Removing duplicate messages

Hello all,
I had a hard drive crash and managed to save most of my stuff with Prosoft DataRescue (which I can highly recommend BTW) and had some random backups as well. As a result I had a bunch of email that I reimported into a newly installed and then upgraded to 10.5 - 10.5.1 so that is my current setup.
Having reimported everything I could found resulted in 2-5 copies of many of my previous email messages.
I wonder if there is a way to remove the duplicates without doing it manually which would be extremely time consuming.
There is no obvious way of doing it directly from Mail, perhaps an Applescript? Some clever way of sorting? Any other ideas?

OK so apparently there is no way of dealing with duplicates.
Let me add that I just about had it with Mail. Mostly it is Search and Rules.
Search is dismal (e.g. you can't search for "ham" without finding Hammond, champ, etc, " ham " does not help)
Rules are still buried inside preferences, and individual rules can be run only if all others are manually turned off temporarily.
The rules themselves are primitive, all-only or any-only. It is the 5th incarnation of Mail and the rules are just as primitive as in 10.1.
The rules sometimes don't work at all although they apparently should. I noticed that empty messages make rules not to function on a set of selected messages if they are part of that set, other times I can't find the reason and end up manually moving the messages.
Smart Mailboxes can no longer be hierarchically enfoldered. I think it is a feature that was present in the earlier version and the enclosing folders were white, but maybe I am mistaken here.
The coloring schemes of earlier versions get inherited but lose their functions and are unchangeable, such as the white enclosing mailbox folders of 10.4 mail, colored text of even earlier versions in the msg browser.
There are no labels. You can color the background of messages in the browser but they are not usable attributes, they have no meaning as labels and they all have to be set in the general color setter.
I have been checking out Entourage ... god help my poor soul!

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    I'm having some significant problems with Apple Mail, and despite having researched widely, I haven't been able to find a solution yet. Here is my tale of woe...
    My set up is that I use Mail with 5 separate accounts, downloading all messages using POP. I keep all my mail so that I have a permanent record of all conversations, going back more than 10 years - this is about 250,000 emails. I'm running the latest version of Mavericks on a 2010 MBP. I have no intention of moving to IMAP - I need to keep a local archive of all my mail.
    A few months ago I was having problems with Mail being very slow to load and search emails. I decided to rebuild the mailboxes, but afterwards discovered that thousands of messages in the inbox of one of my accounts (and some of the sub-folders) had disappeared. Once I realised I tried to go back to a recent Time Machine back up, but, for whatever reason, that part of the back up hadn't worked properly and I was unable to recover the previous status. Ileft it while I decided what to do, and had time to deal with it.
    The last 2 years worth of emails on that account were still archived on gmail, so last week I decided to try redownloading the whole lot (something like 72,000 messages), and then uplanned to use one of the scripts I was aware of to remove the duplicates to the trash, and then remove any duplicates in the trash forever. That ought to mean I at least had an archive of the last two years of missing messages, even if I had no record of which ones had been flagged or replied to, etc.
    The downloading took about 24 hours to complete, and I now have almost 70,000 messages in the inbox of that account. However, I hadn't figured on two things:
    1. Mail 'hides' duplicate messages, meaning that all of the messages I've downloaded are showing as unread, and I can't differentiate the ones I already had in my Inbox, and the new downloads. When I click on those apparently unread messages I can see if they have been replied to or forwarded, etc, but there's no obvious way for me to remove the ones I have already dealt with to the trash, without going through them all manually, which is clearly impossible.
    2. The scripts I'd found for removing duplicates don't work. Andreas Amann's Remove Duplicates script doesn't work under Mavericks, and he has abandoned the project. I've also tried the remove-duplicate-messages.scpt made by Jolly Roger (http://jollyroger.kicks-***.org/software/), and while it *sometimes* works on individual subfolders on my Mac (but as far as I can tell removes the duplicate in that folder, rather than the newly downloaded version), mostly it doesn't work at all - it creates a 'Remove Duplicate Messages' folder on my desktop, a log inside it and a folder for removed messages, but nothing appears in the duplicates folder.
    So, I'm left in a position where I have 70,000 apparently unread messages in my Inbox, a massively bloated Mail library (which has pretty much doubled in size), a slow and unresponsive Mail program. I figure I have a number of options. Either I could abandon the last week's efforts and revert to the version of

    Apologies, this was posted here in error. Please find updated post here:

  • An Applescript or similar to remove duplicate messages

    As a result of the slow performance of Mail, I've just noticed that my "Sent" folder contains triplicates of all the messages that I've ever sent since November 2005. I think that this is the result of rebuilding three different mail accounts, following a technical hitch that resulted in lots of messages disappearing.
    What I want to know is: is there a way to automatically delete duplicate messages and to keep a single copy of each? There are nearly 10,000 messages in the box and I really don't want to do it manually!
    Many thanks for any advice you can offer.
    G4 Quicksilver   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    What you describe doesn’t make sense. It looks like you’ve set up the same mail account multiple times and that the multiple copies are just the same message appearing in each of the accounts. Anyway, to answer your question, Andreas Amann’s Mail Scripts has a Remove Duplicates script that may or may not be what you’re looking for.
    Before you start deleting anything, however, quit Mail and make a backup copy of the ~/Library/Mail folder, just in case something goes wrong while trying to solve the problem. You can do this in the Finder by dragging the Mail folder to the Desktop while holding the Option (Alt) key down, for example. This is where all your mail is locally stored.
    Also, check that the multiple copies of those messages are really independent of one another, i.e. that deleting one of them doesn’t cause the others to be deleted as well.
    Note: For those not familiarized with the ~/ notation, it refers to the user’s home folder. That is, ~/Library is the Library folder within the user’s home folder, i.e. /Users/username/Library.

  • How to remove duplicate POP messages in Mail under Mavericks

    I'm having some significant problems with Apple Mail, and despite having researched widely, I haven't been able to find a solution yet. Here is my tale of woe...
    My set up is that I use Mail with 5 separate accounts, downloading all messages using POP. I keep ALL my mail (even the trash) so that I have a permanent record of all conversations, going back more than 10 years - this is about 250,000 emails in around 250 subfolders. I'm running the latest version of Mavericks on a 2010 MBP. I have no intention of moving to IMAP - I need to keep a local archive of all my mail.
    A few months ago I was having problems with Mail being very slow to load and search emails. I decided to rebuild the mailboxes, but afterwards discovered that thousands of messages in the inbox of one of my accounts (and some of the sub-folders) had disappeared. Once I realised I tried to go back to a recent Time Machine back up, but, for whatever reason, that part of the back up hadn't worked properly and I was unable to recover the previous status. I left it while I decided what to do, and had time to deal with it...
    The last 2 years worth of emails on that account were still archived on gmail, so last week I decided to try redownloading the whole lot (something like 72,000 messages), and then planned to use one of the scripts I was aware of to remove the duplicates to the trash, and then remove any duplicates in the trash forever. That ought to mean I at least had an archive of the last two years of missing messages, even if I had no record of which ones had been flagged or replied to, etc.
    The downloading took about 24 hours to complete, and I now have almost 70,000 messages in the inbox of that account. I also rebuilt all the folders again, which doesn't seem to have resulted in any further loss of messages as far as I can tell. However, I hadn't figured on two things:
    1. Mail 'hides' duplicate messages, meaning that all of the messages I've downloaded are showing as unread, and I can't differentiate the ones I already had in my Inbox, and the new downloads. When I click on those apparently unread messages I can see if they have been replied to or forwarded, etc, but there's no obvious way for me to remove the ones I have already dealt with to the trash, without going through them all manually, which is clearly impossible.
    2. The scripts I'd found for removing duplicates don't work. Andreas Amann's Remove Duplicates script doesn't work under Mavericks, and he has abandoned the project. I've also tried the remove-duplicate-messages.scpt made by Jolly Roger (http://jollyroger.kicks-***.org/software/), and while it *sometimes* works on individual subfolders on my Mac (but as far as I can tell removes the duplicate in that folder, rather than the newly downloaded version), mostly it doesn't work at all - it creates a 'Remove Duplicate Messages' folder on my desktop, a log inside it and a folder for removed messages, but nothing appears in the duplicates folder.
    So, I'm left in a position where I have 70,000 apparently unread messages in my Inbox, a massively bloated Mail library (which has pretty much doubled in size, because of the 'hidden' messages), a slow and unresponsive Mail program. I've come to the conclusion that there must be some corrupted email somewhere, which probably caused the original email haemorrhage, and may still be causing the inability to remove duplicates. Mail is so slow as to be almost unuseable.
    I figure I have a number of options:
    1. I could live with the situation and just archive most of the Mail in my inbox, with the side effect that there will be a bunch of messages I have never replied to that are missed.
    2. I could abandon the last week's efforts and revert to the version of Mail I was using a week ago, and then redownload the recent emails from my various accounts. That would still leave me without those thousands of emails I lost on my local machine.
    3. I could find another way to deal with this. Can I get the remove duplicates script working? Should I revert to the version of Mail from a week ago, download ALL the messages again, but do it in a way that allows me to find the duplicates and remove them? Should I move to another email program altogether (which would presumably be massively disruptive to my work!)
    Anyway, apologies for the essay length of this request, and thanks in advance for any help you may be able to offer!

    hi Eric
    thanks for the tip, but I don't think that solves my problem, which is that Mail apparently hides the duplicates, so they're still there, you just can't differentiate or remove them. I actually *need* the duplicates there so I know I've got everything, but then I need to be able to move the ones I know I've dealt with from my inbox to an archive/trash, and/or remove them completely so Mail isn't totally bloated

  • How to remove duplicate emails in Mail

    Does anyone know if a good app that works in Lion that will help me remove duplicate emails in Mail?  There are some options on the web that I've found but they don't seem to work with Lion.

    I have found a very satisfactory solution to eliminating my duplicates in Apple Mail, which is to stop using it and switch to Thunderbird.
    There's lots that I like better in Apple Mail, but Thunderbird is light-years more flexible in managing your email than is Apple Mail, because Thunderbird is an open platform with excellent Add-ons available, which include the nifty Remove Duplicate Messages: It is stupid that Apple Mail hides duplicate messages in the background & won't allow users to search and destroy them. Frustrating!
    As a prologue to that, you need the TB import export Add-on:
    Managing my mail locally on my Mac was a huge project for me, involving integrating tens of thousands of emails. Mail was  from gmail, yahoo, and many years of Outlook PST files.
    Now that the project is complete, I'm very happy with Thunderbird to manage my email archives. Though I actually would prefer the Lion Apple Mail interface for day to day use, it just isn't flexible enough.

  • How to remove duplicate songs from Itunes

    I've consolidates my music in Itunes 11.01. Playlists are just getting crazy with duplicates.
    I want to eliminate duplicate music files, as well as eliminate the references in the interface.
    Then sync my new IPad.
    When I manually erase a duplicate in Windows Explorer, I'm left with a "!" indication in Itunes that the file cannot be found... duh.
    I want to find either an easier way to eliminate duplicates without Windows Explorer, or
    a way to select all the "!" references in Itunes interface and delete.
    Help please from a completely organized person who hates Apples "intelligence" at thinking it knows what I want, and not providing
    adequate help under "remove duplicates" in its help index.

    How to find and remove duplicate items in your iTunes library -
    Posts by turingtest2 about different types of duplicates and techniques - and (Note: The DeDuper script is for Windows).
    May 2014 post on iCloud duplicates -
    Show exact duplicates (Mac and Windows) - (commercial)
    iTunes Duplicate Song Manager - (commercial, free trial) - finds duplicate files on computer, not specifically iTunes
    I would do it manually.  As you can see from turingtest2's post, some duplicates are not really duplicates.
    I would also review how you add media to iTunes.  It should not be producing all that many duplicates.

  • Help needed in removing duplicate items of list box  in java

    How to remove duplicate items of list box while dynamically inserting (on-click event)
    It is not identifying duplicate data
    Variable name is HP_G1
    HP_dmg1 = (DefaultListModel) HP_G1.getModel();
    int a = HP_G1.getModel().getSize();
    System.out.println("HP list no--------> "+a);
    for (int j=0; j<a; j++)
    String item1 = String.valueOf(HP_List.getModel().getElementAt(j));
    System.out.println("HP list added--------> "+item1);

    Your code is unreadable, so I'll ignore it. In the future please press the message editor's CODE button to format code.
    As to your problem, to the point you normally use a Set instead of List when you don't want duplicates in a collection.

  • Help required on mapping to remove duplicate entries

    Hi all experts,
    I need some help in mapping. I am new to this tool. How would I remove duplicate entries in source payload? My structure is as follows
    Message Structure
    <List> 1-1
    <ParentNode> 0-unbounded
    <Child1> 0-1
    <Child2> 0-1
    Target I would like:
    Any help?
    Thanks so much all

    Please note that in my reply I asked you to map ParentNode with <Child1> Please see the below.
    <Child1>-->RemoveContext Node function>Split by Value(set the property as on value change)->CollapseContext---<ParentNode>
    Secondly: introduce split by value(for each value ) after collapse context for child1 and child2. as shown below.
    <Child1>-->RemoveContext Node function>Split by Value(set the property as on value change)->CollapseContext>Split by value(for each value)----</Child1>
    <Child2>-->RemoveContext Node function>Split by Value(set the property as on value change)->CollapseContext>Split by value(for each value)----</Child2>
    it will surely work,

  • TS3276 How to remove duplicate emails in Apple Mail program

    How do I remove duplicate emails from Apple Mail.   I have runt he "remove duplicates" scripte several times and it finds nothing.  I see clearly that I am  receiving   many duplictes.

    Check out the tip by Bradley Taylor1 here >  How to delete duplicate mail messages using Mail Script

  • Duplicate messages appear in Inbox

    I've read all that I can find from other similar problems, but I've found none that describes my problem and none that identifies a (safe) solution.
    This morning, on two independent computers (iMac G5 OSX 10.5.5 & MacBook 3.1 OSX 10.5.4) I received duplicate emails for every email in my Inbox for the preceding month, but not for today! That meant that my Inbox (on both computers) appeared to have over 1,000 unread emails.
    There are no such duplicates on the server (
    I've read about a Script that someone generously offered to "delete duplicate emails" but it apparently can cause more problems than it solves.
    How did this happen?
    How do I avoid it in the future?
    How do I remove the duplicates on both computers?

    Although I still do not know why the duplicates appeared or how to avoid it in the future, I found a fairly simple method to remove the duplicate emails FOR MY CASE. This may not work for others with similar, but different related problems.
    Anyway, it appears that the "new" duplicate emails were assigned a new "number" and they are sequential. In menu select "View" then "Columns" then Number.
    Then click on the "#" column to arrange the messages in order of their "Number."
    Then find the range of numbers that encompass the offending and duplicate email messages. (My situation showed over 1,000 sequential messages).
    Select one extreme end of the range (highlight it in the upper window). Scroll to the other end of the range of offending messages, hold down the "Shift" key to highlight all messages between the two extremes.
    Then click on the "Delete" button.
    Voila. It's like excising a tumor with good, clean margins.
    In my case (and I hope yours), all of the duplicate messages are gone.

  • Removing duplicate emails in Mail

    While attempting to back up my Gmail -- which is at capacity right no -- I accidentally reset the POP setting and downloaded all my mail again.
    So now I have 160000+ emails in my mailbox in Mail. I would like to weed out the dupes, and after a bit of Googling, found Mail Scripts ( and started running the Remove Duplicates script.
    Everyone said it was slow, but after leaving it running all night it had found only 119 duplicates! Is there any other program that will remove the extra mail, or there some way to shorten the process? It seems like my mailbox is just too big for this script to handle.

    Just a thought, but take a look at your Mail Menu "View", select columns, then make sure it has both Date Received and Date Sent checked. Then compare duped messages and see if the date/time is the same on both. I haven't had this problem, but if the Date Received is different on the second copy of the duped email, you might be able to sort on Date Received and mass-delete the dupes...

  • First attempt to remove duplicate rows from a table...

    I have seen many people asking for a way to remove duplicate rows from data. I made up a fairly simple script. It adds a column to the table with the cell selected in it, and adds the concatenation of the data to the left into that new column. then it reads that into a list, and walks through that list to find any that are listed twice. Any that are it marks for DELETE.
    It then walks through to find each one marked for delete and removes them (you must go from bottom to top to do this, otherwise your row markings for delete don't match up to the original rows anymore). Last is to delete the column we added.
    tell application "Numbers"
    tell document 1
    set currentsheetindex to 0
    repeat with i from 1 to the count of sheets
    tell sheet i
    set x to the count of (tables whose selection range is not missing value)
    end tell
    if x is not 0 then
    set the currentsheetindex to i
    exit repeat
    end if
    end repeat
    if the currentsheetindex is 0 then error "No sheet has a selected table."
    tell sheet currentsheetindex
    set the current_table to the first table whose selection range is not missing value
    end tell
    end tell
    log current_table
    tell current_table
    set list1 to {}
    add column after column (count of columns)
    set z to (count of columns)
    repeat with j from 1 to (count of rows)
    set m to ""
    repeat with i from 1 to (z - 1)
    set m to m & value of (cell i of row j)
    end repeat
    set value of cell z of row j to m
    end repeat
    set MyRange to value of every cell of column z
    repeat with i from 1 to (count of items of MyRange)
    set n to item i of MyRange
    if n is in list1 then
    set end of list1 to "Delete"
    set end of list1 to n
    end if
    end repeat
    repeat with i from (count of items of list1) to 1 by -1
    set n to item i of list1
    if n = "Delete" then remove row i
    end repeat
    remove column z
    end tell
    end tell
    Let me know how it works for y'all, it worked good on my machine, but I know localization is causing errors sometimes when I post things.
    Message was edited by: jaxjason

    Hi jason
    I hope that with the added comments it will be clear.
    Ask if something is always opaque.
    set {current_Range, current_table, current_Sheet, current_Doc} to my getSelection()
    tell application "Numbers09"
    tell document current_Doc to tell sheet current_Sheet to tell table current_table
    set list1 to {}
    add column after column (count of columns)
    set z to (count of columns)
    repeat with j from 1 to (count of rows)
    set m to ""
    tell row j
    repeat with i from 1 to (z - 1)
    set m to m & value of cell i
    end repeat
    set value of cell z to m
    end tell
    end repeat
    set theRange to value of every cell of column z
    repeat with i from (count of items of theRange) to 1 by -1
    (* As I scan the table backwards (starting from the bottom row),
    I may remove a row immediately when I discover that it is a duplicate *)
    set n to item i of theRange
    if n is in list1 then
    remove row i
    set end of list1 to n
    end if
    end repeat
    remove column z
    end tell
    end tell
    on getSelection()
    local _, theRange, theTable, theSheet, theDoc, errMsg, errNum
    tell application "Numbers09" to tell document 1
    set theSheet to ""
    repeat with i from 1 to the count of sheets
    tell sheet i
    set x to the count of tables
    if x > 0 then
    repeat with y from 1 to x
    (* Open a trap to catch the selection range.
    The structure of this item
    can't be coerced as text.
    So, when the instruction (selection range of table y) as text
    receive 'missing value' it behaves correctly and the lup continue.
    But, when it receive THE true selection range, it generates an error
    whose message is errMsg and number is errNum.
    We grab them just after the on error instruction *)
    (selection range of table y) as text
    on error errMsg number errNum (*
    As we reached THE selection range, we are here.
    We grab the errMsg here. In French it looks like:
    "Impossible de transformer «class
    The handler cuts it in pieces using quots as delimiters.
    item 1 (_) "Impossible de transformer «class » "
    item 2 (theRange) "A2:M25"
    item 3 (_) " of «class NmTb» "
    item 4 (theTable) "Tableau 1"
    item 5 (_) " of «class NmSh» "
    item 6 (theSheet) "Feuille 1"
    item 7 (_) " of document "
    item 8 (theDoc) "Sans titre"
    item 9 ( I drop it ) " of application "
    item 10 ( I drop it ) "Numbers"
    item 11 (I drop it ) " en type string."
    I grab these items in the list
    {_, theRange, _, theTable, _, theSheet, _, theDoc}
    Yes, underscore is a valid name of variable.
    I often uses it when I want to drop something.
    An alternate way would be to code:
    set ll to my decoupe(errMsg, quote)
    set theRange to item 2 of ll
    set theTable to item 4 of ll
    set theSheet to item 8 of ll
    set theDoc to item 10 of ll
    it works exactly the same but it's not so elegant.
    set {_, theRange, _, theTable, _, theSheet, _, theDoc} to my decoupe(errMsg, quote)
    exit repeat (*
    as we grabbed the interesting datas, we exit the lup indexed by y.*)
    end try
    end repeat -- y
    if theSheet > "" then exit repeat (*
    If we are here after grabbing the datas, theSheet is not "" so we exit the lup indexed by i *)
    end if
    end tell -- sheet
    end repeat -- i
    (* We may arrive here with two kinds of results.
    if we grabbed a selection, theSheet is something like "Feuille 1"
    if we didn't grabbed a selection, theSheet is the "" defined on entry
    and we generate an error which is not trapped so it stops the program *)
    if theSheet = "" then error "No sheet has a selected table."
    end tell -- document
    (* Now, we send to the caller the interesting datas :
    theRange "A2:M25"
    theTable "Tableau 1"
    theSheet "Feuille 1"
    theDoc "Sans titre" *)
    return {theRange, theTable, theSheet, theDoc}
    end getSelection
    on decoupe(t, d)
    local l
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d (*
    Cut the text t in pieces using d as delimiter *)
    set l to text items of t
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "" (*
    Resets the delimiters to the standard value. *)
    (* Send the list to the caller *)
    return l
    end decoupe
    Have fun
    And if it's not clear enough, you may ask for more explanations.
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE mardi 27 janvier 2009 21:49:19)

  • Removing duplicates in itunes

    How am I able to do this the most easy and seamless way?

    How to find and remove duplicate items in your iTunes library - (commercial)
    Posts by turingtest2 about different types of duplicates and techniques- and (Note: The DeDuper script is for Windows) (commercial, free trial) - finds duplicate files on computer, not specifically iTunes
    I would do it manually.  As you can see from turingtest2's post, some duplicates are not really duplicates.
    I would also review how you add media to iTunes.  It should not be producing all that many duplicates.

  • Get Rid of Duplicate Message Copies

    This is not another ' ... receiving multiple copies ...' thread; I managed to do this to myself or, more specifically, to my wife's mailbox. The 'how' part is unclear, and would probably bore everyone to tears; suffice it to say it occurred during a period of generally mindless play with Smart Folders, new Rules being written, Rules being edited, Rules being re-ordered, etc., etc. At the end of the day, after a long long LONG period of file churning by, all popped back into appearance and operation as it should. The only small flaw was that a lot of her Inbox (POP account running in now had duplicated messages.
    I know I can manually delete them all and get it done in a bit less than forty forevers. It seems, though, that there must be an easier way. Could this be an Automator task? Or does a little Applescript already exist to do this very thing? Or some anonymous little utility program?
    TIA for any inputs or assistance.

    there is indeed an AppleScript out there which should do this for you - check out the Remove Duplicates script available as part of Mail Scripts

  • Remove Duplicate Emails from the server

    Several users have multiple copies of the same message in their inbox. Collecting External Mail and then copying the same email. Is there a way to look for duplicate messages and then delete them?

    I am running 6.1
    Its not disk space but several users have collected or copied old mail boxes several times so now their message counts are in the 10 of thousands with half to three quarters of their messages being duplicates. I was just wondering if there was a server mechanism that would allow a scan of a mailbox and a removal of duplicates. I know that there are programs that will run on a windows client that do this but I was hoping to fix this without going that route.
    Any words of wisdom are appreciated.

Maybe you are looking for