Recovering iMovie file?

I recently cut a 50 minute movie that was 14gb unexported. I backed it up to my iPod, then updated my OS to 10.4.8 and iMovie to 6.0.2.
Now when I try to open the movie iMovie quits during the open process. Bummer, as I want to export it to DVD and I can't.
Any ideas what happened? Is there a way to recover it?
Thanks in advance

They are likely to be in iMovie's trash. Open that and drag them back to the timeline.

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  • How do I recover iMovie files corrupted by running out of disk space?

    I've been using iMovie HD 6.0.3 to create recordings using a webcam from time to time. Usually I just leave the camera on during presentations. On two different occasions I ran out of hard disk space, and have been unable to playback the videos I've recorded. One is very important and I'd like to save it if at all possible. The video data is definitely on the hard drive (I have a 9 gig file), however, attempts to play it using Quicktime Pro or iMovie fail. iMovie acts as if the movie contains no data even though over 2 hours were recorded. (Quicktime Pro responds with a Mac OS Error -1409)
    Apparently if iMovie runs out of disk space during a recording, it is unable to save or later recover the file properly. While it seems to store the video data, perhaps the file is missing some sort of critical markers or pointers.
    Does anyone know of a way to recover the video from this file? Perhaps there is a tool to somehow pull the video stream out of the corrupted file that was saved by iMovie?
    Please let me know if you have any ideas! It is very important that I recover these files. Thanks!

    Hi QuakingBog - What happened when you discovered this situation?
    1. There was an error displayed on the screen saying it was almost out of disk space.
    Did iMovie remain open, with the file showing in the Clips Pane or Timeline?
    2. The clip I was recording went from showing the image which was on the camera and elapsed time (which had been over 2 hours just before then) to showing just black and showing a total record time of 0:00 as soon as it ran out of disk space. Even though lots of data was recorded, it went back to looking as if nothing was recorded.
    I would be surprised if iMovie 'saved' it of its own accord (it has no auto-save feature). Did you hit Save? If there is a 9 GB file, then obviously somehow something was saved.
    3. Yes, I hit save. I also hit "Save As" after this and saved it to an external hard disk with more free space as well. I can't get anything to play from either place.
    Have you checked within the project 'package' to see if there are any files actually saved? To check, Control-Click on the project (with the star on it), and select Show Package Contents. Anything in the Media folder? Look for a .mov file in one of the folders - does it play?
    4. Yes, there are files in there. There is a Clip that is 9.29 gb, but it won't open or play.
    In cache there are...
    Timeline 8KB
    Thumbnails.plist 4K
    Timeline Movie Data.plist 4K
    In media there is also...
    My Great Movie~ 4K
    My Great Movie 4K
    Any further suggestions would be very appreciated based upon this additional information. Thanks for helping!

  • Project file disappears after iMovie crashes. Can I recover the file?

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    If you use Acrobat's Searchable Image (Exact) then the image is untouched and present.
    If you use Acrobat's Searchable Image the image is still present but has be "tweaked" by Acrobat so the image isn't the "original" (not "exact").
    If you use Acrobat's ClearScan the original image is gone. Recognized characters are replaced with an Acrobat internal font. Characters not recognized are left as a bit-mapped image.
    As the first two above still have the image you can use Acrobat XI to Save As Other and select a supported image file format.
    Be well...

  • Lost iMovie file - any way to recover?

    After spending hours and hours working on an iMovie project, I dropped the finished file into iPhoto.  I have always been able to watch the video on iPhoto.
    Recently I have being getting a message telling me about the lack of memory on my harddrive.  In order to free up some space I deleted all my iMovie projects and events.  For some reason, the video on iPhoto has also dissappeared too!
    a) Why is this?
    b) Is there any way I can recover the files?  Foolishly, I haven't backed-up the video to an external hard drive.
    Hope you can help!

    Unfortunately I've been using my MBP to search for a solution, so I'm assuming that's ruled that one out?
    I'm using some 'recovery software' at the moment called 'Disk Drill'.  It claims to be able to recover permanently deleted files, however it will only find them for free, to recover them will cost $90 (you need to buy the full version).
    Apparently it's found 3GB of files so far, I think the file was about 30GB.
    Do you think this is real, or some sort of scam?

  • Trouble to read OS 9 iMovie files with OSX 10.4.6 from ext. HD FAT32

    First a big "Hello" to all of you, since I am new in this comunity as registered user.
    With my (good old dead old) iMac DV400 I saved multiple iMovie projects on an external 250gb firewire harddisk which is FAT32 formated. With OS 9 there was never ever any trouble. Except that the FAT32 caused a very low but sufficient data transfer rate. Beside this the drive behaves and appeared like Mac drive - in OS 9.
    Now I have an Intel-iMac (as I said the other is dead) which runs under OSX 10.4. When I access now the ext. HD I see all the junk files as Finder.dat or folder ect. But some files have lost their application. In particular all iMovie related files I cannot open with iMovie neither klicking the icons nor via the iMovie "open..." dialog. All this files have strange icon looking like the old DOS c:/ -prompt. In addition I realized that my very few mp3 files without the ".mp3" extension were also not recognized as iTunes files. I had to rename them and added a ".mp3". (I had never such issues with OS 9x).
    Since there a plenty of iMove files (all project files, all clips) and plenty work done (movie taking, movie editing) I really like to recover all this files.
    Any ideas out there? Any older thread available - here or elsewhere in the net?
    Thanks, Joe

    First a big "Hello" to all of you, since I am new in this comunity as registered user.
    With my (good old dead old) iMac DV400 I saved multiple iMovie projects on an external 250gb firewire harddisk which is FAT32 formated. With OS 9 there was never ever any trouble. Except that the FAT32 caused a very low but sufficient data transfer rate. Beside this the drive behaves and appeared like Mac drive - in OS 9.
    Now I have an Intel-iMac (as I said the other is dead) which runs under OSX 10.4. When I access now the ext. HD I see all the junk files as Finder.dat or folder ect. But some files have lost their application. In particular all iMovie related files I cannot open with iMovie neither klicking the icons nor via the iMovie "open..." dialog. All this files have strange icon looking like the old DOS c:/ -prompt. In addition I realized that my very few mp3 files without the ".mp3" extension were also not recognized as iTunes files. I had to rename them and added a ".mp3". (I had never such issues with OS 9x).
    Since there a plenty of iMove files (all project files, all clips) and plenty work done (movie taking, movie editing) I really like to recover all this files.
    Any ideas out there? Any older thread available - here or elsewhere in the net?
    Thanks, Joe

  • Help! Recovered .dv files are pixelated after 1st frame!

    Right guys, this is THE emergency for me.
    I really don't know how this happened, but it did: I finished burning an iMovie project onto a DVD, after verification I selected the project in order to delete it from the HD, and after I confirmed the file deletion (basically I pressed Enter quickly) I noticed that my entire Movies folder had been trashed!
    I quickly shut off my Powerbook (I only burned a DiskWarrior 3.0 CD image using Toast 6 in a lame attempt to recover any files - I didn't succeed...) and rebooted it in FW Target Mode from my older powerbook. I downloaded FileSalvage from, paid for the serial number (also after I found out that the fully functional Trial will find but not recover any files - so that was a waste of 3 hours' worth of HD scanning...) and found quite a chunk of my two accidentally deleted iMovie projects, fragmented in (probably) hundreds of little files.
    Problem is (apart from those parts of my projects which were not found by FileSalvage) that some of the recovered lengths start off alright, only to disintegrate in to a spectacular although noisy pixelated screen - everything is scrambled.
    So, people, here is my question, and I beg for a tip: is there any way to make iMovie interpret correctly my recovered footage? We're talking chunks of 1 or 1.5 GB, with only a couple of seconds of goot video/audio in the beginning and the remaining just noise. I mean, the files were recovered, right? Why are they not playing back?
    Many thanks. Yours desperately...

    Hi Karsten,
    Nope, QT does exactly the same thing: OK for a few frames in the beginning of the recovered segment, then totally pixelated video, totally noisy audio after that, and then QT quits (by the way, no matter what you use to view the .dv file, even if it's just the Finder's preview, it will crash).
    My project was just a raw file imported from a Sony Camcorder. It was made of two 7.5 GB files. Now I've got a few hundred files ranging from 1 MB to 1 GB. Unfortunately, quite a few of the larger segments were recovered as I describe, with pixelation and all. Basically they are useless.
    PS I have investigated (i.e. tried to recreate the situation which caused me to lose my two files: it turns out that I must have had the Movies folder selected in the Sidebar of the Finder window, just when I pressed CMD-Backspace. I had thought that I only had my file selected (you know, the one I had just finished recording onto DVD), so I quickly confirmed the 'burn trash' dialog!...
    I had the impression that things which reside in the Sidebar could not be deleted just by clicking on them and selecting delete (i.e. you had to select them in the main part of the Finder window, not just in the Sidebar...) Did it use to be this way in Panther?

  • IMovie File Storage Recommendations

    In short:
    I want to keep all my clip material
    And I want to be able to edit it again at a future date
    But iMovie Help and tutorials doesn't explain the best way to manage the huge amount of digital file size this entails.
    I am new to DV. I just converted my first old 2 hr analog tape through my DV camcorder into an iMovie project. Then I cut it down and burned an iDVD.
    Now I've got this iMovie file taking up most of my available hard drive space (26MB) and I'm realizing there is no way I'm going to be able to convert a half dozen analog tapes and store them on the drive. I tried to export the iMovie file to an archive disk and it said it is too big.
    I want to save all the original clip material in case I want to edit or use it much later on.
    So the question is: how do people normally save and store all their iMovie clip material since after making a few hours of movies since the native file size is clearly way too big for a hard drive? Should I be saving it back on to my DV camcorder digital tapes? Or should/can I save segmented DVD archives (I couldn't see how to do that)? Are there different file formats I should consider? What is the most convenient and reasonable cost way to manage all the clip material?

    Exporting the project to tape is a good backup solution. That helps get rid of unwanted material too. Only the content of the Timeline is exported to tape. It helps you "purge" stuff you don't want.
    The trouble is, when you want to use it someday the clips are not particularly accessible. You have to watch the tape to find the part(s) you want to re-import.
    To eliminate that hassle many buy a large external hard drive and store projects there. Each hour of imported video is about 13GB, so a single large drive may be sufficient.
    (Note that with important video, it's never a good idea to rely on just one copy. Hard disks fail, as do tapes. So exporting a project to tape is a good idea too.)
    So importing the video, doing a rough edit, exporting the Timeline to tape, then re-importing can help get rid of unwanted stuff.
    Remember, iMovie is a non-destructive editor, which means that all the video of each imported clip is preserved. Splitting a clip, then discarding the excess and emptying the iMovie Trash does NOT remove the discarded video from your hard drive.
    Normally, when we import video we tell iMovie to split the video at the scene breaks. But when importing analog material — which contains no scene breaks — all the video arrives as a single clip. Then, NONE of that clip is ever discarded, which means no disk space is recovered by emptying the iMovie Trash.
    So when importing analogue material it's a good idea to set iMovie preferences to limit the size of clips to 3 minutes or something. Then you can discard an entire three minute clip and empty the iMovie Trash, which recovers that disk space.
    Whatever method you choose, be sure to do a test run of the entire capture/export/re-import/edit process so you discover early any pitfalls.

  • Recovered Photos File

    I actually have two issues which may or may not be related. When I start up my iphoto 6 I always get a message that I have 4895 photos that have not been imported, I always select do not import because I am not missing any photos. I had seen on the discussions that the problem could be in my iPhoto libaray under a file called recovered photos.
    I have about 12,000 photos in my library the size of my library is listed as 66.7 GB. When I check the size of the recovered photos file it is listed as 24.5 GB. The file includes movie clips, jpeg files, iMovie titles, and various other files. Most of the materials are dated as far back as 2004 which is strange since I created this iPhoto library in May of 2006 and did not import any previous materials into it. Would it be wise to delete this folder?
    I am always fearful of doing anything to my library, such as updating thumbnails as long as things are working fine.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    When I check the size of the recovered photos file it is listed as 24.5 GB. The file includes movie clips, jpeg files, iMovie titles, and various other files.
    That is strange, indeed. I wonder how iMovie projects ended up in your iPhoto Library.
    If I understand you correctly, this "Recovered Photos" folder is inside your iPhoto Library folder. Just move it out of there to your desktop. Also, if there is an "Importing" folder inside your iPhoto Library folder, move it out as well. Then launch iPhoto and see if that error message appears or not.
    If the error returns, you can try the auto library rebuild. Launch iPhoto while holding Option and Command. Check all 4 options, then leave it to work. It will probably take quite a while, since you have a large library. It would be wise to make a duplicate of the Library6.iPhoto file before rebuilding. Use Finder to select this finder, then File > Duplicate to create a copy. If the rebuild goes wrong, you replace the file with its copy.
    You can use Finder to examine the contents of the "Recovered Photos" folder after you have moved it out of the iPhoto library. Trash unneeded files. Import wanted files into iPhoto.

  • Need help with iMovie file recovery.

    I accidentally repartitioned my storage drive but did not format it. This wiped out an old iMovie project.
    I used Data Rescue to recover the file - 800mb. It was recovered as xxxxx.iMovieProj but iMovie '11 will not open it. I changed the extension to .rcproject but that didn't work either.
    Anyone have any ideas how to restore this movie?

    iMovie forums here:

  • "the finder cannot complete the operation because some data in [name of iMovie file] could not be read or written (Error Code 26)

    Hi all,
    I have an iMovie project in iMovie HD 6.0.3. (Mac OS 10.5.8)
    It plays, but I cannot copy the file (including saving it to a flash drive). I get either a message
    "the finder cannot complete the operation because some data in [name of
    iMovie file] could not be read or written (Error Code 26)" or the
    message "A project file is missing. The file [name of the QuickTime
    movie inside the project.dv] couldn't be opened and is being skipped."
    This happened suddenly, I was able to save a backup version numerous
    times while working on the project.
    I followed some of Karl Petersen's advise on apple discussions. I opened
    the package contents, and everything seems to be there. The source file
    (original QuickTime movie) is there and can be opened and played. I
    replaced the current project file with the backup in the package
    contents, but that did not change anything. I was able to export the
    movie timeline into a new project as a single clip, but would like to be
    able to copy the current project.
    Thanks for any ideas..

    Make sure all drives are formatted as "Mac OS Extended". (Journalling preferred, but not necessary).

  • How to recover Deleted file from HARD DISK

    By mistake my entire AVCHD file of 90 Mts  duration was deleted from my Hard Disk, this  I realised after a week., in the meantime I have not added or deleted any file from this hard Disk. I had given my this hard disk to my service engineer to recover the video., he has tried and recover some 40 mb file., but I cant open this recovered video file in Premiere or any other video convertor programme., also I cant get any information about Video.
    Can anybody in the forum help me and suggest how to recover my deleted Video from the Hard disk

    Hi, hard disk data loss is actually a hard task for many users 'cause most of them think this kind of problems is a complicated situation. Here are some tips you need to know after data loss happened.
    1. If you meet the file loss situation, keep calm and stop using your computer to do any read or write operation until you find the way to recover the lost files because any wrong operation.
    2. If you've lost a file, time is of the essence. As new files saved to Mac hard drive or storage devices, the original files gets overwritten. So do not use the drive or disk which your deleted files are stored before at all, until you have completed the scanning and recovery process.
    3. The system crashed or the files loss situation happens occasionally, so remember build a backup for the files periodically is strongly needed.
    4. If you meet the file loss situation again, stop using the Mac or storage device right now, use another computer to process the files recovery.
    5. Remember this, no matter at the normal time or after files recovery, build a backup for the files periodically is the best method to protect your files from data loss situation.
    This post offers you more tips you may need:

  • I downloaded an Adobe file from my email but cannot find it on my hard drive or in recycle bin - it's in downloads but am unable to open from downloads - how can I recover the file?

    I downloaded an Adobe file from my email (service provider is MWeb) but now cannot find it on my hard drive and it's not in the recycle bin. It does, however, appear in Firefox downloads but I'm unable to open it from there. How can I recover the file?

    Thanks Rob.
    I actually had no clue what the core problem was caused by. So it's Windows itself...that helps some.
    I'll resubmit there. It might actually have saved time for it to simply have been moved to there instead of off-topic, though I suppose you have to follow protocol.

  • Can't find imovie file on my hard drive

    I have a imovie file on my hard drive that I can't find. I really want to delete it so
    that I can free up some room on my hard rive. It's at least 15 gigs big. I tried using the search icon in the upper right hand corner and I tried using the 'find' option under the 'finder' menu, searching for any files over 5 gigs in size. Can anyone help me find this file so I can get rid of it?
    [email protected]

    An iMovie project is a package, not a file; the actual files inside it are smaller. Use a tool such as WhatSize to locate it.

  • Mount time machine, how to open and recover .inprogress file

    so this is how i fixed and mounted a time machine capsule ( it was extended journaled Case-sensitive) to MacBook Pro ( non-case sensitive) and recovered files from .inprogress file. for me it worked like a charm and lets see if this can help you too.
    Found a way to figure it out! (mount drive). So I went to my gf's laptop and created a new backup file for her ( just the file or a new sparsebundle.  the info.plist , token and info.bckup are the files that we need from here ). If no mac is available, create a new backup in pc but it has to be to the same time capsule  ( the files that we need and create will point and tell the sparse bundle a new path to time capsule ) To het there you go to the sparse bundle Dmg, right click and go to "show contents". So this is how i change it, I open 2 finder windows and got each sparse bundle in it ( old one or damaged and new one), righ click on both > show contents and then  replace these files from the new one to the damaged one (  info.plist , token and info.bckup ). That's it. The time machine at least mounted on my desktop and could see the files. Now for opening the .inprogress file; go to Automator >new workflow > and drag in this order;  get selected finder items, get folder contents and open finder items. While the .inprogress file i selected, press "run" or play button in Automator. That's it. Now you may try to drag to desktop but it will say "the volume has the wrong case sensitive for a backup" but you should have access. Now for copying or move to somewhere; get another hard drive ( external) and format it to the same as time capsule ( extended journaled case sensitive is my case), once it's done, right click and go to info> at the bottom uncheck "ignore ownership" and close it. Now you can copy from .inprogress file to just formatted hard drive and from hard drive to laptop. Here's the annoying part; it will treat it as a special folder ( when you paste it in you desktop it's gonna ask for password, if you wanna move it somewhere else it's going to do it as well. But at least you can recover the file ) . once this process It's done just reformat your time capsule.

    well, after you transfer everything to new hard drive and to avoid the putting a password everytime you move the folders, richt click on drive > get info > check again the "ignore ownership" option and you shouldnt have any problems transfering back folders

  • Moving an imovie file from one mac to another

    My mac says it's too big to burn the file onto a disk and I don't have a DVD burner. So I've been trying to move the file to my friends mac. I've tried to export the movie and made it a DVD project and burned it as just a normal data file but when i try to open it onto my friends computer there are missing components. Now I've given up i just want the imovie to be on my friends computer.

    Welcome to the forums.
    The iDVD projects don't transfer because they are not self-contained -- they are drawing information from the iMovie projects. If you Shared/Exported from iMovie to Full-Quality Quicktime, and the resulting file was bigger than 4.5ish gigs, then some options (rather than a data DVD) are:
    - connect your two Macs with Firewire or Ethernet and transfer the Quicktime file (I have a small Ethernet network that was very easy to set up).
    - use an external hard drive to transport the Quicktime file.
    - use Quicktime Pro (or similar) to break up the large Quicktime file into pieces that will fit on a DVD (I think Roxio's Toast 8 automatically splits files across multiple media).
    The Quicktime file will be smaller (perhaps dramatically smaller) than the iMovie files, and it will be self-contained. Perhaps do a search in the forum and see if there are some other ideas for transferring video files/iMovie projects between computers.

Maybe you are looking for