Ready to Play in 32 Hours

I just updated my Apple TV after noticing it was moving very slowly.  After update I rented a movie (same day). The Apple TV had no connectivity issues and no problem renting the movie, however it will not play the movie.  It says: "Ready to Play in 32 Hours". (The time changes constantly, as of this moment it actually says 72 hours.)
I never had this issue previously. I did try restarting the Apple TV.  I also checked my connection speed and made sure my Apple TV was connected to the right home internet, etc.

What is the connection, as per
Make sure DNS is set to auto (settings - general - network)
If on wifi try ethernet
To see a current status of the network, go to istumbler, netstumbler or similar for a report. Look for signal strength, noise, nearby networks

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    Bloody Flaming Heck!
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    Do you mean iTunes rentals not stuff from your iTunes library?
    Commonest issue is a slow internet connection.
    Test your rates somewhere like

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    You must have a slower connection if it took 2.5 hours, did you pause it or exit out to the main screen? I've paused movies many times and it could be due to the connection as well  so what is your actual speed? Check Wifi or ethernet? Have you changed the DNS settings?

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    The ATV has no storage to speak of, so all content is streaming.
    If the user desires to download first and play later, do so via iTunes on the computer.

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    The Apple TV streams the movie you rent and loads up enough in its memory to let you watch buffer free and then forgets the movie.  You get a rental for 30 days until you start to watch it then you have if for 48 hours.
    The only thing you can do is play it when you want to watch it, if there is a problem when you do that contact apple or post again.  The Apple TV does not download the movie so if you switch off and resume later it will need to reload but can start from where you left off.

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    jjay91 wrote:
    Thanks for answering!  Why, then, am I able to start watching an hd show within a minute into the download on my Mac?  It is an iMac intel core duo 2.0 with 2 gigs of memory. I'm thinking because it has better hardware than the apple tv?
    If that's the case it sounds as though AppleTV2 should be able to do the same.
    If we knew the size of a particular stream/download we could do a rough calculation of how long it should take for a given steady internet speed.
    I can't rent TV Shows in iTunes or on AppleTV2 in UK, so can't really give you a guide except for movie performance.
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    Apple's servers sometimes get bogged down, and some ISPs speeds really to vary significantly despite your headline connection speed - also worth checking your ISP doesn't slow/throttle your connection speeds at certain times or after a certain amount of content has downloaded.

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    Good luck.  I tried to do this to cue sound effects for a theater, and never found anything.  iTunes will definitely *not* do this, nor was I able to find any player that would play one song at a time in a single playlist. 
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    Hey hughborg25,
    I found an article that can help you troubleshoot when an iPod becomes unresponsive or the screen goes black:
    iPhone, iPad or iPod touch: Not responding or does not turn on
    I would go through all the steps listed there, and the issue should be resolved by the end.
    Live long and prosper,

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    Guilles wrote:
    Does this Apple TV has a small hard drive to save at least one or two "rented movies"? Thanks...
    The black AppleTVs have no hard drives.
    They have some solid state memory to buffer movies but it's not like a download that stays on the device.
    The memory is recycled for other tasks when you use AppleTv for other tasks and this happens without warning.
    You need:
    2.5 Mbps internet to watch SD near instantly, 6 Mbps for 720p HD and 8 Mbps for 1080p HD.
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    Hi there,
    Blokeish has given you a very good start, but rather than listening for the canplay event, I'd recommend first stopping your symbol timeline right away, and then listening for the audio element's playing event.
    For instance, you could add this to your compositionReady even:
    // listens for the audio element's playing event, and then plays your symbol
    sym.getSymbol("your_symbol").$("your_audio element")[0].addEventListener("playing",function() {
    // this now plays your audio element, which triggers your listener, above
    sym.getSymbol("your_symbol").$("your_audio element")[0].play();
    And then add a trigger to your symbol timeline at time zero to stop it:
    I'd expect this to delay your symbol playback reliably (especially when audio is preloaded), because your symbol won't play until your audio actually begins playing.
    EDIT: Also listening for the canplaythrough event should make this pretty rock-solid, especially if you've got a large audio file and you're worried about re-buffering

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    Extend Videoplayer, add a new skinpart (your spinner), add a new state , "waiting" or "buffering" or something and add logic to put the component in "waiting" state. When your video is available switch back to "playing".

  • HT1860 Ready to play in

    Ready to play in

    What is your actual speed (
    The wifi strength indicator on the device isn't going to tell you the whole picture.
    Best to check for interference using istumbler or netstumbler
    Make sure you are using your ISPs DNS

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    Thanks for that.
    I had, before trying it in Windows 8, synced/dragged it to iPad 3 from iTunes in Mt. Lion. 
    Then after the Windows 8 attempt, (but wait - it gets better) when I went back into Mt. Lion it was no longer in iTunes. I guess copy pasting it from Mt. Lion disk to Windows 8 \MyMusic\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music raised some infringment?
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    I do not have iTunes in Windows 7, so I rented it again, this time in Windows 8.

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