
    myApp.Visible = true;

  • Get current page details from within dynamic page

    Is there any API or any other way of getting the current page id that the dynamic page portlet is being called from?
    Thanks in advance.

    I've tried the following:
    theLink varchar2(1000) := 'http://'||owa_util.get_cgi_env('HTTP_HOST')||owa_util.get_cgi_env('SCRIPT_NAME')||owa_util.get_cgi_env('PATH_INFO')||'?'||OWA_UTIL.GET_CGI_ENV('QUERY_STRING');
    But that gets me the URL of the dynamic page portlet not the page the portlet is on?

  • Creating Dynamic Page:  Make My Own Template Appear?

    I am creating a Dynamic Page portlet.
    During the setups for this dynamic page, in the "Dynamic Page and Customization Form Text" step, I would like to make a template of my creation appear in the dropdown of templates.
    (Examples of templates currently appearing in this dropdown list include PUBLIC.TEMPLATE_1 , PUBLIC.PEOPLE_TEMPLATE AND PUBLIC.SKY_TEMPLATE.)
    Does anybody know how I can make a custom template of mine appear in this list?
    Thank you.

    Go to the Navigator (page) > Providers (tab) > Locally Built Providers (link) > Shared Components (link) > User Interface Templates (link)
    Once there, you can either copy one of the existing templates or click on "Create New... User Interface Template" (When prompted, I recommend selecting "Unstructured UI Template" if you want complete control over your html, css, and javascript code.)
    Once your template has been created, you will be able to select it from the list of available templates and the template will be shown when the component is viewed in full page display mode.

  • Dynamic page question (or class=RegionHeaderColor)

    Hi there,
    i have a couple of portlets, the top-left-portlet showing a background image.
    however my dynamic-page portlet doesn't show the image
    because in the source i see this:
    <TR><TD class="RegionHeaderColor" WIDTH="100%">
    <H2>Example of A Dynamic Page</H2>
    the problem is the class.
    when i remove it, i see the image...
    my questions are:
    1. where can i remove the class
    2. how can i change the class.
    thanx in advance,

    If your question is related to editing of dynamic pages exposed as a porltet in a particular page then,
    1)Edit the page
    2)Check the name of the component (dynamic page component) created, and the name of the application.
    3) In the applications tab, navigate to the corresponding application and edit the component in question.

  • Dynamic page search passing parametars problem

    I'm having problems with the search dynamic page in Oracle portal 3.0.
    I don't know how to pass the bind variables through the form in the Oracle manner, like p_arg_names and p_arg_values. Can someone please e-mail me a short search dynamic page like an example , how can a bind variable be passed through a from.

    Hi Sharmila,
    May I request this instead as the original thread seems to have died. I am trying to link a Oracle Form from a dynamic page, I am passing parameters from the dynamic page to the Oracle Form.
    Please may I have a simple example of this.
    Thanks Sharmila
    Your question is not very clear. Are you creating a dynamic page or a portal form? Do you want to pass parameters to a
    form or from a form? Please elaborate.

  • Displaying header and border on a dynamic page passing parameters to a form

    I am using portals 10.1.4. and am trying to pass parameters to a form which appears as a portlet on a page.
    for this, dynamic page has been used to pass parameters to that desired form. my problem is this that when the form is displayed with parameters, the header and borders of the portlet disappear.
    The check-boxes for header and borders of the portlets on the page are checked. Yet, when for any reason, the parameters are not passed into the dynamic page, the header of the dynamic page and border are displayed. But when the parameters are passed and the form shows up, then the header and borders disappear.
    can anyone help me with the following:
    - is it the desired behavior?
    - how can i get the headers and borders reappear?

    Any ideas fellows?
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    will appreciate any helpful experiences.

  • Header and border on a dynamic page passing parameters to a form

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    can anyone help me with the following:
    - is it the desired behavior?
    - how can i get the headers and borders reappear?

    Hi AMN,
    I am not sure I follow what you are exactly attempting, can you post a set of steps to reproduce?

Maybe you are looking for