Record Insertion Problem

Using the following code, am populating the internal table z_ZI2DLVSTORE.
If not x_ZI2DLVSTORE-VBELV is initial.
Here, my record is ready to get uploaded into master table
Then, using below code, am updating the master table ZI2DLVSTORE.If record already exists, it will update or it will create a new record - thats my requirement
if z_ZI2DLVSTORE-POSNR < '900000'.
clear z_ZI2DLVSTORE.
But, my table ZI2DLVSTORE is not accepting that entry. Why? Plz suggest.

  According to ur code it looks you are trying to insert work area data  but not internal table. (in the logic no Append statement, and in the last line u have used  CLEAR statement 'clear z_ZI2DLVSTORE.' )
for updating workarea syntax is

Similar Messages

  • Recurrent single record Insert problems

    we have on production environment a Java based application that makes aprox 40.000 single record Inserts per hour into a table.
    We ha traced the performance of this Insert and the medium time is 3ms, that is ok. Our Java architecture is based in Websphere Application Server and we access to Oracle 10g through a WAS datasource.
    But we have detected that 3 or 4 times a day, during aprox 30 seconds, the Java service is not able to make any insertion in that table. And suddenly it makes all the "queued inserts" in only 1 second. That "pause" in the insertion cause problems of navigation because is the top layer there is a web application.
    We are sure that is not a problem with the WAS or the Java code. We are sure that is a problem with the Oracle configuration, or some tunning action for this kind of applications that we don´t know. We first thought it could be a problem with a sequence field in the table. Also, a problem when occurs the change of the redo log. But we've checked it with our DBA and this is not the problem.
    Has anybody any idea of what could be the origin of this extrange behaviour?
    Thanks a lot in advance.

    If by one single disk you mean a single physical disk then spreading the online redo lobs onto multiple disks would be a good idea. Log Group A should be on a seperate disk from Log Group B and the members of each log group should also be on seperate disks.
    Note that Oracle does not stop processing when it does a checkpoiint. Here is basically how it works. When online redo LogA fills a checkpoint is signaled and Oracle immediately starts writing to LogB. The ckeck point is processed by ckpt and dbwr.
    If logB fills and a switch to LogC occurs before the ckeckpoint signaled by the switch from LogA to LogB has completed then you get the checkpoint not complete information message. Oracle will continue processing though it has more work to do having to combine two ckeckpoints. If the problem continues then you get 3 and 4 checkpoints backed up. This will bog Oracle down as the buffer cache has to be pretty full at this point. You cannot read data unless you have a clean buffer to read into.
    The checkpoint not complete message normally means your online redo logs are too small and are filling too quickly. In the absence of Data Guard configured to use log shipping you should look to see how many log switches you are doing per day. If is is more the 24 - 48 then increase the size of the online redo logs.
    Database writer performance issues are the next area you would want to ckeck after properly sizing the online redo logs and verifying the IO performance of log writer. Pretty much all you can do to help log writer IO is put enough physical disk under the logs to spread the IO out.
    If your problem is caused by the activity level during peak periods then setting MTTR probably will not help since dbwr will be busy writing anyway.
    You really should run a statspack or AWR report to help clarify the issue.
    If you determine you are switching online redo logs too many times and increase the size take a set of statspack both before and after you make the change. This will help you see the effect on the database as a whole.
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

  • Multiple record insert problem in Oracle Procedure that uses a cursor

    Dear X-pert guies,
    I have a oracle procedure that use a cursor, I repeatedly make query on 1st table using cursor value and insert that queried value(of 1st table) to 2nd table
    y_summary. y_summary has composite  primary key :PK_Y_SUM (BILL_DATE, TRUNK_MGR, IDD_FLAG, PK_FLAG, PREFIX).*
    when i run the procedure explicit2('201001'); the it gives me the error:::: begin explicit2('201001'); end;_
    ORA-00001: unique constraint (PRM.PK_Y_SUM) violated_
    ORA-06512: at "PRM.EXPLICIT2", line 413_
    ORA-06512: at line 1_
    but when i remove the composite primary key from y_summary table then, the procedure runs ok and make so many duplicate entries in y_summary.
    but i want the single record  to be inserted for single time in y_summary ,so You guies are honorly requested to make the required help .
    the structure of y_summary Table and Procdure code is given below.
    -- Create table
    create table Y_SUMMARY
    BILL_DATE VARCHAR2(10) not null,
    TRUNK_MGR VARCHAR2(20) not null,
    IDD_FLAG VARCHAR2(10) not null,
    PK_FLAG NUMBER(2) not null,
    OUTDUR NUMBER(20,2),
    PREFIX VARCHAR2(10) not null
    tablespace TBS_PRM_D01
    pctfree 10
    pctused 40
    initrans 1
    maxtrans 255
    initial 64K
    minextents 1
    maxextents unlimited
    -- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints
    alter table Y_SUMMARY
    add constraint PK_Y_SUM primary key (BILL_DATE, TRUNK_MGR, IDD_FLAG, PK_FLAG, PREFIX)
    using index
    tablespace TBS_PRM_D01
    pctfree 10
    initrans 2
    maxtrans 255
    initial 64K
    minextents 1
    maxextents unlimited
    create or replace procedure explicit2( month_val in varchar2) is
    cursor explicit_cur is select dest_code from y_table where dest_code like '44%' order by dest_code desc;
    dummy varchar2(100);
    lv_length Number(9);
    sqlstr varchar2(2500);
    rec_count1 number;
    rec_count2 number;
    rec_count3 number;
    open explicit_cur;
    fetch explicit_cur into dummy;
    EXIT WHEN explicit_cur%NOTFOUND;
    rec_count1 :=0;
    rec_count2 :=0;
    rec_count3 :=0;
    lv_length := length(dummy);
    sqlstr := 'select count(*) from y_table_data1 t where t.fee_dur_1_1 <> 0
    and t.out_trunk in (''MHISRM'', ''GEISRM'', ''GEIMRP'', ''MHIMRP'', ''13'', ''ITAX1B'', ''ITAX3B'',''ITAX5B'', ''ITAX6B'', ''ITAX7B'', ''BTIMRP'', ''BTI5RP'', ''BTI6RP'', ''BTI7RP'')
    and t.service_code = ''00'' and substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||')='||''''||dummy||'''';
    execute immediate sqlstr into rec_count1;
    sqlstr := 'select count(*) from y_table_data1 t where t.fee_dur_1_2 <> 0
    and t.out_trunk in (''MHISRM'', ''GEISRM'', ''GEIMRP'', ''MHIMRP'', ''13'',
    ''ITAX1B'',''ITAX3B'',''ITAX5B'', ''ITAX6B'', ''ITAX7B'', ''BTIMRP'', ''BTI5RP'', ''BTI6RP'', ''BTI7RP'')
    and t.service_code = ''00'' and substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||')='||''''||dummy||'''';
    execute immediate sqlstr into rec_count2;
    sqlstr := 'select count(*) from y_table_data1 t where t.fee_dur_1_1 <> 0
    and t.out_trunk in (''MHISRM'', ''GEISRM'', ''GEIMRP'', ''MHIMRP'', ''13'',
    ''ITAX1B'', ''ITAX3B'',''ITAX5B'', ''ITAX6B'', ''ITAX7B'', ''BTIMRP'', ''BTI5RP'', ''BTI6RP'', ''BTI7RP'')
    and t.service_code = ''012'' and substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||')='||''''||dummy||'''';
    execute immediate sqlstr into rec_count3;
    if(rec_count1>0) then
    sqlstr := 'insert into y_summary(BILL_DATE ,PREFIX, TRUNK_MGR,OUTCALLS , OUTDUR , IDD_FLAG , PK_FLAG )
    select '|| month_val||' ,substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||'),t.trunkout_operator ,count(*) , round(sum(ceil(t.duration / 15) * 15) / 60, 0),''00'',''1'' from y_table_data1 t where t.fee_dur_1_1 <> 0
    and t.out_trunk in (''MHISRM'', ''GEISRM'', ''GEIMRP'', ''MHIMRP'', ''13'', ''ITAX1B'', ''ITAX3B'',''ITAX5B'', ''ITAX6B'', ''ITAX7B'', ''BTIMRP'', ''BTI5RP'', ''BTI6RP'', ''BTI7RP'')
    and t.service_code = ''00'' and substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||')='||''''||dummy||''''|| ' group by t.trunkout_operator,substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||')';
    execute immediate sqlstr;
    sqlstr :='DELETE from y_table_data1 t where t.fee_dur_1_1 <> 0
    and t.out_trunk in (''MHISRM'', ''GEISRM'', ''GEIMRP'', ''MHIMRP'', ''13'', ''ITAX1B'', ''ITAX3B'',''ITAX5B'', ''ITAX6B'', ''ITAX7B'', ''BTIMRP'', ''BTI5RP'', ''BTI6RP'', ''BTI7RP'')
    and t.service_code = ''00'' and substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||')='||''''||dummy||'''';
    execute immediate sqlstr;
    end if ;
    if(rec_count2>0) then
    sqlstr :='insert into y_summary(BILL_DATE ,PREFIX, TRUNK_MGR,OUTCALLS , OUTDUR , IDD_FLAG , PK_FLAG )
    select '|| month_val||' ,substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||'),t.trunkout_operator ,count(*) , round(sum(ceil(t.duration / 15) * 15) / 60, 0),''00'',''0'' from y_table_data1 t where t.fee_dur_1_2 <> 0
    and t.out_trunk in (''MHISRM'', ''GEISRM'', ''GEIMRP'', ''MHIMRP'', ''13'', ''ITAX1B'', ''ITAX3B'',''ITAX5B'', ''ITAX6B'', ''ITAX7B'', ''BTIMRP'', ''BTI5RP'', ''BTI6RP'', ''BTI7RP'')
    and t.service_code = ''00'' group by t.trunkout_operator,substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||')';
    execute immediate sqlstr;
    sqlstr :='DELETE from y_table_data1 t where t.fee_dur_1_2 <> 0
    and t.out_trunk in (''MHISRM'', ''GEISRM'', ''GEIMRP'', ''MHIMRP'', ''13'', ''ITAX1B'', ''ITAX3B'',''ITAX5B'', ''ITAX6B'', ''ITAX7B'', ''BTIMRP'', ''BTI5RP'', ''BTI6RP'', ''BTI7RP'')
    and t.service_code = ''00'' and substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||')='||''''||dummy||'''';
    execute immediate sqlstr;
    end if;
    if(rec_count3>0) then
    sqlstr :='insert into y_summary(BILL_DATE ,PREFIX, TRUNK_MGR,OUTCALLS , OUTDUR , IDD_FLAG , PK_FLAG )
    select '|| month_val||',substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||'),t.trunkout_operator ,count(*) , round(sum(ceil(t.duration / 15) * 15) / 60, 0),''012'',''0'' from y_table_data1 t where t.fee_dur_1_1 <> 0
    and t.out_trunk in (''MHISRM'', ''GEISRM'', ''GEIMRP'', ''MHIMRP'', ''13'', ''ITAX1B'', ''ITAX3B'',''ITAX5B'', ''ITAX6B'', ''ITAX7B'', ''BTIMRP'', ''BTI5RP'', ''BTI6RP'', ''BTI7RP'')
    and t.service_code = ''012'' group by t.trunkout_operator,substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||')';
    execute immediate sqlstr;
    sqlstr :='DELETE from y_table_data1 t where t.fee_dur_1_1 <> 0
    and t.out_trunk in (''MHISRM'', ''GEISRM'', ''GEIMRP'', ''MHIMRP'', ''13'', ''ITAX1B'', ''ITAX3B'',''ITAX5B'', ''ITAX6B'', ''ITAX7B'', ''BTIMRP'', ''BTI5RP'', ''BTI6RP'', ''BTI7RP'')
    and t.service_code = ''012'' and substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||')='||''''||dummy||'''';
    execute immediate sqlstr;
    end if;
    end loop;
    close explicit_cur;
    end explicit2;
    Edited by: user10951541 on 25.4.2010 12.08

    Dear concern
    Really sorry not to make format listing because i am amature to this blog.
    my anwser to your way .
    1. I have Tested my SQL statements manually in SQL*Plus. this runs ok
    2. "Cursor loops, such as the one you have coded here, have been obsolete in Oracle since version 8i 12+ years ago.
    Look up BULK COLLECT and FORALL in the docs and use them instead."
    I am trying to make use of the BULK COLLECT and FORALL statement in proper location.
    3. "Your procedure never performs a commit so no work actually takes place" i need to get the anwser why........................?
    4. "On what basis was the decision made to use the default PCTFREE and PCTUSED values of 10 and 40?"
    is there any problem if default is used..? if any suggestion........pls
    5." You did not format your listing using the CODE tags as explained in the FAQ making your listing unreadable ... so I've not read it.
    Please read the FAQ and use the proper way to post code so we can understand it. Then perhaps we can help you further. " really sorry not to make understandable to you..? but i will try from next post..
    I really will try to be synced..
    My aim is to make query to Table A using the cursor value like( '4422','442','4411','441','44') and get some data in accordance of these values.Then i put the data into another Table B. same time i need to delete the record from Table A containing the prefix value in accordance for example- i compute value for '4422' from Table A and put the computed value to Table B .Then i delete the record from Table A where prefix is '4422' .so that computed value for the next prefix '442' should contain the computed value for 442[0-1] and 442[3-9] .Same way it will be happened for ('4411','441','44'....bla...bla).
    Thanks in advance..

  • Record insertion problem and another question...

    I know I'm now php mysql expert so I am trying to use the
    insertion wizard and I can make the form and have it supposed to
    link to another page after its done inserting but when I run the
    page and fill in the details it inserts the record but does not
    goto the directed page and also shows the error:
    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already
    sent in C:\wamp\www\toursite\admin\users\add.php on line 56
    and on line 56 is:
    header(sprintf("Location: %s", $insertGoTo));
    Can anyone help me here?
    My second problem is not really a dreamweaver problem but it
    may be linked to it. Im using a server package called WAMP and
    pages that I can run will sometimes cause and error box to popup
    saying that Apache has caused error, the box that gives you the
    option of sending the report or not. Anyone know what the problem
    is here?
    If I have not given enough information to help please ask for

    mondan wrote:
    > Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers
    already sent in
    > C:\wamp\www\toursite\admin\users\add.php on line 56
    > and on line 56 is:
    > header(sprintf("Location: %s", $insertGoTo));
    > Can anyone help me here?
    The headers already sent error is a common problem that
    beginners. It's caused by some output being sent to the
    browser before a
    call to certain functions, such as header() or
    session_start(). You need
    to eliminate that output, and the problem will go away.
    Common causes of output are:
    * Blank space before the opening PHP tag
    * Blank space before the opening PHP tage or after the
    closing PHP tag
    of any include files
    * Use of echo or print anywhere before the call to the
    problem function
    * Error messages generated by PHP
    > Im using a server package called WAMP and pages that I
    can run will
    > sometimes cause and error box to popup saying that
    Apache has caused error, the
    > box that gives you the option of sending the report or
    None of the server packages are endorsed by PHP. Some are
    good, others
    not so good. It sounds as though you have a bad installation.
    advice from the WAMP team or support forum if they have one.
    David Powers
    Author, "Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8" (friends of ED)
    Author, "Foundation PHP 5 for Flash" (friends of ED)

  • Single record insert performance problems

    we have on production environment a Java based application that makes aprox 40.000 single record Inserts per hour into a table.
    We ha traced the performance of this Insert and the medium time is 3ms, that is ok. Our Java architecture is based in Websphere Application Server and we access to Oracle 10g through a WAS datasource.
    But we have detected that 3 or 4 times a day, during aprox 30 seconds, the Java service is not able to make any insertion in that table. And suddenly it makes all the "queued inserts" in only 1 second. That "pause" in the insertion cause problems of navigation because is the top layer there is a web application.
    We are sure that is not a problem with the WAS or the Java code. We are sure that is a problem with the Oracle configuration, or some tunning action for this kind of applications that we don´t know. We first thought it could be a problem with a sequence field in the table. Also, a problem when occurs the change of the redo log. But we've checked it with our DBA and this is not the problem.
    Has anybody any idea of what could be the origin of this extrange behaviour?
    Thanks a lot in advance.

    There are a couple of things you'd need to look at to diagnose this - As Joe says it's not really a JDBC issue from what we know.
    I've seen issues with Oracle's automatic SGA resizing causing sporadic latency in OLTP systems. Another suspect would be log file sync wait events, which are associated with commits. Don't discount the impact of well meaning people using tools like TOAD to query the DB - they can sometimes cause more harm than good.
    Right now I'd suggest you run AWR at 10 minute intervals and compare reports from when you had your problem with a time when you didn't.

  • SQL: System locks up and runs slow after performing simple DML record insert

    SQL Version:  2008 R2
    I am having a serious problem.  I ran the following code to perform a simple table record insert which ran successfully.  However, after running this code I could no longer access the related table.  I couldn't run a query against it. 
    I tried to delete all the records and that wouldn't work either.  When attempting to run any DML statements (i.e. Select * From vPCCertificateTypes) against this table SQL gets locked up and never returns anything and no error messages.  I have
    to manually stop the query.  Now the entire SQL system is running slow.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.  The code I ran to originally insert the records is below.
    Bob Sutor
    Begin TRAN
     INSERT INTO vPCCertificateTypes (VendorGroup, CertificateType, Description, Active, Category)
     SELECT HQCo, 'MBE', 'Minority-owned Business Enterprise', 'Y', 'Affirmative Action' 
     Where HQCo IS NOT NULL
      AND HQCo <> 100
      AND HQCo <> 99
    Bob Sutor

    The problem was an open uncommitted transaction against the table as you suspected.  I ran your code and it cleared the transaction.  In the past I would intentionally leave our the Commit statement and then if the transaction ran fine, I would
    simply highlight and run 'COMMIT' and it would close the transaction.  Apparently that is not the correct approach.  I'll use your suggested code from now on.
    Thanks for the help.
    Bob Sutor

  • Dreamweaver CS4 - Record Insertion Form js error

    I'm dreamweaver cs4 and started using the Record Insertion form, I was mainly experimenting with it and just seeing what it could do.
    However when I get to the wizard i have to wait a few seconds for it to connect to the database and then I get an error message that says:
    While executing onLoad in ServerObject-InsRecPHP.htm, the following Javascript error(s) occured:
    At line 283 of the file "Macintosh HD:Application:Adobe Dreamweaver
    invalid array length
    I was just wondering if this was a common problem, or I've messed something up either in Dreamweaver, or in the SQL database that I'm using.
    I've also noticed that its the same for Update and Delete Records Wizards aswell.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated
    Aaron Kennedy

    I see it's your first post. Welcome to the forum.
    A good place to start looking for answers is the Dreamweaver FAQ. You'll find the answer to your question under "Crashes, installation, JavaScript, and unexplained problems".

  • How to determine the last record inserted

    I have a table abc ( x number, y number, z date ) columns, there
    is no primary or unique key.
    I have been inserting values into it. there r some duplicate
    values to.
    but now I want to modify only the record inserted at the end.
    if initially ABC is having
    x y z
    10 20 01-nov-2001
    11 20 01-nov-2001
    out of these records I want to change the value of x to 50 for
    the record which was inserted last or shall I say whose z is the
    I have been trying to do but what I see that the z column is not
    getting the time in increasing order. i.e even though I tried to
    display the dated in dd-mon-yyyy 24hh:mm:ss format still and I
    found that date is not consistant. the record I inserted first
    is have a much more value than the record I inserted last.
    please help...

    rowid refers to the current position of the record; if the
    record has been moved (and there are any number of reasons why
    the database might shift a record) the order of rowid will not
    reflect the order of insertion.
    the only way to guarantee order of insertion is to timestamp the
    record. if I understand the original posting, you have been
    doing this.
    Now you should have been using SYSDATE. if you are saying that
    SYSDATE is giving you inconsistent results then you have a real
    problem: has somebody been tinkering with your database server -
    changing the system clock or something?
    Or are you using some other method to set the value for Z
    column? If so, what?
    rgds, APC

  • Record Insertion Form Wizard, page not displaying

    I used the "Record Insertion Form Wizard" in Dreamweaver 8 to
    build the following code. Problem is that when I upload this to my
    server and load the page nothing is being displayed. Anybody have
    any thoughts on this?

    Hi yea,
    you need to upload the includes folder that is created when
    using the
    interakt extensions.
    "Herman2468" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:e7mmi0$ic3$[email protected]..
    > Dreamweaver's "Record insertion form wizard" creates
    this code in my
    > add_products.php page
    > 1 <?php
    require_once('../Connections/connStore1.php'); ?>
    > 2 <?php
    > 4 //Alternative for PHAkt's
    > 5 require_once('../includes/');
    > 7 //load the tNG classes
    > 8 require_once('../tNG/');
    > Which causes this error message:
    > Warning: main(../includes/ failed
    to open stream:
    > No
    > such file or directory in
    /home/herm1/public_html/admin/add_product.php on
    > line
    > 5
    > Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required
    > '../includes/'
    > (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in
    > /home/herm1/public_html/admin/add_product.php on line 5
    > Dreamweaver is telling add_products.php to access a
    folder that does not
    > exist.
    > I'm stuck.

  • Errors not logged when IKM Oracle Multi Record Insert is selected

    Dear All,
    I am new in ODI 11g and I am facing the following problem:
    I created a package with 3 Interfaces with Oracle Multi Record Insert.
    In the first interface I load the source data to a temporary target
    In the second interface target#1 table is loaded using interface#1
    In the third interface target#2 is loaded using interface#1 and the multiple insert is executed and committed.
    This works correctly, but when a data error occurs (e.g. mandatory column is null), instead of the error being logged in the Error table, execution of the last interface fails with the following error:
    Caused By: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into (<schema>.<table>.<column>)
    I noticed that when I use Oracle Incremental Update instead, the errors get logged correctly in the error table.
    Does anyone know what could be causing this?

    Hi Bhabani,
    Thanks for the reply.
    I am afraid that this is a major issue for me, I do not want to re-query the source table for each target table, but on the other hand I cannot fail the process for each invalid record and I need the logging.
    Can you think of a workaround for my use case?
    Thank you!

  • Update/Insert Problem with Oracle Warehouse Builder

    i have update/insert problem with owb.
    Situation: I have a source-table called s_account and a target table called w_account_d. In the target table are already data which was filled trough the source table inserts. Now anyone make changes on data on the target table. This changes should now give further on the source table with an update operation. But exactly here is the problem i can´t map back the data to source because that will create a loop.
    My idea was to set a trigger but i can´t find this component in owb or is anywhere hidden?
    Also i have already seen properties as CDC or conditonal loading in the property inspector of the table, but i have no idea how it works.
    Give it other possibilities to modeling this case? or can anyone me explain how i can implement this eventually with CDC?
    I look forward for your replies :)

    thanks for your answer. I follow your suggestion and have set the constraints of both tables into the database directly.Nevertheless it doesn´t work to begin. In the next step i found by right click on a table the listpoint "configure" - I goes to "unique key" --> creation method and set here follow options: Constraint State = ENABLE, Constraint Validation = Validate. That error message that appears before by the deployment disappears yet. Now i start the job to test if the insert/update process works right. Finally it seems to work - but not really.
    My Testscenario
    1. Load the data from source table about the staging area to data warehouse table: Check - it works!
    2. Change one data record in source table
    3. Load the source table with changed data record once again to staging area: Check - it works!
    4. Load new staging area table with the changed data record to data warehouse table: Check it works! BUT, BUT i can not recognize if it is insert or update operation, then under the design window by jobs execution windows is reported "rows selected 98", Rows inserted" is empty and "rows updated" is empty. So i think works not correct, then my opinion if it works correct it should show be "rows updated" 1.
    What can yet now still be wrong or forgotten? Any ideas?
    *By the way think not 98 rows there is not important if you make an update or insert which performance. It is an example table the right tables have million of records.*
    I look forward for your answers :)

  • Need to commit after every 10 000 records inserted ?

    What would be the best way to Commit after every 10 000 records inserted from one table to the other using the following script :
    l_max_repa_id x_received_p.repa_id%TYPE;
    l_max_rept_id x_received_p_trans.rept_id%TYPE;
    SELECT MAX (repa_id)
    INTO l_max_repa_id
    FROM x_received_p
    WHERE repa_modifieddate <= ADD_MONTHS (SYSDATE, -6);
    SELECT MAX (rept_id)
    INTO l_max_rept_id
    FROM x_received_p_trans
    WHERE rept_repa_id = l_max_repa_id;
    INSERT INTO x_p_requests_arch
    SELECT *
    FROM x_p_requests
    WHERE pare_repa_id <= l_max_rept_id;
    DELETE FROM x__requests
    WHERE pare_repa_id <= l_max_rept_id;

    1006377 wrote:
    we are moving between 5 and 10 million records from the one table to the other table and it takes forever.
    Please could you provide me with a script just to commit after every x amount of records ? :)I concur with the other responses.
    Committing every N records will slow down the process, not speed it up.
    The fastest way to move your data (and 10 million rows is nothing, we do those sorts of volumes frequently ourselves) is to use a single SQL statement to do an INSERT ... SELECT ... statement (or a CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT ... statement as appropriate).
    If those SQL statements are running slowly then you need to look at what's causing the performance issue of the SELECT statement, and tackle that issue, which may be a case of simply getting the database statistics up to date, or applying a new index to a table etc. or re-writing the select statement to tackle the query in a different way.
    So, deal with the cause of the performance issue, don't try and fudge your way around it, which will only create further problems.

  • Record Insertion Form Wizard Help required

    Hi there
    I am having trouble getting my insertion form to save the
    info to a database. What I want to do is to get customers to
    subscribe to a monthly newsletter by inserting their email
    addresses into a form which should then be saved to a MS Access
    Database. I have made the connection and theres no problems there.
    But when use the record insertion form wizard and try to test it on
    my testing server (offline)...and when I click submit I get the
    following message:
    The page cannot be displayed
    There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and
    it cannot be displayed.
    Please try the following:
    Click the Refresh button, or try again later.
    Open the localhost home page, and then look for links to the
    information you want.
    HTTP 500.100 - Internal Server Error - ASP error
    Internet Information Services
    Technical Information (for support personnel)
    Error Type:
    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
    [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Could not use
    '(unknown)'; file already in use.
    /jb_root/Digest_Subscription.asp, line 113
    Browser Type:
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Xtra
    POST 55 bytes to /jb_root/Digest_Subscription.asp
    POST Data:
    Email_Address=[email protected]&MM_insert=form1
    Tuesday, 26 September 2006, 10:38:06 a.m.
    More information:
    Microsoft Support
    I have defined a go to page after submitting the info...but
    that doesnt come up and neither does it want to store the input
    data into the database..Can anyone please help me out here.

    Springbok_yfc wrote:
    > Error Type:
    > Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
    > [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Could not use
    '(unknown)'; file
    > already in use.
    This error is usually associated with a permissions error.
    Check out this technote.
    Cheers jojo
    Adobe Community Expert for Dreamweaver 8
    Extending Knowledge, Daily.
    Free 10 day trial

  • An extra record inserted

    When I upload data from R/3 to BW, I am constantly getting one blank record inserted as the first record. Can someone tell me what could be the problem and how to eliminate this.
    Thanks in advance.
    Subray Hegde

    Hi Bhanu,
    I agree with you for Master data. But, it happened with some transactional data loads as well. That is what is concerning me. This upload is based on the standard content and there is no modifications to the transfer rules or the update rules. Has anyone come across this kind of problem before?
    Thanks and Regards
    Subray Hegde

  • How to get count of records inserted and errored out in an email

    I have following question
    I want to send report statics of scenario i.e Number of rows inserted during the scenario and
    Number of rows in error in the scenario in an email.Here in my scenario I am trying to insert data into Essbase database and when i try to use getNbInserts() and getNbErrors functions of ODI in an email body,its giving zero value even though there 140 records inserted and 10 errored out.Can any one let me know how we get this number of records inserted and number of records errored in email.
    Thanks in advance

    I have following question
    I want to send report statics of scenario i.e Number of rows inserted during the scenario and
    Number of rows in error in the scenario in an email.Here in my scenario I am trying to insert data into Essbase database and when i try to use getNbInserts() and getNbErrors functions of ODI in an email body,its giving zero value even though there 140 records inserted and 10 errored out.Can any one let me know how we get this number of records inserted and number of records errored in email.
    Thanks in advance

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