Recursive fitness

I am trying to rebuild my script to make a recursive fitness of textframes. With a deep nested set of anchored objects (inline and custom position)
All works well,but when i in my loop tries to first change the current textframe and directly after that change my parent I get an errror msg saying "invalid object for this request".
I have figured out by stepping with the debugger that when i try to change one textframe twice i breaks (because a textframe can be a parent of many textframes). i think it can have something to do with "allowOverrides" set to false.
Any help would be very appreciated!

If the anchored object is custom and you check in the "keep whitin top/bottom bounderies" box. The fit frame to content will make room for the box, but if you have to objects anchored in the same textbox, one of them inline and one of them custom, the inline object has overflow and the other not. And you make fit frame to content on that frame it will lay itself over the other anchored frame.
So I allways uncheck this box.
The only way I have found to solv this is by calculating the coordinates of the parent textframe so that it resize itself accoring to the custom child object.
But then you have to loop to all textframes so that you keep track of witch textframe is a parent and witch textframe is a child and compare there lowest points.
Is there any other way of doing this in a better way? Or could I implement the "compare" function in your example some how?
            var txtframebottom = frame.paragraphs.item(i).textFrames.item(j).geometricBounds[2];
            var parentframebottom = frame.geometricBounds[2];   
            if(parentframebottom < txtframebottom){
                var parentframetop = frame.geometricBounds[0];   
                var parentframeright = frame.geometricBounds[3];   
                var parentframeleft = frame.geometricBounds[1];   
                var oldheight = parentframebottom - parentframetop;       
                var newheight = oldheight + txtframebottom - parentframebottom;
                var heightprocent = 100*(newheight/oldheight);   
                frame.geometricBounds = [0, parentframeleft, newheight, parentframeright];

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    This cannot be done. The part of the function used in the SELECT statement is the return value: procedures don't have return values (that's what makes tham procedures and not functions).
    Obviously I don't know what your code does, but you should consider putting them into a single function that returns a TYPE with four attributes and then using the TABLE() function to cast them into something you could reference in the FROM clause of a correlated sub-query. Sounds a bit messy though.
    Do these functions actually select data? Where does the recursion fit in?
    Cheers, APC

  • Problem with recursive function & Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0"

    I hope that title doesn't put everyone off :)
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    private void computeBoards(ArrayList<Word> tryWords, Board bestBoard) {
         if (tryWords.size() == 0 || mTotalBlankBlocks < 200)
         for(Iterator<Word> iter = tryWords.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ){
              Word currentWord = new Word();
              currentWord =;
              ArrayList<Position> positions = new ArrayList<Position>();
              positions = getValidSpacedPositions(currentWord);
              if (positions.size() != 0)
              int placedWordsIndex = tryWords.indexOf(currentWord);
              System.out.print(placedWordsIndex+". "+currentWord.getString()+" with "+positions.size()+" positions / ");
              for (Position position : positions) {
                   System.out.println("Pos:"+(positions.indexOf(position)+1)+" of "+positions.size()+"  "+position.getX()+","+position.getY()+","+position.getZ());
                   int blankBlocksLeft = placeWord(currentWord, position);
                   if(blankBlocksLeft != 0)
                        // TODO: Kludge! Fix this.
                        System.out.println("adding "+currentWord.getString()+" to added words list");
                        Board compareBoard = new Board(blankBlocksLeft, mPlacedWords.size());
                        if (compareBoard.getPercFilled() > bestBoard.getPercFilled())
                             bestBoard = new Board(blankBlocksLeft, mPlacedWords.size());
                        computeBoards(tryWords, bestBoard);
                        System.out.println("removing "+currentWord.getString()+" from added words list");
                        System.out.println("strange error, spaces are there but word cannot place");
              System.out.println("**FINISHED ITERATING POSITIONS");
         System.out.println("**FINISHED ITERATING TRYWORDS");
    }This all seems to work fine, but I add it in for completeness because I am not sure if I have done this right. The Exception occurs in the placeWord function which is called from the recursive loop, on the line bolded. For some reason the Arraylist Words seems to initialise with size 1 even though it is a null's when I look at it, (hence all the redundant code here) and I can't seem to test for null either, it seems to works fine for a while until the recursive funciton above has to back up a few iterations, then it crashes with the exception below.
         private int placeWord(Word word, Position originPosition) {
              ArrayList<Word> words = new ArrayList<Word>();
              switch (originPosition.getAxis().getCurrInChar()) {
              case 'x':
                   // TODO: This is returning ONE!!!s
                   words = mBlockCube[originPosition.getX()][originPosition.getY()][originPosition.getZ()].getWords();
                   int tempword1 = mBlockCube[originPosition.getX()][originPosition.getY()][originPosition.getZ()].getWords().size();
                   for (int i = 0; i < word.getLength(); i++) {
                        *if (words.get(0) == null)*
                             mBlockCube[originPosition.getX() + i][originPosition.getY()][originPosition.getZ()] = new Block(word, word.getChar(i));
                             mBlockCube[originPosition.getX() + i][originPosition.getY()][originPosition.getZ()].addWord(word);
              case 'y':
                   words = mBlockCube[originPosition.getX()][originPosition.getY()][originPosition.getZ()].getWords();
                   int tempword2 = mBlockCube[originPosition.getX()][originPosition.getY()][originPosition.getZ()].getWords().size();
                   for (int i = 0; i < word.getLength(); i++) {
                        *if (words.get(0) == null)*
                             mBlockCube[originPosition.getX()][originPosition.getY() + i][originPosition.getZ()] = new Block(word, word.getChar(i));
                             mBlockCube[originPosition.getX()][originPosition.getY() + i][originPosition.getZ()].addWord(word);
              case 'z':
                   words = mBlockCube[originPosition.getX()][originPosition.getY()][originPosition.getZ()].getWords();
                   int tempword3 = mBlockCube[originPosition.getX()][originPosition.getY()][originPosition.getZ()].getWords().size();
                   for (int i = 0; i < word.getLength(); i++) {
                        *if (words.get(0) == null)*
                             mBlockCube[originPosition.getX()][originPosition.getY()][originPosition.getZ() + i] = new Block(word, word.getChar(i));
                             mBlockCube[originPosition.getX()][originPosition.getY()][originPosition.getZ() + i].addWord(word);
              mTotalBlankBlocks -= word.getLength();
              String wordStr = new String(word.getWord());
              System.out.println("Word Placed: " + wordStr + " on Axis: " + originPosition.getAxis().getCurrInChar() + " at pos: "
                        + originPosition.getX() + "," + originPosition.getY() + "," + originPosition.getZ());
              return mTotalBlankBlocks;
    Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
         at java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(Unknown Source)
         at java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source)
         at com.edzillion.crossword.GameCube.placeWord(
         at com.edzillion.crossword.GameCube.computeBoards(
         at com.edzillion.crossword.GameCube.computeBoards(
         at com.edzillion.crossword.GameCube.computeBoards(
         at com.edzillion.crossword.GameCube.computeBoards(
         at com.edzillion.crossword.GameCube.computeBoards(
         at com.edzillion.crossword.GameCube.computeBoards(
         at com.edzillion.crossword.GameCube.computeBoards(
         at com.edzillion.crossword.GameCube.computeBoards(
         at com.edzillion.crossword.GameCube.computeBoards(
         at com.edzillion.crossword.GameCube.computeBoards(
         at com.edzillion.crossword.GameCube.computeBoards(
         at com.edzillion.crossword.GameCube.computeBoards(
         at com.edzillion.crossword.GameCube.computeBoards(
         at com.edzillion.crossword.GameCube.computeBoards(
         at com.edzillion.crossword.GameCube.computeBoards(
         at com.edzillion.crossword.GameCube.computeBoards(
         at com.edzillion.crossword.GameCube.computeBoards(
         at com.edzillion.crossword.GameCube.computeBoards(
         at com.edzillion.crossword.GameCube.computeBoards(
         at com.edzillion.crossword.GameCube.generateGameCube2(
         at com.edzillion.crossword.GameCube.<init>(
         at com.edzillion.crossword.Crossword.actionPerformed(
         at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
    Any ideas? I've looked up this exception which didn't shed any light...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

    ArrayList<Word> words = new ArrayList<Word>();See the API Javadoc for ArrayList: this creates an empty ArrayList.
    if (words.get(0) == null)This tries to read the first element of the (still empty) array list -> throws IndexOutOFBoundsException
    If you want to stick to that logic (I am too lazy to proof-read your whole algorithm, but that should at least unblock you), you should first check whether the list actually contains at least one element:
    if (!words.isEmpty()) {...}

  • Non-recursion-based regex

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    ridiculous. There has to be another approach to
    whatever problem you are solving (is it biological in
    nature, perchance?). It's pattern recongition of structures of objects.
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    Now the patterns I'm looking for are in a 2 dimensional array of objects.
    When you start multiplying hundreds of objects by hundreds of objects by 32 characters per object ... You get a pretty big regex.
    Another option I've started is custom, from scracth "Java Object Regular Expressions" or JOREs as I like to call them (I already started coding this and needed a package name).
    (Does anything like this already exist? I haven't found it.)
    Anyway, 60,000 is bordering on worst case scenarios. It could happen. 7000-ish is a more realistic average I'd expect, but it doesn't make worst cases go away.
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  • Recursion Help (I don't get this)

    I feel so stupid. I just can't understand recursion.
         public static int fib(int n)
              int result;
              if (n <=2)
                   result = 1;
                   result = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
              return result;
         }The above is the famous Fibonacci method. But I DON'T GET IT. How the heck does this work? I don't understand how the recursive case works (result = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)).
    The way I understand it:
    If we were to call call fib(5)...
    recursive case:
    result = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2); -> 4 + 3
    The result would be 7, and then we would be done because we've reached the base case (n <=2). The correct answer is 5, so I'm obviously wrong. I just can't grasp this key concept. I'm feeling very noobish. :(

    I should add that recursion is related to
    mathematical induction, a powerful tool in
    And once you get used to thinking about recursion,
    you should see that in many ways recursive solutions
    are simpler and clearer than non-recursive approaches.Ever so true but an efficient recursive solution should use a stack of
    depth log(n), where n is the problem size, at most. It should also not
    recompute what has been computed before.
    The naive recursive fibonacci function doesn't fit that bill: it uses a stack
    of size n for the calculation of fib(n) and it recalculates what has been
    calculated before many times.
    kind regards,

  • Get-AdGroupMember -recursive doesn't return membership for some nested groups.

    I have the following setup:
    Test Parent Group (Group)
      - John Doe (User)
      - Domain Users (Group, contains 1000s of users)
    When I call: Get-AdGroupMember "Test Parent Group" -recursive
    Only John Doe is returned.

    First, it seems that Get-ADGroupMember in a recursive mode does not return object with the class group. So only the actual members are returnd not the groups.
    Second, with the -recursive, Get-ADGroupMember reads the member attribute of each nested groups. Users are not a member of Domain Users through the member attribute but through the primaryGroupID attribute. Thus you list the members of Domain Users if you
    target it directly Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Domain Users" but not when this one is nested. I don't know if there is a documentation about this.
    Note: Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.

  • Recursive shapes

    I need to build numbers using Dash Blocks, see, and I am not sure how ActionScript 3.0 stores
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    number system 9 will have 9 of these per unit in the 10 place with
    in an oddly shaped nine container. The number 4753 base 9 would
    have over three thousand of these little rectangles in the 1000
    place alone. Recursion makes incredible sense to build the
    self-similar figures but I do not want to overwhelm the Flash
    Player on slower machines manipulating tens of thousand graphic
    elements. Any data on this topic would be greatly appreciated. I
    did not find any searching for "recursive shapes" or "recursive

    I am developing a new foundation for math that enables
    students to recognize integers using color and shapes: Dash Blocks.
    The fundamental unit is a 1 x 4 rectangle. Placing ten of these
    units together in a rectangular container in two columns of five
    rows with a spacing of two between units equates to a 8 x 16
    'container' rectangle. During initial training a student is exposed
    to only one container of 0 to 9 units. However, the shape was used
    because these containers, when full (i.e. 10 units within) can be
    placed together in the same 2 x 5 pattern in a 64 x 256 container
    (100's place). Repeating this pattern once more yields 1000's place
    in a 512 x 2048 container. At this point, most displays can not
    contain all four sizes BUT using (and demonstrating) scaling, akin
    to looking down a street at taller and taller buildings, I can
    scale these sizes to fit on the screen. This enables eventually
    using them for Simple Math. In my classroom I have students that
    can add 30 digit integers faster than a calculator using this
    method. My desire is to get it onto the web. Please visit to see Base Ten containers. I believe if you
    peruse the site by clicking on the Read More in the bottom right
    corner, you'll understand more.
    I am attaching my current code so: 1) you can more clearly
    see where I am code wise, and 2) that you'll see my struggles with
    learning ActionScript 3.0, CS3 Master Suite, and O.O.P. all at the
    same time.

  • Could someone help with recursion?

    Make change for a dollar amount 0 - 999 using $100 bills, $20 bills, $5 bills and $1 bills with the total number of bills being as small as possible using a recursive algorithm. Now writing this non-recursivly is super easy, however the assignment calls for a recursive impementation. I can not for the life of me figure it out. I know the problem with my algorithm is that I keep making new instances of Change, but i can't figure out a way to keep track of the previos instances and combine totals. Heres what I have so far
    * Change for a dollar amount.
    * 0 <= amount && amount <= 999
    static public Change changeFor(int amount){
    Change c = new Change();
    if (amount == 0 ){
    if (amount == 100){
    }else if(amount >100){
    c.setHundreds(c.hundreds() +1);
    return changeFor(amount%100);
    if (amount == 20){
    }else if(amount > 20){
    c.setTwenties(c.twenties() +1);
    return changeFor(amount%20);
    if (amount == 5){
    }else if(amount >5){
    c.setFives(c.fives() +1);
    return changeFor(amount%5);
    if (amount == 1){
    }else if (amount >1){
    return c;
    return c;
    The method must be static. any help would be greatly apreciated.

    Thanks for the help but im still not there yet. the assignment also says to define a class Change with properties for the number of 100 bills, 20 bills 5 bills and 1 bills. I can't access these variables from a static method. The only solution I can see is to make a new Change instance in my method, but since i can't pass the old change instance into the method i can't see how its possible to keep track of the count of each bill. I was able to make the algorithm work recursivly in 2 ways. One of the ways i removed the static scope. The other way was to make the Change properties for the number of bills static. Both ways are not good enough, heres why. The professor wants the method to work with his tester file that looks like this:
    for (int amount = 0; amount <= 999; amount = amount + 77)
    System.out.println("Change for dollar amount " + amount + " is " + Change.changeFor(amount));
    Therefor when i make the scope of the property values static, this loops keeps adding the old bill numbers from the pervious amount to the new bill numbers, which really throws off the count =P. When the method is not static, the compiler catches a fit because there was no instance of Change created in the tester file. heres a working version of the static method with static property values:
    * Change for a dollar amount.
    * 0 <= amount && amount <= 999
    public static Change changeFor(int amount){
    if (amount >= 100){
    return changeFor(amount);
    if (amount >= 20){
    return changeFor(amount);
    if (amount >= 5){
    return changeFor(amount);
    if (amount >= 1){
    return changeFor(amount);
    and the class defines static private int hundreds, twenties, fives, ones;
    the non-static versions of the method is about the same except i use this.object instead of the static scope properties. any help more help is apreciated greatly and thanks to those who have helped some so far.

  • Apple Mini-DVI to Video Adapter doesn't fit my aluminum iMac

    I previously had a 17" white iMac (pre-Intel) machine, and about 6 months ago I bought the mini-DVI to video adapter so I could connect it to my television. Worked like a charm. But I recently bought a new aluminum iMac, and the adaptor doesn't fit into the mini-DVI port in the back of the machine. It appears the adaptor and port are both male ends.
    Has the port changed on the aluminum iMacs? The product description for the adaptor on Apple's website says it works with iMac (Intel Core Duo). Isn't the aluminum iMac an Intel Core Duo? I can't figure out why it doesn't fit and which cable I'm supposed to be using instead.
    Any advice would be appreciated!

    Hi Paul
    Yes the Intel iMac [Spec's|] call for the (M9319G/A) Apple Mini-DVI to Video Adapter! 19G/A
    The iBook, eMac, or iMac G5 use the Mini-VGA to Video adapter. C6629&nplm=M9109G%2FA

  • Mini dvi to vga adapter doesn't fit Mac Book port

    I bought a "mini dvi to vga" adapter at the local Apple store at the mall and it does not fit the mini DVI connection on my Mac Book. What is the correct mini dvi configuration or part number for the Mac Book Mini dvi port?

    It may be. I threw the bag out so I can't check. I was in a hurry and thought I picked up the right adapter but guess not.
    Thanks for your help. Know anyone that needs a mini vga to vga adapter?

  • My thunderbolt to firewire adapter doesn't fit the firewire???

    I bought the apple store "Thunderbolt to FireWire Adapter" today.  I'm trying to put my old iMac in Target Mode and move old files.  The firewire cord doesn't fit into it???  I'm sitting here feeling pretty stupid and stumped?

    Your firewire cord is the wrong size.  Apple's cord is 800 port.  What size is your cord? 

  • Mini Display to VGA adapter doesn't fit

    I have an older(2008) MacBook and the MIni display to VGA adapter I purchased doesn't fit my book. Is there one that I can buy that will fit?

    The Late 2008 model 5,1 Aluminum Unibody and the Late 2009 model 6,1 and Mid 2010 model 7,1 White Unibody have a Mini DisplayPort. The Early 2006 model 1,1 through Early 2008 model 4,1s plus the Early and Mid 2009 model 5,2s have Mini-DVI ports.
    Here's the various types of Mini-DVI to VGA adapters on -keywords=mini-dvi+to+vga&sprefix=mini-dvi+to+vga%2Caps%2C272

  • How can I implement a recursive update within triggers?

    INSTANCE (table)
    PARENT_ID (fk to INST_ID)
    CHILD_ID (fk to INST_ID)
    And that I COULD write code which recursively navigates the hierarchy (ie. START WITH parent_id = ? CONNECT BY PRIOR child_id = parent_id) and issues UPDATEs to each "child" along the way, thereby propogating the desired update, how can I accomplish the same thing using triggers?
    Keep in mind I am using Oracle 7.3 and I have no choice. Also, the DBA is very difficult to get a hold of and I have no idea if there may be some server settings which are preventing some of my attempts from succeeding.
    Of course the simplest method is to make an update trigger on INSTANCE select all CHILD_ID from INSTANCE_STRUCTURE and issue UPDATE to each which, in turn, would invoke the same trigger, however, we can't have a mutating table, now can we?
    Next, I tried the old global variable in a package bit. That's when I first started getting this "end of channel" business which essentially disconnects me from Oracle (while using SQLPlus). I started to debug that, and then other users started getting errors ... apparently due to the global variable being global ACROSS sessions ... which I did not expect (correct me if I'm wrong and I can try it again), however, due to the amount of data I'm dealing with in any one particular line of hierarchy, I'm not sure I wouldn't get an error anyhow ... particularly if I have to maintain a global array for everyone at once. Anyhow, it was during that, that I realized the "too many open cursors" thing and so I started working with START WITH CONNECT BY to identify all rows which must be dealt with.
    Then, I tried setting up some new tables (as opposed to global variables) in which I would identify userenv('sessionid') and other data so that a BEFORE UPDATE, FOR EACH ROW trigger could check to make sure that the AFTER UPDATE trigger had not begun yet (IOW, not recursing yet). Basically, everything's fine until the AFTER UPDATE trigger tries to apply UPDATEs for the children (identified from a cursor on START WITH CONNECT BY) ... then I get the "end of channel" thing again.
    Obviously, this whole thing is an attempt to denormalize some data for performance reasons.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Nevermind, I figured somethin' out.

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    How do I get rid of the other stuff?
    capacity available on 32 Gb iphone is 28.49Gb
    i previously had 21.97 Gb music, over 6 Gb photos, about 1Gb of apps, and minute amount of audio
    now i have no music, 5.4 Gb photos and similar (0.8Gb) for  apps and audio. i have deleted heaps of photos and unused apps to try to make space but obviosly this is a much bigger problem. I also created a smaller music folder on itunes to sync to but at present no music is selected for syncing due to the lack of available space.
    i have 15Gb icloud account now also which is about half full.
    Ive done a little research and heard similar tales but with much smaller other totals than this. Can you help?
    i cant update my apps as i get a message saying i do not have enough available space.

    I had the same problem today and was able to resolve it without having to do a restore or reset. The problem had something to do with my mail accounts. The upgrade reset my mail settings, switching both my gmail and my .mac mail to "archive all mail". I went into the General Settings, disabled that setting, and resynced the phone. The "other" storage allottment dropped back down to less than a gig.
    Before you restore or reset, I would try that first.

  • I need to upgrade my MacBook 13" white 2008 hard drive.  I have found a WD6400BPVT western digital Scorpio blue 640GB (5400rpm) SATA 8MB 2.5" will this fit and work? Many thanks for any help

    I need to upgrade my MacBook 13" white 2008 hard drive.  I have found a WD6400BPVT western digital Scorpio blue 640GB (5400rpm) SATA 8MB 2.5" will this fit and work? Many thanks for any help

    I had a 640GB HDD in my Early 2008 Macbook and it was just too much it would always freeze up the computer a bit for only a few seconds but ya. Then I realized that it was the size of the HDD that was causing it since the Early 2008 Macbook models can only handle a MAX od 500GB while the Early 2008 Macbook Pros could have a MAX of 640GB (Lucked out there!) lol But ya the Early 2008 Mocbooks can only handle a MAX HDD size of 500GB and that's it!! lol

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