Remove-Mailboxes using Powershell from CSV file

hello all ,
I encountered in problem with my exchange Server 2010
I have a mission to delete closed 150 Mailboxes in my organization
I tried a lot times to use the command "Remove-mailbox " and i anytime got error
I would appreciate the help of one of you maybe guide me because is very important for me to resolve this problem
so meantime i did export of mailbox from exchange server with content "Userpricplename" to CSV file after than export does success i did filtering and tried to perform this commad :" import-csv c:\Mailboxes.csv | foreach {Remove-Mailbox -userprincipalname
$_.Emailadress }
please see the errors below :
excel content :

Hi ,
If we set -Confirm:$false EMS will not prompt for yes or no option while executing commands in shell.
If we set -Confirm:$true EMS will prompt for yes or no option while executing commands in shell.
Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham

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  • Shared mailbox - check if user have permission from csv file

    Hi all,
    i know this is a long shot,but i still belive in Santa.Here is our situation.
    We grant our users access to Shared mailboxes by joining them to a security group (mail enabled) that starts with RG-XXX.
    Then i ran following command to list all users that are not member of a group starting with RG:
    $groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter {(name -like "*RG-Full*") -or (name -like "*RG-SEND*") -or (name -like "*RG-OS*")} | Select -ExpandProperty DistinguishedName
    foreach ($group in $groups){ $ADUsers = $ADUsers | Where-Object { $_.MemberOf -notcontains $group } }
    $FilteredUsers = $ADUsers
    $FilteredUsers | Export-Csv C:\temp\file.csv
    This worked great and i got a list of people that is not member of these groups.Problem is that some users are granted permission directly to the shared mailbox.This means that some people on the list still have access to a shared mailbox.
    Question is,can i use this list (.csv file containing alias) and run another check to see if they have been granted access to any shared mailbox?
    Please mark as helpful if you find my contribution useful or as an answer if it does answer your question. That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you. Thank you! Off2work

    You need to pipe the last one:
    $arrMsolUserData | Export-CSV C:\scripts\output.csv -nti
    Also, you might need to adjust the value of $user depending on the format you used in the CSV. If the column in the CSV is named "alias", you might have to use $user.alias instead of just $user in the
    Get-MailboxPermission cmdlet.
    Here's an updated example:
    $usertocheck = Import-CSV C:\scripts\file.csv
    #Get all the shared mailboxes
    $shared = Get-Mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails SharedMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited
    #create the aggregate and cycle all the objects
    $arrMsolUserData = @()
    foreach ($user in $UserToCheck) {
    foreach ($MB in $shared) {
    $MBrights = Get-MailboxPermission -Identity $MB.PrimarySmtpAddress -User $user.alias
    if (!$MBrights) { continue }
    $objUser = New-Object PSObject
    $i++;Add-Member -InputObject $objUser -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Number" -Value $i
    Add-Member -InputObject $objUser -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "User" -Value $user.Alias
    Add-Member -InputObject $objUser -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Mailbox" -Value $MB.PrimarySmtpAddress
    Add-Member -InputObject $objUser -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Access Rights" -Value $MBrights.AccessRights
    $arrMsolUserData += $objUser }
    $arrMsolUserData | Export-CSV C:\scripts\output.csv -nti

  • SQL bulk copy from csv file - Encoding

    Hi Experts
    This is the first time I am creating a PowerShell script and it is almost working. I just have some problems with the actual bulk import to SQL encoding from the text file since it replaces
    special characters with a question mark. I have set the encoding when creating the csv file but that does not seem to reflect on the actual bulk import. I have tried difference scenarios with the encoding part but I cannot find the proper solution for that.
    To shortly outline what the script does:
    Connect to Active Directory fetching all user - but excluding users in specific OU's
    Export all users to a csv in unicode encoding
    Strip double quote text identifiers (if there is another way of handling that it will be much appreciated)
    Clear all records temporary SQL table
    Import records from csv file to temporary SQL table (this is where the encoding is wrong)
    Update existing records in another table based on the records in the temporary table and insert new record if not found.
    The script looks as the following (any suggestions for optimizing the script are very welcome):
    # CSV file variables
    $path = Split-Path -parent "C:\Temp\ExportADUsers\*.*"
    $filename = "AD_Users.csv"
    $csvfile = $path + "\" + $filename
    $csvdelimiter = ";"
    $firstRowColumns = $true
    # Active Directory variables
    $searchbase = "OU=Users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com"
    $ADServer = 'DC01'
    # Database variables
    $sqlserver = "DB02"
    $database = "My Database"
    $table = "tblADimport"
    $tableEmployee = "tblEmployees"
    # Initialize
    Write-Host "Script started..."
    $elapsed = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
    # Import the ActiveDirectory Module
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory
    # Get all AD users not in specified OU's
    Write-Host "Retrieving users from Active Directory..."
    $AllADUsers = Get-ADUser -server $ADServer `
    -searchbase $searchbase -Filter * -Properties * |
    ?{$_.DistinguishedName -notmatch 'OU=MeetingRooms,OU=Users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com' `
    -and $_.DistinguishedName -notmatch 'OU=FunctionalMailbox,OU=Users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com'}
    Write-Host "Users retrieved in $($elapsed.Elapsed.ToString())."
    # Define labels and get specific user fields
    Write-Host "Generating CSV file..."
    $AllADUsers |
    Select-Object @{Label = "UNID";Expression = {$_.objectGuid}},
    @{Label = "FirstName";Expression = {$_.GivenName}},
    @{Label = "LastName";Expression = {$}},
    @{Label = "EmployeeNo";Expression = {$_.EmployeeID}} |
    # Export CSV file and remove text qualifiers
    Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $csvfile -Encoding Unicode -Delimiter $csvdelimiter
    Write-Host "Removing text qualifiers..."
    (Get-Content $csvfile) | foreach {$_ -replace '"'} | Set-Content $csvfile
    Write-Host "CSV file created in $($elapsed.Elapsed.ToString())."
    $batchsize = 50000
    # Delete all records in AD import table
    Write-Host "Clearing records in AD import table..."
    Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "DELETE FROM $table" -Database $database -ServerInstance $sqlserver
    # Build the sqlbulkcopy connection, and set the timeout to infinite
    $connectionstring = "Data Source=$sqlserver;Integrated Security=true;Initial Catalog=$database;"
    $bulkcopy = New-Object Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy($connectionstring, [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyOptions]::TableLock)
    $bulkcopy.DestinationTableName = $table
    $bulkcopy.bulkcopyTimeout = 0
    $bulkcopy.batchsize = $batchsize
    # Create the datatable and autogenerate the columns
    $datatable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
    # Open the text file from disk
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($csvfile)
    $columns = (Get-Content $csvfile -First 1).Split($csvdelimiter)
    if ($firstRowColumns -eq $true) { $null = $reader.readLine()}
    Write-Host "Importing to database..."
    foreach ($column in $columns) {
    $null = $datatable.Columns.Add()
    # Read in the data, line by line
    while (($line = $reader.ReadLine()) -ne $null) {
    $null = $datatable.Rows.Add($line.Split($csvdelimiter))
    $i++; if (($i % $batchsize) -eq 0) {
    Write-Host "$i rows have been inserted in $($elapsed.Elapsed.ToString())."
    # Add in all the remaining rows since the last clear
    if($datatable.Rows.Count -gt 0) {
    # Clean Up
    Write-Host "CSV file imported in $($elapsed.Elapsed.ToString())."
    $reader.Close(); $reader.Dispose()
    $bulkcopy.Close(); $bulkcopy.Dispose()
    # Sometimes the Garbage Collector takes too long to clear the huge datatable.
    # Update tblEmployee with imported data
    Write-Host "Updating employee data..."
    $queryUpdateUsers = "UPDATE $($tableEmployee)
    SET $($tableEmployee).EmployeeNumber = $($table).EmployeeNo,
    $($tableEmployee).FirstName = $($table).FirstName,
    $($tableEmployee).LastName = $($table).LastName,
    FROM $($tableEmployee) INNER JOIN $($table) ON $($tableEmployee).UniqueNumber = $($table).UNID
    INSERT INTO $($tableEmployee) (EmployeeNumber, FirstName, LastName, UniqueNumber)
    SELECT EmployeeNo, FirstName, LastName, UNID
    FROM $($table)"
    Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $sqlserver -Database $database -Query $queryUpdateUsers
    Write-Host "Table $($tableEmployee) updated in $($elapsed.Elapsed.ToString())."
    Write-Host "An error occured when updating $($tableEmployee) $($elapsed.Elapsed.ToString())."
    Write-Host "Script completed in $($elapsed.Elapsed.ToString())."

    I can see that the Export-CSV exports into ANSI though the encoding has been set to UNICODE. Thanks for leading me in the right direction.
    No - it exports as Unicode if set to.
    Your export was wrong and is exporting nothing. Look closely at your code:
    THis line exports nothing in Unicode"
    Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $csvfile -Encoding Unicode -Delimiter $csvdelimiter
    There is no input object.
    This line converts any file to ansi
    (Get-Content $csvfile) | foreach {$_ -replace '"'} | Set-Content $csvfile
    Set-Content defaults to ANSI so the output file is converted.
    Since you are just dumping into a table by manually building a recorset why not just go direct.  You do not need a CSV.  Just dump theresults of the query to a datatable.
    This script dumps to a datatable object which can now be used directly in a bulkcopy.
    Here is an example of how easy this is using your script:
    $AllADUsers = Get-ADUser -server $ADServer -searchbase $searchbase -Filter * -Properties GivenName,SN,EmployeeID,objectGUID |
    $_.DistinguishedName -notmatch 'OU=MeetingRooms,OU=Users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com'
    -and $_.DistinguishedName -notmatch 'OU=FunctionalMailbox,OU=Users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com'
    } |
    Select-Object @{N='UNID';E={$_.objectGuid}},
    @{N='FirstName';Expression = {$_.GivenName}},
    @{N='LastName';Expression = {$}},
    @{N=/EmployeeNo;Expression = {$_.EmployeeID}} |
    $AllDUsers is now a datatable.  You can just upload it.

  • Set storage quota on multiple mailboxes using PowerShell?

    I need to set storage quota limits on multiple mailboxes using PowerShell. I understand I can create a .csv file with aliases and pipe that into a cmdlet, eg.,
    Import-CSV "C:\temp\alias.csv" | % {Set-Mailbox -identity $_.alias -IssueWarningQuota 900mb -ProhibitSendQuota 950mb -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota 1gb -UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $false
    Is there any other way of doing this with a much more robust script?
    Any help would be much appreciated.

A: Set storage quota on multiple mailboxes using PowerShell?

Is there any special attribute for these multiple mailboxes? such as they are from a specific OU or a distribution group etc.
If there is, we can direct use the filter to pick out these mailboxes instead of create .csv file for them. The following example can set storage quota for mailboxes in a distrobution group Group1:
Get-DistributionGroupMember -Identity Group1 | ForEach{ Set-Mailbox -identity $_.Name -IssueWarningQuota 900mb -ProhibitSendQuota 950mb -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota 1gb -UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $false}
The following example is used to set storage quota for mailboxes from Exchange Department:
Get-Recipient | Where-Object {$_.Department -eq 'Exchange'} | ForEach{ Set-Mailbox -identity $_.Name -IssueWarningQuota 900mb -ProhibitSendQuota 950mb -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota 1gb -UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $false}
Winnie Liang
TechNet Community Support

Is there any special attribute for these multiple mailboxes? such as they are from a specific OU or a distribution group etc.
If there is, we can direct use the filter to pick out these mailboxes instead of create .csv file for them. The following example can set storage quota for mailboxes in a distrobution group Group1:
Get-DistributionGroupMember -Identity Group1 | ForEach{ Set-Mailbox -identity $_.Name -IssueWarningQuota 900mb -ProhibitSendQuota 950mb -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota 1gb -UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $false}
The following example is used to set storage quota for mailboxes from Exchange Department:
Get-Recipient | Where-Object {$_.Department -eq 'Exchange'} | ForEach{ Set-Mailbox -identity $_.Name -IssueWarningQuota 900mb -ProhibitSendQuota 950mb -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota 1gb -UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $false}
Winnie Liang
TechNet Community Support

  • Display data from CSV file in iWeb page

    I like to display data from a CSV file in iWeb page if a date value from CSV file matches todays value from the system. Here is an example.
    CSV data values
    If today's date value is 01/21/2011 the page should display 01/21/2011 Cloudy 100 in a tabular format.
    Appreciate your help in providing HTML code for this issue.

    I suspect there is a soft return in the excel database somewhere that can't be seen. Take the csv/txt file into notepad and look for a line that starts oddly compared to the others.
    I haven't had luck removing soft returns from excel files so I do this a rather odd way. I take the excel file into InDesign as a table, and then use find/change to replace any soft returns with nothing, then convert the text to table and then export the text out again by going export, and selecting text from the dropdown menu.
    For my money, I always save tab delimited text files from excel so that if a field does contain commas, it doesn't "trick" indesign into thinking a new field is beginning or not... instead the field delimiters are tabs and they are unlikely to have been used in the excel database.
    If you do choose to use this indesign import method of mine to clean up the database, i also noticed two things in your screengrab: first was that some fields have spaces at the start of the text... easy enough to fix with a GREP that looks for ^\s (start of a sentence followed by a space) and replace with nothing. The second thing is the T&C field that all entries (at least in the screengrab) all start the same – if all entries in the database start the same, couldn't that line be in the indesign file? Its only a small detail I know.

  • Loading data from .csv file into Oracle Table

    I have a requirement where I need to populate data from .csv file into oracle table.
    Is there any mechanism so that i can follow the same?
    Any help will be fruitful.
    Thanks and regards

    You can use Sql Loader or External tables for your requirement
    Missed Karthick's post ...alredy there :)
    Edited by: Rajneesh Kumar on Dec 4, 2008 10:54 AM

  • Loading data from .csv file into existing table

    I have taken a look at several threads which talk about loading data from .csv file into existing /new table. Also checked out Vikas's application regarding the same. I am trying to explain my requirement with an example.
    I have a .csv file and I want the data to be loaded into an existing table. The timesheet table columns are -
    timesheet_entry_id,time_worked,timesheet_date,project_key .
    The csv columns are :
    project,utilization,project_key,timesheet_category,employee,timesheet_date , hours_worked etc.
    What I needed to know is that before the csv data is loaded into the timesheet table is there any way of validating the project key ( which is the primary key of the projects table) with the projects table . I need to perform similar validations with other columns like customer_id from customers table. Basically the loading should be done after validating if the data exists in the parent table. Has anyone done this kind of loading through the APEX utility-data load.Or is there another method of accomplishing the same.
    Does Vikas's application do what the utility does ( i am assuming that the code being from 2005 the utility was not incorporated in APEX at that time). Any helpful advise is greatly appreciated.

    Hi Anjali,
    Take a look at these threads which might outline different ways to do it -
    File Browse, File Upload
    Loading CSV file using external table
    Loading a CSV file into a table
    you can create hidden items in the page to validate previous records before insert data.
    Hope this helps,
    M Tajuddin

  • Loading records from .csv file to SAP table via SAP Program

    I have a .csv file with 132,869 records and I am trying to load it to an SAP table with a customized SAP program.
    After executing the program, only 99,999 records are being loaded into the table.
    Is there some setting to define how many records can be loaded into a table? Or what else could be the problem?
    Pls advice.

    hi Arun ,
    A datasource need a extract structure to fetch data .It is nothing but a temp table to hold data.
    First you need to create atable in SE11 with fields coming from CSV file.
    Then you need to write a report program to read you CSV file and populate your table in BW .
    Then you can create a datasource on top of this table .
    After that replicate and load data at PSA and use to upper flow.
    Jaya Tiwari

  • How to load the data from .csv file to oracle table???

    I am using oracle 10g , plsql developer. Can anyone help me in how to load the data from .csv file to oracle table. The table is already created with the required columns. The .csv file is having about 10lakh records. Is it possible to load 10lakh records. can any one please tell me how to proceed.
    Thanks in advance

    981145 wrote:
    Can you tell more about sql * loader??? how to know that utility is available for me or not??? I am using oracle 10g database and plsql developer???SQL*Loader is part of the Oracle client. If you have a developer installation you should normally have it on your client.
    the command is
    sqlldrType it and see if you have it installed.
    Have a look also at the FAQ link posted by Marwin.
    There are plenty of examples also on the web.

  • Importing users into WGM from csv file issues/crash

    i've been importing user information from csv files into WGM via the +server >  import+ function .
    It worked the first few times but now when i try the import progress bar pops up and promptly disappears without any thing importing.
    i've tried restarts, new admin account, reinstalled  WGM.
    I've also trashed some pref but i don't really know which ones i should be losing.
    The servers an OD master.
    any help would be appreciated.
    as a last resort what do i need to backup/save if i were to format/reinstall osx server? keeping my settings etc.....

    What I did was:
    Exported the user list, to create an XML file in the correct format.
    Using this format, I created a spreadsheet in Excel (sorry Apple), and in the final column I created a field that concatenated the information I wanted in the ':' deliminated format of the previously export XML.
    Then just copy and past via pico into a pure text file and imported that.
    You have to be careful with comments in Passenger, using special characters (';!@#$%^ and others can cause the WGM to fail and crash.

  • Automatic Deprovisioning of AD resource Accounts from CSV file attribute

    My scenario is somewhat like this,
    I have a CSV flatfile Active Sync which contains the following columns:
    I have created a role and has assigned AD resource to it. I have hardcoded this role in the waveset.roles field name in my creation form.
    When I start FlatFileActiveSync, these above mentioned 3 accounts are created in IDM and they are also assigned AD role, and hence they are automatically provisioned to AD as, due to the fact that I am assigning resource on role base.
    I am using Update User workflow in my poll-workflow configuration in my Flatfile synchronization policy.
    Currently I am able to automatically provision a account from CSV file towards IDM and towards AD. All this process is automatic.
    My problem is that how can I automatically disable and deprovision accounts via a CSV. What I should include in CSV that IDM will know that this account has to be disable and deprovision from resource??? Moreover, which workflow I have to use?

    Even I am struck at the same place. Please let me know if you find out.
    Thanks you in advance

  • Import From CSV File statement runs forever, no error, does not finish

    I am trying to import a CSV file in a JAVA program, with the following statement:
    IMPORT FROM CSV FILE '/debug/testdatabase/FILE.csv'
    FIELD DELIMITED BY '\t' ERROR LOG '/debug/testdatabase/file.err'
    THREADS 10
    BATCH 10000
    I have two HANA instances on different machines A and B:
    Both machines run HANA version (NewDB100_REL), while the OS is
    SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11.1 on machine A and
    SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11.2 on machine B.
    The statement above runs fine on machine A and the rows are imported properly from JAVA as well as when executed from HANA Studio SQL console.
    If I copy the file to machine B and try the exact same statement with the same file, it does not finish (neither from JAVA nor from HANA Studio SQL console). There is no error either. It cannot be cancelled, only a HANA restart stops the statement. Also the sample file I use has only 2 rows, and memory does not seem to be a problem.
    I seem to have a similar problem to the one described here, but the answers there do not help me: I specified the record delimiter, and I used a python script to check for any strange characters that are not supposed to be there, but didn't find any.
    If I copy the file to my windows PC and use the "File Menu -> Import -> SAP Hana Content -> Data from Local file" function, it imports the file correctly into B, but I need to be able to do it from JAVA.
    Machine A administration view:
    Machine B administration view:
    If you have any idea what might cause this behavior or where I can find more information on this problem please give me a hint.

    Hi Joseph,
    First from the pics, the revision of your SAP HANA instance is 73 instead of 74. Since I have no identical environment, I cannot test it for you. But can you try the simplest scenario? You can create a table with only one column table try to import a CSV file with only one row.
    Best regards,

  • Reading Sheet name from csv file.

    Dear All,
    I am doing one program where i am reading contents from .csv file from oracle forms. I m using utl_file for reading the contents from .csv file.
    But problem is i am having 5 sheets under .csv file and i want to read fifth sheet's data. how do i jump to particular sheet in csv file. please help me in this case. this is very urgent.
    Manish n

    I'm not sure of the format of a CSV with sheets : I assume it's a spreadsheet with multiple sheets ?
    I know that using Apache POI you can read (and write) native XLS or XLSX spreadsheets and then iterate through the sheets / rows cells. This requires java knowledge but works really well.

  • SQL* Loader Loading specific column from CSV file to the table

    Dear All,
    Iam Loading specific column from .CSV file to the oracle table.
    Could pls help how i can load only that cols into the table
    Eg: CSV file having id, Frst_name,Last_name, Address,Phone,Insurance etc
    out of this I want to load only Frst_name,Last_name columns to oracle table say fname and lname.
    Thanks in Adv.

    I made some changes to your table def but you will get the idea
    -- Table EMPLOYEE
      EMPID        NUMBER                           NOT NULL,
      EMPNICKNAME  VARCHAR2(10 BYTE)                    NULL,
      FNAME        VARCHAR2(20 BYTE)                NOT NULL,
      MI           VARCHAR2(20 BYTE)                    NULL,
      LNAME        VARCHAR2(20 BYTE)                NOT NULL,
      FULLNAME     VARCHAR2(20 BYTE)                NOT NULL,
      HIREDATE     DATE                             DEFAULT SYSDATE               NOT NULL
    --  data file employee.dat
    1,amy,b,amy b
    2,cindy,d,cindy d
    3,eric,f,eric f
    -- Control file : Employee.ctl ( you can use truncate, replace or append , see sqlldr for more options)
    load data
    Truncate into table employee
    fields terminated by ","
    optionally enclosed by '"'
    FName char(20),
    LName char(20),
    FullName char(30)
    now to load use following or you can speicify infile in control fle
    sqlldr username/passowrd control=employee.ctl  data=employee.dat log=employee.log
    Hope this help.

  • Use servlet read .csv file by ie, but why two more " ?

    Hi , friends
    following is the key method in my servlet used to read .csv file to ie , but , after I read file to client side , I found that in the both sides of every line " was added, so the csv file can have only one column (many columns was merged into one column), that was not what i want, who guys can find some idea? thanks for your enthusiasm!
    void serveRemoteFile(String sFileName, String sContentType, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, StringBuffer sbLog, Runtime rt){
    FileInputStream in = null;
    ServletOutputStream out = null;
    byte bBuf[] = null;
    int nLen;
    if (isBlank(sContentType) || isBlank(sFileName))
    res.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline;filename= temp.csv");
    try {
    in = new FileInputStream(sFileName);
    out = res.getOutputStream();
    bBuf = new byte[1024];
    while ( (nLen =,0,1024)) != -1) {
    out.write(bBuf, 0, nLen);
    }catch (FileNotFoundException e){
    }catch (IOException e){

    Excel uses a weird CSV file format. You can find more information about it and a Java library to read data from it here:

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